People I'd Like To Have Lunch With...

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:41 PM


Greetings, Fellow Browncoats:

I was discussing Zhon-Clod Van Damn with Mal-Licious on another thread, when I made the comment that he was not on my top 1000 list of people with whom I'd like to eat lunch. You know: For the sparkling conversation and life insights, et cetera. That got me thinking about that game, and realize that I'd never seen it done here on FFFn. So...

The premise: If you got to have lunch with, say, no more than 3 persons -- real people, past or present -- who would you pick? Please limit your responses to 3 persons or less; a scattershot selection of 50 people just means you're not being selective enough, and doesn't say anything about you, which is the point of the exercise.

I'll start then, shall I?

1. Albert Einstein: Well, how could this not be choice Numero Uno? (NB: While tempted to say Jesus, I don't know that He'd be fair game, since He means so many different things to different people. Same thing with Joss: If you're here on this board, we can just assume you'd like to lunch with JW.) AE, on the other hand, was not only one of the most intuitive thinkers ever to walk the planet, he reportedly had a sparkling wit. I could easily spend several hours in casual conversation with him.

2. Thomas Jefferson: A deeply flawed man, but also a visionary genius. Almost every word of this country's formative documents were penned by TJ (at the insistence of the other Founding Fathers, who recognized his art with the written word). This mixture of 'Renaissance Man' and blind adherent to societal norms remains an enigma today, and is one of my top lunchtime conversation nominees.

3. Sean Connery: Yes, he's a testosterone-riddled, woman-objectifying, heterosexual pig; but he's also the ultimate guy's guy. Lunch would consist solely of Cuban cigars and single-malt Scotch, and would end sometime after dawn the next day, as we crawled from the bottom of a heap consisting of the aggregate cast of "Girls Gone Wild", Episodes 1 - 206. Call it a guilty pleasure...

So, there's my three. Of course, I could go on and on (no, really). But that'd be my Top 3. There'd be many people I'd like to meet; but, to have a meal and a conversation for an hour or more? Not so much.

I hope everyone will play. I look forward to your nominees...




I would have nominated 'Licious, but I just know that would have gotten too expensive. (zoid has mental image of himself, abandoned, shackled to some immovable object, and wearing something ridiculous.) Worshipping a fickle and mischievous goddess is such a challenge.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:48 PM


For me: James Thurber and Dave Barry. Bar none. I love funny people who are smart. Not necessarily smart people who are funny though. Funny.

I have met Stephen King in real life and he was very rude to me, so I wouldn't choose him. However, if he promised to be realllly nice and begged my forgiveness, I'd let him eat lunch with me.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell

Oh, and I PROMISE I won't shackle you to anything. Funny, Gunhand had a very similar scenario. What aren't you telling me?


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:02 PM


Given time I could probably tweak this list a little, (obviously Joss would be at the top of the list) but off the top of my head these would be the three that I would choose.

Terry Goodkind
Stephen King
Woody Allen

The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:12 PM


Ooh, this could be very revealing. The question is, do I go for hours of conversation or simple obsession?

Obsession it is!

1. Michio Kaku: Our generation's Einstien. He's absolutely brilliant. He has wit and charm oozing out the ears. He talks to people like they understand him, never down to them. He also happens to like a good scifi story and I bet I could convince him to attend the Serenity Premier. I kinda have a crush on the guy. How often does the world get a witty physicist? I'll crush if I want to.

2. Ann Margret: I have a long history of choosing sexy women as idols. It started here, with the innocent goddess herself. The original Swinger. My idols include such buxom confident women as Liz Taylor, Jane Russell, and Rhonda Shear (okay not quite the talented as the others). Anywho, Ann is the girl next door that everybody wanted to see in a bathing suit. Angel and devil in one. She can sing, dance, and act. She's worked with all the greats. I bet her stories are more salacious than Jackie Susannes.

3. Vincent vanGogh: This is my true obession. Forget Firefly, forget the good doctor, forget Sean Connery and all the rest: this man is my obession. I have read every book I can get my grubby little paws on and I've collected a nice little group of cheap prints. I know he was not the greatest man the world has seen, but I fell for him when I was six and never looked back. One painting was all it took to drown me in his madness. I would love the chance to go back in time and be that scarlet woman that gives him her body but cannot give him her soul.

Well, that's that right? Only three. Zoid mentioned something about Mal, perhaps I should as well. She's great.
I'm in a couple of harems so it would only be proper to invite the men I dance for right? Static and El Jefe can join me for lunch anytime.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:20 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Zoid mentioned something about Mal, perhaps I should as well. She's great.

That's IT? "Great?" I am stunned. Utterly and completely speechless. Frankly, If you hadn't specifically said "Ann Margaret" I would have assumed #2 was ME.



Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:30 PM


1. Harlan Ellison. Since it sounds as though Working Without a Tightrope may not be coming out now, it may be the only chance to hear some more of his life.

2. Alistair Cooke. He may only just have left us, but re-reading his Letters from America has reminded me what a keen eye he had for presenting one side of the pond to the other.

3. Bill Hicks. Dammit he went too soon.

"I threw up on your bed"


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:30 PM


*bangs head against thread wall. does it again, and again.*

Why do I keep stepping in it? Urgh, I'm a complete idiot. Everyone knows Malicious is the greatest person on board. I say so to all my friends, I do. You could have been #2. It's just...I don't feel I'm capable of the kind of devotion the men, such as Zoid and TRM, offer you. So, I purposely shoot myself in the foot. I'm not as good as them, so why try. But, the dancing thing, I can do. With you being worshipped all the time and Suz, well I'm not sure where she is right now, I have a chance at being 'the' harem girl. It's not Mistress level, to be sure, but it's what I have.

I freely give all my twirls, crunchies, flakes, and misc chocolates to Mal, my Most HIgh Mistress.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:34 PM



I am fairly certain there is a secret thread everyone else can see except for me wherein I am made fun of...but you'd tell me about it, right? RIGHT?


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell

CRAP. I think I just hijacked Zoid's thread. Hmmm. How to make up for it? I know! What would we EAT at this luncheon? I would like steamed Maryland Blue crabs and ice cold Pepsi.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:49 PM


Oddly enough, this is just about the same question I was asked yesterday for an interview as part of an assignment in my Rhetoric and Writing class in hope we could all get to know each other better. It's about that time when spring semester starts and I am forced to meet hundreds of new people. Me and my antisocial tendencies are always thrilled about this. of the topic for a sec (I know I should have said that a couple of sentences ago...oh well) I almost posted a thread in a blind rage earlier today when I missed the first session of one of my classes because there was no parking.

My response was:
Ben Frankin-to see really is as funny as he is reported to be and see what he thinks of the world today. And to see who would win in an eating contest. (for the last few years I have thought it would be neat to drive around the streets of LA with him...don't ask me why)

George Lucas-first cause I'm a huge Star Wars geek, and second, just to try to understand a little bit about how one person can be so creative and make something that so many people love (same goes for Joss)

Issac Newton- to express my utter admiration at the intuitivness of the way the universe works and my utter frustration for the whole calculus thing.


"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:52 PM


It's tough to pick just three. I didn't know whether to go for intellect or entertainment. Usually I'd pick my Grandmother but although my family can no longer enjoy her company I have had lunch with her before so I'm going with new experiences.

Julie Andrews
Roy Castle
Whoopi Goldburg

I guess entertainment won! I wonder if they'd all get on?

"If nothing we do means anything then the only thing that means anything is what we do"


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 2:08 PM


Ya know, I'm pretty sure I took a psych test that asked the same question ... and my answer confused the doctor *insert disturbing giggle*

Kevin Smith: because he is a god of script and screen, equalled only by Joss Whedon. Lunch would consist of fast food and hanging around Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash in NJ, chatting comics while I surreptitiously contractually obligate him to proofread my current scrrenplay.

The blue diva from Fifth element: because I want to be her if I grow up. Lunch would consist of her speaking telepathically and in sign language telling me to stop kissing her boots and let her get back to her soup. I'd go back to my candy bar and strawberry daquiry and she wouldn't talk to me anymore because her strict vocal discipline denies her the consumption of most forms of chocolate and all forms of alcohol.

My dad: because my dad was cool. Corny, I know, but I couldn't think of a third famous person that wouldn't be the obvious answer here in

Yay for random psych evals!

"Shall my tiny replica do battle with your tiny replica?"


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 3:03 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
What would we EAT at this luncheon? I would like steamed Maryland Blue crabs and ice cold Pepsi.

well, with michio, I wouldn't care what I was eating. He is a genius and deserves to be waited on while he explains the Unified Theory to me.

Ann and I would share rich yummy sickening foods and drink cape cods whille we discuss the proper hip movements for harem dancing.

If I had the chance to eat with my dear Vincent, it would be a simple bouillabaisse and some light wine.

If lunch with Zoid and Mal presented itslef, I would carefully lay low and offer comfort and creme brulee if anyone ended up chained to something.

The big question then is what would I eat with Static and Jefe? I don't know. I think I would just dance around a bit and have a few shots of vodka or something to keep loose enough to feel comfortable in the outfit.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 3:41 PM


great question Zoid!

I probably could come up with a hundred...
but just three?

1. Joss Whedon
2. Jane Austen
3. Max Shulman (who created Dobie Gillis)

I'd like the four of us to meet up for a nice long meal...
and I would just listen and laugh.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:05 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Ann and I would share rich yummy sickening foods and drink cape cods whille we discuss the proper hip movements for harem dancing.

If you're referring to the dance form of 'raqs sharki', you can ask your questions here. I'm not quite sure what a harem dance would be outside of some pathetic hollywood producer loser's idea of what 'belly dance' is.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:51 PM


How odd. How very odd... Not what you would expect.

As something of an amateur historian, one would think that this magical ability would be used by me to find out some secrets of the past that nobody else could know. Or to commune with some of the great or creative people of history.

Adam, Moses, Christ, Mary Magdelene from the Bible.

Possibilities from literature would be Homer, Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Tolkein (okay, I'm a LOTR geek!).

Possibilities from the world of science would be Newton, Einstein, Hawking.

Military? Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, William the Conquerer, Napoleon, Robert E. Lee.

Politics? Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln.

Yes, no doubt, after some careful thought, I would actually pick from among these worthies.

But do you know who I thought of first, on the spur of the moment?

My three favorite virtual females: Mal-licious, ThatWeirdGirl, and Ebonezer.

How nice it would be for the four of us to meet in the real world, as the real people behind these aliases?

After all, I already know who The Real Me is...

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:57 PM


Kurt Cobaine, just to find out whether or not it was suicide, or if it was murder. cough murder cough

Dave Grohl, just because that guy picked himself up and became famous...again...

Henry Rollins, just because he is so cool, and he's farking hilarious


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:59 PM


The Gentle Giver Goddess, 'Lish tried to convince me:

...Oh, and I PROMISE I won't shackle you to anything. Funny, Gunhand had a very similar scenario. What aren't you telling me?

Although we may be cut from the same cloth, to paraphrase F. Gump, Gunhand and I are not relations. While we agreed on most everything, I have a deep distrust of handguns, or more specifically the power they represent in the hands of those who wield them.

Gunny might have said, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Another wag might have responded, "Guns don't kill people, bullets do"; but I'd have said, "Actually the bullets don't kill people either, it's the cellular disruption that gets 'em." It's this third-order reasoning that separates me from most of my fellow humans, in a most irreconcilable way.



I didn't just fall off the rutabaga cart. I don't believe for a second that you would not take advantage of me, and transfix me in some compromising position, given half a chance and a handy digital camera. Can anyone say BlueSun Room? In your case, TANSTAAFL...

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:34 PM


TRM wrote:

...But do you know who I thought of first, on the spur of the moment?

My three favorite virtual females: Mal-licious, ThatWeirdGirl, and Ebonezer.

How nice it would be for the four of us to meet in the real world, as the real people behind these aliases?

Nice fantasy, dude. Just remember: Proper backfill lighting can make or break your amateur video project.

But, when I said "3 people", I didn't necessarily mean all at once (or even serially within the same 'lunch', as in your scenario). What I originally meant was you and one lunch guest; who would the top 3 choices be? What single personality would you want to converse with (ideally, just about 'stuff', not necessarily their work) in order to find out who they really were?

As a consequence, The Three Stooges or the Marx Brothers would actually be considered just one guest. Sean Young, on the other hand, would be at least five. And if you chose Zhon-Clod Van Damn, you'd still have all three choices remaining...



On the other hand, if y'all really want to have a luncheon party with your favorites, rather than an intimate one-on-one, who am I to argue? I just think it's perhaps harder to get a feel for who someone really is in a group dynamic. How can anyone truly meet The Real Me under such circumstances? ...Unless Mal brought along her trusty, portable volcano, that is.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:56 PM



Zoid wrote:
How can anyone truly meet The Real Me under such circumstances? ...Unless Mal brought along her trusty, portable volcano, that is.

* The Real Me is in awe. *

Mal-licious has her own VOLCANO?

P.S. Zoid, there is also something to be said for a group dynamic, where the whole becomes greater than its pieces.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:01 PM


A slight twist, hopefully in keeping with the spirit of the thread. Let's make a day of it.

breakfast: Jewel Staite. If she can't make it, Heidi Klum. I need to explain this? Thought not. Who cares if the coffee gets cold?

lunch: Marshall McLuhan. Because for the time being television is the most powerful propoganda medium. I'd work on having him clarify my fascination, and explain if it really represents some id-focussed substitute for religion.

dinner: Noam Chomsky. Over hors d'oeuvres I'd bemoan the fact that no major publisher will touch his work, then just let him rant thru the remaining courses.

Consistency is the hobgoblin of simple minds.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:22 PM


I'm sticking to people that are still alive. I now work in the film industry, so there are some people in the biz I'd love to have change to chat with, and pick their brains.

1. Joss Whedon. Obviously, and for obvious reasons!!!!
2. Steven Speilberg. So that I can learn from his vast experience.
3. Rick Berman. Mainly to ask him why he's so unwilling to take risks with the Star Trek franchise, why can't it die, and why it continues to follow such a tired old formula?
4. Ron Moore. To thank him for the new Battlestar Galactica, and for showing the industry just how tired the Star Trek formula really is!
5. Robert Rodziguez. My favorite rebel indie filmmaker! He makes what he wants, not what a studio forces him to make.
6. Peter Jackson. Just to thank him for beating Lucas at his own game, while maintaining quality through out his LOTR trilogy.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:26 AM


Madeleine Khan - For her humour and radiance
Grouch Marx - for his genius
John Candy - 'cause he was soo loveable

In terms of who is around these days:

A girl called Jude. She's a friend of a friend..... But how to get the wheels turning... Hmmmmm?????


Tim Burton - hey why not

Mark Shreeve - he's a musician.

Lenor Varela - She was in Blade II .

For Pictures:


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:47 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

1. Joeseph Stalin
2. Adolf Hitler
3. Gail Berman

I'd like to be king of all Londinum and wear a shiny hat.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:54 AM


Okay, as long as Joss is assumed, here's my other three:

1) William Shakespeare. I'm sure it would end up like the Chris Farley Show. "Do you remember when Ophelia went crazy? Remember that part? That was nuts. Do you remember when Lady Macbeth went crazy and started seeing blood everywhere? Remember? That was great. She was nuts."

2) Bruce Campbell. The guy's got a really developed opinion on everything and his book has been a huge inspiration to me. Plus, funny.

3) Eddie Vedder. Genius on so many levels. I'd love to hear him talk about how Pearl Jam evolved without losing their souls.

We'd do fondue for dinner - chicken and shrimp - because it takes like three hours to eat and you can talk the whole time.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:21 AM


It's lunch time! And I'm going to bring...

1. Beethoven, So he's deaf and probably fairly nuts, but his string quartets alone make him worthy of a lunch with me! :)

2. I'll have to second Embers on this one and go for Jane Austen.

3. Kim Deal or Frank Black or any of the Pixies. I'm on a serious Pixies kick right now.

4. And in case any of those three can't make it, I would ask Mark Twain.

I'm Dancin' like a Monkey!
-Gir, Invader Zim


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:58 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

My three would be, in this order:

1)General Robert E. Lee: No man is more revered by the majority of Southerners. He was loved by his men and respected by his enemies. After the War he turned down very lucrative buisness opportunities to take over at Washington College in Lexington, VA, a job that paid a mere $1,500.00 a year. When asked why he took the job instead of one of the many that offered far more money he is said to have replied:

"I would not make money on reputation in war. In war I lead young men to die, now I would lead young men in life."

2)George Washington: "Father" of our country and one of the Founding Fathers of this nation. I would be very interested to see what he thinks of our all powerful Federal gov't and what the true plans were the Founding Fathers had for the direction our nation was to take.

3)Thomas Jefferson: He wrote the Declaration of Independence, was a Founding Father, a president, and raised quite a controversy w/ the Lousiana Purchase. He was an inventory (as anyone who may have had the chance to visit Monticello will note) and a brilliant statesman. I think he would have quite a bit to say about the strong centralized gov't that he warned us about sitting on Capital Hill.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:00 AM


Okay, here goes...

1. John Hench-- Designed my favorite parts of Disneyland and worked on several old Disney animated films. A master of color and design.

2. Shigeru Miyamoto-- Created the Legend of Zelda series, Mario bros., and a bunch of other Nintendo franchises. An incredible artist creating inescabably captivating virtual worlds. (Would probably need to hire a translator for this one!)

3. Mark Twain-- Damn, that man's clever! Ahead of his time. And cool, too.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:58 AM


TRM wrote:

...P.S. Zoid, there is also something to be said for a group dynamic, where the whole becomes greater than its pieces.

Y'know, one of my very favorite shows on TV is "Dinner For Five" (D45), hosted by Jon Favreau. For those who are not aware of this series, it airs on the Independent Film Channel (IFC); check your local listings for dates and times.

Jon Favreau, who has worked in the industry variously as a writer, director and actor, hosts four film industry careerists to dinner at a posh eatery. It's that group dynamic you were talking about.

My favorite/most memorable guest thus far would have to be John Sayles. He's a truly prolific director of independent films; turns out a high caliber story; is sought after as a writer; has great stories about his work with Roger Corman; and his actors looove him.

Favreau occasionally works it so that the group are homogeneous: They've worked together in the past, or are currently involved in a project. That was the case for the John Sayles dinner (Episode: #2.13 - 27 October 2003), who dined with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Vanessa Martinez and Lili Taylor, all of whom appeared in his "Casa de los babys". Gyllenhaal had a good story about putting her acting career on hold while attending college to advance her trade; in the meanwhile, her younger brother Jake surpassed her as a film actor, without the benefit of such 'higher education'. Martinez told of her experience as an actress with a Hispanic surname but whose first language was not Spanish, and the industry's expectation that she should in fact speak Spanish, or at least be able to fake it; very poignant/funny.

Wouldn't it be great to get the BDH's on D45? I figure -- were I JF -- my four guests would be: Kevin Smith (a friend of JF's and a semi-regular), Joss Whedon, Nat Fillion, and Adam Baldwin. Some may say, "Kevin Smith? WTF for? Why not one of the other cast members?". Simple: KS is one of the biggest movers in the comics world, as is JW. I figure the point of the dinner is really to get Joss going; KS is the super-graphite lubricant for that particular wheel. Plus, KS says 'f*ck' a lot, and before you know it, everyone else is saying it too. It makes all the dinner guests more off-guard and 'real', IMO. And no slight to the other BDHs intended; but, most of them are young and somewhat inexperienced in the industry, having little other than Firefly to talk about. Ron Glass would be my next choice (in fact, I included him on my original D45 guest list, but had to trim to four).

So there you go, TRM. I know I didn't include any girls, so that's a bummer, eh? But they don't generally get nekkid on D45 anyways (at least Zooey Deschanel and Neve Campbell didn't and I was sitting close enough to my big screen to have noticed, should any clothing have accidentally slipped).

So, y'all can feel free to warp this thread to that Dinner For Five (or Six) format, if y'all want. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's choices and accompanying commentary, thus far. It's a fun game, n'est-ce pas? But, for my money, I still prefer the one-on-one chat, without the additional personalities and television cameras altering the interaction. Just a personal preference, which in this exercise is strictly fanciful anyhoo.



And yes, Eddie Izzard has been on the show, too. When does D45 get released on DVD, already? Here's the IMDB episode list:

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:00 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
t do you know who I thought of first, on the spur of the moment?

My three favorite virtual females: Mal-licious, ThatWeirdGirl, and Ebonezer.

That would be a lunch for the histoy books. I'm there. Give me some time to save up some cash (edited thanks to cyber's excellent typo vision) and I'll meet the three of you anywhere.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:59 AM


Am I allowed to raise the dead? (If I had a penny for every time I've had to ask that. . .)

If so, and assuming they wouldn't come back all corpsified and/or soulless:
William Shakespeare, for reasons people have already listed.

George Burns, one of the greatest comics in history.

Nikolai Tesla, to hear about some of his more out-there theories & inventions (energy weapons!!), like the ones that got him assassinated by the MiBs. . .

Limited to living beings:
Joss, again, for obvious reasons.

Rumiko Takahashi, creator of InuYasha, and one of the four Storytellers I actively try to emulate in my own work (the others are Joss, Hayao Miyazaki, and Peter David). Sadly, I'd need a universal translator, since I haven't yet learned Japanese (but fervently hope to, one day).

The Fox network execs. I would serve hemlock, possibly in a special stew (made from swan meat), but doubt they'd appreciate the ironic significance. Plain old strychnine will have to do, much as I hate to seem cliche. Maybe I could just lock them in a room with Global's execs. . . No, then they could end up interbreeding, and nobody wants that. . .

For fictional characters:
Demona the gargoyle, to commiserate over our shared disdain for humanity. A formal dinner of pizza pockets on silver trays and chocolate milk in stem glasses (an inside joke).

Taran'Atar, from the post-Avatar DS9 novels. I have some intriguing observations about the Jem'Hadar and the Dominion that I'd like to see his reaction to.

Naraku, from InuYasha. Possibly the one being in the entire Multiverse who knows more about psychological torture, cruelty, and manipulation than Joss (I believe good stories come from putting interesting characters through utter Hell). Doesn't have quite the sense of humour, but I trust he'd have impeccable table manners, and I'm sure I'd be safe in his presence (I'd have to be careful though to never let slip my family name, or the names of anyone/thing I'm particularly fond of).

And if Naraku wanted to offer Kagura a place at the table, I'm sure she'd have something. . . informative to contribute. . .


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Give me some time to save up some cahs

Planning to eat some crow?

Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:30 AM


Hey All:

Just thought I'd update a little and let you know, Dinner For Five's (D45) first season is available on DVD.

I also registered to D45's forum and posted this suggestion:


I love D45. Is the show going to be releasing new episodes this year?

I am a regular at, a site dedicated to the prematurely-cancelled Joss Whedon vehicle, "Firefly". The series died on F*x TV, but is resurrected this September '05 in theatres as "Serenity", a Universal production.

Joss is also a cult favorite for his "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and spin-off "Angel"; was nominated for an Oscar for Best Writing, Original Screenplay on "Toy Story"; and is involved with X-Men comics (among others).

I was wondering if you're at all familiar with the real-world industry quagmire that the Firefly ordeal represents; and most specifically, if y'all had given any thought to having Joss on D45? As I said, his "Serenity" is scheduled for a September 2005 theatrical release, and is in 'post' at this time.

Over on FFFn, I proposed a guest list for such a speculative Joss Whedon-based episode, thus:

...Wouldn't it be great to get the BDH's (Firefly-speak for 'Big Damned Heroes') on D45? *snipped, 'cause y'all can read it, above*... (from )

TIA for your consideration, and any response you might render...



Who knows? Maybe they'll actually consider a Joss Whedon D45 episode...



The URL for my D45 forum post is:

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:10 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Mal-licious has her own VOLCANO?

Do you remember that Brady Bunch ep where Peter (I think) had to build a volcano for school and it exploded mud everywhere? Yup. I have that in the trunk of my car, so watch out.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:41 AM


Mal-Lady wrote:

Do you remember that Brady Bunch ep where Peter (I think) had to build a volcano for school and it exploded mud everywhere?...

So, we're back on the topic of mud, are we? Or is yours more of a grout-cano?



Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:45 AM


Ok, without being able to say Joss, this got really hard. Damn you, zoid!

However, I gave my all despite...

1. Jean-Pierre Jeunet - He's the director of my favorite movie, Amelie. The beauty and life of the movie almost chokes me up if I think about it too much. To have such vision, and stick to it for so long....

2. Stephen King - Initially, I would berate him for being rude to Mal. How dare he? Probably feared your beauty. However, I do admire his forthrightness and would love to get in an argument (that I should surely lose) with him.

3. Brad Pitt - For a Hollywood prettyboy, he's made some interesting choices, like the cinematic adaptaion of one of my favorite books, A River Runs Through It. I also love Snatch, Ocean's 11, and Seven. We would, however avoid the topics of Friends and Troy. So no one gets indigestion.

I stuck with people from The Now because its what interests me. I would love to have the knowledge that would put to rest past mysteries. However, what intrigues me so much about those events are their mystery. I never like something as much once I have the forumla figured out. (Damn you, RL Stine.)


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:27 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

1. Joeseph Stalin
2. Adolf Hitler
3. Gail Berman

Now THESE three I would shackle together for all eternity, a la "McTeague". They deserve each other.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:35 AM



Originally posted by cageybee:

2. Stephen King - Initially, I would berate him for being rude to Mal. How dare he? Probably feared your beauty. However, I do admire his forthrightness and would love to get in an argument (that I should surely lose) with him.

Thank you, KGB. He needs to be berated! I have no idea what he had shoved up his ass, but he was a jerk. And I have been reading him since I was 12! That's...let's see, carry the 3...a long time! I have all his books, IN HARDBACK, most are 1st editions, too! I frankly considered shipping them all to him and asking for my money back.

However, if the topic had been "Who would you want with you on a deserted island?" I would pick him (along with Nathan Fillion, for the sex). He would be my own personal audio-book.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:55 AM


Hmm, this list changes from minute to minute but:

1. Bill Waterson.

2. Tom Baker.

3. Stephen Fry. Thatweirdgirl (Isn't there something snappier I can call you? Twiggy? Twigster?) I think you'd like him (if you don't already)

I wouldn't even waste the time by talking myself, I'd just listen and take notes.

Had this poll been asked a while ago, how about:

1. Douglas Adams

2. Bill Hicks

3. Lew Grade


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:38 PM



'Tom Baker' is a pairing of pretty common given and surnames. I presume the Tom Baker that portrayed Dr. Who? If so, might I likewise suppose that this nominee informs us about the significance of your screen name, too? Lurking Timelord, are we?

...And I've been calling her 'twg-gy' for some time, and she hasn't slapped me verbally, yet. I presume this means she doesn't mind the nickname overmuch, or else is too polite to put me straight.

On the other hand, you've seen her photo gallery, right? She's neither 'weird' (i'd say 'playful') nor 'girlish', and she's certainly not Callista Flockhart 'twiggish'.


Suddenly Very Confused,


Stephen Fry, hmm? Along with Hugh Laurie (of "House"), another 'Blackadder' alumnus. Eventually, somebody will put all this evidence together and give that show its due.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:51 PM


Er Tom Baker....He lives in the village I work at. I've seen him wondering around the newsagents and in Sainsbury's, where I might add because of his status he jumps the queue!

Haven't seen him recently though I think somebody said he moved to a village a little farther up called Egerton.

He's a really imposing fellow. Absolutely huge, 6"2' or so and has, as I'm sure you all know, an incredibly expolsive voice. He freaks the hell outa me... and always seems to lurk.

I'm not up on this but I think I remember hearing that he used to have his Tombstone in his garden and it read something akin to :

Here lies the daft wanker!

Anybody read his book: The Boy who Kicked Pigs bloody weird, but interesting.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:53 PM


Großadmiral Karl Dönitz: Head of the German U-Boat Service then the entire Navy in WWII, became President of Germany for a short while. It would be interesting to discuss submarine Vs. U-Boat tactics with him and Lockwood.

Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood: CONSUBPAC in WWII. The man who commanded captains like Fluckey, O'Kane, Beach, Ramage, Morton and many others would always have a place at my table. I would love to hear stories about the officers under his command and his decisions that arguably turned the tide of the Pacific War.

Captain Chester M. Mack: CO of USS Lapon SSN 661. He and Lapon tracked a Soviet YANKEE class SSBN on deterrent patrol for a month! I want to hear the story from the lips of the commander himself!

Of course after lunch I would show them all Firefly!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:09 PM



Originally posted by zoid:


'Tom Baker' is a pairing of pretty common given and surnames. I presume the Tom Baker that portrayed Dr. Who? If so, might I likewise suppose that this nominee informs us about the significance of your screen name, too? Lurking Timelord, are we?

I think he's the only famous Tom Baker but then again there could be a thousand Tom Bakers in the NFL for all I know. But it is him, yes. Very interesting character.


Originally posted by zoid:

...And I've been calling her 'twg-gy' for some time, and she hasn't slapped me verbally, yet. I presume this means she doesn't mind the nickname overmuch, or else is too polite to put me straight.

That's the trouble though with women, you think you're in the clear and then suddenly there's this almighty slap and...


Originally posted by zoid:
Stephen Fry, hmm? Along with Hugh Laurie (of "House"), another 'Blackadder' alumnus. Eventually, somebody will put all this evidence together and give that show its due.

Thankfully in the UK Blackadder is treated with the godlike respect it deserves. However the real Fry/Laurie masterclass is the show "A Bit of Fry & Laurie" which really should have been released on DVD by now. Bah.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:40 PM


1) My husband because since we started our own bussiness I feel lucky just wave at him when we pass in the street.

2)Agatha Christie because I love a good intrigue

3)George W. Bush because I love my captain

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:39 PM


Bill Hicks, Hunter S. Thompson, and Robert A. Heinlein. I figure that my brain would explode listening to all of those dudes talk, but it would be worth it.

And Melkor fled before the laughter of Tulkas, and hated him ever after


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:04 PM


sorry double post!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:06 PM


Hmm, hard choice. Joss Whedon is understood, right? :)

1. Alexis Denisof. I attended a Q&A with him at the Vulkon Oakland con last summer, and... I can't even describe it, he was flooring. I also got to chat with him briefly, but what I wouldn't give to get to have a long, in-depth discussion with him.

2. The founders/organizers/head honchos of Crimethinc. (a sort of progressive anarchist non-group). I've read a lot of stuff published by them, and it was all very thought-provoking whether I agreed with it or not. I'd like to talk to them about their day-to-day lives as anarchists and just hear their views and reasons for what they do. The whole anarchist path is something I've considered but never gone through with for various reasons, so I'd be interesting to meet some people who know what they're doing ;)

3. Brian Jacques. I read his Redwall books a long time ago as a kid, and to this day they still pop into my head as the setting for some fantasy perfect world of mine. I got to meet him once at a book signing, but it wasn;'t long enough to chat. I'd want to ask him about his personal experiences growing up and what led him to write the books, and probably just talk about Nature and societies in general.

There ya have it. Good question - I had to really think about this!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:15 PM


SimonWho observed:

...That's the trouble though with women, you think you're in the clear and then suddenly there's this almighty slap and...

There's a saying among the fighter jocks in the USAF: "It's easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission." It applies just about everywhere in Life, too.

Or, "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady," if you'd prefer something more classical. How about, "Who dares, wins"? I'd rather get shot down for presuming familiarity, than stand forever on the lonely and unlit corner of Propriety. The potential gain -- an increased sense of friendly playfulness -- far outweighs the risk of facial corporal punishment, in my assessment.



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:49 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:

Originally posted by zoid:

...And I've been calling her 'twg-gy' for some time, and she hasn't slapped me verbally, yet. I presume this means she doesn't mind the nickname overmuch, or else is too polite to put me straight.

That's the trouble though with women, you think you're in the clear and then suddenly there's this almighty slap and...

You guys can call me Twiggy or some form of that if you'd like. I don't mind, in fact some coworkers call me that. It is hard to grasp the weirdness from afar. People that spend time with me in person frequently turn and blurt, "you're weird!"

Oh and Simon? great list and backup list. well done.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:08 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

SimonWho observed:

...That's the trouble though with women, you think you're in the clear and then suddenly there's this almighty slap and...

There's a saying among the fighter jocks in the USAF: "It's easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission." It applies just about everywhere in Life, too.

Or, "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady," if you'd prefer something more classical.

Or as a great navy captain said (#3 on my list) "A fait heart never Fu*ked a pig!"


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:35 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
t do you know who I thought of first, on the spur of the moment?

My three favorite virtual females: Mal-licious, ThatWeirdGirl, and Ebonezer.

That would be a lunch for the histoy books. I'm there. Give me some time to save up some cash (edited thanks to cyber's excellent typo vision) and I'll meet the three of you anywhere.

Who knows?

Say, maybe we can all go to the same con someday...

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:01 PM


Ooh, I like this question. As if verbalizing the answer could make it true.

I would like lunch with...

Jim Henson, my all time favorite. I would like to know what it's like to be a creator of such an amazing universe of puppetry and acting. That his son continues the work. Farscape wouldn't "be" if it weren't for the Hensons.

Tim Burton, to bask in his creative presence and maybe ask for a job in his movie making shadow, costuming or art production related... groveling fetcher of coffee so I can just watch the movies be made if nothing else. Not asking much.

Elliot Smith, to talk about his music, perhaps get a little insight behind some songs and behind the personality that created them. Rarely have I heard so many songs from the same source that all tweak some little part of my mind with that "familiar" feeling.
I would also ask him, WTF were you thinking with the knife?

OK, have to add Claudia Black, because in interviews she seems so much like an old best friend I had. I just think she'd be great to talk shop with.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)






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