Can't we all just get along?

UPDATED: Monday, November 4, 2019 11:00
VIEWED: 1154
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019 7:53 PM



Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:00 PM


America loves a winner!

Posted on Mar 19, 2015.

Seems like Nancy and the Dems didn't get the joke.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:01 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Posted on Mar 19, 2015.

Seems like Nancy and the Dems didn't get the joke.

Yanno... I had originally posted this with the sentence "before you judge this performance, you should probably look at the date", but then I deleted it because I wanted to see the hilarity that would ensue with the posts.

Thanks for ruining that, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:09 PM


America loves a winner!


Thanks for ruining that, buddy.

It's literally what I do.

My job here is done.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:19 PM


Meh... there's still the YouTube comments to laugh at.

More than a few people who posted there didn't look at the date when it was staring them square in the face.

But I think my favorite non-political comment there is "So we're still letting Trevor around children huh."


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 3, 2019 11:04 AM


America loves a winner!

Sort of a side bar here... met and tried to have a civil conversation w/ a true #NeverTrumper last night.

Person was straight out of central casting and sadly, a product of non stop, wall to wall media flooding of a ridiculous narrative about Trump and this phony impeachment.

ME: So, why should Trump be impeached

Never Trumper : Because he's a criminal.

ME: Oh, and what crime did he commit ?

NT: National security

ME: Say what ? What's that mean …" national security " ?

NT: He's a crook

ME: Yeah, but what did he literally do ?

NT: C'mon, everyone knows

ME: Do you know ? Tell me. what did he do ? Explain it to me

NT: He's a racist...

ME:.... oh, here we go again.

FFS, I swear this took place IRL, and it was stunning to see the person's face just not even being able to grasp at how circular their position was.

They had no answers. This wasn't anyone who wanted to understand. The MSM and the Dme leadership said it, and they believed it, end of story.

It's one thing to see on a message board, but another to see in real life. It's depressing, actually.


Sunday, November 3, 2019 12:02 PM


Well... aside from stupid non-political shit I embarrassed myself with back in my drinking days, this is the other main reason I don't use any social media whatsoever and use this place as my political toilet. I still know people who aren't talking anymore because of their political beliefs and fights they've gotten into online because of last election.

Everybody is so emotionally charged these days. Everyone. Even people who have dodged some bullets and haven't lost decent paying jobs yet that they're still kind of "grandfathered in" feel the unease. The rest of us old enough to remember how much better it all was 20 years ago are pissed off. The kids who never knew any better have been told about it all of their lives online.

So we sit here and pretend that any of this political shit matters either way, and a lot of us have let it sink so deep into part of who we are that we'll believe anything. It's almost cult-like behavior at this point.

Seriously. Who would stop talking to family because of the politician they voted for? Cult members. That's who.

Trump hasn't done any of those things. He's the first guy in that seat since I was an adult that is actually doing anything positive there. He's anything but the status quo.

I think the fact that Trump is president boils down to only two possibilities:

1) He was a complete accident. Nobody thought in a million years he'd get in, and the Legacy Media unwittingly gave him a few billion dollars of free press and essentially handed him the seat.

2) The voting process is entirely rigged and somebody who's name or face we will never know put him in the seat as part of a larger plan that we could only speculate about. In this second scenario, I would imagine that Trump himself is totally unaware of this being the case.

Either one of those scenarios would explain the 24/7 onslaught against Trump on both the "news" and social media.

And the debunked crap that people still believe is scary. More than half the shit floating around these sub-average brains out there about what Trump's done is headlines they read over the last three years for articles which were later edited and changed to reflect the facts days or weeks later.

The real problem in America today isn't who's in charge. It's the Legacy Media. Are they constantly lying on purpose, or are they really just that bad at their jobs?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 4, 2019 11:00 AM


America loves a winner!


Seriously. Who would stop talking to family because of the politician they voted for? Cult members. That's who.

Yeah, it's like Scientology, where they ban family members from contacting or acknowledging those who have left the church.


It's the Legacy Media. Are they constantly lying on purpose, or are they really just that bad at their jobs?

Yes. It's both. They are lying because they have been called out for being biased , and their phony reputation of being impartial and " professional journalist " is an illusion which has been obliterated.

The Wizard of Oz has had the curtain pulled back , but instead of coming out and admitting he's a fraud, he closes the curtain again and continues on , as if nothing has changed. It's bewildering to see adults and powerful companies act in such a manner.






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