Obama's radicalism is killing the Dow!

UPDATED: Sunday, January 18, 2015 14:03
VIEWED: 3345
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Thursday, December 25, 2014 9:07 PM



On March 6, 2009, former George W. Bush adviser Michael Boskin offered whatever the opposite of a prophecy is when he said that "Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow." Now let's set the scene. Obama had been in office for less than two months at that point, and in that time, stocks had admittedly fallen a lot as markets worried that the big bank bailout known as TARP wouldn't actually be enough to save the banks. It got so bad that Citigroup briefly became a penny stock.

Boskin, though, didn't think that this once-in-three-generations financial crisis was to blame for the market meltdown. Instead, he blamed it on Obama for ... talking about raising taxes? "It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street," Boskin philosophized, "as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy." What followed was the usual conservative jeremiad against higher taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the poor, and deficit spending. Obama's trying to turn us into Europe, and that's why markets are pricing in the possibility of a Great Depression—not the dying economy he inherited.


Friday, December 26, 2014 1:49 AM


It was all part of the GOP strategy, they would consistently and doggedly point their collective finger at Obama until it became part of the daily lexicon. I say one thing about the GOP, they were relentless in their strategy, and the president fell right into the trap.

Now the president is in "I don't give a fuck" mode and the GOP is scrambling for a new tactic. But yes, the right wing conservatives basically deflected, denied and denounced their way, for the last 6 years, through Congress and all the while did nothing to advance this country. Think of how much better we would be if they actually gave a fuck about doing their job...........obviously all they care about is payday.



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:


On March 6, 2009, former George W. Bush adviser Michael Boskin offered whatever the opposite of a prophecy is when he said that "Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow." Now let's set the scene. Obama had been in office for less than two months at that point, and in that time, stocks had admittedly fallen a lot as markets worried that the big bank bailout known as TARP wouldn't actually be enough to save the banks. It got so bad that Citigroup briefly became a penny stock.

Boskin, though, didn't think that this once-in-three-generations financial crisis was to blame for the market meltdown. Instead, he blamed it on Obama for ... talking about raising taxes? "It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street," Boskin philosophized, "as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy." What followed was the usual conservative jeremiad against higher taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the poor, and deficit spending. Obama's trying to turn us into Europe, and that's why markets are pricing in the possibility of a Great Depression—not the dying economy he inherited.


Friday, December 26, 2014 2:45 PM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:


On March 6, 2009, former George W. Bush adviser Michael Boskin offered whatever the opposite of a prophecy is when he said that "Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow." Now let's set the scene. Obama had been in office for less than two months at that point, and in that time, stocks had admittedly fallen a lot as markets worried that the big bank bailout known as TARP wouldn't actually be enough to save the banks. It got so bad that Citigroup briefly became a penny stock.

Boskin, though, didn't think that this once-in-three-generations financial crisis was to blame for the market meltdown. Instead, he blamed it on Obama for ... talking about raising taxes? "It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street," Boskin philosophized, "as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy." What followed was the usual conservative jeremiad against higher taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the poor, and deficit spending. Obama's trying to turn us into Europe, and that's why markets are pricing in the possibility of a Great Depression—not the dying economy he inherited.

Wow, that is funny. EC actually swerved into the truth, and doesn't seem to even realize it.
March 6 of 2009 was the date that I actually bought back into the market, at it's bottom after making much money off of Obama's radicalism and his speeches exhorting such nonsense. IIRC the very bottom of that Rock The Vote Recession was either the 9th or maybe the 6th. Looks like the markets paid heed to this column and were able to find a way to end their downward spiral following Obama's ideals. I don't recall seeing this particular item, but it does seem prophetic, unless you don't understand the market - which the Washington Paste clearly does not.

Thanks for the breath of fresh air. Wish those days could return, making 12% gains in 3 days was really a giddy endeavor.


Friday, December 26, 2014 3:01 PM


LOL! Reminds me of an ad I heard from Americans for Prosperity on the radio this morning. They wanted people to contact their reps to deregulate our energy industry, because it would "raise prices through the roof," and even mentioned "soaring medical care costs."

Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap, and medical care isn't skyrocketing, even with more people covered.

The GOP relies heavily on its media monopoly and the dupes dumb enough to buy their BS. Reminds me of George Carlin's quote about stupid people.

Up is down, black is white, blah blah blah.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.


Friday, December 26, 2014 3:08 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap, and medical care isn't skyrocketing, even with more people covered.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.

How omniscient of you.


Friday, December 26, 2014 3:16 PM


Truth is truth. Not a valued commodity on the right.


Saturday, December 27, 2014 12:05 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Truth is truth. Not a valued commodity on the right.

"Facts are stupid things." - St. Reagan.


Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:18 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap, and medical care isn't skyrocketing, even with more people covered.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.

"medical care isn't skyrocketing"
In what delusional world does this hold up to the American populace.

Despite Bobo's goal to raise gas to $10 per gallon, and his utter failure to accomplish this, you seem to grant him credit for his failure. And you also apparently grant him title of King of the OPEC Cartel, where he pressured energy prices down via price wars on oil. How his obstruction of drilling, mining, and any other cost-effective collection of energy resources you have convoluted into "leadership" remains a mystery.


Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:32 AM


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha............breath, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.........ha, ha, ha, ha


ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap, and medical care isn't skyrocketing, even with more people covered.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.

"medical care isn't skyrocketing"
In what delusional world does this hold up to the American populace.

Despite Bobo's goal to raise gas to $10 per gallon, and his utter failure to accomplish this, you seem to grant him credit for his failure. And you also apparently grant him title of King of the OPEC Cartel, where he pressured energy prices down via price wars on oil. How his obstruction of drilling, mining, and any other cost-effective collection of energy resources you have convoluted into "leadership" remains a mystery.


Sunday, December 28, 2014 7:02 PM



WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Two days after the release of an unusually strong jobs report, prominent Republicans appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows to question President Obama’s “suspicious motives” for repairing the economy.

“When there have been so many months of job growth, it does make you wonder what he’s up to,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). “You add in the rising stock market and falling gas prices, and the whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test.”

Appearing on Fox News, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused the President of “cynically fixing the economy to distract the American people.”

“This country faces serious problems, and I don’t think they can be swept under the rug by creating prosperity,” he said.

But the sternest rebuke came from House Speaker John Boehner, who warned, “If President Obama doesn’t stop fixing the economy, Congress has ways to make him stop.”

“If the President thinks he can fool the American people by putting them back to work and raising their wages, he’s headed for a rude awakening,” he said.


Sunday, January 4, 2015 7:02 AM


It is absolutely laughable how the so-called Repubs and T Folk are trying desperately to put a stink to the country's prosperity. Obama and company are out-Republic-ing the Republicans.

Isn't it supposed to be the Right wing of this country to lavish the rich with more money than they can count. That's why Cruz and company are trying to say that he cheated. If he did, he beat them at their own game and they're jealous! Bravo, Mr. President, fuck them up using their own dick............ha, ha, ha! I love it.

The country's doing well and these assholes can't stand it. They threw everything at him, including the kitchen sink, and he made it work. LMFAO!!!



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Two days after the release of an unusually strong jobs report, prominent Republicans appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows to question President Obama’s “suspicious motives” for repairing the economy.

“When there have been so many months of job growth, it does make you wonder what he’s up to,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). “You add in the rising stock market and falling gas prices, and the whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test.”

Appearing on Fox News, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused the President of “cynically fixing the economy to distract the American people.”

“This country faces serious problems, and I don’t think they can be swept under the rug by creating prosperity,” he said.

But the sternest rebuke came from House Speaker John Boehner, who warned, “If President Obama doesn’t stop fixing the economy, Congress has ways to make him stop.”

“If the President thinks he can fool the American people by putting them back to work and raising their wages, he’s headed for a rude awakening,” he said.


Sunday, January 4, 2015 7:10 AM


Wait a minute, I read the article and it's satire. Boy did I fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Bravo, Mr. Borowitz, Bravo!

but it sounds like something they would say, maybe not in so many words, but close.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It is absolutely laughable how the so-called Repubs and T Folk are trying desperately to put a stink to the country's prosperity. Obama and company are out-Republic-ing the Republicans.

Isn't it supposed to be the Right wing of this country to lavish the rich with more money than they can count. That's why Cruz and company are trying to say that he cheated. If he did, he beat them at their own game and they're jealous! Bravo, Mr. President, fuck them up using their own dick............ha, ha, ha! I love it.

The country's doing well and these assholes can't stand it. They threw everything at him, including the kitchen sink, and he made it work. LMFAO!!!



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Two days after the release of an unusually strong jobs report, prominent Republicans appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows to question President Obama’s “suspicious motives” for repairing the economy.

“When there have been so many months of job growth, it does make you wonder what he’s up to,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). “You add in the rising stock market and falling gas prices, and the whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test.”

Appearing on Fox News, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused the President of “cynically fixing the economy to distract the American people.”

“This country faces serious problems, and I don’t think they can be swept under the rug by creating prosperity,” he said.

But the sternest rebuke came from House Speaker John Boehner, who warned, “If President Obama doesn’t stop fixing the economy, Congress has ways to make him stop.”

“If the President thinks he can fool the American people by putting them back to work and raising their wages, he’s headed for a rude awakening,” he said.


Monday, January 5, 2015 12:49 AM


Despite Bobo's goal to raise gas to $10 per gallon:

I'm sure the Big Oil companies would love the president to throw in with them, what an endorsement!

utter failure to accomplish this, you seem to grant him credit for his failure. And you also apparently grant him title of King of the OPEC Cartel, where he pressured energy prices down via price wars on oil:

OPEC too! Well, he is the leader of the world, but, hold on a sec, you guys accuse him of being a poor leader. So, tell me, how does he convince OPEC to follow his lead. Oh, I get it, that's where his failure comes in, oil prices going down - failure; so it's all an accident. Wow, I didn't realize how much power Obama has. One question. Who benefits from lower gas prices?

How his obstruction of drilling, mining, and any other cost-effective collection of energy resources you have convoluted into "leadership" remains a mystery:

Suppose you explain it to me. By the way, you gave me part of the answer in your statement. Thank you.



Monday, January 5, 2015 4:26 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap,

Despite Obama's best efforts to drive prices up


and medical care isn't skyrocketing,

Actually, it is.


even with more people covered.

The govt lied as to how many enrolled by the March 31st target date. And you still buy into this mirage, as if it were tangible, real or good.



The GOP relies heavily on its media monopoly and the dupes dumb enough to buy their BS. Reminds me of George Carlin's quote about stupid people.

The Democrats rely on it far more, as the Media are 80% or more in the tank w/ the " social democrats "


Up is down, black is white, blah blah blah.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.

Look in the mirror. You're describing you and you alone.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015 7:08 PM


America loves a winner!

Dow Jones drops 300 points, Oil Falls Below $50


"Facts are stupid things." - St. Reagan.

Reagan was quoting John Adams' well-known quotation, facts are stubborn things. He certainly knew the correct words--it was a simple misstatement--but it makes a funny quote in its own right. [note by Michael Moncur, December 01, 2004]


Friday, January 9, 2015 9:17 AM


Who cares?

I haven't invested money in the DOW since 2009 ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:57 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Who cares?

I haven't invested money in the DOW since 2009 ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

ouch. Got out at the bottom.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:41 PM


I paid $1.56 a gallon for gas yesterday.

Thanks Obama!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:11 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Never mind that, thanks to Obama's steady leadership, energy is cheap, and medical care isn't skyrocketing, even with more people covered.

You'll believe it because you want to, facts notwithstanding.

How omniscient of you.

You and Rappy are pretty much the poster children for this. Glad you spotted it.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:11 PM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
I paid $1.56 a gallon for gas yesterday.

Thanks Obama!

I got to shoot another black kid again yesterday.

Thanks again, Obama.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 10:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Storymark:

You and Rappy are pretty much the poster children for this. Glad you spotted it.

My HC costs nearly doubled, thanks entirely to Obama.

Energy is cheaper DESPITE of Obama, not because of him.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 2:03 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Storymark:
You and Rappy are pretty much the poster children for this. Glad you spotted it.

My HC costs nearly doubled, thanks entirely to Obama.

Energy is cheaper DESPITE of Obama, not because of him.

I don't think you will get through his fog. His Earth is still flat.






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