Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Black Eyes, Lacerations on Skull, Concussion and Brain Damage

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 19:36
VIEWED: 4446
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012 2:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer [IT'S NOT MURDER IF JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE IN SELF DEFENSE] George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman [HISPANIC WITH A JEWISH NAME] was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation.

Zimmerman faces a second degree murder charge for the Feb. 26 shooting that left the unarmed 17-year-old high school junior dead [WHO HAD BEEN EXPELLED FROM HIGH SCHOOL THAT SAME DAY FOR DRUG USE AND SUSPECTED BURLERY]. Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement.

Also today, a trove of documents are being examined by lawyers for both the defense and prosecution as part of discovery in Zimmerman's trial -- including 67 CDs worth of documents, video of Martin on the night of the shooting, his autopsy report and videos of Zimmerman's questioning by police.

Zimmerman's three-page medical report is included in those documents that the defense could use as evidence.

Watch World News with Diane Sawyer [PSYCHOPATHIC PEDOPHILE PROSTITUTE BABY KILLER OPRAH WINFREY'S LESBIAN LOVER] for the latest on the Trayvon Martin shooting and the trial of George Zimmerman.

The morning after the shooting, on Feb. 27, Zimmerman sought treatment at the offices of a general physician at a family practice near Sanford, Fla. The doctor notes Zimmerman sought an appointment to get legal clearance to return to work.

The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month.

But the report also shows Zimmerman declined hospitalization the night of the shooting, and then declined the advice of his doctor to make a follow-up appointment with an ear nose and throat doctor. [BECAUSE HE HAD BRAIN DAMAGE AND WAS IN SHOCK]

In addition to his physical injuries, Zimmerman complained of stress and "occasional nausea when thinking about the violence." But he was not diagnosed with a concussion. The doctor noted that it was "imperative" that Zimmerman "be seen with [sic] his psychologist for evaluation."

According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 percent of patients. [AND CAUSE LETHARGY IN 90% OF PATIENTS]

A neighbor told ABC News that the day after the shooting he saw Zimmerman as he spoke to officers outside his home. He too recalled seeing black eyes and significant swelling -- as well as a bandage over his nose.

Moments after the shooting Zimmerman told eyewitnesses he shot Martin in self defense. He later told officers his head was being pounded into the pavement and that he feared for his life, but that it was only when Martin seemed to reach for the gun wedges in his waistband that Zimmerman drew his weapon and fired directly into Martin's chest -- killing him.

The medical notes may bolster Zimmerman's claim that he acted in self-defense because he was being attacked. However, the prosecution contends that Zimmerman instigated the confrontation after profiling the teen, who was walking home after buying skittles and ice tea. They prosecution says Martin was breaking no laws and was not disturbing anyone as he walked back to his father's girlfriend's home. [BUT MARTIN CUT BEHIND THE APARTMENTS AND WAS NOT WALKING ON A SIDEWALK]

Zimmerman was granted a $150,000 bail and has since been in deep hiding since his April 20 bail hearing. [FACING DEATH THREATS WITH NO ARREST OF THE BLACK GANGBANGERS WHO WANT TO MURDER HIM]

"If I had a son he would look like Treyvon Martin."
-Communist Dictoar Hussein Obama Soetoro


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:55 AM


I read that in addition to gunshot wounds Martin's autopsy found injuries to his knuckles.

It's so sad that Zimmerman tortured the poor innocent lad by beating the child's knuckles with his adult face. Then poor innocent little Martin is there holding his horribly bruised hand Zimmerman just shoots him for no reason other then the fact that he was black.

Clearly a hate crime. White man shoots black teen, hatecrime regardless of the circumstances. Black mob assaults white man because he's white...hardly even a crime and certainly no hate.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:03 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Hero:

Black mob assaults white man because he's white...hardly even a crime and certainly no hate.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012

400 + years of oppression and such, ya know.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:32 AM


Im sure that if Zimmerman is declared not-guilty, large groups of urban youths will release their frustrations at 400 years of oppression on us all.

In that moment we should all be humbled at their expression of totally justified vengeance.

Yes indeed.

And "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!" OCCUPY(tm) on anyone who DARES try and prevent such rightful retribution on themselves, their families, their homes and their businesses.


"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:37 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I suppose it never occurred to you geniuses that Martin thought he was going to be attacked by that guy in the shadows following him? So maybe he attacked Z. in self defense? Too bad Martin didn't have a gun! He could have used "stand your ground." Oh, the irony. Gun on gun crime. They could have used the law to kill each other, one tidy little package all nicely wrapped up.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:12 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Pizmo, black people aren't allowed to claim "stand your ground" status in Florida. Didn't you hear?

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:53 AM


Remember everyone... white people, particularly white males, are the cause of ALL the worlds problems.



"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:55 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:

I read that in addition to gunshot wounds Martin's autopsy found injuries to his knuckles.

Clearly a hate crime. White man shoots black teen, hatecrime regardless of the circumstances.

Not white...Hispanic...who usually hate blacks as seen in gang wars in Lost Angeles. Zimmerman is a popular jewish name (Sephardic Arabic dark-skinned Semite, not AshkeNazi Khazar white non-semite), and rich Hispanics usually are. Zimmerman's daddy is a judge.

Zimmerman did fruck up badly in not going to hospital IMMEDIATELY after jail, and should have demanded police drive him there. He should have IMMEDIATELY photographed all his injuries and rufused all cleanup until complied with. This is to document his injuries for litigation. He probably has a lawsuit against the homeowners assn who contractually put him in harms way.

"Escalation of violence" doctrine requires responding in like kind or upping the ante 1 notch at a time. But Zimmerman did answer correctly that Martin was "reaching for his gun", which allows justifiable homicide.

My dad's lawfirm employed a jewish PI who was ex NYPD detective. Off duty a big guy he previously arrested grabbed him in the street and started choking him. The dick grabbed his gun from the holster behind his back. put the gun the the guy's head, "watched his eyes get real big", then pulled the trigger. Presumably that was justified, since he wasn't in prison.

Zimmerman's biggest failure was not wearing a uniform, and probably never identified himself to Martin as "neighborhood watch". So Martin was "almost" justified in jumping him if Martin suspected he was about to be mugged by a Mexican.

Not even cops are considered cops when undercover and fail to identify themselves, so citizens are always allowed by law to shoot and kill cops in that situation, if committing felonies like breaking into homes without warrants. Michigan passed a law in 2012 that allows any citizen to shoot and kill a cop in that situation.

And any cop will tell you, the professional way to handle this situation is to plant a drop knife or drop gun on the unarmed dead body.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:10 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Pizmo, black people aren't allowed to claim "stand your ground" status in Florida. Didn't you hear?

Mikey, THAT one should talk to Maryanna Godboldo's attorney.
Remember how THAT one went...



Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:43 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by WULFENSTAR:
Remember everyone... white people, particularly white males, are the cause of ALL the worlds problems.



Translation: "We had red jello today!"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 6:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I suppose it never occurred to you geniuses that Martin thought he was going to be attacked by that guy in the shadows following him? So maybe he attacked Z. in self defense?
That's the biggie; they can never prove who provoked whom, given Martin's dead and Zimmerman's story keeps changing. Will make it tough to prosecute.

In my opinion, the minute Zimmerman started following Martin (against advice), he started it. Nonetheless, it's good to have that issue put to rest; obviously Martin attacked Zimmerman, at one point or another, for one reason or another. Gives strength to Zimmerman's case; I wonder why we didn't hear about this before? Would have avoided a lot of speculation, and had an effect on public perception.

black people aren't allowed to claim "stand your ground" status in Florida
Yup, Mike. Here's a perfect example:

Yet not all stand your ground claims are so successful. Not too far from Sanford, Fla., a black man named John McNeil is serving a life sentence for shooting Brian Epp, a white man who trespassed and attacked him at his home in Georgia, another stand your ground state.

It all began in early 2005, when McNeil and his wife, Anita, hired Brian Epp’s construction company to build a new house in Cobb County, Ga. The McNeils testified that Epp was difficult to work with, which led to heated confrontations. They eventually decided to close on the house early to rid their lives of Epp, whom they found increasingly threatening. At the closing, both parties agreed that Epp would have 10 days to complete the work, after which he would stay away from the property, but he failed to keep up his end of the bargain.

On Dec. 6, 2005, John McNeil’s 15-year-old son, La’Ron, notified his dad over the phone that a man he didn’t recognize was lurking in the backyard. When La’Ron told the man to leave, an argument broke out. McNeil was still on the phone and immediately recognized Epp’s voice. According to La’Ron’s testimony, Epp pointed a folding utility knife at La’Ron’s face and said, “[w]hy don’t you make me leave?” at which point McNeil told his son to go inside and wait while he called 911 and headed home.

According to McNeil’s testimony, when he pulled up to his house, Epp was next door grabbing something from his truck and stuffing it in his pocket. McNeil quickly grabbed his gun from the glove compartment in plain view of Epp who was coming at him “fast.” McNeil jumped out of the car and fired a warning shot at the ground insisting that Epp back off. Instead of retreating, Epp charged at McNeil while reaching for his pocket, so McNeil fired again, this time fatally striking Epp in the head. (Epp was found to have a folding knife in his pocket, although it was shut.)

The McNeils weren’t the only ones who felt threatened by Epp. David Samson and Libby Jones, a white couple who hired Epp to build their home in 2004, testified that they carried a gun as a “precaution” around Epp because of his threatening behavior. According to Jones, Epp nearly hit her when she expressed dissatisfaction with his work at a weekly meeting. The couple even had a lawyer write a letter warning Epp to stay away from their property. Samson testified that after they fired him, Epp would park his car across the street and watch their house, saying “it got to the point where my wife and I were in total fear of this man.”

After a neighbor across the street who witnessed the encounter corroborated McNeil’s account, police determined that it was a case of self-defense and did not charge him in the death. Nevertheless, almost a year later Cobb County District Attorney Patrick Head decided to prosecute McNeil for murder. In 2006, he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. about as perfect a case of "stand your ground" as is imaginable...but hey, he's black, so it must be murder, eh?

According to a dissenting attorney regarding the verdict:

Although the State had the burden to disprove self-defense, the State did not offer any evidence to rebut McNeil's evidence that Epp was the aggressor, that Epp came onto McNeil's property from a neighbor's yard despite being told previously that he did not have permission to do so, that McNeil knew that Epp had threatened to stab his son moments earlier, and that Epp had a knife on his person when he charged McNeil. In fact, the only witness called by the State who actually saw the shooting, Bobby Smith, gave testimony that actually supported McNeil's evidence that Epp was the aggressor.
Apparently there was even a witness who corroborated McNeil's testimony:

Bobby Smith testified that he was detailing a Ferrari in a driveway across the street from where the shooting occurred. He stated that he heard McNeil the street from where the shooting occurred. He stated that he heard McNeil and Epp arguing loudly and that he then heard a pop that sounded like a firecracker. Smith looked across the street and “saw [McNeil] pointing hands [and a gun] toward the ground and waving and stepping backwards.” Smith added that Epp was in the yard between McNeil's house and a neighbor's house; that Epp kept walking “up the yard into [McNeil's] driveway”; and that McNeil then raised his gun and shot Epp in the head.
So according to the attorney,

Even viewed in the light most favorable to the verdict, the evidence was overwhelming in showing that a reasonable person in McNeil's shoes would have believed that he was subject to an imminent physical attack by an aggressor possessing a knife and that it was necessary to use deadly force to protect himself from serious bodily injury or a forcible felony. Under the facts of this case, it would be unreasonable to require McNeil to wait until Epp succeeded in attacking him, thereby potentially disarming him, getting control of the gun, or stabbing him before he could legally employ deadly force to defend himself. This is not what Georgia law requires.

I conclude that no rational trier of fact could find, based on the evidence presented at trial, that the State disproved McNeil's claim of self-defense Accordingly, I must dissent.

I don't see how it could be much more cut and dried that McNeil properly followed the stand-your-ground law, so why is he serving a life sentence? You don't think it could be...

Nah, certainly not! I wonder how many black people were on that jury...


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:17 AM


"I don't see how it could be much more cut and dried that McNeil properly followed the stand-your-ground law, so why is he serving a life sentence? You don't think it could be...

Nah, certainly not! I wonder how many black people were on that jury... "


"Only God can judge me."


"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:41 AM



Originally posted by WULFENSTAR:
Remember everyone... white people, particularly white males, are the cause of ALL the worlds problems.



"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."

And that is your response to a FACT that pokes holes in your world view.

You are such a pathetic individual. I weep for you offspring.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:41 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
In my opinion, the minute Zimmerman started following Martin (against advice), he started it.

Hmm...better not follow anyone ever, Niki says they can assault you.

Does that apply to standing in line? Next time I go to the grocery store I could be assaulted.

Take a number at the deli counter and you could be risking your life.

Saying Zimmerman started this by simply walking along behind Martin is like saying its the bank's fault for being robbed because that's were the money is. Or, its her fault because because of how she was dressed.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:52 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
In my opinion, the minute Zimmerman started following Martin (against advice), he started it.

What if he'd done this?

"On the way back he reported to an emergency 911 operator that a man was on his property and had pulled a knife on his son. Moments later, McNeil told the operator, “I'm at the property now · and there's the builder and I may get ready to whip his ass right now. So get the cops here now.”

If you presume Mr. McNeil is innocent of murder after making such a statement, and apparently arming himself and brandishing a weapon in preparation for "...whip(ping) his ass right now", as well as not waiting for police to respond, Shouldn't Mr. Zimmerman also be considered innocent?

BTW, I do agree that Mr. McNeil was railroaded.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:53 AM


The medical report establishes that Mr. Zimmerman suffered serious injuries in the conflict with Mr. Martin. Mr. Zimmerman walked away; Mr. Martin did not.

But how does this contradict the prosecution's assertion that Mr. Zimmerman initiated the confrontation that resulted in his injuries and Mr. Martin's death?


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:47 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What usually happens when an innocent sheeple goes to jail is they didn't assert their constitutional rights to STFU, and didn't study The Law before their defended themselves.

They base their legal knowledge on the idiot box.

Then they are slow to get lawyered up, with 90% unable to afford a real lawyer in a real trial ($100,000 minimum, or invest $500 on a law library pro se).


Blacks probably make these mistakes more than dumb whites, because that's how their brains work (or don't).


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:13 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Sometimes you make me want to toss PN, I really try to be patient with you but sometimes I just can't.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:26 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by RionaEire:
Sometimes you make me want to toss PN, I really try to be patient with you but sometimes I just can't.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.

I merely agree with Pastor Manning's video sermon above (he's black), that there's something different about blacks/whites. Just like there's something different about whites vs white khazar askenazi european non-semitic fake "jews".


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 7:36 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Chris, Because we'll never know if Zimmerman initiated it or not.

One side thinks mostly that Zimmerman just followed the kid, when told not to pursue, turned around and was going back to his car when Martin jumped him and pummeled him.

The other side thinks mostly that Zimmerman followed the kid, accosted him (what the girlfriend heard), and may well have struck Martin first. Martin defended himself, Zimmerman killed hilm.

You will never reconcile the two version because each group believes what it believes and won't budge from that, and nobody will ever know the truth except Zimmerman, given Martin is dead.

I'm still in the second group; unwilling to think otherwise because of the girlfriend hearing what she did on the phone. There are also so many inconsistencies that haven't been cleard up for me.

Starting with, why did Zimmerman lie on the stand? Remember, he told Trayvon’s parents he was sorry for the loss of their son and said he didn’t know how old Trayvon was. He said, “I thought he was a little bit younger than I am.” Zimmerman is 28, Trayvon was 17. But that night, he told the dispatcher he thought Trayvon was “about like his late teens.”

What was the stuff about Martin running around his truck?

George Zimmerman told investigators that while he was on the phone with a Sanford police dispatcher reporting Trayvon Martin as suspicious, the teenager was circling his vehicle on foot, a source familiar with the investigation told the Orlando Sentinel.

It's very confusing. On one hand:

Zimmerman spotted Martin, called a nonemergency police number and began describing the teenager. While he was doing that, Martin came toward his vehicle and began to circle it. Zimmerman, though, never described that to the dispatcher.

At one point, about halfway through the four-minute call, he told the dispatcher, "Now he's just staring at me. ... Now he's coming towards me. He's got his hand in his waistband. ... He's coming to check me out."

Martin then disappeared, Zimmerman later told authorities, according to the source, and while Zimmerman was still on the phone, he parked his vehicle, got out and began trying to find Martin on foot.

How could Martin "circle" his car if he hadn't yet parked? Was he sitting in the middle of the road? Martin certainly couldn't circle his car if it was was he doing?

If Martin was doing all that staring and coming toward Zimemrman, why didn't Zimmerman step out of his car and talk to him--he had the gun, after all. If Martin "disappeared", why would Zimmerman follow him? If Martin was intent on confronting Zimmerman, why did he wait until they were all the way back between the buildings, where people would hear any commotion?

Zimmerman later told investigators he could not find Martin, so he turned and was walking back toward his SUV. A short time later, Martin approached him from the rear, and the two exchanged words, he told authorities.
I've heard that Zimmerman claimed he turned back when the dispatcher told him to...yet he later told police he couldn't find Martin, so THEN he turned and walked back?

Zimmerman also told police in several statements that he was so unnerved by Trayvon’s behavior that he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation. He never mentioned that while talking to the dispatcher and he could be heard huffing and puffing while pursuing Trayvon on foot.
If true, getting out of the vehicle and looking for Martin is not the act of someone who is afraid, is it?

Then there's the fact that Zimmerman told police that Martin had his hand over Zimmerman's mouth during their fight. "But authorities do not believe that happened, because on one 911 call, someone can be heard screaming for help. If it were Zimmerman, as he claims, his cries were not muffled."

Why did the policeman pressure the kid witness into saying he saw them fighting (according to his mother)?

Why wasn't Zimmerman arrested until all the evidence was collected and things were sorted out? (I wonder about preferential treatment and sparing him the official arrest.)

Then there's that MySpace web page where he used racial slurs and made disparaging remarks.

O’Mara confirmed the web page is legitimate and was created by Zimmerman. It makes reference to 2005 criminal cases and a brush in court with a woman Zimmerman referred to as “ex-hoe.”

In expressing his disgust with Mexicans Zimmerman ranted:

“I don’t miss driving around scared to hit Mexicans walkin’ on the side of the street, soft ass wanna be thugs messin’ with peoples cars when they ain’t around (what are you provin’, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin’), don’t make you a man in my book. Workin’ 96 hours to get a decent pay check, getting’ knifes pulled on you by every Mexican you run into!”
Zimmerman also boasts about his friends who, after he was arrested and charged with committing crimes, remained silent and went to jail rather than testify against him in court. “They do a year and don’t ever open their (sic) mouth to get my ass pinched,” he wrote.

The blog section boasts about having two felonies knocked down to misdemeanors and describes a court battle with an ex-girlfriend. Zimmerman faced two felonies in 2005 for obstructing justice and battery on a law enforcement officer, but the cases were reduced to misdemeanor simple battery and he was left with no criminal conviction on his record.
stuff supposedly on Martin's web page was splashed all over the news, so why isn't this equally valid?

“A Myspace page that belonged to George Zimmerman in 2005 has been brought to light, and some of the contents of his page have been scrutinized... The O’Mara Law Group has confirmed this this page did belong to Mr. Zimmerman...The identified posts were his.

The article details a number of statements that will cast Mr. Zimmerman in a less-than-favorable light especially considering the charges he faces. In that regard, it is possible that the statements Mr. Zimmerman made could be used as part of the trial, and therefore it is our policy not to comment directly on items that could become evidence.

So, unlike the photo of the wrong Trayvon Martin that was all over the news, this has been authenticated. Once this Myspace page came to light, Zimmerman's lawyer

ordered Zimmerman to wipe his internet presence clean, The Miami Herald reports. Zimmerman took down his website, a Twitter account, and other social media accounts.
What about that $200,000 Zimmerman didn't tell anyone about?

Once O’Mara realized Zimmerman had raised over $200,000 from his website he quickly set up the more-polished website with a link to a professionally administered legal defense fund. O’Mara said he had agreed to represent Zimmerman for free until he realized he could be paid using web donations
There's just too damned much that doesn't make sense, is contradictory, or is illogical. And yes, it makes me suspicious of the story told by the only one left alive who really knows what happened.

ETA: Left this a few hours ago without finishing it. Saw the other posts that happened since then. Ignoring PN, which I usually do (and would suggest you might do, too, Riona--just teasing), the only thing I'll mention is that, aside from Geezer's other idiocy, Zimmerman was not just "walking along behind Martin". Not that it makes any difference, he'd come up with assinine snarks no matter the facts.