What is "magical thinking"? And other philosphical confusions.

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Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Reading the many examples of "magical thinking" here, I've come to the conclusion that magical thinkers fail to ask- and answer- one VERY important question:


"Saddam poses an immediate threat to the United States!"
OK.... how? (When I checked, he was way over there and his missiles couldn't have made it halfway to Europe.)

"Saddam might have secretly shipped his WMD program to Syria."
OK... how?

"Russia is going to upend western democracy!"
OK... how? It seems to me that the only people who can do that to us is us. And our fearless leaders seem to be doing a pretty good job of it

"Fusion will save the world"
OK... how?

"EVs will save the world"
"Industrial carbon capture...carbon trading... fill on your favorite ideology here... will save the world"

Maybe.... somehow...
Yanno, when people see a magic trick their first question is "How did they DO that??". They don't tell themselves that it must be magic! But when people propose something that "maybe... somehow... something will happen" they don't ask or answer the question HOW?

A little more real world thinking in a forum dedicated to real world events would be appropriate.


Monday, September 11, 2023 1:42 AM


Critical thinking is seriously lacking in the modern era.

I don't fault Theodore and Second for this. The US Public School System is designed to destroy this part of the brain before you're even in high school.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, September 11, 2023 2:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah, I forgot the example that started this train of thought:

"Ukraine is WINNING!"
OK.... HOW?


There's another thing that confuses people (speaking of critical thinking) - there's a very big difference between asking "why" and asking "how"?

"Why" asks about motivation. There was a comedy skit that went "Why is there air?" and the answer was "To fill up basketballs, of course". Much MUCH easier to answer "HOW is there air?" because then you can describe the processes that we think generated air.

If "how" just doesn't seem to get to what you're trying to ask, then re-phrase the question into "What causes...?" because we often use the question "why?" when looking for a causal relation.
That's a problem with our language because it conflates two entirely separate ideas: motivation (or intention) and cause. Maybe it's a linguistic leftover from the days when we thought things happened "because" the god(s) willed it.


One more source of confusion: "Truth" versus "honesty". Honesty means without the intention to deceive. You might be terriby wrong but painfully honest about something, but your explanation or description might not be "true" ... that is, consistent with reality. Unfortunately, for us the opposite of "lie" is often means "truth" when it should be "honesty". So when people tell me that they're telling me "the truth" all they're trying to say is that they deeply, deeply feel something or are convinced of something and are honestly expressing those deep feelings or thoughts. But deep feelings or convictions aren't a substitute for being correct (consistent with reality) and I think this fundamental confusion doesn't allow people to separate their deeply held feelings and thoughts from what might be "out there", really.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, September 11, 2023 6:56 AM


and maybe if there was less fear of Nuclear they could have invested in Thorium which is almost impossible to make bombs out of or invest in future possibility like 'Fusion'.

6IXSTRING and SIGNYM I will avoid politics because I see it mostly as a web of lies be the news from the British or French or Russian or news from the USA it is mostly a mix of distortion so there is no point to discuss 'the truth' of these propaganda broadcasts.

SIGNYM sometimes you need to learn when you were wrong, for example you got it almost completely wrong with Elon Musk's rockets. I also admit I have got stuff wrong and made bad predictions but we can still learn and admit our own errors or admit when we might have seen something not entirely true. Elon Musk has done something amazing for the Private Spaceflight Commericial Sector even while being politically hated by the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Admin he has shown his value like Ford, Howard Hughes, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Jefferson, Wernher von Braun, Mary Anderson, Ann Kiessling, Samuel Morse and so many other free market ideas and thinking people.

If you want to talk logic and wishful ideas and politics then Both you and SECOND agree with each other on Fusion... and when did SECOND and you agree on anything of late?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"Fusion will save the world"
OK... how?

Does it require Faith or Not...maybe Optimistic and Logic thought and not Pessimism and Nihilism

Its not 'magic' and I for one never claimed it would save the world but it can make life easier, but EVs ... I will hold out for now as I'm not sure its good or bad at the moment, the electric car does also give pollution with those nasty acids and mining and batteries but it does offer different energy security than depending on islamist jihadi Saudi.

Sources of power? The Sun is an almost never ending Nuclear bomb, the USA tested some big bombs but Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever tested by Soviets the shock wave went around the world three times, the Sun's bomb is much bigger or 1,820,000,000 Tsar Bombas – I guess you could put a station on Mercury and just beam power from the Sun to the Moon or Earth...but that's another complex system to build.

Fusion does really require 'Faith' it can be done it it requires investment and optimism

Now let's take for example 2 things in our human history, Iron and Heat/Energy, 'Iron' can be recycled
Re-use of Iron is real
its not some weird magic amazing particle or material you see in a scifi that hits or blasts power and vanishes like a magic spell
but in real life the Element Iron 'Fe' can be recycled and used again however to do this it requires work, energy, heat
Iron is not an exotic scifi particle that vanishes, it is not burnt up and chemically transformed into the air into a another gaseous form.
The Iron we had Greece, Egypt, Europe, spreading Asia it is phase, of three, in the Metal Ages, none of this 'Iron' has truly been used up, it only needs work and heat to reuse it.

We can create heat by burning 4 bags of Wood let's say or one big bag of Coal....
a better way might be to use power from a source of Fission reaction, lets say Salt materials, Granite, silicate minerals, can mine stones and take out a percentage of Uranium.

Now let's go back to those Bags of Wood or Bags of Coal or a Big Barrel Oil burning
if you have a good stove and are very efficient in a moderate climate,
maybe some small 'magic' castle with good insulation that is very energy efficient and does not allow heat to escape then that one bag of coal might heat your home for an entire month! Very good heat!

However one bag of natural 'Uranium' is a far better power source than Wood or Oil or Coal – following enrichment and used for power generation corresponds to nearly 10,000 Barrels of oil, yes Ten Thousand or 14,000 Thousand Big Massive Bags of Coal

With this new Nuclear Fission source you now have option to Heat not just 1 Home for 1 month
but to heat 14,000 Homes instead
or you can heat 1 home instead of heating it for one month you can heat it for 14,000 Months or 1,166 Years!

'Fusion' is somewhat real and is happening now but at the very small scale, it is like the early ideas of invention in the USA or even further back in time when people in Europe and China were building little boats and moving between field and river kingdoms, it is not even at the age of Vikings or the Venetian navy ...little boats would later turn into huge Cargo ships traveling the Globe, 'Fusion' is at the little boat stage but Fusion can improve. The Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer or old Pessimism Man if you send them back in time they might think looking at the Wright Bothers plane flying for only 59 seconds, what a waste of time and energy!

'Fusion' if and when it is cracked it gives 3-4 times more energy than fission

So now in a future of Cold Fusion, you could power 49,000 Homes with one bag of let's call it 'Fusion Stuffs'
Or you could have heated one home or castle instead of one month, heat the home for up to 4,081 Years!

Now think of how many factories using energy to recycle Iron

Did I mention it is a more natural process like 'The Sun' and not as dirty as Fission and does not create any long-lived radioactive nuclear waste.


Monday, September 11, 2023 8:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

If you want to talk logic and wishful ideas and politics then Both you and SECOND agree with each other on Fusion... and when did SECOND and you agree on anything of late?

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1977 when I was 25 years old. At that time, the Mechanical Engineering Dept. was working on a homopolar generator to provide the spark to ignite a fusion reaction. There are still no fusion energy reactors generating commercial amounts of electricity 46 years later. In opposition to "magical thinking", I suspect fusion energy will be just as insignificant as a source of electricity 46 years in the future.

By the way, the mechanical engineers were successful at designing and building a homopolar generator. As for the physicists designing a fusion energy reactor, well, their designs show a severe lack of practicality, creativity, and ingenuity, but don't tell them because they think they are the next J. Robert Oppenheimer. You will hurt their delicate feelings and enormous misplaced pride in themselves.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 11, 2023 8:30 AM


Anyways to address the whole magic hypnotic kind of does exist, tv and radio and magazines are a type of hypnosis mind control propaganda

Many of the elite have an obsession with Symbolism, Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, the Supernatural, they go to pedophile island places where statue symbols exist or go to Bohemia Grove

I don't really believe in 'magic' but others have an obsession

There are 'patterns' out there among the type obsessed with belief...which maybe drove PirateNews types crazy when they go down that rabbit hole

and as hijacking starts, as planes hit and while all was happening


or maybe the Universe has a sick sense of humor, its just a Coincidence
Remarkable event of words line up for freak concurrence...making conspiracy type go more crazy
little Bush was not attending a weird super planned Skull and Bones human sacrifice ritual with kids as witness

Others talk about Life part of an illusion a dreamy simularion, in a movie Matrix Neo witnesses a black cat replicate exact behavioral twitches twice down a hallway, making him say, “ Whoa. Déjà vu .”
yet that is a world of fiction
...but there are people who liked to dress up in robes and go to weird islands

Not that I believe in Magic thinking but if you open your mind to other Alt-News and happening and 'Coincidence' and people who are obsessed with dates and planets and numbers you might see how 'Magic' think has not gone away...the Rational Part says its just Coincidence just freak occurrence


Originally posted by second:

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1977 when I was 25 years old. At that time, the Mechanical Engineering Dept. was working on a homopolar generator to provide the spark to ignite a fusion reaction.

'homopolar motor' might have been the wrong direction it needs more than one technique perhaps or maybe the 70s was too early and today we are on a different path since the 90s, breakthroughs in Japan, Italy, the DOE, US Army and Airforce and NASA with pleas for funding and many people have ignited the spark using a variety of methods.

H + 1H ? 2H + e++ ve (0.42 MeV)
1H + 11H ? 2 1H + e+ + ? (×2)
1H + 2H ? 3He + ? (5.49 MeV)
2He + 3 2He ? 4 2He + 1 1H + 1 1H
3He + 3He ? 4He + 1H + 1H (12.86 MeV)
Less effective 13 6 C + 1 1H ? 14 7 N + ?
2e- + 41H ? 4He + 2ve + 6? (26.7 MeV)

In the Sun total energy released by the process is 24.7 MeV

Do you think some of the highest mechanical engineer minds the French, China, European Union, Russia, Switzerland, the British, Thailand, Australia, Canada India, Japan, South Korea, United States are burning all this money just to feel good about 'magical thinking' if you did graduate in 1977 then maybe science has moved on since those days, when science evolves and moves forward it will be you who is stuck in protoscientific tradition as new science moves forward.


Monday, September 11, 2023 8:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

'homopolar motor' might have been the wrong direction it needs more than one technique perahps or maybe the 70s was too early and today we are on a different path since the 90s, breakthoughs in Japan, Italy, the DOE, US Army and Airforce and NASA with pleas for funding and many people have ignited the spark using a variety of methods. Do you think some of the highest mechanical engineer minds the French, China, European Union, Russia, Switzerland, the British, Thailand, Australia, Canada India, Japan, South Korea, United States are burning all this money just to feel good about 'magical thinking' if you did graduate in 1977 then science has moved on since those days.

I have too much experience with "geniuses" making false claims because of their enormous egos about breakthroughs that are almost, but quite, here. After a few hundred billion dollars of research spending, I'd expect more from the fusion energy community than what they have actually accomplished. Meanwhile, solar energy technology is generating fusion power right now. And battery technology to store the fusion energy is moving along at a reasonable pace. But we live in a world where people are unexcited by real tech that works and the world prefers "magical" tech.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 11, 2023 10:11 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh yeah, I forgot the example that started this train of thought:

"Ukraine is WINNING!"
OK.... HOW?


There's another thing that confuses people (speaking of critical thinking) - there's a very big difference between asking "why" and asking "how"?

"Why" asks about motivation. There was a comedy skit that went "Why is there air?" and the answer was "To fill up basketballs, of course". Much MUCH easier to answer "HOW is there air?" because then you can describe the processes that we think generated air.

If "how" just doesn't seem to get to what you're trying to ask, then re-phrase the question into "What causes...?" because we often use the question "why?" when looking for a causal relation.
That's a problem with our language because it conflates two entirely separate ideas: motivation (or intention) and cause. Maybe it's a linguistic leftover from the days when we thought things happened "because" the god(s) willed it.


One more source of confusion: "Truth" versus "honesty". Honesty means without the intention to deceive. You might be terriby wrong but painfully honest about something, but your explanation or description might not be "true" ... that is, consistent with reality. Unfortunately, for us the opposite of "lie" is often means "truth" when it should be "honesty". So when people tell me that they're telling me "the truth" all they're trying to say is that they deeply, deeply feel something or are convinced of something and are honestly expressing those deep feelings or thoughts. But deep feelings or convictions aren't a substitute for being correct (consistent with reality) and I think this fundamental confusion doesn't allow people to separate their deeply held feelings and thoughts from what might be "out there", really.

One more source of confusion, and one that you may not be aware of since it would have been taught after your time in grade school is how they started teaching the difference between "Fact" and "Opinion".

I'm sure it started on the coasts, but I remember for English we got a new set of books for an entirely new course they were rolling out. God... I wish I remember what it was called. It was very sleek looking with notepad sized workbooks instead of the old hardcover books. They were brightly colored and shiny, with only two colors for each course. They got the kids excited that we could write in the books because they were a ours.

I remember a specific lesson where they taught you that the difference between "Fact" and "Opinion" was simply that if somebody said "I think" before they said something, that was an opinion.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, September 11, 2023 10:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Reading the many examples of "magical thinking" here, I've come to the conclusion that magical thinkers fail to ask- and answer- one VERY important question:


"Saddam poses an immediate threat to the United States!"
OK.... how? (When I checked, he was way over there and his missiles couldn't have made it halfway to Europe.)

"Saddam might have secretly shipped his WMD program to Syria."
OK... how?

"Russia is going to upend western democracy!"
OK... how? It seems to me that the only people who can do that to us is us. And our fearless leaders seem to be doing a pretty good job of it

"Fusion will save the world"
OK... how?

"EVs will save the world"
"Industrial carbon capture...carbon trading... fill on your favorite ideology here... will save the world"

Maybe.... somehow...
Yanno, when people see a magic trick their first question is "How did they DO that??". They don't tell themselves that it must be magic! But when people propose something that "maybe... somehow... something will happen" they don't ask or answer the question HOW?

A little more real world thinking in a forum dedicated to real world events would be appropriate.


Ukraine War Update (20230911): Full Frontline Update


Monday, September 11, 2023 10:45 AM



How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, September 11, 2023 12:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
6IXSTRING and SIGNYM I will avoid politics because I see it mostly as a web of lies be the news from the British or French or Russian or news from the USA it is mostly a mix of distortion so there is no point to discuss 'the truth' of these propaganda broadcasts.

SIGNYM sometimes you need to learn when you were wrong, for example you got it almost completely wrong with Elon Musk's rockets. I also admit I have got stuff wrong and made bad predictions but we can still learn and admit our own errors or admit when we might have seen something not entirely true. Elon Musk has done something amazing for the Private Spaceflight Commericial Sector

In our household I'm the one who is deeply skeptical about Musk, but that has more to do with his neurochemical defect (IMO) of mania, where he proposes, pushes, or has even claimed NYC and Philly etc approval for his Hyperloop. City planners denied he had ever gone thru a approval process, or even spoken with them.

AFA rockets, SpaceX makes a VARIETY of rockets, many of them conventional. It's his methan-powered reusable rocket that I question. The idea of using methane for fuel is sound (instead of rocket fuel, which is highly refined jet fuel but cokes up the rocket engine parts, or hydrogen which is wildly hard to handle) but the problem seems to be landing and recovery. Also, I don't have the data to do a cost analysis, but I'm not sure that reusing rockets will save much since I think the biggest cost is boosting it into space.

I applaud Musk for taking on the rest of social media. It's a monumental fight and I hope he wins.


even while being politically hated by the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Admin he has shown his value like Ford, Howard Hughes, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Jefferson, Wernher von Braun, Mary Anderson, Ann Kiessling, Samuel Morse and so many other free market ideas and thinking people. [

If you want to talk logic and wishful ideas and politics then Both you and SECOND agree with each other on Fusion... and when did SECOND and you agree on anything of late?

"Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Fusion will save the world"
OK... how?"

Its not 'magic' and I for one never claimed it would save the world but it can make life easier,


Right now it can't be done It COULD make life easier if we could get something more than just a smidgen of energy from it that's so tiny they're STILL.... two weeks later... calculating how much (little) energy they got out of it, just to make sure that they really did get a net gain


but EVs ... I will hold out for now as I'm not sure its good or bad at the moment, the electric car does also give pollution with those nasty acids and mining and batteries but it does offer different energy security than depending on islamist jihadi Saudi.
Aside from the ?? of whether EVs actually reduce fuel use (after all, you still have to generate electricity from SOMEthing) their batteries wear out after 7 years and can't be repaired. There is a more durable technology out there that includes the use of iron and lithium that can take many more charge cycles, but still requires lithium.

Anyway, yes, we need to develop our energy seccurity bc we've used up all of our easily accessible oil and are now fracking or doing deep sea-drilling to recover more, but that too will come to an end. It's too bad we can't just capture all of the methane from the melting permafrost.


Sources of power? The Sun is an almost never ending Nuclear bomb, the USA tested some big bombs but Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever tested by Soviets the shock wave went around the world three times, the Sun's bomb is much bigger or 1,820,000,000 Tsar Bombas – I guess you could put a station on Mercury and just beam power from the Sun to the Moon or Earth...but that's another complex system to build.
Yes, HOW can you "beam [useful amounts] of power", from one planet to another? Anything other than a laser would just disperse, and the laser itself would be degraded by space dust. More to the point, how can you CAPTURE that power? A laser bean strong enough to draw power from would fry everything it touched, it could be an inconceiveably strong space-based weapon, and if the beam wobbled just a tiny bit (planets wobble in their orbits for example) it would fry everything that it touched.


Fusion does really require 'Faith' it can be done it it requires investment and optimism
Never said it couldn't. In fact, I said it just had a breakthrough. But there's a diference saying something MIGHT work or COULD work, and saying it WILL work.


Now let's take for example 2 things in our human history, Iron and Heat/Energy, 'Iron' can be recycled
Re-use of Iron is real
its not some weird magic amazing particle or material you see in a scifi that hits or blasts power and vanishes like a magic spell
but in real life the Element Iron 'Fe' can be recycled and used again however to do this it requires work, energy, heat
Iron is not an exotic scifi particle that vanishes, it is not burnt up and chemically transformed into the air into a another gaseous form.
The Iron we had Greece, Egypt, Europe, spreading Asia it is phase, of three, in the Metal Ages, none of this 'Iron' has truly been used up, it only needs work and heat to reuse it.

We can create heat by burning 4 bags of Wood let's say or one big bag of Coal....
a better way might be to use power from a source of Fission reaction, lets say Salt materials, Granite, silicate minerals, can mine stones and take out a percentage of Uranium.

Now let's go back to those Bags of Wood or Bags of Coal or a Big Barrel Oil burning
if you have a good stove and are very efficient in a moderate climate,
maybe some small 'magic' castle with good insulation that is very energy efficient and does not allow heat to escape then that one bag of coal might heat your home for an entire month! Very good heat!

However one bag of natural 'Uranium' is a far better power source than Wood or Oil or Coal – following enrichment and used for power generation corresponds to nearly 10,000 Barrels of oil, yes Ten Thousand or 14,000 Thousand Big Massive Bags of Coal

With this new Nuclear Fission source you now have option to Heat not just 1 Home for 1 month but to heat 14,000 Homes instead or you can heat 1 home instead of heating it for one month you can heat it for 14,000 Months or 1,166 Years!

I've had to re-look at fission. Bc of Chernobyl and Fukushima, two very different designs (graphite core, boiling water reactor) that went catastrophically wrong ... as well as the radioactive waste it generates, which we STILL haven't found a soluiton for... I was very much against it. But it does have the potential to produce a lot of energy for a long time. Don't forget, tho, that mining and purifying uranium also takes energy and also produces (radioactive) waste.


'Fusion' is somewhat real and is happening now but at the very small scale, it is like the early ideas of invention in the USA or even further back in time when people in Europe and China were building little boats and moving between field and river kingdoms, it is not even at the age of Vikings or the Venetian navy ...little boats would later turn into huge Cargo ships traveling the Globe, 'Fusion' is at the little boat stage but Fusion can improve. The Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer or old Pessimism Man if you send them back in time they might think looking at the Wright Bothers plane flying for only 59 seconds, what a waste of time and energy!

'Fusion' if and when it is cracked it gives 3-4 times more energy than fission

Agreed. Remember, I was the one who postedthat they hada breakthrough. But they've been working on fusion for how many decades now? And how many more decades will they need to make it practical? Keep woking on it! Something unexpected MAY happen that will unlock to whole thing! (For example, instead of making hydrogen super-hot, amybe you can bring it together by making it super-cold, near absolute zero - which has been done- as get the nuclei to fuse.)


So now in a future of Cold Fusion, you could power 49,000 Homes with one bag of let's call it 'Fusion Stuffs'
Or you could have heated one home or castle instead of one month, heat the home for up to 4,081 Years!

Now think of how many factories using energy to recycle Iron

Did I mention it is a more natural process like 'The Sun' and not as dirty as Fission and does not create any long-lived radioactive nuclear waste.

Ok, but see, a lot of this is 'HOPIUM'.... it COULD, it MIGHT, MAYBE SOMEHOW IN THE FUTURE...

Yanno, never give up hope because that's what keeps people striving for improvement. But I thought that climate change is a problem we have to start solving NOW. So I'm focusing on things we can do NOW, not 10-50 years in the future.

And the problems wrapped around solving that are, at this point entirely political because all of our policies are created by a corrupt political class of stupes and quislings and money-grubbers who're hostages to their donors and backers - the uber-wealthy.
If we can solve THAT problem, we can solve a lot of problems.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, September 11, 2023 12:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

'homopolar motor' might have been the wrong direction it needs more than one technique perahps or maybe the 70s was too early and today we are on a different path since the 90s, breakthoughs in Japan, Italy, the DOE, US Army and Airforce and NASA with pleas for funding and many people have ignited the spark using a variety of methods. Do you think some of the highest mechanical engineer minds the French, China, European Union, Russia, Switzerland, the British, Thailand, Australia, Canada India, Japan, South Korea, United States are burning all this money just to feel good about 'magical thinking' if you did graduate in 1977 then science has moved on since those days.

I have too much experience with "geniuses" making false claims because of their enormous egos about breakthroughs that are almost, but quite, here. After a few hundred billion dollars of research spending, I'd expect more from the fusion energy community than what they have actually accomplished. Meanwhile, solar energy technology is generating fusion power right now. And battery technology to store the fusion energy is moving along at a reasonable pace. But we live in a world where people are unexcited by real tech that works and the world prefers "magical" tech.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Well, amazingly SECOND, we agree!!!!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, September 11, 2023 2:09 PM


Speaking of EV's, here's another I TOLD YOU SO from my limitless bag of them.

Electrify America Is Completely Changing Its Pricing Structure

Pass+ members will pay a higher monthly fee, consistent pricing across the network is going away, and idle fees will soon be enforced.


In addition to updating its terms of use and arbitration rules, there are three significant changes that will affect how much you pay to use the Electrify America network once the new rules take effect.

Three main pricing changes:

1. The monthly fee to be a Pass+ subscriber is going up from $4.00 to $7.00. That translates to an additional $36 per year ($84 per year compared to the previous $48/year), Pass+ members will still get a 25% discount on the per-kWh or per-minute price, depending on what state they are charging in.

2. Electrify America is transitioning from set pricing across the country to a station-specific pricing model that is subject to change. The Electrify America app will show the station-specific prices, the company is urging its members to always check the station for pricing when they arrive because it's possible the price listed in the app may be incorrect.

3. Electrify America will begin to charge idle fees at most of its locations nationwide. After a ten-minute grace period, the customer will be billed $0.40 per minute until they unplug the vehicle from the charger.

You've been conned, son.

And that's only the beginning.

Not only will it be far more expensive and inconvenient to charge your car than fuel it with gas, but by putting all of these coal-burning cars on the road they're going to raise everybody's monthly electricity costs to live in their homes and apartments 10-fold.

You will own nothing and like it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, September 11, 2023 7:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Speaking of EV's, here's another I TOLD YOU SO from my limitless bag of them.

Electrify America Is Completely Changing Its Pricing Structure

Electrify America is price gouging its customers because it has only 822 charging stations, the only one for many miles around.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:10 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Speaking of EV's, here's another I TOLD YOU SO from my limitless bag of them.

Electrify America Is Completely Changing Its Pricing Structure

Electrify America is price gouging its customers because it has only 822 charging stations, the only one for many miles around.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


I'm sure the one you've got is one of the good guys who won't price gouge their customers.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 8:01 PM


Lettuce sea.

In order to "prove" or "Identify" that a person has Acquired IMMUNE DEFICIENCY Syndrome, we only need to perform a test which we will call the results "HIV Positive" - and this label of "HIV Positive" is the test which proves that the body's IMMUNE SYSTEM worked perfectly by creating the ANTIBODY after exposure to the unrelated HIV.
Yes, the "HIV Positive" designation merely defines that the ANTIBODY of the HIV is present in the blood - which would not happen if the IMMUNE SYSTEM was not working.

To prove that the IMMUNE SYSTEM is NOT working, we test and prove that the IMMUNE SYSTEM IS working.

Magical Thinking?


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Lettuce sea.

In order to "prove" or "Identify" that a person has Acquired IMMUNE DEFICIENCY Syndrome, we only need to perform a test which we will call the results "HIV Positive" - and this label of "HIV Positive" is the test which proves that the body's IMMUNE SYSTEM worked perfectly by creating the ANTIBODY after exposure to the unrelated HIV.
Yes, the "HIV Positive" designation merely defines that the ANTIBODY of the HIV is present in the blood - which would not happen if the IMMUNE SYSTEM was not working.

To prove that the IMMUNE SYSTEM is NOT working, we test and prove that the IMMUNE SYSTEM IS working.

Magical Thinking?

Hey, the immune system consists of A LOT MORE than just antibodies. There are all kinds of immune cells (Bcells, T cells, macrophages) and chemicals (cytokines, chemokines, globulins, tumor necrosis factors etc) and various "signaling factors" and auto-shutoff mechanisms.

Antibodies are produced by B cells. HIV infects T cells. HIV doesn't infect, or affect, the ENTIRE immune system, just a part of it. But because it hides in T cells it's hard for the immune system to attack, bc it has to attack itself.

Sometimes the question "how" leads on a complex path bc sometimes reality is complicated. In this case, it's not as simple as you are.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 5:09 AM


In firefly board discussion. Sometimes 'Hopium' in thread is talked of, I think it is far more destructive to see another Bush Jnr or Obama as the next Moses or Jesus Christ type 'Hopium' figure that will solve all your problems

They put a bunch of people on stage they do a clown debate show and you have Hopium these Warlocks or Good Witches or Fairy will come along and fix all of the USA's and the Western problems, huge problems that even been building up for decades upon decades. The Hopium show says they on the political stage will cast a magic spell and corrupt politicians will not be corrupt but fix all with a magical policy
and when that magic spell doesn't work, you guys return to the Left vs Right, Conservative Rightist vs Progressive Leftist clown show...that is the true hopium

turning a man or a woman, be it Obama or Bush jnr or Bill Clinton or Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair, Macron, making them idols, almost praying to them, turning these people into your new 'savior'

Political Hopium of thinking the next Party Will be your savior they will fix the debts, fix the wars, make friend with islam, fix the environment, a new leader fixes the Border Wall and illegal immigration alien invasion, they will fix the crime on your street this type of truly insane 'magic think' is probably far more destructive than investing in the science and physics of humanity and having a little optimism for our scientific future and working to fix real life energy and power needs.


Originally posted by second:

Meanwhile, solar energy technology is generating fusion power right now. And battery technology to store the fusion energy is moving along at a reasonable pace.

Solar is great if you live in parts of Africa, California, Mexico, the Gobi Desert China, Chile South America, the Middle East, Australia or Texas but the rest of the USA Idaho, New York, Oregon, Maine, Ohio, the city of Chicago, Indiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, the Great Lakes, Kentucky, Minnesota, the entire of Canada and Quebec Solar isn't going to cut it also the US population and power demands are increasing not decreasing and increasing beyond the capacity of Solar power

also America does not build the stuff, a lot of it made in China

Second another problem I have with your writing is I do not know if you truly believe anything, from one day one week to the next one year to next you can flip flop between anything.
Maybe you are somewhat delusional or maybe its a memory thing, weed and booze or maybe age, maybe your memory is foggy but you have wrote so many contradicting stories over the years I do not know what to truly believe anymore with you.
I don't think its drugs and I do not think you are old like Biden but I do know much of what you write is not your own
You often do not write your own words, constantly quote others and parrot what others happen to be thinking and writing that day.
Sometimes you do write what you truly think and feel but that usually is only when I get under your skin and you start blasting out a rant at me in 'ALL CAPS' like your political arc enemy Trump does on his truthsocial

but a lot of what you write are not your words??? Or maybe its the fact you copy and paste words of other people

One time you told me you had read the Quran or Koran and the 'War on Terror' you compared it all to America bombing Buddhists or some crazy analogy

then another time you wrote this


Originally posted by second:

Until people recognize and admit that all of these are, in fact, “real Islam”, the issues underlying the problem of jihadi militancy cannot be addressed. If the violence is “not real Islam”, the implication is that Islam – as practiced by most Muslims – needs no reform. But that is manifestly not the case. The scourge of violence in the name of Islam will be removed only when Muslims in general come to reject all instances of violence in the name of Islam, including those that are celebrated in scripture and history. When conquerors who killed “infidels” are regarded as heroes of the faith; when the world is seen as divided into the “house of Islam” and the “house of war”

Which is a good piece of writing but in fact the words are not yours, they were taken from another person's blog, copied and pasted blog post then put on a fireflyfans board discussion

When you write Solar will power all of the USA and Earth I wonder too if this is not some form of 'magic' think or are you quoting and parroting something you happened to see that week.

Have you done the math, I have given you guys some numbers in regard to power, maybe you should check if the mathematical numbers of powering the USA through Solar adds up

you also believed btw that the USA would be in a Nuclear War under Trump

maybe you were under a Wizard Warlock spell from one of those tv propaganda networks?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Well, amazingly SECOND, we agree!!!!

Second's opinion is not something based on math or set in stone, Second often parrots others and opinions change with political winds or change depending on the month or day of the week

as you admit yourself

not 'magic'


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Okay, to qualify my negative assessment on fusion - it's a technology that MIGHT solve our energy problems. I think we could be looking at 10-50 years in the future.

So now you think it is not magic but a 'Might'

Do you know what else you 2 have in common, for now both of you either dislike or hate Musk and Space-X maybe wanting or wishing for him to fail is part of 'magic thinking' from the both of you.
Which is fine, when we are unsure of a person or a company overall goal, criticism of a person or company is perfectly normal but Musk's rockets have now proven the both of you wrong.
Second used to be pro-Musk but then of course the political winds changed once Elon Musk's re-tweets hurt the Leftist with a meme and Musk's Autism Asperger tweets started being critical of Hillary Clinton or Biden, suddenly all those sources Second would quote from were Musk I said the words not Seconds but quoted and parroted.

and again Political Hopium before logic

a far more dangerous and crazy form of 'magic think'


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 12:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE, maybe the problem is that English isn't your native language, or maybe you just can't grasp what I'm saying.

Look at all the words you've used around fusion


'Cold Fusion' the Taboo Clean Energy Topic


... and maybe if there was less fear of Nuclear they could have invested in [a] future possibility like 'Fusion'.


Does it require Faith or Not...maybe Optimistic and Logic thought and not Pessimism and Nihilism


i for one never claimed it would save the world but it can make life easier


Fusion does really require 'Faith' it can be done it it requires investment and optimism

RELIGION requires 'faith'. Ideology (political religion) requires "faith".

"FAITH" is a belief in something despite lack of evidence, or even in the face of contrary evidence posed by the real world.

You seem to think that's what holding humans back is emotional - fear or lack of faith. That the topic is somehow "taboo" because 'they' want to keep 'us' from having cheap energy? But the problems with fusion aren't emotional, they're very practical, and people are working very hard to solve them. And I think it should still be investigated because, maybe, who knows? Somebody will unlock something, and it's a lot less waste of $$ than sinking it into killing machines and faraway wars, and it would go a long way to solving a whole lot of problems IF IT CAN BE MADE TO WORK.

The 'magical' part is the feeling that if we desperately want or need something to work (like, say, anti-gravity) and we put all of our efforts into that thing, we CAN make it work. All we have to do is have enough 'faith'. But sometimes, yanno, we just can't bend reality no matter how desperately we want or need something.

PS- I'm aware that at least three nations are working on fusion: USA, Russia (some kind of 'fission-fusion' reactor) and China, and that incremental progress is being made. Hooray for progress! When it gets past "bench level" and reaches pilot plant scale I'll pop a bottle of champagne.

PPS- It occcurs to me that your REAL fear is that lack of discussion, interest and enthusiasm on the part of the general public is holding research back. (BTW I wouldn't call it "investment" yet. "Investment" is putting money into something with the expectation of making more. Right now all of the $$ going into fusion research is a dead loss, 'investment' -wise bc all it's generating is data. So far, people have discovered hundreds of ways that fusion doesn't work.) I ackowledge that you've caveated fusion as a 'psssibility' many times.

But my reading of the the history of breakthroughs is that they don't always happen just because a crap-ton of money was poured into something. Do you remember "The War on Cancer"? I seem to recall it began -maybe under Nixon- with the idea that putting a lot of money into cancer research would unlock 'the cure'. But it really all depended on some fundamental breakthroughs that - btw- weren't particularly well-funded, like PCR technology.

In 1983 a scientist by the name of Kary Mullis was driving along a Californian mountain road late one night and formulated a revolutionary way to make laboratory copies of DNA molecules

Routers were developed because one guy had a bug up his ass on how to do it.

William (Bill) Yeager is 66 and still gets peeved when someone trots out the Silicon Valley fable about how the founders of Cisco invented the router. He was the guy at Stanford University who made it happen.

Their discvoeries began with asking the question "HOW?" It's a far tougher question to answewr than you think, and it keeps us in the very real world.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:


Originally posted by second:

Meanwhile, solar energy technology is generating fusion power right now. And battery technology to store the fusion energy is moving along at a reasonable pace.

Solar is great if you live in parts of Africa, California, Mexico, the Gobi Desert China, Chile South America, the Middle East, Australia or Texas but the rest of the USA Idaho, New York, Oregon, Maine, Ohio, the city of Chicago, Indiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, the Great Lakes, Kentucky, Minnesota, the entire of Canada and Quebec Solar isn't going to cut it also the US population and power demands are increasing not decreasing and increasing beyond the capacity of Solar power

also America does not build the stuff, a lot of it made in China

Second another problem I have with your writing is I do not know if you truly believe anything, from one day one week to the next one year to next you can flip flop between anything.

I signed a contract for electricity to drive a pipeline compressor station with Shell Energy, not with Helion Energy. Why? Because one company can guarantee power and the other one is built on the hope of fusion power being available in some distant future. I need something that is real and now. I don’t need worthless promises about a future that may never arrive.

Shell Energy: Access more than 1.1 GW of solar generation capacity from Shell-operated facilities and joint-venture partnerships – including Silicon Ranch, one of the largest independent power producers in the US, with more than 140 solar projects across 14 states.

Helion Energy: Software giant Microsoft on May 10 announced it has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with nuclear fusion startup Helion Energy to buy electricity from Helion as soon as 2028.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 5:17 PM


You can buy a novelty toy in a store today, showing an arc lamp of plasma a glowing plasma ball for your kids bedroom, it is no longer a magical thing but a common Novelty Ornament Toy on a Shelf.
For now we still have an Unknown Myserty behind stories of Ball of Lightning, Ghost like Lights from the Marsh, Sprite lightning, Will-o'-the-wisp, Marfa lights, Hitodama, Brown Mountain Lights, Naga fireball off of these unexplained events might relate to a natural way nature has to contain charged Plasma and ionized particles.
Dancing Plasma in the Sky of Earth was once considered a magic 'Bushfire' from the heavens, Greek and Chinese legend written poems of Aurora, Benjamin Franklin stars to think logically and theorized in his paper towards forming an Hypothesis for its Explanation that an aurora was caused by a concentration of electrical charge in the polar regions intensified by the snow and moisture in the air.

Plasma is no longer magic, at one time Vikings or Siberian Eskimo or Aboriginal Australian looked to the skies and watched aurora borealis or southern lights (aurora australis) dancing colored shapes whipping and sway in the sky, we now today know through science that it is a state of matter in which an ionized substance becomes highly electrically conductive, it is the 4th state of matter beyond Solid, Liquid and Gas and perhaps very important for Fusion process, gas exists with energy and when there is enough energy in a system atoms will break into plasma, the 4th state of matter which can be directed by fields and confinement, you have plasma everywhere, flames, neo city lights, the Sun in the sky, natural lightning but it is no longer 'magic', it has a word today.

Digging up Dirt on the Moon as fuel or Making Plasma do work?

What is not to like ...well it has the world 'Nuclear' in it so even if it is as clean as 'The Sun' that Nuclear word is very 'Taboo'
we have Aussie Greens, the Canadian Greens, the France Greens French Les Verts, Germany Alliance 90 and The Greens the German Bündnis 90 Die Grünen, the Euro Greens almost sending the West back to the era of the Donkey with their economic policy...while pipelines explode and Russia gas cut and a Ukraine invasion but let's shut down even more energy reactors

Commercial Fusion probably can be done by Hybrid, 30 years might do it the fuel is abundant, it will easily match energy demands when cracked. It will be a secure energy supply sitting on rocks all over our Solar System, it makes no greenhouse gas, abundant energy. The other so-called 'Green' well there's a problem 100% renewable is not really possible it changes with the Clouds and the Sun and Tides and Winds it is an intermittent system very few regular intervals, some winters it is cold and the Sun won't come out, other times the Wind does not really blow. For an economical reliable grid Fusion could supply the electric energy market, industrial heat, desalination of waters can be powered by Fusion and remove the pollution sources that create Heat to 'Melt Iron' perhaps desalinate water, Fusion excess energy might clean waters or remove pollutants from the Air, a scifi idea of Atmospheric processing or Terraforming Mars might become a thing in the far future, if you want to cut certain pollutants Fusion might maintain Net-Zero excess pollution.
If and when it is cracked the entire grid of Earth changes within 30 years.

In history the horse was replaced by Chemical power and Steam Engines and the Internal combustion engine, animal power increased a thousand times, in the Orders of magnitude energy with fusion power will increase at least over a Million fold, we move from Joules to kilojoules to now a Million times again to Gigajoules. You move from Amount of work needed to lift a man on a horse, to a Truck moving a product across the USA and now the Approximate energy to fly into space and around the Solar system. The amount of Energy Density inside a given Mass of Fuel is only higher inside the impractical scifi idea of Matter vs Anti-Matter Annihilation, the challenge is to get the maximum from the fuel, the Fuel of Fusion has the highest energy density. The amount of energy you can get from a given volume of Fuel Fusion is the highest of them all

SIGNYM you without doubt are logical but either you are cynical and have a doom element to your thinking or you seem to have suppressed the dreamy, creative thinking out of the box part of your brain, it can shut you off to possibility. This is not saying you should go drinking beer and hang out with Surfer and then smoke some LSD Mushrooms in the Woods and Deserts and go into full fancy dream mode but there might be a little requirement of cheerful and a little optimist dreamy, the cheery positive, Hopefulness 'Faith' a little Optimism
Do not fear technology because not all people are 'Evil' some can make good use of it, have a little faith in humanity, be a little humanist.

If Musk wasn't a little of out it with Asperger and Autism and only thought cold cash and logically only wanted profits maybe he would have never started a Rocket Company, blowing up multi Million Dollars rockets does not seem like a cost effective business plan, I know there is a part of you that can dream and have a little faith, even a cold logical faith to give future humans a chance and even if it is a long shot what is the loss?

Second I think you focus way too much on the politics of it

Second on the other hand is a person that got hijacked by the Leftism vs Rightism or Right vs Left politics which changes judgement

Fear holds people back, Nuclear seems to have become a 'Monster' but outside exposing US Veterans to Radiation and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how many has Nuclear truly killed?
Nuclear seems to have become a war of Left vs Right or a political battle with Rightism now embracing the tech but Leftism turning away
With words like Fukushima, Three-Mile-Island and Chernobyl, Nuclear is a Political Taboo

Few will invest anymore, Germany in fact has closed almost all of its reactors even though it Never had a serious accident
This is not a magic feel wanting Spells Anti-Gravity Warlock and Good Witch Magic to work, it is a science that is real and starting to move.
'Thorium' can be used instead of the Nuclear Material that is Weaponized

This is not a post praising Electric Cars because I feel the Jury is still out on that one ...BUT...Before the Electric Car was a thing, the Hybrid Car started to appear everywhere before a real Electric Car appeared.

and today we have potential for a 'Nuclear fusion–fission hybrid' in China they invest with a mix fission will boost the facility’s overall heat output by 10 to 20 times. Moon a 2009 science fiction film following a cloned guy Sam Bell Sam Rockwell hanging out on the Moon might not be so ridiculous. if real-life robots might be used to fire material back to Earth instead of sending a cloned 'Man' up there.It could we possible if maybe, if we really bothered to look and a lot of this 'Fusion' material stuff might be deflected by our Earth's magnetic field and maybe just hangs out there on the Moon and the Asteroids Beaming power from a Solar Farm on Mercury maybe that would work on day and work even better if mankind was not so warlike. The Chinese will use a mixed method and Interaction of lithium and neutrons will provide tritium for further fueling.
for now perhaps a science fiction idea but soon become science facts, a reactor typically burn a mixture of deuterium (D) and tritium (T) the reaction gives off an alpha particle and a high energy neutron of 14 MeV

and what if AI read all papers, looked at all CAD images and mechanical drawings and simulations, the AI then designed a New Reactor? Would you trust it?

Every Chatbot talking machine or software might have flaws, some people fear AI for emotional reasons

Would you block AI or if AI gave you a design
would you fear what the AI software Machine artificial intelligence has designed for you?


Originally posted by second:

I need something that is real and now. I don’t need worthless promises about a future that may never arrive.

What is real and now today is a Nuclear Reactor can keep a Submarine underwater, they can power a scientific or military site in the USA, Nuclear powers entire China and Russia military bases, provide power for French or British Army and Airforce, the naval reactors used by the United States Navy to generate the steam used to produce power for propulsion, electric power, and catapulting airplanes in aircraft, they can keep a large village or small city at sea for many months, an entire Aircraft carrier.

and when Fusion is unlocked even more power again

You claim to have done many thing Second so let's explore a hypothetical question, if someone offered to build a free reactor under your home to not only provide you with free energy but allowing you bake an electric company brand name and to sell that electric energy to the rest of the town and city using a Tried and tested Portable Power Reactor Source would you run from it in fear?

You have free energy, free electricity for life and if you want to think money then maybe think of how many homes you can sell this excess energy to.

or would you run from the technology in fear?

perhaps maybe make some statement about banning Oil and maybe a confused message Biofuel? and promote Solar Panels
just because its what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden happened to say a few weeks ago


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Their discvoeries began with asking the question "HOW?" It's a far tougher question to answewr than you think, and it keeps us in the very real world.

It will happen as science improves but for now I can't build a Fusion Reactor...a smart 12 year old did figure something out once but I don't think there was a net gain in the system.

maybe that crazy PirateNews Trucker conspiracy news guy lived near this school kid.

Jackson Oswalt

How will the future happen?
I don't know I guess this is the less logical gut feeling part of things but I feel now with AI information is moving much faster, breakthroughs might soon come but barriers and fear and politics and blockades will hold it all back and lack of 'Optimism' or faith in something good from the science and progress.

Humans need to have faith in our self and invest in our own cultural self interests and invest inside our civilizations future

For most of America the Solar panel won't cut it and they are made in China, however Solar might be good if you live in Texas, Calfornia or Mexico.

Don't write Fusion off as some magical fancy religion type thinking, it is real

but for now I would be happy with the Germans Not closing all their Power Plants and going back to doing work on Thorium


Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE I think I see what you're saying: we need to keep hope in the future alive, and believing that things can get better. If we don't, then even if there are improvements that can be made, we won't make them

Also - yes, fusion is real. Of course it is! It happens in our sun all the time! The question is, can we make it practical?

Anyway, for the most part you've tended to focus on technological development: fusion, fission, rocket engines and so forth.

Technology has done two HUGE things for us:

It's harnessed sources of if energy that allows us to DO MORE THINGS than our slow, tedious, limited muscle power could achieve. As KIKI pointed out, the evolution of technology has been one of harnessing fire, then animal power (plowing, drawing water from wells, grinding grain), water-power (water wheels powering saws, looms etc), wind (sail) power, steam power, oil and gas (ICE) power, electrical power, nuclear power.

It's allowed us to understand and control disease and other aspects of our environment.

All of the other stuff ... Cars, planes, television, smart phones etc... are icing on the cake.


But DESPITE a technology that COULD solve most problems for most people, in fact IT DOESN'T. Large swaths of people are still planting, drawing water, and harvesting by hand. They still cut wood from the forest to cook their meals, walk their produce to the market, die from diseases that have been controlled elsewhere.

Is that a fault of technology??
Will more technology solve that problem?

I think what we have is a PEOPLE problem. And not people in general, just SOME people. A small minority, if you will. If you want to solve most of our problems, solve the human sociopath problem first. Figure out how to keep power from concentrating in so few (malign) hands.

Once we do that we can get back to weather control, or understanding entanglement or the million-and-one puzzles that the universe presents us with.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, September 16, 2023 7:26 AM


Magic belief?

Richard Feynman — the world from another point of view

As a child, Richard Feynman showed signs of skepticism. For example, when he found out Santa Claus wasn't real, he said he was relieved — the truth was much easier to explain than a story of a man delivering millions of gifts to millions of kids in one night.

In 1975, Feynman learned about Uri Geller, who claimed he could bend spoons with his mind. Given his natural skepticism about such things, Feynman managed to meet Geller at a Hollywood hotel. The meeting was a resounding failure for Geller, who failed to demonstrate his supposedly paranormal abilities


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yes, HOW can you "beam [useful amounts] of power", from one planet to another? Anything other than a laser would just disperse

A laser bean strong enough to draw power from would fry everything it touched

DARPA looks to laser to beam power across the world


a test to deliver 10 kilowatts of laser power across 200 km (125 miles)

they say it is not a Death-Star


A wireless energy web could unlock power from new and diverse sources, including from space, and rapidly and reliably connect them to energy-starved consumers.

In elonmusk
's biography by WalterIsaacson
, a detail emerges about his senior paper at the University of Pennsylvania.

The paper, which he wrote in 1994, titled "The Importance of Being Solar," presented a vision: a satellite would use mirrors to focus sunlight onto panels, which would then convert this sunlight into electricity. A microwave beam would then send this electricity back to Earth.

In January 2023, CalTech's Space Solar Power Project (SSPP) independently made a similar vision a reality. Their spacecraft, SSPD-1, launched with the aim of capturing solar energy in space and beaming it back to Earth. The craft successfully generated power on the ground, using a microwave power array to transfer the energy to Earth from orbit, which lit up a pair of LEDs on the roof of a Caltech lab in Pasadena.



Saturday, September 16, 2023 9:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I think what we have is a PEOPLE problem. And not people in general, just SOME people. A small minority, if you will. If you want to solve most of our problems, solve the human sociopath problem first. Figure out how to keep power from concentrating in so few (malign) hands.

Signym, your version of reality inspired a Firefly comic. It is the motivation for the latest Firefly comic: Firefly - The Fall Guys #1. If the sociopath Prime Minister is killed, life in the 'Verse will become wonderful once again rather than a hardship for all but the wealthy.

Signym's attitude was obviously mocked in a different comic: "I (Signym) haven't learned a new thing in 20 years because all I have to do is consult my existing model of reality as perpetual desolation fraught with conspiracies and I can convince myself I've gotten to the bottom of things! Do you have any idea how relaxing it is to be able to write off all countervailing beliefs as the work of naive ninnies? Everyone seems stupid to me, especially people who know what they’re talking about!"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 17, 2023 11:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think what we have is a PEOPLE problem. And not people in general, just SOME people. A small minority, if you will. If you want to solve most of our problems, solve the human sociopath problem first. Figure out how to keep power from concentrating in so few (malign) hands.

SECIND: Signym, your version of reality [is] If the sociopath Prime Minister is killed, life in the 'Verse will become wonderful once again

SECOND, are you projecting your fear that an irate mob will come for you with pitchforks and flambeaux??

Your stupidity never fails to amuse!

First of all, PLEASE RE-READ WHAT I WROTE. This time maybe with comprehension .

Did I say anything about killing anyone?

Yanno, in the years that you've been here, you seem to have gotten stupider and stupider. You must be following in Biden's footsteps.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, September 18, 2023 1:11 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think what we have is a PEOPLE problem. And not people in general, just SOME people. A small minority, if you will. If you want to solve most of our problems, solve the human sociopath problem first. Figure out how to keep power from concentrating in so few (malign) hands.

SECIND: Signym, your version of reality [is] If the sociopath Prime Minister is killed, life in the 'Verse will become wonderful once again

SECOND, are you projecting your fear that an irate mob will come for you with pitchforks and flambeaux??

Your stupidity never fails to amuse!

First of all, PLEASE RE-READ WHAT I WROTE. This time maybe with comprehension .

Did I say anything about killing anyone?

Yanno, in the years that you've been here, you seem to have gotten stupider and stupider. You must be following in Biden's footsteps.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I'm all about the Gadsden Flag.

But Democrats in current year believe that's a racist emblem of the Civil War because they are incorrectly educated *brainwashed* *cough* *cough*, and need to read a fucking book.

Ain't nobody violent over here. Pacifist to the core, until somebody steps over the line.

Just leave me the fuck alone and I'll be more than happy to oblige you the same courtesy.

Get the message, Democrats. Before it's too late for you.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, December 3, 2023 10:00 AM


Magic Think or Propaganda might be Hollyweird trying to re-write history with stuff like 'Hidden Figures' they are so butthurt and don't want to admit former German Nazis helped NASA to beat the Russians to the Moon

in history

Egypt ...maybe ..for sure there were contributions, its location means it connects North Africa to Europe to the Arabs of the Middle East and Asia, it was a cross roads of very clever Empire of different people, Christians and Jews and Pagans.

Not all of Africa was 'Egypt'
when Europeans in ships went down to sub sahara Africa they found people who ran from wild animals who chucked spears at their food, they had no written language, they had mud huts and no building which lasted beyond 100 years, they had not even invented the wheel

'All of math and science was invented in Africa. Is this true or delusional?'

Ever since the BLM Antifa riots there have been an increase of Wakanda Wuz Kangz Forever memes


Monday, December 4, 2023 4:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Magic belief?

Richard Feynman — the world from another point of view

As a child, Richard Feynman showed signs of skepticism. For example, when he found out Santa Claus wasn't real, he said he was relieved — the truth was much easier to explain than a story of a man delivering millions of gifts to millions of kids in one night.

In 1975, Feynman learned about Uri Geller, who claimed he could bend spoons with his mind. Given his natural skepticism about such things, Feynman managed to meet Geller at a Hollywood hotel. The meeting was a resounding failure for Geller, who failed to demonstrate his supposedly paranormal abilities


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yes, HOW can you "beam [useful amounts] of power", from one planet to another? Anything other than a laser would just disperse

A laser bean strong enough to draw power from would fry everything it touched

DARPA looks to laser to beam power across the world


a test to deliver 10 kilowatts of laser power across 200 km (125 miles)

they say it is not a Death-Star


A wireless energy web could unlock power from new and diverse sources, including from space, and rapidly and reliably connect them to energy-starved consumers.

In elonmusk
's biography by WalterIsaacson
, a detail emerges about his senior paper at the University of Pennsylvania.

The paper, which he wrote in 1994, titled "The Importance of Being Solar," presented a vision: a satellite would use mirrors to focus sunlight onto panels, which would then convert this sunlight into electricity. A microwave beam would then send this electricity back to Earth.

In January 2023, CalTech's Space Solar Power Project (SSPP) independently made a similar vision a reality. Their spacecraft, SSPD-1, launched with the aim of capturing solar energy in space and beaming it back to Earth. The craft successfully generated power on the ground, using a microwave power array to transfer the energy to Earth from orbit, which lit up a pair of LEDs on the roof of a Caltech lab in Pasadena.


Oh,I wanted to get back to this...

It's one thing to transmit enough power to light up a couple of LEDs. It's another thing to transmit enough power to light up a city.

JAYNZE please re -read what I wrote. I never said that you couldn't transmit power wirelessly. What I posted was that transmitting enough power to be useful would fry everything it touched.

Ever burn up a paper with a magnifying glass on a sunny day? That's what I'm talking about.

You talk about math
Do some back of the envelope calculations. How much electricity does it take to power a city of a million people? I'm not sure. Although I can look it up, but my guess is it's in the realm of gigawatts (bcLos Angeles has quite a few power stations each generating hundreds of megawatts. I think that totals up to gigawatts pretty quickly.) And that's not even counting the power required for cars and trucks and home+heating and refining and other processes that directly burn fuel.

Well, in any case, imagine a couple million watts impinging on a surface that's ...say....10000 square meters. (About 300 x 300 ft) Honestly, I don't know of ANY material that wouldn't instantly vaporize if you hit it with that kind of power. If you do, let me know!

As power transmission the idea sucks, but it would make a helluva space-based weapon.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, December 4, 2023 7:04 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If you do, let me know!

We already collect and re-direct this energy everyday, they are called lightning strikes maybe 5 Billion Watts of energy in a single second, sometimes enough juice to power a small village or town, the Earth has I dunno something like 200 Million cloud-to-ground strikes per year.

Lightning Rods

We can redirect it into the ground, but we are not good at keep it at the moment putting it into a small battery that spike in energy would cause it to explode.
Metric Prefix
Kilo Thousand, Mega Million, Giga Billion, Tera Trillion 10^12 I think next is Quadrillion Peta? We already collect and re-direct energy in the 'Giga'
That is not to say in the future some special battery or way of keeping this energy will never be made

as you said yourself


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

we need to keep hope in the future alive, and believing that things can get better. If we don't, then even if there are improvements that can be made, we won't make them


Monday, December 4, 2023 10:32 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If you do, let me know!

We already collect and re-direct this energy everyday, they are called lightning strikes maybe 5 Billion Watts of energy in a single second, sometimes enough juice to power a small village or town, the Earth has I dunno something like 200 Million cloud-to-ground strikes per year.

Lightning Rods

We can redirect it into the ground, but we are not good at keep it at the moment putting it into a small battery that spike in energy would cause it to explode.
Metric Prefix
Kilo Thousand, Mega Million, Giga Billion, Tera Trillion 10^12 I think next is Quadrillion Peta? We already collect and re-direct energy in the 'Giga'
That is not to say in the future some special battery or way of keeping this energy will never be made

as you said yourself


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

we need to keep hope in the future alive, and believing that things can get better. If we don't, then even if there are improvements that can be made, we won't make them

Man... good luck.

I can't even get a set of LED work lights with a voltage regulator that's up to the job. I love my light I got on black friday, but as soon as it's on for 20 minutes and heats up one of the panels starts blinking every 15 seconds and it's like Chinese water torture to continue to use it at that point.

I'd like to use IT as a lightning rod right now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, December 4, 2023 3:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Lighting strike move gigawatts of energy, but ONLY for a few seconds, at most. If that were to be sustained for longer, it would vaporize the lightning rod.

You can't equate gigawatts of energy that lasts for a second versus gigawatts of energy flowing for 24 hours .

If you were to beam that from space, you would create a continuous plasma column of air, just like lightning but lasting 24/7/365.

In addition, HOW can you beam energy from one planet to another. Planets rotate. They also revolve. How can you keep the source and target aligned??

Dood, THAT is magical thinking. A little physics and real world experience goes a long way to screen out false hopes and fruitless pursuits. Stop magical thinking about technology.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, December 4, 2023 3:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Lighting strike move gigawatts of energy, but ONLY for a few seconds, at most. If that were to be sustained for longer, it would vaporize the lightning rod.

You can't equate gigawatts of energy that lasts for a second versus gigawatts of energy flowing for 24 hours .

If you were to beam that from space, you would create a continuous plasma column of air, just like lightning but lasting 24/7/365.

In addition, HOW can you beam energy from one planet to another. Planets rotate. They also revolve. How can you keep the source and target aligned??

Dood, THAT is magical thinking. A little physics and real world experience goes a long way to screen out false hopes and fruitless pursuits. Stop magical thinking about technology.

Given that lightning generates so much electricity, why don’t we harness it as a renewable energy source? Our science question of the month.

By Tess Light, Space and Remote Sensing group, Los Alamos National Laboratory | October 1, 2017

. . . if we could design a battery that would not be vaporized by the strike, all the lightning in the world would still power only a small fraction of households. It’s true that each stroke produces up to perhaps five or ten gigajoules of energy, and a household in the U.S. needs only about five gigajoules per month—and that’s just one strike! But actually, only a fraction of that energy is in the form of electrical current—much of the energy goes to heating the air. And the process of storing the energy in a battery and then retrieving it is pretty inefficient. So, now you need a few strikes per household per month, and in the end, even if we could find a way to capture, store, and use the energy, it would power only about 0.1 percent of the world’s homes.

How much energy in a lightning strike

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, December 4, 2023 3:42 PM


Steve Bannon: Non-Christian nationalists 'all have to be purged' in Trump's second term

Right-wing podcast host Steve Bannon called for a purging of people who are not Christian nationalists if Donald Trump wins a second term as president.

On his Monday War Room broadcast, Bannon celebrated author Tim Alberta's warnings about Christian nationalism on MSNBC.

"When you begin to think of America as almost this covenant nation, that God has ordained us, God has blessed us, and you are fighting for God by fighting for America, that is Christian nationalism, and that is what has infected much of the church today," Alberta told the hosts of Morning Joe.



Monday, December 4, 2023 3:47 PM


At least give the Muslims the boot. All of them.

Here, there and everywhere they don't belong. Pretty much any place that doesn't leave sand up your ass crack if you stand outside more than 5 minutes.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, June 3, 2024 11:03 AM


not magic but science advances we have yet to fully understand becoming a reality?

85% of Neuralink implant wires are already detached, says patient

1X’s Eve humanoid robot masters task chaining, nears autonomous work

What's Scarier Than Unchecked AI? A 'Swarm' of 3,400 Corporate AI Lobbyists


Friday, August 30, 2024 5:02 AM


There were times when people said it was impossible for mankind to fly or to break the speed of sound

in Asia Transport investments, Maglev and Hyperloop ideas

China’s Hyperloop, Set To Reach 1,000 Kilometers Per Hour, Passes New Test With Flying Colors

UN deploys unique 3D printer to build homes from dirt, waste in Colombia - Crane WASP, a large 3D printer, builds using natural resources like dirt and agricultural waste, eliminating the need for concrete.

Japan’s manganese-boosted EV battery hits game-changing 820 Wh/Kg, no decay

Inside China’s race to lead the world in nuclear fusion - The country has ambitious plans for fusion power plants to provide clean, limitless energy. Can they be realized?


China could now be spending $1.5 billion each year on fusion — almost double what the US government allocated this year for this research, says Jean Paul Allain, associate director of the US Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences in Washington DC. “Even more important than the total value is the speed at which they’re doing it,” says Allain.

“China has built itself up from being a non-player 25 years ago to having world-class capabilities,” says Dennis Whyte, a nuclear scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.

Although no one yet knows whether fusion power plants are possible, Chinese scientists have ambitious timelines. In the 2030s, before ITER will have begun its main experiments, the country aims to build the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR), with the goal of producing up to 1 gigawatt of fusion power. If China’s plans work out, a prototype fusion power plant could follow in the next few decades, according to a 2022 road map

China’s AI video rush is a wake-up call for the world

so what wacky ideas are out there?

Free Electric strikes could possibly be captured the Venezuela Catatumbo lightning, free Anti Matter created by cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere, free Solar or Geothermal and Tidal power for many nations, AI helps do the almost impossible real time calculation tasks, Thorium everywhere on Earth for possible Thorium-based nuclear power, now if only we could figure out how to use this stuff

We will probably continue killing each other, the scientific philosophical Kardashev scale a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement a Type I civilization is a civilization is capable of consuming all of the incoming energy from its neighboring star

For now Antimatter seems impossible

Antimatter 89,875,517,874 ˜ 90 PJ/kg , 24,965,421,631,578 ˜ 25 TW·h/kg

it would seem Antimatter for now is only for scifi stories

closer to reality

A New Way to Achieve Nuclear Fusion: Helion

and maybe AI helps with the math and monitoring


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

In addition, HOW can you beam energy from one planet to another. Planets rotate. They also revolve. How can you keep the source and target aligned??

Dood, THAT is magical thinking. A little physics and real world experience goes a long way to screen out false hopes and fruitless pursuits. Stop magical thinking about technology.

Planets Rotate don't worry they have a science for that even backyard amateur astronomer took pics of a moving Space Station or Space Shuttle, its very user friendly and you don't need a Master Doctor Degree paper in Orbital Mechanics the amateur can do it and I'm sure there's an app on your phone now. Hubble does it all the time when it looks for an Asteroid or takes a pic of Mars or Hubble’s Observation of Neptune, satellites do it when they send info back to a point on Earth

and keeping the sources and target aligned, they did this since the early 1960s after Sputnik the USA had Telstar 1 now a defunct satellite but it allowed the first live broadcast of television images between the United States and Europe.


Nasa has streamed an ultra high-definition video of a cat back to Earth from the depths of space.

The 15-second clip of Taters the cat was sent via laser - and fittingly shows it chasing a laser beam.

Footage of the orange tabby travelled
19 million miles - some 80 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

Lots of free energy coming from the Sun, in a more advanced future you could put something on Mercury or satellites orbiting in a sphere,the Solar reaction the same process that takes place inside a hydrogen bomb, only on a tremendous scale, 10 billion hydrogen bombs of free energy emitted every second, yes 10 Billion!

Nasa beams cat video from deep space with laser


Friday, August 30, 2024 9:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
In addition, HOW can you beam energy from one planet to another. Planets rotate. They also revolve. How can you keep the source and target aligned??

Dood, THAT is magical thinking. A little physics and real world experience goes a long way to screen out false hopes and fruitless pursuits. Stop magical thinking about technology.

JAYNZE: Planets Rotate don't worry they have a science for that even backyard amateur astronomer took pics of a moving Space Station or Space Shuttle, its very user friendly and you don't need a Master Doctor Degree paper in Orbital Mechanics the amateur can do it and I'm sure there's an app on your phone now. Hubble does it all the time when it looks for an Asteroid or takes a pic of Mars or Hubble’s Observation of Neptune, satellites do it when they send info back to a point on Earth

and keeping the sources and target aligned, they did this since the early 1960s after Sputnik the USA had Telstar 1 now a defunct satellite but it allowed the first live broadcast of television images between the United States and Europe.
quote: Nasa has streamed an ultra high-definition video of a cat back to Earth from the depths of space.

The 15-second clip of Taters the cat was sent via laser - and fittingly shows it chasing a laser beam.

Dood, think about it. Seriously. It's one thing to transmit a video to earth. The energies are so small, if you miss your target ... hey, no harm, no foul.

But if you're beaming significant amounts... USEFUL amounts ... of enery to earth, maybe something in the gigawatt or terawatt range... the beam would vaporize anything it touched that wasn't specifically constructed to be able to absorb and withstand that amount of energy. Not to mention the beam itself passing thru the atmo would probably create a column of plasma from the outer atmo to the earth's surface. Imagine the climate disruption from THAT!

I don't generally push back on your finds. Some of them are really good. Better batteries, more efficient transportation, even fusion generating useful amounts of energy are all within technical possibility, and some are quite likely.

But there are a few things flat out impossible like water powered cars (NOTE: Toyota is working on HYDRGEN powered cars) and beaming energy to earth.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.






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