Muad’Dib wins jury trial, escapes prison

UPDATED: Monday, May 16, 2011 19:37
VIEWED: 2622
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Friday, May 13, 2011 3:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Jury Rejects State Charges against 7/7 Ripple Effect’s Muad’Dib

LONDON -- At 4pm on Thursday 12th May at Southwark Crown Court the jury returned and declared Muad’Dib (Anthony John Hill) innocent of attempting to ‘pervert the course of justice’.

Mr. Hill has spent 151 days incarcerated in Wandsworth prison over the past few months and this verdict spared him, mercifully, a sentence of up to 20 years in jail.

His offence? He had sent six DVD copies of his film ‘7/7: The Ripple Effect’ to various persons at the time (in 2008) of the trial in Kingston of three ‘terror’ suspects, alleged co-conspirators with the London ‘suicide bombers’. The DVD’s were intercepted and never reached their targets. The Kingston suspects were found innocent (only to later be retried for the same offences, but that’s another story).

Muad’Dib’s trial started on Monday 9th May, with a challenge to the monarchy and, hence, the authority of the court. This was ruled ‘out of order’ by the judge. On Tuesday a jury were sworn in.

On Wednesday they watched all of his film, ‘The Ripple Effect’, in open court.

Over the Tuesday and Wednesday the jury heard in-depth discussions of both 7/7 and 9/11, with Mr Hill laying out clearly, and at his own leisurely pace under cross-examination, the reasons he believes that both these ‘attacks by terrorists’ were, in fact, false flag attacks by agencies of the state against its own people carried out with the purpose of providing a pretext for invasion of innocent countries in the middle east in order to control their natural resources.

This was surely the first ever fully-explored set of such allegations of false flag terror made against any state before an ordinary collection of the citizens of that state.

It is also clear from the verdict that, when such information is placed before such ordinary citizens the majority of them ‘get it.’ The jury had announced that it could not be unanimous, so the judge allowed a ‘majority verdict’, i.e. ten or more of the 12.

It is surely not unfair to deduce that Southwark Crown Court’s jury of ordinary persons did not reject Muad’Dib’s false-flag narrative as outrageous or even necessarily untrue. One wonders how many of that jury have now themselves been converted into active ‘troofers’?

During the trial (on Wednesday) JAH/Hill/Muad’Dib was asked why he moved to Ireland: “To pursue my study of the lost Ark of the Covenant” was his reply. Here is a character, both serious and refreshing, who brings a mythic dimension into life. Onlookers were impressed by the way he was able to conduct himself without fear in the witness-box, sometimes pausing 5-10 seconds to reflect, before replying. A group of up to 25 supporters attended the four days of the trial, a couple travelling from as far afield as Finland and the state of Montana.

Let’s hope that will be the end of the persecution of Mr JAH by the British state – and, that he soon starts on a 2nd edition of his Ripple Effect.

It’s the opinion of Sheffield University social-sciences professor Ridley-Duff, that Mr Hill’s Ripple Effect’s narrative of what happened on that day, is more plausible and better fits the facts than did the BBC’s 7/7 ‘Conspiracy Files‘ program. His well-referenced study focussed very much on what happened at Canary Wharf on that morning, seeing the Ripple narrative, whereby the young alleged bombers had been inveigled into a terror drill that morning, then fled to Canary wharf where they were shot – as the best account yet. The new 3rd edition of my book Terror on the Tube endorses this view. In contrast, the so-called ‘July 7th Truth Campaign’ has scoffed at the Ripple narrative calling it ‘evidence-free conjecture,’ a quite breathtaking (and very revealing) remark.

Watch 7/7 Ripple Effect, The #1 Banned Movie in the British Empire:

The Butcher of 9/11 Sir Rudy Ghouliani Mafia Gay Knight of the British Empire was in London for his company's 7/7 bombing for his German Nazi Queen...


Saturday, May 14, 2011 4:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Not that I'll read it, but the title caught my eye. Where in hell did he get the name Mua'dib??? I resent the hell out of that...Mua'dib was the main character in Dune, this guy did WHAT to deserve the name???

(Don't bother answering, PN, I'm not trying to encourage you, just expressing my outrage)

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, May 14, 2011 5:06 AM


Well, there are people who try to get the religion of "Jedi" legally recognized. If a fan of something wants to change their name to Obi Wan Kenobi (someone here in Salt Lake City did that - a woman, to be precise) it doesn't seem like a matter of deserving it or not.


Saturday, May 14, 2011 5:43 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Transvestite judge of the British Empire


Originally posted by Niki2:

Not that I'll read it, but the title caught my eye. Where in hell did he get the name Mua'dib??? I resent the hell out of that...Mua'dib was the main character in Dune, this guy did WHAT to deserve the name???

Dune was about an evil empire seizing control of a healthy natural resource and turning it into a narcotic for profit. Mua'dib defeated that empire and returned power to The People. Muad'dib is not a real person. Kyle McLaughlin was his name. He had Big Hair.

Muad'dib is the pen name for Anthony John Hill, producer of the documentary 7/7 Ripple Effect, about the false-flag terror bombings in 2005, perped by the British royals against their own "subjects" (sheeple). MI6 secret agent Eric Blair used the pen name George Orwell for 1984. Sam Clemens used the pen name Mark Twain.

Turns out MI5, Visor Consultants and Giuliani Associates were running a "drill" about bombings of trains and buses -- the same day, same time, same locations in London as the actual bombings on 7/7/2005.

When prosecutors tried to frame some Arab Semite "suicide" patsies for that bombing (who were fine upstanding citizens and govt employees who were not near the bombings), Mr Hill mailed a copy of his DVD to the judge, prosecutors, jury foreman and victims' families as evidence to prevent a perversion of justice, which is the right and responsibility of every citizen to do (“amicus curiae” - "a friend of the court"). For that he was arrested in Ireland, deported to England, jailed for 150 days, facing 20 years in prison. But the jury trumped the homicidal Crown.

The name of Mr Hill's DVD evidence -- 7/7 Ripple Effect -- was censored by the "news" corporations during the trial.

The Queen's BBC did a hit job on Mr Hill's and his DVD -- The Conspiracy Files -- but ending up proving Mr Hill was accurate.

"LIFE SENTENCE" -- EUROPEAN Arrest Warrant for Mr Hill to seize "newspaper articles" published by corporate British newspapers

Extradition RENDITION: Irish Supreme Court refused to view the evidence against Mr Hill (Mr Hill's DVD 7/7 Ripple Effect) nor respond to his legal defense

As a political prisoner, Mr Hill was denied bail, and denied the right to attend his own bail hearings in court.

16.12.10 Bail hearing - Bail for Wikileaks Julian Assange but no bail for Muad'Dib! Both in London’s Wandsworth Prison. Assanger works for British MI6 and after bail lives with trillionaire jewish Lord Rothschild's lawyer in a $10-million mansion, that's why. Wikileaks used to coverup MI5/6's 7/7 bombings of London.

Mr Hill was denied the right to subpoena witnesses, and denied the right to appeal those denials.

Mr Hill was denied the right to have his family, friends, or ANYONE who knew his name, to watch the "public" trial.

Mr Hill WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO "HIS" LAWYER, a "public defender" employed by the Govt Crown. This scam is common with all public defenders -- that's how the Police State wins.

Today I received a letter from "my own" public defender "demanding" that I stop writing his name on my website, quoting his statements to me about The Law after "we" won dismissal of my criminal prosecution last month, WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD OF TESTIMONY IN COURT. Obviously, the Police State don't want sheeple to learn enuff LAW to actually win in court against crooks in govt. I was also denied the right to subpoena witnesses.

The Brit/German royals control 95% of the world opium trade via invasion of Afghanistan. Dune was a metaphor for the British Empire, "spice" a metaphor for heroin (a perversion of healthy opium). The Bene Gesserit were the "key social, religious, and political force" in Dune, a metaphor for jewish witches and rabbis today who control all banking, money printing (out of thin air, 95% just keystrokes), income taxes (they get it all), diamonds, oil (they set the price and own the oil companies, ie Rockefellers own Exxon etc), politics and govts.

Good to know you choose to remain ignorant of reality. That way your Commie Baron Vladimir Harkonnen won't kill you...not yet.


Muad’Dib’s / John Anthony Hill’s (JAH) trial has now concluded.

***Verdict: NOT Guilty.***

***Thank-you and God bless to everyone who showed their support and to the jury that did the right thing, even in the face of serious State corruption.***

The location of the court is:

Southwark Crown Court (London, England)
1 English Grounds,
City of London,
Greater London
Tel: (+44) 020 7522 7200

Starting that day, Muad’Dib will begin presenting an extensive compilation of evidence supporting His challenge that the “crown” has no jurisdiction to bring charges against Him (and by extension, many, many other people).

The potential ramifications of His trial make this the most far-reaching and important case in British history. For this reason, the State/“crown” have already proven by their own actions thus far, that they plan to act corruptly/unlawfully, behind the scenes, doing anything they can possibly come up with to stop their crimes and corruption from being exposed.

However, they are now criminals on the defensive, and if many thousands of people are looking on, it will be much more difficult for the “crown” to corrupt proceedings, or pass off fabricated “evidence”, which is why it is so absolutely imperative that every freedom-loving man, woman, and child attend and show their loud support.

Either Truth, Justice, and Liberty prevail, because people are willing to stand up and FIGHT for it, or we all go quietly and miserably into the very dark night that is being planned for us.

We hope to see you there. Our future is at stake.

Download "7/7 Ripple Effect" (700 Mb DivX Avi)
DivX codec

Download "7/7 Ripple Effect" (2.6 Gb Pal DVD)

Download "7/7 Ripple Effect" (2.6 Gb NTSC DVD)

Transcript "7/7 Ripple Effect"


On Tuesday 28th April 2009, the Kingston re-trial jury unanimously REFUSED to convict Waheed Ali, Mohammed Shakil and Sadeer Saleem, of helping to plot the 7/7 attacks, finding them not guilty. They have spent over two years in prison. Muad’Dib sent the 7/7 Ripple Effect DVD’s to the judge, laywers and jury (whom the judge had misled) of the first trial at Kingston, because they should never have been accused in the first place and had no case to answer. They should never have spent all that time in prison.

However, the following day, on Wednesday 29th April 2009, Waheed Ali and Mohammed Shakil were unjustly sentenced to seven years, for “planning to attend a terror training camp in Pakistan”. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Looking at the atrocious acts of mass terrorism committed by the United States and Britain over the years, together murdering over a million people, it is difficult to see how armed forces from other nations who have spent time training in the USA or Britain, should not logically be accused of the same thing.

Barack Hussein Obama's and President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski (the jewish founder of Al Qaeda) visiting 'his boy', Osama Bin Laden, in training with the Pakistan Army, 1981. Photo originally scanned from the New York Village Voice. Photo credited to the Sygma/Corbis Agency, Paris

"Regret what? That secret operation (the CIA backing of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists) was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?"
-Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, Jan, 1998

"I've learned an immense amount from Dr. Brzezinski."
-Hussein Obama, 12 Sept 2007

"I endorsed Obama."
-Zbigniew Brzezinski, MSNBC

"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough. Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at. Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.''
-Professor Bill Ayers, FBI/CIA employee and confessed bomber of NYPD HQ, US Capitol, NY Supreme Court, bombed and killed two female bombers in his house, busted CIA LSD mind-control agent Timothy Leary out of prison, confessed to 12 bombings in Operation Northwoods but never prosecuted, author of Barack Hussien Obama Sotoro's authorized biography and grant recipient of Obama's Annenberg Foundation

"Last Thursday evening at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father. 'Yeah, yeah,' he said after confirming again that he wrote Dreams, 'And if you help me prove it, I'll split the royalties with you. Thank you very much.'
-Terrorist Ayres ADMITS writing "autobiography" for Obama

Bill Ayers, Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago

Pastor Manning: "Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Worked for CIA, Al Qaeda and Taliban Dealing Heroin in Pakistan, Never Graduated from College"


Saturday, May 14, 2011 8:45 AM


Interesting. Also, my brother was almost caught in that bombing. We had just dropped him off in England for his study abroad program, toured around, and on that day we went to the airport through King's Cross station, he headed back the same way. Just barely missed it.

We heard about it just as we were boarding our flight, but they wouldn't allow the passengers to try to call anyone to see if they were all right, and wouldn't allow people to leave.


Monday, May 16, 2011 7:37 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Yikes Byte, scary stuff, glad it turned out okay for your brother.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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