Who Is The Next Vice President?

UPDATED: Monday, July 1, 2024 20:04
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Monday, March 29, 2021 2:37 PM


The Selection and Installation of the Next President (Harris) by Obamanation 3.0 is reminiscent of how/who (not Nixon) Selected Ford.

But now the Next VP to be Selected by Obama may be unique. Did Edith Wilson select the next President?

Will it be Stretch Pelosi?
Moochelle Obama?
Rashida Talib?



Monday, March 29, 2021 8:13 PM


I'd like to think that they'll weekend and Bernie's Biden* until the next election.

Then the next VP will be Candice Owens when she's Trump's running mate in 2024.


" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Monday, March 29, 2021 8:52 PM


You guys are so far up your own assholes, it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.


Monday, March 29, 2021 8:54 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'd like to think that they'll weekend and Bernie's Biden* until the next election.

Then the next VP will be Candice Owens when she's Trump's running mate in 2024.

Candace Owens? She's a fucking idiot.

Just like you.


Monday, March 29, 2021 9:31 PM


Maybe she will be great and the VP great

or Perhaps expect the worst, if they do something better you are proven wrong and you dont get a disappointing feeling

Whats the worst that could happen?

Next time you see a list of all those people who went through a weird club with Pagan Robes and Skulls and Fire ceremony in the middle of the night...yet they were dumb as rocks ...ask how did all these names get to become bankers, business people, political elites
There are a small number of clubs and a long long list of elite people and puppets who come from these clubs. Yale has one, Harvard another 'Alpha Phi Alpha brothers' I think that's the one for the weirdo degenerate bisexual homosexuals at Cornell, the one in Utah might have a bunch of mormon scientology latter-day saint rituals instead of the old British French Masonic rituals.
These peoples with robes around her, white lambskin aprons, egypt babylon pyramids, white gloves, all seeing eye symbols and pentagrams.
whats the worst conspiracy we could read? She could be part of some old weird Pagan Hindu Tamil India club a weird old spooky ancient conspiracy religion, she spent a lot of time in Canada ...big scary Canada!? the Queen is still important in Canada? there was a TN Radio end-is-nigh guy here who didnt like the reach of an old Empire....our old crazy doomsday preacher PirateNews seemed to know a lot about the secret parties, Scottish, Jewish, Dutch and York? and clubs behind closed doors.

Any John-Lee type Pirate News style stuff you talk...Mainstream news will say that's just silly crazy conspiracy talk, there was a book about the blackmail of David Cameron, he had to finally denounced allegations relating to his private parts, a dead pig!!.. I have no real idea what is at a bilderberg meetings, cant really say what happens at these clubs.
It's possibly really dull and boring, maybe they just boast about their yacht or some boring building they are putting up, maybe they have their accountants read out loud a bunch of boring percentages and numbers...maybe it aint boring and there is a conspiracy in the old elite spooky pagan club.

The clubs? in the younger days some are called something like 'Delta PhiEpsilon Beta-Alpha LambdaZeta Sigma Kappa ThetaPhi Alpha Gamma RhoLambda Zeta TauAlpha Omicron Epsilon Pi' all the banners look like a mix of college party time and masonic crazy clubs, they have a bunch of devil horns, egypt roman stuff, and pentagram symbols, babylon arabia jewish muslim greek stuff. the clubs are more out in the open these days, they put all the stuff on Instagram and facebook and snapchat, they once were more secret with hidden codes. They would use this pseudo greek roman crap, get pix taken of each other doing weird shit will boozed up and stoned out of their minds...the problem these days is with mobile cellphones and stuff the Mi6, the French sécurité. Mossad, the KGB, the Mexican military, the clownworld Mafia and just about everybody gets the news and pix...but they did the ritual...maybe then become a blackmailed puppet and if they are good enough puppets they climb a ladder some more. Maybe even one day fall so far upwards they be finally allowed parrot some political shit wrote out on cue cards and teleprompter... for an audience to appreciate.

At one time it was a weird club for weird power hungry perverted men...but i guess Neo-feminism starts to win, the girls and Antifa and Lesbos and Transexuals everyone will now get to join the same weirdo twisted club.

For the women, there is the Daughters of the Nile if I recall, some Lesbo Tranny weird drug alcohol blackmail party thing at College and Uni called 'Rainbow Girls' there is also Order of the Eastern Star.
Before the Bankers and Political people and Military weirdos and C.I ..Spooks and weird gay guys in the Media they would all be Men, in these Male clubs for Old Elite men who thought themselves clever, they hid behind smokey rooms with booze, talk about the fun old days of old Empires, then drink some strange stuff, smoke some weird shit and they would do their rituals ... a place called 'Skull n Bones' was a club
but in more recent years they got the women into all these Frat Sorority sister brotherhood groups.

Whats with all their stupid symbols, do they really believe in that ritual shit? She once had friends arrested David Henry, Tonette Hayes and Brandon Kiel ... group claimed they were descendants of the "Knights Templar" and that their police agency was created in 1100 B.C. The members also claimed their department had sovereign jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico....i guess that secret wink winky handshake code word aint what it used to be
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has the file and arrest report.

One of the old Cosplayers even died Alleged Member Of ‘Masonic Police’ Dies Hours After Court Appearance

.... and Republicans and their Grotto with jihad babylon symbolism or so called Conservatives and their weird parties at a Grove? some say both parties are equally blackmailed

When Tricky stepped away and that guy Gerald wearing that weird muslim ritual Shriner hat, that mr fall down the stairs Ford took over

... he picked a guy connected to a family of snake oil sales men

Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
He might be dead now but there was still Phil Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Winthrop Paul Rockefeller and probably a lot of other big old elite family names like this inside US politics...with this family brand you can run either as a Republican or a Democrat, it doesnt matter.

The smaller ones with no big elite family name, trying to climb up a ladder with these rituals...
I do wonder what's with the symbols, swearing on a False Mason Bible with weird evil Oaths inside swore to a Moongod Al-Lah and praying to mahomet
they wear a Fez once dipped in blood that celebrates the mass-murder of Christians

or maybe its all just 'Larp' and Cosplay...or maybe you have some big name like the Queen or Bill Gates or some Vatican banker pervert or a Rothschild dangling a bag of cash in front of them like you might use a carrot on some dumb Donkey

Then they get these Puppet Presidents to dress up in their Fez and to all those weird muzzie ritual prayers, the bring in some booze and drugs and young prostitutes ... the secret press takes their blackmail pix

and finally a promise is made to fund the next election
with Favors of course

All this is just gossip...maybe there is no conspiracy
Maybe Joe is healthy and physically and mentally fit

I dont know maybe the VP will be great, maybe even if Biden Joe got a flu for a while or stepped away, she would be great

A part of me thinks they are an old club of dying dinosaurs, not just in America but all across the West, old people in their boozed up hidden away smoky rooms, afraid of losing power and dying


Friday, April 2, 2021 3:13 PM


It looks like, so far, everybody is agreeing that it cannot be a man.


Friday, April 2, 2021 7:39 PM


Until they voted in a halfwit that drools in a cup when he's not pumped up on amphetamines before he has to give a speech, the position hardly mattered at all.

Any dude could fill the seat. I'd just love for Trump to run in 2024 with a black female and make their tiny little heads explode.


" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Monday, April 12, 2021 3:33 PM


Well, Kristen Gillibrand appears insane enough and retarded enough to be a Libtard Veep.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 10:20 PM


I wonder if the new Veep is being delayed for the moment due to avoiding conflicts or potential recusals related to the garbage Lord Darth Biden is peddling.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 10:22 PM


So did you finally get internet at home, or do the libraries in Green Bay stay open 24/7?


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022 2:34 PM


Is Peppermint Patti's absence a planned development?


Thursday, March 31, 2022 10:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Is Peppermint Patti's absence a planned development?

I was interrupted.

Most folks knew from the start that Lord Darth Obiden was the 2-year POTUS, only good until 21 Jan 2023. Then the 10 year Democrat run could begin.
But Commie-la has been such a horrendous disaster that she might be getting Agnewed.

Hard to conjure if the plan is still to have her step in next Jan, or if she needs to be replaced and another toadie like Ford installed.

Suddenly Libtard stenographers and other Fake News have discovered Hunters laptop, and the widespread investigation into the Biden Crime Family's corruption. Is this the pre-planned timeline for taking down Joe by Feb? Or is it spiraling out of control?

Getting Joe to sabotage himself is as simple as letting him near a mic without clear script. So now with Peppermint Patti unavailable, they prop up Joe to take questions on his own.
Because you are really, really supposed to believe that in the entire administration there is not any assistant to Circle Back Psaki, no backup, no deputy spokesperson, nobody ever considered it might be an idea to have a stand-in for Circle Back Psaki.
They really do expect you to be that gullible. Maybe you are. But they are counting on it.
So Creepy Joe is left to fend off the wolves by his lonesome. Really. You should fall for this narrative.

So Joe is falling on his face now, in order to facilitate his eventual removal in Jan.
Will Commie-la be replaced first, like Agnew?

So, is the spokesperson absence a pre-planned move? Scheduled shortly after the Election Steal was confirmed? Or is this a new tack, thrust forward to speed up the Joe removal before Justice does it without obeying the Libtard timeline?

Or other ideas?


Thursday, March 31, 2022 11:39 PM


God help us if Nancy Pelosi...

Nah. I don't even want to finish that sentence.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, April 1, 2022 10:14 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
God help us if Nancy Pelosi...

Nah. I don't even want to finish that sentence.

You are reading her evil mind. Or, what's left of it.

The current VP is so stupid and inept that almost anybody could easily outsmart her and outmaneuver her, even Stretch.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023 8:36 PM


10 more days of Lord Darth Obiden.

They have already explained to him that Commie-la is the President, and now he cannot stop proclaiming the fact.

I guess she avoided getting Agnewed.

But, gosh. They keep throwing Gaffemeister bombshells, and he is still in residence.

latest is "discovery" of classified documents from 6 years ago. Maybe they were hidden under the Rose Law Firm Billing Records.

I find the timing of these snowballing leaks to be suspicious.

Nobody notices that 21 January is approaching?


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 3:36 PM


Even M$M is now admitting what a crook and Traitor Obiden is, seems like they are preparing to jettison him.

And Commie-la has still managed to not get Agnewed...yet.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 4:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Even M$M is now admitting what a crook and Traitor Obiden is, seems like they are preparing to jettison him.

And Commie-la has still managed to not get Agnewed...yet.

Have you seen the press conferences with diversity hire black lesbian chick recently?


She doesn't know what to do now that it's not just FOX News who is asking her real questions.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 29, 2024 3:02 PM


For some reason, suddenly even some Libtards have opened their eyes and are now asking this question.


Monday, July 1, 2024 8:04 PM


And, still: will Kommie-la get Agnewed? And how?






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