Letters of Transit

UPDATED: Monday, April 13, 2015 20:23
VIEWED: 2645
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Friday, March 13, 2015 5:08 AM


Once again the monkeys in straightjackets have taken over the asylum.

47 Brave Patriots thought they were smarter than the average bear, and they went ahead and stepped in it REAL GOOD!

Here you go Enemy of my Enemy, take that Obama!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real people shake their heads in shame.

Fucking idiots didn't realize that they were insulting not only Obama, but the Office of the Presidency. The president, whether Repub or Dem, cease to exist as a mere man once he's voted in. He becomes a symbol of Freedom and Power throughout the itty bitty world. Much like the American flag.

So these brilliantly fucking stupid motherfuckers hate Obama so much, that they decide to insult the symbol - an office that they aspire to. They just showed their ass, they dropped trousers and said "fuck me right here."


They just took the Constitution and wiped their ass with it in Macy's window.

"Oh! Pick me! Please! I wanna be president. What!?, someone shit on the Constitution! This is an outrage!"

"Uh, sir. There's traces of shit on your fingers"

"Nonsense, I meant to shit on Obama."

"Uh, you just smeared the presidency"

"Fuuuuck!, damn that Tom Cotton. He said it would make him look bad."

Rand Paul, John McCain and company sure do know how to throw a party!

P A R T Y, because we're idiots!



Friday, March 13, 2015 5:01 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Once again the monkeys in straightjackets have taken over the asylum.

47 Brave Patriots thought they were smarter than the average bear, and they went ahead and stepped in it REAL GOOD!

Here you go Enemy of my Enemy, take that Obama!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real people shake their heads in shame.

Fucking idiots didn't realize that they were insulting not only Obama, but the Office of the Presidency. The president, whether Repub or Dem, cease to exist as a mere man once he's voted in. He becomes a symbol of Freedom and Power throughout the itty bitty world. Much like the American flag.

So these brilliantly fucking stupid motherfuckers hate Obama so much, that they decide to insult the symbol - an office that they aspire to. They just showed their ass, they dropped trousers and said "fuck me right here."


They just took the Constitution and wiped their ass with it in Macy's window.

"Oh! Pick me! Please! I wanna be president. What!?, someone shit on the Constitution! This is an outrage!"

"Uh, sir. There's traces of shit on your fingers"

"Nonsense, I meant to shit on Obama."

"Uh, you just smeared the presidency"

"Fuuuuck!, damn that Tom Cotton. He said it would make him look bad."

Rand Paul, John McCain and company sure do know how to throw a party!

P A R T Y, because we're idiots!


So they wrote a letter in support of The Leader Of The Free World, shortly after The Leader Of The Free World visited America and spoke before Congress, as he was invited to do.

I am dismayed that more of our Elected Officials didn't have the spine to do the right thing here like the 47 you mention.


Saturday, March 14, 2015 5:57 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Once again the monkeys in straightjackets have taken over the asylum.

47 Brave Patriots thought they were smarter than the average bear, and they went ahead and stepped in it REAL GOOD!

Here you go Enemy of my Enemy, take that Obama!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real people shake their heads in shame.

Fucking idiots didn't realize that they were insulting not only Obama, but the Office of the Presidency. The president, whether Repub or Dem, cease to exist as a mere man once he's voted in. He becomes a symbol of Freedom and Power throughout the itty bitty world. Much like the American flag.

So these brilliantly fucking stupid motherfuckers hate Obama so much, that they decide to insult the symbol - an office that they aspire to. They just showed their ass, they dropped trousers and said "fuck me right here."


They just took the Constitution and wiped their ass with it in Macy's window.

"Oh! Pick me! Please! I wanna be president. What!?, someone shit on the Constitution! This is an outrage!"

"Uh, sir. There's traces of shit on your fingers"

"Nonsense, I meant to shit on Obama."

"Uh, you just smeared the presidency"

"Fuuuuck!, damn that Tom Cotton. He said it would make him look bad."

Rand Paul, John McCain and company sure do know how to throw a party!

P A R T Y, because we're idiots!


So you think the subversion of America by America's Hater-In-Chief Obama and Secretary Ketchup is good?
Did you also support John F Kerry's subversion of America when he traveled to Nicaragua to negotiate directly with the Communists in 1985, undercutting the President and the Congress?
Did you also support Tedward Kennedy traveling to Moscow to negotiate and promise and pledge directly with the Communists and subvert America in 1983? That was when USSR was our arch-enemy in the Cold War, and Tedward was subverting our President and Congress.


Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:53 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Once again the monkeys in straightjackets have taken over the asylum.

47 Brave Patriots thought they were smarter than the average bear, and they went ahead and stepped in it REAL GOOD!

Here you go Enemy of my Enemy, take that Obama!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real people shake their heads in shame.

Fucking idiots didn't realize that they were insulting not only Obama, but the Office of the Presidency. The president, whether Repub or Dem, cease to exist as a mere man once he's voted in. He becomes a symbol of Freedom and Power throughout the itty bitty world.

Just because your delusion is this does not make it reality. Most reasonable people can recognize that the Presidency took leave of representing Freedom and Power when Obama took office, and finally Netanyahu has filled that void for the world. Since Obama's Presidency appears to represent racism, circumventing/subverting/violating the Constitution, and non-stop uncontrolled criminal acts by the Executive Branch, many of them Impeachable, you should try to open your eyes and/or wake up.

Much like the American flag.

So these brilliantly fucking stupid motherfuckers hate Obama so much, that they decide to insult the symbol - an office that they aspire to. They just showed their ass, they dropped trousers and said "fuck me right here."


They just took the Constitution and wiped their ass with it in Macy's window.

"Oh! Pick me! Please! I wanna be president. What!?, someone shit on the Constitution! This is an outrage!"

"Uh, sir. There's traces of shit on your fingers"

"Nonsense, I meant to shit on Obama."

"Uh, you just smeared the presidency"

"Fuuuuck!, damn that Tom Cotton. He said it would make him look bad."

Rand Paul, John McCain and company sure do know how to throw a party!

P A R T Y, because we're idiots!



Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:29 PM


I think it's treasonous. If they have a gripe make it here, not the way they did.


Sunday, March 15, 2015 5:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

... non-stop uncontrolled criminal acts by the Executive Branch, many of them Impeachable ...

Somebody's been asleep at the wheel then.
At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution (Section 4) states that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching ...

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, March 16, 2015 3:21 AM


I'm talking about now today, not 40 years ago.



Monday, March 16, 2015 3:27 AM


Aww, come on! You can do better than that. Bibi was desparately trying to save his ass in the upcoming elections in Israel, and Congress was busy doing there little shit thing - annoying the president.

I'm talking about the stupid letter written to the Ayatollah trying to undermine the president's talks with Iran to keep them from getting a nuclear weapon. He's doing exactly what a president should do. Foreign Policy.

A rookie Congressman was to blame, it figures!



Monday, March 16, 2015 3:32 AM


I'm sick and tired of hearing about Impeachable acts. If the president committed impeachable acts then, impeach him.

Which makes me think that Congress is either stupid or a bunch of pussies.

So which is it? Stupid or Pussies! You tell me.

That argument doesn't hold water, and you know it.



Monday, March 16, 2015 6:59 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I'm talking about now today, not 40 years ago.


So when traitors of America do it, you think it is OK, but when patriotic Americans merely post a letter on their website in support of freedom and liberty lovers worldwide, you have a fit because your precious Neville Barack Chamberlain Obama couldn't cover up the facts well enough.
boo hoo


Monday, March 16, 2015 7:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Aww, come on! You can do better than that. Bibi was desparately trying to save his ass in the upcoming elections in Israel, and Congress was busy doing there little shit thing - annoying the president.

I'm talking about the stupid

translation from libtard newspeak: truthful, honest, accurate, and not following Obama's subversion of the Constitution.

letter written to the Ayatollah

translation: posted on the senator's website.

trying to undermine the president's

undermining world peace with his

talks with Iran to keep them from getting a nuclear weapon.

Are you not paying attention? Neville Obama is negotiating a deal TO GIVE IRAN'S ISLAMO-FASCISTS APPROVAL TO HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON. The deal says that if they follow the plan, they can make a Nuclear Weapon, but if they violate the agreement, then they can make a Nuclear Weapon. No part of Barack Chamberlain's deal includes Iran not being allowed to make a Nuclear Weapon. Why do you think every reasonable person is opposed to the deal allowing Iran to make Nuclear Weapons? Do you ever pay attention to the facts, or do you just regurgitate the lies in whatever Talking Points Neville Obama has spoon-fed to you?

He's doing exactly what a president should do. Foreign Policy.

A rookie Congressman was to blame, it figures!


If the rookie Senators are the only ones who recognize the Constitution, then we need far more of them.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015 2:00 AM


Really funny.......ha, ha, ha!

So, what you're saying is that if Dems had written that letter to say, Sadam, telling him to ignore Bush's threats and accusations about WMDs, you'd be OK with it because it was written "in support of freedom and liberty lovers worldwide."

Come on, now..............I know for a fact that the Brooklyn Bridge isn't for sale.

Ha! So gorram funny!



Tuesday, March 17, 2015 2:26 AM


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! My sides are hurting, please stop! Damn Jewels! You should be writing for SNL, you're too damn funny.

You have to stop watching that fake news outlet and keep up with the rest of the world. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, and no, I'm a big boy and don't need spoon feeding like some of my 'friends' over there in Denial - the land of the lost.

The funniest thing is no one knows what is in the deal, so how can anyone in right wing land know. Talk about spoon-feeding facts, Rush and company have you guys whipped up into a lather and you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Bibi, or is it Bobo, has no clue it's like the blind leading the dumb and dumber.

What really fries my eggs is how stupid you guys are and then you repeatedly regurgitate the company line - open your eyes and ears - the letter was a stupid move by a bunch of ultra-conservatives who didn't even read what they were signing.
They just saw McDonnell's name and signed it. Now they're so busy backpedaling that they're falling all over each other to the exit sign. REAL SMART!

Fucking Idiots!!!

Again, spitting on the Office of the Presidency. Never in the history of the US has there been such a brain-dead move. And this coming from so-called Patriots. Think before you spit into the wind.



Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:07 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

The funniest thing is no one knows what is in the deal,

Bibi, or is it Bobo, has no clue it's like the blind leading the dumb and dumber.

The people at the capitulating (translation to Obama newspeak: negotiation) table don't know what is in the deal?
What are you smoking? It must be illegal.

Again, spitting on the Office of the Presidency. Never in the history of the US has there been such a brain-dead move.

What happened to your insistence to erase the past 40 years of history? Already 2 prime examples far more egregious have been provided, but your blinders cannot see beyond your talking points. And the more recent of those included the current doofus Secretary Ketchup, who you claim does not know the contents of the deal - at least you managed to stumble into the truth by pointing out how clueless he is. You might need to forfeit your libtard card for leaning out of your surrealism.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015 11:36 PM


Writing a letter to the Islamic Sharia Law psychos in Iran is one of the most naive and stupid things I've ever seen in my life ... the only thing more naive and stupid is trying to make a "deal" with them.


Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:27 AM


Okaaaaaaaay, let's clarify.

The people I refer to as not knowing what is in the deal is everyday folk like you and me and Grandma Moses.

On the political front: Do you think that any president, Repub or Dem, actually goes around discussing their "secrets" with non-participants?
Did Bush call up Bibi and ask his opinion on invading Iraq? I ask only because you seem to know it all.

So explain it to me, since I'm clueless, how is it that Bibi knows what is in the deal? Is he in on the negotiations? Does Kerry run it by him before he goes to the table? Is Bibi our new fearless leader, since obviously he's smarter than Obama, and, just as obvious, "people" want him to be president. Please enlighten me, oh great and powerful one.



Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:36 AM


By that logic, it's best to do nothing!?

Or, are you in favor of bombing them out of existence?

So then, if the president does nothing..........he's a pussy.
But since he's trying to cut a deal.............he's naïve.




Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:58 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Once again the monkeys in straightjackets have taken over the asylum.

47 Brave Patriots thought they were smarter than the average bear, and they went ahead and stepped in it REAL GOOD!

Here you go Enemy of my Enemy, take that Obama!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the real people shake their heads in shame.

Fucking idiots didn't realize that they were insulting not only Obama, but the Office of the Presidency. The president, whether Repub or Dem, cease to exist as a mere man once he's voted in. He becomes a symbol of Freedom and Power throughout the itty bitty world. Much like the American flag.

So these brilliantly fucking stupid motherfuckers hate Obama so much, that they decide to insult the symbol - an office that they aspire to. They just showed their ass, they dropped trousers and said "fuck me right here."


They just took the Constitution and wiped their ass with it in Macy's window.

"Oh! Pick me! Please! I wanna be president. What!?, someone shit on the Constitution! This is an outrage!"

"Uh, sir. There's traces of shit on your fingers"

"Nonsense, I meant to shit on Obama."

"Uh, you just smeared the presidency"

"Fuuuuck!, damn that Tom Cotton. He said it would make him look bad."

Rand Paul, John McCain and company sure do know how to throw a party!

P A R T Y, because we're idiots!


^ Lives in Bizarro world


Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:53 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Again, spitting on the Office of the Presidency. Never in the history of the US has there been such a brain-dead move.

What happened to your insistence to erase the past 40 years of history? Already 2 prime examples far more egregious have been provided, but your blinders cannot see beyond your talking points. And the more recent of those included the current doofus Secretary Ketchup

At the risk of being repetitive while trying to soak this into your head, I repeat. ^


Friday, March 20, 2015 2:25 AM


I'm a reporter for the Daily Bizarro Bullshitter.

Smack Dab in Bizarro Central!



Friday, March 20, 2015 2:50 AM


Let us remove the history then, shall we? Hmmmmmm.

Any of those Brainiacs running for the Office know of it's importance in World Affairs, in addition to the domestic perks. Chief among those lovely perks is Executive Orders (see Bush lite, circa 2000-2008). For whatever reason, Republicans and T-Folk get amnesia when it comes to that little presidential perk and how their heroes cranked them out.

So imagine my astonishment when I find those self-same Brainiacs hocking a loogey onto the very perk their heroes used. Forgive me, I used historical documents, my bad.

The president, or rather, the office of president carries with it the full weight and measure of the United States as a sovereign nation. In trying to undermine the president, whoever he or she is, you undermine the power behind the "Throne" as it were. And this is the very office that these geniuses are so eager to obtain.

So let us look forward into the future, shall we! That very humble servant, Tom Cotton, in his brilliant move to make a name for himself - that is - basically saying "the president ain't shit, it's us in Congress, we're the bad motherfuckers in this shit. Come to us, we're smarter and more important."

Then how would it look to the world, after all that mudslinging, that he runs for the office and wins the general election in 2016 (Hey, it could happen!).

Putin would say, "Hey, isn't Cotton the dumb motherfucker who wrote that the President ain't shit. We, Congress, we're the shit. What's wrong with this picture?"

Bibi would go; "I hated Obama, but this dumb bastard just won a weakened presidency. Now I'll nail his ass to the wall."

The Saudi Sheiks would just shake their heads. And they thought dealing with the Bush's was hard enough. (Wait until Hillary gets into office and sees who's really running the world).

Now does that satisfy your repetitive repetition you nosy little man!



Monday, March 30, 2015 8:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Aww, come on! You can do better than that. Bibi was desparately trying to save his ass in the upcoming elections in Israel, and Congress was busy doing there little shit thing - annoying the president.

I'm talking about the stupid

translation from libtard newspeak: truthful, honest, accurate, and not following Obama's subversion of the Constitution.

letter written to the Ayatollah

translation: posted on the senator's website.

trying to undermine the president's

undermining world peace with his

talks with Iran to keep them from getting a nuclear weapon.

Are you not paying attention? Neville Obama is negotiating a deal TO GIVE IRAN'S ISLAMO-FASCISTS APPROVAL TO HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON. The deal says that if they follow the plan, they can make a Nuclear Weapon, but if they violate the agreement, then they can make a Nuclear Weapon. No part of Barack Chamberlain's deal includes Iran not being allowed to make a Nuclear Weapon. Why do you think every reasonable person is opposed to the deal allowing Iran to make Nuclear Weapons? Do you ever pay attention to the facts, or do you just regurgitate the lies in whatever Talking Points Neville Obama has spoon-fed to you?

He's doing exactly what a president should do. Foreign Policy.

A rookie Congressman was to blame, it figures!


If the rookie Senators are the only ones who recognize the Constitution, then we need far more of them.

Iran defector admits that America is not part of the 5+1 countries negotiating with Iran to stop their nuke program, but is Iran's representative to the 5+1 countries to get them to go along with Iran's nuke proliferation.

And also today, Iran announced it will not allow it's current Nuke stockpile (enriched uranium) to leave the country, as it had previously agreed to do.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015 6:05 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You have to stop watching that fake news outlet and keep up with the rest of the world.

speaking of that fake news outlet that you always watch...

They just saw McDonnell's name and signed it. Now they're so busy backpedaling that they're falling all over each other to the exit sign.

More fictional "news" from your propaganda channel.

I kept hearing the libtards claiming that some Senators, mine included, had "regretted" their signing of the Letter. Libtards saying that a Senator said what the libtards say they said does not make it so.
I kept waiting to hear a quote, a clip, or actuality of my Senator (Ron Johnson) stating his regret, but to no avail - no such thing ever surfaced. Instead, I recently heard an interview where he explained what his remarks were, and how/why the Obamabot "journalist" lied about what he said. He never said that he had a regret. The Obamabot kept repeating the question "Do you regret signing" the letter, and he kept repeating the same answer "No I do not regret," and "No I do not regret," and "No I do not regret," until finally the Obamabot asked "If there was anything about the Letter you regretted, what would that be?" and he answered something like "I do not regret signing it, but if there was any little thing, it would be" and he mentioned some minor item about the rush that everybody was in at the time of the Letter being signed, like all the Senators were hurrying to their flights or something. So at that point the Obamabot said that "I do not regret signing it" meant that he regretted signing it, and that was their headline news story.

The pathetic lies that your petulant "news" outlet regurgitates are barely the level of a 4-year-old.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:36 PM


And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?


Wednesday, April 8, 2015 7:16 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?

And now State Department info-bimbo Marie Harf explains that when Obama admitted in the NPR interview that the "deal" paves the way for Iran to have nukes, he was wrong to admit the fact, he was not supposed to leak the facts of the deal.


Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:59 AM


You believe that bullshit. Talk about fantasy news reporting.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?


Thursday, April 9, 2015 12:25 PM


Ayatollah Hussein Obama has done great things for Iran. He's made it possible for them to take over Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. But his proudest achievement will be when Iran assembles their first nuclear missile.


Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:04 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Ayatollah Hussein Obama has done great things for Iran. He's made it possible for them to take over Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. But his proudest achievement will be when Iran assembles their first nuclear

intercontinental balistic


Why do you think he's moving to Hawaii after leaving the Black House?


Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:06 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?

You believe that bullshit. Talk about fantasy news reporting.


Well, you pointing out that NPR is fantasy news reporting is difficult to argue with.

Iran could be able to obtain a nuclear weapon ... of the emerging nuclear deal, President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday.

Under the framework announced last week, Iran would be kept at least one year away from a bomb for the first decade of the deal, Obama said as he sought to sell the deal to skeptics.

Breakout time refers to how long it would take to build a bomb if Iran decided to pursue one full-bore — in other words, how long the rest of the world would have to stop it. U.S. intelligence officials estimate Iran's breakout time is currently two to three months.

"I think his words were a little mixed up there, but what he was referring to was a scenario in which there was no deal," said State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf.

Despite their assurances, Obama and his aides have not specified how long it would take Iran to build a bomb. Harf said it would be more than zero — meaning the world would still have some time to act — but didn't say whether that period would be longer or shorter than Iran's current breakout period of two to three months.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, reacted tersely to Obama's comments, arguing that the president had confirmed what critics of the deal have long feared. He said Tehran was taking the long view and cautioned that the Iranian regime could exploit the easing of restrictions to fulfill its ambitions of exporting revolution across the globe.

"It is clear that this 'deal' is a direct threat to peace and security of the region and the world," Boehner said. Considering Iran's history of evading international inspections, he added, "no one should believe that the proposed inspection and verification are bullet-proof."

The tough talk from Boehner suggested congressional leaders were continuing to sour on the framework deal that Obama and world leaders reached with Iran last week in Switzerland. Previously, Boehner had expressed serious concerns about the deal's parameters, but withheld full judgment until lawmakers had time to digest all the details.

Other top lawmakers, including some members of Obama's party, have been pressing for Congress to hold a vote on whether to approve the deal — a prospect Obama has rejected outright. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., is pushing legislation that would also prevent Obama from using his own authority to temporarily waive existing U.S. sanctions while Congress debates the deal.

The White House raised a new concern to Corker's bill on Tuesday, objecting to a provision that would require the administration to eventually certify to Congress that Iran is not carrying out terrorist attacks against Americans. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that provision "essentially makes the agreement contingent upon Iran renouncing terrorism."

The wrangling over the finer points of the deal came as the president seeks to quiet a growing chorus questioning whether the deal he and world leaders have negotiated merely delays the certainty of a nuclear-armed Iran. Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors.

Tehran has always maintained it doesn't want a nuclear bomb, but the international community has been skeptical, and America's close ally Israel considers a nuclear Iran an existential threat.

So, SGG, all of your false claims have been laid bare as the lies they always were.


Friday, April 10, 2015 11:05 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Why do you think he's moving to Hawaii after leaving the White House?

Great golf courses and powerful weed.


The entertainment there is a few notches above this ..


Monday, April 13, 2015 8:23 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I'm talking about the stupid letter written to the Ayatollah trying to undermine the president's talks with Iran to keep them from getting a nuclear weapon. He's doing exactly what a president should do. Foreign Policy.


Here you are trying, as Obamabot cheerleader, to claim the lie that the deal was not really trying to pave the way for Iran to have nukes to nuke the world, which everybody who listens to the real news knew.

And here you claim that your fake news is really the real news, and the real news is a "fake news outlet" according to you:
You have to stop watching that fake news outlet and keep up with the rest of the world. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, and no, I'm a big boy and don't need spoon feeding like some of my 'friends' over there in Denial - the land of the lost.

And here you further deny the truth when faced with the facts:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You believe that bullshit. Talk about fantasy news reporting.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?

And here Obama admits the real news sources had it right all along, and he was lying, and your "real news" sources were wrong and fooled and merely obediently regurgitating Obama's lies:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now Obama admits that the "deal" with Iran paves the way for them to have nukes.

Are you now going to claim that Obama does not know what is in the "deal" he has been spouting about?

You believe that bullshit. Talk about fantasy news reporting.


Well, you pointing out that NPR is fantasy news reporting is difficult to argue with.

Iran could be able to obtain a nuclear weapon ... of the emerging nuclear deal, President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday.

Under the framework announced last week, Iran would be kept at least one year away from a bomb for the first decade of the deal, Obama said as he sought to sell the deal to skeptics.

Breakout time refers to how long it would take to build a bomb if Iran decided to pursue one full-bore — in other words, how long the rest of the world would have to stop it. U.S. intelligence officials estimate Iran's breakout time is currently two to three months.

"I think his words were a little mixed up there, but what he was referring to was a scenario in which there was no deal," said State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf.

Despite their assurances, Obama and his aides have not specified how long it would take Iran to build a bomb. Harf said it would be more than zero — meaning the world would still have some time to act — but didn't say whether that period would be longer or shorter than Iran's current breakout period of two to three months.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, reacted tersely to Obama's comments, arguing that the president had confirmed what critics of the deal have long feared. He said Tehran was taking the long view and cautioned that the Iranian regime could exploit the easing of restrictions to fulfill its ambitions of exporting revolution across the globe.

"It is clear that this 'deal' is a direct threat to peace and security of the region and the world," Boehner said. Considering Iran's history of evading international inspections, he added, "no one should believe that the proposed inspection and verification are bullet-proof."

The tough talk from Boehner suggested congressional leaders were continuing to sour on the framework deal that Obama and world leaders reached with Iran last week in Switzerland. Previously, Boehner had expressed serious concerns about the deal's parameters, but withheld full judgment until lawmakers had time to digest all the details.

Other top lawmakers, including some members of Obama's party, have been pressing for Congress to hold a vote on whether to approve the deal — a prospect Obama has rejected outright. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., is pushing legislation that would also prevent Obama from using his own authority to temporarily waive existing U.S. sanctions while Congress debates the deal.

The White House raised a new concern to Corker's bill on Tuesday, objecting to a provision that would require the administration to eventually certify to Congress that Iran is not carrying out terrorist attacks against Americans. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that provision "essentially makes the agreement contingent upon Iran renouncing terrorism."

The wrangling over the finer points of the deal came as the president seeks to quiet a growing chorus questioning whether the deal he and world leaders have negotiated merely delays the certainty of a nuclear-armed Iran. Obama has insisted confidently that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on his watch, which ends in roughly 20 months, but has made no similar assurances about his successors.

Tehran has always maintained it doesn't want a nuclear bomb, but the international community has been skeptical, and America's close ally Israel considers a nuclear Iran an existential threat.

So, SGG, all of your false claims have been laid bare as the lies they always were.

Just a simple summary of your lies and obfuscations in this thread.






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