So why did your convert, convert?

UPDATED: Saturday, December 11, 2004 09:38
VIEWED: 5182
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004 5:11 PM


My first convert was my husband. He liked Mal because he was kinda a geek hero and he thought Jayne was hi-larious!

My second convert was my best friend from college. She wasn't into the first show but loved the train job! Her (Broadway actress) favorite line was Book's about special hell....

I failed on my best friend's husband. He had an issue about Mal being too young to be the captain and so bitter at any early age.

Sigh.....young people can be strong and negative too....

What is your conversion stories?


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 5:16 PM


my first convert was my brother...
he never liked Buffy or Angel (has no patience w/teenagers or vampires)
but he has liked a lot of sci-fi and he was open to it...
and by the end of the premier episode 'Serenity' he was completely sold on Firefly!

I've had a lot of successes w/people who basically are open to sci-fi
but I've had some failures w/women who got turned off in the first 10 minutes (because of the opening war scene)...

but more success than failure (I've bought 10 sets of DVDs for family & friends and at least an 80% success rate...).


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:00 PM


I think that just about everyone that I've shown this to, something like 20-25 people, have liked it. There's now 5 boxed sets floating around my campus.


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:05 AM


My husband converted me when he bought the DVD set. I took it to my spinning guild retreat and converted 3 of my compadre's -- that's right, a bunch of yarn makers with spinning wheels and all, nearing middle age sitting around the TV at with a beautiful view of the potomac watching Firefly.

Since then, I was in a Baha'i study circle -- a group that studies spiritual realities together -- this group was learning to become tutors for study circles -- kindof a facilitator who is part of the process but not a leader. I hooked 4 people (2 participants and their spouses) from that group. Another one was already hooked, but wanted to see the DVDs, but they weren't compatible with his computer.

My most recent convert? My mom! She was visiting and planned to catch up on the hot love scenes from a soap we watch and I said "hey, you should check out the guy who used to play Joey in THIS show..." Good thing Cap'n tightpants played the soaps!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:30 AM


hey dc! well my first was actually afailed atempt--a friend of mine loves angel and buffy(he has worn out the discs) so i bought him a set for his b-day 2 years ago and he didnt like it,plus he thinks joss should just stick with the buffyverse!?! grr arrgh!to be fair ,he did say he will go see the movie for me. my second try worked my friend matt,is a big fan of old westerns and enjoys some sci-fi but is a huge horror fan--but he hates buffy and angel. but he gave it a shot and has said he liked it and is looking forward to seeing the movies(he loved zoes' line on what reavers do to people) my girlfriend likes it but not as much as i would hope but i gotta tell ya my fav story is my best friend joel who for the longest time has avoided the show,he loves the original star wars but thats about it for sci-fi,anyhoo,i gave him a set and told him that if he didnt like it donate it to his library,well the first night he watched the pilot he called me and said "this show is fucking awesome"and now he is hooked!shiny! next in line--my friend andrew and when the movie comes out whether they have been"converted" or not i am buying tickets for all my peeps.

"Hamsters is nice."


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:35 AM


I watched this, went to my best friend and told him: You HAVE to see this. He's hooked.


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:00 AM


Everybody I've actually converted was a Blakes7 fan (a show that shares the "Life's a bitch, then you die" outlook).

Theoretically I bought the DVDs as a gift for my boyfriend, who thought they were pleasant enough one-time viewing but I couldn't really count as a convert. (Of course, he's a mundane, so what can you expect?)

I tried recruiting a Harry Potter/The Professionals/Due South fan, and she didn't like Firefly at all--she said it was just Star Wars with an inferior class of Han. On Sunday, I'm trying again with a Man From UNCLE fan--I'll see how that goes.

No touching release dates!


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:03 AM



Originally posted by embers:
my first convert was my brother...
he never liked Buffy or Angel (has no patience w/teenagers or vampires)
but he has liked a lot of sci-fi and he was open to it...
and by the end of the premier episode 'Serenity' he was completely sold on Firefly!

I've had a lot of successes w/people who basically are open to sci-fi
but I've had some failures w/women who got turned off in the first 10 minutes (because of the opening war scene)...

but more success than failure (I've bought 10 sets of DVDs for family & friends and at least an 80% success rate...).

Pish, that's stereotypical :-p More of my converts are women, men just can't be bothered with the sci-fi thing half the time. Random but true in my case.

Well, my first convert was - myself, LMAO. I met Nathan this one time, and I'd only seen Firefly once. I'd actually seen The Train Job, and found it very confusing and random as a pilot, and didn't like it, so proclaimed that Firefly was trash. After meeting Nate, I told myself "Phoebe, now, you are going to LIKE this show. You are going to buy the DVDs, and you are damn well going to LOVE it or else." So I bought them, and I loved!

Next port of call... was my mother. She was an easy convert - she loves Nathan, she loves Joss, no difficulty whatsoever in getting her to enjoy Firefly.

I tried - with VERY limited success - to convert my best friend Nina to the fandom, but she's a bigger fan of things like Friends and "Life of Brian". Ironically, she's coming to the Serenity convention with me next year!

Then I moved onto my MSN pals... ahh, wasn't that fun? I bugged them incessantly, ranted, raved, gave them pictures, informed them of every little thing I could think of, offered them a running commentary as I was watching episodes through my DVD ROM drive, and so far I've convinced around 10 people to go out and buy the box sets. Four of them have, and they LOVE Firefly...

So, lesson of the day! Let your passion fly free, bug people incessantly, and they'll become Firefly fans just to shut you up! Of course, that doesn't work, because once they become firefly fans you bug them even more to talk about it!


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 8:43 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

The first converts were the sister/cousin housemates - they were there when I had it on. My sister commented on a piece of music on another show once, saying it sounded like the Firefly theme. Now when I point at the Tv and shout "Zoe" or wave at "Jayne" they roll their eyes. Okay, they always did that, but now they know why.

Convert number two was easy. She's a horsewoman and we used to watch old Battlestar: Galactica when we were kids. We even traded the books around. She was hooked after "Jaynestown."

Convert number three was unsuccessful. "Serenity" moved too slow for my brother. But I'll bag him.

Convert number four fell for the writing. She was an Angel and Buffy fan. I've been loaning her "Firefly" two discs at a time and every time I see her, without fail, she asks me why it was cancelled; "The writing was so GOOD!"

I got another guy in my sights too. Star Wars fan, but maybe not so much with the Western mentality. Wish me luck.

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 8:44 AM


America loves a winner!

Well, sadly I'm 0 for 2 - maybe.

My first attempt really can't be counted, I suppose, as she's got life issues which are more than a bit distracting. She never watched the full DVD set, and I doubt she payed attention to much of what she DID see. While she's a big Buffy/ Angel fan, Firefly never really 'grabbed' her.

Convert attempt 2 zipped through the DVD set in record time, but I've not heard a full review other than... " I liked it ". Hope remains there.

On the brighter side, my dad ( in his 70's ) liked some of the more humorous lines. He's definatly not that much into Sci Fi, so I was a bit surprised. Prob deserve an 'E' for effort on that one.

One of my brothers is intrigued by what I've said about Firefly, but he rarely has time to sit down to follow an entire series. Hopefully the BDM will change all that and he'll go buy the DVD set, or I can send him my loaner set--- if he asks nicely.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:25 AM


Of the 2 people at work:
1 thought it was OK.
The other is as big a fan as I am now.

Brought it to my brothers house and he and his wife watched it in a week. Never seen him get into a TV show since Miami Vice and he got into Firefly. That was cool. His wife watched the whole thing and I know she liked it even though she refuses to 'lower herself as a sci-fi fan'

While my bro had the first 2 discs, the friend that turned me onto Buffy was over and I showed him Out of Gas. He was totally blown away and likes it now more than Buffy or Angel.


Friday, December 10, 2004 11:42 PM


hmmm... well from the first ten minutes i was hooked. ive always been a fan of whedon's work. it occupies the place in my heart that star wars used to.

star-wars-style wipe to a scene in a havana night club in the late fifties. i walk up to an unsuspecting george lucas. i grab him by the face and lay a huge smack on the lips. i say "i know it was you... you broke my heart. you broke my heart."

fade to black.
today. in my little apartment. me at the keyboard typing. cursing under my breath at every typo.

my first convert was one my my gaming buddies. i was watching before the game started and he liked it. i keep two copies so i lent him one.

my second was a buddy at work. i lent him the dvd set and he went out and bought his own and for my birthday he got me a blue sun tee shirt to say thanks for introducing him to a great show.

my third was another co worker. and her husband by proxy.

my fourth was yet another co-worker. she is a huge adam baldwin fan now.

im working my way down the list at work using my spare lending copy to get as many people to the BDM as possible.


“With the first link the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, changes us all irrevokably. The first time any man’s freedom is trodden on, we are all damaged."


Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:47 AM


My first convert was my older sister. She liked Buffy, though was never nearly as obsessive as normal fans. She's also a huge fan of sci-fi things, a Star Wars fan, Dune maniac and a big independent movie person. So, when she was home on my last day of school (half day, it was 2 pm...), I popped in Serenity while she was in the room, and she fell for it instantly.

Almost 14 hours later (nearing on 4 AM, and this is a woman that passes out at midnight), she'd watched the ENTIRE series in one big marathon. I have someone to take to the movie with me! Fwee!

I'm also working on converting a long-time Buffy fan into a Browncoat. She currently has my 3rd disk, and has admitted to liking River the most. I think it'll just be one final push into the realm of Objects in Space to turn her into an official fan.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Saturday, December 11, 2004 6:03 AM


I converted my mother. She says she likes it because all the characters are decent, strong and interesting

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Saturday, December 11, 2004 9:38 AM


Well I’m 3 for 4. My first attempted covert was a big western fan but he refused to watch it after I loaned him my DVD set since it was Sci-Fi, despite me telling him that there was a big western influence in the show.

Converts 2 and 3 where over weekend stay at their house (they were brothers) they tended to like shows like Stargate (which I do too), Farscape, and anime like Outlaw Star. #2 wasn’t so hot on FF but his brother came in the room during the “Strawberry scence” (“Whoa what I walk in on?!?”) and was hooked- so I guess #3 counts as a collatral convert since I wasn’t aiming at him. We spent the rest of the weekend watching the whole series.

But a few weeks latter #2 came over with #4 and he was talking the whole time about Jaynestown (FF grew on him) so after lunch I poped it in and me, my dad, #2 and #4 all watched it, and #4 liked it.






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