worst films of all time

UPDATED: Sunday, April 24, 2005 12:01
VIEWED: 16457
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:58 AM


i have a question. what is the absolute worst film you have ever gone to see at the theater? no straight to DVD things and no picking things like the most recent star wars unless you REALLY mean it. i mean movies you were so pumped up for and ended up being rather disappointed or immensely disappointed or EXTREMELY disappointed (maybe even downright frothing at the mouth angry). unfortunately, i do not get to the movies much, but i have had this happen to me a few times. some examples:

final fantasy - i never anticipated how much it would bother me to have really famous people doing the voices. i think that more than anything ruined it for me. it was hard to suspend belief hearing a voice i recognized but not seeing a face a recognized.

sideways - i was not chomping at the bit to see it, but the reviews made it out to be really hilarious. in my opinion, i found it to be more depressing than funny. of course, lots of people loved it, so maybe I am the one off my rocker.

those are the only two i can think of right now. anyone else want to chime in?


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:06 AM


American Hot Wax. Only flick I actually walked out on.
Woulda walked out of Forbidden Zone too, 'cept my ride wanted to stay.

$8 totally wasted. Shoulda just dropped it on the ground.

Digusted Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:30 AM


Blair witch project ... everyone talked during the movie since it was so boring and we left the cinema earlier.

And not in cinema but i rented the Psycho remake once .. and god was that bad... sometimes remakes should just be forbidden.

They say it’s the last song
They don’t know us, you see
Its only the last song
If we let it be


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:41 AM


Well, I can't say I was excited to see it, but I did see it in the theater, and The Avengers (Ralph Feinnes, Sean Connery, and Uma) is the worst movie I have ever seen, anywhere. Here are just a few examples (if I thought about it, I'm sure I could come up with many more, but I've blocked them out of my memory and I have no desire to bring them to the surface):

1. Sean Connery plays the villain, and his climactic act is to screw up the weather. So there are storms, hurricanes, etc, and he makes his getaway in . . . a hot air balloon. Probably the single worst place to be in a hurricane.

2. A meeting is held between several bad guys, and they all wear bright colored teddy bear costumes. I think it was to hide their identities from each other, but come on. There has to be a better way. And later, when the "heroes" are running around some building, they're being chased by these teddy bears. It was actually quite funny, but it was supposed to be serious. If I was older and less law-abiding, I might have thought I was having a Jerry Garcia acid flashback.

3. Your name is Ralph. R-A-L-P-H. Not Rafe, so stop pretending like you pronounce it that way. Sorry, that has nothing to do with the movie, but I get annoyed any time I even look at him. Pretentious prick.

Now, Cabin Boy was a horrible film, but it was supposed to be horrible. It quite successfully accomplished its goal, which makes it good. Or something.

I mock you with my monkey pants.
Oh, yeah - check out my rock band:

Click on "Play Entire CD"


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:48 AM



Originally posted by est120:
i have a question. what is the absolute worst film you have ever gone to see at the theater? no straight to DVD things and no picking things like the most recent star wars unless you REALLY mean it. i mean movies you were so pumped up for and ended up being rather disappointed or immensely disappointed or EXTREMELY disappointed (maybe even downright frothing at the mouth angry).

when I read the thread title I was thinking of all the terrible films that I've only caught part of on TV
(I had known enought to know I wouldn't want to pay to see them in the theater)
like Dumb and Dumber
or The Cable Guy

but then I read your stipulation about having it be something I paid to go see...
and I'm afraid Star Wars the Attack of the Clones totally fits that criteria...

I had been disappointed with the Star Wars the Phantom Menace but I didn't hate it (no frothing at the mouth anger)
but Star Wars the Attack of the Clones was far worse in my opinion...
I was terribly bored, and frustrated. I knew what they were going to say before they said it. There were no surprises or plot twists or anything at all of any interest to me.

Of course that isn't the only movie I've hated.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider I found to be really stupid and boring (and I paid full price for an evening show), I was ready to walk out of that one because it was such a waste of my time.

And what was that stupid Ben Afflic film where they kill off President Morgan Freeman with the atom bomb (we can blow up a big section of the East Coast, but it is no big deal)?...hated that too, but at least it was only matinee money.

Yeah, you're right...I do get madder at the films I was excited about,
when I go see something I know will be lame then I'm really not annoyed at all when it is.

edited to add: I really agree GRRARRG: The Avengers was TERRIBLE
bad writing, bad acting (who knew these people could be so bad?)


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:58 AM


Battlefield Earth - bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! It got down right comical at the end when human slaves learned how to fly Harriers that just happened to work after centuries of just sitting there.

Wing Commander - It's really sad to say this, but the video game was WAY better than this pile of crap. To add insult to injury, I had missed the opening trailer which debuted the Episode I teaser.

There was a third movie, but it was so horrendously bad, I've completely blocked it out of my mind.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:00 AM


Motel Hell. They check in but they don't check out, but are instead are buried up to there neck in the back yard and until the hotel owner is ready to make them into Jimmy's Little Pork Sausages.

Okay, so WHY did I go see a movie like this? I was in college and someone in my group thought we could really have fun making fun of this movie....and of course I was drunk.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:09 AM


Episode I: probably the only movie I've gotten really pumped up for, I mean like Serenity pumped, and then been dissapointed. I got the worst sunburn of my life waiting to get tickets for that movie. Only to get home from it and say, "eh, it was ok". That review was only made possible by the final lightsaber duel.

Notting Hill: the only movie I've ever walked out of. When Hugh Grant is argueing about what size orange juice to get for 15 minutes that just tears it.

28 Days Later: seriously monkies infected with RAGE!!! is what caused a terrible epidemic. These people decide to have a picnic in the daytime when they can safely travel? They drove through a painting at one point. When you're hoping to be rescued would you write "HELP" or "HELLO" in big letters on the ground? I would have walked out on this movie but I had to stay and pay the bill for food I ordered.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:18 AM



Originally posted by embers:
Lara Croft Tomb Raider I found to be really stupid and boring

Wait one minute, she looked good, some of the music was okay,...Some of the last fight was well done....
She looked good...

Okay, so it was kinda stupid and boring.

Seriously, though, the 2nd one was quite enjoyable! Did you give that one a chance, even as a rental?

Oh, I just remembered, Alien vs. Predator made me want to demand my money back, only reason I didn't is that I realized shoulda known from the PG-13 rating that it was gonna suck!

Bad on me Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:22 AM


The Beach (with Leonardo DiCaprio). I was SO excited to see this movie, partly because of an awesome soundtrack, partly because the trailer was so good. When I saw it, though, I realized that the trailer must have been for a different movie. It built up a different story, and I went to the theater expecting that story.

Another movie that let me down was Sin City (and I know, I'm going to get crucified for saying this). Don't get me wrong, I loved the way they filmed it, that comic-book style, and I loved Benicio del Toro and Clive Owen. But the stories were so horrible, and poorly put together, that I walked out of the theater feeling completely empty. It was sad, because I thought it was going to be a movie about gothic romance and tragedy and heroes, like the trailer said it would be. That's the last time I trust a trailer. (I mean it this time.)



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:32 AM



Originally posted by grrarrg:
Well, I can't say I was excited to see it, but I did see it in the theater, and The Avengers (Ralph Feinnes, Sean Connery, and Uma) is the worst movie I have ever seen, anywhere.

actually, did you ever watch the show? it had quite a few over the top villans that made no sense and did stupid stuff. not that i am defending the movie. i saw it a long time ago and do not remember it very well. i vaguely recall it being rather stupid. just saying that the weather angle is not that outrageous for that movie. i mean, during the show, they had a guy who could zap people with electricity and another guy with diamonds in his stomach.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:42 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Here's a short list of some truly horrible movies I saw in the theater...

Hoffa (The only film I've walked out on)
Blair Witch 2
The Haunting
Blade: Trinity
Dr. Otto
The Mummy Returns
And scores of others that I can't remember off hand.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:46 AM


lemme see, oh yeah Van Helsing - wooden acting, crap special effects, was there a plot? oh and that ending.............

Se7en, boring, and so predictable, - only film I can think of that i actually left during the middle of to have a cig.

Dawn of the Dead, (remake) eek what was I thinking? That maybe, just maybe you can improve on an original. Doh. Not that one.

Alien 3 and Phantom Menace.

And one more - curtesy of the child person - Thomas and His Magic Railway. OMG. What were they thinking? That kids are gullible and will swallow any old rubbish, probably. Funny, I don't know a one that likes that film.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:16 AM


Lost Highway

Directed by David Lynch


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:48 AM


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation and Sleepy Hollow are the only movies I've ever walked out on. But here's a few more groaners to add to the list:

The Hulk
Me, Myself, and Irene
The Grinch & The Cat in the Hat (live action)
Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow
The Messenger (couldn't stay awake)
Copland (slept...narcolepsy problem???)

Recent sequel badness?
Exorcist: Beginnings
The Ring II

Can't wait to add the Dukes of Hazzard remake to this list!!!!

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:53 AM



Originally posted by pingjing:
Another movie that let me down was Sin City (and I know, I'm going to get crucified for saying this). Don't get me wrong, I loved the way they filmed it, that comic-book style, and I loved Benicio del Toro and Clive Owen. But the stories were so horrible, and poorly put together, that I walked out of the theater feeling completely empty. It was sad, because I thought it was going to be a movie about gothic romance and tragedy and heroes, like the trailer said it would be. That's the last time I trust a trailer. (I mean it this time.)

Oh, thank God, I thought I was the only one. I agree wholeheartedly; I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of these characters.

My other choice: Jury Duty. Dunno why I thought Pauly Shore would be funny, but boy was I wrong.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:57 AM



final fantasy - i never anticipated how much it would bother me to have really famous people doing the voices. i think that more than anything ruined it for me. it was hard to suspend belief hearing a voice i recognized but not seeing a face a recognized.

Ouch... really? That's a shame, that you can't deal with that. I wonder if it has anything to do with the near-photorealism of the work. The art director of that movie said in an interview that he found a curious phenomenon with that movie: the eye seems to be capable of dealing with the suspension of disbelief to a certain point. Once the quality of the animation crosses that threshold, it suddenly looks terrible. Because we are so used to looking at human faces, a near-perfect animated face looks distractingly odd, where a Bart Simpson, for instance, doesn't cause any problems. Maybe if, for instance, Donald Sutherland was voicing a cartoon, instead of (in my opinion) one of the most finely-crafted animated actors in history, you don't have nearly the same problem.

(I don't remember the name of the art director off the top of my head, and my back is too sore to walk eight steps to my bookcase. Sorry.)

As you might have guessed, I really enjoyed that movie. A little hokey/new-agey plot, but the technical work was sheer genius.

My vote: Envy, with Ben Stiller and Jack Black. For me and the friend that went to see that, it is now the standard by which all cinematic crap is judged. Wish they could have used the movie's Va-Poo-Rize product on the film itself.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:58 AM


Sorry, but I'm confused. Is the question what movie you expected to love or really like and have been most disappointed by? Or is what is the worst movie you've ever seen? The worst movie I've ever seen is GLEN OR GLENDA? But I relished its badness. It must be seen to be believed. Movies featured on MST3K don't count because I haven't seen them unMSTied.

I rarely get "pumped up" about movies and I've never hated a movie I got "pumped up" about. I can't remember the last time I got "pumped up about a movie" but I'm sure I didn't hate it. I am, however pumped up about SERENITY. But it's virtually impossible that I'll hate it.

This may be the most pointless post in this thread because I'm not sure I can answer this question unless the question really is simply "What is the worst movie you've ever seen?"


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:17 PM


Black Moon Rising.

Every single trailer included every single second of footage they had of the car, edited and shown out of context to give the impression that it was a central thing to the movie.

Which, of course, had nothing to DO with the car, of course - the only scenes with it were at the end of the movie, and wasn't much of it at that.

I call that false advertising, felt I was lied to, and not only walked out near the end pissed, but outright demanded (and got) my money back.

Trailers shouldn't give away the plot, but neither should they mislead or lie about it.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:26 PM


So many to mention. I'm not too great with melodrama so most films that tend to win oscars leave me cold... However here's a list of films that I either walked out of or ended date's over...

Requim for a Dream : Paint by numbers melodrama.

Legends of the fall: One long shampoo ad for Brad pit and his long hair.

Van Helsing: As mentioned before. Dreadful film - shameful acting and effects. Utter rubbish.

Zorro: With Hopkins (again) and Banderas - what trash.

Harry Potter (1st one) Haven't seen the others - I couldn't possibly take the risk I may throw my foot at the screen.

James Bond (The recent one with the invisible Jaguar - Sheesh!

Tomb Raider: Stupid breasts looked ridiculous!

Air Force One: I'm a big fan or Harrison Ford so this one crushed me.....

In the Line of Fire: Ruuuubish!

Crash, The Idiots, Eyes Wide Shut, Brian De Palma films, Gangs of New York, Heat, Gladiator, anything written by Joe Esterhas or whatever his name was..... I should stop.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:27 PM


double post wasn't my fault - anyway gives me another chance as I forgot to mention




Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:33 PM


Wowsers! A lot of people have walked out on one and only one movie. For me that movie was South Park. Like the show, HATED the movie. Walked out, but was actually a bit scared doing so because of all the brainwashed idiots laughing their fool heads off, and looking at me leaving with a "lynch 'em" look in their eye.

Oh yeah, also hated Congo. By the end of the movie, I could totally sympathise with the apes killing themselves by jumping into the lava. Also, features the best line that should have been in the movie, but wasn't: Cut to Amy in the jungle surrounded by the other gorillas. She signs "So, when does the banana cart come around?"

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:36 PM


Planet of the Apes (remake). I thought the movie was fantastic right until the last 5 minutes.

Episode 1: Self explanitory.

Mars Attacks: Worst. Movie. Evar.

Men In Black 2: Worst. Sequel. Evar

Dungeons and Dragons: Why oh why did they add a Wayan's brother in there?

The Warriors: Just joking, I knew that movie sucked from minute one.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:48 PM


I'm usually able to find something good in just about any movie, but these two really sucked.

The Grinch: The live action one of course. I HATE this movie. Not a single moment worth watching. I would have fallen asleep but I was too busy hating Jim Carrey.

House of 1000 Corpses: This would have been the first (and currently only) movie I'd ever have walked out on if I had not gone to see it with friends. It did have one cool scene, but it was nowhere near enough to make up for it.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:55 PM


I can only narrow it down to three that really stank.

In no particular odor (get it?):

--"Urban Legend"--this came out on the heels of the "scream" craze, a teen-ish horror flick that was somewhat self-aware and slightly self referencial, trying to create a twist or something using an outfit anyone could be in (the entire town, apparently, all bought the exact same winter jacket, and somehow the hood is enough to hide everyone's face)

--"Showgirls"... even dozens of deliciously beautiful naked women wasn't enough to make this movie NOT suck royally... deqar God, and I actually went to the opening night midnight screening...

--"Battlefield Earth"... if you saw this movie on the big screen, I was the other guy in the theater with you... I'm not entirely certain WHY I saw it, other than I kinda liked the book... sorta... it's more valuable as a cmoedy than a sci-fi action flick...

I paid money for all three... dear God...

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:54 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Oh yes..."Requiem For A Dream". So many of my friends recommended this movie, and then I recommended psychiatric help for them. It was so awful. When the movie was over, I actually thought...That's two hours of my life I'll never get back.

Am I actually supposed to give a shit about these self centered characters whose only thread in common is that they like to self destroy themselves...YAWN! The only standout, I thought was Jared Leto, and that's borderline.

That's not to say that there haven't been films that apparently, in my circle of friends, I was the only one to like ...

Shallow Grave...I still contend that the last ten minutes of this movie are some of the most thrilling I have ever seen.

Sneakers...Come on, that cast! Great!

Any damn black and white movie. I don't know why I can't get people to watch them, but people are missing out, just because they have to have their films in technicolor!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:54 PM



Originally posted by espradley:
Battlefield Earth - bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!

I too, am guilty of seeing this turd in the theater. Foutunatly, my Uncle paid for the tickets, so the only thing it cost me was 3 hours of my life.


It got down right comical at the end when human slaves learned how to fly Harriers that just happened to work after centuries of just sitting there.

When are film makers gonna learn that refined petrolium based fuels turn into jelly after 70 or so days?

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:26 PM



Originally posted by tmurrie:
Dungeons and Dragons: Why oh why did they add a Wayan's brother in there?

Now I've been reminded of the third worst movie I had forgotten about. Damn you for making me remember this drivel.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:26 PM


I hope you mean the remake of The Warriors. The original from the '70's is classic goodness.

The Ring was the worst nonsensical plotted, badly acted, dumbly written, beautifully filmed piece of shite in history.

Battlefield Earth. I'd hoped for so much more for Johnny Goodboy. *sigh*

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:27 PM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
--"Showgirls"... even dozens of deliciously beautiful naked women wasn't enough to make this movie NOT suck royally... deqar God, and I actually went to the opening night midnight screening...

Well....I saw Showgirls with 22 frat guys at the midnight screening...I think I win. Just sos you know, don't ever be a lone female in a theater with 20 some odd drunk fraternity boys looking at breasts for two's painful. Very painful. They kept yelling at 'Jesse' to put her clothes on and find Slater. Yeesh.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:41 PM


First of all, I don't see how anyone can think of SIDEWAYS as an overrated movie. I see it as sort of a GARDEN STATE for an older audience, and the humor, the characters and the general attitude of it is something anyone can love. Besides, how can you not like Paul Giamatti breaking into a strangers house to retrive evidence of his friends infidelity only to be chasen by a fat naked guy out of the house.

For me, the absolute worst movie I've seen. The one in which I use as my litmus test for when I see something that's been proclaimed as the worst movie ever is, of all things, a sci-fi western. I am of course talking about the greatest example of excess mixed with utter contempt for an audience ever filmed, WILD WILD WEST. I can think of no redeeming qualities whatsoever and I can't imagine anyone taking this movie seriously.

As for flicks that I was chomping at the bit to see but ended up dissapointed, MEN IN BLACK 2 and THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN. Big fan of the comics, thought it was an ingenious idea and excited to see Sean Connery as Allan Quatermaine, but boy did they ever fuck that up. Maybe Alan Moore is a little more tougher to translate to the big screen than Frank Miller.



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:56 PM


I never go to the theater pricey for the crao they're showing.

I rent everything.

I fell asleep once...Titanic. Sorry if you liked it. It was long and dark blue and the fiftieth Titanic movie I'd seen.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:13 PM


Whoops! My wife reminded me of one, Dancer in the Dark. A movie that was so depressing, it would have been much better if they had just shown cute puppies getting shot for two hours straight. Worse yet, I talked my wife and best friend into seeing it. I'm still apologizing!

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:05 PM



if you haven't seen it dont look for it the love of god save your sanity.

It never had a story it went nowhere,
ok first they meet in a space truck stop then they get captured by some strange people then they get free then they go to a hospital to find some ones mother then the end. With such actors as steven dorff and denis hopper(they sucked big time)

whats wrong with the film

1.horrible special effects( there's a scene were denis hits some one and he flys through space let me just tell you YOU CAN SEE THE WIRE.

2. the story never gose anywhere

3. the actors were terrible

4. very bad set(it lookes like they made the movie
in their basement)
and 5. it made me give up hope for two months

so please DONT WATCH IT

men are in lust women are in passion


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:21 PM


Did some research and it turns out that most of my biggest disappointments have come from stand-up comedians or sketch comedians whose work I admired and I was really looking forward to what they were going to do in film.

Stuff like:

Pennies from Heaven (and I knew it wasn't a comedy but I thought it just didn't work)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Strange Brew
JoJo Dancer, You're Life is Calling (again, I knew it wasn't a comedy I just thought it was bad)
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy
The Saphead

Other movies I had high hopes for or seemed like something I'd really like or heard a lot of good stuff about but ended up being disappointed by (but not hating):

Batman (genuinely "pumped up" about this one. Didn't like it-didn't hate it)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
The Shining
Blade Runner
True Lies
The Phantom Menace (okay, I pretty much hated it, but Lucas' going back and changing the original three made me wary so I wasn't "pumped up")
Man on the Moon
The Powerpuff Girls Movie (what can I say, I love the cartoon)

Then there's this other category of movies that one who knew me would think I would like but for whatever reason didn't have high expectations for and I was right. But I won't get into that.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:54 PM


Wow, Sounds like I dodged quite a few bullets with many of the movies listed here. Most of them I missed. Wild Wild West was very bad. Battlefield Earth I saw for free on video and still felt ripped off. Though maybe if you turned the sound off and made up your own

But to answer the question, I was excited, pumped up, cause the first one still makes my favourites list, but Crow 2: city of angels. Crap. That's my friends Litmus test. After any bad movie, "well, it wasn't Crow 2 bad." or "wow that was worst than Crow 2."
Great cinematography, dark, moody, very nice.
Script/acting= oh how bad.

English Patient was horrible.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:59 PM


8-Legged Freaks. Wasn't "pumped" because I knew it would suck. It was cheese. It was meant as cheese.

Hero. Only because I was expecting "Iron Monkey" and got "Crouching Tiger". It was a good movie, but not when I was expecting chop-saki.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:15 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same

My Dinner with Andre: only movie I've walked out on of my own volition. Absolutely nothing happens in the first two hours.
Chicago: only movie I can recall falling asleep in @the cinema
Passion of the Christ: made me by far the most angry @the filmmaker, much more so than Episode 1. It's in Aramaic, which is an irritating directorial affectation, & was rumoured to be violent. That is misleading; it is the most brutal movie I've ever seen. It contains a scene of non-stop torture that's over ten minutes long. If that doesn't seem too long to you, I suspect you haven't watched torture for ten minutes.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Mick Jagger & Sheryl Crow, "Old Habits Die Hard", from "Alfie" soundtrack


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:30 PM



Passion of the Christ: made me by far the most angry @the filmmaker, much more so than Episode 1. It's in Aramaic, which is an irritating directorial affectation, & was rumoured to be violent. That is misleading; it is the most brutal movie I've ever seen. It contains a scene of non-stop torture that's over ten minutes long. If that doesn't seem too long to you, I suspect you haven't watched torture for ten minutes.

Count yourself lucky you only had to see it once. My tutor is making us see it over and over again so we can analyse it for class.

Whichever dude said Se7en, I agree. The only film I would have walked out on had I not been staying at friends.

I really should get me a signature


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:28 PM


THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST wasn't made to win awards it was made to show what he went through and how we take him for granted.
I swear every time I hear that it was too dramatic I feel like punching a hole in a wall.

the film was very accurate to what really happend thats what he went throgh that what happened so accept it of just let it go

men are in lust women are in passion


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:54 PM


If you believe the Bible, of course...

TWG, you were at a midnight screening of Showgirls? Why oh why? Mind you, rowdy boys watching women get their breasts out in a breast baring movie, that's to be expected. I went with a friend to see Sleepers, which is a dark, serious film about child abuse. Unfortunately also in the theatre was a bunch of 15/16 year old girls who talked non-stop during the movie except for when Brad Pitt was on screen when they just gazed up at him in awe. As soon as his character was off camera, they were back to chattering again. Even over the screams of a boy being molested.

So cinematic disappointments... Titantic - utter crap. Love Actually - I'm a Richard Curtis fan but this was a cut and piece job, not one original joke in the whole 2 hours. Episode I, Episode II - you know why. The rough cut of Serenity - why did Joss cast Carrot Top as the bad guy, completely undermined the whole thing for me.

I'm just kidding about the last one.

No, I'm not, Carrot Top really is in it and he's just terrible, way over the top.

That's just a joke, there's no way that Joss would do that to us.

But Carrot Top is in there, 50 minutes at least of screen time.

I'm jesting.

Or am I?


Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:27 AM


Alexander (the Oliver Stone, Colin Farrell vehicle)

I cried and cried - am a big Mary Renault/ Alexander the Great fan (he was my teenage pin-up - I had a strange childhood!)and it ruined Alex for me for all time....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:46 AM


manwithpez wrote:


Any damn black and white movie. I don't know why I can't get people to watch them, but people are missing out, just because they have to have their films in technicolor!

This is frustrating when you come across it isn't it. I've tried so many times to convince some of my friends that alot of the great films are in black and white. But they just resist.

All those Buster Keaton films, The Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy... My god! Casablanca, Sierra Madre, Angels with Dirty Faces, White Heat, Wages of Fear.....FILM NOIR!!!! Psycho!!!!!!

....Alea jacta est.....



Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:34 AM



Originally posted by whammy:
Ouch... really? That's a shame, that you can't deal with that.

well, the effects were neat. i only vaguely remember the story, though. i remember thinking it was a little odd and kind of confusing to me, but that could just be me. maybe you are right about the realism thing. i have no real problem with famous people doing voices in standard 2D animation (which i still really love anyway).


Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:39 AM


I cast my vote for Intolerable Cruelty. I forgive a lot of weaknesses in movies, but this movie was just bad.

My runner up is League of Extraordinary Gentleman. I am not sure if I'll ever go to the movie version of another graphic novel I've read. That is unless they make Sandman or Transmetropolitan or...

I'm in for so many disappointments.


Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:47 AM


Important people don't do field work.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
manwithpez wrote:


Any damn black and white movie. I don't know why I can't get people to watch them, but people are missing out, just because they have to have their films in technicolor!

This is frustrating when you come across it isn't it. I've tried so many times to convince some of my friends that alot of the great films are in black and white. But they just resist.

All those Buster Keaton films, The Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy... My god! Casablanca, Sierra Madre, Angels with Dirty Faces, White Heat, Wages of Fear.....FILM NOIR!!!! Psycho!!!!!!

....Alea jacta est.....


I tried for months while I was stationed in Korea to get my roommate or my pissmates (we shared a bathroom with two other guys) to watch "Arsenic and Old Lace" and they refused. They didn't want to see an "old" movie. Which wasn't even the truth. My roommate was a huge fan of war movies, especially ones with flying in them. The simple truth was that they didn't want to watch a black and white movie. Which is a shame, because most people I know, who have given Arsenic and Old Lace a shot have not been disappointed. Not by the comedy, but by...well, I won't give anything away, but almost everyone was shocked by what they were seeing.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:38 AM


Men in Black II - a thunderstorm took out the audio half way through the movie, so it was a nice excuse to get our money back.

Charlie's Angels Full Throttle It was full of something all right. A good plot was not it. I was excited about more tough girl action mixed with campy humor, but I don't remember a single thing about that movie except that Demi Moore had amazing abs for a woman in her forties. That does not make up for a boring plot.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:45 AM


Take who for granted?
Yes, that's sarcasm you hear. I've shed myself of superstition and fear. Born again into logic... that's me.


Originally posted by leelu777:
THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST wasn't made to win awards it was made to show what he went through and how we take him for granted.
I swear every time I hear that it was too dramatic I feel like punching a hole in a wall.

the film was very accurate to what really happend thats what he went throgh that what happened so accept it of just let it go

men are in lust women are in passion

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:26 AM


I fell asleep once...Titanic. Sorry if you liked it. It was long and dark blue and the fiftieth Titanic movie I'd seen.

As did I, when a friends daughter rented it to drool over leonardo decapitated or whatever his damn name is...

Bore, snore... wake me up when it's friggin OVER willya ?



Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:30 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I don't mean to give anything away...but the boat sinks in the end.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."






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