Everybody passes the buck

UPDATED: Thursday, February 8, 2007 03:48
VIEWED: 5102
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Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:08 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Oops, guess I wasn't clear on that one.
I wrote it, and several more - but not as yer good buddy "Frem".
And I'd take it as a kindness if we keep that little bit between us all browncoats here, ok ?
It's unlikely anyone would make the connection, but it would be a little awkward, I think.

Heh.... I had thought that was a possibility, but I didn't even mention it because from your post I was thinking that for some reason you didn't want anyone knowing alias "Frem" wrote it.

My uncle was a huge Hunter Thompson fan. So big a fan that sadly, he shortly went out the same way that HT did about 4 months afterwards. Maybe not so sadly... HT always said he would do it and I don't think he was sad about it.


Artist and friend Ralph Steadman wrote:

"...He told me 25 years ago that he would feel real trapped if he didn't know that he could commit suicide at any moment. I don't know if that is brave or stupid or what, but it was inevitable. I think that the truth of what rings through all his writing is that he meant what he said. If that is entertainment to you, well, that's OK. If you think that it enlightened you, well, that's even better. If you wonder if he's gone to Heaven or Hell — rest assured he will check out them both, find out which one Richard Milhous Nixon went to — and go there. He could never stand being bored. But there must be Football too — and Peacocks..."

I've only read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (SSSOOOOO much better than the movie) and various shorter works from some of his other books and Rolling Stones articles. I've got all of my uncles books of his, I'm assuming the whole collection... a particular favorite he talked about a lot was the Hell's Angels book. I keep meaning to read more of his stuff, but I haven't really gotten around to reading that many books for a while.

Other than the fear and loathing comment, I thought I picked up a bit of his influence in your work. I could be wrong though. Am I crazy, or are you a fan of his work too?

Either way, very enjoyable/informative read. Thanks for sharing Frem. I'd be happy to read more anytime.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:05 AM


A fan of his work ? Maybe - the man could write, and there's no doubt he brought some interesting things to light with his work, and with words he had an art, sure.

A fan of him personally ? not so sure.

Thing about Gonzo, the thing that bothers me so.. is his involvement in some pretty ugly things he chose not to write about cause they were so horrific there would be a credibility problem, and his very life would be at risk if he tried.

Let's kick in the wayback machine, shall we...

Now Gonzo was a damned good muckraker, but in his unique style of "Gonzo Journalism" the journalism themself is part of the action rather than a disconnected observer, and here's where things get strange, since in fact his tagline "It never got weird enough for me." is a lie, and a denial, cause at least once things got TOO weird for Gonzo.

One of the things that fascinated Thompson was a debate about whether or not "Snuff Films" were the stuff or urban legend, or whether there was a level of underground below the counterculture so horrific it had mostly never seen the light of day.

Add to this the $100,000.00 USD "Bounty" for hard evidence of an actual film, and then throw in Gonzo's nature on top of it, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Somehow he became associated with Russell "Rusty" Nelson, who introduced him to Larry King and his particular circle of 'special friends' and the rabbit hole gaped wide....

Gonzo being Gonzo, of course he jumps in with both feet, and that's when things go very strange.

Credible eyewitness testimony from multiple individuals places Gonzo at the scene in Bohemian Grove during one or more particularly gruesome events, and "Rusty", who was mostly working the DC Party-circuit aspect states that Gonzo made him an offer to split that bounty at one time that Rusty refused, already being twitchy about involvement and exposure.

Gonzo went deep, real deep, and found what he was looking for, but never wrote a word of it - I will give him the benefit of the doubt here and assume that he thought it was too risky to publish, but that's just conjecture, only he knew his own reasons for doing anything he did.

Somehow he apparently extricated himself from this poisonous culture, and managed to duck the fallout from it's later implosion... for a while.

Fast forward to... The week of Feb 20th, 2005.

In an apparently unrelated issue, that week, certain strange events and coincidence relating to Talon News Services resulted in some muckrakers dredging up the background of one Jeff Ganon, who... it may seem, might not be "Jeff Gannon" after all.

And shortly after that "James Guckert" have been spoken, and later...
"Johnny Gosch".

Federales arrest "Rusty" and bring him in for questioning.

Hunter eats his pistol at 17:42 hours (5:42pm for civvies) Feb 20th, 2005.

How involved he was, nobody knows, and nobody but Gonzo himself could have ever really told you why - but that he WAS involved, there's no real doubt, no.

There's more to it, mind you - but it's just too horrific to detail here, and the rest of it has jack-all to do with Gonzo anyhow.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I never looked deeply into the Bohemian Grove/ child sacrifice/ MK Ultra connection. Most likely I won't... at least, not enough to decide one way or another, and not for the forseeable future.

But I certainly can imagine that one could exist. A few people have horrific amounts of power, and the past has shown those can have a... er... "different" view of the rest of us. I know that people like Kissinger blessed all sorts of ethnic cleansings and massacres. So what's one more kid?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 12:53 PM


Trust me Siggy, you can live without knowin, you'll certainly sleep better at night - I am not PN, to be offended by someone not wanting to know.

My issue with Gonzo wasn't even really his involvement, I just wish he'd outted the sorry bastards before he put the pistol in his mouth, not much they coulda done to him then.

He mighta had family to protect though, or someone might be holding the notes for future use, one can hope, anyhow.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:31 PM


Sorry I haven't responded earlier Frem. I tend not to spend so much time around computers when I'm off of work. I must say that that was really fascinating stuff. Of course being a skeptic and a conspiracy theorist at the same time, I have added everything I just read to my ever growing list of things that I think are probably true, without any significant evidence to dispute them. Other than HT's involvement, and maybe not even that, I'm wasn't suprised by a single word of it.

Two things kind of stuck out in my mind while I was reading it though... One was that I can't believe any of this made it to print in the first place, even if it was just an internet site reporting it and not the Tribune... while the other thought that kept pressing me while I read was wondering just how much potential trouble I could be making in my own life for even reading or knowing about the existance of such things, considering of course that they are true in the first place.

That's about all I'm going to say in this forum. I wanted to PM you, but it seems that function isn't working now or they have removed it altogether. I'm hoping that the latter isn't the case. I had some other things to mention, but they will have to wait.

You didn't happen to read that story "And Then There Were None", did you? I'd love to know what you thought of it and if you noticed the insane amount of similarities to Firefly the show that I wasn't even aware of until I read it just after I posted it for you in one of these threads. If copyright laws were as strict as they want them to be, it's very likely we never would have seen a single episode of Firefly once the copyright holders got their lawyers involved to call Joss out on plagerism. Of course, there is very little direct corrolation between the story and his work, but there is so much incidential stuff that if they had a good lawyer they could probably have stuck it to Joss like they did to George Harrison over "My Sweet Lord".

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 8, 2007 3:48 AM


Yeah, what I call the "Screw You" philosphy, lol.

Same sentiment, different words.

The problem with Civil Disobediance as a weapon is when you run up against people with limitless power and no conscience at all, CD will carry you only so far, and then it's time for the pistol, the knife and the garrotte.

Folks like to denigriate the French, and being of partially French ancestry I'll be first in line to do so (heh heh heh) but they did a number on the occupying forces of Hitler for sure, just like the Iraqis are doing unto us - it's a right bitch to fight an insurgency of people who hate your guts, and CD combined with sabotage and harrassment can cripple effectiveness and morale of even the strongest army.

Point of fact, most of the wiser pacifistic types carried a piece for use in the event it came to such.

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun."
- The Dalai Lama

Not all Pacifists are naive little fluffbunnies, most of them just prefer to settle things peacebly if at all possible.

Disclaimer: I am NOT one of them.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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