McCulloch Responds to Criticism

UPDATED: Thursday, January 8, 2015 02:10
VIEWED: 3393
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Friday, December 19, 2014 10:55 PM


Bob McCulloch, after much scrutiny and criticism over the testimony of Witness #40, has broken his silence in an 30-minute radio interview with St. Louis's KTRS, he defends himself thusly:

"...this was a lady who clearly wasn't present, uh, when this occurred. And she recounted the statement that was, you know, right out of the newspaper about, uh, you know, about Wilson's actions and right down the line with Wilson's actions, even though I'm sure she was nowhere near the place."

Wait just a second. She was an "eyewitness" who wasn't there!? A person who stated:

"Like a football player with his head down charging"

There's more, he continues, as part of his defense of himself:

"Well, early on, I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything was, was going to be presented to the grand jury."

So anyone who stepped up and said they saw something got to appear before the grand jury, even though there was no supporting evidence to show that they were indeed there. That's remarkable! I could have gone there and said that I was passing by and given testimony.

He continues his reasoning:

"I knew that no matter how I handled this, there would be criticism of it. So if I didn't put those witnesses on, then we'd be discussing now why I didn't put those witnesses on, even though, you know, their statements were not accurate."

Okay. Now I see why he made the statements he made during his press conference upon release of the grand jury's decision not to charge Wilson. He was talking about witnesses not being completely truthful, and allowing them to testify anyway. Which begs the question - is it wrong for a prosecutor to present witnesses he knows are lying? Can he be criticized for not sticking with witnesses that were actually there?

Jonathan Shapiro, a former Federal prosecutor, states that no lawyer should do what McCulloch did, placing a witness before a grand jury that he knows was lying. There is a rule controlling professional conduct, Rule 3.3, that prohibits such behavior - "a lawyer shall not put a witness before a tribunal, including a grand jury, if the lawyer, including a prosecutor, knows the person is not telling the truth."

Shapiro goes on to say that "you can't do it. It's illegal. It's called suboration of perjury. If you do it, the sanctions that [a lawyer] faces are contempt of court, sanctions by the state bar (in this case Missouri) or prison, you'd be indicted for it."

That's pretty serious stuff. But he goes on to say: "The question is what did this prosecutor know and when did he know it."

Fair enough, maybe he didn't know.

Shapiro continues: "If he knew that that witness #40 was lying and wasn't there; he had an ethical, legal and professional duty to not put the witness on the stand."

To paraphrase, it was McCulloch's duty to tell the grand jury that he was not confident in this witness's testimony, at the very least.

Shaun King, of the Daily KOS, writes:

"By the time she finished her interview with the FBI, McElroy had perjured herself not one or two times, but well over 100 times. Her story, insulting, demeaning, and fundamentally outrageous was completely debunked by the FBI over and over again, yet Bob McCulloch, fully aware of this, called her not once, but twice as a witness."

Did he know? Tell me guys, what do you think?

King writes:

"Calling McElroy forward as a material witness to a shooting, knowing that she was not a witness at all, may actually be a federal crime."

Is is time for a Special Prosecutor?



Friday, December 19, 2014 11:19 PM


America loves a winner!

So, no special prosecutor for Michael Brown's buddy lying, but allegedly 1 witness ( the case did not by any stretch rest on the testimony of 1 witness ) being wrong is some how grounds for a federal case ?


Friday, December 19, 2014 11:52 PM


Not my call, but yes, all it takes is one...........apparently. By Michael Brown's buddy supposedly lying, did he knowingly lie and did the prosecutor know he was lying beforehand. That seems to be the question.

Of course, the case going to Special Prosecutor, is the $64 million dollar question, isn't it?

And you still don't get it. The statement by McCulloch is a self-produced admission. He came forward and admitted that he knew she was lying. That, according to the Federal law (law abiding, something you guys are keen on) that's a no-no.
Thing is McCulloch knew this, yet still went forward. Did you actually read the article by Shaun King?



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So, no special prosecutor for Michael Brown's buddy lying, but allegedly 1 witness ( the case did not by any stretch rest on the testimony of 1 witness ) being wrong is some how grounds for a federal case ?


Friday, December 19, 2014 11:59 PM


America loves a winner!

So,it's ok for Brown's buddy to lie, but not the defense ?

Any article linked to Daily KOS is dismiss, out of hand. I'll be honest, most of the Left lies, unashamedly, to promote what ever cause they feel they need to push. Just like w/ the Rolling Stone fake rape story. Or Dan Rather's ' Fake but accurate ' hit piece on Bush.


Saturday, December 20, 2014 1:05 AM


America loves a winner!


McCulloch said immediately after the announcement that the jury of nine whites and three blacks met on 25 separate days over three months, hearing more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses, including three medical examiners and experts on blood, toxicology and firearms and other issues. He said he assigned prosecutors in his office to present evidence, rather than himself, because he was "fully aware of unfounded but growing concern that the investigation might not be fair."

So, despite all that evidence, time, expert witnesses and with 3 blacks on the jury, and acknowledging that " some witnesses lied ", meaning more than one, some how Witness # 40 is the linchpin for this entire case to be PROVEN to be manipulated by the prosecutor, who went to the trouble of even assigning others to present the evidence, as to avoid any sign of impropriety.

Sorry, more contrived, manufactured conspiracy crap , drawn up by the Leftists a-holes who want to make this the spark for a violent revolution, and not giving 1 damn about " JUSTICE " .

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:01 AM


Well, obviously, if it's fake.............then McCulloch has nothing to worry about. And, just as obviously, he feels as you do because he stated that he would NOT pursue perjury charges against Witness #40.

Still though, why would he admit that she was not there and that he knew she was lying to the grand jury. I don't get it. He could have easily kept his mouth shut and gone on about his business. Why would he admit that?

I heard the statement he made on the radio. It was him saying those words I quoted.
Not someone from the left or right, but from himself. Unless, of course, they are holding his family hostage at gunpoint and................



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So,it's ok for Brown's buddy to lie, but not the defense ?

Any article linked to Daily KOS is dismiss, out of hand. I'll be honest, most of the Left lies, unashamedly, to promote what ever cause they feel they need to push. Just like w/ the Rolling Stone fake rape story. Or Dan Rather's ' Fake but accurate ' hit piece on Bush.


Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:17 AM


Ok, Rap. First, calm down. No one mentioned anything about a violent revolution, except you.

And 2, he admitted, of his own free will, that he knew Witness #40 was lying. He allowed someone he knew was not telling the truth to testify before the grand jury. It is ethically, professionally and, more importantly, legally wrong to encourage such action/behavior. It is his duty, as an officer of the court, to present truthful testimony to the tribunal, in this case, the grand jury.

Unless, of course, he's the lefty conspirator, looking to break the law so that the state of Missouri, and the court system, look bad in America's eyes. I can't put this any more plainly:

He had a professional, ethical and legal obligation to present the TRUTH to the grand jury. He did not do this, and by his own word. There is a law in the books that compels him to do the right thing. HE ADMITTED TO BEING LAWLESS.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

McCulloch said immediately after the announcement that the jury of nine whites and three blacks met on 25 separate days over three months, hearing more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses, including three medical examiners and experts on blood, toxicology and firearms and other issues. He said he assigned prosecutors in his office to present evidence, rather than himself, because he was "fully aware of unfounded but growing concern that the investigation might not be fair."

So, despite all that evidence, time, expert witnesses and with 3 blacks on the jury, and acknowledging that " some witnesses lied ", meaning more than one, some how Witness # 40 is the linchpin for this entire case to be PROVEN to be manipulated by the prosecutor, who went to the trouble of even assigning others to present the evidence, as to avoid any sign of impropriety.

Sorry, more contrived, manufactured conspiracy crap , drawn up by the Leftists a-holes who want to make this the spark for a violent revolution, and not giving 1 damn about " JUSTICE " .

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, December 20, 2014 8:12 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ok, Rap. First, calm down. No one mentioned anything about a violent revolution, except you.

Correction. No one HERE mentioned it. However...

Missouri Democratic state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal said the ongoing violence following the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is “St. Louis’ race war.”


And 2, he admitted, of his own free will, that he knew Witness #40 was lying. He allowed someone he knew was not telling the truth to testify before the grand jury. It is ethically, professionally and, more importantly, legally wrong to encourage such action/behavior. It is his duty, as an officer of the court, to present truthful testimony to the tribunal, in this case, the grand jury.

Again, so what? Others were lying, and he knew it. Even Brown's own buddy was caught in a lie. This is contrived over reaction, intended to create a false sense of shock and surprise over a minor issue. The physical evidence didn't change. The expert witnesses didn't change.

There really is no THERE there.


Saturday, December 20, 2014 3:56 PM


We shall see



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ok, Rap. First, calm down. No one mentioned anything about a violent revolution, except you.

Correction. No one HERE mentioned it. However...

Missouri Democratic state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal said the ongoing violence following the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is “St. Louis’ race war.”


And 2, he admitted, of his own free will, that he knew Witness #40 was lying. He allowed someone he knew was not telling the truth to testify before the grand jury. It is ethically, professionally and, more importantly, legally wrong to encourage such action/behavior. It is his duty, as an officer of the court, to present truthful testimony to the tribunal, in this case, the grand jury.

Again, so what? Others were lying, and he knew it. Even Brown's own buddy was caught in a lie. This is contrived over reaction, intended to create a false sense of shock and surprise over a minor issue. The physical evidence didn't change. The expert witnesses didn't change.

There really is no THERE there.


Sunday, December 21, 2014 6:58 AM


Again, so what? Others were lying, and he knew it. Even Brown's own buddy was caught in a lie. This is contrived over reaction, intended to create a false sense of shock and surprise over a minor issue. The physical evidence didn't change. The expert witnesses didn't change.

There really is no THERE there.

You cannot be serious! This is no minor infraction. This is NOT you or me knowing someone is lying. This is the fucking DA of Ferguson or St. Fucking Louis county, or whatever the fuck county, admitting on a radio program that he knew this woman was lying. He ADMITTED it. This is NOT being made up by any conspiracy or leftist socialist movement.

It came straight out of his mouth, and he said it as though he did nothing wrong. He knowingly placed a liar on the witness stand. That is encouraging perjury. That's like lying to the judge, plus he stated he's not going to charge her with perjury. How's that for a cherry on top.

If the chief justice of fucking St. Louis doesn't do anything, then there's the state bar association, then there's the Feds. If all do nothing, then inciting a riot is the least of their worries. Lock up everybody who looks suspicious because there is NO justice, anywhere. Any cop who wants to shoot someone, regardless of innocence or guilt will be set free, fuck the law.

Brown was guilty of stealing a handful of cigars, period. In certain parts of the country, if a cop arrests you for that, he would be laughed at. But for argument's sake, he's arrested. Then sent through the system, court in front of a judge, then thrown in jail. Another thing, if his buddy lied then why wasn't he arrested?, not only for lying but for being an accomplice after the fact. He walked away with him and the stolen goods. He should have been arrested, or shot as well. So, where's the justice?

A friend of mine who was a cop in Florida, once told me that he pulled a gun on a big man during a domestic violence call. He said the guy was enormous. My friend is about 5' 8" tall and weighed about 190 lbs. so it wouldn't take much. The big man complained, "If you didn't have that gun, I would kick your ass."
To which my friend replied, "That's why I have the gun." Him and his partner arrested the guy and he never pulled his gun again. In 25 years, that was the one and only time. He never shot someone just for the thrill of it.

NO BIG DEAL! An officer of the court rigged a tribunal to favor someone who claimed innocence. That, in itself, is ironic and prejudiced. Why would an innocent man need to have any "special" treatment if his actions and his telling of it confirms his innocence. Credible witnesses, who were actually there, would come forward to back up his claims. In this case, he knowingly accepted the false statements of a witness who corroborated Wilson's account of what took place that fateful day.

Why does an innocent man need a lie to back his story?



Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

We shall see


See what? I just SHOWED you what one state congresswoman said. She said it on air.

And now we have 2 dead NYC cops, which I'm sure you'll probably say was totally unrelated to Ferguson, and had to do w/ the Eric Garner case only.

Guess again.


According to the New York Daily News, Brinsley, who was pronounced dead, had ties to the '"Black Guerilla Family" prison gang, which is also known as "Black Family" or the "Black Vanguard." The gang was formed in 1966 by Black Panther member George Jackson at the San Quentin State Prison in California, and soon grew into a multi-million dollar business with chapters stretching from Los Angeles to Kansas City and Detroit.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told the News, which also reported on a suspected Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict an officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death earlier this summer.


Monday, December 22, 2014 3:23 AM


I just found out about the shooting of the 2 cops. It is a tragedy and troubling, but this guy was mentally ill. It should not have happened and my prayers go out to their families.

No, I don't think that it's unrelated. It is connected, it's all connected.
It is sad that people have to die at all, but these things tend to take drastic measures before a solution is found. Anyone who kills indiscriminately should be dealt with in accordance to the law, anyone, including Police Officers. What I mean by indiscriminately is without regard for human life.

You kill without regard for human life, you should be dealt with and if found guilty - death penalty. Period.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

We shall see


See what? I just SHOWED you what one state congresswoman said. She said it on air.

And now we have 2 dead NYC cops, which I'm sure you'll probably say was totally unrelated to Ferguson, and had to do w/ the Eric Garner case only.

Guess again.


According to the New York Daily News, Brinsley, who was pronounced dead, had ties to the '"Black Guerilla Family" prison gang, which is also known as "Black Family" or the "Black Vanguard." The gang was formed in 1966 by Black Panther member George Jackson at the San Quentin State Prison in California, and soon grew into a multi-million dollar business with chapters stretching from Los Angeles to Kansas City and Detroit.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told the News, which also reported on a suspected Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict an officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death earlier this summer.


Monday, December 22, 2014 7:33 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
We shall see


See what? I just SHOWED you what one state congresswoman said. She said it on air.

And now we have 2 dead NYC cops, which I'm sure you'll probably say was totally unrelated to Ferguson, and had to do w/ the Eric Garner case only.

Guess again.


According to the New York Daily News, Brinsley, who was pronounced dead, had ties to the '"Black Guerilla Family" prison gang, which is also known as "Black Family" or the "Black Vanguard." The gang was formed in 1966 by Black Panther member George Jackson at the San Quentin State Prison in California, and soon grew into a multi-million dollar business with chapters stretching from Los Angeles to Kansas City and Detroit.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told the News, which also reported on a suspected Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict an officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death earlier this summer.

RapKnight, if you still wondered why I refer to you as such, what display of topic and posts amid looney lefty lying libtard dirvishes prompts such mental imagery, this thread is a prime example. No guarantee that you got through his thick skull, but your effort was valiant.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014 2:02 AM


This thick skull understands one thing..............that no matter what you or any so-called pundit with half a brain says, I make up my own mind, I gather the facts and make up my own fucking mind.


My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of Liberty


Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:48 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
We shall see


See what? I just SHOWED you what one state congresswoman said. She said it on air.

And now we have 2 dead NYC cops, which I'm sure you'll probably say was totally unrelated to Ferguson, and had to do w/ the Eric Garner case only.

Guess again.


According to the New York Daily News, Brinsley, who was pronounced dead, had ties to the '"Black Guerilla Family" prison gang, which is also known as "Black Family" or the "Black Vanguard." The gang was formed in 1966 by Black Panther member George Jackson at the San Quentin State Prison in California, and soon grew into a multi-million dollar business with chapters stretching from Los Angeles to Kansas City and Detroit.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told the News, which also reported on a suspected Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict an officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death earlier this summer.

RapKnight, if you still wondered why I refer to you as such, what display of topic and posts amid looney lefty lying libtard dirvishes prompts such mental imagery, this thread is a prime example. No guarantee that you got through his thick skull, but your effort was valiant.


Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:28 AM


America loves a winner!

bad video link, SGG. Least, not showing for me.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015 11:42 PM


Looks like the other shoe has dropped..................BIG TIME!

This is where the "We Shall See" comes in:

McCulloch is being sued, by a Grand Juror, and it looks like he will be investigated.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

We shall see


See what? I just SHOWED you what one state congresswoman said. She said it on air.

And now we have 2 dead NYC cops, which I'm sure you'll probably say was totally unrelated to Ferguson, and had to do w/ the Eric Garner case only.

Guess again.


According to the New York Daily News, Brinsley, who was pronounced dead, had ties to the '"Black Guerilla Family" prison gang, which is also known as "Black Family" or the "Black Vanguard." The gang was formed in 1966 by Black Panther member George Jackson at the San Quentin State Prison in California, and soon grew into a multi-million dollar business with chapters stretching from Los Angeles to Kansas City and Detroit.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told the News, which also reported on a suspected Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict an officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death earlier this summer.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015 11:46 PM


Here's a news article about the law suit.................from ABC News



Wednesday, January 7, 2015 12:14 AM


I have avoided this thread because the credibility of witnesses on both sides was in question as the physical evidence showed, and pointing that out here would make no difference at all. I find it amazing that some think someone on the grand jury who let me guess, is probable black, is upset by the decision made not to prosecute. It's over and nothing more is going to come of it. I will also predict this jurist will be wanting some money for their story.


Thursday, January 8, 2015 2:10 AM


I have avoided this thread because the credibility of witnesses on both sides was in question as the physical evidence showed, and pointing that out here would make no difference at all.

Keep avoiding!

I find it amazing that some think someone on the grand jury who let me guess, is probable black...........

Just like you are covering the fact that you want the white person in the shooting to go free as a bird without the slightest consequence. He murdered somebody

It's over and nothing more is going to come of it.

Guess again, poopy pants. McCulloch done fucked up

I will also predict this jurist will be wanting some money for their story.

And Wilson, of course, got nothing for his little escapade

What a crock!







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