Obama's second term - your predictions

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 18:47
VIEWED: 2483
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Friday, January 20, 2012 6:53 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

So, pretty obvious Obama will be president until 2016 - so what do you see? More of the same? Has he been showing some signs of improvement or only enough to get elected? Will there be other changes in Congress that will aid his next term? Will he be worse?? Will republicans in congress keep up the barricades?
In a related note: I heard about a get together by the top Conservative talk show hosts every year in Florida. My guess is that in private, amongst themselves at their club they are praying for another term for Obama - he's made them millions. What would they talk about if Mitt was in the W-House?? The listener numbers would plummet without Obama - surely they know this.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 20, 2012 7:14 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
So, pretty obvious Obama will be president until 2016 - so what do you see? More of the same? Has he been showing some signs of improvement or only enough to get elected? Will there be other changes in Congress that will aid his next term? Will he be worse?? Will republicans in congress keep up the barricades?

Obama's 2nd term will consist of a long four-year vacation while President Generic Republican brings us a restoration of economic security, growth, and prestige.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, January 20, 2012 7:26 AM


You wish.

Augh, I don't even want to think about it. The whole thing is a debacle, both sides. Just looking a few months to the future is like watching a building collapse.


Friday, January 20, 2012 7:31 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hero, A dose of reality would be nice. Not that I'm certain Obama's gonna win, but to predict not only his losing BUT that the Repub (any one of them) not only WANTS to bring us economic security, growth, etc., etc., but that they COULD if they wanted to. We went through eight years of that, remember? Lotsa growth, economic security, etc. then, huh? What they're all touting now to "save" us is PRECISELY what we had eight years of! It's to laugh...or I'd cry.

I'm not predicting. Given my last--not predictions, but "fears"--about Obama came true: that he would end up benig ineffective, trying to comprmise too much, and unable to play the Washington Game, I don't think I'll do any more predicting. HOPEFULLY he will get his frigging act together, have learned from the first four years and get tough...for all the good it will do him (or us). Because I'm pretty sure the Repubs will go right on with their obstructionist ways--they don't care what "disapproval" rating Congress gets, and most of them will probably be re-elected, as incumbents usually are. Our only hope is to hang onto the Senate and get control of Congress...which, given the past, won't help much since they'll filibuster everything. It's what they live for remember, they stated it quite clearly.

My only hope is that maybe, MAYBE enough of them either get replaced by more moderate Republicans who know how to compromise, or Dems, and the country can get SOMETHING done without being blackmailed over every little thing. Would be a nice change of pace, anyway. Something about "if wishes were horses"...

I HATE to think this obstructionist way of life is what we're in for forever. Hopefully the GOP saw that their overreach didn't work (tho' it's worked pretty good, as they've done many things on the state level that didn't raise the ruckus some did) and stops sucking up to the Tea Party...that would be a start~!


Friday, January 20, 2012 7:36 AM


America loves a winner!

1 termer. Said he'd deserve to be fired if his policies failed, they did, he's done.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 20, 2012 7:49 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 termer. Said he'd deserve to be fired if his policies failed, they did, he's done.

I wish - not going to happen though, any of the reps facing him this time are worse than last time.

Paul - sorry Mr. Paul, greatest History professor eva.
Sanctorum - is he still running? Too evangelical.
Newt - come on, really? No way, he's crazy, he'd talk just as much if he were by himself in a closet.
Mitt - you know he's the only one that has a chance and once he's standing alone without the other candidates to make him look normal, he'll be revealed as a 1%-er, not a man of the people - really bad timing that. He's also a Mormon, something he doesn't like to talk about because of for one, the multiple wives thing. For 2 - what president who can't talk about their religion has a chance to win? Can't win, not gonna win, no matter what you tell yourself - ain't happening chief.

So Obama and gridlock then...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, January 20, 2012 8:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Pizmo: "He'll BE revealed..."? I thought he already WAS...and then some. He'd actually have to have had ONLY his speaker fees (which he categorized as "not much) to drop down into the 1%! As it is, he's up in the .01%, which will help kill him in the election. If Gingrich got nominated, all his baggage would sink him...not with the hard-core righties, they'd vote for a ROCK if it was their only choice against Obama, but for EVERYONE else in the country. Santorum is as much a loser; all they have to do is play all the things he's said about religion, contraception, gays, etc., etc. ad infinitum. Besides, he won't be nominated.

It'll most likely be Romney (tho' Gingrich would be SO much fun!), and he can't stand up to Obama. He'll keep making stupid remarks about his wealth and wealth mentality (I can just see his staff, cringing every time he opens his mouth!). Now Gingrich would make for some actual, possibly good, debates, but I doubt he has a real chance. Ron Paul is out of the question...he knows it, he's just grooming Rand (gawd forbid!).

Yup, most likely Obama and more gridlock...sigh...


Friday, January 20, 2012 8:34 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
1 termer. Said he'd deserve to be fired if his policies failed, they did, he's done.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

Maybe if the GOP fielded a single candidate that wasn't a laughingstock. But that aint the case.

Mitt will be the GOPs John Kerry.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Friday, January 20, 2012 9:19 AM


It's the Republican's own dang fault that Obama is gonna smash 'em in the election for no greater reason than that he has a ton more money than any of 'em. Letting money rule politics was their first mistake. Having no one but a Mormon to trouble Obama this year was their second.

The GOP will never vote for a Mormon President. It's not that the party leaders don't like Romney, they'll happily do business with him, but they know their base considers him a satanic cultist and will vote for just about anybody other than a follower of the Deceiver.

As far as predictions go, I'm having a lot of trouble seeing anything past 2012. 2000 was a similar threshold. We all had a feeling that things were gonna change on the other side of the millennium, but the whole 9/11 thing, with it's catastrophic aftermath in this country, was not the change any of us was expecting. Sure, some king sized blow back was on the way, but not this radical shift in this country's political identity, embrace of torture, and the near gutting of our economy with two utterly ill-conceived wars of choice.

S'wanyways, predictions: No war in Iran. Israel will do just about everything it can to provoke war, but it won't happen and Israel will lose some serious face. This will increase Iran's stature in the world. China's control over its destiny will take a huge hit, not sure if it will lead to revolution in that country, but something big. Perhaps Tibetan independence.

But Obama, Obama, hmmm. I got nothin'. Republicans will lose some seats in congress, but not enough to make too much difference. If Obama does anything significant in his second term, it will be the result of something big happening in the world outside our borders and Obama reacting appropriately to it. He may be instrumental in a two state solution if circumstances and chickens coming home to roost have humbled Israel sufficiently. As far as Obama himself generating any big changes in the world, not seeing it.

Or we could have troops marching down our streets and a civil war in this country and we could see Obama REALLY following in Abe Lincoln's footsteps. PN was right all along!!!


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, January 20, 2012 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Maybe if the GOP fielded a single candidate that wasn't a laughingstock. But that aint the case.

This is the same problem Democrats faced in 1992. In 1991 George Bush was considered unbeatable, at one point his approval was in the '80s. All the Democrat 1st tier candidates declined to run leaving the field open to the Governor Clinton and Paul Taxongas.

Ultimately the economy sank Bush's reelection.

Its all very similar. There's even a potential Billionaire in the mix and the "read my lips" promise is very similar to Obama's pledge to not have a 2nd term if his economic policies have failed to work by 2012. There's even marital infedelity in play, again involving a challenger, not the incumbent.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, January 20, 2012 12:45 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Hero, A dose of reality would be nice. Not that I'm certain Obama's gonna win, but to predict not only his losing BUT that the Repub (any one of them) not only WANTS to bring us economic security, growth, etc., etc., but that they COULD if they wanted to. We went through eight years of that, remember? Lotsa growth, economic security, etc. then, huh? What they're all touting now to "save" us is PRECISELY what we had eight years of! It's to laugh...or I'd cry.

I'm not predicting. Given my last--not predictions, but "fears"--about Obama came true: that he would end up benig ineffective, trying to comprmise too much, and unable to play the Washington Game, I don't think I'll do any more predicting. HOPEFULLY he will get his frigging act together, have learned from the first four years and get tough...for all the good it will do him (or us). Because I'm pretty sure the Repubs will go right on with their obstructionist ways--they don't care what "disapproval" rating Congress gets, and most of them will probably be re-elected, as incumbents usually are. Our only hope is to hang onto the Senate and get control of Congress...which, given the past, won't help much since they'll filibuster everything. It's what they live for remember, they stated it quite clearly.

My only hope is that maybe, MAYBE enough of them either get replaced by more moderate Republicans who know how to compromise, or Dems, and the country can get SOMETHING done without being blackmailed over every little thing. Would be a nice change of pace, anyway. Something about "if wishes were horses"...

I HATE to think this obstructionist way of life is what we're in for forever. Hopefully the GOP saw that their overreach didn't work (tho' it's worked pretty good, as they've done many things on the state level that didn't raise the ruckus some did) and stops sucking up to the Tea Party...that would be a start~!

Hi Niki, I'm wondering what it is that Obama has/hasn't done that you find disappointing. Out of interest.


Friday, January 20, 2012 12:56 PM


He isn't going to have one, when he loses I will laugh at your pain! The American people can't wait to throw his skinny ass out, the Demorats are going to have a really really really bad year.

You should call John King and tell him HE DIDN'T make an ass out of himself lastnight, you seem to like living in dream land.


Friday, January 20, 2012 1:30 PM


The Republican Party beats Obama?....har har har dee har har! The candidates all suck, and once again the Republican Party has allowed itself to be shaped and forged by the media operatives and cultural elite most wanting to see it fail.


You should call John King and tell him HE DIDN'T make an ass out of himself lastnight
It was Newt who made an ass of himself. All King did was ask a legitimate question based on a timely legitmate story. Newt just lashed out and took an adversarial posture because he could. He knew that crowd would support any populist media bashing, but in the final analysis Newt just was rude and dis-respectful to a host-moderator. It seems just fine for Knute to attack and bash other candidates, but he can't take the heat without throwing a temper tantrum. His skin is way too thin to be considered presidential derma.


Friday, January 20, 2012 1:38 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Friday, January 20, 2012 2:09 PM


America loves a winner!

I disagree that both Romney and Gingrich are worse than McCain. And we now know Obama's agenda, and just how completely out of touch and bad he is for this country, the economy, and our allies. Before, folks were willing to give the brother a chance.

Now ? Not so much. The touchy-feely spirit is over and done.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 20, 2012 3:24 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
He isn't going to have one, when he loses I will laugh at your pain! The American people can't wait to throw his skinny ass out, the Demorats are going to have a really really really bad year.

You should call John King and tell him HE DIDN'T make an ass out of himself lastnight, you seem to like living in dream land.

I checked the Democrat's Guide to the Galaxy:

"Skinny" is code for " Black".

Saying the Democrats are going to have a bad year us code for " you hate black people".


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Saturday, January 21, 2012 6:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Gingrich is a master all right, isn't he? Gotta give the man points for his smarts, he used every adjective he could come up with to avoid the question and turn the tables.

He's kinda fun to watch (tho' a little goes a LONG way!); he's truly masterful at manipulating his audience and's almost worth watching. Almost; until my stomach starts feeling queasy at how sick it is and I need to look for more sane TV. Pretty much ANYTHING is more sane than what's going on with the GOP; the REALLY sane Republicans (not those consumed by hate and fear) have to be embarrassed as hell and pretty sick to their OWN stomachs! I have to believe they exist, we just don't see them on TV 'cuz they're not dramatic enough, and I feel for them.

Newt has come into his own: Hate politics. He's good at it. It shows how blind the right is that they can applaud his bullshit, while his condemnation of Clinton's little affair worked just great for him and them--but nobody remembers that, or else the hypocrisy on the right is truly out of control! Scary to watch the mentality, and to see people who are SO quick to judge any indiscretion wrap him in their arms without question. Personal lives have always been fodder for political campaigns, and Newt has been such an asshole, to hear him blather about the "sanctity of marriage" is enough to make you hurl...if you've got two brain cells to rub together. But he's such a great puppet master, he's got 'em in the palm of his hand.

Luckily it's a long campaign season...with any luck at all, his game won't work so well in places other than the South; his AUDIENCES will eat it up, but they don't represent the greater public, thank gawd (except maybe in So. Carolina!). Given a few months of what he dishes out, I hope people will start waking up, especially as, now that he's been turned loose, there will be no line he won't cross. It's really sick to watch; this country has sunk so damned low, Canada's looking better all the time. I'm ashamed of my country, and what the rest of the world must think of our current election season.


Saturday, January 21, 2012 6:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

After the financial sector was greased with trillions 'o bucks, it's leaking some money into the real economy, which is responding a bit. The economic recovery- such as it is- can be taken down at any moment by the UE debt crisis or any number of possible events, but seeing as people don't react for eight or nine months to the general economic climate, Obama will be skating on the improvements occurring today.

The GOP will never nominate Romney... their base is evangelicals, who cannot abide any cult but their own. So my guess is that Gingrich will be the nominee.


Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

So "skinny" is code for "Black" to the DEMOCRATS, eh? Brent Bozell caling Obama a "skinny ghetto crackhead"...nope, no connection. You're reaching...


Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:14 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by whozit:
He isn't going to have one, when he loses I will laugh at your pain! The American people can't wait to throw his skinny ass out, the Demorats are going to have a really really really bad year.

You should call John King and tell him HE DIDN'T make an ass out of himself lastnight, you seem to like living in dream land.

I checked the Democrat's Guide to the Galaxy:

"Skinny" is code for " Black".

Saying the Democrats are going to have a bad year us code for " you hate black people".


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.

OMG! You broke my code! Now tell me what I mean when I call Biden a dimwit with hair plugs, bleached teeth and a phoney tan.

It's only a matter of time until Biden shows up at a Demorat fund raiser without pants


Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:55 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by SignyM:

The GOP will never nominate Romney... their base is evangelicals, who cannot abide any cult but their own. So my guess is that Gingrich will be the nominee.

Frightening as hell - to think he'd be that close to being our President for 4 years - can you imagine his ego with that mandate and stamp of approval?? Talk about a major backward step, The New Dark Ages. I can see him launching nukes and then lecturing us on why, or ignoring us too, "you don't have the capacity to understand...I see everything so clearly..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, January 21, 2012 8:56 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by SignyM:

The GOP will never nominate Romney... their base is evangelicals, who cannot abide any cult but their own. So my guess is that Gingrich will be the nominee.

Frightening as hell - to think he'd be that close to being our President for 4 years - can you imagine his ego with that mandate and stamp of approval?? Talk about a major backward step, The New Dark Ages. I can see him launching nukes and then lecturing us on why, or ignoring us too, "you don't have the capacity to understand...I see everything so clearly..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -

You libs said that about Reagan, he didn't distory the world. America is wise to your bull shit now.

A president hasn't nuked anyone since Truman, A DEMOCRAT!



Saturday, January 21, 2012 12:48 PM




Better rent Dodgeball just in case.


Saturday, January 21, 2012 12:58 PM


I feel as if this thread has gotten off track.

Obama will probably be reelected, but if he isn't i don't imagine Romney will give us anything different.

Second term? Spand baby spend. Thats the pattern if everyone since nixon, spend to the hilt in the second term if you get one. It might have always been the case, as the second term is an accountability void.

Given how obama has spent in the firs term, i shudder to thing what the second term spending would be like.

I don't expect any action on any front, iran or otherwise, but the creeping police state will continue to grow, and obama personal eugenics bent will likely continue, as well as the spread of arab spring nonsense. He might scale back some of the environmental destruction of his admin, but i don't bank on hope.

Republicans will probably remain in control of congress, and sure, they're blocking his every move, but is there really anyone here who wouldn't do the same in their position?

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Sunday, January 22, 2012 7:38 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

DT's prediction actually sounds pretty accurate. Things will just get crummier a little bit at a time, widdling away at our rights. Widdling away at morality, widdling away at what little money is left that hasn't already been spent.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 23, 2012 7:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Pizmo, you covered it for me. The only "plus" I see in Romney is maybe (maybe) he can't do too much harm...although it really depends on who's pulling the strings if he got into office. Newt? Scares the hell out of me, and virtually everyone else in government and/or with a brain.

The lemmings (er, Republicans) have definitely gone over the cliff this time around. Heaven help us, except that I too am pretty sure the American people aren't QUITE stupid enough to elect them. Then again, we got Bush...for two terms even!

Uh, isn't that last sentence a quote from Cheney? Or spoken by Cheney through Dubya's mouth?


Monday, January 23, 2012 7:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

America really is at a political crossroads. There are the so-called small-government (in theory, but in practice not so much), pro-corporate, militaristic, angry, white evangelicals who THINK that the answer is flogging more Bushisms onto the nation. Quite honestly, I would look forward to a Gingrich Presidency. It would give a chance for all of those angry white evangelicals to play out their fantasies and have them go up in flames once and for all. Not that peeps like rappy or whozit will EVER learn... reality not being their "thing", yanno what I mean?... but everyone else will have finally figured out that some things .. praying to an invisible friend, promoting a "wealth gap", occupying nearly the entire world militarily, anti-intellectualism.. just don't work. And if it takes a crash-and-burn like Nazi Germany, then so be it.

And Gingrich is the perfect poster child for that mentality. He will rail against government and corruption until he finds himself a cozy niche like Fannie/Freddie and then he'll milk it for whatever its worth. Even the GOP doesn't like him; he was too disorganized and overreached so badly with his Contract on America (oh, was that Contract WITH America??? It was hard to tell the difference!) he sent the GOP into the political wilderness. So, looking forward to him being president. Too many peeps in the USA are stupid, they need to be bitch-slapped by reality over and over again until they finally let go of their addiction to belief.


Monday, January 23, 2012 2:34 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

"If it takes a crash and burn like Nazi Germany, so be it"? Did you actually say that out loud? You would actually be okay with a situation like that if it convinced everyone to think the way you do? That's truly scary ladies and gentlemen, Signe is okay with something like Nazi Germany happening so people will think how she thinks. 14 million people dying so people think like Signe, no thanks.

And how will Newt getting elected stop people from believing in religeon of all sorts, because that sounds like what you're hoping for, I don't see the corrilation, some lame dude getting elected and making some mistakes isn't going to change the fabric of humanity. All cultures have believed in some sort of religeon, God or gods or spirits of the earth and animals, Newt Gingrich does not have the ability, through his screwups or his persuasion, or through any other means, to change that.

Good luck with your ambitions Signe (snark)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 23, 2012 3:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Riona, all I'm saying sometimes people need to be faced with the consequences of their own choices. And sometimes people have to hit bottom before they wake up from their addictions. If that bottom happens to be full-on fascism.. well, it's happened before and there's no reason to think it can't happen here.

Oh, BTW, I didn't say "religions", I said "beliefs". People believe all kinds of things, despite ample evidence to the contrary. rappy believes that greed creates prosperity. Frem believes that you can change society by changing individuals. I believe that people can see past their lizard-brains. Byte thinks that small societies can survive the coming collapse. CTS just hates being told what to do, no matter how well-founded it might be. You? You have an invisible friend, I assume. We all have our "beliefs" which keep us from seeing reality in all its power, horror and majesty.

A significant portion of the US population has beliefs which are the basis of fascism. If they keep pushing that button, that's what we'll all get. Sometimes people have to KEEP on pushing that button until they finally figure out, once and for all, that all it gets them is a kick in the pants.

AFA my "ambitions" are concerned... if I had any.. it would be to save us from our worst selves. Not about to happen, tho. So have a nice life.


Monday, January 23, 2012 3:44 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I was discussing that whole fascism thing with a coworker the other day - yes, we were talking about the good ol' USofA.

There is a strain of thinking that hates blacks, which BTW is Obama's biggest pr problem with certain whites.

(I have a game, it's called spot the non-white in the crowd.) Hates uppity wimen. Immigrants. The educated. Libruls. Gummint. Integration.

They've been emboldened now to speak up, but it's been there all along.

So, we were talking about how things happen. How people un-learn the rules of civilization that keep us from wantonly killing 'the other'. It happened in Germany, it happened Czechoslovakia, it happened in Rwanda. Societies went from being law-abiding, to being intolerant, to being murderous. And the GOP is only too happy to be the pied piper, to play the tune and lead us along the path.


Monday, January 23, 2012 3:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hates uppity wimen. Immigrants. The educated. Libruls. Gummint. Integration.
And hates *stage whisper* MORMONS.


Monday, January 23, 2012 5:01 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Signe, I know you said beliefs, but you don't really like beliefs or religeons. Even though you have beliefs yourself, things you believe to be true based on your research, your experiences, you just think of them differently than other people's beliefs and yes they are probably about different things, but they are still how you believe.

I took issue with how you worded what you said, I see what you were trying to say, that sometimes people don't get that there's a problem until its too late, but the way you said it was rather creepifying and I wasn't sure if anyone would call you on it, so I decided to. Your response thread clarifying made much more sense and seemed better.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 23, 2012 5:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Riona, IMHO all knowledge is provisional. OTOH, all knowledge is (or should be) subject to proof. If you were to follow my reasoning back to its beginning, you would find three assumptions and two moral codes which are not subject to proof, simply because they are choices that one has to make in absence of evidence one way or another. I know this sounds harshly intellectual, but there is one thing that I HAVE found, and that rational thought is not a natural act. People are, by nature, contextual and emotional. However, look where that has gotten us.


Monday, January 23, 2012 6:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It reminds me of the rather offensive statement that CTSky made - about how we ALL have beliefs.

Many decades ago I came across the idea that this could all be a dream, and not even my dream, but someone else's. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion I couldn't prove it one way or the other, and so decided to act on the assumption this is all real. But it was only an assumption. And should I get evidence to the contrary I'll change my opinion.

There's a difference between making an assumption and understanding that's all it is, and holding a belief and thinking it's fact.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Riona, Sig has long been of the opinion that it will/should take something very dramatic to make people change from the course we are currently on. She's expressed that numerous times, so it's not surprising what she's written. I understand, and on some level I even agree, except in reality, the horrors it would cause aren't something I would wish for. Besides, I don't think it would change things, just give more power to those who are already abusing it--ultra conservatives who are passing egregious laws in many states.

But if you don't think Gingrich would be an incredible disaster for our country, all I can say is, read up on him. That's all it would take to fully understand him!

It's not about religion, it's about abuse of power and dysfunctional thinking. Newt doesn't care what religion he is, he's already changed religions for one of his wives. It's just convenient for him to milk their faith--in religion AND politics and everything else. No actions by any one person will stop people believing in religion...if Hitler couldn't do it, NOTHING can! But it's about far more than that.

Today's ultra-religious in America (and other countries; the mentality has been powerful for some time now) are dangerous to this country in that they want to impose their own beliefs (not just religious ones) on everyone. Given the power to do so...

I think Newt wouldn't have much interest in religion if he got into power. But his getting into power would provide power for those who back him, and THEY are single-minded in what they want, which truly has nothing to do with their religlion, more their warped and manipulated thinking. IMHO.

(p.s. Hey guys down there get ANY rain from these last storms? Sure hope so...but not enough to cause slides, of course...)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rain: 1.1". Way behind for the year, but we're still in a La Nina. Last year, we were saved by the Pineapple Express. This year? Not so much.

I'm so looking forward to global climate shift (not).


There's a difference between making an assumption and understanding that's all it is, and holding a belief and thinking it's fact.
Thank you! This is what I've been trying to say all along.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 6:28 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, so that's it, eh, we're in a La Nina? I didn't know, tho' I sure suspected. Shit...that means it won't get much better, if ANY, the rest of the season. Sigh. Yes, oh, HOW I long for a good old Pineapple still my heart.

Well, at least you got SOME anyway...I was hearing on the news that it might not bring you ANY. We got something over 3", which would normally be a "start". Too bad we can't fax one another weather...Our WA folks could send our mountains some of their extra snow, Portland could send YOU their surplus rain... Ah, well, dreaming is fun.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 7:35 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
There's a difference between making an assumption and understanding that's all it is, and holding a belief and thinking it's fact.

Good line. Should be on a T-shirt. Or tattooed across the forheads of some people...

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Apologies, Magons; somehow I completely missed your question.

I wouldn't say I fond things he's done and hasn't done particularly "disappointed" me, since I never had high hopes for him in the first place. He's done numerous things which pissed me off, but no surprises or particular disappointment.

It would be easier to answer that many things he's done and hasn't done come down to one big thing: Being the woos I was afraid he'd be and always compromising in his effort to work with the right. If I'd had any real expectations of him, I'd have hoped he'd utilize that 60-seat majority to get some REAL work done...which isn't completely his fault given herding Democrats is like herding cats, but I think if he'd been tougher, he could have gotten enough of them to toe the line. Didn't really expect him to be, tho'. Remember, I didn't vote for him in the primary because I feared he'd turn out to be exactly what he DID.

Things he's done I disapproved of include kowtowing to Big Oil, especially when it comes to that famous oxymoron, "clean coal". Building up in Afghanistan sickened me; letting himself be blackmailed into keeping the Bush tax cuts disgusted me...the list goes on and on. Given the "leader" he turned out to be, it's not surprising he didn't accomplish much against the overwhelming obsession the right had of defeating him at every turn, so I don't wholly blame him. Maybe if he'd been a stronger leader...maybe...but probably not. It's been a pretty consistent campaign to block him at every turn, and they're damned good at it.

So I guess I'm not really "disappointed", more sad that my fears came true. There HAVE been good things that have been accomplished quietly, but of course they get no notice; I'm grateful for those

The only positive I can say is that I firmly believe it would have been worse if McCain/Palin had won. Which is why I voted for him. I guess my only "hope" (if you can call it that) is, as I said, that he will get tougher in his second term, have learned the lesson that compromising is futile, and use everything in his power to get some REAL things however he can. It's only a faint hope...


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9:30 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Today's ultra-religious in America (and other countries; the mentality has been powerful for some time now) are dangerous to this country in that they want to impose their own beliefs (not just religious ones) on everyone. Given the power to do so...

Indeed, far, FAR more dangerous than a bunch of yahoos in some backwater country who prolly couldn't find the USA on a map if they did know how to read one, and have no air force, no navy, and no means to hurt us without the deliberate complicity of our own so-called protectors (again, WHO gave Ramzi Youssef that bomb?) in order to create exuses to exist.

Conversely, THESE religious nuts are right here, right now, in our government, local, state and federal, at so many levels, trying to push a new theocracy for all they're worth, which has no room for people like me within it whatsoever.
Remember what I said about my beliefs encouraging violence against those who push religion by force - add to that the simple fact that these jackasses would burn me at the stake or swing me for a rope, you have some pretty obvious reasons for me to be as downright malicious towards them and their agenda as humanly possible.

Oh, and side-note to that, you know the moronic Randroid idea about giving more to the rich, that whole trickle-down crap, and how it NEVER works cause most of the rich are friggin sociopaths ?
Well, so too are most religions, cause for the amount of money shovelled hand over fist with no oversight into "faith based" so-called charities, just about NONE of it ever trickled down into helping anyone, save themselves - and I posted previously some pretty hard evidence that it's gone into monstrous things (See Also: AOG+TeenChallenge) instead...

And no one says a word, cause that's the official government approved religion, in clear defiance of the 1st amendment.

Is it really any wonder why I am so angry about it ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 6:47 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Niki, I agree that Newt would make a crummy president.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya