Road Warrior of the Northeast...

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:35
VIEWED: 2222
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Monday, December 17, 2007 5:13 AM


So, I'm driving sonisall and his classmate to school on this icy morn, goin' 50 or so, when this moron next to me decides to change lanes without lookin' to his right before doin' so...He plows into me and as I'm not one to easily startle, I keep the wheel straight and stand my ground (rushing by though it may be), he disengages and pulls over to the side of the road, and I just kept on goin' (hey- can't make the kids late for school, eh?).
Is that hit and run? Wasn't MY fault! Plus, Saturn, so no damage to MY car (plastic, doncha know)...

...shoulda stopped & stole his gazoleen, heh heh

Mad Maxisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:04 AM


Someone hit my car a little while back in a car park. The first I knew about it (apart from the scratches on the bumper and wing) was a letter from the police accusing me of fleeing the scene of an accident.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:09 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
a letter from the police accusing me of fleeing the scene of an accident.

In the UK? No way; I thought only American justice was that incompetent.
Did ya have to pay a fine?

Future jailbird Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:14 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


If you get hit and leave, and the other guy stops and calls the cops, AND if he bothered to get your tag number...

YOU may be charged with a hit and run, and he may be charged with nothin.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:18 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I just kept on goin' (hey- can't make the kids late for school, eh?).
Is that hit and run? Wasn't MY fault! Plus

In Ohio you would be guilty of a Hit Skip. There is a law that requires folks who have been in an accident to stop and exchange information. Failure to do so is a Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree punishable by up to 6 months in Jail and a $1,000 fine.

Even if the accident was not your fault and even if the other driver is cited, you can still be charged. Just tried one like that, guy ran a stop sign, hit a lady. She freaked and kept going, but later turned up at the police station to report it. She pled guilty. He took his traffic violation to trial and got a maximum fine (cause he pissed me off and I don't lose).

Some states have a 24 hour rule that says if you report the accident to police within 24 hours your ok. In Ohio this applies only to private property accidents.

My advise is to report the accident within the 24 hour period. Even if you get charged with the Hit Skip, it still looks good for sentencing.

"Sorry Judge, I honostly thought I had 24 hours..."
"Why that's understandable Mr. Isall. $100 fine, and don't let it happen again."

As opposed to:
"Mr. Isall your reckless and irresponsible behaivor, in the presense of your son, is despicable. That man could have been injured, he could have needed your assistance. Police needed your information to properly investigate the accident. Perhaps you were drinking or committing some other that why you left? Instead you callously drove off abandoning the other driver, your civic repsonsibility, and legal duties at the side of the road. I sentence you to six months in jail and a one thousand dollar fine. Perhaps by this time next June you will have learned what it means to fail to live up to your repsonsibilities as a grown man. May God have mercy upon your soul."

Then your off to county and "hey boy, ya got a pretty mouth". Nutriloaf for the holiday.

I note for the record that in Ohio a Hit Skip where the other driver suffers serious physical injury makes the Hit Skip a felony (again, even if the accident is their fault).



Monday, December 17, 2007 6:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
In the UK? No way; I thought only American justice was that incompetent.
Did ya have to pay a fine?

My mistake was shrugging my shoulders and saying "oh well". I failed to take into account most people in the world are selfish self righteous arseholes who will screw someone over long before taking responsibility for their own actions. So they filed the police report and I didn't. Least they didn't get an increase in their insurance premium I suppose.

To be honest I could care less, I just passed on all the details they wanted, and let work deal with it. It was a works car, so I don't pay the insurance, it doesn't reflect badly on my no claims (since I don't have one) and I have no points added to my licence.

I mention it because that stupid cunt might do the same to you, not to mention he shouldn't be on the road driving like that. Driving is a privilege, not a right, and one you should lose if you're too stupid to operate a potentially deadly weapon like a car safely.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:19 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

YOU may be charged with a hit and run, and he may be charged with nothin.

If I was running, and someone punched me, and I didn't stop to fight him over it, they could get me for the cut my chin caused his knuckle???

...this system needs an enema....

Mad Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:34 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

In Ohio you would be guilty of a Hit Skip.

Wow Hero, that was real nice of ya to give me the full scoop!
But...what constitutes a 'hit'? My car has a barely noticeable mark I can no doubt buff off with a washcloth...his car must be in a similar condition (thanks to my flexible door panels- love my Saturn), so if we just touched firmly, is that a 'hit'? Is ANY contact whatsoever a 'hit'? If he throws a cigarette out his window & it bounces onto my windshield is that a 'hit'?
One time on my motorcycle I saw these two guys on a parkway moving toward each other like they were gonna hit hard, and not wanting to be part of a pile-up, I gunned it straight through between them, and saw in my rear-view that they indeed did kiss, and caused a mess. Did I almost-hit-and-run there? Should I have reported being in an accident- but escaping impact?
Also: is it an accident if there is no damage?

Fuzzy on de law Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:43 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
AND if he bothered to get your tag number...

Icy conditions, snow & dirt on plates, moving fast- I doubt my plate # could have been gotten....*he said, as the cops bust down his door*

Plus: snow was covering the breakdown lane- it would have been too dangerous to stop on my side, and I would have been a mile past him by the time I could have gotten over to the left to pull over...

Excuses excuses Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:55 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
so if we just touched firmly, is that a 'hit'?


Is ANY contact whatsoever a 'hit'?


However you and he could decide there is nothing to it and go on your merry way by mutual agreement. You alone can't substitute your judgement for the law. How can you be certain he wasn't injured...perhaps in coronary distress. You also don't know the extent of damage to his vehicle. Police have only his side of the story, so perhaps he's told them you were weaving, perhaps drunk. Its a protection for all parties to require the exchange of information, even if that information is limited to "looks ok to me" followed by a mutual agreement to just let it go and perhaps a manly

If he throws a cigarette out his window & it bounces onto my windshield is that a 'hit'?

No. It is littering, a minor misdemeanor and punishable by up to a $150 fine.

If the cigarette distracted you resulting in a serious accident, then I'd probably charge the fellow with Reckless Operation or something.


One time on my motorcycle I saw these two guys on a parkway moving toward each other like they were gonna hit hard, and not wanting to be part of a pile-up, I gunned it straight through between them, and saw in my rear-view that they indeed did kiss, and caused a mess. Did I almost-hit-and-run there? Should I have reported being in an accident- but escaping impact?

You were ok there unless you were the cause. Its possible that they could claim they were fine till this motorcycle came out of nowwhere and caused them to lose control.

I note for the record that you seem to be establishing a record of bad driving. Perhaps this mornings accident was your fault and that's why you fled. I'm just sayin...we only have your word that these accidents were not your doing.

Also: is it an accident if there is no damage?

Yes. A violation is a violation. You bump the car in front of you, its an Assured Clear Distance violation. You slam into it at 30 mph causing thousands in damage to both cars...its an Assured Clear Distance violation.

I might tack on a RecOP for some seriously bad accidents, like hitting the said car at 100 mph in a 25 mph zone, but mostly its just a simple traffic citation. Let the insurance companies worry about damages.

I note for the record that I am in the midst of a serious disagreement with the County prosecutor about a felony Hit Skip. They claim that the serious injury was caused by the Hit and not the Skip and therefore it is not a felony. I say it does not matter. Besides, by their thinking you'd have to hit the fella, then hit him again while Skipping to be a felony...thats crazy. You hit him, he's seriously injured, you leave, thats felony Hit Skip.

County aint real big on the book learnin part of the job. They have a dislike for cases that take effort or that are not slam dunk convictions. Legally speaking they suffer from a serious lack of balls.



Monday, December 17, 2007 6:58 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
I mention it because that stupid [evil person ] might do the same to you

The way it is here, volunteering info means you get in trouble. If I make a report- I'll be in trouble. If it's gonna find me, that's one thing. If I go lookin' for it myself, it will DEFINITELY happen.

On the lam Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:10 AM


One cool thing about MI.. given the nature of insurance (scam) and PLPD coverage, anything less than crippling damage to one vehicle or another is generally ignored by both parties.

Since we get a lotta snow and ice, there's a lot of "rubbing" going on in areas such as plymouth or redford, with tight, small lanes and little to no margin, combined with poor or negligent road maintainence.

I, however, will not be facing it during the holidays, for reasons detailed somewhere else.

Bumps and scuffs are just part of life here, really.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

I note for the record that you seem to be establishing a record of bad driving.

I had one accident in my life that was due to me (no one hurt there- just vehicle damage), in every other instance it was caused by an as*hole not adhering to the (IMO) simple rules of the road (one lady who rear-ended me asked why I stopped in front of her, I pointed to the stop sign). And for five years I was a delivery guy in Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau County, driving 10 hours a day, that means a LOT of time on the road, with all manner of moron having access to me as a target. I've avoided more accidents than most will ever even see happen in their lifetime.
What- no dumass ever hit you, Hero?

I should be so lucky Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Bumps and scuffs are just part of life here, really.

From a former professional driver to a present one, I salute you.

Gimme a V-8 Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I suppose that IF and IF and IF and IF the police come to your door, you could always say.... hey, it wasn't me. I got no damage, see?

Skirting the lawisall.

Always look upstream.


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:48 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I suppose that IF and IF and IF and IF the police come to your door, you could always say.... hey, it wasn't me. I got no damage, see?

"Oh, someone hit me? I think I would have noticed...."



Monday, December 17, 2007 8:10 AM


Just another day in the great northern wastelands, right ?


Monday, December 17, 2007 8:17 AM


Just walk away....


Monday, December 17, 2007 8:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
What- no dumass ever hit you, Hero?

Yeah...once. But you seem to have it happen all the time. Don't get all upset...I'm just pokin ya a bit.

Still, we only have your side of the story, which is kinda the point to stoppin and exchanging information. So that when the police write the accident report its based on both sides.



Monday, December 17, 2007 8:33 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I suppose that IF and IF and IF and IF the police come to your door, you could always say.... hey, it wasn't me. I got no damage, see?

Unless they got evidence you don't know about. Eye witness, paint transfer, satalite surveillance, etc.

If they do and you say "not me" then you are giving a false statement, which is illegal and or obstructing justice.



Monday, December 17, 2007 8:42 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Still, we only have your side of the story, which is kinda the point to stoppin and exchanging information. So that when the police write the accident report its based on both sides.

Point taken, but honestly, I couldn't have pulled over safely due to snow and decline of the road at that point, and once he smacked me, he (like so many do) hit his breaks (lucky no pile-up ensued), effectively disappearing into my rear-view mirror. I don't even know the make of the vehicle it happened so quickly.
If he didn't have the presence of mind to check next to him before a lane change, it's a safe bet that he didn't have the presence of mind to memorize my plate # shrinking in front of him.

I might be safe Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 8:44 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

If they do and you say "not me" then you are giving a false statement, which is illegal and or obstructing justice.

What if you say "I have no recollection..."?

It worked for Reagan Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 9:05 AM


My favourite one was when a guy in a car hit my company van:

So, what happened?

He hit my van.

We sort of hit each other...

No, I was in my lane, and you moved into me 'cause you didn't look before you started changing lanes.

The vehicles sort of gravitated together...

There was no magnetic influence; you're an idiot.




Monday, December 17, 2007 9:05 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I suppose that IF and IF and IF and IF the police come to your door, you could always say.... hey, it wasn't me. I got no damage, see?

Unless the evil "They" tap into the chrisisall database that "They" are surely keeping since you're a dissenter and stirrer up of the common folk, and then "They" use your posts here as evidence to put you away...

Frighteningly, that's not so unlikely as it should be.

So, a while back some idiot in a minivan turned across traffic right in front of me on a 50 mph highway. I was absolutely certain I'd broadslide him/her and put my face through the windshield (didn't have time to recall that my new Jeep had air bags.) There was much skidding and sliding sideways, and I missed by an inch. Really. Couldn't have been more. I felt at that point that there should have been some interaction, just some chance to tell this asshole that he/she was an asshole. Collect for all the rubber my tires lost and the emotional damages, cause it freaked me out hard! But if the cars don't touch, it's nothing, right?

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, December 17, 2007 9:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


... cause he pissed me off and I don't lose.
Nothing like blind justice, eh Hero? (And you wonder why we don't trust cops and prosecutors! Maybe it's cause you can't do your job w/o a power-trip thing. )

Unless they got evidence you don't know about. Eye witness, paint transfer, satalite surveillance, etc.
Oooooooh. I'm a'skeered! Hero just wants everyone to be paranoid 'cause he a self-righteous, controlling vengeful little prick and he knows exactly how powerless he is in a situation like this. The guy is not gonna file, even if he had damage. And even if he does, neither he nor anyone else is gonna know your car from jackshit. Pay him no mind.

BTW, here is CA they don't even WANT you to report no-damage collisions. We're so up to our necks in collisions it's like... "Eh! So what?"

Always look upstream.


Monday, December 17, 2007 9:19 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
But if the cars don't touch, it's nothing, right?

That's 'Leaving The Scene Of A Skid'...or a 'Near-Miss Skip', or sumthin'.

There's a thing in the traffic laws for it Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 9:21 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Unless the evil "They" tap into the chrisisall database that "They" are surely keeping since you're a dissenter and stirrer up of the common folk

I do tend to misbehave, if only on a technical level....



Monday, December 17, 2007 10:04 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Nothing like blind justice, eh Hero? (And you wonder why we don't trust cops and prosecutors! Maybe it's cause you can't do your job w/o a power-trip thing. )

What, I can't enjoy my work. Guy was guilty, I offered a mid-range fine if he pled, he refused. At trial he lied, then his friend lied, and he wasted my time. You do that then you piss off the Prosecutor (Me) and the Magistrate...max fine.

Guy comes in tries a clean case, honost disagreement, I got no problem with that (except on Fridays after 3pm).


Oooooooh. I'm a'skeered! Hero just wants everyone to be paranoid 'cause he a self-righteous, controlling vengeful little prick and he knows exactly how powerless he is in a situation like this.

I get just as many people for Falsification as I do for the underying investigation. Sometimes we can't prove what happened but we can prove they lied or impeded the investigation.



Monday, December 17, 2007 10:12 AM


Bah, quit tryin to pass, Chris, it's not workin.

We all know yer really the feral kid.



Monday, December 17, 2007 10:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I can't enjoy my work.
Oh, so you LIKE causing pain! Say, did you rip the wings offa flies when you were a kid?

I get just as many people for Falsification as I do for the underying investigation. Sometimes we can't prove what happened but we can prove they lied or impeded the investigation.
oh like Scooter Libby? As I recall, you thought that he should have gotten off. I guess your ire is pretty whimsical, sort of depending on the time of day, the guy's haircut, whether you got any last night, political orientation....whatever. You're pretty much what I've thought all along: a power-hungry vindictive little prick.

In any case Chrisisall, the bumper is not about to go look for witnesses because (1) It's a pain in the *ss and (2) it's doubtful he'd find any and
(3) any witness who could remember your car (which is doubtful in the extreme) would also likely remember who was at fault. So his own guilty conscience might lead him to file a preemptive report against YOU filing a report, and if there's enuf damage to go to the insurance he might report that on such and such a day and time and area of road an unknown (light/ dark, late-model four-door maybe) car sideswiped him. If he's been a good driver and this is his first claim and he has comprehensive and your state has no-fault the insurance company will likely pay up. Otherwise it'll be one of those things that just sits in a cabinet somewhere.

But if the damage is slight, or he has a bad driving record, or no insurance coverage for that sort of thing... more likely he'd be thinking.... The guy didn't even stop. It's unlikely he'll remember my car. Maybe it'll all just go away.
Always look upstream.


Monday, December 17, 2007 10:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Hero" must be in court.

Always look upstream.


Monday, December 17, 2007 11:28 AM


That's actually a good likeness.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 17, 2007 11:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I TRY to be reasonable; don't know why the claws came out today. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Down kitty, there's a good kitty....


Monday, December 17, 2007 11:44 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

But if the damage is slight, or he has a bad driving record, or no insurance coverage for that sort of thing... more likely he'd be thinking.... The guy didn't even stop. It's unlikely he'll remember my car. Maybe it'll all just go away.

Kinda what I'm thinkin'
I blame myself a little though, I'm usually able to see crap like that comin'. I actually avoided the same kind of collision (from the right, this time) about ten minutes later. What can I say; I'm an idiot magnet.

It's a real-life video game Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 11:47 AM


I'm with you Hero. You knew the guy did wrong. He tried to lie his way out and got what he deserved for it.

I got a Q for you. As a prosecutor, I need you to tell me if I got hosed over a speeding ticket 8 years ago.

I was traveling twixt my college and my hometown in my crappy broke down college kid car. I was speeding. I admit this openly. I sped into a small town, a town so small there was no stoplight...just a sign informing you as you enter that 30mph is the speed here until you drive out the other side where it'll go back to 55. As I entered town at perhaps...50mph or so... a cop pulled out in front of me to go the other way. He wasn't looking very well as he pulled out and was most likely suprised at the closing speed of a car (me) that suddenly appeared. I recall getting a pointed finger from him as we passed. Shocked in my own right, I gave the car a good panic breaking and put it down to 30mph as quickly as I could. No doubt he saw tail lights from me and knew that I was reacting to him. As I continued to travel I watched in my rear view as he pulled his cruiser over and (I'm sure) was shooting radar at me out his back window. I continued at 30mph while he just sat there. Eventually he dropped out of sight, still pulled over. Once out of that crappy town I kicked it back up to around 70mph, passing a truck in the process. About 3 miles later I saw the red & blue coming up behind me and I dropped it back to 55 to discover that my new friend the cop had decided to pull me over.

He informed me I was going 32 in a 30 back in the town. He informed me I was "following too closely" to the truck I had passed previously. He informed me my licence plate had dirt on it making it hard to read. (I looked at it later, it was fine)

This dude was obviously making up reasons to pull me over because he knew I had been speeding through the town but by the time he got his radar gun on me I had slammed the car down to 32mph. He ended up giving me a ticket for "following too closely" to the truck I later passed. I was pissed. I drove directly to the county courthouse in that county (which was on my way to where I was going) and entered the plea to take it to trial.

Now let's put this in context. I WAS guilty of speeding. I WAS NOT guilty of following anyone too closely. I determined that there was no way I was remotely close to a truck if the cop had pulled out in front of me in the first place and that his judgement of my receding vehicle out his back window is no good judgement due to the extreme parallax angle. I had my defense all planned out.

2 weeks prior to the trial date I was again speeding in the same county. Got pulled over. SAME COP. With a smug smile he gives me my ticket. He gave me no chance to talk my way out and I didn't even try.

So on trial day I'm sitting in the courthouse entry room with several colorful local scumballs who have their trials too. We are all awaiting our turn to go into the little county courtroom and stand in front of the judge. The prosecutor takes a moment with each of us prior to our appearances to maybe plead people out so we don't waste too much time that may not be needed. When my turn comes I learn that I'm being tried for BOTH issues. Without admitting guilt to anything I tell him that I only wanted to be tried on the following too closely. He says "Nope. We do both or you can plead. Plead guilty to both and we'll fine you but only report points on your license for the lesser event..the following too closely" I grit my teeth and take it. I knew the cop had showed up because I saw him in the courtroom being chummy with the judge (bad sign I thought).

Was I hosed? Was it permissable to combine both offenses? My summons only cited the following too closely issue and had been delivered to me prior to the speeding offense. I was prepared to prove that the officer was utterly wrong in giving me a following too closely ticket. Had that been the only issue that day would I have been wasting my time? I feel in my gut that there would have been no justice because the cop would have simply told the judge pal to pal (off the record prior to my arrival) that I was speeding and he just didn't get the radar gun on me fast enough so I ought to be punished for another offense that I did not commit. I bet it would have happened.

So my 2 questions are 1. Had the Following Too Closely offense been the only issue that day, was there the chance the judge would not have given me justice? 2. Was it permissble to combine the two issues, speeding and following? Combining those 2 things certainly hurt me terribly that day and was the reason I pled and left.

It's all in the past. I'm married now and haven't had an offense for anything since college and plan never to have one. But this complex situation has always nagged me.

What's your take?

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.


Monday, December 17, 2007 12:24 PM


Don't know where you live bluesuncompanyman but here in Georgia local and county cops can't ticket you for speeding unless you're doing 15 over the limit. That law was passed because of Georgia's reputation as a speed trap. It also doesn't apply to state troopers.

My wife and I still laugh about the time she was pulled in southern Illinois. We were driving back from St. Louis to Atlanta the Saturday after Thanksgiving when the cop pulled us. Now it was a righetous pinch. She was doing something over 80. He took her back to his cruiser, wrote out the ticket and then explained that 'Illinois was running a special over the holiday weekend for folks just passing through. Pay $50 cash then and there and you get both copies of the ticket, to keep your license and it won't be reported to the insurance company'. We paid (okay, donated to his Christmas fund) in a heartbeat and got out of there.


Monday, December 17, 2007 12:28 PM



My wife and I still laugh about the time she was pulled in southern Illinois. We were driving back from St. Louis to Atlanta the Saturday after Thanksgiving when the cop pulled us. Now it was a righetous pinch. She was doing something over 80. He took her back to his cruiser, wrote out the ticket and then explained that 'Illinois was running a special over the holiday weekend for folks just passing through. Pay $50 cash then and there and you get both copies of the ticket, to keep your license and it won't be reported to the insurance company'. We paid (okay, donated to his Christmas fund) in a heartbeat and got out of there.
You laugh about the time a cop pulled your wife and took her back to his car? :p

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 17, 2007 12:37 PM


I'm in Indiana.

Up here I've never heard of anyone getting a ticket for less than 5 over, but I think it has been done to people when cops are pissed off at them. Tickets of less than 10 over are rare but I've heard of a few. 10+ happen all the time.

The interstate that rings my city (Indianapolis) is I-465. The posted speed is 55. The average speed by everyone out there is between 65 and 70. I wish the Indiana General Assembly would just vote to raise the limit and end the hyprocracy.

A state trooper pal of my has this saying "Up to 9, you are fine. More than 9, your as_ is mine"

Sorry for the underscore. Just trying to keep things clean.

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.


Monday, December 17, 2007 12:37 PM


He was actually a very nice guy - and I was watching in the rear view mirror.


Monday, December 17, 2007 12:52 PM



Originally posted by fivver:
He was actually a very nice guy -

Nice and rich....

On the take Chrisisall


Monday, December 17, 2007 1:49 PM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by SignyM:
I suppose that IF and IF and IF and IF the police come to your door, you could always say.... hey, it wasn't me. I got no damage, see?

Unless they got evidence you don't know about. Eye witness, paint transfer, satalite surveillance, etc.

If they do and you say "not me" then you are giving a false statement, which is illegal and or obstructing justice.


When the cops claim to have evidence, it's often just a ploy to get you to change your story. Pick a story that is close to the truth as you see it and stick to it's until a lawyer tells you otherwise.

The truth in your case Chris is that you weren't sure if the other car had impacted with yours, so due to the weather conditions you waited until it was safe to pull over, then stopped and waited for the other car to stop and exchange info. When the other car passed without stopping you assumed there had been no impact due to the lack of damage(to your car)and went your merry way. All other questions should be answered with "I don't recall that", "depends on what the definition of IS is" or "I never had sexual relations with that woman".

Most that get in trouble for lying to police don't stick to their original story. If your story is 99% true you can blame the 1% on poor memory caused by the stress of the situation, or claim to be a Democrat(they'll understand).


Monday, December 17, 2007 1:57 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
"I never had sexual relations with that woman".

Probably not the best thing to say after an accident.

"We've been told your driving was somewhat erratic sir"
"Well I wasn't getting a blow job if that's what you're saying!"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 17, 2007 2:20 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Other things not to say to a cop -

How come you didn't get the guy that passed me ? Was he going too fast for you ?

Still waiting for Hero's take on combining charges ....


Monday, December 17, 2007 2:23 PM


I remember in the very early 1990s I accidently ran into the back end of a couple from New Jersey, but because they had no fault insurance which is not or was not recognized in Vermont the accident was automatically their fault. I laughed my ass off over that one.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
or claim to be a Democrat(they'll understand).

But...that would be a lie....

Truthful Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 9:07 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
When the cops claim to have evidence, it's often just a ploy to get you to change your story. Pick a story that is close to the truth as you see it and stick to it's until a lawyer tells you otherwise.

Most often they have some evidence. Maybe not all or as much as they pretend but certainly some evidence.

Their advantage is you don't know what they got or don't got and they are legally allowed to lie. They are also trained in interview techniques. That means if you tell anything other then the truth your running a big risk.

This is not a ploy to get you to change your story, its a technique to get you to admit the truth.

Had a case a couple weeks ago. Girl didn't want to admit she was driving. We had evidence she was. Tried to get her to admit it and she would not. She lost her case. She then admitted to driving. She got jail partly because she kept lying about it.



Wednesday, December 19, 2007 9:16 AM


In NYC Chinatown an old man ran a stop sign and messed up the front end of his Honda on my vehicle- when I got out I discovered that no, he didn't hardly speak english, no, he had no liscence, and no, no insurance. Since there was just a small dent on my van's bumper, and he was still somewhat mobile, I asked him if he wanted me to just go, and he said okay. Did I break a law here somewhere?



Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

In CA you could file a "Counter" Report... in other words, not a police report taken at the scene but handed over the counter if there were no injuries and the damage was minor or if the other vehicle couldn't be identified. (But if it was a non-injury collision on private property, forget about it). But I don't know of any penalties attached for NOT filing a report. The only reason to file a "Counter" report in this case would be to keep the guy from amking a claim against you... in this case, very unlikely given everything.

I've been rear-ended several times (No wisecracks from the peanut gallery please!) and except for the one time when I was the last car to get nailed in a three-car collision and the damage was fairly extensive (all I could do was brake real hard and watch my rearview in horror) I didn't file a report. In one case the lady just gave me $25 for a rear light lens, in another case the lady had her boyfriend replace my truck bumper with a better-than-original one, and in another case we just looked at our bumpers and shrugged "what the hell" and we were ALL a lot happier leaving everyone else out of it.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:35 AM


Signy, you law-breaker, you!

Chrisisall Max






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