The Firefly Questionnaire! Woohoo!

UPDATED: Saturday, December 4, 2004 10:37
VIEWED: 13913
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Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:17 AM


Heres a template for you to fill in, I'm just not sure if it'

So when did you become a Firefly fan?

What attracted you to the show?

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

And, no the template didn't work! Bugger!
EDIT: And I had put "Wish" as "Which" in one question! Doh!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:34 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Christmas 2003 - my brother shared his DVDs.

What attracted you to the show?
Charaters, plot, music - everything!

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Out Of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Find out who Book is.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Resolve the River chase thread.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Not sure - it's rather indirect. I donated to the library.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:19 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Watching "The Train Job" - especially the sshock bit where that chappy was kicked into the engine.

What attracted you to the show?
Initially - the fact that it was a Joss show. I just found it really addictive

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Out Of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
More about River and how Blus Sun fits in.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I don't care. Anything will be good!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Three people directly.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
None really.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"You can't take the sky from me". I prefer the "Hero of Canton".

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Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:29 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
September this year. I though Sci-fi/fantasy was dead. Bought the DvDs to check it out. I've not regretted it since. :)

What attracted you to the show?
The characters and their back stories. The humour. The 'you are here' quality of the show.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Out of Gas.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Discovering a little more about River.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Discovering a little more about River and the truth about Shepherd Book.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
None. *Disappointed* Although, I've sorta grabbed the attention of one of my friends. She wants to 'learn everything about this new tv show' I'm watching. (We kinda have a similar taste in tv shows and hobbies.)

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
River and Simon.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Wash and Jayne.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"I don't care I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me."


Saturday, November 27, 2004 6:03 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
After the end of Angel, when I needed more Jossverse

What attracted you to the show?
Snark withdrawal

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Probably Wash, even though I can't even drive a car, much less do a Crazy Ivan

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
More "future history"--and more times when Mal DIDN'T totally get his ass kicked

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Something that's satisfying as a stand-alone but also works if the trilogy gets completed. Not an easy thing to do, I know, I'm a fic writer.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Bwahaha! I have GET! An entire CELL of English Browncoats can be traced to me.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
The ones actually shown: Zoe/Wash. When I write fics, I'm kind of a Mal/Simon shipper.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Kaylee and Zoe.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

Something about that song just BOTHERS me. So sue me.

No touching release dates!


Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:03 AM


Psi-ChickRiver queried:

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
First five minutes of F*x broadcast of TTJ.

(to Mal)
Your move.

Camera ARMS UP to see the game on the table is Chinese Checkers. Mal moves.

That's a bold move.

I live on the edge.

Zoe makes a much better move.

(to Mal)
Nice work, dumbass.

I've given some thought to moving
off the edge, it's not an ideal
location... might get a place in
the middle...

What attracted you to the show?
It had a character named 'Kaylee'; my wife's name is Kayley. Saw it had Alan Tudyk in it; loved his work in "28 Days" (stole the Sandra Bullock-based show) and "A Knight's Tale".

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Serenity, pts. 1 & 2, OOG, and OIS; can't choose between them; they are quintessentially what Firefly is all about, IMO.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Book, definitely. Especially the self-loathing and -flagellation for past sins.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
I think the first season was complete. Second season: finding out what Book was all about, River coming to her senses (just like we'll see in the BDM).

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
See previous answer.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Wash and Zoe. It's the most realistic depiction of married life I've ever seen on TV. Okay, except for the frequency and gusto of the sex after seven years of marriage. Still, a guy can dream, right?

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
River, Mal and Book. I think that combination will be a real problem for the Alliance/BlueSun hegemony as the story continues in movie format (Inara and the Guild will provide key resources as well)...

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"Burn the land and boil the sea..." Destructive capability of that nature, able to boil a sea, would be dreadful and awe-inspiring. Told from the artist's viewpoint, this must have happened to Mal. I suspect his homeworld of Shadow had the artificial gravity generators turned off, and got explosively outgassed. Exposed to zero pressure, the blood in your body would 'boil' out of your skin; same thing with a moon artificially boosted to Earth-normal grav (1 G), then instantaneously reverted to 1/16th G. The atmo would explode away from the planet as the gravity holding the 'column' of gas to the planet's surface suddenly vanished.

Nice thread, Psych...



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:13 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
From the first moments of "The Train Job" when it aired on TV.

What attracted you to the show?
Fan of Buffy and Angel. Figured I'd give Joss Whedon a chance.

Who is your favourite character?
Kaylee. No wait, Zoe. No wait, Jayne. No, it's definately Wash. Actually...

Which is your favourite episode?
Out of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
That we would have learned more about Inara's life before she came to Serenity.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I frankly would be happy watching the characters sit around and have a picnic for 2 hours. I just want to see them!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
My husband and I working as a team-- probably about 10 or 12.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Wash/ Zoe

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
Jayne and Kaylee are always funny together.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity...


Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:47 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

About this time last year... Caught it in the middle of the season. So immediately stopped then waited for the DVD release to watch it in it's glory:)

What attracted you to the show?

The silence in space, and the fact that it was "Joss Whedons: FIREFLY!!!!"....Oh and the fact that Tim Minear was on board from Angel. Top Writer!!!!

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Objects in Space.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Mal - but I'm not really like any of them, which is maybe why I love it so :)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

I'd have liked a really strong establishing thread where the Alliance are really bearing down on our heroes! For several episodes. In fact maybe a seven or eight epsiode ark.

I'd have loved the sense of them feeling like they were being constantly chased and hunted, without any relent.... To the point of nearly being beaten down, loyalties tried, realtionships frayed etc....Maybe even the crew having to seperate for a stint, just to play with our emotions. Y'know.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

Hmm a little of what I just mentioned, but no resolution to Book, River or Inara - remember she has some questions too?
....Ultimately - Jayne fall for Kaylee, Kaylee let him down because Simon finally comes to his senses, and Jayne develop emotionally. Then take Jayne's darkness, born out of rejection, and further the SImon/River confrontation, to the point where Mal and Jayne develop real hatred for one another, not this payful thing they have going now, but a real tearing of loyalties and ethics so that Mal's nobility is brought into question, and the war and it's failure are resurfaced to play on everyones minds.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Two friends who I also converted to Buffy and Angel, and also my Mum and Dad! My dad being the real achievement as he hates even Star Wars!!! So yeah I think I did quite well.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Jayne and Kaylee. Although upon repeated viewing I've noticed a great deal of touchy feely going on with Kaylee and Inara...... I'd be up for more of that..... Er hmmm

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Jayne and Kaylee. Book and Mal

And finally...
Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

Hmm. Not particularly into that song. It works for the show but I prefer Jayne's song.

However "Take me out to the black...." s'ok

Cool thread :)



Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:54 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

December '03. Had to wait for the DVDs to come out, since I was never home when the show was actually ON...

What attracted you to the show?

A number of things. I'm big on the whole action/adventure thing, and I found the combination of sci fi and westerns highly entertaining. Also, Joss Whedon is my hero.

Who is your favourite character?

Wash. I like the funny guys.

Which is your favourite episode?

Toss up between Ariel, War Stories, and The Message.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Hmmm... tough call. Probably a combination of Wash and Zoe.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

I'll get back to you on that one...

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

Really looking forward to seeing where the story with the Tam siblings is going.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

*Counts* 1, 2, 3... 4 directly. They in turn have converted others, who in turn have converted others, and so on and so forth. I think that one day, the world will be populated entirely by Browncoats.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Simon and River.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?

Kaylee and Wash.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?"

It's been said before, but "You can't take the sky from me." It's just... perfect.

“I loath bus stations. Terrible places. Full of lost luggage and lost souls.”


Saturday, November 27, 2004 9:04 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
About five months ago, the day I opened the boxset. (To be precise, a fan a few minutes in and an obsessive fanatic a couple of episodes later.)

What attracted you to the show?
Two words: Joss Whedon.

Who is your favourite character?
Kaylee. Although if my head ruled my heart, I hope I'd say Mal. (Mal is a brilliant character. Kaylee is un-unlikeable.)

Which is your favourite episode?
Serenity. But for the sole reason that it's twice the length of the others.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Simon. Mostly his talent for alienatin' folk.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Jayne accepting River and Simon (I don't think he has yet). Blue Sun to seem creepier and weirder. A brilliant episode in which Badger and YSB cross each other. Preferably no musical episode in season one.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Rivery goodness. But what I hope will happen is affected by the spoilers I've read.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Only four! Working on another three currently. Plus I donated some DVDs to my library, so maybe they've performed some indirect conversions. (I should check that, but, Data Protection Act and all that...)

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Mal and... er... Heck knows. Can't answer this question, so many stand out.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
Book and Jayne. I'm convinced Joss was building up to Book 'n Jayne's Excellent Adventure somewhere down the line.

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity". (If the show is all about "we have a boat, wheeee, look, we can go places!" then the line should be "no place I can't be". It isn't.)


Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:13 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Well, I was a Joss fan. When I heard he was going to have a new show, I was pretty excitied. I think I really fell in love with the show after seeing The Train Job. When Mal suddenly pops into Inara's shuttle and says "Can you do my hair, too?" I just knew it. That was your trademark Joss Whedon wit.

What attracted you to the show?
The fact that it had Joss' name attached to it. I also think it was the writing. Nine characters, each with their own personality.

Who is your favourite character?
Have to say Mal, with River a close second.

Which is your favourite episode?
You'd think with only 14 to choose from, I could narrow it down. I'll just say Out of Gas.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
I dunno. I remember with the personality quiz on this site that I'm like 82% like Kaylee or something.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
I don't know. Maybe seeing more of the Firefly universe. Mal mentions in Serenity that there are 70 odd Earths. Would have been neat to see how the other planets turned out.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Hmm... Just more time with these characters, I guess. I really don't care what happens in the movie as long as it's justified. I trust Joss to make an amazing movie.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Uh... One? Well, maybe two. I sucked my sister into the show after I got the DVDs and we may have converted her boyfriend. I don't know if he's been impressed or not, but one thing for sure, he's getting dragged along to the movie.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
I like Simon and River's. The devotion Simon shows it just awesome. T.V. shows always show sqabbling siblings so it's a nice change to see a brother and sister getting along.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
People seem fasinacted by pairing Jayne and River in fics. It would have been neat to see the two trying to get along on the show.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"There's no place I can be/ Since I found Serenity..."

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:39 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
I saw The Train Job on its first airing, though I didn't get truly hooked until i got the DVD's.

What attracted you to the show?
Created by: Joss Whedon. 'Nuff said.

Who is your favourite character?
Do I have to choose? I love them all, but i think that the ones that I can relate to most are Mal, for his sometimes sarcastic sense of humour, and Simon, because of my....erm....trouble with girls. I was also interested in seeing what was up with that crazy River, and learning more about the King of Hawaiian shirts, Wash. I have this horrible feeling that if the show had continued that he might have died at some point. AHHHHH!!!!!

Which is your favourite episode?
Either Serenity, Jaynestown, OoG, Ariel, or OiS.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
As previously stated, some combo of Mal and Simon. Probably closer to Simon.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Every main character survives, Mal and Inara divulge their feelings, Simon and Kaylee kiss, more learned about Book and River. The basics.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Currently a work in progress, but so far i have successfully converted anywhere from 5 to 12 people. I am cycling the disks through 4 people, and one of them has a brother who tuned in with 7 or 8 friends, one of whom was already a fan.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Simon and River, but if you are talking romantic relationships, then i say Simon and Kaylee, because they are just so durn cute together, with their wacky antics.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
Someone with Wash. He got the least attention character-development-wise, save for War Stories.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me"

"When your miracle gets here, you just pound this button once." -Alan Tudyk, in a message to Joss with the packaged button, about the Firefly movie


Saturday, November 27, 2004 11:03 AM


1) This summer, thanks to Static and my friend Hugh. Dual coincidental conversion.

2) It's so well written and performed. It's a diamond in the rough. And it's sci-fi. And western. Throw in a few magic swords and an elf, and it would be a smorgasboard of every genre I love. And I think Joss could pull it off.

3) Favorite? River, I think. She needs that caring, nurturing, protecting thing, but at the same time, did you see that trick shot? Chaizus.

4) Objects in Space. Very artistic.

5) I identify with a few characters, really. I think Book is closest to me, though. But there's also some Zoe and Jayne in there too.

6) Perhaps some of Book's past, some more Blue Hands/What the Heck is Up With River, and Reavers. Maybe a sympathetic alliance officer who was acutally a good person that ended up working with Mal on something.

7) Simon actually getting his acto together and hooking it up with Kaylee. Because the on and off thing was irritating. And maybe a confession of love between the Cap'n and Inara.

8) At least 5.

9) Wash and Zoe. Go geeks.

10) Mal and Book, or some really kick-ass commando style infiltrate and rescue (in a more sneaky manner than in War Stories) with Book and Jayne. That way you'd get to see even more of the skills a preacher's not supposed to have. Like in Pale Rider.

11) "There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity."[/i}

------------------------------------------------------------ Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Saturday, November 27, 2004 11:55 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Heres a template for you to fill in, I'm just not sure if it'

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
About 6 months ago. Caught by accident while flipping channels, back when the Canadian Sci-fi channel was showing it.

What attracted you to the show?
Characterization, plain and simple. Who amongst our favourite 9 can we not identify with, eh?

Who is your favourite character?
River. Strong reminder of a brilliant and troubled lady I once was with and tried to help in bumbling fashion.... off topic. Next!

Which is your favourite episode?
OiS, Serenity, OoG.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Wash, w/o the strong marriage. Or Simon, w/o the trade skills. Okay, 67% Wash, 33% Simon.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Ended right where it ought. "Yup, Here I am." Brilliant.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Inara does not give Mal a free thrust. Would kill the tension that drives the relationship.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Still workin' on it....

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Jayne/River. Loads to work on in that one. Anything can happen.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
Zoe and anyone other than Wash or Mal.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"Take me where I can not stand."



Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:23 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
I bought the DVDs on a whim because i'm a huge Joss fan.
What attracted you to the show?
Who is your favourite character?
Which is your favourite episode?
either jaynestown or our mrs. reynolds
Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
find out who book is, and what inara's secret is.
What do you hope will happen in the movie?
i know it won't happen, but i want answers to all the questions wrapped up in nice little bows.
So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:39 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
The very first episode on FOX

What attracted you to the show?
The previews

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Out Of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like? Zoe

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Some clue to Book's past

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
More character development, more info on River

So, how many people have you converted to Browncoats? Probably around 10

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Which characters do you which had collaborated more? Kaylee/Simon

And finally...

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?""We're too damn pretty to die"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:51 PM


1) After seeing TTJ

2) Big Buffy and Angel fan so whenI found out Joss was there so was I

3) um...Kaylee...possibly of the two

4) War Stories

5) I wouldn't say I'm really like any of them. I'll just say Wash.

6) Some more Reavers and whatever was up with Inara

7) Find out the connection between River and Blue Sun and Book and Inara's past

8) Unfortunaltely only 1 but working on some more. I'm a slow worker, but I'll get there...hopefully

9) Simon/River and Wash/Zoe

10) Wash/Kaylee and Zoe/Kaylee

11) There's no place I can be since I've found Serenity


Carl: Yeah, well, I noticed this long cord comin' from my house, then I noticed YOUR house, glowin' like the freakin' SUN. So I put two and two together and decided - you're pissin' me off. ATHF


Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:13 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
September 20, 2002

What attracted you to the show?
It was science fiction. That was enough for me to check it out.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Objects in Space

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Some insight into Book's history, as well as finding out why Mal and Inara could not admit their attraction to each other.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I'm not concerned about what's in the movie, I'm sure I will be impressed. What I want to happen with the movie is that it be a success, spawning both movie sequels and a return of the series.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Directly, just three, with one more on the fence at this time. Indirectly, by one of my converts hooking others, four more.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Simon and River

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Mal and Wash

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Take me out to the black, tell 'em I aint comin' back.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:33 PM


*when it was first announced that joss was gonna have a new show.

*the total package



*wash, but i wish it was mal

*find out if river really could kill people with her mind.

*the focus is on mal

*a bunch of friends



*don't fear the reaper..oh wait..that's blue oyster cult. you can't take the sky from me


Saturday, November 27, 2004 2:33 PM


(1) When it first aired on the Sci Fi channel in the UK

(2) It was a new show of Joss's, plus the idea of a "western in space"

(3) Mal

(4) Out of Gas

(5) Wash

(6) Find out who Book really was

(7) Same as last answer, plus finding out the mystery of Inara's past

(8) A couple of people at work - so far!

(9) Mal/Inara

(10) Kaylee/Simon

(11) You Can't Take The Sky From Me


Saturday, November 27, 2004 2:48 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

Bought the DVD when I was across in the States in December 2003. (editted to add a little). The point I became a fan when watching the DVDs was - no S*&t "Cry baby cry"/"Make your mother sigh". I can't explain it, but it stuck there and then.

What attracted you to the show?

Joss Whedon's name was attached - I heard very little about the show before I got the DVD, but all that I heard was good.

Who is your favourite character?

Kaylee. Mainly because of Jewel's portrayal but also the fact that the character is the heart of the crew, as Joss has pointed out.

Which is your favourite episode?

Toss up between Out of Gas and Objects in Space. I think I'll go for Objects because River's speech breaks my heart every time.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Simon at his most bumblingly stumblingbly mumblingbly. (are all of those even spelt right? - I know its tough since none are real words)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

Another few points on the Nielsens. Oh, in the series itself? Okay - that the big arc that was sitting there about to reveal would have had the first tug of the corner of the curtain.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

That the curtain will open a bit (I liked the last metaphor and I'm running with it)

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

4 so far, and I think each has, in true Hitchcock's three investigator style, has hooked another 2 more (Jeeper's Pete, someone get the reference)

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Kaylee and Mal.

Which characters do you which had collaborated more?

Mal and Inara/Kaylee and Simon (I'm an old romantic at heart)

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

Note sure - I'll hold my hands up and admit I didn't like the song until some way through my watching of the series, though its really grown on me.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:35 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan? About 5 secs into "The Train Job"

What attracted you to the show?
The setting
Who is your favourite character?
Which is your favourite episode?
Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
The relationships more developed. More insight into River
What do you hope will happen in the movie?
The demand for the return of the series
So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Which characters do you which had collaborated more?
And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"You can't take the sky from me"

"Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:07 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

So when did you become a Firefly fan?While watching Train Job when it premiered on FOX.

What attracted you to the show?

The premise of a Space/Western mix. Oh and Gina Torres.

Who is your favourite character?

It's between Jayne and Book.

Which is your favourite episode?

Out of Gas, with OIS a close second.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

None. But if started to torture me I'd say Wash, and hope Zoe arrived to buy my freedom.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?


What do you hope will happen in the movie?

Ideally I'd like to find out more about Book. Perhaps we could find out what he was talking about at dinner before the fire. But I am looking foward to Mal's personality shown as much darker (more like I think Josh intended).

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?


Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Zoe and Wash

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Can't say. I think Josh got to them all equally.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:48 PM


SerenityValley says:

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
I saw Train Job when it first aired and thought it interesting enough to see another episode. I guess by the next episode, I was a fan.

What attracted you to the show?
Lots of characters.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
War Stories

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
More Book backstory, seeing reavers, hands of blue insight, blue sun

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
see previous question

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
my brother

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Zoe and Wash

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Badger and Mal

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Have no place where I can be since I found Serenity


Sunday, November 28, 2004 1:25 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

Last weekend officially, when I bought the DVD's! I had seen a few eps beforehand though, and thought it was fantastic.

What attracted you to the show?

Well, I only heard about it 'cuz it was a Joss show, but also the fact that it had such a huge cast.

Who is your favourite character?

River. She's the most amazing girl ever1

Which is your favourite episode?

Hmm...either Serenity, Safe, Ariel or War Stories.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Simon, I guess. *sigh* If only I had his good looks...

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

More of the Blue hand guys, they were very creepy! And more flashbacks of maybe, how River went to the school, and what happened there, and how those guys got her out. And we discover more of Inara and Book. And Simon and Kaylee would finally kiss! If not have hot sex in the engine room!

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

Much of what I said before!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

None, yet, I have at least 4 people in mind though...

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Simon & River. I just admire that he gave everything up, to save her...and he would give his life for her...he's amazing! I wasn't so sure of her love for him though...until OIS, when he's shot, and she screams! And I love moments like "I never thought you'd come for me" ; "Your a dope." : "Time to go to sleep again?" ; "No, mei, mei. Time to wake up" : And I really love the way he fights for her in "Safe".

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Hmm...I think I'd like the talks between Simon and Inara. Also I would have liked more Simon/Wash or River/Wash moments.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"There's no place I can be, since I found; Serenity."

I think it's supposed to mean that now they've found Serenity, they would never leave to live somewhere else.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:14 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan? October 2003 via Usenet

What attracted you to the show? The community's reaction to the Cancellation

Who is your favourite character? Serenity

Which is your favourite episode? Bushwhacked

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like? Commander Harken

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled? Purplebelly's Denouement

What do you hope will happen in the movie? Everybody dies

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats? Browncoats? None, I hope

Which is your favourite relationship on the show? Kaylee/Serenity

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more? Mr and Mrs Niska

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?" I don't care ...


Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:39 AM



So when did you become a Firefly fan?

While in Afghanistan. Found the DVD set at the PX then commenced to converting my entire company.


What attracted you to the show?

I love how compelling the characters are, and how the writers can choke you up with a single line or scene that catches you by surprise.


Who is your favourite character?

Mal. Hands down. I identify with the 'noble sonofabitch' thing.


Which is your favourite episode?

That's tough to answer, really. There are so many things about each episode that grab me.


Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Again, Mal. Easy. I like to keep things simple and smooth. . .I'm not easily flustered. . .and I'm very protective of my crew.


What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

I don't think anything should have been truly resolved in the first season. I think the closest should have been a face-to-face between Mal and the two creepy blue hand agents. I had a feeling they were going to be regular antagonists.


What do you hope will happen in the movie?

I'm just so gorram glad the movie is happening that I can't even begin to nail down a specific desire!


So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Alot. My entire company in Afghanistan, my wife, several friends . . .alot.


Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Jayne and Book, hands down. The two most unlikely to become 'buddies' are just that. They work out together. . .experiment in the kitchen together. . .it sounds like a cheesy cop show on F*X. "He's a merc. . .He's a priest. . .and together, they're fighting crime!"


Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Hard to say, really. There was such great chemistry the way it was. I think the relationship between Book and River has great potential, though.

And finally...


Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

The 'chorus'... "You can't take the sky from me." In literature, one of the most common symbols of hope is a clear sky. This song grabbed hold of me because I truly discovered this show in Afghanistan, fighting against those who seek to destroy hope. Those who defend. . .those who fight terror. . .the soldiers, the police, the firemen and EMS. . .we're the ones who are fighting to make sure that the bad guys don't "Take the sky from us" anymore.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:05 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

As soon as I got the DVD's. Moment wise - the end of Serenity when Mal says he's "still flyin'" and I got what the show was about.

What attracted you to the show?

Big Buffy/Joss Whedon fan.

Who is your favourite character?

Jayne. Makes me laugh.

Which is your favourite episode?

Objects in Space. It's in a class of it's own and is Whedon's best work as an auteur.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Inara. Similar temperment.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

Simon getting his shit together with Kaylee.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

Something great. I'm trying not to hope anything and just be blow away when it comes out.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

None. I have no friends.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Book and Jayne. Who saw that happening?

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Badger and Inara in a professional and yet NOT! professional way if you what I mean. Business, not the other thing.

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"There's no place......"


Sunday, November 28, 2004 6:07 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

When the first episode was shown on Uk tv

What attracted you to the show?


Who is your favourite character?

Definitely Mal

Which is your favourite episode?

I would have said OOG but now it's probably war stories and OMR

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

A female Simon but not really

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

More Mal/Inara progress

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

It involves Nathan Fillion but I wont elaborate

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

twoish but I've just started uni and am trying to convert some new friends tonight

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Wash/Zoe - the argument scene in war stories is amazing
and Mal/Inara

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Wash/ River

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

You can't take the sky from me

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:40 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
-When I saw the pilot at the end of its run.

What attracted you to the show?

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
-War Stories, which is what's so awesome about the show. How does a show about torture end up being so damn funny?

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
-River. Except I'm not crazy. But I do like walking around barefoot and I'm way too empathetic for my own good.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
-I wanted to know what's the real story behind Jayne's trust of Mal. There's more to that.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
-Who the hell is Book?

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
-I dunno. Maybe a dozen.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
-Jayne and Mal

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
-Wash and River

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
-"Take me out to the black." It really does sound serene and beautiful.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:50 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

I'm a result of a conversion party. Many of the people there didn't like Firefly because they expected Buffy/Angel type stuff(wow, just like Fox!) but I fell in love. That was in... May, I think? Maybe earlier. I'm pretty new to it.

What attracted you to the show?

I'm not even sure... since I saw it at a conversion party, I just thought it'd be a fun diversion on a Saturday. I still don't quite know what attracts me to the show... there's just so many elements of it that I like.

Who is your favourite character?

Hmm... I'd say it's a cross between Jayne and Kaylee.

Which is your favourite episode?

Another tough one... I'd say either Out Of Gas or Our Dear Mrs. Reynolds.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Definitely Kaylee. I look kind of like her, I'm a tomboy, and people think I'm a saint of purity upon meeting me, then I wind up saying something or another that shocks them.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

More depth into Simon and Kaylee's relationship, why Book is tied with the Alliance, and of course, more development with River. Oh, and more Reaver stuff.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

I hope it will answer some of the series fans' unanswered questions.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

A few. Not many yet, because I admittedly don't own the box set yet(I'm borrowing from a friend right now, and I've asked for it for Christmas). Some of my fellow Browncoats and I are planning on holding a conversion party sometime in January for some of our friends.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Hmm... Wash and Zoe. It reminds me of my boyfriend and I.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Hard to say... maybe Inara and Mal, just because of their ovbious romantic blundering.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Sunday, November 28, 2004 10:28 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
About a year ago.

What attracted you to the show?
Joss' involvement, Kaylee.

Who is your favourite character?
Book, Badger, Inara, Jayne, Kaylee, Mal, Niska, River, Simon, Wash, Zoe........

Which is your favourite episode?
OoG, The Message or OiS

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Book and Inara's past

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Intergalactic Civil War :P

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
I always thought Jayne had a sweet spot for Kaylee which I liked.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Wash and River

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
You can't take the sky from me.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Sunday, November 28, 2004 11:45 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
-The day the DVD's were released, thats when I first saw the show.

What attracted you to the show?
-It was Joss' creation...'nuff said.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
-Serenity Pilot (Whole episode)

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
-Book's past would have been revealed

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
-Same as above, and maybe more info on what the Alliance wanted with River.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
-2..currently working on a third

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
-Mal and Inara

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
-Book and Jayne

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
-"There's no place, I can be, since I found Serenity"

"How drunk was I last night?"


Sunday, November 28, 2004 1:16 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
April 2004 when I bought the DVD. Early in Serenity, the Pilot.

What attracted you to the show?

Who is your favourite character?
Kaylee. River close second.

Which is your favourite episode?
Objects in Space. Serenity comes second.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Find out what they did to river and why. Who were the people who helped Simon rescue River?

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
More about the experiments on River. Simon a Kaylee very very nearly get it on but fail in a hilarious way.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Jayne and his bunk... or Jayne and Vera. Joking aside its actually really hard to choose a favourite. I'd like us to learn more about the Book-Alliance-God relationship.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Kaylee and River. Kaylee seems to be the only one who treats River as a normal person while everyone else is wary of her.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

I don't care, I'm still free,


Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:04 PM


America loves a winner!

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
A: The very first time I saw it on t.v.

What attracted you to the show?
A: Honestly? The space prostitute. ( from the t.v. trailers )

Who is your favourite character?
A: Mal

Which is your favourite episode?
A: Out of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
A: Mal

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
A: Just how DOES a preacher know so much about military protocall ?

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
A: I honestly can't say.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
A: I'm ashamed to answer.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
A: Simon and River. The bond between them is inspiring.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
A: I'm not sure how to answer that question.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
A: " I don't care, I'm still free... "

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 28, 2004 6:15 PM



So when did you become a Firefly fan?
The first moment I heard about the show.
And that Joss was involved with it.

What attracted you to the show?
It had all the right elements, a original type StarTrek scifi meets western and Joss' name on it.

Who is your favourite character?
Hard to say, I like Inara and River they both have so many possibilities as characters and are pretty too! Or Serenity herself.

Which is your favourite episode?
The Pilot Serenity/Ariel/Trash/Objects In Space
with Serenity then Objects

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Hm, tough one, I fix things like Kaylee does, but bumble like Simon alot and am alot like River w/o her brillance.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
A bit more on the 'verse&it's history, Wash's past, where River's character was going and more on Inara.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
More of the last and maybe a tie in with the Independent's remnants and an appearance by Juliette Landau. :-) More of Mal & Inara.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
A few with more possibilities in the future.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Tough one. Crew & Serenity, Mal&Inara, River&crew, Simon&Kaylee.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
I liked the three romantic relationships in the series, each was unique and yet related and well done. But co-operation? River. Anyone she was with followed by Inara and Book. They were a fascinating sub plot.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"Take me out into the black/Tell my Ma I ain't comin back, You can't take the sky from me I'm still free!" I've been there and had that happen and it's true.

"Once you've been in Serenity, how can you ever leave?" Zoe to Simon.


Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:19 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Two of my friend's and fellow filmmakers had built sets years ago for a failed sci-fi series called Star Runners. The ship sets were going to be used in the episode Bushwacked, so I tuned in to see how these "Alien" sytle sets looked ten years later. One episode got me curious, and later, when the box set came out, I bought it, and have been hooked ever since.

What attracted you to the show?
Joss (great writer), the cast and characters, and the non-Trek style premise.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Out Of Gas

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Mal (Ideals and world view) Wash (Love for wife)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
That we'd learn more about River, Book, and why Inara was leaving.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
See answer above!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
At least 5 hardcore Browncoats, and at least that many that are fans.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Mal and Inara.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
I'm still madly in love with my wife of 20+ years, so I always liked to see those "real" private moments between Zoe and Wash.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"You can't take the sky from me."

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:08 AM


Funny (or at least 'off-beat') versions, anyone?

So when did you become a Firefly fan?
When the blessed child, Joss Whedon was born, on 23 June 1964 (he's a Cancer like me!). I've been an avid fan ever since.

What attracted you to the show?
As I was celebrating His 38th birthday, my news spider came across a mention of Joss' Firefly. The attraction was built-in.

Who is your favourite character?
Wash, 'cause he's so much like Joss.

Which is your favourite episode?
(writer) (episode 1.01 "Train Job, The") (writer) (episode 1.03 "Our Mrs. Reynolds") (writer) (episode 1.10 "Objects in Space") (writer) (episode 1.11 "Serenity: Part 1") (writer) (episode 1.12 "Serenity: Part 2") (writer) (episode 1.15 "Message, The")

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
I like them all because, how could I not? But I'd say I'm definitely most like whichever one Joss likes the best.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Joss cameo as leader of the Browncoat Underground.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Somewhere around Reel 200 Dialog 2, the theatre management announces that the Firefly sequel has just come out, and will be playing at the conclusion of Serenity. This way I'll never have to leave the theatre, and can bask in Joss-y goodness, forever and ever, amen.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
I have tried converting people to brown coats, but they squirm too much when you try to sew on the buttons.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Joss and Tim.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Joss and Alan Tudyk. What a couple of characters!

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"Music and Lyrics by Joss Whedon" I love that line! It has a lot of deep meaning for me personally.

Jus' Jossin',


I'd never heard of Joss Whedon before Firefly. I still don't care for Buffy or Angel. I don't read comics. Firefly is Joss Whedon maturing as a storyteller, right before your very eyes, and appealing to an audience of 40-year olds for the first time...


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:52 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

My friend lent me the DVDs a while ago and I have been hooked ever since.

What attracted you to the show?

He asked for his DVDs back, so I thought I'd better watch them and after the first five minutes of Serenity I was desparate to know what happened.

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
War Stories

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Wash. (It's the hawaiian shirts and the dinosaurs, not the bad moustache)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled? I would have liked to have seen Kaylee and Simon get together, but let Inara and Mal stew for a while.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I hopew we'll learn more about Book's past.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Five! And counting!

Which is your favourite relationship on the show? Mal and Jayne. They're a great double act.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more? Zoe and Kaylee, they should have had more time on screen together because they seem distant.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Take me out into the black, tell them I ain't comin' back

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

London Shindig This Saturday! PM me for details


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:25 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

So when did you become a Firefly fan?

When Mal kicked Crow through the port engine in "Train Job".

What attracted you to the show?

I am a sci fi fan, and I love Joss. How could I not be attracted to the show?

Who is your favourite character?

Mal. He is the captain and he would do anything for his crew. He is the glue that holds them together.

Which is your favourite episode?

Out of Gas. We get to see how everyone came to be on Serenity and get a little back story. The music score for this episode will get you all choked up.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

Definitely Mal.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

Not much really. I would not have wanted any deep secrets exposed or anything of that nature. Perhaps some more clues on Book's past. Perhaps some more tension between Mal & Inara.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

I hope we learn a bit about Book and why he is now off of Serenity. I would like some indication of what it was that drove Inara out to the rim. I want to see Mal & Inara confess their feelings for one another.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

So far, ten. I am still working on converting more.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

I liked the friendship that had started to develop between Jayne and Book. No two characters on the ship could be more different, yet they seemed to form some sort of bond. I would like to have seen that explored more.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

I would like to have seen more involvement overall by Wash. We see his relationship to Zoe, but not much interaction w/ the rest. We got some interaction going w/ Mal in "War Stories", and a bit w/ Kaylee in "Heart of Gold", but that is about it.

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"I don't care I'm still free...."


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 5:45 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Summer 2004. Friend brought the box set over, even he hadn't watched it yet. I was hooked by the time we got to the opening credits!

What attracted you to the show?
It's uniqueness in drive and vision. One of my first thoughts were that Firefly really takes the "wagon train to the stars" idea seriously.

Who is your favourite character?
Kaylee. Too freakin' cute. So snuggleable.

Which is your favourite episode?
Probably a tie between "Out of Gas" and "Objects in Space" both some of the darker, conspiratorial episodes.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Wash: I too wear Hawaiian shirts and make smartass comments. :)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
A deeper exploration of the Blue Sun Corp. and if perhaps Niska was involved to some extent (something tells me that man has hands everywhere, no?).

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Exactly what I've been told won't happen: more Blue Sun. But I just want one big damn adventure!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
A few...five, perhaps. Mostly students.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Kaylee/Simon...Joss had the tension set well on that 'ship.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Good question. I would have liked to see more semi-coherent River involved or more how-does-he-know-so-much Book.

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back


The Uncharted Outlaw!
"You can get a lot further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."
See my Firefly Store:


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:11 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
When my best friend force fed it to me after it went off the air. I will never doubt Joss again.

What attracted you to the show?
Space-Western (ughhh.) Oh wait, Space-Western (yeahhh!)

Who is your favourite character?

Which is your favourite episode?
Objects in Space.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Like Kaylee with a side order of Wash. I have bad hair, like strawberries, dinosaurs, being funny, and Zoe or Simon.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Simon & Kaylee making out for Pete's sake.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I hope that River will have healed enough for us to learn more about her. She was such a great character, but so scattered sometimes. Oh yeah, and more about Book's past.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
7 directly. Probably about 30 more through them.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Toss up between Mal&Kaylee, Simon&River, or Jayne&Book.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Gorram it! Where is Book from? What's his secret?

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"You can't take the sky from me."

"Now I can't get down."


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 10:11 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
Sine the first episode... "The Train Job". But when i saw "bushwhacked", I said to myself: "Crap! I'm gonna spend some good money on this one."

What attracted you to the show?
Everything. The look, the feel... Can't say "THAT!". Well, maybe Kaylee.

Who is your favourite character?
Mal Reynolds and Kaylee.

Which is your favourite episode?
"Out Of Gas"

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Hmmm... Jayne.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
The mistery of Book...

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
I have no hopes. I'm going with an open mind. I just wanna say "Shit! I GOTTA see it five more times!"

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Simon and Kaylee's. It breaks my heart.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
I'd like to have seen "more" of Inara.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"You can't take the sky from me..."


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:27 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
When I watched the first episode on fox. I knew I loved the show when the Captain took care of Crow... it was such a great moment funny but dark.

What attracted you to the show?
At first, just the fact that it was a Joss Whedon show. Then I fell in love with the characters. I can appreciate each of them in their own way. The setting was great as well; I liked the dark western in space theme. It's kind of an oxymoron but I like the realism of this sci-fi/fantasy show. This show is about real people in space (not perfect people in spacesuits). They make mistakes and have bad days but they keep flying.

Who is your favourite character?
Kaylee. She is just the kind of person you would want to be friends with.

Which is your favourite episode?
Now that is something I can't decide on... The only one I can’t re-watch a hundred times is Heart of Gold.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Kaylee, I suppose.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
I would have like to have some answers to some off the on-going themes of the show. What’s happing to River, does Inara leave and what's with the Reavers... Can't wait till the movie!

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
LOL see the above answer!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
I have made all my friends watch. They have become fans. Now I am working on my parents!!

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
hmm... Well I love the family aspect of the show. You have Simons and Rivers amazing love for each other. He was willing to give up everything to save her. I also love the Mal and Kaylee big brother/little sister dynamic. Oh and I think Wash and Zoe relationship is pretty great. It's a real glimpse into married life.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Do the hands of blue guys count? Oh and the Reaver. They are such dark elements of the show, but I can't help wanting to know more. I guess it’s the fear of the unknown.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?" can't take the sky from me....

~ Woobaby
"You may be the universe's butt-puppet, but I am its right-hand Fist Of Fate."


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:47 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
I started watching with the first episode, as I have with all of Joss's shows!

What attracted you to the show?
Big Buffy & Angel fan.

Who is your favourite character?
So difficult to choose - probably Mal.

Which is your favourite episode?

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Probably Kaylee, although a male version...

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
Kaylee and Simon to get together and the mystery of River to be at least partially explained.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Kaylee and Simon kiss, Mal & Inara admit their feelings, River kicks major Reaver behind!

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Jayne and Book - so improbable, yet believable.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Kaylee and Wash.

And finally...
Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
"Take me out to the black, tell 'em I ain't coming back..."

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:53 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
About 6 months ago - bought the DVD

What attracted you to the show?
Unoriginally - I'm a Joss Whedon fan from way back.

Who is your favourite character?
Inara. She's full of lots of interesting contradictions, and so... motherly.

Which is your favourite episode?
Out of gas. No, wait... Shindig. No, wait... Serenity. No, wait... Our Mrs Reynolds. No, wait...

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
According to the quiz posted somewhere on this site - Book (possibly the religious thing). Also possibly Simon (Dr thing)

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
A whole lot more. Especially Inara's and Book's back story.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Ummm - hope I get to see it.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
One... I feel inadequate! But someone else currently has my dvds, with a list of at least 3 others who want them next. (or who I have convinced to watch them).

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Mal and Kaylee.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Jayne and Kaylee.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Also unoriginal: "You can't take the sky from me."


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 8:37 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?

The airing of Train Job, this was one of the few programs my husband and I looked forward to watching. When the show was cancelled, we were SHOCKED, but then I found ya’ll

What attracted you to the show?

The characters, the humor and the chemistry.

Who is your favourite character?

Can’t answer that one, I love them all

Which is your favourite episode?

Out of Gas, Objects in Space and Serenity

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?

A mixture of Zoë and Kaylee, I reckon

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

Kaylee and Simon Kiss and more history about the crew

What do you hope will happen in the movie?

That the BDM is at least 2+ hours long. Honestly, I’m so thrilled there’s a movie. I believe in this Joss guy

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

So far only 2 I’ll get more

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?

Wash and Zoë/Mal and Kaylee

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Book and Jayne

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

"There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity"

I never got Buffy or Angel, but Firefly I GET!!!

Shiny thread psychicRIVER



Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:55 AM


So when did you become a Firefly fan?
November 2004

What attracted you to the show?
Joss. I'm a big Buffy/Angel fan.

Who is your favourite character?
Probably Kaylee.

Which is your favourite episode?
The pilot.

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?
Definitely Simon. He overthinks, and I think I do too. Possibly. Let me ponder for a while longer. Plus he's hopeless with women.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?
While I suspect there would have been at least one "big event" and a stunning cliffhanger for the finale, I suspect most of the real development would happen in Season 2.

What do you hope will happen in the movie?
Happen? I think it should about the story rather than any events as such.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?
Well, I've sent episodes to a likely candidate and discovered that another one had already watched the show.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show?
Jayne and his guns.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?
Jayne and River. They're the original odd couple!

And finally...

Which is your favourite line from "The Ballad of Serenity?"
Well, call me a traitor but I don't think it's that good a song. I guess, "You can't take the sky from me" because it's a good quote.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:08 PM


So when did you become a Firefly fan? -About two minutes into 'The Train Job' when watching its premiere.

What attracted you to the show? -Initially it was the premise: a sci-fi western. Two great tastes that go great together. What kept me watching were the great characters, great acting, great writing, great directing, and the fact that there was no sound in space.

Who is your favourite character? -It's tough pulling a Sophie's Choice on this one. I'm going to go with Mal.

Which is your favourite episode? -'Objects in Space' is damned brilliant, but I absolutely love 'Shindig.'

Which Firefly character would you say you were most like? -There's a little bit of each one of them in me, but I think I'm going to have to go with Wash.

What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled? -Book's origin definitely. The elaboration of the relationships of both Mal and Inara and Simon and Kaylee. The Reavers. River and the hands of blue.

What do you hope will happen in the movie? -Well, everything that I listed in the previous question.

So, how many people you converted to Browncoats? -Only six so far. I'm currently working on my folks.

Which is your favourite relationship on the show? -Mal and Inara.

Which characters do you wish had collaborated more? -Wash and Book, mainly because they didn't really all that much.

And finally...

Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?" -I've got to say, it took me a long time to warm up to the song. Friends and I would have countless debates on which show on tv had the worst theme song and the two finalists were always 'Enterprise' and 'Firefly.' I really like it now, I sing along every time I watch it. 'Take me out to the black, tell 'em I ain't comin' back.' Says it all.

"Forgive my rudeness. I cannot abide useless people."


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:53 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
So when did you become a Firefly fan?

As I watched the pilot ep on the DVD I bought for myself last Christmas. If the rest of the show hadn't aspired to, & often attained, that quality, I probably would not have remained a fan to the end of the DVD.


What attracted you to the show?

Fervent recommendation of a friend


Who is your favourite character?



Which is your favourite episode?



Which Firefly character would you say you were most like?



What do you hope would have been achieved in the first Season, if it hadn't been cancelled?

Episode direction more consistent with the vision Joss illustrated in his pilot ep, particularly from Tim Minnear, 'though I'd probably be happiest if he did not direct another ep.


What do you hope will happen in the movie?

We'll all be dumbstruck while it's on, cheering when it's over, and have trouble waiting for the second weekend to watch it a second time


So, how many people you converted to Browncoats?

Reckon that depends on what you call a Browncoat.
If that is a fervent fan, ready to carry the Word, then only two.
If that is anyone who started liking the series because of me, and will prolly go see the BDM, then twelve, so far.


Which is your favourite relationship on the show?



Which characters do you wish had collaborated more?

Badger & Saffron


And finally...



Which is your favourite line form "The Ballad of Serenity?"

The usual (I'll be surprised if it's less than 3/4 of your responses -- but I haven't read 'em, yet),


And, no the template didn't work! Bugger!
EDIT: And I had put "Wish" as "Which" in one question! Doh!

@least you didn't say "Swish"

Keep the Shiny Side Up






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