Romney, Cain, and Bachmann approve of 'enhanced' interrogations

UPDATED: Saturday, November 24, 2012 11:17
VIEWED: 3191
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Saturday, November 19, 2011 4:56 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
I think the Kinsey scale may be an applicable concept for all human conditions. I also think that one should not view a human condition as permanent or static.

Good point.

I suppose what I am saying is that I think Byte is lower on the sociopathic Kinsey scale than she thinks she is, and definitely lower than she thinks she was.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)


Sunday, November 20, 2011 5:44 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Byte does not = sociopath. On that I will not move.

Anthony, during your absence Kane came around being almost civil, I almost tollerated his presence, Quicko helped him out with a problem and we gave him moral support when his girlfriend went to jail. I think that experience at least taught him something. But he did say something to Signe which was absolutely unacceptable. I think even that may be something he regrets now though. I predict that when he comes back again, perhaps for more help or perhaps to socialize, he will have improved. But I can definitely understand why you are horrified by him Anthony.

I don't see Raptor's presence here as any more significant than that of others, sure he's not the best arguer and I think he really enjoys it when we spend extra time talking about him, but he never says dirty stuff. That's a good thing.

Niki, I don't think Byte meant that she is right wing persay, just that since she's a lil' further "right" than you and Quicko she could someday be considered right wing if the more extreme posters like Raptor and Wulf leave.

I think that with every human being on this earth I can find commonalities. Even my best friend's husband, whom I can't stand, has something in common with me. We both love her very much and so, somehow, when we see each other, we don't tear each other's throats out. The hardest thing is that I can't express any discontent with him whatsoever or else he will turn her against me, because he's very dominant and she's very passive. Anyways.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:55 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:


These three candidates seem to support waterboarding, a procedure I consider torture but which they do not. Bachman says the process is 'very effective' which makes me feel that these people are missing the point. Efficacy is not the measure we should be using, in my opinion. If we conduct ourselves purely based on the perceived effectiveness of things, we will become efficient monsters.


Enhanced interrogation = torture
Collatoral damage = civilians killed in war
terminate with extreme prejudice = kill
friendly fire = killed by your own side
Pre-emptive strike = invasion
plausable deniability = someone else does your dirty work but without formal orders from you

Notice the pattern?


Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:59 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
As bad as this sounds I can see both sides of this.

My dad waterboarded himself in the bathtub once, just to try it and see what it was like, he wanted to see whether he thought it was torture. It scared the rut outa him.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

With all due respect, that indicates nothing of the experience of people who have suffered torture. being tortured means that you are rendered powerless and inhuman by the torturer. You have no control over what you experience, of how long it will last and to what level, including death, your torturer will commit to.


Sunday, November 20, 2011 8:52 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I was just making a statement about it, I wasn't stating an opinion Magon's. He's definitely leaning more towards not allowing it after giving it a go.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Sunday, November 20, 2011 10:44 PM


I got that. And I was making a point about the difference between doing that stuff to yourself and having it done to you. One of the things about waterboarding is the sensation of drowning without actually dying. When people drown, its horribly uncomfortable and terrifying but its usually over fairly quickly. Someone being waterboarded experiences that without knowing when it will stop or if they might die.

People who support it sicken me to the very core.


Monday, November 21, 2011 10:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Good Lord, Byte, what would make you think such a thing?? I've never seen anyone here who actually DISLIKES you, we just all have differing opinions on just about everything, so from time to time people go head-to-head on one issue or another.

And oh, lord, CTS, PLEASE don't mention him. I find it hard to believe he's actually a PERSON and not a sickpuppy of one of our more unpleasant members. He's like an outlet for the very worst things a person thinks, and he virtually never had anything of substance to say. Speaking for myself, this place is MUCH more pleasant with him gone, and I hope it stays that way! Yeah, he was better after his promise not to be as horrid as he was, but I have no faith in people changing THAT drastically for long.

Riona, I "got" that she was saying she might come under fire if there weren't the really out-there righties around, but I've just never thought of her as even slightly "right", more of a middle-grounder who leans rightish. Maybe I've not been paying attention, but until I get a different impression, I'll go on thinking of her that way.

Magons, "everything you said". Yes, we're so accustomed to the terminology that, although we all know what it means, we "play along" and use it. Good to be reminded from time to time, and I'd like to get out of the habit of using TPTB's various ways of making things more "palatable", as it were.


Thursday, November 22, 2012 12:06 PM


Quote Fremdfirma: "Well no shit - Romney being up to his goddamned neck
in the hellcamp industry."

It's the same link he posted in the For Your Consideration: Creationism
Controversies The Norm Among Potential Republican 2016 Contenders thread.

Knowing full well that I'd be hurt by it, I fearfully read the article.

There are quite a few videos on YouTube about Straight, Inc. and WWASPS.
Straight, Inc. is now Drug Free America Foundation.

"Anti-Drug Campaigns Dumb Down Vital Message
Calvina Fay is the Executive Director of Drug Free America Foundation
& Save Our Society From Drugs (S.O.S.) From 1976-1985 it was known
as Straight, Inc. and had a reputation for abusing kids as a drug reha-
bilitation program. Mel Sembler and his wife Betty founded Straight, Inc.
In 1985 it changed its name to Straight Foundation, Inc. in order to
protect its money and its principals from civil suits. In 1995 it was
changed again to Drug Free America Foundation. DFAF is a national and
international drug policy think tank and provider of services for drug
free work places."

"Straight Inc., Legacy of Torture as Treatment
Straight Inc. was a drug rehabilitation program for teens, that operated
from 1976-1993 in several states across America. Clients were forcibly
indoctrinated with the program, deprived of all basic human rights until
they could demonstrate a sincere internalization of the group's values.
All clients underwent sleep deprivation, isolation, food & water depriva-
tion, verbal and physical abuse as a matter of course. All forms of personal
autonomy were considered privileges and were earned through adopting
the abusive personality of a "Straightling."

GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab 'Torture' Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition
to Pot Legalization in Colorado - 24 SEP 2012

"Mel Sembler, who made his fortune in real estate, says his opposition
to marijuana use influenced his move to the GOP. He switched party affil-
iation in 1979, when he claims he found out “[President Jimmy] Carter
was doing all this pot smoking and stuff in the White House.”

"Since then, he’s been a proud Republican. Explaining his early support
for Mitt Romney (he’s now a leader of Romney’s Florida fundraising team),
Sembler says he accompanied then-Governor Romney to Israel during his
first official visit and trusts the candidate’s business acumen. Viveca Novak,
of, noted that Sembler was spotted on a Romney bundler
yacht during the Republican convention last month.

"Sembler hasn’t renounced his sordid legacy with the STRAIGHT clinics.
An online biography of Mel Sember posted by his nonprofit proudly touts
his role in founding the scandal-plagued rehab centers. The biography
cheerfully claims, that during “its 17 years of existence, STRAIGHT
successfully graduated more than 12,000 young people nationwide from
its remarkable program.” There is no mention of the child abuse scandals
that led to its downfall."

{ Oonj: I won't look at the videos where survivors tell their stories of
Rehab-Torture. That would be too much for me. I wanted to update
about Straight, Inc., & that's easier if I know the Semblers keep changing
the name to evade law suits.
This topic has been keeping me awake, and I guess it should. }


A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:55 PM


Oh that is not the SLIGHTEST shard of shaved ice off the very tippy-top of that iceberg.

You see, I've been "at war" with them bastards wholesale for something like three DECADES.
I've seen horrors beyond imagination, dredged the bottom of the deepest, darkest pits of savagery, and in the end, that being Feb 2009 - finally won out against them despite a starting point of being an early teen howling about a problem most people didn't even believe EXISTED and was regarded as an urban legend, mere myth, no-such-thing.

That campaign begun with vandalism, graduated to direct action, then refined into exposure and finally economic warfare since all anyone seems to give a damn about is the MONEY.
WWASPS collapsed financially in Feb 2009 and their last facility was evicted and foreclosed, they remain in "existence" on paper only because of ongoing and unresolved lawsuits.

Romneys involvement is deeper than just affiliation with Sembler and Lichfield, it also involves Provo Canyon School and its offspring, as well as ownership via Bain Capital of Aspen Education, which is responsible for the tragedies at Sagewalk and Mount Bachelor.

There's a casualty list involved here, and even the mere partials are astounding, THOUSANDS of dead kids, a mountain of bodies, and grinning punks like Romney standing on top with the money extracted from these concentration camps dripping from every pocket - you've no *IDEA*, not even a concept, of just how badly I despise him and his, nor how angry I am at the media for gingerly stepping around such an obvious slamdunk cause no one wants to talk about it.

Again, he's up to the freakin neck in it.

And yes, it's far, far worse than you know - that whole rendition and interrogation thing ?
Well that's been going on since the seventies, just no one CARED cause it was minors, who in America have less rights or legal standing in our society than housepets, but oh boy do it to adults and there was a can of worms.

Yep, Rendition - right here in America, right under your nose.
And don't get me started on what a monster Strawn is, or what happened to Valerie Ann Heron either.

Not kiddin about the casualty lists either, these are just partials.

Not including the stuff they got away with, no one wants to talk about THAT either, but you draw a circle five miles around ANY former or current hellcamp on a map, I assure you that you will find bodies there.

The case of Martin Lee Anderson was particularly over the top, given how it was dismissed and shrugged off till someone conveniently stole the security footage and wilded it to the media.

As for WWASPS, the chain starts with the cult Synanon.

Synanon->The Seed->Straight->WWASPS->DFAF.
More detailed chart here.

Which is... about as far as imma go with this right now, both for lack of time, and another reason.

See, there are things in this world so horrible, that just the KNOWLEDGE of them can psychologically damage a person, land scars that never heal - it is enough for most people, I think, to know these things exist without the horrifying details, so that they can stand against it... because one doesn't need to know the depth of the depravity here to understand that it *IS* depraved, immoral, inhumane.

Others, well, they *need* to know, to fight it, to wrestle it down in the deepest darkness where it hides and wrench out its ichorous black and treacherous heart... and eat the goddamn thing.
Because nothing less will satisfy their hatred of such things.



Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:29 PM


This sounds like some s--t PN would write. S'not tho.
Too many witnesses. Too many "graduates" asking, "Now ...
how do I recover from my recovery program?"

Medical Whistleblower Advocacy Network

"The Abusive Rehab Program Called Straight Inc."

"Straight Inc., Legacy of Torture as Treatment"

Quote Fremdfirma: "See, there are things in this world so horrible, that
just the KNOWLEDGE of them can psychologically damage a person, land
scars that never heal - it is enough for most people, I think, to know these
things exist without the horrifying details, so that they can stand against
it... because one doesn't need to know the depth of the depravity here to
understand that it *IS* depraved, immoral, inhumane."

I'm with you in spirit, Frem. But I am weak. This is not
even a dragon. It's an effing hydra springing itself about.
I figured you were holding back for a reason.

Over & over I came across "there were more than 40 suicides."
Thinkin', "Bet me, there were 40 ... from more'n 50,000 terri-
fied, ravaged kids? What about out & out murders?"

Hasn't been outlawed. Hard to believe what we now tolerate.
Are any of the perps in jail?


A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Friday, November 23, 2012 6:13 AM


A few, VERY few - Randall Hinton, one of their more notorious enforcers, and despite political protection the circle is closing on Narvin Lichfield, brother of Robert, who only escaped in Costa Rica cause of pressure from the State Dept.
That was kind of an epic win there, Costa Rican officials came to the school and informed the kids that under their law they could not be detained against their will - kids ran for the exits, staff tried to stop them, costa rican officals jumped the staff and a flat out riot erupted.

More recently we bagged up two judges selling kids to these places for money, and there's STILL a dire mess in Luzerene Count regarding tons of related corruption.

The mother of one of the victims who never recovered from being railroaded and mistreated, eventually committing suicide, confronted one of these smug bastards on the courthouse steps, which brought home to a lot of people finally what the damage toll of conduct like this is.

As a general rule though it's extremely rare for any of these cretins to be charged, much less prosecuted, despite the fact that if you did that crap to your OWN kid - it would be very likely.
I won't bother posting example cases at the moment but I have a list of parents who engaged in the exact same conduct being charged for it I kept as a comparative example, so effectively this is legalized outsourcing of child abuse.

And yes, government money is involved, both The Seed and Straight got large government grants, the hellcamp in the Kids for Cash scandal was getting paid by the Gov, and one of the most significant abuses is a place called Teen Challenge, which is in fact a religious hellcamp run by elements of the evangelical right wing (Assembly of God/Bush Cronies) which not only recieves a large chunk of money under his bullshit faith-based-charity giveaways which wound up helping nobody, but also has connections with the juvenille justice system resulting in kids being sentenced there for petty crimes like in the kids-for-cash scandal.

Imagine that, being sentenced to abuse and religious indoctrination for chewing gum in class, in an american court of law - and people wonder why I am so angry ?

Our current boot-up-ass-a-thon involves setting the USDOJ on Meridian, Missippi, which was throwing kids in PRISON for so little as dress code violations.

That's not to say some didn't pay the price - back when this fight started, out of the public eye, it was nastier, a *LOT* nastier, but I'd rather not go into details about that.
Won't make no apologies for it either, not now, not ever.

Hell is too kind a place for these people.



Friday, November 23, 2012 5:36 PM


The unauthorized biography of Melvin Floyd Sembler
an editorial by Wesley Fager (c) 2003

I crashed. Slept a long time today. I'm in recovery
... from knowing about Kid Torture = Big Profits.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, November 24, 2012 7:54 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

To get back to the original topic, one of the things those in favor of waterboarding keep saying is that it's "necessary" to get what is needed. They cling to that notion despite the piles of evidence which show that it DOESN'T WORK, and the fact that


Severe interrogation techniques like waterboarding, sleep deprivation, stress positions and the exploitation of phobias aren’t just morally reprehensible, they’re based on bad science, destroying the very memories they’re supposed to recover.

“There is a vast literature on the effects of extreme stress on motivation, mood and memory, using both animals and humans,” writes Shane O’Mara, a stress researcher at Ireland’s Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience. “These techniques cause severe, repeated and prolonged stress, which compromises brain tissue supporting memory and executive function.”

Some intelligence officials, from former Vice President Dick Cheney to current intelligence chief Dennis Blair, defend enhanced interrogation as an useful tool in pulling information from terrorists who refuse to talk. But many intelligence officers say that such information has little value, because people being tortured will say anything to make it stop.

A report published by the Intelligence Science Board in 2007 found that no research existed to support the use of enhanced interrogation. And O’Mara’s review, published Monday in Trends in Cognitive Science, describes a wealth of science that supports ending the practice.

O’Mara derides the belief that extreme stress produces reliable memory as “folk neurobiology” that “is utterly unsupported by scientific evidence.” The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex — the brain’s centers of memory processing, storage and retrieval — are profoundly altered by stress hormones. Keep the stress up long enough, and it will “result in compromised cognitive function and even tissue loss,” warping the minds that interrogators want to read.

The “ticking time bomb” argument has been used to justify torture in situations where the information it retrieves could immediately save lives. But it will be “difficult or impossible to determine during interrogation whether the information a suspect reveals is true,” writes O’Mara — and the bomb will continue to tick.
There is a mountain of such evidence, and none that proves it does work. In the argument over waterboarding, those in favor of it happily gloss over these facts.

On top of which, there is McCain's own testimony that when he was tortured, he said whatever he could think of that would make it stop. Also, even RUMSFLED himself has admitted that waterboarding KSM did NOT lead to any useful information:

The torture crowd has been hard at work the past 24 hours, doing its best to push the idea that it was the torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohommed that led to the courier who eventually led U.S. intelligence to Osama bin Laden.

KSM didn't give up the courier, as confirmed by a New York Times report ( in American custody told stories of a trusted courier. When the Americans ran the man’s pseudonym past two top-level detainees—the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed; and Al Qaeda’s operational chief, Abu Faraj al-Libi—the men claimed never to have heard his name. That raised suspicions among interrogators that the two detainees were lying and that the courier probably was an important figure.

KSM was waterboarded 183 times and didn't give up the courier's name, the key bit of intelligence that located bin Laden (unless, as Armando jokes, those denials extracted from KSM and al-Libi were the key to figuring out this was the key guy).

Of course, if you want a real debunking, there's not a better source than one of the torture architects and apologists, one of the guys sitting in the room when the Bush administration principles choreographed torture, deciding which methods to use and how to combine various methods for maximum effect. One of the handful of those ghouls was Donald Rumsfeld, who says "harsh treatment" at CIA black sites didn't lead to bin Laden (
Cheney said today that “it wouldn’t be surprising” the intel came from Bush’s torture program. However, there is currently no evidence to suggest that the detainees that provided the information that led to bin Laden were subject to torture. And Bush Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who presumably has some knowledge about what went on at Gitmo, threw some cold water on this theory:

"The United States Department of Defense did not do waterboarding for interrogation purposes to anyone. It is true that some information that came from normal interrogation approaches at Guantanamo did lead to information that was beneficial in this instance. But it was not harsh treatment and it was not waterboarding." (
His statement should be the definitive one: torture didn't net bin Laden.
Most likely Rap won't like my source and will cry "lies!" That's okay; the same facts can be found any number of places, and I've provided links to the pertinent points.

Oh, and maybe this source will be more acceptable:


Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (pictured) was waterboarded 183 times, which would already signal it didn’t work. Information about the courier who led to finding bin Laden came much after the waterboarding of Mohammed took place.

…while the CIA may have learned the courier’s nickname earlier, they didn’t learn his true name until “four years ago”–so late 2006 at the earliest. And they didn’t learn where the courier operated until around 2009.

From these dates we can conclude that either KSM shielded the courier’s identity entirely until close to 2007, or he told his interrogators that there was a courier who might be protecting bin Laden early in his detention but they were never able to force him to give the courier’s true name or his location, at least not until three or four years after the waterboarding of KSM ended.

Like Mohammed, his successor Abu Faraj al-Libi was harshly interrogated, but it is unlikely that it was that which led to actionable information.

With al-Libi, the connection between whatever torture he experienced and this intelligence is less clear (since he was first detained in 2005), but even with al-Libi, it appears clear he either never revealed the courier’s real name or only did so after he had been in custody for a year, and almost certainly until after he arrived in Gitmo.Details of timeline and more at

So next time we want to debate "enhanced interrogation" and waterboarding, it's remember IT DID NOT WORK AND IT DOES NOT WORK!

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Saturday, November 24, 2012 11:17 AM


Well, the whole thing with KSM is reprehensible.

See, back in 1993 when he sent Ramzi Youssef over here intent on blowing up the WTC, initially Youssef had serious problems getting any logistical or other support due to language and cultural barriers multiplied by the fact that most of the Muslim population over HERE are moderates who absolutely hate the radicals over THERE - hate them enough to move to a country and culture foreign to them which isn't exactly all that welcoming.

Then along comes one guy by the name of Emad Salem, who comes along and more or less hands Youssef everything he needs, money, logistical support, and finally a functional bomb.
Feb 26th 1993 Youssef and company set off that bomb, which despite doing a lot of damage did not level the tower nor cause massive casualties.

Worth noting after the fact that a very LARGE part of secondary responsibility lies with the FBI here, because they brought in Emad Salem, and were the ones to give a known terrorist hell bent on action a live bomb - AND tried to hang Salem out to dry as a patsy, only to find he mistrusted them after they ordered him NOT to rig the bomb as a dud and had recorded conversations with his handlers.
NONE of that is in dispute, it's publicly on the record as evidence.
So one could blame the FBI for this every bit as much as KSM.

Now, we caught Youssef back in 1995, but he was kind of useless as a source, the guy's a ruthless fanatic, not quite right in the head, and without support only a danger to himself and those in the immediate vicinity - frankly without being directly enabled he would have *never* been a threat, and he didn't know anything worth a damn to begin with.

Later on, circa March 2003 we finally bagged up KSM by way of the Pakistani ISI acting in concert with the American Diplomatic Services, on a properly obtained and served warrant, by-the-book, as smooth and flawless as one could ever hope without even the need to quasi legal bullshit and justifications.

Now, originally in an also by-the-book, hands-off, PROPER interrogation, KSM spilled his guts, he was an obnoxious, arrogant ass with a pretty high opinion of himself and just loved the sound of his own voice, and in between his threats and mockery he handed us the keys to the kingdom, corroborated by files and communications also seized by that proper warrant, detailing BOJINKA and many of the principals involved.

Of course, since he wasn't telling them what they WANTED to hear, off to the waterboard he went, over 183 times, and "confessed" to prettymuch everything under the sun, including the whole Bali nightclub bombing(1) - this not only rendered him utterly useless as an information source due to extensive psychological damage, it made anything from the initial interrogation worthless as well since there's no remaining means to verify it.

(1) Bali Nightclub Bombing (indonesia)
This is a running in-joke amongst our merry little torturers, kind of like how cops like to throw in resisting arrest on any other charge, and so far EVERY perp we've tortured has been forced to "confess" to it, which oughta tell you how WORTHLESS the "information" extracted that way really is.

Said bombing was actually carried out by a disgruntled Balinese military officer who turned himself in and later confessed to the crime including details only the bomber would know, not that american media ever covered that cause they're complicit as anyone else in playing Emmanuel Goldstein games, up to and including creating fictional "terrorists" to whip up the booga-booga.

So no, it doesn't work - the purpose of torture is torture, or to make people "confess" what one wishes to hear, in a proper interrogation the perp never even KNOWS they fumbled the ball, much less that they have given actionable intel, the Pakis did a far better job of it by stroking KSMs massive ego and encouraging him to rant and rave than we ever did with a waterboard.







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