For your enjoyment...or not

UPDATED: Monday, October 29, 2012 15:07
VIEWED: 1077
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Friday, October 26, 2012 8:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Was looking around for something else and bumped into a thread from here back in early '09 ( which probably reflects the same discussion we have had time and time again, one I started a while back, and now Byte's criticism of the lefties here today. Thought you might enjoy it...or not...because of what's said in it and by whom. It was put up by Rap, titled "Sadly, RWED has become nothing more than Troll Country 2", and he began with:

Which kinda sucks, because I had hoped to engage in some mature, lively and civil discussions over real world matters. But too many here now have openly stated their intent here is nothing but to mock, poke fun and illicit any sort of response, rather than deal in sincere exchange of ideas.

As other's have parted ways from this forum, I too think it may be wise to do the same. The repetitive incidents by some of expanding on misleading and false minutia has left its toll. Whether by design or merely a display of colossal ignorance by some, does not matter.

You sad little kings who remain enjoy your sad, pathetic little hill.

It went from there. Chris (which surprised me) and Gino hailed his saying he was leaving...only they, tho' I only got as far as the first page. The discussion included Jong (who agreed with Rap), SixStringJack, Mike, Hero, KPO, Sig and others. Has anything changed? Have any of THEM changed? It's quite illuminating, and speaks to the fact that I guess we should all just give up, shut up, and accept the way this place is. Which is a very, very sad statement.

A far better statement, were we all to adopt it (gawd forbid...I know), is the following from someone called JKiddo on page three (that's where I first landed from my Google search, then was intriguted and went back to the beginning). He/she wrote:

I have a simple solution which I've proposed several times, and I'm gonna re-propose it.

Where rational discussion doesn't work... IGNORE THE OTHER POSTER. People come to the board for all kinds of reasons, not just to converse. Some peeps, like Whozit, simply come to stir things up. They LOVE to poke the ant-hill and watch the flurry. Some - like rappy - come for their fix. Some people come to proselytize. Nothing stop bad behavior like LACK OF REWARD. If you simply do not provide peeps the response they're looking for they will either learn to interact differently or they will go away. Meanwhile, the discussion hasn't been derailed fruitlessly into ad hominem.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. Tit for tat doesn't work if the person you're dealing with can't see the mote in his own eye... he just winds up feeling "picked on" and victimized. {Emphasis Niki's}

So... can we all agree that most of us have to be grownups, and hold ourselves to a HIGHER standard than the one we're responding to?

I applaud this apparently long-gone poster for his/her simple common sense, and leave you today with the wishful thought that there would ever be any possibility whatsoever that we might take his/her suggestion...

"Aoww wouldn' it be loverly..."


Friday, October 26, 2012 8:57 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Before leaving for today I will add something I caught in that thread from someone called "Ripwash", which was also quite commendable:

What I meant was simply that if AuRaptor is leaving RWED, that we let those initial impulses that apparently originated with him to leave with him also. If he decides to return, then I'd urge him to make a fresh start of things as well, trust me. But that can only be done if people are willing to forgive and forget, and that goes for him as well.

I'm not arguing that only AURaptor or Oppyh or myself or only Conservatives should be left alone in regards to anything we may post that has merit. That goes for anyone - Conservative/Republican, Liberal/Democrat, Libertarian, Christian, Atheist, etc. If anyone posts anything of merit, it should be given the thoughtful consideration and the chance for civilized discussion.

I'm trying to make generalized statements in order to get some agreement on how we should behave even if it means a vow to make a fresh start of things.

What a dream, if this were to come true!

Amusingly, JKiddo also remarked that "I don't know ANYONE on this board who worships Obama blindly, Rue included. There was nose-holding that went with the vote. The Obama voters here are not blind supporters. If you had been paying any sort of attention at all, you'd know that." Funny how that has NEVER gotten through to the other side, even lo, these many months later. Just found that amusing.


Friday, October 26, 2012 10:07 AM


Jkiddo = SignyM


Friday, October 26, 2012 10:30 AM


That 2009 thread was pretty funny. I forgot how much I used to mix it up here. Age has taken away my desire to rumble. But I have been thinking about the same thing recently, wondering why I stay on. I e-mailed a popular poster here and said I was going to leave. But for some reason I haven't. Maybe I can't. It must be monsters Niki, monsters from the id.


Friday, October 26, 2012 10:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah, that was me. I had temporarily changed my email address and when I tried to create an account under my old name it told me the name was already taken, or some such.

Anyway, the idea of ignoring ridiculous posts only works if nearly everyone participates. Since nobody else felt like trying that strategy, I gave up on it. But maybe I'll go back to it anyway... not waste my time and everyone else's. Good reason to ignore the Is it Racist thread.

ETA: Jong, I hope you don't leave.


Friday, October 26, 2012 10:55 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh yeah, that was me. I had temporarily changed my email address and when I tried to create an account under my old name it told me the name was already taken, or some such.

You do realize that there are both SignyM and Jkiddo posts in the very thread referenced right?
Hmmmmm, I think we need another opinion. Anyone see Rue or 1Kiki around these parts lately?


Friday, October 26, 2012 11:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You do realize that there are both SignyM and Jkiddo posts in the very thread referenced right?
Yes, and back then I SAID I was changing my emailer and that my new name was Jkiddo. So sit on a coke bottle and spin, ya moron. Give it a friggin' rest.

I did, but under a different login, so the header name was jkiddo and the answer was "freedom". Not meaning to be confusing but I'm changing my emailer and the system won't let me use "someone else's" (ie my) name.

Or are you next going to ask me for my birth certificate, and insist I was born in Kenya?


Friday, October 26, 2012 12:05 PM


Jkiddo is Sig. She had an alt account for a while because she forgot her passcode is what I understand.

All those people, familiar faces. That was right around the time I joined. So many gone.

EDIT: Ah, ninja'd.


Friday, October 26, 2012 12:28 PM


Tsk, I don't think an alt login where the person states up front who they are could be considered a sockpuppet, as I recall it was cause Sig didn't have login info handy and wanted to comment or something, but there wasn't no malicious intent there whatever.

I don't pay much of a mind to the infantile ranting of the RWA horde save for the occasional snark cause really they got nothin to say, but damn they use a lotta words to say it, don't they ?

We all do what we do - but to assert that minds haven't changed, that no ones position ever budges is, I think, a wee bit less than true.
I know for mine own, while I always did have a waste-not-want-not bent, seeing real discussion of just how bad the situation is has elevated my priorities in that fashion, and conversely seeing the festering vileness underneath most of the excuses in regards to not respecting human rights has made defending them drastically more important in my eyes, something which I think is becoming clearer to EVERYONE these days, up to and including folks who may have once thought me a fanatic or a bit off cause of it.

I know I've handed out some stuff for folk to think about as well, even if it may not have changed their opinion much there's still a certain mindfulness - despite the bitterness of many of the arguments I've had with Siggy, I do think we learned from each other even when we didn't agree, and that from often mutually opposed and explicitly hostile viewpoints on a thing.

So it's not all doom and gloom yanno, even if it does seem that way sometimes, mostly I think the feeling is cause our whole world in the US right now is being compacted with messages of force and fear, hate and intolerance, and outraged hostility via an election season that has little to offer us save a choice between a status quo nobody likes and a header off the cliff into total insanity.

None of the above never sounded better, and yet I don't even have THAT option since a certain degree of defensive self-interest requires another.
But the wheel ever turns, and those on the lunatic fringe tend to get crushed as it does, so that's a comfort, at least.



Friday, October 26, 2012 12:45 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


the idea of ignoring ridiculous posts only works if nearly everyone participates
That's a good slogan, Sig, maybe I'll adopt it. The funny thing is, one post after saying "maybe I'll go back to it anyway", you lit into Nobody. As Jong said, "there be monsters"...

Jong, oh, please, oh, please, don't EVER go away!!! Your voice is one of THE most precious voices here for me, because there IS only you to whom I can look for rational conservative opinion. Whatever causes it, please keep giving in to the urge to STAY! I enjoy others, I agree with others, but in my mind, ONLY you speak for the Rational Right, and that is absolutely vital to have around.

Frem, you misunderstand:

to assert that minds haven't changed, that no ones position ever budges is, I think, a wee bit less than true
I wasn't asserting it at fact I felt that Chris HAD changed, since the Chris I got to know wasn't someone who would rejoice in a poster leaving, and given Sig now gets down and dirty with the rest of us, I saw THAT as a change as well. It was a question, not an assertion, tho' the plea for sanity and the lack thereof have probably been around the horn many times and THAT has not changed.

Nonetheless, for the most part, when it comes to this issue I don't think many attitudes have changed; there are some of us who keep trying to encourage civility, but who get dragged into ignoring our own wishes, then resolve to go back to our ideals, and around and around. There are those of us who have been nasty from the very start and never deviated. When it comes to civil discourse, who do YOU view as having changed, I'd really like to know.

Having just returned from being very UNcivilly attacked at the dog park, and having been very upset about it (but no, not having been uncivil in return), I think I'll get off here for today now, if I can pull myself away. But I think I WILL adopt that slogan; maybe it'll help me remind me, if nothing else.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Friday, October 26, 2012 2:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The funny thing is, one post after saying "maybe I'll go back to it anyway", you lit into Nobody. As Jong said, "there be monsters"...
ACH! Indeed!


Monday, October 29, 2012 2:51 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Niki a chara, I'm sorry someone was mean to you at the dog park. Hopefully you don't have to see that person often there, or hopefully they apologize, or at least go out of their way to be kind henceforth.

I hope Jack and his bro are okay, its been a while since I've seen him around.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, October 29, 2012 3:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Anyway, the idea of ignoring ridiculous posts only works if nearly everyone participates. Since nobody else felt like trying that strategy, I gave up on it. But maybe I'll go back to it anyway... not waste my time and everyone else's. Good reason to ignore the Is it Racist thread.

The idea of ingoring posts or posters (or not responding to them in a tit for tat manner) is that you take personal responsibility for your own behaviour on the forum. It may not mean that someone changes their behaviour, especially if others are still weighing in, but it means that you are not participating.

i do think that trolls give up if starved of attention. I note than Kaneman has disappeared since people started being pleasant to him - or he is in jail ;)

Niki, I've been very influenced by these forums and while my opinions may not have done a 180 degree shift, I've certainly come across new ideas and information which has changed how I think.

Keep it up Browncoats. Dissent is good for us.


Monday, October 29, 2012 3:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Anyway, the idea of ignoring ridiculous posts only works if nearly everyone participates. Since nobody else felt like trying that strategy, I gave up on it. But maybe I'll go back to it anyway... not waste my time and everyone else's. Good reason to ignore the Is it Racist thread.

The idea of ingoring posts or posters (or not responding to them in a tit for tat manner) is that you take personal responsibility for your own behaviour on the forum. It may not mean that someone changes their behaviour, especially if others are still weighing in, but it means that you are not participating.

i do think that trolls give up if starved of attention. I note than Kaneman has disappeared since people started being pleasant to him - or he is in jail ;)

Niki, I've been very influenced by these forums and while my opinions may not have done a 180 degree shift, I've certainly come across new ideas and information which has changed how I think.

Keep it up Browncoats. Dissent is good for us.






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