Do you have a male or female brain?

UPDATED: Thursday, September 12, 2013 04:10
VIEWED: 6413
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Sunday, February 10, 2013 8:37 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Take a test here:

I scored 25% female... though I think I want to retake the tests when I'm less tired/jet-lagged.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 10:05 AM


Interesting. I got scored right smack in the middle, exactly between male and female. Not unexpected. It says I'm good with reasoning/logic/etc, but right brained and prefer masculine faces. Check.

The ID'ing emotion from eyes thing I found impossible. I didn't think any of the options fit. Total guesses, yet I managed 6/10.

Judging attractiveness of the faces was creepy. Weird seeing the same face slightly altered.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 10:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

50% female/ 50% male but a very odd mix of results. Way better than the average man on rotating objects but way worse on verbalizing, way better than the average woman on reading faces but way worse on details.

As for which faces do I find more attractive, I don't think they realized that by slightly altering faces - lip fullness, brow heaviness, eye size, jaw size etc they slightly altered expression as well. For example, by making brows heavier on the bottom they made the face more hostile, by making eyes larger they at times made them more staring (by not increasing lids as well), by making lips fuller at times they made them look like a disgruntled pout. To me attractiveness is a matter of expression.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 10:40 AM


Gee, what'dya all think?

Though much of this seems to be based on nonsensical right brain left brain theories. And I can't finish the attractiveness one for obvious reasons. I can't even get past the first question, "which gender are you attracted to?" Poor design.

EDIT: Eventually I just picked something and muddled through with barely prefers. They didn't have an option for no opinion though, and why did they have to waste my time with 21 pictures? That was annoying.

11/12 on the rotated figures. 14 words. Abysmal 29% score for the memory game, and I even cheated by trying to write them down. 9/20 for empathy, 16/20 systematization, 5/10 for looking at mood from eyes. Ring finger much longer than my index finger.

Guess I have a testosterone problem, but I coulda told you all that.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:04 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Gee, what'dya all think?

Though much of this seems to be based on nonsensical right brain left brain theories. And I can't finish the attractiveness one for obvious reasons. I can't even get past the first question, "which gender are you attracted to?" Poor design.

Well, there's something to be said for being flexible, Byte. I share certain lacks of interest with you, and wasn't actually attracted to anything I saw. (The rare times in my life I've been attracted to somebody, it's not because of how they look.) My approach: I've spent plenty of time staring at various screens with pretty and ugly faces on them. So which of the faces would I rather be watching on a screen?

Not that you have to get through this silly test, I'm just saying, there are ways to make things work...

Kiki - I didn't pick up the mood variation, though I bet you're right. As the eyes section showed, I am horrible at reading emotions. I have noticed that I don't tend to look people in the eye much. For several of those eye pictures I seriously had no idea what the emotion was supposed to be. They mentioned that it was taken from an Asperger's test - yep.

Brenda - I found a website showing an "actual" sized ruler. It was wrong, but I adjusted it until it correctly fit the 8.5" side of a piece of paper. I guess some would say that that was the "male" half of my brain at work. (I could ruin the fun by going off on how wrong it is to define any trait as "male" or "female", but I'm not quite in the mood to rant. Maybe later.)


Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:11 AM



I've spent plenty of time staring at various screens with pretty and ugly faces on them. So which of the faces would I rather be watching on a screen?

I honestly have no preference between males or females. None of the faces were very ugly or very pretty.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:18 AM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
(I could ruin the fun by going off on how wrong it is to define any trait as "male" or "female", but I'm not quite in the mood to rant. Maybe later.)

Also this. Extremely annoying presumption on the part of the test makers. As you can see from my example, "masculine" traits aren't uncommon in women, and vice versa.

I'll be surprised if anyone here tests strongly one way or another.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:54 AM


I scored 50% female. Wasn't terribly surprised.

I learned:
I suck at angles. Below average for men AND women.
Good at "Spot the difference". Above average.
I fold my hands in a girly way.
Womanly empathizing and manly systemising both.
I'm pretty good at the eye thing.
My finger ratio is super-manly.
I dig masculine faces. (What IS is with the hair on these guys??)
I rock the 3D shapes.
I'm just about average at words.
I'm just the right amount of greedy. Ka-ching!

Tests are fun!


Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:04 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
And I can't finish the attractiveness one for obvious reasons. I can't even get past the first question, "which gender are you attracted to?" Poor design.

Agree with this. They should offer a mixed-gender version. It's not like bisexual attraction is that obscure. Though ultimately the choice of gender doesn't figure into the score so while irksome it's not a massive hindrance. More of a problem for anyone who doesn't have appreciable levels of sexual attraction to any gender, though, I guess.

Though I found most of the male faces generally unattractive, anyway, so I just picked the one that irked me less.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Though much of this seems to be based on nonsensical right brain left brain theories."

Well, there are distinct right and left brain differences, as exemplified by stroke victims.

However. how much of these differences are sex-linked, as well as differences in communication between the two halves, is up for debate. On the AVERAGE there are statistical differences, but I suspect (without having researched it) that there's lots of overlap.

Also, there are differences in attention to detail as exemplified by the sensitive v non-sensitive response type. I also found that the 'detail' test was a better indication of my memory (piss poor) than attention to detail. And oddly, I was just researching hand-clasping and arm-folding styles b/c it caught my attention a few weeks ago, and found that as much as it has been looked at, there seems to be no significance.

This is one of those fun things one can do though.

Also, Byte, I was going to suggest that you select a sex at random then look for the HUMAN face you LIKE the best - but you've already been through that and maybe you don't like any human faces all that well.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 5:37 PM


Well, that's gotta be the most flattering test I think I've ever taken! lol I scored REALLY high on pretty much everything there was to score high on. Aced the memory game and aced the objects in space. It all reminded me of taking IQ tests in kindergarten (which I scored really high on as well--if genius = money I'd be a gazillionaire).

I definitely had the weirdest time with the attractiveness test because, yeah, some of those faces looked hostile or annoyed or just off, but I still came up attracted to femanine faces.

What a goofy test!

Oh! So, anyways, I came up split down the middle. Natch.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, February 10, 2013 9:30 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Eye contact is for mortals.

I don't really understand what the difference is between thinking someone is good looking and finding them _attractive. I mean I can tell you if girls are pretty or not, I understand that better than which boys are handsome, sometimes I think a man on TV is goodlooking but its sort of a crapshoot whether others watching with me will agree. Whereas I can almost always peg whether a woman is pretty or not. But I know there's a difference between thinking someone looks good and being attracted to them. Oh well what ever. I can't take this test anyway.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, February 12, 2013 7:57 PM


Angles: 20 out of 20.... (VERY Male)

Spot the Difference: 36% (Cro-magnon Male)

Hands: Hard to tell... I forget which one I did first, every other time it came up right thumb on top but I swear it was left on the first try..... (Undetermined, but Right on the test)


11 out of 20 (.4 higher than average female/3.1 higher than average male)


14 out of 20 (VERY male)


8 out of 10 (1.4 more than both male/female)

Finger measurements: .75 mm for all measurements

Faces: More feminine faces prefered

Shapes: 11 out of 12 correct (no, i'm not an engineer or do I have a science background... Just a big fan of Tetris and its 3D offspring)

Words: Apparently I got 0 words right for grey, and 11 words right for happy. (I guess I'm a LOT more happy than I give myself credit for!!!)

Ultimatim: I took 30 bucks out of 50. I always do that. I don't take too much, but I always take more.....

Overall, that gave me an even 50 M/F score.

I'm happy with that.....

I'm analytical and decisive, but at the same time I'm fair and caring....

Sure, I might screw over some people I don't know to make ends meet, but it's not out of greed and selfishness. It's to take care of my own.....

The closer you are to 50% here, the better a person you are, in my opinion....

Too much testosterone leads to nothing but arrogance, un-due hubris, and blind rage.

Too much estrogen leads to far too much time giving sympathy to circumstances out of your control and indecision.

I don't think even the most ice-hearted feminist here could disagree with that conclusion.....


Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:27 PM



Too much testosterone leads to nothing but arrogance, un-due hubris, and blind rage.

Too much estrogen leads to far too much time giving sympathy to circumstances out of your control and indecision.

I disagree. Estrogen is technically an aggression hormone in women. And technically men can't be aggressive without production or exposure to estrogen, based on studies in knock-out mice. Low testosterone can lead to aggressive or grumpy tendencies in men as much as abnormally high levels (roid rage).

And if you call me a feminist we're going to have words. :P


Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:22 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Too much testosterone leads to nothing but arrogance, un-due hubris, and blind rage.

Too much estrogen leads to far too much time giving sympathy to circumstances out of your control and indecision.

I disagree. Estrogen is technically an aggression hormone in women. And technically men can't be aggressive without production or exposure to estrogen, based on studies in knock-out mice. Low testosterone can lead to aggressive or grumpy tendencies in men as much as abnormally high levels (roid rage).

And if you call me a feminist we're going to have words. :P


Too much estrogen from soy makes men wear panties and lipstick....

I can't argue it doesn't make them more aggressive in their endeavors though Byte...

Don't look at me....

I was one of the 50% :)


Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:30 AM



Too much estrogen from soy makes men wear panties and lipstick....

I can't argue it doesn't make them more aggressive in their endeavors though Byte...

Nah. My folks stopped drinking soy milk because my dad was going into rages. No panties or lipstick I know about there.

Guess who's still drinking soy milk. I bet you all can guess.

And I wear boxers, not lipstick.


Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:38 AM


It wasn't rages Byte...

It was abnormal "periods"....

Who thought it was a good idea to load men up with real and artificial estrogens????

Keep feeding your dad soy milk.... Have you ever seen Falling Down???

By your own admission, excess levels of estrogen may be accountable for this..........

"The Customer is ALWAYS Right!!!"


Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:12 AM


That was a little too obvious Jack. You have to try harder to get my goat than PMS jokes.

Plus that's caused by progesterone, not estrogen. Estrogen matures the ova, progesterone matures the endometrium.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:58 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
That was a little too obvious Jack. You have to try harder to get my goat than PMS jokes.

Plus that's caused by progesterone, not estrogen. Estrogen matures the ova, progesterone matures the endometrium.

Are you sure Byte??????

Are you sure that nothing I said here was true?

I think it's becoming quite apparent that I'm the asexual/pansexual on the board.

Hope that doesn't offend you.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:13 AM



Are you sure Byte??????

Are you sure that nothing I said here was true?

I think it's becoming quite apparent that I'm the asexual/pansexual on the board.

Hope that doesn't offend you.

Suddenly it all makes sense. So your brother is your clone? How many Jacks are there? Do you bud off every time, or only when you achieve completion?

And, I'm guessing that the most intimate relationship you have is with your inanimate house, since you're attracted to everything as well.

Remarkable. No wonder there are so many of you. You are in a permanent state of arousal, and eventually there will be so much Jack ass covering the earth, we will all suffocate in the infinite peach-like clefts and milky white seas. Everything ferments under a knee deep pile of excrement, and aggregate you will suck up all that delicious alcohol and piss it out onto the canvas of the universe.

It smells like vomit and it is so beautiful.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:19 AM


Don't you appreciate it when I talk dirty to you?

Aww. Perhaps you aren't pansexual after all. How disappointing. After all, I only want to be LOOOOOOOOOVED


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:50 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Don't you appreciate it when I talk dirty to you?

Aww. Perhaps you aren't pansexual after all. How disappointing. After all, according to you, I only want to be LOOOOOOOOOVED

There you go Byte...

I'm Pit-Pat!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:34 AM


How silly.

Your skill ninja editing quotes is admirable. /blatant hypocrisy

However, I must ask: are you still humping the molten iron core of the very earth like an inflammed metal candle filled with carbon dust and ashes that abruptly found itself employed as a jackhammer?

Do be honest, there will be a true or false test later.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:32 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
How silly.

Your skill ninja editing quotes is admirable. /blatant hypocrisy

However, I must ask: are you still humping the molten iron core of the very earth like an inflammed metal candle filled with carbon dust and ashes that abruptly found itself employed as a jackhammer?

Do be honest, there will be a true or false test later.

Wood, if I could, but I can't so I won't.......

Sorry girl, but nothing on RRWED gets me there, not even close....


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:44 AM



Sorry girl, but nothing on RRWED gets me there, not even close....

You'd need a rather large drill.

But oh no, you're being a terrible tease. Why don't you post your mug shot again so we can all
swoon over it?

I could post for you.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:42 PM


Well, let's see, before this degenerated into a shouting match, it was an interesting topic. Maybe I can hijack the thread back to its original topic! :-)

I followed the link and took the test.
It placed me exactly mid-way between "male brain" and "female brain." This doesn't surprise me at all.

Angles -- very high. I'm good at spatial orientation tasks, and my work involves a fair amount of graphic arts (music typesetting). I know from my music typesetting work that I can line things up pretty accurately just by eyeballing it -- if I check it later off a grid, it's usually accurately placed.
Spot the Difference -- also high. I always liked those kinds of games as a kid.

Hands -- I put my left hand on top. Duh. I am left-handed.

Empathising -- kinda high. I'm a mom. It's in the job description.
Systematising -- also kinda high. Although I don't work as a scientist now, that's my background.
Eyes -- I got 8 out of 10. I have no idea how, because I had no clue for many of these and just picked something. I found it hard to guess on eyes alone; in real life I would also use cues from other facial features.

Finger ratios -- 0.97 and .96. Seems goofy to me.

Faces -- Well, it said I preferred "more masculine" faces. I thought this was a weird test. I felt like my choices were kinda random. I never picked "strongly prefer." It was always "slightly prefer" or occasionally "prefer." None of these guys reminded me of my husband, who would be my "strongly prefer."

3D shapes -- very high. That doesn't surprise me at all. I am the person in the family who is always in charge of packing the car for trips, etc., because I can get about twice as much in the same space as anybody else. And yes, I always liked playing Tetris, too.
Words -- lotsa words. Lotsa lotsa lotsa words. I have never had a problem with under-verbosity! ;-)
Ultimatum -- it didn't even occur to me to offer anything other than a 50/50 split.

Altogether, I'd say the test merely confirmed what I already know about myself. I used to work in science, which appealed very strongly to the more systematic and logical part of me; now I work in the arts, which appeals to the emotional side. I'm a professional musician, and music brings together precision, ratios, wave forms, and logical abstract structure with emotional expression and story-telling. Since I also teach, that appeals to the part of me that likes human connection.






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