The 99% are truly screwed

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 19:26
VIEWED: 2716
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Thursday, May 31, 2012 5:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

This is one of the things Wisconsin voters aren't taking into account when they say Walker's policies are "working":

Slashed health care coverage and frozen wages were the hallmark of the recession -- at least for those who held onto their jobs. Yet even though the economy has improved, many of the employee benefits that were once guarantees are starting to look like a thing of the past.

Over the past five years, 40% of working adults have seen their employer-sponsored benefits reduced or eliminated entirely, according to a survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education, or NEFE.

Harris Interactive conducted the survey on behalf of the nonprofit, polling 2,210 adults in the U.S. -- more than half of whom were employed.

An overwhelming majority, or 72%, of those who saw their benefits cut said their health insurance coverage was hardest hit, NEFE said. As employers cut back, employees shouldered more costs, including higher deductibles and co-pays, as well as more expensive premiums.

This year, workers' out-of-pocket costs rose 5.8% to an average of $3,470 for a typical family of four, according to data compiled by independent actuarial and health care consulting firm Milliman Inc.

By 2017, cost and competitive pressures are expected to prompt more than 50% of large Fortune 1000 organizations toward dropping health care coverage altogether, according to a recent study by the Corporate Executive Board, a Washington, D.C.-based research firm.

Once those businesses have a viable alternative -- such as the insurance exchanges that enable workers to purchase their own insurance that are laid out in the Affordable Care Act -- then there are not a lot of reasons for them to continue to offer health care coverage, said Brian Kropp, a managing director at Corporate Executive Board.

"The vast majority of organizations are better off taking those resources and offering employees something else, like more money or paid time off. You get a much bigger bang for your buck," Kropp said.

But currently, most employees aren't getting those trade-offs. More than two out of every five workers, or 41%, have had their pay raises suspended and another 23% said their bosses stopped giving performance bonuses, NEFE's survey found.

Not only are employees making less but saving for retirement and other expenses has gotten harder, too. One quarter, or 25%, of those surveyed by NEFE said their company cut back on their 401(k) match and 13% said their employer stopped matching altogether.

Gordon Bowen, a professor at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Va., said his employer used to make a contribution to his retirement savings account that was equal to 7.5% of his income, but the college temporarily suspended that benefit in 2007.

Around the same time, the private college froze his wages. Since then, Bowen says his retirement contribution has been reinstated at 3% of his annual income but he hasn't received a raise in 5 years.

Three-quarters of the U.S. employers that suspended their 401(k) plan matching contributions during the economic downturn have since restored them, according to an analysis of 260 organizations by benefits consultant Towers Watson. However, many of them are now offering benefits at a lower rate.
Bowen's wife Linda, a public school teacher in Virginia has had a similar experience. "The state has also chosen to use this climate of belt tightening to scale back all kinds of benefits," Bowen said.

"It's been a good life, but it's being corroded by reckless disregard of the implications of year after year of wages freezes, not just for me but for my wife," said Bowen.

"That's a sobering thing to deal with," said Ted Beck, NEFE's president and CEO. "But there's a tough love message in there, [American households] have to figure out how to do it on what they have." love" my ass, in reality it's "fuck you"! Meanwhile,

The final figures show that the median pay for top executives at 200 big companies last year was $10.8 million. That works out to a 23 percent gain from 2009. The earlier study had put the median pay at a none-too-shabby $9.6 million, up 12 percent.

Despite the soft economy, weak home prices and persistently high unemployment, some top executives are already making more than they were before the economy soured.

Pay skyrocketed last year because many companies brought back cash bonuses, says Aaron Boyd, head of research at Equilar. Cash bonuses, as opposed to those awarded in stock options, jumped by an astounding 38 percent, the final numbers show.

According to a report released by GovernanceMetrics in June, the good times for chief executives just keep getting better. Many executives received stock options that were granted in 2008 and 2009, when the stock market was sinking.

Now that the market has recovered from its lows of the financial crisis, many executives are sitting on windfall profits, at least on paper. In addition, cash bonuses for the highest-paid C.E.O.’s are at three times prerecession levels, the report said.

And it’s not as if most workers are getting fat raises. The average American worker was taking home $752 a week in late 2010, up a mere 0.5 percent from a year earlier. After inflation, workers were actually making less.

Resurgent executive pay has some corporate watchdogs worried that companies have already forgotten the lessons of the bust. Boards have promised to tie executive pay to company success, but by some measures pay is rising faster than performance. The median pay raise for chief executives last year — 23 percent — was roughly in line with the increase in net corporate profits. But it far exceeded the median gain in shareholders’ total return, which was 16 percent, as well as the median gain in revenue, which was 7 percent.

In other words, CEO's are getting raises on already-insane pay, while regular Americans are essentially getting pay CUTS! Screw the working man, while making the already-rich ENORMOUSLY richer! Heaven help our country.


Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:24 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


My father taught me that once you surrender something to a government power, you seldom get it back.

It is for this reason he votes against any temporary or limited tax, because he believes it will become permanent or grow beyond what was promised.

It is for this reason liberty-minded people dislike the Patriot Act's 'temporary' measures to curb terrorism. So many of its powers have become a part of everyday life that it will be easy to continue them in perpetuity.

It seems to be a fairly universal concept.

Or, to quote the Ferengi, "Once you have their money, never give it back."


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Sorry Anthony, I don't understand. What has that to do with the inequity between CEO salaries and the cutting of benefits to workers...which equals pay CUTS?


Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:51 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


There was never any question that any cutbacks made in a time of economic crisis would fail to be reversed when the crisis started to ease.

That's my point.

What they took, they kept.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Still confused. The CEOs' pay WAS reversed with the economy let up, and none of this is about taxes anyway, which is what you were talking about. I'm obviously just dense; I give up.


Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:12 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Niki,

I'm not sure how to make it much plainer.

What was taken from employees, ostensibly because of a temporary economic crisis, will be kept.

The CEO is part of the 'them' that took it, so it's hardly surprising that his own renumeration is corrected.

I was saying that this is a universal concept, also visible in taxes and freedom.

What you surrender is never just handed back to you. Nothing temporary is nearly as temporary as they say, so you should be wary of such claims. There is no incentive for them to return employee renumeration and benefits to the pre-crisis levels. There is no incentive for them to restore civil liberties. There is no incentive for them to stop collecting a new tax, or to keep from increasing it forever.

Once they have it, whatever it is, they are loathe to relinquish it.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Saturday, June 2, 2012 6:17 PM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

What you surrender is never just handed back to you. Nothing temporary is nearly as temporary as they say, so you should be wary of such claims. There is no incentive for them to return employee renumeration and benefits to the pre-crisis levels. There is no incentive for them to restore civil liberties. There is no incentive for them to stop collecting a new tax, or to keep from increasing it forever.

Once they have it, whatever it is, they are loathe to relinquish it.



Fortunately for us Anthony... those times are coming to a head on every front.

Hope you're prepared for the fight.

The "power's that be"'s only mistake this time around is that they're asking for too much too soon at the end.

There's still not enough pure slaves on board to easily end any resistance.

Think of Star Wars, Niki....

What side are you on??????

The Emperor's and Darth Vader's....


Everyone elses???

The only "silly" thing to me about this analogy today, is how many mindless left wingers 5-7 years ago were saying the same thing when referring to the inferior second Star Wars trilogy and the politics involved and how they parallelled the current oppressive government.

As much as I'd like to say I hated that fact, when I see how far the pendulum takes other people I now get it. Even though the pendulum takes them along this way and that, people do stand for certain things, and that makes their journey stop before the pendulum swings full mast either way, at one point or the other.

There is no end of the world in 2012....

But we are are on the verge of Civil War 2.....

This time, it won't be just "North" vs "South" though......

It will be much harder.....

Families will be split, based off of personal beliefs.

camps on either side will be erected right next to each other.....

Small areas will eventually be converted and "liberated" for their own "side", like a lethal game of Laser Tag or Goldeneye.

Just keep mindlessly towing the Liberal doctrine of "kill fetuses at will and tax everyone as much as possible" Niki.

You're just painting a bullseye on your back when that time comes.

I only hope for your sake that your thoughts about that are limited only to these forums where "nearly" nobody knows your real identity.

For those of us who knows exactly who you are, and where you sit when you post, we'll never tell those on the other side that information.

Those of us who know who and where you are, also know who and where THEY are as well...

There's no bias on my part...

I just hope that when the shit hits the fan you all can stay away from the internet and do your thing completely unplugged.

There is a CIA/FBI file composed for every single one of the regular posters in the RWED today. Look at the facts and laugh.....

What other fansite really lived 10 years after the show?????

Joss doesn't even post here... Just the heralded "Haken".

For all I know, any one of you are "Haken".

For all you know, I am "Haken".


Saturday, June 2, 2012 7:57 PM


Nah, Haken is ten times more awesome than any of us.

You get bias-blinded too, Jack, don't pretend otherwise - we all do sometimes.
Most of us, quite frankly, don't WANT to pull the trigger on their fellowman, honestly.
But I am very much a pre-emptive strike kinda dude.



Sunday, June 3, 2012 3:30 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


There's no bias on my part...

What. A. Load. Of. Horseshit.

You are spoon-fed the right-wing talking points; it's clear to anyone who's paying the slightest bit of attention, because you come back here and keep regurgitating the same old tired line of bullshit.

You're too much a coward to come out and admit it, though. You, Rappy, Wulfie, and others - you like to call yourselves "independent" or "libertarian", but you get your news solely from right-wing media outlets. That's not "balance", Jack, no matter what the tagline might claim.

At least once in your life, just man up and admit it.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Sunday, June 3, 2012 5:57 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Nah, Haken is ten times more awesome than any of us.

You get bias-blinded too, Jack, don't pretend otherwise - we all do sometimes.
Most of us, quite frankly, don't WANT to pull the trigger on their fellowman, honestly.
But I am very much a pre-emptive strike kinda dude.


And because Haken is that much more awesome, he's completely capable of being any of us...

I don't know his political stances, or his level of obedience to our Government line....

But why would you of all people, Frem, believe that this couldn't be truth....

Especially since Joss always kills off so many loved characters....

For all I know, and I hate to say it "R", you may be Haken himself.....

I love you man, no less than I would ever love anyone else here, especially those that disagree.

At the same time, you're not my bro.

He is the one single person I trust with anything about anything, and I know he feels the same.

Just because I live in a world of "innocient until proven guilty", I'm not a fool.

I don't have the resources...

In my mind, the only reason this Ancient fansite is still allowed is because of the Monkier of Haken.

I'm positive it's not even the original Haken.

The only reason I'm not even afraid to post these feelings is because I think that even you, Frem, will think I'm crazy here....

To admit that was true, would to be to admit that every single thing you've ever posted about here was on file and you had a "handler" even if you weren't aware of it....


Online over 10 years after the show ended....?

No chance of it EVER coming back except for maybe a follow up movie or two when Inara is like 40?

The only thing I can try to assure you of is that I'm not the mole as I keep posting...

All praise be, to the mythical HAKEN! for allowing us this forum to "anonymously" post all of our thoughts and argue.

My guess is that the RWED is the only reason this forum is still funded....

Haken is "TOM" from MySpace....

Your first friend when you join...

A mythical character that posts once and a while...

The TITS you see in your face when Christina Hendricks pulls you in to watch this entire series even though she's only in 2 episodes.

Haken is not real....

Maybe an acronym....

Hell As Kirby Envisioned Nothing?


Hate All Kangaroos Entranced Naked?


Humans All Kinetically Enhanced.... Non-Issue.......?


Haken is the mole.


Monday, June 4, 2012 9:09 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hi Jack, it sounds like you don't like Haken, fair enough. I like him because he keeps the sight open, but I do find it odd that he doesn't post anywhere in it except occasionally, though many people feel politics is a private affair so they don't like talking about theirs. I'm not really very into politics myself, I just like being in here because its fun to talk to other browncoats and this is the best place with the quickest results to do it.
I can assure you that I'm not Haken, I give you my word. I'm just RionaEire.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Monday, June 4, 2012 9:56 AM


America loves a winner!

The " 99% " claim is and always has been a complete and total sham.

Walker's policies ARE working ,and the fair minded folk will hopefully see through the astro turfed efforts of BIG UNION money tomorrow.

Note to anyone - Anthony is a sack of go se, and will continue to be one until he removes his idiotic signature concerning his bald face lie about me and apologizes.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Eins


Monday, June 4, 2012 11:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm not getting into the idiocy Jack is posting, mostly because it's just idiocy. The only thing I will say is that there are just a few other Firefly fansites out there, still going after all this time. This is not the only one:

One of those is the one I came from, but I'm not naming names. If you look around, sure, many of the sites are now defunct--I listed the above as they all have forum posts from the last month. No doubt there are more, but that's enough to make the point. Few are as active as FFF, but some still are pretty active.

Not to mention all the various Browncoat groups still in existence and still active:

Arizona Browncoats: - "Serenity charity screening Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012"

EDMONTON - Saturday, June 23, 2012 from Noon to 5pm. Metro Cinema's Society *New location - Garneau Theatre 8712 109 St. NW TICKETS t-shirts and hoodies for the event are available for purchase online now"

New York Browncoats:
/ - "Can't Stop The Serenity 2012
Screening of Serenity; Saturday, June 23, 2012
Dinner / Dance / Silent & Live Auctions
Prizes for Best Costume / Lots of Shiny Door Prizes
Intro to e-bay auction of Autographed Equality Now Hats

San Francisco Browncoats (the group I'm with): They meet up every second Saturday from noon "until we feel like leaving" at Cafe Murano in the City. It's not really "SF", it's more "Bay Area", as they've eventually encompassed members from all over the Bay Area. They have a booth annually at SF's Con, and "our" upcoming Can't Stop the Serenity 2012 event ("Movie screening of Joss Whedon's Serenity & Dr Horrible to raise money for Equality Now")is on Saturday, August 4, 2012. As usual, I'll go. No, I don't go to the monthly meetups, I went once, but I'm not a "joiner". I keep up with their site, however, go to the annual screenings and other events.

BC (British Columbia) Browncoats: - Six events calendared for June, four for July

Austin Browncoats: - June 2 announced contest winners for "What Does Firefly Mean To You?"

And on and on and on. There are too many to list--the list itself is at (but you'll have to google the name of many of the groups themselves, the links won't take you there)-- not gonna check to see how many are still active.

There's a further listing of Firefly fan sites at: . Not gonna check how many are still active.

There are still sites where you can buy merchandise, too many to list, so here's just a couple: (last person signed guestbook 6/2012) (last updated 5/2012)

Browncoats are alive and well, and still growing in numbers, amazingly. I run into a new one about once a month 'cuz I wear my Serenity T-shirts a lot. And if you pay attention, we still get newbies who discover Firefly HERE on FFF periodically.

As of February of last year, from CNN no less:

Internet-savvy 'Firefly' fans fly back into the fight

Last week, Fillion, who now stars in ABC's "Castle," told Entertainment Weekly he'd love to play Mal again. Then, he ratcheted things up a notch.

"If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to "Firefly," make it on my own, and distribute it on the internet," Fillion told EW, a partner.

Then, some possibly surprising online reactions started rolling in.

The next day, former "Firefly" writer Jose Molina wrote on Twitter: "For what it's worth, I've told him I'd drop what I was doing and follow."

Then, Jane Espenson, who wrote an episode, chimed in: "I'm there, if needed," she tweeted.

Jewel Staite, who played ace mechanic Kaylee on the show, had a simple answer when a Twitter follower asked if she'd be on board: "Is the Pope Catholic?"

That was more than enough for fans (whose "Browncoat" nickname, by the way, comes from the Western-style dusters worn by Fillion and others on the show).

A website, "Help Nathan Buy Firefly," popped up, under the title "Let's get the Captain his money."

The goal? To set up a means of collecting pledges that would turn into donations if a revived "Firefly" looks like it could become a reality.

The pledge system hadn't been officially created as of Tuesday, but fans were already writing in the site's comment section that they're willing to pony up.

In five days, the site's Facebook group had picked up more than 33,000 members -- about 10,000 of them in the past 24 hours.

The two creators of the site are remaining publicly anonymous for now. In an email to CNN (which came from an address linked to the site and was mentioned on the group's Facebook page), they said they work in the nonprofit field but "have no credentials to speak of" in the TV/film industry or "Firefly" community.

How Firefly Fans Made One University's Campus Safe For Free Speech

Back in September, we wrote about a situation at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, where campus police couldn't be bothered to actually read the text on a post put up by professor James Miller, which referenced a quote in the pilot episode of Firefly, with a picture of Nathan Fillion, the actor who played the character who spoke the line.

The quote was one about fairness, but the campus police interpreted it as a threat, took it down, and threatened the professor. In response, Miller put up a second poster, mocking the takedown of the first poster:

Once again, the university police got involved, taking down the poster and claiming that it "depicts violence and mentions violence and death." And saying that the "campus threat assessment team" had determined that the poster would "cause a material and/or substantial disruption of school activities and/or be constituted as a threat." That seems like an interesting (i.e., "wrong") interpretation of the First Amendment (remember, this is a state school), and the group FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) got involved, sending a letter on behalf of Miller. Amazingly, the University doubled down on this form of censorship, standing by the original takedowns.

We hadn't followed the story since then, but thanks to JJ for passing along that FIRE recently put up a video detailing the full story, with an appearance by Neil Gaiman, whose tweets about the story first alerted us (and, as it turns out, tons of others) to the story.

As he notes, you should never, ever upset science fiction fans who feel their favorite show has been cancelled in an untimely way.

Of course, as FIRE's director notes, this story ended up with the University backing down, but only because of the widespread outrage from Firefly fans. It's too bad that these kinds of issues often only get attention when they have a hook like that. Hopefully more people recognize that free speech issues are free speech issues even if they don't involve a particular TV show...Video at
Film Raises Over $113,000 for Charity Through Social Media

The final tally for money raised by the project, Browncoats: Redemption, was announced at the project’s wrap party held at Dragon*Con in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend. At last count, the combined donations to each of the five charities supported by the project total well over $113,000. DVDs and Blu-Rays, used as fundraising tools for the charities involved, were sold online through social media promotion and in person at conventions, beginning when the movie premiered at Dragon*Con in 2010. ALL the above: I HIGHLY resent your conspiracy theory that all these people are being duped into some kind of state-sponsored "conspiracy"...or whatever your fevered brain seems to be trying to say, or that Haken doesn't exist. If you think some government geek is sitting around reading our shit, you're crazier than PN; I've had problems with the site, e-mailed or posted Haken about them, he's responded and a couple of case changed things on the site. Haken exists, and gawd bless him for continuing to keep this site alive for us...many, many such sites have eventually died. They DID try to kill the Firefly forum from the original Fox Firefly site; the Browncoats so flooded one of their other forums (I forget which one) that they reopened it, last I heard.

Firefly was a minor miracle; Serenity was an even bigger one; we are alive and well and won't stop flying any time soon.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!


Monday, June 4, 2012 1:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

The " 99% " claim is and always has been a complete and total sham.

Walker's polices ARE working ,and the fair minded folk will hopefully see through the astro turfed efforts of BIG UNION money tomorrow.

Note to anyone - Anthony is a sack of go se, and will continue to be one until he removes his idiotic signature concerning his bald face lie about me and apologizes.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Eins

Fraudian slip? "Walker's polices are working"? Do you think the police now work exclusively for him?

As to the BIG UNION money, I wasn't aware that the Koch Brothers were unionized. The big money is behind Walker, and it's big corporate money.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 1:35 AM


America loves a winner!


As to the BIG UNION money, I wasn't aware that the Koch Brothers were unionized. The big money is behind Walker, and it's big corporate money.

And Soros has no money in this either ? Laughable.

Note to anyone - Anthony is a sack of go se, and will continue to be one until he removes that idiotic signature concerning his bald face lie about me, and what he claims I think about women. I'm due an apology from him.
" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 1:47 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Soros has no money in this either ? Laughable.

Does he? You sound sure of it so it should not be hard to find out.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 2:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Soros has no money in this either ? Laughable.

Does he? You sound sure of it so it should not be hard to find out.

Actually, he has so many front companies, and groups he funnels money through, it's not that easy.

Note to anyone - Anthony is a sack of go se, and will continue to be one until he removes that idiotic signature concerning his bald face lie about me, and what he claims I think about women. I'm due an apology from him.
" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 3:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Soros has no money in this either ? Laughable.

Does he? You sound sure of it so it should not be hard to find out.

Actually, he has so many front companies, and groups he funnels money through, it's not that easy.

In other words, you've got nothing.

I'll try to act surprised.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 6:02 AM


Don't forget - In Rappyland, only others need to back up their claims - everything Rappyboy says MUST be fact, since he said it.

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 7:14 AM


Jack: Can't blame you for looking.

I showed up in December 2008, around when a lot of people left. Maybe it's me, brand new Operative from the Obama administration.

Eh. I don't really care anymore if I get picked up for something. Figure that'd be the best indication I'd done something to piss them off that I'd ever find out about. 'Cept apparently I don't know anything dangerous enough to piss them off.

My reality fails to live up to the dream.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 4:46 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Hi Jack, it sounds like you don't like Haken, fair enough. I like him because he keeps the sight open, but I do find it odd that he doesn't post anywhere in it except occasionally, though many people feel politics is a private affair so they don't like talking about theirs. I'm not really very into politics myself, I just like being in here because its fun to talk to other browncoats and this is the best place with the quickest results to do it.
I can assure you that I'm not Haken, I give you my word. I'm just RionaEire.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.

Hey Riona,

I am completely ambivalent when it comes to Haken. I do not know the man, or woman, behind Haken. Until this post, I've actually never acknowledged Haken's existence in a public forum and had taken it for granted.

I have no-ill will against "Haken".

I was just putting that out there as a metaphor for my entire existence is all.

My brothers, I watched them be born. Hell, I practically raised two of them. Even though one of them has physically attacked me twice in my own lifetime, I trust those two people more than anyone else on this planet.

Of course... Niki took this as being my "reality of it all" too....

No Niki... I'm not claiming anything I said in the last post was true... just that it COULD be. Just like Science could never dis-prove God, or Religion could never prove God.... here we are....

At least we're together....


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Jack: Can't blame you for looking.

I showed up in December 2008, around when a lot of people left. Maybe it's me, brand new Operative from the Obama administration.

Eh. I don't really care anymore if I get picked up for something. Figure that'd be the best indication I'd done something to piss them off that I'd ever find out about. 'Cept apparently I don't know anything dangerous enough to piss them off.

My reality fails to live up to the dream.

Ah... so you were here a few years later than I arrived, but not by much.....

Some people may argue with me Byte, but I believe that I'm a much more sane and changed and rational individual since my return.

My first time here wasn't but 18 months after moving out of my grandmother's basement with cats that pissed everywhere I wasn't sleeping. Had my old man not gotten my foot in the door at a company with a mile high laddar, and had I not been able to save while making regular strides upward, I might still look at the world in that crazy "I've got nothing to lose" mentality.

I just secured a job making 8 bucks an hour overnight, for 24 hours a week. That will cover 90% of my regular spending and bills. I think that's a pretty POTENT thing for a guy to say that is living in a 3 bed/2 bath house.

Please don't mistake this for any sort of "bragging". I'm just trying to connect the dots from "basement-pissing-cats-no-future" to seven years later "house-paid-minimal-bills-minimal-work-necessary".

It wasn't easy, but since I was over 200 miles from friends and family I was able to live like a monk outside of work and it came at the perfect time when I could get into a large beautiful house in a great neighborhood that just happened to be riddled with 3,000lbs of moldy drywall and insulation in the basement which everyone else was afraid to touch. I'm sure just spending 2 weeks wearing a hazmat suit and removing all of that added 15k to the price of the house.

I'm just saying, that if you're looking for "trust", anywhere on this forum or the next, it's not the place to go....

All I can tell you is that I hope with all your heart you believe my story, but at the same time, without ever making a claim as such, I might just be "Haken".

Maybe I'm a rich guy who posts lies on FFF all day because I'm bored of being rich?

Maybe I'm not even a guy and I'm a 40 something spinster who fabricates a ton of lies because I'm bored of taking care of my 18 cats between shifts?

I don't think that either of us or Frem are anyone else than what we say we are....

I'm just saying that anything is possible.

I'd be less inclined to think so if the Arrested Development forum was still around....

Maybe the Browncoat way truly did strike a nerve so deep that we even get a pretty "red" overhaul and a chat room 11 years after the fact....


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 4:54 PM



I just secured a job making 8 bucks an hour overnight, for 24 hours a week. That will cover 90% of my regular spending and bills. I think that's a pretty POTENT thing for a guy to say that is living in a 3 bed/2 bath house.

You got a job! Did the advice we offered help? Or maybe you found employers that aren't exploitive jerks? Anyway, that's great! You'll be able to make the payments you were taking about and keep your property.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 6:55 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I just secured a job making 8 bucks an hour overnight, for 24 hours a week. That will cover 90% of my regular spending and bills. I think that's a pretty POTENT thing for a guy to say that is living in a 3 bed/2 bath house.

You got a job! Did the advice we offered help? Or maybe you found employers that aren't exploitive jerks? Anyway, that's great! You'll be able to make the payments you were taking about and keep your property.

Hey Byte,

Thanks for caring!

I actually could have had this job about a month ago, but the woman there suggested I go over state lines where the minimum wage was a buck more and the security position (given my background) was higher wage too.

When I went there for my scheduled interview, they said "sorry, we filled that job last week"...... F-Kers.....

I knew today was a shoe-in.... She liked me the first time. She told me to bring my ID, ss card and bank info for direct deposit before I even came back in.

The only thing that could kill my chances now is my complete lack of criminal history or my 795 Trans-Union credit score.... lol....

I don't want to laugh about that too much... I think being too high on that has screwed me out of more than one better job so far...

This is KMart though... I think I'm gold now that I haven't smoked bud in about 16 months....

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:26 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Best wishes on the new job Jack!

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.






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