The Saudi-al Qaida puppet-masters (not PN)

UPDATED: Monday, September 2, 2013 21:52
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Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There is an overlooked factor promoting terrorist jihadism. JAYNEZTOWN has posted this twice:


Russia and Iran Warn Against Intervention in Syria

The Failed Saudi-Russian Talks: Desperate Diplomacy as Syria Implodes
You could call it the Hail Mary pass of diplomatic relations. In a desperate attempt to find some solution to the ongoing Syria crisis, now in its third year with no end in sight, Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan reportedly offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a multibillion-dollar arms deal to curb Moscow’s support for the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad when they met in Moscow last week. The deal was rebuffed; on Friday the Kremlin responded to news accounts about the proposal with a terse rebuttal, telling Reuters that no deal had been discussed in detail. Earlier news accounts, including the one from Reuters, quoted unnamed Arab and Western diplomats describing a deal in which Saudi Arabia would buy some $15 billion worth of Russian weapons in addition to offering assurances that Gulf countries wouldn’t threaten Russia’s dominance of the European gas market in exchange for a commitment that Moscow would not block future U.N. Security Council resolutions on Syria. The threat of a Russian veto has been the major obstacle to any U.N. actions in Syria.

In looking for threats that Bandar may have made against various governments, I cam across this"


Newser) – The Saudi royal family threatened to withhold information about planned terrorist attacks on London unless British authorities suspended an investigation into corrupt arms deals, court documents show. Prince Bandar flew to London in December 2006 to warn investigators they faced "another 7/7," referring to the four bombs that killed 52 people in 2005, reports the Guardian.

The threats—Bandar warned of the loss of "British lives on British streets"—led PM Tony Blair to close an investigation into allegation of bribery surrounding more than $2 billion in secret payments from the arms company BAE to the Saudis. Anti-corruption campaigners filed a legal action yesterday to reopen the investigation, asserting that the British government had been blackmailed.

So, in addition to funding madrasses all over northern and easter Africa and the mideast and in the various 'stans, and flying arms into Libya and Syria, bound for al Qaida, the Saudis have threatened Russia and the British government?

I think if we looked behind the scenes, we'd find a lot of US-Saudi complicity in the Al Qaida threat (al Qaida being such a useful boogeyman).


Thursday, August 29, 2013 1:10 PM


So many against this

It smells of BS


Thursday, August 29, 2013 2:25 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So many against this

It smells of BS

It really does. :(

And if the middle one is either "Rand Paul suspects chemical attacks were launched by..." insert "America" or "Israel" then well played.

Although no idea why either us or Israel wouldn't have engineered shenanigans before now if they really wanted in the war that badly. But the list of possible suspects and people who have motive is very long, and the information we have isn't narrowing anything down.

All I know is that I don't trust anything the media is saying about any of this. Something is seriously setting off my lie and paranoia detectors.


Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Rand Paul Warns Obama of Starting “Major War” With Russia - Senator says rebels more likely to be behind chemical weapons attack.

In Firefly the Alliance merged the US flag with the flag of Communist China


Friday, August 30, 2013 10:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A few more thoughts ...

I used to think that Al Qaida was something of an accidental creation, caused by a combination of an excess of Saudi money, wahabbism, and the desire of the Saudi royal family (itself a creation of the west) to send their more troublesome children abroad.

But seeing Bandar bin Sultan threatening to turn terrorism on - or promising to keep it off - and reading about the arms shipments that Saudi Arabia is deeply, deeply involved in made me realize that Al Qaida is oh-so-much-more than a dingleberry on the ass of a benighted backwards kingdom: it's part and parcel of Saudi foreign policy and territorial expansion.


Many things about that whole event bother me: the fact that the air traffic contol tower interview tapes were all destroyed within hours of being made. That our fighter jets were scrambled.... over the Atlantic Ocean. That Bush & Co had ample, repeated intelligence briefings that pointed to a significant upcoming terrorist event, and the Secret Service had already protected the President (in previous meetings and summits) from airplanes that might be flown into hotels etc by housing the President in an offshore yacht where possible.

And that the response to 9-11 was always a little bit askew: rather than targeting Al Qaida specifically, we veered away from anything Saudi and instead invaded an incidental nation with its own homegrown tinpot - but very localized - power structure (the Taliban) and then invaded an entirely uninvolved nation which - just coincidentally - happened to have been the stated target of PNAC during the Clinton years (Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton, Armitage, Abrams, Feith, and Wurmser had appealed to Clinton unsuccessfully to invade Iraq, and nearly all of them had positions of one sort or another in the Bush administration.)

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

The links between Israel and the Bush administration were easy to see. The links between the Bush administration and the Saudis... other than their connection over oil... not so much. So I used to think that 9-11 was a LIHOP (let it happen on purpose, very much like the original Pearl Harbor). I know that the Bush family has close ties to the Saudi royal family. The second thing that the Bush administration did after 9-11 was to violate their own grounding order and spirit away members of the Saudi royal family in the hours after the Twin Towers fell.

But seeing how Saudi Arabia claims to be able to use Al Qaida for strategic purposes, and that most of the terrorists involved in 9-11 were, in fact, Saudi, I'm beginning to think that maybe there was a little bit more proactive involvement... or at least foreknowledge... by the Bush administration in 9-11. Because as horrible as 9-11 was, it could have been so much worse. Since the terrorists could have destroyed NYC (but didn't) the overall effect, like Pearl Harbor, was not to destroy and demoralize Americans but ultimately to galvanize us to war- a rather well-calibrated event.

Cheney's year 2000 Energy Task Force, the one that the public wasn't invited to. I always thought it was some sort of long-term "carve up the world's petroleum reserves" kind of meeting. We NOW find out one of the task force's missions (accomplished) was to exempt all fracking from every Federal regulation. They knew about the gas reserves well (so to speak!) enough in advance to prepare the ground (again, so to speak!) to make this a handily profitable venture. I think another mission was the consideration: What to do when Saudi oil runs out? And what does Saudi Arabia do? Afer all, The Saudis have been our loyal allies (when the Repubs were in power)... accepting the dollar, sinking their monies into Treasuries, studiously avoiding Israel, and opening the OPEC oil spigot when oil prices threatened to rise too high. Provisions have to be made for our loyal friends, do they not?

ACH! One MORE thing.... I think Republicans have passed a torch which the Democrats have never been able to share: close ties with oil-producing national and corporate leaders.

The petrodollar was negotiated under Nixon (R). The OPEC embargo happened under Carter (D), as did the Iranian revolution. Reagan (R) paved the way for his Presidency by selling arms to Iran. Pappy Bush (R) invaded Iraq at the Saudi's request. Clinton (D) refused to "finish the job". Bush (R) invaded Iraq again. Obama (D) is left with the mess- he's TRYING to dance to the Israeli-Saudi tune, but he's always a step behind. It's hard to be a dancing partner when they keep changing the rhythm!


Friday, August 30, 2013 11:01 AM



Originally posted by G:

Really, let France and England take it, we have a bad hammie.

Hopefully, it looks like we wont be taking this one, thanks.


Friday, August 30, 2013 11:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One of the curious things is that while it seems the Republicans have had a continuing love affair with the sheiks of the OPEC states, the same can't seem to be said for the Tories. THAT relationship- along with a special relationship to Israel- seems to belong to Labor, Blair in particular.


Friday, August 30, 2013 2:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, and BTW I will be happy to provide cites that you will all accept as credible (WSJ, Reuters, Foreign Policy etc) for the background facts. These are simply musings on my part. Sometimes it's helpful to know where you've been to know where you're going.


Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:02 AM


Well it starts even earlier than that, cause the first strike on the WTC towers was in 1993 via Ramzi Youssef acting on the orders of Khalid Shiek Mohammed, and the fact that they were given the bomb to do it *BY* the FBI via one Emad Salem, who as I understand was also instrumental in getting the blasted thing wired properly, and who was himself suspicious enough of his FBI handlers to record certain conversations in which they ordered him NOT to sabotage the bomb, which was subsequently detonated with substantial property damage and loss of life.

And of course they tried to pin it on Emad Salem who spilled his guts to the US Dept of Justice (traditionally the turf-war enemy of the FBI) who then stuffed him down the WITPRO rabbithole.

The DSS acting in concert with the Pakistani ISI rounded up KSM in 1995, along with a boatload of actionable intel and documents, and he loved to rant and rave, so we got the whole Bojinka package on a properly served warrant and by the book, hands off interrogation - we HAD THE GOODS.

And then we dismissed that interrogation out of hand, fired all the translators working on the documents, and sent ole KSM to the waterboard till he told us what we wanted to hear, yeah that worked out really well didn't it.

There's also the fact that we more or less created the damn Mujahedeen and by way of that, Osama Bin Laden, by financing them and arming them to sandbag the Soviets, even *WHILE* still seething over Iran kicking out the Shah (who we propped up after murdering the secular and reasonable Mossedeigh in 1953) and propping up, arming and financing one Saddam Hussein in response to that.

So on one end it's kind of like the old lady who swallowed a fly, if at any step of this we had maybe LEFT WELL THE HELL ENOUGH ALONE, things wouldn't have turned out so badly, but we didn't.

Then there's the Saudi end, in that the Saudis were more or less paying Danegeld to some of these creeps to do that crap elsewhere, while still keeping them on the strings just a little as a counter to our stupider acts of meddling - which by itself would not have been enough but since the people of the region see them as the ONLY valid bulwark against our constant aggression and manipulation they begrudgingly tolerate them even as they grind their teeth about how awful the bastards are - without the external threat that justifies needing them, these assholes would have been lynched by their own people years ago.

And lets not forget Kuwait, who really was cross-drilling, and how the primary financier, bagman and more or less ringleader of 9-11 was Kuwaiti and happens to be rotting in a supermax prison right here while we otherwise try to point the finger at the politically convenient menace of the week, yes ?

Of course, a small nod to SecDef Gates here, who I highly suspect knew something was up and moved assets into place to minimize casualties and damage without being obvious enough about it to tip off his supposed superiors - which is why resources were so conveniently already on site and the section of the Pentagon struck was conveniently empty.

And as mentioned above, credible cites exist for every bit of this.

Finally, all of this, all of it, and the only contribution our so-called protectors had was to initiate, enable, or ignore it, despite billions pissed away... and for what, agencies who themselves are a greater threat to american prosperity and freedom than any terrorist could hope to be ?

I want my money back.



Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, in other words- we fund and abet jihadists.

I hope rappy and others who see radical islamism as "the" boogeyman are reading this, because rather than assuming that these people are just fanatical nut-jobs, it's ALWAYS useful to follow the money, honey.


Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The links between Israel and the Bush administration were easy to see. The links between the Bush administration and the Saudis... other than their connection over oil... not so much.

The link between Bush 41 and the Saudis might have been personal. Before he was Prez or VP or head of the CIA, Bush 41 was ambassador to Saudi Arabia.


Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And Bandar bin Sultan was Ambassador to Washington. But I guess that's not my point- the thing that I really noticed was the Saudi behind-the-scenes involvement in so many things, especially in promoting AQ jihadists across the Mideast.

It never really occurred to me to think about who was behind AQ until I heard Kevin Barrett make the observation that, with so many nations in the ME in shambles (Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and now Syria) providing fertile ground for the various AQ "franchises", none of them has attacked Israel.

And coincidentally, thanks to one of the posters here asking about the petrodollar, I had to look it up. I remembered one part about the deal- that they take our dollars and invest them in Treasuries.... but I forgot about the other part: That we protect them from Israel. And then I glommed onto the weapons shipments that Saudi Arabia was making all over the ME, and the terrorist threats that Bandar bin Sultan (allegedly) made against Putin and definitely made against Blair, and I realized that Saudi Arabia is not a collection of camel jockeys that we've duped into a one-way deal, but an extremely rich nation of Islamic fundamentalists with territorial and resource ambitions of their own... and facing the demise of their oil fields in 10-15 years. And furthermore, AQ is not an out-of-control bunch of nut-jobs. After all, Saudi Arabia has had enough control of their terrorist forces to keep them from attacking Israel for several decades, yes?

Now, I realize this is all heresay, but people are saying this

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack


Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.

... from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel fighting to unseat Assad, who lives in Ghouta. Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”...

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K.’ “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she warned. She, like other Syrians, do not want to use their full names for fear of retribution.

A well-known rebel leader in Ghouta named ‘J’ agreed. “Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground. They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material,” he said.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” ‘J’ said....

And also references nformation about the Saudi's involvement in Syria from more respected sources


In a recent article for Business Insider, reporter Geoffrey Ingersoll highlighted Saudi Prince Bandar’s role in the two-and-a-half year Syrian civil war. Many observers believe Bandar, with his close ties to Washington, has been at the very heart of the push for war by the U.S. against Assad.

Ingersoll referred to an article in the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph about secret Russian-Saudi talks alleging that Bandar offered Russian President Vladimir Putin cheap oil in exchange for dumping Assad.

“Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord,” Ingersoll wrote.

“I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” Bandar allegedly told the Russians.

“Along with Saudi officials, the U.S. allegedly gave the Saudi intelligence chief the thumbs up to conduct these talks with Russia, which comes as no surprise,” Ingersoll wrote.

“Bandar is American-educated, both military and collegiate, served as a highly influential Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., and the CIA totally loves this guy,” he added.


The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the CIA realized Saudi Arabia was “serious” about toppling Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar to lead the effort.

“They believed that Prince Bandar, a veteran of the diplomatic intrigues of Washington and the Arab world, could deliver what the CIA couldn’t: planeloads of money and arms, and, as one U.S. diplomat put it, wasta, Arabic for under-the-table clout,” it said. Bandar has been advancing Saudi Arabia’s top foreign policy goal, WSJ reported, of defeating Assad and his Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

To that aim, Bandar worked Washington to back a program to arm and train rebels out of a planned military base in Jordan. The newspaper reports that he met with the “uneasy Jordanians about such a base”..

I think if you were to look retrospectively to terrorist events of the past, you would often see the hand of Saudi Arabia behind them. Of course, Washington HAS to know all this.

Select to view spoiler:

So, what makes 9-11 an exception?


Sunday, September 1, 2013 11:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Obama has said that there is a panicked phone conversation between someone in Assad's top leadership and a chemical weapons team on the ground (info helpfully provided by Israeli military intelligence) which mentions chemical weapons and Syrian government forces using gas masks. Such very careful wording! I'd love to see a transcript, translated by a neutral party, because I can imagine something like this:

TOP MILITARY COMMAND: Ahmed, you fool! What have you done?

CHEMICAL WEAPONS GUY: Nothing! I swear by the beard of Allah, it wasn't me!

TMC: Are you sure it was chemical weapons?

CMG: Of course! Our soldiers are having difficulty breathing!

TMC: Then don your masks and suits, you fool! We need to figure out exactly what went on, because neither the USA nor Russia are going to be happy about this! In the meantime, we'll bomb the snot out of the rebel held areas until we can make a full assessment.

Obama should make the recording available and provide whatever other intel he has to the UN, just as Russia did. Everyone is skeptical, so full transparency seems the order of the day.


Sunday, September 1, 2013 11:48 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That would be nice. I don't think it's going to happen. You know what this reminds me of? Right after 9/11 when Bush gets on the air and says 'we have PROOF! it was bin Laden. But we're not gonna' show you. We'll show the UN. Maybe. When the time is right. On second thought ...'


Sunday, September 1, 2013 2:02 PM


Whole lotta funny business in this mess, yeah.
Workin on cross-verification, but this here has raised a couple eyebrows.

Yanno, it kind of fucking bothers me that these days, the only folks willing to stand up are folk who could be arguably considered worse, but then when any civilized attempt to stand up or blow the whistle is crushed mercilessly as the well trained and conditioned populace laughs in their faces, what do we really have left but bastards...


"How desperate are you that you would call upon such lost creatures to defend you?"



Sunday, September 1, 2013 3:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But the red line has been crossed! Chemical weapons have been used! This cannot be tolerated! The offending party must be held accou ....

Oh, wait. Maybe not


Monday, September 2, 2013 12:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I read the screen grabs. Wow, need a magnifying glass for that! The emails between Col and his buddy are ambiguous. The emails between the Cols wife and friend... very casual American English until they jump suddenly to the "faked deaths", then the English gets weird. "I see their faces when in sleep"? "I saw it either and got very much afraid?" Really? I think someone inserted those lines, someone who doesn't speak English as a first language.

I did wonder about the pictures of the victims, they didn't look blue or pale, no foam around the mouth or nose, but by then the bodies had already been washed in preparation for burial, so not being a medical professional I'm gonna say that they were real. It's very clear that poison gas WAS used, the only question is: Who supplied it, and who used it?

Just gonna add... you may recall the El Al plane, bound for Tel Aviv, which crashed in Amsterdam lo these many years ago which hit tenament apartments housing many Moluccans. And how many ppl got sick after the plane crash but nobody could figure out why until seven years later when somebody leaked the cargo manifest, which supposedly only contained fruits and perfumes.

Well, this plane crash was interesting for a lot of reasons:

It was similar to the plane crash into the Pentagon because it hit at the base of the apartments, and no- there wasn't much identifiable plane debris visible there either. (see the photo)

ALL of the news footage and flight documents were scooped up and destroyed within the day by Dutch security forces, just like the control tower FBI interview tapes after 9-11.

But the most interesting part about that El Al crash was the leaked manifest: The Israel-bound plane was carrying at least one ingredient needed to make Sarin, while some say it contained three of four ingredients.

So just to add a name to posible Sarin suppliers, you can add Israel to the usual list of suspects, if Israel wasn't already on it.


Monday, September 2, 2013 9:52 PM


Oh I am fairly sure their grubby little Likudnik fingers are all over this mess, as are ours.
Interesting that the screengrabs changed in between the original posting and what they are now, I didn't get that good a look in the first place though, having a local situation to deal with which was a bit of a mess and a rough go round on top of that which I ain't explainin.

Thing is, this isn't even the first chemical "incident" in Syria over all this - there was an earlier one which they tried to puff up but as I hear it *that* one was some idiot getting careless with an RPG while loyalist and rebel forces fought over a stockpile.
Makes ya wonder if maybe having the stockpiles in the first goddamn place is the bigger problem here, doesn't it - especially given who's selling them the stuff to make it.

I've always thought so myself, given that as a rule chem weapons are not militarily effective in any real sense, in order to obtain necessary lethal concentrations over a wide area you'd almost always be better off using straight explosive, case in point that subway attack in japan, near perfect conditions and still (relatively) minimal casualties - so the only real point of the damn things is as a terror weapon to invoke fear, and if you wanna do that, there's this stuff called white phosphorous, which certain terrorists pretending to be a country like to use on schools and hospitals, but we never call THEM on it, do we ?
Oh, wait, yeah... maybe cause WE GAVE IT TO EM, for free.

Anyways, end of the day, the only thing Chem/Bio weapons are any good for is incapacitating large numbers of *civilians*, something which threw a buncha red flags to me back in the late 80's when we were pretending not to have any stockpiles or programs, while the cabal of the time was pretty blatantly prepping a fascist coup (hindsight is 20/20, and improved information access has made this even more goddamn obvious) which logically determines what exactly they wanted them for.

But it takes a lot of resources to make this shit, to do so without killing your own, store and/or move it safely, and finally deliver it on target for not much more effect, and often much less, than a high explosive shell which is significantly cheaper, easier to store, more durable and reliable.

The media can have its field day flouting bullshit to the ignorant, but anyone who knows the first damn thing about these kinda weapons is...
A. Not Convinced.
B. Suspicious as hell.
C. Annoyed at everyone who should know better lying their asses off.

My take, my suspicion ?
Them genocidal Likudnik fucks bombed a Syrian stockpile - look at the target spread, variance of TYPE of casualty, and affected area... tell me you don't see it.







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