Movies that made you tear up or cry like a baby

UPDATED: Sunday, November 20, 2005 18:10
VIEWED: 28171
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Friday, December 17, 2004 8:59 AM


MSSAM, yeah...Titanic was emotional at the end. I only saw it once though..might be time I watch it again.

Another movie that was SO depressing was 'Cold Mountian'. You sit thru almost 2 hours and they finally get back together...for about 1 day! You gotta be kidding me!

" is my very favorite gun."


Friday, December 17, 2004 9:06 AM


Until recently discovered allergies are what were causing my dry eyes, I used to picture sad movies in my head so I could cry to wet my contacts. For a while I used the scene in Titanic where she had to let go of Jack in the water.

Life is Beautiful makes me cry violently, as does Big Fish. Hero is also an excellent tear jerker because since the story is told three different times, I cry for three different reasons during the movie.

As for TV, "The Gift" still makes me cry even though I've seen it a dozen times. Also, the Angel episode where Connor came back. I was so happy for them both when Connor got in the elevator to leave.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Friday, December 17, 2004 1:21 PM



Originally posted by Buckaroo:
Two David Lynch films: The Elephant Man (which I've sworn never to watch again) and The Straight Story (which I've sworn to watch as many times as possible.)


The Straight Story is one of Lynch's best. As an interesting bit of trivia, the soundtrack of the original pre-release cut of Serenity consisted largely of Angelo Badalamenti's music from the Straight Story. I suppose they just pasted in to use for the demo, but it fit very nicely.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, December 17, 2004 5:57 PM


Yo. FUTURAMA fan in the house. Love this show as much as FIREFLY, maybe even more. I have a weird affinity for cult sci-fi shows on FOX. Those two and SLIDERS.

The 'Jurassic Bark' ep was heartfelt, but my fave of the overly emotional eps was 'Luck of the Fryish' when Fry realizes that the Philip J. Fry grave he was desecrating was his nephew that accomplished everything Fry had wanted to do. Plus, the very final moment of the series was one of the most perfect curtain lines for a show.

"Please don't stop playing, Fry. I wanna hear how it ends."

But as for movies, not many. I'm a sap, but I've only cried as in bawling once. I was 10, and the movie was the Disney version of HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. I know it's pathetic now, but then it made a big deal. But as in the last five year, there were only two movies that made me have a tear in my eye at the end. One was A.I. And the other was a movie that came out this year, actually. It was the Cole Porter biopic, DE-LOVELY with Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd. Just that final moment with Cole at the piano singing "In the Still of the Night" to Linda. I'm a straight 19 year old guy, but I actually had a tear in my eye at the end.

But there were two other movies that at the end, while I didn't cry, that I felt enlightened. That after seeing them, I wanted to rush out of the theatre to try to change my life. One was AMERICAN BEAUTY, the other one was GARDEN STATE. I love that final line at the end of BEAUTY.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry. You will someday."



Friday, December 17, 2004 8:04 PM


Movies that I directly relate to a part of my life really get the tears going for me, and I'm not much one for crying, especially in public. My rational side says it's not logical and unneccessary, while my heart and tear ducts have their way with the situation.

Titanic- I could barely see through my soggy contacts after that movie. I saw it with my new boyfriend (now husband) after previously being stuck in a destructive, confining relationship. For weeks after that if I thought about the movie I'd tear up.

AI- When I saw this in theater, yeah it made me sad when the mother,Monica has to leave David in the woods. I watched it recently (have a 1yo. son now) and I could barely get through that scene without about 12 tissues. The whole "Mommy don't leave me" and "Why?" OMG! I could barely watch it.

Saving Private Ryan. Giovanni Ribisi's death scene is too painful to watch. I cry big time on that one.

The Missing- Didn't think the movie was great, but the mother and little daugther who are captives to the Brujo. What the mother does near the end. Holy cow! At the time my son was 3 months old so I think my "mommy nerves" were way tweaked by that.

Whew, I'm almost upset thinking about all these tearjerkers.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)
I am Nathan's biggest Flan


Friday, December 17, 2004 8:19 PM


If you like movies that make you tear up, you ABSOLUTELY MUST SEE "Bang the Drum Slowly," a baseball movie made in the '70s starring Michael Moriarty and Robert DeNiro.

It's a fantabulous movie. Trust me. Watch it. You'll wonder why nobody told you about it before.


Friday, December 17, 2004 8:56 PM


One movie no one has mentioned is Phonebooth. The scene near the end when Colin Farrell confessed how much he's messed up his life really gets to me. There are so many others but I can't think of them right now...



Friday, December 17, 2004 9:22 PM


I'll add a third vote for the scene in "Casablanca" where the band strikes up "La Marseillaise".

It's my favorite movie of all time and I've watched it at least once a year for the past twenty years. I know it's coming and there's not a damn thing I can do about it... gets me every time and I'm bawling like I just had to put down my own dog. Hell, I didn't even cry that hard when I actually held my dog in my arms while the vet put the needle in.

Another one is "Independence Day" when Randy Quaid suicides into the alien craft's mondo cannon. Just chokes me up is all.

And the end of "Red Dawn" when the Central American (I want to say Nicaraguan but I'm not sure) officer watches Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen escape the town after the raid.

I'm just going to keep editting this entry as things pop into my head . I also got all teary-eyed the first time I watched "All Quiet on the Western Front" at the end - even though I had read the book and knew exactly what was going to happen.

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Friday, December 17, 2004 9:29 PM


Hmmmm no one has mentioned ‘Das Boot’…
I’m usually not emotional with movie “sad scenes” but at the end when they pan to most of the crew dead from the bombing then they go to the mortally wounded Captain as he watches his U-Boat go down in La Rochelle harbor then dies with Lt. Werner looking on sobbing gets me every time.


Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:00 AM


Battlefield Earth...

Loved the book and for about 15 years eagerly awaited the movie which was touted as coming soon..

They butchered it!!


Saturday, December 18, 2004 3:16 AM


I watched Saving Private Ryan and the part that got to me was when Nathan Fillion's character the "not correct" Private Ryan thinks that his brothers are dead and he starts crying I bawled (well, at least teared up)

Brian's Song (2001) starring Sean Maher as Brian Piccolo. One of the final scenes when Brian tells his wife, Joy, that he loves her (and he hasn't the whole movie up until that point)gets me EVERY TIME I watch it! (I bought the DVD)

And I cannot forget Steel Magnolias!


Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:10 AM


"you stay--i go."-the iron giant

gets me every time

"dr sam beckett never returned home"-quantum leap

im getting goose bumps just writing that

"you have no idea what im talking about.but dont will"-american beauty

i love that movie

the ending of the serenity movie---okay i havent seen it but im pretty sure im gonna wheep happy/sad tears--then get back in line and do it all over again.

"Hamsters is nice."


Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:46 PM


As someone else has mentioned, "Luck of the Fryrish" for me - its hilarious, and then at the end you are in floods of tears at a cartoon. A small moment of genius.

In terms of films, there are a fair few that turn on the waterworks, but foremost is probably Chasing Amy.

As for TV, well Buffy, Angel, Firefly (River's speech in Objects in Space, the end of the Message) and Farscape - as well as a number of episodes of Quantum Leap. The king of all these for me is B5, several episodes throughout the years. The one that hits me hardest is Passing Through Gethsemane - not just the final scenes, for obvious reasons, but the moment where Brad Dourif's character questions his faith - for someone profoundly unreligious it amazes me how that scene gets me every time; I ascribe it to the level of honesty in the writing and acting.

As for songs, well, don't even get me started...

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:50 PM



Originally posted by Radhil:
Many TV shows that do it too - Firefly gets reeeaall close but not quite. What does do it is Buffy - just about every ultra-classic episode (Passion, Becoming, The Prom (YES to whoever mentioned Wild Horses), The Body, The Gift, Grave). Every great John/Aeryn moment in Farscape. The end of Babylon 5, the last ten minutes in particular, really get me, and the final shot of the station and the closing monologue put me out of comission for a good hour.

The last four episodes of B5 are full of those moments for me - the goodbyes between the characters. As for SiL - well after "nice day for a drive", I'm no use to man nor beast.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:30 PM


Another vote for "La Marseillaise" in Casablanca. Who'd have thought that the French national anthem could have us all teary?

How about the reel of cuts at end of "Cinema Paradiso"? That always gets me and its hard to describe why.

I can think of so many more but won't list them all.

For TV how about the end of Blackadder goes Forth? Also Firefly: Objects in Space - I love that episode so much.


Saturday, December 18, 2004 4:11 PM


Don't know if anyone's seen A.I. Artificial Intelligence, but the bit where Haley Joel Osment's character, David, says to his mum (when she has to abandon him in the forest as he isn't her 'real' son) ''If you let me, I'll be so real for you'' just gets me every time, and then the bit at the end where he finally gets his wish (in a way) and then...well, I ain't gonna spoil the end for anyone who hasn't seen it but it's such a beautiful movie. *blubs*


Running On Empty (with late, great River Phoenix)
Untamed Heart (possibly Christian Slater's finest performance)
The Land Before Time
The Sixth Sense
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

...others I can't think of right now.


Saturday, December 18, 2004 4:17 PM


Ah, tv shows?

Buffy, definitely, including The Prom, Becoming, The Body, The Gift, Chosen.

Also Angel (which is my fave show) - particularly Hero, There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, Birthday, Home, You're Welcome, Shells and Not Fade Away. I love Angel! *sigh* *misses Angel*


Saturday, December 18, 2004 4:18 PM


Has anyone else mentioned "In America"?? I'm a sucker for stories about children who die, but this one was just devastating. So beautifully directed, and so poignant without being crass and maudlin.

I have never sobbed like that at a movie in my life ... I had to rush into the theatre bathroom and wash my face for about 20 minutes before I could go out to dinner afterwards, and even then I kept welling up every time I thought about it.

Shit, I'm getting teary just thinking about it to type this note!

WONDERFUL, moving, fabulous film. The thing that got me bawling even more hysterically was the credit at the end of the movie, when the writer/director (Jim Sheridan) dedicated the film to his dead brother, and I realized the story was semi-autobiographical.

I highly recommend renting this one. Just make sure you have an entire box (or two) of tissue handy.

-Mrs. Embassy

P.S. As for TV, I don't think I'll be able to watch the "Buffy" episode "The Body" ever again. I watched it for the first time shortly after my mom died and I thought I'd never stop crying.


Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:21 PM



Originally posted by Connorflynn:

Theres a scene that gets me every time, when Powder is relaying the Sheriff's dying wife's words to the Sheriff. Too much..I'm tellin ya.

Wow...good call. I forgot all about that movie

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:32 PM


Wow, alot of great stuff! I'm popping out of lurkdom to contribute my list:

-Shawshank Redemption
-Out of Africa -- despiet the fact that Robert Redford can't act...Meryl can I and sobbed like a baby.
-Six Weeks -- not the best movie, yet I cried for the fact that, as a dancer, I could imagine dancing with my daughter and could not imagine her dead 6 weeks later.
-Born Free. STOP IT!! I cried like a baby. So what if I was in elementary school at the time. Sing it with me people...BORN FREE...AS FREE AS THE WIND BLOWS...AS FREE AS THE GRASS GROWS...BORN FREE TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART!! LMAO!!

This is fun. Why am I not hanging out with you people more? hehehe

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:52 PM


Field of Dreams.

Even though you know the scene is coming, even though you know what's about to be said...

"Hey, Dad? You wanna have a catch?"

Gets me every time, even just thinking about it. Like now.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:40 AM


Dead Poets Society - Every. Single. Time. Particularly at the end, when Robin Williams character Keating is just about to leave and you see Todd getting up on his desk, saying "Oh Captain, My Captain". That kills me!

And, of course, several others. But that scene always gets to me.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 4:56 AM


There are so many on here that warrant a "me too" that I would choke the entire thread with my concurring.

"The Education of Little Tree," a wonderful film about a part-Cherokee boy being raised by his good-and-simple moonshining grandparents in the backwoods of the Apalachains. I know it doesn't sound like anything from my description, but its really great and y'all should go rent it immediately. The ending is so sure to make me cry that I just stop the movie before it gets there.

And the little boy who played the lead, who will be very sexy when he's grown, is starring in the remake of "Where the Red Fern Grows".

Hasn't anyone cried at "Angela's Ashes"?

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 6:09 AM


Okay, I don't cry at movies/TV shows/adverts with babies with bows in their hair but I've been moved by some:

Good Will Hunting. A great movie with lots of interesting performances.

The Luck of the Fryrish episode. It just touches so nicely on family and how we fight tooth and nail with our brothers but love them underneath.

The Natural. Just the ending where he's standing there, bleeding and you almost want him to stop but know he's going to finish the job and he runs and the fireworks and then we're in the field and... well, if you've seen it, you know.

Also, very weirdly, the song 'Dance with my Father' makes me feel very sad and yet my father is alive and well.

Pretty much every episode of a TV show where they have to kill off a regular because the actor has died is both great and sad. Even the Suddenly Susan one was good.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 6:27 AM


I typed that and then erased it because of the controversy, Mary. But I LOVE Education of Little Tree.

Sometimes I cry at the end of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but other times I just don't believe they are really dead, and then I don't cry.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:02 AM



Originally posted by insight spinner:
I typed that and then erased it because of the controversy, Mary. But I LOVE Education of Little Tree.

What controversy?

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:05 AM


I like how many men are answering and we've avoided mentioning all the chick flix like "Beaches", "Steel Magnolias" and "Fried Green Tomatoes" (never saw two, cry at the third one).

Since it's long enough and often regarded as a movie, did anyone cry at "M*A*S*H - Goodbye, Farewell, Amen"?"

And that HBO movie about the Sam Sheppard killing, was it "Angels in America"?, when the religious reich is protesting so vulgarly in front of the courthouse and all the young people make big angel wings costumes and stand in from of the mob so the dead boy's parents and friends don't have to see them.

Oh, and the candle light vigil in "Pay it Forward." I'm pretty butch, but I could NOT stop crying.

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:16 AM


Nobody has brought up one of my favorite movies of all time (and not just because it'll make grown men cry): "Grand Canyon".

If you've seen it: 'nuff said. If you haven't, you must rent it. 'Life Affirming' is the best way to briefly describe it, and thus avoid PurpleBelly's 'no scrolling' proscription...


Steve Martin's violence-pimp movie producer is easily the 'flattest' character, and yet still a favorite of mine. It makes some sense of humans, as we insist on repeating our sins: "And we never failed to fail; it was the easiest thing to do," Crosby, Stills and Nash. So much for 'no scrolling', eh? Yet another failure...


Sunday, December 19, 2004 12:59 PM


The Futurama episode with Fry's dog.
He stops the professor from bringing him (the dog) back becasue the dog lived for like 10 years after Fry was gone and so Fry figures the dog moved on and had a good life.
And then it shows the dog standing outside the pizza shop waiting for Fry to come back for the rest of its life.

Also the Lemony Snicket movie and the letter at the end.

The Big Fish and the funeral.

My So-Called Life and half the fricking episodes.

Probably more, but thats all that comes to mind right now.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May you be in heaven an hour before
The Devil knows you’re dead.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:13 PM


Movies that choked me up? Too many to count... as I get older, I seem to cry much easier. I find that disconcerting. Here I am in my late 40's and I can get a lump in my throat at the most hackneyed of cliches.

But the first time I recollect being brought to tears by a movie was a made-for-TV presentation of "Of Mice and Men." It was in 1970 (I was 15 years old) and it starred George Segal in the role of George. I cannot recall who played Lennie, but that actor did an incredible job. The final scene where George killed Lennie to protect him from the townsfolk just shattered me. It brings a lump to my throat just remembering it now... 34 years later.

Go figure.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:24 PM


The one I forgot in my previous post, and I'm astonished no one has mentioned yet - Shaun of the Dead! It had a couple of REALLY moving scenes, all the more so because they were completely unexpected. I'm thinking especially of the moment between Shaun and Philip, which suddenly puts a whole new spin on their relationship, and the audience's perception of Philip. Shaun and Ed's exchange at the end is pretty moving, too... An altogether great film.

"Well, here I am..." - Jubal Early


Monday, December 20, 2004 4:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

"It's a Wonderful Life" gets me everytime. I watch it several times every Christmas season. Got plans to watch it again tonight.

"Casablanca" is my favorite Bogart movie of all time. It never fails to get the ol' eyes watering.

"M*A*S*H - Goodbye, Farewell, Amen". I loved M*A*S*H* and watched the show w/ my mom every week. I still catch the reruns every weekday on the Hallmark channel. When "Goodbye, Farwell, Amen" aired, I was already choked up knowing a great series was coming to an end. The last scene choked me up so bad I thought I was going to lose it. I still have a hard time watching that finale.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Monday, December 20, 2004 5:06 AM


Ok, since we moved from movies to tv, I'll take it one more step. I just read the first 6 issues of Astonishing X-men (written by Joss), he can do it in a comic? Yeah, and make a joke right in the middle of it too. And of course, the Original Graphic novel The Crow by J. O'Barr.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Monday, December 20, 2004 6:41 AM


I gotta say almost all the major Buffy moments make me cry. Especially...the Body and the Grave. I cried last night watching Serenity when Simon talks about River.

As for movies there are a lot, but nothing and I mean nothing, makes me cry harder than the scene in Terms of Endearment when Debra Winger is in the hospital and the nurse hasn't given her a shot and Shirley Maclaine goes into the hall and screams "Give my daughter her medicine." I cry like a baby every single time.

Life is Beautiful and Braveheart get me pretty good as well.


Monday, December 20, 2004 6:58 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
Not exactly a movie, but did many of you see the last episode of Quantum Leap?

Amazing stuff. When Sam realizes he could save Al's first marriage and goes back to tell his wife he's still alive.

Its even more heartbreaking when you've seen the episode that Al sacrificed his freedom (and his marriage with it) so Sam could save his brother's life in Vietnam.


Monday, December 20, 2004 7:10 AM


The first movie to make me cry was "Old Yeller", I was a kid--I still love dogs.

"The Color Purple"

"Shindler's List"

Any movie with any emotional content after 6 beers


Monday, December 20, 2004 5:33 PM


I'm pretty weepy for a guy, but really only a few films get me.

ET-- every time.

Schindler's List-- esp. the scene where the little girl in the red coat walks through the destruction of the ghetto, and then you see her body later.

Ben Hur-- the crucifixion and Ben's mother and sister getting healed.

Sleeping in the Light (last ep of B5)- the end-credits, which shows everyone as they were and as they became, with really great music. Actually, that whole episode generally has me sniffing throughout.

The Body-- midway through I just start leaking.

I've only seen the last 15 minutes or so of AI, but it still had me sobbing. If I'd seen the whole film in a theater they probably would have had to carry me out on a stretcher.

But the biggest weeping jag I've had lately was when I just a few days ago watched the end of the movie Spartacus, which always gets me, but for some reason (maybe because I'm so depressed about how the world is going right now) this time around I was absolutely disconsolate and unable to move. I was glad I was alone in the house at the time. My wife would have probably called 911.

PS-- It's not a movie, but parts of Le Miserable leave me a basketcase. You just can't cry as loud in a live theater.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Monday, December 20, 2004 7:00 PM


Oh! Those were the real elections, I thought they were a really sad movie.


Thursday, December 23, 2004 12:42 PM


The only LOTR that made me cry was Return of the King, and it's the Faramir-Denethor "you wish our places had been changed" conversation followed by the charge to Osgiliath. Lost it,lost it, lost it. And they added a bit more in the extended edition. Bastards. And yep, the "here at the end of all things" did it, too. And I KNEW what was going to happen next! I'd known for years!

And actually, the only Whedon to make me cry was The Body, and the Angel finale. When I watched the re-run of the Angel finale, I started crying like a little girl in the opening credits and just kept on.

Hmmm, what else?

Band of Brothers, episode 9, "Why We Fight"
Lonesome Dove, book and mini-series

Wow, I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. I'm not a big movie cryer.

"I know your name, jackass!"


Monday, December 27, 2004 3:29 PM


I think the movie that I cried the most to was "Last of the Mohicans;" I always need my own jumbo sized box of kleenex to get me through that one.

I also recently cried to "The Punisher." I get choked up whenever there's death and children combined.


Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:39 PM


Can't believe anyone's not mentioned it before now: Donnie Darko makes me cry like a baby every damn time. The very end, when Donnie decides that the world would be better without him in it, and just smiles at the irony of it all...

SO sad.


Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:48 PM


Donnie Darko, and SLC Punk. Herione Bob did not have to die!


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:55 PM


My guaranteed to make me cry list:

1. Schindler's List
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Field of Dreams
4. Dances with Wolves
5. Open Range (Yeah Costner's movies get me) :P
6. The Horse Whisperer
7. The Abyss (When Virgil tries to revive Lindsey)
8. Friday Night Lights (when Boobie breaks down in his Uncle's Car)
9. The Straight Story
10. Sling Blade
11. We Were Soldiers
12. The Last Samurai

Oh yeah...and the last episode of "Lost" (the Charlie part)

What can I say...I am a softee!


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:01 PM


Sling Blade.

Saw it for the first time last night. The part where he is with the boy who he has become such good friends with.



Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:23 PM


Actually, The Muppet's Christmas Carol always gets me - when they talk about Tiny Tim's death. That's the power of a good story plus I always think of Jim Henson when they do it. This was the first big project they did without him and the movie is dedicated to him.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:00 PM



i believe you've repressed this portion of your life, so i'm sorry to bring it up again, but there was a Buffy episode called Seeing Red.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:19 PM


Besides a lot of the ones already mentioned (and a big thumbs up to everyone who mentioned "What Dreams May Come"), I get weepy at the end of "Edward Scissorhands", every time, failsafe. And I've seen the movie, like, a dozen times and I still get weepy.

I'm such a movie wimp though. I get teary-eyed at the end of most movies, unless they completely suck, or aren't that kind of movie.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:54 PM


All of the above.. but one or two more...

Zefferelli's Romeo & Juliet.. I wept and wept in the theater when they died...

and more recently, a small british indie film from the 80's called "Let Him Have It",,, it is about the ending of capital punishment in the UK and it was very very powerful...



Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:04 PM


Grave of the Fireflies

and Stealth (god that was a crappy movie!)

You know what's bad? Animal testing.
You know what's worse? Nuclear testing.
You know what's even worse than that? Nuclear animal testing!!! When will they learn?


Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:10 PM


Old Yeller.
Where the Red Fern Grows.
Lion King.

i have a soft spot for animals.

We're deep in space, corner of No and Where.






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