Trump is NOT the End of the World AND/OR The First 100 Days

UPDATED: Saturday, November 12, 2016 01:20
VIEWED: 1431
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Friday, November 11, 2016 8:28 PM


I'd first like to say, welcome, to everyone to this thread and I hope that we can have a productive discussion and that we may even be able to learn things we might not have known from each other. Dale Carnegie said "Success in dealing with people depends on a sympathetic grasp of the other person’s viewpoint.", in his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People". I think we can all agree, that statement is the antithesis of every thing the RWED is and has been for as long as we've been a part of it. :)

That being said, I don't believe I'm talking to anybody here that is so Extreme Left that they will always blow everything out of proportion. I don't believe anybody who regularly posts in the RWED is of the insane SJW/Regressionist variety. Nor do I believe that anybody in here is so far on the Extreme Right that they could be honestly labeled as Nazis or so Zealous in their Religious beliefs that we're all going to burn in hell forever if we don't believe in everything they do.

I know. We fight a lot, right? But really, I think at least a majority of us lie somewhere near the Actual Center and lean a particular way, and the rest of us are outliers, somewhere close to the middle of either side. I don't believe that any of us are Dogmatic in our ideologies, and therefore can be persuaded and educated about things without fearing that we will lose what We are if we don't blindly continue to believe everything we do.

All of that being said, I'll be the first to admit that I may myself be wrong in some of my beliefs here. I will do my best to present the facts when I can, and differentiate when I am expressing an opinion. Since it would probably actually require a bibliography of references when all is said and done, I likely won't have references to all of the facts I state in here. Please, do not take me at my word. Investigate the issues for yourself and challenge me where you can.

So... without further ado....


1. Donald Trump is not your typical Rich Business man. Sure, he has never known what it is like to be poor, or even lower-to-middle class, but that doesn't inherently mean that one would automatically view those with social status below his own with contempt. One of the reasons that so many of the Establishment GOP members of Congress and the Senate wavered in their support of him or even outright fought against him every step of the way is because he is NOT one of them. He never was one of them. In fact, there are many people from both sides of the aisle that would label him as a Traditional Democrat with more in common with JFK than George W. Bush or any of the Republican Presidents after Jimmy Carter.

I believe that Donald Trump could be classified overall as Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal. I will elaborate on why I believe that now.

2. Aside from hearing rhetoric like "God Bless America", can anyone think of a time they even heard a sound byte where Trump talks about Religion? I honestly have no idea what religion he subscribes to, or how often he even goes to church. I'm sure a quick Google search could provide those answers, but I feel no need to even ask the question. I think religion plays a very small part in his life if much at all. That being said, I think there are two very sensitive issues that typical Liberals are worried about that they really don't have to worry about at all.

3. The LGBT community has nothing to fear from Donald Trump. He just doesn't care. It's not an issue he cares about personally, and I believe he will leave it up to the states to decide through their own elections how they want to handle it.

4. For the most part, I don't believe he will have much input on Abortion either, and will similarly leave it up to the states to decide. He may have to step in and voice his opinion on 3rd Trimester and especially on Partial Birth abortions though.

5. Trump does not believe that "Mexicans are Rapists", nor has he ever said that. This was a sound-byte that was carelessly used by an unscrupulous media that was taken out of context and made into something that it wasn't. Trump was speaking about the Very Legitimate problem of Illegal Immigration and how people can come over here illegally and leech off of our system and a) not pay income taxes, b) receive medical care for free as well as education for their children, and c) how criminals from Mexico can come here and escape their home country and take advantage of our system.

Particularly because of the War on Drugs, many Illegal Mexicans that come Stateside have a very productive life here. None of them carry a firearm legally simply because of the fact they are Not American Citizens while they are on American Soil. Some of them are Rapists, and were already rapists in Mexico before they came here. His point was that who really knows? Who knows when we don't actually even know the number of Mexicans who live here without documents?

The American Government knows FAR more about me, somebody who never once went to jail in his lifetime. They got my fingerprints when I was in grade school. For 37 years I've had a Social Security Number. Any time I move, they know exactly where I live. They know my criminal history as well as an extensive credit history to my name. They know my work history. If I had a cell phone, they'd know exactly where I was at any given time if they wanted to.

Nobody is saying that Mexicans have to go home, or that we will stop accepting new citizens. 6.5 million Mexicans have obtained US citizenship since 1995 and Trump has given no reason for anybody to believe that this number will be diminished at all.

6. Nobody will round up Illegal Mexicans at gunpoint and force them home. eVerify is a law that can take care of all of that when it comes to a vast majority of peaceful Illegal Immigrants. Legalizing drugs and dismantling the DEA will take care of the rest of it.

Simply put, if we enforce laws that already exist, do not give out free healthcare and education to people without Social Security Numbers, and continue the current trend of legalizing and/or at least decriminalizing the softer drugs, Illegial Mexican Immigrants will find there is nothing for them here and will voluntarily walk back home.

7. That brings us to the Legalization of Pot. Trump has already came out and said that he doesn't care about pot and that the States should decide. I hope he takes this one a step further and revokes any Federal Government rules against it and decriminalizes it on a Federal Level.

The War on Drugs started during the Reagan Administration, and Legislation that was passed during Bill Clinton criminalized it to the point that we have filled our prisons with a very disproportionate amount of Black American Males who were non violent offenders of the Drug War. This unfair decriminalization of Drugs on Black Men is alone, by far, the SINGLE GREATEST REASON why less than 25% of Black American Families do not have a Father in the home.

Compare that to over 65-70% of Black American Families with a Father in the home in the 70s.

Let's not just legalize Pot, but let these non violent males go back home to their families and just hope that most of them weren't in the Prison System long enough to be turned into animals.

While we're at it, let's legalize Cocaine again as well. Unlike Pot, I do believe that Cocaine ruins lives, but we do have a responsibility to ourselves and our families. If we allow a drug like Cocaine to turn us into monsters, then we can end up in prison for ACTUALLY being a criminal. For decades at least Cocaine was illegal. It REALLY wasn't all that bad.

If you de-criminalize both Pot and Cocaine, you've automatically reduced criminal incarceration of Black American Citizens by 3/4ths, if not 4/5ths. You have also all but eliminated the "market" for "south of the border" drug cartels even having a place in America.

Many states have not only legalized Pot use already, but allow you to grow a limited number of plants in your own garden, as it always should have been.

8. Blacks. Even the Black MSM reporters don't claim that Trump is in any way "anti-Black". Even Van Jones didn't mention once any "racisim" against Blacks when he spoke of "White-Lash". His only comments were saying that we voted Trump in because we were racist against Muslims and Mexicans.

He wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. which would benefit Blacks just as much as Whites and Legal Mexicans. Ending the War on Drugs, or at least taking a big bite out of it, as I've already said, would greatly benefit Black American Families.


A temporary ban on any immigrants and refugees from Muslim and/or Middle East countries.

I'm sorry. I know it is my Opinion. But I believe this is NECESSARY for the health and welfare of all American Citizens of any color, and for the future of a Free Nation that doesn't have to live in fear.

Islam is a religion of Intolerance.

Sure, my Grandma believes in her Heart that anybody who doesn't believe in God and Jesus Christ when they die will not go to Heaven, but that's where it ends. She feels sorry for those who don't accept Jesus.

Islamic Muslim Men believe that women who dress like American Women dress are whores to be spat on and insulted. And that is the "Peaceful" ones. And the Women who stand beside them don't have an opinion on the matter. If they do, good luck trying to drag it out of them from underneath all of those layers of clothes they are forced to wear in the middle of summer.

I will show a few videos here, because I feel that they are so very important to see because the MSM does not show any of this and is afraid to say anything against Islam.

Please forgive the obviously incendiary title of this video "Jewish Professor calls out Bloodthirsty Muslim Student". I bring up the title to admit that it is coming from a most likely racist source, but the video itself speaks volumes about Islam in America.

It's apparent that this Muslim Woman has lived here all of her life. She speaks better English than some of my idiot friends when I was a kid. But even still, she won't renounce Hamas. 8 Million Muslims in America now, and NONE of them have EVER come out to condemn terror attacks.

Passivity does not Equate to Peaceful.

What amazes me about this video is how Chilling it is when she says "FOR IT". Especially when it is against a Jew.

This video, I feel, is ESPECIALLY POWERFUL because it is a Latino Woman saying the words I want to say. I feel that if you open your mind and watch videos on the Internet and the Underground Media in general you will find that many Legal American Citizens of any Race agree that Islam is a Great Trojan Horse in America and although they only amount to less than 1/2% of citizens today they could become a real problem if we don't at least vet them for their history before we allow them in.

"Of course not all Muslims are Radicals. The radicals are 15-25%. You're looking to 180-300 Million people dedicated to Western Destruction. It is the Radicals that Kill. It is the Radicals that Behead. The Peaceful Majority were Irrelevant[/g]."

"It took 19 Radicals on 9/11 to bring America down to it's Knees. The Peaceful Majority were Irrelevant".

So..... that was pretty heavy, huh?

Hope I haven't lost too many of you yet.......

Real quick "MID-TERM" Awesomeness for ME and the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren "REAL" Liberals.....


So.... what I'd like to see in the first 100 days of Trump.

1. Pardon Eric Snowden and give Diplomatic Immunity to Julian Assange in America. Everybody on the Left Loved Julian Assange when he was leaking things against GWB, but nobody seems to remember that now.

2. The ACA has got to go. I say that full well knowing that until I get a good job I will lose my health insurance. I have had FREE health insurance now for 3 years. In that same time, the insurance my parents and my brother's family pay costs 3 times as much and the deductible has almost doubled.

Medicine, especially "Big Pharma", needs to be fixed, but going at it from Insurance is not the answer. If Healthcare were handled like Water/Waste management by local Governments, costs would be way down and could be much better regulated.

I don't know the immediate answers to this, but trying to solve the Healthcare Issue in America by targeting Health Insuranse is like putting a band-aid on Skin Cancer.

3. ANTI-TRUST moves against Big Media. Only 6 companies own every News Network, Every Newspaper, Every Radio Station, Every Land-Line and Cellphone Company, Every Cell Phone Tower. Dismantle it all and bring it back to the 70's Media.

I posted this elsewhere, but if you haven't seen it, you will probably be sick watching it....

THIS is what happens when 6 corporations own ALL of the MEDIA in America. Coming soon to your local News. Whatever THEY tell them to say.

4. I'm on the fence about "Lock Her Up". Personally, I believe that Hillary and Bill should be in jail, as well as possibly Chelsie, although there is Wikileaks evidence that she did try to fight against things she found out about before she knowingly or not had her wedding paid for through the Clinton Foundation.

One part of me thinks it sends a terrible message to Americans in power in the future if they don't learn a lesson from Hillary's alleged Treason, even if it was on accident.

But the other part of me thinks that one of the BEST things Trump could do to HEAL the Country is to let her go on all of this. I would just hope that any of you here would actually read some of the wikileaks and realize what was really going on and really understand what a HUGE gesture it would be to Pardon Hillary.

5. Put Trey Gowdy or even Jason Chavvetz as the new Attorney General. (Some are saying Rudi Gulianni.... NO. NO more old people). Then dismantle and destroy the Clinton Foundation, and do it in a way that the Americans who weren't aware or chose to wear blinders to the corruption couldn't pretend it wasn't happening.

Don't even put them in jail over it. Just do it in a way where everyone hates them when they are exposed for what it was.

If possible, find every reciept of every single donation made by a single citizen and refund that money to them with interest.

After that, take the rest of the Hundreds of Millions of donations by Foreign Interests and Wall Street Banks and tell those doners to FUCK OFF in a public speech.

Donald Trumps FIRST re-payment to the 20 Trillion Dollar Debt in America? Whatever is left in the Clinton Foundation after single doners like you and me got our money back first.

6. A One-For-One removal of Executive Orders passed in the last 16 years.

GBW made a TON of them. Obama made even more.

Trump could Tweet to all of us all of these horrible things they both did since 2000 that we weren't even aware of, so long as he alternated between Obama and Bush. :)

The Beautiful thing about Executive Orders is that even though they must be followed at the time, if somebody else comes in and rips them up that's all it takes for them to be gone.

If GWB or Obama ever took the time and energy to Campaign for them and had Congressional approval, it would be much harder for Trump to rip them up.

Is that true of Executive Actions?


Trump can take them out into the garden of the White House in the middle of the winter and piss all over them and write his name in the snow and they're gone. They were never legal in the first place. Obama never removed any of GWB's egregious grabs of power once he got cushy in that seat and realized that he could do so much more.

3 nights ago, there was an 800pt downturn in the DOW blamed on Trump.

I havent even had money there for so long I wouldn't have known. I own my house free and clear, so have fun with your Stock Market tinkerning....

Some here have said things like "Oh!!!Stock Market UP since Trump was in!!!!"

To them, I say, do some more research over time and come back to me.

At least when it comes to uneducated white fucks like us, No One Is To Blame.....


Saturday, November 12, 2016 1:20 AM


You are not racist. You are not sexist. You are not intolerant. You are nothing negative if you ignore this post,

But why would you want to ignore this post?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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