Holy over the top Batman!

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:11
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:35 PM


THIS, is just insane... I've never seen Don so pissed off before, but he's got a right to be.

Weird events in Wendover, Utah

Goddamn A-J squared-away hoo-rah dickheads wanna play games with, and intimidate us, well, that doesn't have to be a one player game.

The CdC, 2600, and other relative orgs and collectives have been alerted that it's game on.

Unless they're mounting live ordinance on those aircraft, which they damned well shouldn't be, ain't got no right to be, and for damned sure had BETTER not be pointing at citizens, won't be no big issue here - if they raise TOO much stink about it, certain rather sympathetic folk in the chain of command (who have already been contacted) will just tell those crazy dorks to treat it as part of the training exercise, since any real opponent worth their salt would act defensively against such activity anyhow.

I'm almost tempted to start a betting pool on who carries the day - I don't think them rigid thinking singleminded hoo-rah drones stand a chance, myself.

Oh, and if you wanna howl to civil liberties folks, go on and do that, I kinda skipped that part cause imma thinkin a more direct lesson needs to be taught here at the other end of the chain of command.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:47 AM


I've driven across Nevada. Believe me, it's not a place you want to have your car break down... many very strange folks there (no disrespect to FFFans however). This doesn't surprise me in the least. If they are training for some sort of futuristic counter-strike against enemy occupiers, I still would have a problem with their tactics, if the article is accurate about them laser targeting citizens.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


So, should I quit testing my laser range-finder on the neighbors homes before my computer turns into cyber-slag?

But if instead of the US military, it had been a bunch'a guys who called themselves, say, the Deseret Militia who'd been creeping around on public roads and a gravel pit Mr. Nash didn't own, would he have been in the right to call the cops on them for being out at night an armed? Just trying to get this stuff figured out.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:44 AM


Meh, if you got a buncha very suspicious, armed guys running around a residential neighborhood, who.. when questioned about what they're up to, refuse to give you a straight answer, calling the cops is the LEAST you should do about it - and I don't care who they are.

Look at the recent problems locally to me with crooks disguising themselves as cops, using the free pass given the bastards with those no-knock warrants to make their entry, so it's not like you should automatically assume someone in such a uniform is actually an official member of the armed services, not like we don't have plenty of wack jobs running around being encouraged by provacateur agents of the state to do stupid shit, either.

Anyhows, technically, the idea, the whole concept, of the police force is (or at least WAS) a form of social peacekeeping - to have a neutral third party with better knowledge of the relevant law sort the situation instead of folks with their blood up who might wind up bein stupid and possibly violent... now, we both know it's fallen from that, but that was the intent.

Besides, given how I feel about em, I think I would rather have THEM confront a buncha armed crazies than ME, yes ?
(I have like, FIVE bullets, and one spare clip, fat lotta good that's gonna do against an infantry squad.)

To his credit Don tried to clarify their intentions first, something I would not have even bothered with - having served way back when, I know how them rocket-jock, better-than-everyone, pumped-up-pyscho hoo-rahs think, and I wouldn't voluntarily come NEAR the crazy bastards, even when I was in!

As for testing your laser, I doubt any harm could come to such equipment during a sig-intel-propa kind of to-and-fro, but I wouldn't count on being able to get an accurate setting during one either... I really don't know a lot about the relevant technology, there's a certain subset of the crew I work with however, that's all geeked to the max about it, I'll ask em later today, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:46 AM


Wait a minute!

This thread isn't about Batman! This thread doesn't have Batman in it at all!!!

*storms off in a huff to find comic book thread*

Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:11 PM


*huggles DTH*

We'll, we COULD sic Batman on the crazy Government guys creeping through the neighborhood.

That'd be fun too..







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