Motivated Customer Service and a great place to eat

UPDATED: Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:47
VIEWED: 3543
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Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:37 AM


Normally this forum has naught but negative topics, so I thought I'd share a good experience I had recently. It's a real world event to me hehe and doesn't have anything to do with Firefly (though I'm sure we could try and find the sixth degree of seperation from Firefly and Beaconsfield near Montreal hehe). Feel free ;)

About a week ago I had to make a trip to Montreal for a business meeting. 2 of my coworkers and I had just driven for hours from NY and were starving. We had about 1 1/2 hours until the meeting so we decided to try and grab some lunch. Thats when we discovered the strangest thing. Almost all of the businesses were closed because it was a Monday. I never did get a clear explanation on what made Mondays special(though I must admit I approve..not many people like Mondays hehehe), it wasn't a holiday or anything hehe.

At any rate, there were no resturants open for business near where our meeting was. We had walked up to the doors of a small little restaurant called "Les Trois Soeurs" and were disappointed to see they were closed as well..although all the lights were on.

We started walking away and almost made it to our van when a voice with a thick canadian french accent asked us if we were looking for lunch. It was a worker from "Les Trois Soeurs". She said that they weren't open for regular business, but were catering for a party and because they were already cooking could serve us lunch if we wanted.

This blew my mind! This was something you almost never see. Here was a person who was motivated enough AND considerate enough to put forth the effort to make someones day AND make some money for the company they worked for (Not to mention she was smoking in a Jewel Staite sort of way).

We thanked her profusely and gave her a huge tip after the meal. BTW the food was unbelievable. If you are ever in Montreal and have an opportunity to eat so. You won't be sorry.

Heres a link to an article I found about them today.

(Now I'm hungry again after reading the article LOL)

Anyways..kudos to "Les Trois Soeurs"


Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:12 AM


I've never been to Canada but every Canadian I've ever met is as nice as you've described. I'm sure they have their share of heels but I think the culture is quite a bit more brotherly (or sisterly) than it is here on the east coast. Not to mention that our favorite Fillion is a native son.

I'm glad you had a great meal. Now you have a place to go in Montreal.



Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:21 AM



Originally posted by Floater68:
I've never been to Canada but every Canadian I've ever met is as nice as you've described. I'm sure they have their share of heels but I think the culture is quite a bit more brotherly (or sisterly) than it is here on the east coast. Not to mention that our favorite Fillion is a native son.

I'm glad you had a great meal. Now you have a place to go in Montreal.


I got to go to Toronto last year and can second that opinion

Are You Asking me to Dance?


Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:41 AM


I'll share my tale of outstanding customer service.

Back 20 years ago when my mother died, I had to come home from England on emergency leave for her funeral.

My plane landed at Kennedy and I had 90 minutes to get to my connecting flight at LaGuardia. My plane landed 20 minutes late and I missed the shuttle by about 2 minutes.

THANKFULLY, I missed my shuttle by about 2 minutes. There I was standing in front of the airport waiting for my shuttle and it doesn't come, and doesn't come, and doesn't come. I now have about 40 minutes to get to LaGuardia before my plane takes off for Cleveland.

I'll admit it - I stood there in my blues and started to cry. Frustration, mourning, exhaustion ... all caught up with me and I started to cry. It must have been a sight - big brave airman crying like a baby.

A porter came up and asked what was wrong and I truly crumpled. I sobbed about a plane that landed late, two different airlines at two different airports, a missed shuttle bus, a funeral in the morning ...

He got on his little radio and made a few calls. All whilst I was having my little breakdown, he found out that the reason my shuttle was late was the huge multi-truck pile up on the road and that the people on the shuttle that I had missed would be sitting there for most of the night.

He looked me up and down and said, "You weigh about 130, miss?" I said, "127". He said, "Come with me."

He bustled me onto one of the atomic powered golf carts and flew through the airport. At a maintenance door, we were met by a helicopter pilot who was transporting parts between the fields.

They'd had someone from the first airline (at Kennedy) print up a ticket for the second airline (at LaGuardia) and they put me on a helicopter across town.

I remember the Christmas lights -- Mom died on December 13 -- I remember the kindness of strangers. Tucked in the back of a helicopter shuttling parts between the airport, I remember countless buildings covered in cascades of lights.

We landed at LaGuardia and another atomic golf cart wild ride to the gate ensued. The crew held the door until I got on and I didn't receive a single nasty look when I boarded the plane which was taking off 10 minutes late because of me. I found out when we were disembarking that the pilot had told the passengers that I was coming and why he wasn't leaving until I got there.

No one can talk bad about New Yorkers in front of me. They took care of me when I was at my lowest low and got me home to say goodbye to my mother.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:44 AM



Originally posted by Connorflynn:
Thats when we discovered the strangest thing. Almost all of the businesses were closed because it was a Monday. I never did get a clear explanation on what made Mondays special(though I must admit I approve..not many people like Mondays hehehe), it wasn't a holiday or anything hehe.

THis would've been August 2nd?

It wasn't just a Monday, it was that particular Monday. And no, I have no clue why everything was shut down. They (the Suits In Charge Of Things[tm]) just do that on occasion, maybe celebrating some politician's birthday or anniversary or something. No warning or explanation or nothing.

Gorram irritating when I walk 30 blocks to check a bookstore (for a friend who lives out of town), then have to turn around and walk back home 'cause it's National Day-Ending-in-Y-Day or something.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:31 AM


Damn Knibblet. That raised hairs on the back of my neck. I'm truly sorry for your loss. A great story.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:35 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
THis would've been August 2nd?

It wasn't just a Monday, it was that particular Monday. And no, I have no clue why everything was shut down. They (the Suits In Charge Of Things[tm]) just do that on occasion, maybe celebrating some politician's birthday or anniversary or something. No warning or explanation or nothing.

Gorram irritating when I walk 30 blocks to check a bookstore (for a friend who lives out of town), then have to turn around and walk back home 'cause it's National Day-Ending-in-Y-Day or something.

Well..the short explanation I got was that everything was normally closed on Mondays there hehe. /shrug

It was still a memorable experience and made me want to return to Canada.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:15 AM


I loved Montreal and the next time I end up there, I'm looking for your favorite restaurant.

Who else has a story of 'above and beyond' to share? come on, fess up

Thanks, ConnorFlynn. It's been 20 years and December 13th still has a ... a hole in it for me.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:08 AM


Yeah, August 2nd is 'Civic Holiday' through most of Canada. Actually, it's a different holiday in different parts of Canada.. in Ontario it's Simcoe Day (after Lord Simcoe, who was the one to officially make slavery illegal in Canada, according to the news report that day), in BC it's just 'BC Day'. I don't know how or if Montreal designates it, and I've never actually been there, but I'd find it surprising if everything is just closed on Monday.

Unfortunately I don't really have any 'great customer service' stories. Best I can do is a place I used to go to for gyros that the guy who cooked and did the cash would round down prices to the nearest dollar (if the excess was under 50 cents) or quarter (if over that) for easy change.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:47 PM


OK, Knibblet, I've got a story, and it's an airline story as well. Not quite the sniffler yours is, though.

Our wedding day, my new wife and I stayed in our wedding clothes for the drive down to Indianapolis and the flight to Florida for the honeymoon, and to meet her parents for the first time......
Everyone in the airport pointed out (and admired!) my wife in her wedding gown (I was in a suit, not that big a deal). When we boarded the plane, we were given seats in First Class for the first leg of the flight (they were empty then, but taken after picking up more passengers in Nashville). We went back to our seats in Coach for the remainder of the flight. (No, we DIDN'T join the Mile High Club, though not for lack of cajoling on my part!)
ANYWAY, the best part was that as we were taxiing in after the flight, the Captain announced that we had just gotten married, and asked everyone to remain seated and let us disembark first. And everyone did. Everyone applauded us as we walked up the plane's aisle, and no-one even stood up until we had passed. And as a final kindness, the crew gave us a bottle of champagne.
We're divorced now, but we both agree that our wedding, and that flight, are things we'll never forget.
American Airlines, folks. Whenever I fly, I try to fly American. Unless someone else is LOTS cheaper.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."






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