Big Brother hires army of 7 year olds, courts banned

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 15:57
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 2:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours and report wrongs

Thousands of criminal suspects to be tried in virtual courts

Hitler Youth


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:25 AM


And don't forget the boy scouts there, PN, and their friggin explorers learning how to kick in doors and terrorise folk.

S'funny tho, by virtue of a strange set of coincidences related to may day, the local girl scouts are now pondering an unofficial "civil disobedience" badge, thanks to a round table discussion of it's importance, historically and otherwise.

You see, we more or less tripped over a pack of the lil monsters, and mind you, this was a pack of Right-anarchist Astaru, and Left-anarchist folk of color, bent on raising a bit of thunder, and not a one of em save me shorter than 5'11"...

(And tell me, WTF is up with Astaru and ALL THAT HAIR ? these guys got hair growin outta places that would offend the hells angels, if I shaved that pack of lunatics, I could weave an 8x10 persian rug outta that mess!)

And lo and behold, the 'point girl' looks up at this bunch of large, scary people, sucks in her bottom lip, stomps up to us, and TRIES TO SELL US COOKIES!
*cue confusion, disbelief, and a checking of wallets*
Den momma comes around the corner right about then and freezes with a look of horror that swiftly shifts to abject incomprehension as the big scary guys all start lining up and digging out some long green, with a plaintive look in my direction.

Having expected trouble and not found any, we were way ahead of schedule, so I tip the nod and commerce continues, at least till they run outta cookies - but having such a rich market they're not to be deterred, and offer to go get more - which has us 'goons' retiring to a nearby park and an impromtu picnic, while den momma makes a phone call to her knitting circle (one of whom happens to know me, and shows up herself a bit later to get pictures, meh) and again commerce continues...

And as such our intended wreck the halls wound down into more of a celebratory picnic, and the exemplary behavior of our crew despite their appearance, and a mild discussion about our philosophy apparently left an impression.

For myself, sometimes I wonder if us adults run as much of the world as we think we do, as easily as children can sandbag us when they really want to - cause even the national guard wouldn't have stopped us by force, and yet the powers of cute and sugar combined brought the cat herd to a crashing halt - gonna take a while YET to wrap my mind around that one.

They're like a cute little subversive mafia, with the perfect extortion racket, hell, they sold ME two boxes despite my 'armor of cynicism +5' - I swear they were channeling TWG or something.

Frankly, co-opting the boy scouts scares me less than the idea of co-opting the cookie mafia, cause we're seriously hosed if the powers that be ever try that.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:14 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama Youth Corps in Nazi red and black uniforms

Hitler Youth sing allegiance to Hussein Obama:


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:48 PM


Meh, saves me the trouble of organizing, funding and training them when the enemy does it all for me, and then gives me a hook to subvert em right out from under the bastards.

In the end, they will hand me everything I need to crush them on a silver platter - just look at how the mighty-whitey-righties are dancing in lockstep to any tune I play, long as I preface it with "hey, look, he's BLACK!", heh heh heh.

Hell, they even started practicing decent personnel vetting and information security, tho it took em long enough.

Dumb bastards at the top never realize, cause they're incapable of it - tis like holding a handful of sand, see ?

Firmly but gently, and you get to keep it all, but the harder you squeeze, the more slips right through your fingers till you wind up with a fistfull of nothin.

I don't see em as potential threats, I see em as potential REINFORCEMENTS.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

According to insiders, Bilderbergers were skeert this week that the NWO is out of control, and THEIR heads may roll.

I'd buy that for a dollar. Er, "Federal" Reserve Bank Note.

Big Brother Britain replaces court with loonybins for political thoughtcrime






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