WOW - the trailer rocks *warning this thread may contain spoilers*

UPDATED: Sunday, May 22, 2005 14:00
VIEWED: 33165
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:29 AM


Good to see all the effects and yes you will see stuff that will be spoilers for some. (this is large, the full screen version requires I-Tunes & Windows XP/2000)

Darin (Zol.)



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:34 AM


Why? Why did it have to say From the creator of Buffy and Angel???



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:49 AM


I literally got choked up. I has to fight the tears so that the end of the trailer didn't get blurry. My only question is where's Book? (And Kaylee didn't get much screen time...) But otherwise... MY FRIKKEN GOD DOES THAT ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

And what was with that "You can't stop the signal" at the end?

A kind word turneth away wrath, but not as well as superior firepower


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:49 AM


Spoilerish question-----

Did anyone see Book anywhere in the trailer? If he was I sure missed him....


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:53 AM



Originally posted by Rat:
Why? Why did it have to say From the creator of Buffy and Angel???

Yeah, I was a little disappointed by that, also. I think it'll be okay, though. The trailer was awesome in and of itself - I think that it spoke well enough that any nay-sayers should be willing to get over it.

In the meantime...


Okay, I gotta go watch that some more.

See ya in a couple days...



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:59 AM


It indeed rocks. I was floored, amazed, and I really, really can't wait till September!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:01 AM


Shiny shiny trailer. I like. I have new phrases. The cow orkers will get quite confused when I tell them tomorrow morning "I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:04 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Oh! My! God!

Here after, that expression will officially be changed to OH! MY! JOSS!

This is gonna be the best frickin' birthday present I ever got.

Thank you, Joss.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:06 AM


I think I saw him - VERY briefly, facing left, on the right side of a table. Not positive, though.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:06 AM


Aw man, sound in space!! Hopefully it'll be gone by the time the move comes around.

Yes, Book was missing from the trailer.

Why only 6 rebels? Guessing that excludes Book, Inara and River?

Anyone else think the opening push past the universal logo is gonna be the destruction of Earth-That-Was?

Dear God that was a good trailer...


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:08 AM


I think it was because they had to have a "hook" to hang the movie on. It has no stars and the TV show was a blip on the radar so why not tie it to Joss. The mainstream knows about Buffy and Angel even if they don't have every episode on DVD. The mainstream doesn't know about Firefly or Nathan or Summer or Adam or Jewel... yet.

I've decided not to do a spoiler free version of the trailer because, IMHO, there were no spoilers. In fact, the one-liners in the trailer were far from the best in the movie (which is a good thing, save them for the movie) and there was no hint of the basic plot either. Excellent.

Also, it was a bit cheeky of Fotokem to put a subliminal ad in for themselves at the end.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:08 AM


ok, i watched the trailer several times now...

and i also didn't see book...

but have you seen wash's new haircut :)

Mal: "Everybody dies alone" (deutsche fanpage) (deutsches forum)


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:10 AM


I can asure you that Book is in the movie but maybe not as promenant as the rest of the cast - If you want to know more (PM Private Mail) me

Darin (Zol.)


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:18 AM


May I take a moment to say; EVERYONES HAIR!!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:20 AM


Was is just me or were they going up against the Alliance with the help of Reavers?

The preview was so amazing it shocked me out of lurker status...


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:20 AM


I. Am. Freaking. Out.

I just watched the trailer and my only thought is this:

i'm seriously hyperventilating



This is gonna be incredible


I'll be in my bunk.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:24 AM


OH MY GOD! River is BAD ASS! I love it! I think you can really see the increased budget in the trailer.. It looks tres pretty. And I do say I'm liking the music, it works well. Now I'm looking forward to seeing it on Friday and listening to the crowd afterwards.. I'm hoping to hear some Ooh's and Ah's and Oh that looks good's. ::spasm with delight::

My other ship is a Mid-Bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator Core Class Code 03-K64 Firefly.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:26 AM


To shiny for words.

I have to say I didn't really consider the trailer very spoilery at all. Sure it hints at the story and such but it doesn't give anything away.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:32 AM


I cried. I knew I was gonna. I tried not to. But I did so anyway.

How many times am I allowed to watch it???

PS to Nedward,

My cow-orkers are going to hear me say "Let's go be bad guys." The may wonder at the Vera strapped to my chest, though....perhaps I should rethink that.


I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:35 AM


Rampant speculation (I haven't seen the full movie yet, so those lucky enough to be in the test audiences can just giggle behind my back)...

I was looking through the trailer frame-by-frame (geek!) and...

Select to view spoiler:

... it does indeed look like they're bringing the Reavers to the party. About two thirds of the way through, in the shot just after "This Fall" there is a familiar Reaver ship in the lower left hand corner!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:36 AM


The first music track was Kasabian and it fitted beautifully. The whole thing was absolutely


Damn I love that man....

"This mummy hand has ceased to exist! It is an ex-mummy hand!"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:38 AM




Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:40 AM


I can't work teh intarweb


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:55 AM


Hullo all!

And we held the hill. And fortified it with the bodies of the men and women cut down by cruel words and thoughtless action. Now and again messengers came with scraps of paper bearing tales of the 'verse, and we savoured these and held them close to our hearts - for they were our only connection to the sky we were forced from.

And so we waited. Waited for the angels to come and fill the sky, ships descending and taking us back into the verse to be with the people we loved and the adventures we shared. But no one can wait forever, and little by little, we were broken.

And then out of the dust came a man on horseback. His face was hard to place, it slid from our minds even as we looked upon him. Some folk spoke of him as a tall man, others as a short fella. Later still some said that it was no man at all, but a woman who carried the news. It was then we realised that this was no individual, but the spirit of the people of the verse we had left behind, carrying a message for us all. A message stamped in video and sound and like a well of water for a dying man.

We asked this enigmatic character how they got through the barren wasteland. How they survived the merciless demons of the waste who sought to tear and render those who did not submit to the dull monotony. The messenger simply said, "You can't stop the signal."

And then the messenger faded away into the distance. An every-figure of all those big damn heroes who were bringing us the relief, the escape.

And I saw a world in ruins.
And I saw many lands of many tales.
And I saw a girl dancing in a fight of grace.
And I saw a shape, and the shape brought pain.
And I saw a man, and his name was death.
And I saw a hero, and his name was Bad.
And I saw a crew, and their fate was unknown.
And I saw a chase, and the blooded hounds.
And I saw a hundred ships in the sky, and not all of them could hold on.
And I saw a thousand suns, and they all screamed, "The End!" in balls of flame.
And I saw the sky.
And I saw it all while I flew.

The angels are coming. We hit that button and they're coming home. Just a little longer...

(And it's a damn fine trailer)


"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:00 PM



Sorry! A double post. Making me sound even more pompous than usual. Let me just say that I am truly thrilled by this trailer, hence the high-falutin' talk in the previous post.




Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:00 PM


It looks cool, you can certainly see where the extra cash has been spent. But I don't think it shows too many spoilers (though I haven't seen the movie so I can't guarantee it and I'm avoiding any of the spoilers anyway!). But though there are Reavers and Summer Glau is very matrixy, didn't we all kinda figure these things out long before the movie was ever gonna be released?

After all, if Summer wasn't going to show more killer instincts, why were we introduced to her gun toting skills in the first place? And why mention Reavers if they're never going to appear?

Also note! No blue hands on any of the movie trailer cast. And where's Book? I reckon Whedon is just toying with us, hiding Book in a library somewhere! He'll appear halfway through the movie having been in a monastery somewhere! Although there's an easier way to find out if Book's in the movie, just check the cast list! Plus, is the redhead gonna return? I liked her! Yowser!

I'm also hoping that the movie trailer is just aimed at the standard kick-ass fans that such trailers are usually aimed at. Let's hope that the humour, banter and on-ship plot structure still continues apace. After all, I'd like to see Kaylee and the Doc have a quick snog behind the engine housing and lots of love confusion from the Cap'n and the Whore would be good as well!

A husband/wife spat could also be added to the mix! Though maybe that's just too much for one movie, or otherwise we'll have nothing to look forward to in "Serenity 2: The Redhead Returns!"

Finally, I just loved the Capn's reaction to an unarmed killer at the end of the trailer! Reminded me of his treatment of the agent in episode 1; shoot first! Don't give a **** about the consrquences!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:03 PM


It looks cool, you can certainly see where the extra cash has been spent. But I don't think it shows too many spoilers (though I haven't seen the movie so I can't guarantee it and I'm avoiding any of the spoilers anyway!). But though there are Reavers and Summer Glau is very matrixy, didn't we all kinda figure these things out long before the movie was ever gonna be released?

After all, if Summer wasn't going to show more killer instincts, why were we introduced to her gun toting skills in the first place? And why mention Reavers if they're never going to appear?

Also note! No blue hands on any of the movie trailer cast. And where's Book? I reckon Whedon is just toying with us, hiding Book in a library somewhere! He'll appear halfway through the movie having been in a monastery somewhere! Although there's an easier way to find out if Book's in the movie, just check the cast list! Plus, is the redhead gonna return? I liked her! Yowser!

I'm also hoping that the movie trailer is just aimed at the standard kick-ass fans that such trailers are usually aimed at. Let's hope that the humour, banter and on-ship plot structure still continues apace. After all, I'd like to see Kaylee and the Doc have a quick snog behind the engine housing and lots of love confusion from the Cap'n and the Whore would be good as well!

A husband/wife spat could also be added to the mix! Though maybe that's just too much for one movie, or otherwise we'll have nothing to look forward to in "Serenity 2: The Redhead Returns!"

Finally, I just loved the Capn's reaction to an unarmed killer at the end of the trailer! Reminded me of his treatment of the agent in episode 1; shoot first! Don't give a **** about the consrquences!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:03 PM


Yup, there seems to be a ragtag army of ships (none of the "clean" Alliance ones) possibly mounting an attack...

Select to view spoiler:

Good ole Serenity is at the middle... and the Space Shuttle-looking Reaver ship is on the lower left



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:04 PM



That makes a triple post!

Sorry, sorry! My web-browser wasn't updating and like a fecking eijit I kept hitting refresh. Honestly, sometimes it's a wonder I don't accidently stab myself in the eye when peeling oranges, eh?

To re-iterate. I loved that trailer. Now to wait half an hour while this edit updates and pray I haven't done it anywhere else...



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:06 PM


It looks cool, you can certainly see where the extra cash has been spent. But I don't think it shows too many spoilers (though I haven't seen the movie so I can't guarantee it and I'm avoiding any of the spoilers anyway!). But though there are Reavers and Summer Glau is very matrixy, didn't we all kinda figure these things out long before the movie was ever gonna be released?

After all, if Summer wasn't going to show more killer instincts, why were we introduced to her gun toting skills in the first place? And why mention Reavers if they're never going to appear?

Also note! No blue hands on any of the movie trailer cast. And where's Book? I reckon Whedon is just toying with us, hiding Book in a library somewhere! He'll appear halfway through the movie having been in a monastery somewhere! Although there's an easier way to find out if Book's in the movie, just check the cast list! Plus, is the redhead gonna return? I liked her! Yowser!

I'm also hoping that the movie trailer is just aimed at the standard kick-ass fans that such trailers are usually aimed at. Let's hope that the humour, banter and on-ship plot structure still continues apace. After all, I'd like to see Kaylee and the Doc have a quick snog behind the engine housing and lots of love confusion from the Cap'n and the Whore would be good as well!

A husband/wife spat could also be added to the mix! Though maybe that's just too much for one movie, or otherwise we'll have nothing to look forward to in "Serenity 2: The Redhead Returns!"

Finally, I just loved the Capn's reaction to an unarmed killer at the end of the trailer! Reminded me of his treatment of the agent in episode 1; shoot first! Don't give a **** about the consrquences!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:07 PM


That was... amazing!! I wasn't planning on seeing the trailer in the theatre (at least not right away - I know *smacks self* bad Browncoat!) but now I need to see it on the big screen!

I think I have to echo whoever said it earlier in the thread:

Oh! My! Joss!

But what was with the tagline at the end? I don't get it (at least in the context of the trailer).

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:10 PM


Yup, there seems to be a ragtag army of ships (none of the "clean" Alliance ones) possibly mounting an attack...

Select to view spoiler:

Good ole Serenity is at the middle... and the Space Shuttle-looking Reaver ship is on the lower left



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:11 PM


It looks cool, you can certainly see where the extra cash has been spent. But I don't think it shows too many spoilers (though I haven't seen the movie so I can't guarantee it and I'm avoiding any of the spoilers anyway!). But though there are Reavers and Summer Glau is very matrixy, didn't we all kinda figure these things out long before the movie was ever gonna be released?

Also note! No blue hands on any of the movie trailer cast. And where's Book? I reckon Whedon is just toying with us, hiding Book in a library somewhere! He'll appear halfway through the movie having been in a monastery! Although there's an easier way to find out if Book's in the movie, just check the cast list! Plus, is the redhead gonna return? I liked her! Yowser!

I'm also hoping that the movie trailer is just aimed at the standard kick-ass fans that such trailers are usually aimed at. Let's hope that the humour, banter and on-ship plot structure still continues apace. After all, I'd like to see Kaylee and the Doc have a quick snog behind the engine housing and lots of love confusion from the Cap'n and the Whore would be good as well!

A husband/wife spat could also be added to the mix! Though maybe that's just too much for one movie, or otherwise we'll have nothing to look forward to in "Serenity 2: The Redhead Returns!"

Finally, I just loved the Capn's reaction to an unarmed killer at the end of the trailer! Reminded me of his treatment of the agent in episode 1; shoot first! Don't give a **** about the consrquences!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:11 PM


I can't do nothin' but go


Seriously. Fantastic trailer. It'd hook me if I weren't a whedonite. And I really love how they got the bits of the show that we love so much - Wash's dry sense of humor. Mal's praticality (I'm not armed. Good. BOOM!). Kickass action (River? So freaking cool). Jayne's love of guns and violence.

And the visuals were unbelieveable. I have already made several friends watch it so I can flip out at them and not spotaneously combust.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:13 PM


Yup, there seems to be a ragtag army of ships (none of the "clean" Alliance ones) possibly mounting an attack...

Select to view spoiler:

Good ole Serenity is at the middle... and the Space Shuttle-looking Reaver ship is on the lower left



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:26 PM


"I aim to misbehave..."

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:28 PM


This trailer has lots of specifics, you`ve just got to know what to look at.

There`s also a few (I won`t call them Red Herrings) Images that may be a little misleading

Enjoy every moment of it - and thank the heavens it`s a full trailer and not a teaser, could you imagine the uproar after waiting so long for this.

Darin (Zol.)


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:31 PM



Originally posted by Rat:
Why? Why did it have to say From the creator of Buffy and Angel???


What's wrong with that? What would be the reason for leaving out JW's credentials?


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:33 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


I am in love.......with a movie trailer!

This looks too incredible to describe. Simply seeing it one time will not be enough. I will have to see it at least 10 times to fully appreciate it.

Joss & our BDHs have truly created a thing of beauty!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:34 PM



Originally posted by Gambit3:
Yup, there seems to be a ragtag army of ships (none of the "clean" Alliance ones) possibly mounting an attack...

Select to view spoiler:

Good ole Serenity is at the middle... and the Space Shuttle-looking Reaver ship is on the lower left


Select to view spoiler:

take a good loook at `serenity` especially the closeups - you may notice some additions

You won`t be disapointed with the film, the screenings didn`t have this level of HQ finish - can`t wait to see the movie again and again and again.

Darin (Zol.)


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:22 PM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
"I aim to misbehave..."

I'll be using that one.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:32 PM


i usually keep my language in check but HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP! i CANNOT WAIT ANYMORE! the trailer was OUTRAGEOUS! i LOVED IT! it is so great to see the characters and the familiar ship in movie quality production. not that the tv show was bad, it was quite good for a tv show but movies always carry that little something extra. the colors are richer, the lines are cleaner. did anyone think serenity looked a little different? cleaner?

any thoughts on the quote at the end? "you can't stop the signal"?


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:36 PM



For that's ALL I can do right now.

It took ages to load completely, but once it did...WOO! Not only is it completely gorgeous, but it's so in the spirit of Firefly. How I've longed to hear another line from our BDHs!

I was also wondering why it said '6 Rebels', and about the sound outside of atmo. I hope that's not really in the movie...?

Oh. My. Joss. I keep watching it over and over...maybe I don't care about things like that anymore. ^_^ This has completely renewed my excitement for the movie. 157 days!

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:03 PM


Hey all. Saw the trailer a number of times and even went through it frame by frame to see what the small blips are. And for the most part, I'm impressed. You put this in front of HITCHIKER'S, SW 3, BATMAN BEGINS, FANTASTIC 4, or any other BDM of the summer, you will definitly have millions of people who've never heard about our BDH's be chomping at the bit to see it.

First off, I like the tracking shot from the engine to the cockpit of the ship as it was re-entering. Definitly grabs the interest of the viewer. The successive montage of all the different crew members struck me a lot. They seem more wearier than the last time we saw them. They seemed less healthy and more desperate and gaunt-like. Especially Jayne. His hair seems to have grown out the most, making him nearly unrecognizable. This isn't a bad thing. Just surprising is all.

And the general look of the trailer is really dark. Blue is the most predominant color in all the shots, and the general mood is of unease. Now it's obvious why. It's just that I figured the trailer might show off more of the Whedon-esque humor and let of the nihilistic BLADE RUNNER vide, complete with a shot that seems like an updated version of the world of BLADE RUNNER. I know it does slightly, but not by much. And I was picturing the trailer to look more yellowish. It's just that since it is as sci-fi western, I thought it would have more of a westerny feel to it, and less of a blue-ish, dipped in formaldehyde look.

But that, as well as the techno music and River going all Trinity a bit too much, are my only complaints. Other than that, the trailer is kick-ass. The twins Mal and Jayne meet in the bar look intriguing, the Reavers (who I imagined resembled the zombies from George Romero's Dead movies) look pretty damn scary in an Orc kind of way. My favorite shot of the whole thing was where the Chiwel Eijofher character walks though the reflection of the still image of River. Reminds me of the great moment in LEGEND where the devil dude steps out of the mirror. The favorite small bits for me were Simon in action (pushing Kaylee away from an explosion, launching that plasma bomb thing into the air to disable the BRAZIL like chair River was strapped into) and Wash's bit was my favorite spoken bit of dialogue. And I definitly want to be in the front row when Serenity is caught between a rock (The Alliance) and a hard place (Reavers) out in the vacuum of space.

From a culture analysts P.O.V., the quotes from the various sites and the acknowledgement of the worldwide cult behind it counting in the millions (I never knew we had that many people behind this) tickles me because it confirms how much influence a group of people who've only met in cyberspace can rally for something, prove how much they want it and can influence Hollywood. That we are living in a global culture and that while Hollywood might influence us, we can influence it back.

And the trailer does leave one with questions wanting to be answered. Why are there now missiles on board? Was it Reavers or regular bad guys chasing them in that smoke belching hovercraft? Why did River drop kick Simon? Was it Mal or Simon who caught the chains before falling into the big turbine spinny thing? What's with the whole "You can't stop the signal" bit? Why wasn't Kaylee more predominant? The last one is a bit more predominant in my mind.

The trailer itself doesn't exactly fit into the parameters the HITCHIKER'S internet trailer lays out. We had the intro of many main characters who will very shortly have something so utterly fantastic happen to them, that someone just had to make a movie about it. We had lots of things blowing up, the heartless evil villains, hideous creatures, physical violence and the final montage set to rock music simply designed to blow away whatever synapses we have left in our brains and the reveal of the main title. But there was no optional "In a world" beginning, the "deep voice that sounds like a 7 ft tall man who has been smoking cigarettes since childhood" comes from Jayne only twice, no interruptions by a girl in a bikini (would've been REALLY out of place here), no dolphins (unless if you count Wash), no promise of true love (which would be out of place here as well, but there's still a lot of us who'd still want to see maybe just a frame of Kaylee and Simon going at it) and no release date so that the audience might plan the next few months of their live accordingly (which REALLY should've been there). But I ain't complaining. It's still a great trailer. Let's hope they issue one in July or August that's more fan friendly (like showing individual moments of every character doing their thing).

I'm going to go watch it again.



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:06 PM


We. Are. Mighty!

Omigod, words can't express it. I am going to watch it over and over again. Forget a nap, forget correcting essays, I am going to watch this a bunch more times!

Squee is not even big enough to encompass this. *gasp* Wow.

I am going to have to do all I can not to scream out in the theatre this weekend (ihopeihopeihopeihope!) when I see it.

As for the tagline, what you wanna bet the Alliance is sending a signal to River's brain? Or that the crew is sending one out to go up against the Alliance?


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

Read My Words:


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:30 PM


Oh.. My.. Freakin’.. God!
All I can say is September can’t come fast enough now.

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:33 PM


OMG this movie is going to be the freakin greatest ever river had the best fight seen it was awsome but i am disappointed i didnt see book in the trailer which even if he doesnt show up in the movie very much he should still be in the trailer because he was on of the main 9 chars



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:37 PM


Here are some direct links: (20mb) (40mb)

My initial comments as a nit-picking über-fan:

Where is Kaylee?
Where is Book?
Sound in space?

Other than that.... WOW!! I want tomorrow to be Sept. 30!!!



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:37 PM



Originally posted by Honorbound:
And what was with that "You can't stop the signal" at the end?

My guess and this is only a guess is that it is a more universally understood translation of the browncoat motto: You can't take the sky from me!



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:38 PM


Wow.....that trailer was f#$%ing awesome. Can't wait till that trailer hits theatre's. I won't tell u which movie company I work for but I will tell u that when this trailer arrives at my theatre it will go on every print available.
When the posters arrive I'll see if i can post it here.

Joss is a frick'n' genius.

..."and it's brought me a galaxie full of fun"...






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