2 Walker aides accused of illegal fundraising

UPDATED: Saturday, January 28, 2012 06:57
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, January 27, 2012 8:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

...and let's not forget embezzlement. Hard times for Gov. Walker...

Two women who were on Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s staff when he was the Milwaukee County executive were charged Thursday with engaging in political fundraising while at work, becoming the fourth and fifth people with ties to Walker charged as part of a corruption investigation.

Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker’s deputy chief of staff before he became governor in 2011, is charged with four felony counts of misconduct in office. Darlene Wink, who was Walker’s county constituent services coordinator, faces two misdemeanor counts of political solicitation by a public employee.

The charges stem from a Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office investigation that has led to charges against three men with Walker ties. The governor denies wrongdoing and says he hasn’t been contacted by prosecutors, but it comes at a politically sensitive time for him, as he is trying to stave off an effort to recall him.

It is illegal for public workers, while engaged in their official duties, to raise funds or otherwise work on political campaigns or use their public workspaces to do so.

During work hours, Rindfleisch exchanged more than 1,000 emails with Walker campaign officials from early February through early July 2010, averaging more than 10 per day, prosecutors contend. They say Walker’s former deputy chief of staff, Tim Russell, set up a private online network run from the county executive’s office that was used to discuss campaign and government work.

In one instant message to a friend over that network, Rindfleisch wrote, “half of what I am doing is policy for the campaign,” the criminal complaint states. Russell, one of the three others charged in the investigation, is accused of embezzlement.

Wink, who in addition to working for Walker was a first vice chairwoman of the Republican Party of Milwaukee County, is accused of using her county computer on work time to help plan a Nov. 6, 2009, gubernatorial fundraiser and a birthday party for Walker.

Prosecutors say she quit her job in May 2010 after it was revealed she had been posting political comments on a newspaper website under an assumed name. They say she also used her personal computer to connect to the private network Russell set up.

Wink’s attorney, Peter Wolff, said he and Wink have been discussing a possible plea deal with the district attorney’s office that would involve her testifying against Russell and another defendant, Kevin Kavanaugh, who is accused of theft. But he said he couldn’t discuss the matter in further detail.

Russell is accused of stealing more than $21,000 from a nonprofit organization that Walker asked him to head. He is scheduled to be arraigned later this month on two felony embezzlement counts, and he already pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor count.

Kavanaugh, who Walker appointed to the Milwaukee County Veteran Service Commission, is accused of stealing more than $40,000 from 2006 through 2009 from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, where he was the chapter’s treasurer. He has pleaded not guilty to one felony count of theft and four felony counts of producing fraudulent writings.

Pierick, who has volunteered previously for Walker’s campaign, was charged because prosecutors say an examination of phones and computers seized from his partner, Russell, showed Pierick had attempted to solicit minors for sex. Pierick faces child enticement charges, which he asked a judge on Thursday to dismiss. The judge is expected to rule on the matter Feb. 24.

The complaint also shows an email Walker sent in May 2010 in reaction to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporting that Wink was apparently doing partisan political work while working for the county.

“We cannot afford another story like this one,” Walker said in the email he sent Russell. “No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the work day, etc.”

Walker had scheduled an appearance in Wausau Thursday, the day after he delivered his State of the State speech, but canceled it an hour after the indictments were released. His office said it was canceled due to bad weather.


But with the FBI raid, with a Walker donor admitting to felonies and with evidence mounting that the governor and his appointees have been busy finding political jobs for the targets of a “John Doe” investigation, this is not the sort of scandal that can be swept under the rug.

It is, as well, precisely the sort of scandal that scares investors away from a state—especially when concerns about money laundering and pay-to-play politics have been raised.

Walker may not want to answer questions now, but he is going to have to answer eventually.

Becase of Archer’s central role in the anti-labor push by the Walker administration, this scandal cannot be separated from the broader issue of the governor’s assaults on collective bargaining rights, local democracy and open government. Those assaults have led almost 200,000 Wisconsinites to pledge their support for recalling Walker and removing the governor from office. The “John Doe” investigation into his aides, the FBI raid and the governor’s stonewalling will only increase the sense—especially among swing voters—that Walker must be held to account.

Oh, I am SO enjoying the news these days...feeling downright chipper, I am!


Friday, January 27, 2012 9:00 AM


Then you'll enjoy this one even more, it kinda speaks for itself...

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Like we really needed more proof that Conservatives are intolerant morons ?



Friday, January 27, 2012 9:42 AM


America loves a winner!

Who do they think they are... AirAmerica ?

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - Someone.


Saturday, January 28, 2012 6:57 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanks Frem...Hee, hee, hee:

there is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world.
I could say something...






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