Just wondering.....

UPDATED: Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:25
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:16 AM



I've been around a little while now and I'm starting to notice a few names cropping up and as a consequence I'm beginning to attribute personalities to you all. Which is nice, but I'm realising there are some gaps in the visualizing of 'You' in my head....So I was wondering if you'd mind filling out a few details about yourselves to help me form a picture.

I've come up with simple, silly little questions that will help me understand who you all are -- if you don't mind me and others here knowing, of course..... It's just a bit fun. :)

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
8.The 80's your opinions please?
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
10.What could you do for Joss?
11.Best quote?
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
13.Do dreams lie?
14.Favourite place name?
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
16.Do you still jump on your bed?
17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
18.A line of poetry please....
20.Best bad guy in cinema?
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Please feel free to ignore me or embelish on the questions .... I'm just curious about y'all.

For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:39 AM



I've come up with simple, silly little questions that will help me understand who you all are -- if you don't mind me and others here knowing, of course..... It's just a bit fun. :)



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

Pretty happy with Christopher

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Duck-taping a fire extinguisher to a skateboard and shooting it down the hallway at school. During class change.


4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

I already do. An American Serviceman.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

Lighthouse. Stupid Don Quixote.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

How about a large pile of grated cheese?

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?


8.The 80's your opinions please?

Pretty good music, noteworthy fashion.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

Actress: Kristina Hendricks . . .Character: Inara. (duh)

10.What could you do for Joss?

I'm a pretty good actor.

11.Best quote?

I reckon everyone that ever got a statue made of 'em was one kind of sumbitch or another. It ain't about you. It's about what they need.


12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Being happy, as long as that doesn't involve directly/intentionally hurting others.


13.Do dreams lie?

Sometimes. . .and sometimes not.


14.Favourite place name?



15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before the do another one!)

The "A" Team


16.Do you still jump on your bed?

I prefer an alternative up and down motion.


17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

I'd rather go outside.

18.A line of poetry please....

I see your face in the window pane, where mine is supposed to be. . .I feel your heart beating in my chest, stirring something deep within me.

20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Dunno. Many favorites, including Christopher Walken as the Angel Gabriel in "Prophecy"

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

Toe. Easy.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Well. . .TheGreyJedi and I were friends BEFORE we joined. . .and Spidermonkey as well.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Fortune favors the bold.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:03 AM


1. Who wants to know?
2. Bean
3. I climbed on kitchen amazed.
4. Ironman
5. Lighthouse
6. Sponge...what the heck is Blancmange?
7. Jetpack
8. Good
9. Jewel
10. Too sexually explicit for minors to read
11. I don't think I could come up with a best...there are far too many good quotes
12. Happiness, Love and the hording of massive amounts of wealth
13. yes
14. El Indios
15. Transformers (a new one though)
16. no
17. anything other than playstation
18. He wasn't there again today I wish, I wish he'd go away.
20. Emporer (Return of the Jedi)
21. stubbing your's less funny
22. no
23. nope. Jude's no hot chick name.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:29 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:


1.Name? Jobert, okay not really.
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? In certain circles I go by Jade.
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? one? Not crazy but fun…opening week of Splash Mountain, standing in a six-hour line, I taught everyone “Catalina Madelina” a camp song and I got everyone within 100 yards to sing it at once.
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Wonder Woman
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Windmill…Stupid Pete’s Dragon
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? I’ll take Static’s pile of grated cheese
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? hoverbike
8.The 80's your opinions please? I hated the fashion
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Simon
10.What could you do for Joss? anything he asks
11.Best quote? Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Enjoying life, and trying not to enjoy yourself at other people’s expense.
13.Do dreams lie? yes and no
14.Favourite place name? Coeur d’Alene
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) Robotech
16.Do you still jump on your bed? yes
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? swing set
18.A line of poetry please.... …ever present as the sun, come thoughts each day of our love.
20.Best bad guy in cinema? skekTek
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? toe!
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? sadly, no
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? why not?


Please feel free to ignore me or embelish on the questions ....

Do you find bugs bunny sexy when he dresses as a woman? yes
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:48 AM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
Having a name like eli builds character. I'll keep it.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
picking fights with tables full of atheletes at lunch (they were throwing food.)

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
I'm batman!

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
Windmill, it generates power. the other requires power.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
had to google...definitely the pudding!

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

8.The 80's your opinions please?
too much reagan, but I miss the parachute pants

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Eat lunch off? I hope that's a britishism and not something kinky. If kinky: too many beautiful possibilities, besides I'm married. If britishism for 'have lunch with;' joss.

10.What could you do for Joss? Mediate his disputes with my fancy mediating skills. Mediate his disputes with fox execs with my fancy smashing-shit skills.

11.Best quote?
"Governments are a body of people usually, notably, ungoverned."

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
Finding freedom

13.Do dreams lie?
Nope, but sometimes we're too dumb to understand the truth.

14.Favourite place name?

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) Oooh that one with the crazy stealth helicopter!

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
Nope, ceilings to low.

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
Legos. Hundreds of pounds of legos.

18.A line of poetry please....

I HAVE a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade,
When Spring comes back with rustling shade
And apple-blossoms fill the air—
I have a rendezvous with Death
When Spring brings back blue days and fair.
-Alan Seeger

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Hands down Christopher Walken. Gives me chills.
He's creepy when not the villain.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Toe

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
AFf and AlienZookeeper and KRAD

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Only if you sing it....

24 Re: Cross dressing wabbits?


If voting mattered, they'd make it illegal.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:16 AM


1) Cindy
2) Something with more dignity, like Sarah or
3) Chasing my brother with a knife. (No one got
4) Storm, I guess. Black is slimming and if I
bleached my hair white, the gray wouldn't
5) Lighthouse. I love an ocean view.
6) By sponge you mean sponge cake, right?
Sponge cake.
7) Hoverbike.
8) The 80's seemed fun at the time, but looking
back, yikes!
9) Let's see... Adam's the biggest, so he could
hold the most food, so lunch would last
10) I could maybe help him if he got stuck on a
crossword puzzle, but he's probably pretty
good at those already.
11) From Firefly: "If wishes were horses, we'd
all be eatin' steak."
From elsewhere in the Jossverse: "Poor
Watcher, did your life flash before your
eyes? Cuppa tea, cuppa tea, almost got
shagged, cuppa tea?"
12) Life is about wondering what life is about.
13) Dreams don't lie, but can be very confusing.
14) Boring, Oregon.
15) Misfits of Science.
16) Only if I see a spider.
17) I'm not into video games.
18) "Since I could not stop for Death, he kindly
stopped for me." - Emily Dickinson
19) There is NO number 19!
20) I'm changing my answer from the "Jaws" shark
to La Tenia from "Irreversible". Bad, bad
guy. He should die like a pig in hell. Oh,
wait, he did. Good.
21) Stubbing a toe hurts worse.
22) Not that I'm aware of.
23) If you can do so without making a cheesy
reference to the song "Hey, Jude", go for it.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:00 AM




Christopher Brown


2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

My name’s common, but I like it.


3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

When I was five I opened several Christmas presents, and blamed it on our dog, it worked.

And, yes I did chewed the packaging.


4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/
superheroine costume... What would yours be?

I used to be a Military Policeman. U.S. Army, but now I’m happy just being Clark Kent.


5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or

A lighthouse overlooking an Olympic sized swimming pool.


6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

See question 5.


7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

Both and a roll of duct tape


8.The 80's your opinions please?

I was too young to care about 80’s culture.


9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

Kaylee Frye (Jewel Staite), no contest.


10.What could you do for Joss?

Spend $5.50*3 after Military discount for myself, wife and daughter to Serenity.


11.Best quote?

I don't think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though - I have a mighty roar.


12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?



13.Do dreams lie?

As much as reality does


14.Favourite place name?



15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of
time before they do another one!)

Quantum Leap, oh wait they already remade that, they just changed the title.


16.Do you still jump on your bed?

Only if my daughter instigates


17. Scalextrics or Playstation?


18.A line of poetry please....

Cowboys and Indians

As my window creeks to a close

The broken arrow in my arm bestows

The pain I’ve caused, and unto thee

Being someone that is just not me

Cowboys and Indians are not my game

Fun in youth, but not now the same

Though my arm is bleeding, I go too bed

But oh poor Billy and the bullet in his head

© Copyright Christopher Brown, All Rights Reserved.


20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Darkness, Tim Curry in Legend


21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?



22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Unfortunately I have not.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

If the Adam’s apple check clears, I don’t see why not.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:05 AM


Important people don't do field work.

What a very odd questionaire! I love it!

1.Name? Bryan
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Jack...No Ripping, though
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?I did get caught looking my girlfriend's mom's shirt at her boobs. I guess that more creepy than it is crazy.
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? know...capes with the logo...Bandoliers filled with pez!
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Lighthouse...That way, I could warn Don Quixote that there were windmills a comin'
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? Blancmange...who doesn't like pudding?
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Jetpack! Come on...The Rocketeer, Wile E. Coyote and James Bond...too easy!
8.The 80's your opinions please? The best cartoon and toys and sitcoms and...I pretty much loved it all.
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Kaylee...And, for dessert...Kaylee
10.What could you do for Joss? Not call him "Josh".
11.Best quote? "Never, never, never give up." Winston Churchill
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? That's a cereal, isn't it? I guess its about the milk then, huh?
13.Do dreams lie? I once dreamt that I was president of France, women loved me, and I had a 14inch "thingy". Yes...dreams lie.
14.Favourite place name? Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film? Manimal. It drove my mom crazy when I was a kid, and I'd love to take her to see it on the big screen!
16.Do you still jump on your bed?Unfortunately for the bed...kinda.
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Light Brite
18.A line of poetry please.... "The Man in Black Fled Across the Desert, and the Gunslinger Followed" Robert Browning: Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
20.Best bad guy in cinema? Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Stubbing your toe on your funnybone!
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? No, these people are Fuh-REAKS! No, I haven't yet, but I would love to sometime.
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Go ahead...Don't make it bad...Take a sad song...and, you know...ask Jude out.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:18 AM


1) Name: Tiffany

2)Name i'd give myself: Something that no one could confuse for another name- i get really tired of being called stephanie.

3)Craziest Stunt: How about craziest bicycle accident? I was about 12 (i think) and i was racing a rollerblader. My best friend was on a bike about 50 feet ahead just sitting in the middle of the road. I was pedaling as fast as i could and i couldn't swerve around her. I was yelling at her to move but she just stared at me. I hit her back tire head on. The bike and I go soaring over her bike. I land flat on my back with the bike on top of me, laughing my ass off. Apparently it looked pretty cool from the sidelines as well.

4)Superhero: Buffy- she's cool plus wears really cute outfits.

5)Windmill or lighthouse: i love the ocean so lighthouse

6)Falling onto sponge or blancmange: I have to go with the pudding

7)Jet pack or hoverbike: the jet pack has me having Andrew flash backs. So i will go with hoverbike.

8)80's: i liked the music, hated the clothes and the hair.

9)Lunch: To eat lunch off of- Nathan. To have lunch with- Joss, Adam, Nathan, and Alan. I think they would be absolutley hilarious.

10)What could i do for Joss: I could get his coffee and smile approvingly at his work.

11)Best Quote: From Firefly- "When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you."
From The Light Bearer by Donna Gillespie: "Is a belief true, simply because you have always held it?"

12)Life: To accomplish something, even as small as making someone smile.

13)Dreams: If you take them at face value- yes. If you look deeper, perhaps not.

14)Favorite place name: don't really have one. Place i would love to go one day- Rome.

15)Next 80's Show that's made into a movie: Mighty Mouse!

16)Jumping on the bed: I prefer other bedroom activities.

17)Playstation or Scalextrics: Playing outside

"His shakey hand scratched out the verbs
of life of love of home
But his darling had gone to heaven above
she would never read his poem."

19) (insert Bugs Bunny in dress question here): Sorry don't swing that way

20)Best bad guy: how about girl? Samara in The Ring, creeps the hell out of me.

21)Toe or Funny bone: toe definately hurts more, but it give you an excuse for yelling out obcenities.

22)met anyone from the forum: not in person

23) Jude: If you like her, ask her. if she says yes cool. If no, well at least now you know and you can stop stressing about it.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:27 AM


1.Name? Justin

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Rosalyn ... wait, I'm a guy ... make that Steve

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? 9 years old, long jump from the eighth row to the floor in my high school's gym - wild man since birth!

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Wonder Woman ... wait, I'm a guy ... make that Punisher (spandex don't work for me)

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? both equally creepy - I'd live in a cave first

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? ... sponge? I'm guessing here

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Jetpack - you can fall off a bike

8.The 80's your opinions please? it's like a living, demonic trainwreck - hard to kill, unattractive but difficult to look away from

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Seems Zoe's in the best shape of the ladies, so I'd pick her if I'm eating for sustainance - otherwise, Kaylee

10.What could you do for Joss? PR - not that he doesn't do a great job on his own - or marketing

11.Best quote? "Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating" - Joel, Eternal Sunshine

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Living

13.Do dreams lie? On occasion

14.Favourite place name? Djibouti

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) How about a better recreation of Dukes of Hazzard than the one we're about to get? Daisy Duke knows what tuna is.

16.Do you still jump on your bed? you kidding? I can't even feel comfortable on a trampoline!

17.Scalextrics or Playstation? XBox

18.A line of poetry please....
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd - Alexander Pope (betcha can't guess what flick I've been thinking about today)

20.Best bad guy in cinema? Walken, by far

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Am I the only one who hates the funny bone? Nothing humorous about it at all, if you ask me.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? Nope


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Only if the brass monkey tells you to say "I love you."

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade ... then find someone whose life is giving them vodka, and have a party. - Ron White


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:31 AM


2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
I don't know. Chris maybe?
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Can't think of one off hand.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
I don't really look good in spandex, so I'd probably still wear civilian clothes, much like I'd wear if I suddenly developed super powers and became a superhero.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

Lighthouse. You get a nice view of the water, and if you get angry you can take out your anger by causing ships to crash. Well, no, not really.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Probably sponge, although I'm not entirely sure what Blancmange is.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

8.The 80's your opinions please?

How very.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Well, probably Inara. Normally I like Kaylee, but what with all the engine grease she gets into, I wouldn't want to eat a meal off her.

10.What could you do for Joss?
I could help him write Astonishing X-Men. Not that he needs it, but it'd be a lot of fun for me. ;)

11.Best quote?
"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

13.Do dreams lie?

14.Favourite place name?

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Transformers. It's in preproduction.

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
Only if I'm trying to reach something on the ceiling.

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

18.A line of poetry please....
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
No opinion.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

Stubbing your toe.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?


Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:11 AM


Well thanks everyone for going along with the spirit of this :)

It reaffirms my suspicions that there are some lovely people out there. So thanks.

There are so many wonderful and imaginative answers I feel I want to reply to all .


Duck-taping a fire extinguisher to a skateboard and shooting it down the hallway at school. During class change.

Hey that made me smile. Did ya get detention?


How about a large pile of grated cheese?

Hmmm Cheese - trouble is it'd melt under body heat -- then again it'd suit question 9



1. Who wants to know?

Me Ric, a.k.a TheSomanambulist.


6. Sponge...what the heck is Blancmange?

It's kinda like a gellatinous blob! In the wrong hands (i.e. School dinners) it's vile, however in the right hands (Ma's cooking) it's heavenly. :)






3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? one? Not crazy but fun…opening week of Splash Mountain, standing in a six-hour line, I taught everyone “Catalina Madelina” a camp song and I got everyone within 100 yards to sing it at once.

Great story!!! This is a gem. Sprayed tea right outa my nose reading this one! Brilliant.

Can you pass on the lyrics :) please.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? why not?

Ooo y'know still removing the knives from the previous relationship... Apprehensive still I guess.


Do you find bugs bunny sexy when he dresses as a woman? yes

Interesting - personally no, fascinated how he applies lipstick and doesn't get any on his buck toothed pealry whites!!

And thanks for question number 19. Not sure what happened to that?



9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Eat lunch off? I hope that's a britishism and not something kinky. If kinky: too many beautiful possibilities, besides I'm married. If britishism for 'have lunch with;' joss.

No, no.... Wasn't a britishism - tour initial instinct was correct. :)


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Only if you sing it....

Oh man! As if making the first move isn't hard enough !



2) Something with more dignity, like Sarah or

I've always liked the name Cindy.


3) Chasing my brother with a knife. (No one got

Pheeeuw! Younger brother per chance?


16) Only if I see a spider.

... Nice.


19) There is NO number 19!

No there isn't - hmm it must be around here somwhere....



13.Do dreams lie? As much as reality does

- I like that very much :)


Quantum Leap, oh wait they already remade that, they just changed the title.

Did they? What was it called? I loved Quantumn Leap....


If the Adam’s apple check clears, I don’t see why not.

Oh boy... These are dark times....



What a very odd questionaire! I love it!

Cheers - I find I learn so much more from people when you ask them things that are not of the norm...


1.Name? Bryan

Hey my best buddy is called Bryan and he spells it that way too.


3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?I did get caught looking my girlfriend's mom's shirt at her boobs. I guess that more creepy than it is crazy.

How'd you recover from that one!?!?



4)Superhero: Buffy- she's cool plus wears really cute outfits.

Very clever indeed.


12)Life: To accomplish something, even as small as making someone smile.

You made me smile - cheers :)


20)Best bad guy: how about girl? Samara in The Ring, creeps the hell out of me.

Apologies I meant both genders but of course should have stated so:
In answer to your question: The Nurse from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"


23) Jude: If you like her, ask her. if she says yes cool. If no, well at least now you know and you can stop stressing about it.

Thanks. I'm quite good at not stressing about these things - just, as I was saying earlier, a little whoozy from a previous relationship.

I'll be seeing her in two weeks time. May be too soon to make the gesture then - but knowing me I'll probably do it.


For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:36 AM


Starpilotgrainger and StevethePirate

Ooops you snuk in before I could read yours - I'll reply tomorrow. I'm off home now.


For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:04 AM


2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
i like liz:)
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
umm...i was a good kid:(
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
something like electro-gwen's leather.
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
large, damp but warm sponge
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
8.The 80's your opinions please?
um...i love mj's music, no matter how messed up he is now.
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
adam baldwin yes please...or maybe sean mahar.
10.What could you do for Joss?
director please! or sexual favors
11.Best quote?
jossverse quote: "the cavemen win. of course the cavemen win."
oasis quote: "i don't know, i don't care, all i know is you can take me there" from slide away the best song ever
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
13.Do dreams lie?
sometimes, not always
14.Favourite place name?
chad, cause chad is the name of a corny high school student.
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
um...i don't know, i was born in the middle and only recently got cable.
16.Do you still jump on your bed?
f*ck yes.
17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
18.A line of poetry please....
um...listen to songbird by oasis. yes i know, i'm obsessed.
20.Best bad guy in cinema?
my head hurts too much to think about it, but one of the sexy ones.
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
depends on how you do it.
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
cephme and whoever else from the tomb shindig in boston who posts here.
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

~lissa, spwhore


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:08 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I meant to say I was looking DOWN my girlfriend's mother's shirt at her...umm...unencumbered boobs. Just wanted to make that clear...

Why did I want to make that clear...?

Oh, am I answering strange questionaires again?


Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:36 AM


[1.Name?] Josie
[2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?] Filthy rich
[3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?] Getting arrested and spending the night in jail for 52 parking tickets.
[4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?] I don't know, I think I'd be scared to go to work...
[5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?]Windmill...dang light would keep me up all night...
[6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?] Being I know what a sponge is, I'll go for the sponge.
[7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?]Jetpack
[8.The 80's your opinions please?] The shoulder pads were way to big...Madonna was WAY too Madonna and I had way to much fun in college!
[9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?] That is really hard to say for OH SO MANY REASON...
[10.What could you do for Joss?] Assistant Direct his next movie
[11.Best quote?] As a man thinketh, so is he.
[12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?] 42
[13.Do dreams lie?] Oh, yea, big time... once you get what you always wanted then you take everything else that comes with it that you weren't expecting.
[14.Favourite place name?] Italy
[15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)]Golden Girls, lord, who knows!
[16.Do you still jump on your bed?]No, there is medication for that....
[17.Scalextrics or Playstation?] Ta-whabba-who?
[18.A line of poetry please....]Oh, for a muse of fire that would assend the brightest heaven of invention! My kindom for a stage.
[20.Best bad guy in cinema?] Hannable the you know what...
[21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?] Done both and I can definately say, toe.
[22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?] Too many to mention and all great people! :)
[23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?] Only if you are SURE she is a girl.

Fun questions! Thanks for the thread and all the fish...


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:39 AM


kevin conn
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
manly stud
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
i killed a man in reno once just to watch him die,thats right that was me.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
well i thought about it and i gotta say--green lantern
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
spongebob squarepants
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
jetback,jeez what else?gosh yer stupid!
8.The 80's your opinions please?
all children were secretly enjected crack
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
oh jewel......
10.What could you do for Joss?
well i can act but since someone already said back in time and make sure firefly was still on the air.thats right i can time travel,thats me.
11.Best quote?
"but she was naked....and articulate!"(duh)
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
life is realizing that we are already in heaven and that we all have to come together to make it just that.
13.Do dreams lie?
only ones in yiddish
14.Favourite place name?
new york
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
the greatest american hero
16.Do you still jump on your bed?
yes and it hates it when i do it
17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
18.A line of poetry please....
sometimes i dont know where you end and i begin"-farewell moonshadow
20.Best bad guy in cinema?
leonard shelby(memento)
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
ow!my toe!
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
from the new york meetup group-diet coke,whedonesque,po1,clandestiny,rymephile,and (forgetting screen names-sorry)- mike,chris,olivia,and im sure im forgetting others and for that im sorry i just took some heroin so im kinda "out of it"
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
listen to your heart

whew,im gonna take a nap!

"Hamsters is nice."


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:51 AM


Well if we are just talking scary villian I'd say Cruella Divil (sp?) from 101 Dalmations. Puppy fur into coats? What could be more evil?


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:02 PM


2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
Limbs Akimbo (porn star name)
3.Craziest stunt?
Hopping trains and riding them into the city.
4.superheroine costume?
Browncoat - 'cause I'm mighty and all.
5.Windmill or Lighthouse?
Lighthouse - better views
6.Sponge or Blancmange?
What the hell is blancmange?
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
Jetpack, you can get more altitude
8.The 80's your opinions please?
Excellent dance music - horrible fashions
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
I have to choose?
10.What could you do for Joss?
I'm an all around genius. What does he need done?
11.Best quote?
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
It's an accident. Carbon, oxygen ... poof!
13.Do dreams lie?
Yes. Otherwise, our dreams would be boring and desperate.
14.Favourite place name?
Lake Titikaka
15.Next 80's TV show
I spent most of the 80's overseas. I wouldn't know.
16.Do you still jump on your bed?
17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
Neither. Belly dance and dogs.
18.A line of poetry please....
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a mighty pleasure dome decree. Where Alph, the sacred river, ran. Through caverns measureless to man, down to a sunless sea.
20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Darth Vader. Duh.
21.stubbing toe or knocking funny bone?
Toe. Definitely toe. I have an ugly broken one that scares audiences when I dance.
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
Channain and I are becoming buddies.
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:26 PM


1. Reid
2. ?
3. I got a good one
In high school my freinds and I used to hang out in this school park less than a block from one of my freinds houses (his mom actually worked at the school as well). As it is a typical schoolyard, it had "play equipment." We'd go and hang even at 3 or 4 am, like teenagers did. No we never did anything destructive.

One night we went there and we noticed that they had started re-sodding the lawn. The workers had even left out those huge hoses (like fire hoses) to water the lawn. idea pops in my head.

I immediately started draging one of the sections of hose towards the play equipment with the idea to tie up the play equipment Of course when the plan was evident to everyone we all had a merry time with it and created quite a spagetti of hose there (hose tied in one huge long twisted loop connecting multiple play structures).

Apparently when my buddies mom went to work the next day, the workers were rather miffed. Our 1/2 hour of fun took a 1/2 day to undo. I think that that 1/2 day is due to their lazyness rather then our work.

His mom actually "knew" it was us, but couldn't prove it. We of course denied any involvment

So, the next night, there were the hoses on the ground again. But, we couldn't just do the same thing again. That'd be boring.

I looked at one of my buddies and he had an evil grin on his face looking up at the air raid siren in the middle of the feild. It was a relic of WWII that just stayed there because there was no reason to remove it. It stood about 50-75 feet tall.

Then we both looked at the hoses and smiled. The plan was to get the hoses up to the top (there was a little bucket thingy for someone to stand on) and loop the hoses over each side so that they were about 20 feet off the ground. They would of course be connected so that they wouldn't fall off.

The problem was getting someone up there. The problem was due to the fact that there was something on the ladder that prevented climbing well up the support pole. It was locked as well and we didn't have the means to remove the thingy preventing our fun. Secondly, assuming someone is able to get up there, how to get the hoses up.

No, I'm not going to tell how we did it. And no it was not a ladder or machinary. We used just ourselves and our wits. I must maintain some mystery

The next day apparently the workers were really pissed and didn't even try to get the hoses down.

The hose stayed up there for a good few weeks. Needless to say, the lawn didn't get watered for some time.

I'll see if I can dig up some pictures of it for you guys.

*sigh* good times

4. Batman.

5. Lighthouse.

6. Sponge

7. Hoverbike


9. Kaylee - Jewel Staite. Mmmm, cuddly.

10. Program stuff.

11. I've said alot funnier, but this one comes to mind:
If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()! - You have to be a C programmer to get that.

12. We'll find out when we die.

13. Dreams... No. Interpretations of dreams, Yes.

14. ?

15. Macgyver, bubble gum and a swiss army knife. That's all he needs

16. No

17. Playstation, Game Cube. NOT Xbox, M$ *mumbling*

18. The answer my friend, is on a breath of wind.

20. Dark Helmet

21. knocking your funny bone - gives that vibrating bad thing. Bwwwaaah!

22. No.

23. ?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:33 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Great story!!! This is a gem. Sprayed tea right outa my nose reading this one! Brilliant.

Can you pass on the lyrics :) please.

Ask and you shall receive!

There was a funny girl, she had a funny name,
She got it from her pappy just the same, same, same
Catalina Madalina Hoopensteiner Walenhimer Hogan Mogan Logan was her name

She had two hairs upon her head
One was alive and the other was dead
(repeat her name)

She had two teeth up in her mouth
One pointed east and the other pointed south
(repeat her name)

She had two eyes in the middle of her head
One was green and the other was red
(repeat her name)

Her nose was so long that when she sneezed
It got caught in between her knees
(repeat her name)

She had flat feet like a bathroom mat
But no one knows how they got like that
(repeat her name)

(very slowly and all sad like)
A ten ton truck hit Madaline
(pick up the tempo)
And the driver had to by himself a new machine
Catalina Madalina Hoopensteiner Walenhimer Hogan Mogan Logan was her name

This is the version I learned---there are many, many ways to say her name. We also sang a similar song called Anna Kootcha Catcha Canna Toesinarra Toesinocah Sammy Kammy Wacky Brown, she fell into the well…but people really had trouble with that one.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:55 PM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
Jumping off a building (it was a dare)

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
Matrix duster, but I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a wacko.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
Lighthouse, the windmill creak would get on my last nerve

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Pudding is fun.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

8.The 80's your opinions please?
All good, except the Reagan thing.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Inara or Kaylee, I would be afraid of Zoe or River.

10.What could you do for Joss?
Make him laugh

11.Best quote?
"when your supervisor hears about the rude and disrupt.." "Clear"

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
Doing the best we can.

13.Do dreams lie?
Yes, in a good way

14.Favourite place name?
Sheepy Magna it's near "Barton in the Beans"

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Designing Women

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
Yes to reach spidewebs

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
Linux on Playstation

18.A line of poetry please....
the neurosis despises the troublesome cowlick -- or, rather, a thermometry.
dressily leonine just maybe, the calm:
the so-called amorphous train practices.
(computer generated)

The best question, Can't we all get along?

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
a gorram reaver!

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
toe, how is that funny?

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Romance is non-linear, like time.

Bugs Bunny in drag, somehow strangely erotic.



Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:23 PM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
-no idea, Alyssa was what I was going to be called, or maybe Lily...I have no idea

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
-I am still a I have no idea, I don't remember any stunts

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
-black and purple with a blue cape type thing

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

8.The 80's your opinions please?
-I dunno were pretty good in my's when I was born. so ya know. very important. lol

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
-hmmm interesting you say?...hmm Simon...or Mal...

10.What could you do for Joss?
-I have no idea, I would assist I would watch and say 'brilliant'. lol

11.Best quote?
-for crying out loud! thats just impossible! but I like "Also, I can kill you with my brain"

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

13.Do dreams lie?

14.Favourite place name?

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
The Smurfs-live action movie!

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
-no...I jump on my sisters bed :P

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
-huh? playstation I guess

18.A line of poetry please....
-Joss is Boss

20.Best bad guy in cinema? idea

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
-shrugs, why not.


"Yes sir..Captain Tightpants"

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:33 PM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
When I was about 9, three of my sisters shared a room, all younger than me. One night I took a flashlight and hid under one of their beds before bed-time, dressed in black and wearing a Frankenstein mask. About ten minutes after my parents tucked them in and turned the lights off I quietly got out from under the bed, took a deep breath, and started dancing around the room, howling and waving the flashlight at them and the mask. Oh, they screamed and screamed! Scared the HELL out of them! Took my parents at least 15 minutes to calm them down. I got the worst spanking I can remember and was grounded for a month, but I still get a wicked smile remembering it!

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
Rorschach from The Watchmen

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
Lighthouse - windmills get infested by miniature Bruce Campbells!

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Sponge - pudding up the nose is messy.

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

8.The 80's your opinions please?
Loved the music and the attitude, not so much the politics.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Inara, chocolate soufle', candles. That's all I'm saying!

10.What could you do for Joss?
I could help him organize and catagorize all the props and equipment in his new studio after Serenity and Wonder Woman are runaway hits.

11.Best quote?
"Get away from her you BITCH!" (Aliens)

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
Helping reduce the pain of others.

13.Do dreams lie?
Dreams are beyond truth and lies. It's how we interpret them that causes them to be truthful or not.

14.Favourite place name?
Auchtermuchtie (Scotland)

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Don't know about film, but I'm kinda expecting a re-hashing of "The Invisible Man" before long.

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
More bounce than jump - liiiiiitle to heavy.

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

18.A line of poetry please....
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

19. Hey nineteen!

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Christopher Walken

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
Toe! In fact I have a pinky toe that never really healed properly from a break.....

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
No. Hope to make it to a shindig one of these days.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Yes! And if you don't, either I or my sister will.... (depending on Jude's preference!)

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:01 PM


Hello everyone. I'm new to the site and thought this would be a good way to introduce myself. Here goes:

1. Christopher
2. Everyone is named Chris. I'd be Asher if I could.
3. Sorry, I was a good kid.
4. Die Flader Mouse, from the Tick. Anyone know how to spell that?
5. A windmill. I need darkness to sleep.
6. Blancmange, who knows where the sponge has been?
7. Hoverbike.
8. As the 80's were the years of my youth, I'd say they were great. However, there were those tiny shorts with tall socks that guys wore...
9. I'd like to say Kaylee, but she's usually covered in engine grease, so Zoe.
10. I can juggle. And do origami.
11. I just wanna eat this up like fork and yummy. (long story) Or does that mean a Firefly quote? Too many to choose from.
12. Doritos and Sweettart jellybeans. For the moment at least.
13. I sure hope so.
14. Yggdrassil.
15. Real American Hero
16. Not on mine, but I go nuts at hotels.
17. Umm.. Gamecube. PS sucks the fat one. For those who disagree, I'm on my second one and its about to die, not that I ever use it. What are Scalextrics?
18. "My first thought was, he lied in every word" from "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came". Sorry Manwithpez, but your line is from the Gunslinger, not from Robert Brown's poem.
19. Why isn't there a 19?
20. Gary Oldman's character in the Fifth Element. Funny and evil.
21. Funny bone. 12 years of soccer gets you used to toe pain.
22. Not that I know of.
23. Go for it dude. Unless she has lamb-y toes.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:47 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:


2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?Spike ... or should I name myself Mike .. decisions, decisions
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?The Statute of limitations still hasn't run out even to this day so I can't say
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?Mr. Furious (Mystery Men)
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?Windmill ... reminds me of my miniture golf phase
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?Blancmange .... soft and edible
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?Jetpack
8.The 80's your opinions please?It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ...
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?River
10.What could you do for Joss?See the BDM
11.Best quote?so many but I'll go with ... 'When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"' David Brent, The Office( )

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?[hums 'The Galaxy Song' from The Meaning of Life]
13.Do dreams lie? Yes
14.Favourite place name?Sugar Tit, South Carolina
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) (Adventures of) The Galaxy Rangers
16.Do you still jump on your bed?No
17.Scalextrics or Playstation?Sega Saturn
18.A line of poetry please....
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams, This is just to say

19. Blue
20.Best bad guy in cinema?Casanova Frankenstein (Mystery Men)
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?Toe
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?No
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?By all means


'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:32 AM




This is the version I learned---there are many, many ways to say her name. We also sang a similar song called Anna Kootcha Catcha Canna Toesinarra Toesinocah Sammy Kammy Wacky Brown, she fell into the well…but people really had trouble with that one.

Thanks!! You are great!

My freind Jimi and I used to go around singing "Angelina, the waitress at the Pizzaria..." - but that's become old now.

Catalina Madalina However is the way forward.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:43 AM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Rosalyn ... wait, I'm a guy ... make that Steve

Hey names these days have no gender - I mean for years I thought I was safe; then "Rikki Lake" comes out with her show and suddenly everyones calling me 'Rikki!'


5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? both equally creepy - I'd live in a cave first

...Creepier than a CAVE!!! Blimey!


11.Best quote? "Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating" - Joel, Eternal Sunshine

Best film in ten years!


21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Am I the only one who hates the funny bone? Nothing humorous about it at all, if you ask me.

Nope I'm with you on that one - I hate knocking my funny bone.

Thanks Rosalyn er I mean Steve....

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:50 AM




When I was seventeen, the one and only time I fell in love, was with a girl called Liz.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Thanks I will
For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:59 AM




6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Probably sponge, although I'm not entirely sure what Blancmange is.

It's a soft bouncy gellatinous blob. Used often in desserts like trifle (sp) I particularly remember it from school days. It was a frequent lunch time guest. Pretty horrible in fact I used to put my plate on top of it... It's weird stuff but I imagine falling onto a big blob of it would be fun....


15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Transformers. It's in preproduction.

Oh right.. Interesting I guess it's an obvious choice given the CGI revolution. Hmmm.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:04 AM



[4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?] I don't know, I think I'd be scared to go to work...

But they'd all be in their supercostumes too :)


[23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?] Only if you are SURE she is a girl.

Yes she's a girl. Well woman. Jude is short for Judith. I like her she laughs at my jokes and dresses in sixties clobber....


Fun questions! Thanks for the thread and all the fish...

Thanks - pleasure. So you got all the fish.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:11 AM




3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
i killed a man in reno once just to watch him die,thats right that was me.

Oh so that was you...


13.Do dreams lie?
only ones in yiddish



23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
listen to your heart

I've done that in the past and well - lets say me and my pump aren't on speaking terms no more.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:20 AM




2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
Limbs Akimbo (porn star name)

Now that's funny


6.Sponge or Blancmange?
What the hell is blancmange?

Hmm I'm surprised so many of you weren't subjected to this stuff at school? Y'don't know how lucky you are.


16.Do you still jump on your bed?


For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:38 AM


Important people don't do field work.

The only reason I know what blancmange is is from a Monty Python sketch...Then, I looked it up...That sketch was funnier when I didn't know what it was...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:53 AM



3. I got a good one
In high school my freinds and I used to hang out in this school park less than a block from one of my freinds houses (his mom actually worked at the school as well). As it is a typical schoolyard, it had "play equipment." We'd go and hang even at 3 or 4 am, like teenagers did. No we never did anything destructive.

One night we went there and we noticed that they had started re-sodding the lawn. The workers had even left out those huge hoses (like fire hoses) to water the lawn. idea pops in my head.

I immediately started draging one of the sections of hose towards the play equipment with the idea to tie up the play equipment Of course when the plan was evident to everyone we all had a merry time with it and created quite a spagetti of hose there (hose tied in one huge long twisted loop connecting multiple play structures).

Apparently when my buddies mom went to work the next day, the workers were rather miffed. Our 1/2 hour of fun took a 1/2 day to undo. I think that that 1/2 day is due to their lazyness rather then our work.

His mom actually "knew" it was us, but couldn't prove it. We of course denied any involvment

So, the next night, there were the hoses on the ground again. But, we couldn't just do the same thing again. That'd be boring.

I looked at one of my buddies and he had an evil grin on his face looking up at the air raid siren in the middle of the feild. It was a relic of WWII that just stayed there because there was no reason to remove it. It stood about 50-75 feet tall.

Then we both looked at the hoses and smiled. The plan was to get the hoses up to the top (there was a little bucket thingy for someone to stand on) and loop the hoses over each side so that they were about 20 feet off the ground. They would of course be connected so that they wouldn't fall off.

The problem was getting someone up there. The problem was due to the fact that there was something on the ladder that prevented climbing well up the support pole. It was locked as well and we didn't have the means to remove the thingy preventing our fun. Secondly, assuming someone is able to get up there, how to get the hoses up.

No, I'm not going to tell how we did it. And no it was not a ladder or machinary. We used just ourselves and our wits. I must maintain some mystery

The next day apparently the workers were really pissed and didn't even try to get the hoses down.

The hose stayed up there for a good few weeks. Needless to say, the lawn didn't get watered for some time.

I'll see if I can dig up some pictures of it for you guys.

That's quite a stunt! And you took pictures!! You're like a pro or summit :)


20. Dark Helmet

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:59 AM



3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
Jumping off a building (it was a dare)

- how high? and did you hurt yourself? and onto what surface -- sorry but by my imaginings you should be about two foot high by now ! Please embelish :)


14.Favourite place name?
Sheepy Magna it's near "Barton in the Beans"

That's a good 'un.


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Romance is non-linear, like time. that a yes? or is that a no?

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:06 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

I've been around a little while now and I'm starting to notice a few names cropping up and as a consequence I'm beginning to attribute personalities to you all. Which is nice, but I'm realising there are some gaps in the visualizing of 'You' in my head....So I was wondering if you'd mind filling out a few details about yourselves to help me form a picture.

I've come up with simple, silly little questions that will help me understand who you all are -- if you don't mind me and others here knowing, of course..... It's just a bit fun. :)

Ok - you did ask . . .


Titus Salt

I missed out on the "rebellion" gene . . . used to measure my pet fish, Mycroft, with a ruler though . . .

something servicable in pvc . . . easily wipedownable maybe with a nice mask . . .

Windmill, of course - functional and entertaining . .

Sponge - I'd hate to drown . . .

Ohh Jetpack, please

we're all too quick to see decades as demarcation points - what happened to say '72 to '85??

Gotta be the Cap

appreciate him properly

Think very hard. You been
birddoggin' this township a while
now, and they wouldn't mind a corpse
of you. Now you could luxuriate in
a nice jail cell but if your hand
touches metal, I swear by my pretty
floral bonnet I will end you.

Pretty much nothing, depressing as that is, its all so much time . . .

every time

Wenlock Edge

Cagney & Lacey remake
most days
playstation - so much more variety . . . and those sodding cars always break down!!

Not charioted by Bacchus and his Pards

Dr Rene Belloq - suave and kinda sexy

funny bone - hurts like hell

no - I don't tend to play nice with others . . .

No - never date people with hermaphrodite names e.g. Lesley, Hillary, Jayne(?) and Jude!!

If I could make you prettier, I would.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:09 AM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
-no idea, Alyssa was what I was going to be called, or maybe Lily...I have no idea

All great names - I love the name Lilly. Thinking of calling my daughter Lilly. If I ever have a child. However Carlie is also very nice. I think you did OK.


15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
The Smurfs-live action movie!

Oh man The Smurfs creep me out! I don't get them at all!


23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
-shrugs, why not.

Oh y'know: ritual humiliation, ridicule,the chance of being pointed at and laughed at in the street, dizzyness, nausea, hallucinations and the possibility of deep profound self-loathing, all leading to madness and an indefinite stint in the asylum for jilted lovers and romantics, from which there is no escape.

For Pictures:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:49 AM




2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

I don't know...maybe Seth.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Hmm...well at "The Gang's Annual Sleepovers" we got up to quite a lot of mischief..but it's kinda gross and I'd rather not share.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

Earthworm Jim!! Or the Green Giant. Okay, so h'es not a hero, but he protected the corn fields!!

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? A windmill sounds fantastic!

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?

Sponge! Sorry, bob!

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?


8.The 80's your opinions please?

Well...'88 was a good for the world, as it was blessed with me!

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

Ideally, Summer Glau. ButI like a big lunch and she's kinda maybe Jayne? But no! I don't want to. Hmm...okay, okay a bulkier Summer!

10.What could you do for Joss?

The dance of joy.

11.Best quote?

Dear god...don't do this to me. Hmm, for now it'll be..."Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. It was the best day ever."

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Well...i could go into long detail, but I gotta make lunch soon, so Ill go with the obvious. Mushrooms.

13.Do dreams lie?

Okay, screw lunch! I think dreams can be very meaningful...and I while ago I started a dream diary...and worked on techniques to recall dreams, I think I might start that up again. It worked quite well, I would remember at least 1 dream everynight.

14.Favourite place name?

Well I'm biased, but I'll go with Bognor Regis!

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)

Doctor Who? SimonWho!

16.Do you still jump on your bed?

No. -Bunks, its not good.

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?



18.A line of poetry please....

"And miles to go before I sleep."

20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Darla from Finding Nemo. *Shiver*

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

I'll tell you which is worse...having to place the end of a cocktail stick under the toenail of your big toe then having to kick a football full pelt with that very foot.

Ooh...I can almost hear you cringe!

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

No, not yet...but fingers crossed I will in April!! And with the adventures of the ole FLT I feel like I live with some of them lol.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

No...she sounds like a stalker-type.

lol, im j/k. Go for it. Wait, is she a "good friend" of yours?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:05 AM


1.Name? Deryck.
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Daniel.
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? I can't think of anything..
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? Um... It has to be Spiderman.
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Windmill.
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? Sponge.
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? What? No hoverboard a la Back to the Future 2?
8.The 80's your opinions please? Great cartoons and movies! Music was okay..
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? This is hard... *Thinking* River or Inara.
10.What could you do for Joss? Support his work.. Watch the BDM!
11.Best quote? “I’ve given some thought to moving off the edge. Not an ideal location. Make it a place in the middle.”
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Growing. Learning. Searching.
13.Do dreams lie? No. They tell you stuff (that you ignore) in a really weird, roundabout way..
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!) The A Team.
16.Do you still jump on your bed? No.
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Go outside.
18.A line of poetry please.... “FLOW gently, sweet Afton, among thy Green braes,” – Robert Burns, ‘Afton waters’.
-- Where in the good Gorram is number 19?! --
20.Best bad guy in cinema? Alan Rickman
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?Toe.
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? No.
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? What does your heart say?


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:26 AM


1.Name? Kenneth
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?Rezleog is the name I DID give myself!
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid? Ran away from home... and still haven't gone back!
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?I can't believe no one has said Superman yet!
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Windmill no doubt, lighthouse attracts too much attention
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? Sponge, since I, too, have never heard of Blancmange
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Jetpack... wanted one since I was a kid
8.The 80's your opinions please?An interesting chunk of history
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Inara, but I would be WAY too distracted to, lunch, anyway.
10.What could you do for Joss? Computer consultant
11.Best quote? "Excuses are like a**holes, everybody has one" (My father)
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? Too many answers... happiness, God, 42, propagation of the species, nothing... beat's me!
13.Do dreams lie? No, they just make things up.
14.Favourite place name? Nirvana. Or Abu Dhabi, if you want a place on Earth
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)As long as it's not The Brady Bunch...
16.Do you still jump on your bed? Depends on your definition of "jump", and whether or not my wife is already on it...
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Sorry, I'm strictly a PC kinda guy
18.A line of poetry please.... "The Raven knows..."
20.Best bad guy in cinema? Anyone remember Vincent Price??
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? Toe pain last longer
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? No
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? Only if you want to spend time with her.



Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:40 AM


How on earth can you not have heard of Blancmange?????


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:44 AM


1.Name? Karen
2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way? Umi, it means ocean
3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?Jumpimg from a tree limb that was high off the ground
4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be? I'll have to go with something from the Avengers or X-men
5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Lighthouse
6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange? Sponge
7.Jetpack or Hoverbike? Hoverbike
8.The 80's your opinions please? For the seven years I was alive in them, they were great!
9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off? Simon
10.What could you do for Joss? Get him coffee
11.Best quote? from Firefly: A special kind of hell. from Buffy: I mock you with my monkey pants
12.Life - what d'you think it's all about? "living, we have to go on living"
13.Do dreams lie? I hope so, because if dreams were real they world would be in trouble.
14.Favourite place name? Atlanta, Georgia... Dragon*Con
15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film? Dookie Howser M.D.
16.Do you still jump on your bed? no
17.Scalextrics or Playstation? Playstation since I don't know what a Scalextrics is
18.A line of poetry please.... Promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep - Robert Frost
20.Best bad guy in cinema? I don't know
21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone? toe stubbing
22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who? Nope
23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...? If it worked for the Beatles, it can work for you.

Keep shiny!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:01 AM


I really have no idea on earth why I have never heard of Blacmange....bad parenting skills?

But now that I KNOW WHAT BLANCMANGE is I'll change my answer to Blancmange!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:20 AM



Originally posted by dietcoke:
I really have no idea on earth why I have never heard of Blacmange....bad parenting skills?

But now that I KNOW WHAT BLANCMANGE is I'll change my answer to Blancmange!

No no, that would be bad - It tastes horrific - think butterscotch angel delight for ick value - and you might have to eat your way out - plus, if it were in any way runny you could drown - none too dignified!!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:27 AM



Originally posted by dietcoke:
I really have no idea on earth why I have never heard of Blacmange....bad parenting skills?

But now that I KNOW WHAT BLANCMANGE is I'll change my answer to Blancmange!

Now that I know what Blancmange is, I'll stick with sponge!!!



Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:33 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?

Malcolm Reynolds? Just kidding. I wouldn't change my name as my first and middle names are the names of my grandfathers.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?

Depends. What do you consider a kid? I have done a lot of crazy things right up until I went into the Army at 18, and some even after I was in. Didn't really calm down much until I had my son.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?

Well, since I don't want to echo Static (ruttin' hwoon dahn took my answer) I will say Batman. Always liked that he had no real super powers but still was out there fighting crime.

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?

Definitely a lighthouse.

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?


7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?

Jetpack. Come on, who doesn't want to fly?

8.The 80's your opinions please?

Loved the 80's (with the exception of the Flock of Seagulls hairstyle). Aptly named the Decade of Decadence. Great music, cool movies.

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?

Morena Baccarin without a doubt.

10.What could you do for Joss?

Well, since I don't swing that way ( :wink ) I would say I would make a darn fine actor. I could be Jayne's younger brother. The black sheep one, not the one w/ the damp lung.

11.Best quote?

"May have been the losing side. Still not sure it was the wrong one." - Malcolm Reynolds

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?

Touching the lives of other people and trying to make the world a better place.

13.Do dreams lie?

Not necessarily, though our interpretations of them may not always be accurate.

14.Favourite place name?

Right here in Virginia: Bumpass, Virginia. That cracks me up everytime I think of it. I can only imagine why the town founders would give it a name like that.

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)

Gotta agree w/ Static and say the "A-Team". Loved that show.

16.Do you still jump on your bed?

Define "jump".

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

Playstation 2 please.

18.A line of poetry please....

"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here"

***What happened to # 19?***

20.Best bad guy in cinema?

Agree w/ Static on Christopher Walken.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

Toe without a doubt.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?

Let me see....Jadehand, AURaptor, FireflyGal, ShinyHappyKlin, Jeremy, 11th Hour, Sendmeawave, Techiecl, Cardie, and several others I forget right off hand at Dragon Con and I ask that they forgive me if I did not mention them.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?

Why not? If we can sing a song to the man they call Jayne, why can't you date a girl named Jude?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:17 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

I'll see if I can dig up some pictures of it for you guys.

That's quite a stunt! And you took pictures!! You're like a pro or summit :)

The next day all the parents with their children were staring up at what we created. So, we got a camara, couldn't resist

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:34 AM



2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
um...let me think...Emer but if I had another name I'd probably just want the one I have now

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
I hope my craziest stunt hasn't happened yet 'cause I can't really think of anything

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's
acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
Since someone has already said Storm I'd have to go with Rogue

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse? Lighthouse

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange
Sponge would be nice

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
8.The 80's your opinions please?
Like the music don't much remember anything else

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Simon or Mal

10.What could you do for Joss?
Anything as long as its legal j/k...kinda

11.Best quote?
Like any of that's enough to fight the Dark Master. Bator.

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
Having fun and doing right by people

13.Do dreams lie?
Everyone else does why wouldn't dreams

14.Favourite place name?

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Live action Thundercats

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
Not too good for the water but who can resist

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?

18.A line of poetry please....
Deep in the earth my love is lying and I must weep alone E.A. Poe

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Christopher Walken

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
Unfortunately no

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
pfft...yeah ya should!


And the curse lives on!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:46 PM


Err.. we'll skip this one..

2.Name you'd give yourself - if things worked that way?
Something ludicrously heroic-sounding.

3.Craziest stunt you pulled as a kid?
Oh this one's good.... (I was *very* little..)
Climbed on the roof with a pair of hefty-type trash bags, the kind with a hole in each side so you have a sort of handle... pulled one end up to my shoulder, left the other end around my wrist, and did the same for the other arm, then took a running jump off the roof, using the bags as a rube goldberg parachute.... strangely enough, it didn't seem to work so badly off a one story roof, tho my mother was a bit less than impressed and took em away from me, bwahahaha.

4.The world has changed and suddenly it's acceptable to go into work wearing a superhero/ superheroine costume... What would yours be?
No question, The Shadow.. hands down.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men... The Shadow knows!"

5.Which would you choose to live in if only these two choices were available: Windmill or Lighthouse?
Lighthouse, I wouldn't want Don Quixote's lance smackin me in the back of the head one day...

6.If you fell and you had the choice would you like to fall into: Sponge or Blancmange?
Sponge, like.. one large sponge, for that pogo bounce effect...

7.Jetpack or Hoverbike?
Hover TRIKE, cause im into three wheelers.

8.The 80's your opinions please?
Well, better than now, but please, please.. NEVER back 80's fashions.. ugh...
On the other hand ? HAIR BANDS ROCKETH !!, SMF's forever!

9.Who from Firefly would you like to eat lunch off?
Err.. no thanks, let's go drinkin with Jayne and Mal on U-day instead...

10.What could you do for Joss?
Hmmm.. take the next Faux exec who takes a cab for the ride of his life ? *snicker*

11.Best quote?
Among all the others which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised. - Niccolo Machiavelli

12.Life - what d'you think it's all about?
That very question, is what life IS.

13.Do dreams lie?

14.Favourite place name?
Big Bone Lick, Kentucky.... no way I can look at that sign without a snicker.

15.Next 80's TV show you think will be made into a film?(Lets face it it's just a question of time before they do another one!)
Oh please god no... Noooooo... *hides under bed*

16.Do you still jump on your bed?
Hell yes, it's the best way to convince the cats to GET OFF MY DAMN COVERS so I can have them back!

17.Scalextrics or Playstation?
PS2, and a fellow gamer for a wife, ain't I a lucky bastard, ehe ?

18.A line of poetry please....
One line wouldn't do the poem in mind justice, sorry.

20.Best bad guy in cinema?
Toss up between Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon) or Khan (Star Drek)... both have that ultimate evil baddy stuff down pat.

21.Which is worst: stubbing your toe or knocking your funny bone?
Stubbing your toe and THEN falling facefirst into hardwood floor...owwwieee.

22.Have you met any forum members? If yes who?
Not sayin.

23.Should I ask out a girl called Jude...?
Hell yes, what's she gonna do... turn ya down? stab ya? shoot ya? long as she's not the psychotic violent type, worst she'll do is say no... and if you couldn't handled rejection, you wouldn't be a Firefly Fan, now would ya ?







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