Guilty verdicts reached for 11 of 12 in APS cheating trial

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 18:42
VIEWED: 1827
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Sunday, April 5, 2015 2:56 PM


America loves a winner!


ATLANTA — Several former educators have been taken to the Fulton County Jail after a jury reached guilty verdicts in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating trial.

The jury convicted 11 of 12 defendants of racketeering. Jurors acquitted only one defendant, Dessa Curb, of all charges.

Channel 2’s Carl Willis spoke with defense attorney Gerald Griggs moments after he visited his client Angela Williamson at Fulton County Jail Wednesday evening.

"The battle is not quite over yet," Griggs said. "The jury has spoken but the sentence has not been pronounced. There’s still an opportunity for the judge to sentence her probation and then we fight it on appeals," Griggs said.
The decision comes 7 years after an investigation by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that exposed the cheating.

The Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal that took years to come together and a trial that took six months to present came to an end so suddenly that none of the former educators seemed prepared for the jury's decision.
INTERACTIVE: The who's who of the APS tria Judge Jerry Baxter surprised defense attorneys brushing back their arguments to let defendants remain out on bond through sentencing.

"It's not one of the things I get a kick out of, but they have made their bed and they're going to have to lie in it," Baxter said.

District Attorney Paul Howard celebrated with his team after the verdict saying this was a win for the community and should make APS better.

"We've been fighting for the children in our community, particularly those children who were deprived by this cheating scandal," Howard said.

Still, defense attorneys say the punishment, at least to this point, doesn't fit the crime.


Sunday, April 5, 2015 4:08 PM


America loves a winner!

Q: Does anyone here think that the cheating by teachers, for the sole purpose of inflating grades and getting more federal $, is something completely unique to Atlanta Public Schools ?

No one thinks similar things happen in Houston, Philly, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Oakland... ?



Monday, April 6, 2015 10:30 AM


I've never heard of any teacher cheating scandal before.

These teachers got bonus pay for improved student test scores.

Kinda puts a damper on the whole merit pay thing.

Just let the teachers teach. They shouldn't have to worry about kids who don't do the work. Let the slackers fail and get left back. If the parents don't care about their kid's performance in school, it's not the teacher's fault, and shouldn't be their problem.


Monday, April 6, 2015 10:54 AM


America loves a winner!

Jongs, they had test fixing parties , where the teachers gather, order pizza, and just have fun with the trashing of our glorious public educational system. Neat, right ???

And these were national standardized tests. Report good grades on these, get more Federal $, and teachers get accolades & raises !! Screw the kids. Teaching them is what parents are for anyways.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, April 6, 2015 11:13 AM


I'm not excusing what these teachers did in any way. I'm saying that making teachers responsible for students' success or failure is a mistake. 'Result-based' pay for teachers is highly problematic at best.


Monday, April 6, 2015 11:35 AM


America loves a winner!



Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 4:19 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Q: Does anyone here think that the cheating by teachers, for the sole purpose of inflating grades and getting more federal $, is something completely unique to Atlanta Public Schools ?

No one thinks similar things happen in Houston, Philly, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Oakland... ?


Wow, was I right or was I RIGHT ????

It wasn't their fault, and it's a WIDE SPREAD problem, which will happen again and again !!

Demands on Educators lead to Cheating, in Atlanta and Beyond

On Wednesday afternoon eleven convictions were handed down in the Atlanta schools test-cheating scandal. On the one hand, this is a local issue—merely one city’s tragedy with the local response to the federal testing law, No Child Left Behind, and all the law’s demands for something radical to happen right now. But this one local consequence is emblematic of the way things can go when laws pressure real people to implement policies that have nothing whatever to do with reality.

The problem is much larger than Atlanta. The Guardian reports “documented cheating in at least 40 states, since the APS cheating scandal came to light.” In March of 2011, USA Today uncovered what seems to have been an obvious cheating scandal in Washington, D.C. Michelle Rhee, the Washington, D.C. superintendent at that time, somehow managed to be sure the allegations were never investigated, despite efforts by that newspaper and an effort of several years by PBS journalist John Merrow to uncover e-mails that would have exposed Rhee’s and the district’s wrongdoing.

As a society we haven’t spoken forcefully enough to stop the process when we’ve been told that educators can, in a year or two, magically turn around the school achievement of all children in a class or a grade level or even a whole school or school district. Atlanta’s school superintendent, Dr. Beverly Hall promised she could do that and then set out to prove it.

“Turnaround” is the code word for what we have been demanding of public schools for over a decade now. Turn a school around, even if “turnaround” is defined as firing all the teachers or just closing the school. And by a federal law in 2002 we demanded that all schools raise all students’ test scores to the level of “proficiency” by 2014. This is, of course, a matter of “just pretend.” It’s never been done and can’t be done anywhere but Lake Woebegon, the fictional hamlet that uses the dialect dubbed “Minnesota Nice” to proclaim that all its children are above average. Statistically there are always means and medians and modes; people range in their abilities and each one has special talents and weaknesses. But school policy in America has been blindly denying reality.

I cannot speak to what should have been the court’s judgment on the eleven former Atlanta school employees convicted of erasing wrong answers and changing what students had filled in on their test answer sheets. According to the New York Times, five were teachers, one was a principal, and five were the administrators under Superintendent Beverly Hall who launched and implemented what the court said was a criminal conspiracy. Corey Mitchell for Education Week describes the charges:

“Because bonuses and raises were awarded to the educators based on the test scores, prosecutors charged the educators with violating the state’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act by engaging in a massive criminal conspiracy. It’s a criminal statute that law enforcement typically uses to prosecute those with ties to organized crime.”

Superintendent Beverly Hall pressured the district’s administrators and teachers with incentives, punishments, and shame. Hall was charged in the indictment, but she was never tried due to a diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer. She died last month. Valerie Strauss in the Washington Post quotes from the indictment:

“While Superintendent of APS (Atlanta Public Schools), Beverly Hall set annual performance objectives for APS and the individual schools within it, commonly referred to as ‘targets.’ If a school achieved 70 percent or more of its targets, all employees of the school received a bonus. Additionally, if certain system-wide targets were achieved, Beverly Hall herself received a substantial bonus. . . APS principals and teachers were frequently told by Beverly Hall and her subordinates that excuses for not meeting targets would not be tolerated. When principals and teachers could not reach their targets, their performance was criticized, their jobs were threatened and some were terminated. Over time, the unreasonable pressure to meet annual APS targets led some employees to cheat. . . The refusal of Beverly Hall and her top administrators to accept anything other than satisfying targets created an environment where achieving the desired end result was more important than the students’ education.”

Jay Bookman, a columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution describes Beverly Hall and the school climate she created in which widespread cheating emerged:

“Personally, I still have a hard time shaking the memory of one-on-one conversations with Hall in which she obstinately, repeatedly refused to concede that anything had gone awry with the system’s testing system. As I wrote back then, her denials were downright stunning and in hindsight even Nixonian. By sheer force of will, she had created a world in which her distorted version of events was the only one that mattered, and all who lived and worked within that world were forced to abide by its strange rules.”

According to the New York Times, in Atlanta, “Nearly 180 employees, including 38 principals, were accused of wrongdoing as part of an effort to inflate test scores and misrepresent the achievement of Atlanta’s students and schools.” Many of these people reached plea agreements and were granted probation and community service. In addition to Dr. Hall, another of those charged died in the years since the scandal was exposed in 2011. Twelve stood trial. One teacher was acquitted on Wednesday.

Were the people involved in Atlanta’s cheating scandal just morally weak? Were they trying to avoid being shamed? Were they desperate to protect their jobs and the income that fed their children? I am sure different people cheated for different reasons, and we can agree that teachers and school leaders shouldn’t cheat. A larger concern, however, is that a federal education policy based on test-and-punish asks teachers to accomplish the impossible and then shames and punishes and even fires them when they can’t do it. Bob Scheaffer, writing for the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, explains that we ought to be blaming a system that demands what human beings cannot possibly accomplish: “Across the U.S., strategies that boost scores without improving learning—including outright cheating, narrow teaching to the test and pushing out low-scoring students—are widespread. These corrupt practices are inevitable consequences of the politically mandated overuse and misuse of high-stakes exams.”

Something has gone haywire in our nation’s education policy. What happened in Atlanta this week should cause us all to stop and pay attention.

And incredibly, there are " community activists " who think the CHEATING TEACHERS didn't do anything wrong !!! They screwed up the kids of the community, but hey! Let them walk !!

Have these IMBECILES no shame???


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:40 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Q: Does anyone here think that the cheating by teachers, for the sole purpose of inflating grades and getting more federal $, is something completely unique to Atlanta Public Schools ?

No one thinks similar things happen in Houston, Philly, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Oakland... ?


I saw some news story with a screen full of mug shots which seemed to be all or almost all blacks. Apparently it was this story. Does this mean to indicate that blacks are incapable of obeying the law, like in Samford, FL and Ferguson, MO and NYC?

I can mention that Green Bay Public Schools has been caught in their cheating scandal, but the board gave the teachers a raise before Gov Walker's Act 10 could take effect. GBPS has covered up the cheating, err I mean denied it, IIRC.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:44 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I've never heard of any teacher cheating scandal before.

These teachers got bonus pay for improved student test scores.

Kinda puts a damper on the whole merit pay thing.

Merit based pay has been proven disasterous in all applications. So Carly Fiorina insists upon merit based pay when she becomes President - find the failed practice and expand it.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:05 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

So Carly Fiorina insists upon merit based pay when she becomes President

I don't know what makes her think she's electable for President. She lost badly when she ran for the Senate. Carly Simon .. maybe, Carly Fiorina .. no way Jose.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:34 AM


America loves a winner!

600 showed up @ a meeting to protest the teacher cheating ...nope. That's wrong. They came to support THE GUILTY TRACHERS !!!!

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:47 PM


America loves a winner!

Judge, not at all happy with the lawyers & the attempted rally by community leaders for leniency , starts handing out real jail time to real jail.

Teachers messed with the bull & got the horns.

8 of 10 got 20 years, with 7 to serve, the remainder to be on probation. Un-freaking-believable.

Rather than admit to that which they were found GUILTY of , those chose to STILL remain defiant, and will now be serving hard time , when they could have been set free this very afternoon.

This is how corrupt the culture is w/ govt teachers, who were caught cheating. They refuse to accept any accountability for their actions.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:27 PM


20 years in prison for inflating student test scores?? Yeah, that seems reasonable. What is this, North Korea?


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:33 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
20 years in prison for inflating student test scores?? Yeah, that seems reasonable. What is this, North Korea?

20 year sentence, serving 7. So, no, not N.Korea.

Don't F w/ that judge, and don't commit fraud against the US Govt.

Lesson learned ? I don't know. I hear many still think they did nothing wrong.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:52 PM


Sorry, my bad. Only 7 years in prison. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get to see some of them on 'Lock Up'


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 8:31 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
20 years in prison for inflating student test scores?? Yeah, that seems reasonable. What is this, North Korea?

20 year sentence, serving 7. So, no, not N.Korea.

Don't F w/ that judge, and don't commit fraud against the US Govt.

Lesson learned ? I don't know. I hear many still think they did nothing wrong.

The reports I heard, something like 60 or over 100 teachers were actually caught, but many either got immunity or plead and avoided confronting the facts, but these are the ones who chose to defy the court.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015 11:11 PM


America loves a winner!

They all had their chance to plea deal, save for the ring leader, school superintendent, Beverly Hall. She up and died , due to breast cancer. No question, that sucks, but she was the master mind behind it all. She lived well, on the bonuses and award $ she got, at least.

Those who chose to fight the charges cost the GA tax payers for the longest trial in state history. After being found guilty, they STILL plead their innocence, claiming they hadn't really done anything wrong. The court actually went out of their way to offer one last deal, before sentencing, and they STILL rejected it. Complete idiots. These folks are so deluded, they figured if they just whined and denied long enough, and the protesters shouted loud enough, they'd walk free.



Wednesday, April 15, 2015 6:42 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
They all had their chance to plea deal, save for the ring leader, school superintendent, Beverly Hall. She up and died , due to breast cancer. No question, that sucks, but she was the master mind behind it all. She lived well, on the bonuses and award $ she got, at least.

Those who chose to fight the charges cost the GA tax payers for the longest trial in state history. After being found guilty, they STILL plead their innocence, claiming they hadn't really done anything wrong. The court actually went out of their way to offer one last deal, before sentencing, and they STILL rejected it. Complete idiots. These folks are so deluded, they figured if they just whined and denied long enough, and the protesters shouted loud enough, they'd walk free.


And these are the geniuses we have shoving mush into the heads of future generations.






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