Negative Serenity Review

UPDATED: Monday, May 9, 2005 13:58
VIEWED: 8778
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Thursday, May 5, 2005 3:50 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Has anyone seen this?

It seems like an ill conceived review to me, but I find myself wondering how the non-fans will react to the film. Will we see more of these?

Will such unenlightened reviews hurt our BDM?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:00 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Here's a copy/paste of the review:

Serenity is set to open in September and is based on a short-lived science fiction show called Firefly. The cast is all unknown actors, and considering the director had only done television productions up until now, I was a bit skeptical. There’s a certain tolerance on television with this genre, and movies are vastly different in structure – all you have to do is look at most of the Saturday Night Live movie spin-offs to understand the danger at stake in translation.

The film started off very much like The Chronicles of Riddick (C). The caliber of the special effects were out of a video game, the story setup was reminiscent to anything on the Sci-Fi Channel, and the acting was over the top. I thought this was simply going to be a very mediocre flick, but by the end of the first act it had hit me that I hadn’t seen a movie this bad in a long time.

Set 500 years in the future, the movie is about a crew on a ship named Serenity who pick up two people on their course who are running away from the Alliance. Together, they try and stay alive, and in the process they help the girl they picked up find a planet named Miranda.

This was a very awkward experience. I didn’t know anything about its premise beforehand, and I still didn’t know much by the end of the movie. The film heavily relies on fans of the show who are already accustomed to the story. Any movie should tell a general audience what they need to know without relying on any previous knowledge, and this feature fails in that first step.

If you took the sci-fi element of The Adventures of Pluto Nash, mixed it with the outrageousness of Steel, and added in the really bad dialogue from Paycheck, Serenity would be the result. The movie is set so far into the future that you’d want to see what the surroundings look like, and yet you can barely get a glimpse of anything. There’ll be a quick shot of civilization and then we immediately fade away to a specific room (almost in the fashion of Star Wars), which is presumably to hide the caliber of the special effects. And the sets look like a sound stage, which makes it hard to believe most of the situations.

The layout is so geared for television that it’s hard to believe anything that is going on. The way the characters talk comes off like a sci-fi series replete with “cute” one-liners and confused facial expressions, and characters saying and asking the obvious. The girl searching for planet Miranda picks fights in bars when they arrive on land, pulls unheard-of fight moves, and knocks anyone down – she is nearly invincible, and masters the art of a monotonous facial expression (think Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever). When she speaks, which is rare, she usually just says “Miranda,” suggesting that it’s where she wants to go. The depth of her character is about in line with everyone else in the story.

A lot of the dialogue is so stiff and staged, and the movie plays as if we should know who these characters are – the only thing missing is an introductory "Previously on Serenity..." narration. I found many of the scenes confusing considering I didn't always know what was going on, and that was the result of poor storytelling. And possibly the highlight of the show for me (in terms of noting the depth of creativity) was discovering that there’s actually a character named Mr. Universe (think about that for a second). He runs a universe and is referred to on a radar screen for guidance. You would think a plot point like that is right out of a Mel Brooks movie, and it’s hard not to laugh.

This movie might just demand a certain tolerance that I just don’t have. The director created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and that’s a show I’ve never been able to endure (and my complaints are similar). Television in general can be very subjective; some programs are entertaining to some people and ridiculous to others. A lot of television is there for mindless entertainment, and is programmed so that viewers can have it on in the background so you don’t have to watch with your full attention. And the problem with Serenity is that it didn't seem necessary to watch with my complete attention.

I have a hunch that this movie might not even get a theatrical release (if it does, it could be a very limited release like Below). I was having a hard time imagining it playing in many theaters, let alone anybody showing up; even undemanding moviegoers might walk out. This is the kind of material anyone can see on television for free, and in only a 42-minute time frame (without commercials) versus 120. Serenity is an early contender for the worst movie of 2005 and is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, period.

Grade: D+
Lee's Grading (231 reviews): [7% A] [49% B] [39% C] [5% D] [0% F]

"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:13 PM


This review has been making its rounds on the boards. This Lee guy is a wantabee critic and movie reviewer. If you go to his site and read his reviews he doesn't really rate movies very well. I think someone on another board pointed out that he has given D's and C's to critically acclaimed movies. So don't take this guy seriously. He doesn't know what he is talking about.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:27 PM


Yeah this guy sounds a lot like Lawence Toppman a guy that reviews movies in my local paper, Charlotte Observer. The general view is if he doesn't like it, it's likely pretty good. I mean I think way back in '77 he gave Star Wars 1 star! It's a shame people waste movie reviewer positions on people like this. I doubt this will hurt the hype. These guys "can't stop the signal."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:33 PM


Well, what can you expect from a site called "rotten tomatoes"...?

There have been a couple less-than-stellar reviews at IMDB as well but they are notorious for bad reviews, too.

Are there still people out there who pay attention to amateur reviews? Well, I read them for occasional entertainment value and spoilers (like this one) but I don't let them stop me from seeing something that looks interesting to me personally...

The trailer on it's own has bumped up DVD sales which means more BDFs. Don't worry - this cranky guy isn't going to "ground" Serenity.

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:36 PM


LOL This review Hilarious it plays upon every worry and insecurty of fans and the production team. I've seen the Movie and it is possible not to be biased being a fan of firefly. There is nothing wrong with the SFX at all. They are amazing. Why do negative reviews always go on about made for SCi Fi Channel Special or whatever. Are we talking Galactica or Emanuelle 3000? I love Galactica how so why do they use it as a criticism. If you want to see a bad Film which matches this review check out the trailer for sound of thunder. Did anyone see Hitchikers Guide. The sets and special effects are much better than that in Serenity. As for dialogue well its not for everyone. I do agree that you'd enjoy the movie more if you had seen the series though. I don't agree that it wouldn't make sense without seeing the series.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:40 PM


Also whats wrong with TV? It used to be a great TV show. Why is TV regarded as a lesser format than cinema by this guy? Its different sure but TV isn't beneath cinema. I don't get that. Anyone who thinks like that is a closed minded ass who obviously knows bollocks all about the industry.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:49 PM


This guy sounds like your garden variaty Joss Whedon hater. Someone that dosn't get the iteligence and wit in Joss Whedon's writing.

How about this review from another Firefly virgin.


By TimeLord

Hey Clint,
I was lucky enough to be taken to a galaxy, far, far, away this week......nope, not "Sith", I was one of the few lucky ones who caught a test screening of "Serenity" in Sydney. I know you're a big fan of the show (and anything else Joss Whedon!), so thought you'd like the verdict.

Now, first things first, I'm not a "Firefly" fan - and until after I went to the screening, I hadn't seen the series. The movie actually inspired me to go and hire out the DVD box set AFTER I watched it.

The print reminded me of when I saw 'Men In Black' earlier, some of the special effects had yet to be put into the film and the music was probably just a temporary replacement, but overall, this is near as good as finished, so it's worth a review, right?

So is it like "Firefly"? After now watching the series, I'll tell you - well, yes, it is - besides a couple of little differences. Kaylee looks a little different (thinner?), and so do a couple of the other characters (it has been a while since the show I guess) but mainly it's it's the change of focus from cheeky humour to lots of action with the occasional quip - usually supplied by comic relief, Jayne (Adam Baldwin). But mostly, it's like a full-blown episode of the show with bigger sets, bigger stunts, bigger plot....much in the same way the "Star Trek" movies differed from the TV episodes.

The movie started without any kind of title sequence - strange? - but the audience still seem very hyped, a couple even clapped, and then laughed at themselves.

It kicks straight into proceedings, but unfortunately there's no explanation to what we have missed between the last episode (12?) of the show and the first scene of the movie. I guess they're trying to kick it off afresh, so people like me don't need to know what's happened before - because well really didn't have to. It's pretty self-contained.

The star of the movie, and the lead character is River Tam (Summer Glau) whose still on the run and now wanted by a bounty hunter (this chap's very sinsiter! he's a great actor too!). It looks like the end of the road for River there for a while, but everyone bands together and brings on the fight. There's so much more we didn't know about River that we now find out - she's full of surprises - and just wait till you see what she does at the end of the film. It's amazing! - - too reveal much more would be to spoil one of this year's most surprisingly-fantastic movies!

As I said, it's much more action oriented (there's a long-ish star wars like space battle in ships) than it is funny (which some of the TV episodes were) but mostly, it's about all these characters - they're so well written and detailed and that. Whilst Summer is the new fave, Mal is equally as cool - he's like Indiana Jones in space, full of smart arse comments and the wall anyone has to get through if they want to take on his crew/get to anyone of them. But don't despair, there's still three of four big belly laughs! Jayne could star in his own spin-off I think!

My friend said he saw the trailer and it reminded him of "Supernova", that crappy science fiction thing from years ago, he's so wrong....and I so hope I can get him to change his mind and drag him along to it when it opens...This is the 'Star Wars' movie we've been waiting for. Watch Joss Whedon kick George Lucas's ass with a film that's as good, if not better, than the original "Star Wars".

Two Fat Thumbs Up!

Or this one


Hey Harry,

Just returned home from a test screening of "Serenity" in Thousand Oaks, California. I was invited to attend by a friend, who simply told me that he had passes to get to a sneak preview of a science-fiction, action/adventure movie coming out later this year. There was no other information given, so I assumed the film would be something like War of the Worlds or possibly The Island, although the possibility of Serenity popped in my head after I had viewed the trailer yesterday.

To be honest with you, I was a little disappointed when I found out the movie being shown was going to be Serenity. I had watched the trailer on Quicktime yesterday, and while the film looked like it was well made in the trailer, it just didn't appeal to me at all. I'm not a huge sci-fi star-warsy fan, but I'm damn glad I stayed to check out this film.

To sum it up, this film was absolutley incredible. The CG in the movie was amazing, and while the ships and planets, etc. didn't look TOO realistic, they didn't look too cheasy as to take away from the film. Joss Whedon wrote and directed an EXCELLENT film, and the acting was absolutley superb. As I mentioned, I'm not a big sci-fi fan, but the movie appeals to so many different genres. The ladies in the audience gave constant applause and woo's to the countless jokes aimed at the female crowed, and the entire crowd roared at the comedic timing of the jokes. Maybe it was just the crowd I saw it with, but the laughter during many of the jokes would rival that of a Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler movie.

I won't go into too many specifics, I don't want to give away much of the plot, nor do I want to try to verbalize the amazing piece of cinematography that Joss Whedon has put together. Typically, some of the effects weren't done, but for the most part everything looked pretty solid. If marketed correctly, this is going to be a sure-fire hit, and I highly recommend that anyone that has the ability to check out the screenings next week do so.

If you choose to use this, call me Bill. And just for the record, I'm not a "studio plant," nor do I have any association with the film industry whatsoever. Everytime I send in reviews for movies that I'm really passionate about or really enjoy, I always get flamed for being overly positive. But this movie was really really good, and deserves all the praise.

or this one


I read the reviews of Serenity that you posted, and even though one of them spoke of how non-viewers of Firefly would react, he was a viewer himself. So I thought you might be interested in my point of view.

When I saw Serenity at Winnetka on Tuesday I had not seen Firefly, Buffy, or Angel (in other words knew nothing of Whedon). So here it goes (keep in mind I originally wrote this review for a message board, so it has references to that site in it):

Until last night I most definitely could not have called myself a Firefly fan, a browncoat, or a flan (see how fast I’ve caught on? hehe); mainly because I had never seen the show (a very good reason I might add). I had many reasons for not watching the show at the time of airing, the main reason being that the commercials plain out sucked. They made it look like a stupid Star Trek knock-off and completely misrepresented it (as I’ve now learned). Another reason for not watching it was that I simply have had no interest in television in a long time. The only thing that has kept my attention for the past few years has been The West Wing, and even that has gone to garbage now that Aaron Sorkin and Thomas Schlamme have left. It was during these years of CTV (Crap Television) that I started to put my Dvd player to great use to start exploring the world of movies. I have since become so obsessed with movies that I have chosen to make them my life and become a filmmaker. Granted, I’m still in high school; but I’ve got my goals pretty squared out.

So - and this is where I will make my point - although I did not walk into the movie theatre last night as a Firefly fan, I most definitely walked in as a MOVIE fan (especially of good ones).

As a movie fan I had read much hype online about Serenity from and and other movie news sites; so I was definitely excited to see what all the hype was about. While waiting in line I didn’t know what to think. Witnessing such a fan following boosted confidence in my upcoming movie experience, but earlier during the drive to the theater DamnitGirlie had said that Firefly was better than Star Wars, and that is one heck of a high standard for me (I believe in the force - if that is any indication of my dedication to Star Wars).

So to be honest; I was skeptical. I would not believe for one second that a movie could actually be on par with, or be better than, Star Wars. I was WRONG.

I can’t and won’t say that Serenity was better than Star Wars, because they are way too different for me to compare them. But let me put it this way: All my life I’ve envied most adults for having had the experience of watching Star Wars in the theater before it was big. To have had that moment of “Oh my god, this is f**king amazing. Oh my god, this is gonna be huge!” Well, frankly I was jealous - until now. I now feel like I’ve had that kind of experience, and I’ll be able to tell my children that I was at the first public screening (after which they will shoot me confused expressions and whisper “daddy’s a geek” to each other).

Now what did I find so amazing about it? I think the winning factor for me was that it was character driven. Instead of an action packed movie with people, it was a movie about people and how the action affects them. I loved all the characters, and the actors who played the - wait a minute - forget that, I didn’t even remember they were actors till it was brought to my attention afterwards. These characters were so real to me that I genuinely feared for their lives when danger came about. When the reavers came a’knockin I squeezed my girlfriend’s arm tightly.

My one complaint about the characters would be that Mal was too much like Han Solo. Although I think it could be argued that he’s more of an affectionate nod to Han Solo than stealing the whole idea of the character. But for god sakes he had the same gun holster, and he even “pulled a greedo” (for anyone familiar with the Special Edition crap in Star Wars). That’s not to say that I didn’t like the character, I LOVED Mal.

I can’t say much about River without spoiling so I won’t. I will simply say that she is by far my favorite character from the film, and when you see the “money shot” near the end of the film (you’ll know what I mean when you see it) you’ll piss your pants (or something of the equivalent in shaking or gasping motions). I think the true proof that this movie’s characters can hold their own is that I loved this movie with barely any special effects done.

Oh yes, which brings me to a side note. Before the movies started, a focus group woman made a disclaimer speech to the audience about how many effects weren’t done, etc. She actually used the words “When the movie actually comes out, it will be effects driven.” She couldn’t have been more wrong. I don’t think she even knew what “effects driven” means. “Effects driven” would be something like The Matrix Revolutions where there is a 45 minute battle between all CG machines. Serenity is very much the opposite. Yes there are fights. Yes there is a space battle (and quite a fantastic one at that - even though we had to use our imagination for most of it because of unfinished effects). But the effects and action don’t drive the movie; the characters do. I think that is Serenity’s greatest triumph.

Back on the subject of characters; let’s talk about the villain. I absolutely LOVED the villain. I won’t talk much about him because, like most things involving this movie, if I talk about it too much I will spoil. The one aspect that made me absolutely love this villain is that there was an actual explanation for why he did evil things. Most villains are just plain evil and do things for the heck of it. This villain had real motivation and I loved every word that came out of his mouth.

I don’t think I can say much more, my fingers are getting tired and I fear that if I delve any deeper into the movie that spoilers will come about. I would like to mention that as much as I loved this film, there are still a few minor plot problems. I was also part of the focus group, however, and it looks to me like everyone was unanimous on most of the important problems - so they should be fixed by the time you see it. But overall: you will be dazzled, you will be frightened, you will be excited, and you will be out of breath. I sure was.


or this one


Tonight, in Chatsworth, CA, I think I stumbled across the geek Holy Grail. Upon the announcement of said Holy Grail, cheers erupted from the crowd… For what we were “the first audience ever” to view was… Serenity.

Since this has been the subject of much banter on this site and I’m sure there will be a million of other reviews, I’ll skip any other touching stories about the screening. But I will tell you that I am not a hardcore Joss Whedon fan. I’ve seen a handful of Buffy and Angel episodes (and enjoyed them) and I admire his dedication to his online fanbase, but I’ve never seen Firefly and I’ve never totally bowed down to him. No hard feelings, just haven’t been so totally familiar with him as to realize his genius.

My bad.

This movie rocked. While it seemed a tad too long, that just means more gold for the DVD. Anyway, I don’t even know what they could cut out because just about every scene kept the movie moving along. Before I contradict myself again, I’ll just get to the meat.

Whedon has created such incredible characters and dialogue in this movie. What has always struck me about most science fiction movies is that no one speaks normally, it’s almost as if space has stifled their sense of normalcy and rammed a giant stick up the characters’ asses. Well, as most of you will already know, Whedon can put his characters in the most unimaginable and incredible circumstances and still give them personalities, wit, and true emotion. It doesn’t sound like much, but between the dialogue, the characters, and the visuals (effects were unfinished, but you could tell what will be in store for the final product), I believe that he has really not just elevated the genre, but has transcended it.

The characters are as fleshed-out as most Whedon fans would probably expect, but I was not prepared for this. Nathan Fillion (a guy I ashamedly say I only really recognized from Two Guys A Girl and A Pizza Place) is a great addition to the heroes of the big screen. He’s the best Han Solo since… well… Han Solo. The rest of the cast, filled with people I kind of recognized, seemed so comfortable and so natural. Their rapport with each other was perfect. It really shows that they all spent time together on a TV show… albeit a short-lived one.

But the best character (and I think she was new to the troupe) was a waifish girl, Fiona Apple look-alike, named River. The story centers around her. She’s a mentally unstable psychic who is also a trained killer. The government (here, called The Alliance) has been doing tests on her for years, utilizing her psychic abilities and building her killing skills, until her brother rescues her. This is the set up for the prologue, which blew everyone away. Months later, we see that they’ve been on-board the Serenity and her brother is being used as an on-board doctor and she is being used for her psychic skills as an asset on their money-grabbing runs. I’m sure someone else will have a more detailed synopsis. As for me, I’m going to boil it down because it wasn’t what really impressed me about the movie. Bottom line is that, The Alliance is trying to find her. Led by an assassin (who, of course, was written beautifully and with great complexity), they know that she’s on-board Serenity. Despite being tracked by these folks, Fillion and his crew keep her around for her skills, out of curiosity of what she’s all about, and because Han Solo has a heart. You see, what makes her so interesting and what kicks ass most about this movie is that, when she whups ass, she whups ass! I’ll honestly say that her fight scenes blow away anything I’ve seen on Buffy, in Kill Bill, or just about anything I’ve seen in a long time. I found myself hoping for more fight scenes when, much of the time, she was in her crazed psychic state… and then the fight scenes came. Whedon knows what his audience (old fans and, like me, new ones) like.

The final fight, by the way, will not disappoint anybody, if you like air battles, check. Gun fights, check. Attacks by nasty ass villains (the Reavers), check. Hand to hand, check. Swords, check. Battles of wit, check.

The audience was filled with old Whedon fans. And they seemed quite ecstatic about the whole thing. The cheers didn’t just erupt at the beginning, they were all throughout. There were actual screams at points. These would break out with little bits of dialogue from familiar characters, after the fight scenes, during space battles, at looks characters would give each other, and, of course, at the end. I’ll be happy to drag my uninitiated friends to this when it comes out and I just may feel like I’m a little more on the inside this time around. But no matter… it’s a great movie, none of this horseshit Steven Sommers-type popcorn movie, this is a great movie.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 5:12 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

So how can we get these reviews onto rottentomatoes? (Incidentally, I love rottentomatoes because it allows me instant access to dozens of reviews on a movie which I can compare and contrast.)


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, May 5, 2005 5:55 PM


After reading those, I'm no longer worried. Enough said.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:28 PM


Simply put, the guy is an ass.

He obviously doesn't know ANYTHING about the movie (which he stated.) He does not even have a basic enough knowledge to know that while this is Joss' first time directing a movie, it's definately not his first time writing one. Nor does he know that Serenity is already slated for a theatrical release. One other thing he does not seem to know, is that movies in the screening stages are unfinished, which would explain those "video game" graphics.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:46 PM


p.s. this is the same guy who gave a
positive review to
JERSEY GIRL (43% fresh rating),
SCARY MOVIE 3(37% fresh rating)
BAD BOYS II (24% fresh)
I SPY (17%)
a negative to
TRIPLETS OF BELLEVILLE (93% fresh rating) which was nommed for several Academy awards,

Percentages are for the amount of positive reviews each has received. anything below 60% is a ROTTEN Movie.

So in other words, he likes mindless movies, involving dogs with overly large balls, women running around half naked, and teenage girls trapped in ugly old men's bodies.

in other words... pure shite.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Friday, May 6, 2005 3:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Well, we knew going into this there would be those that would not like, or even downright hate, the BDM. It was no different w/ the series. There were dozens of glowing articles of praise, but for some reason we focus on that one obscure review that slams the object of our affection.

I say that we not worry about it too much. Serenity is a runaway train now. We got her flyin' again and into theatres. 'Versal is behind Joss & the BDM and 99% of the internet buzz has been positive and anticipatory.

This one bad review will not matter much in the long run. We browncoats just need to keep converting and spreading the word.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:15 AM


Zoic, thanks for the reviews, I wondered what non-fans would think...been urging everyone in person and even at other sites to pick up the dvd's cause it'd double the impact of the BDM. Them that listen'll have a sweet September 30. (oh, Oct in UK, right?)

How many minutes to the BDM? Chrisisall


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:27 AM


The good reviews far outweigh the bad at the moment so let's not worry - besides, these aren't even based on final cuts yet.

Speaking of good reviews, am sure I posted a thread re the review on Jo Blo last night but can't find it anywhere. So everyone make sure you vote here:

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:45 AM


Just came back from Don't go over there if you don't want to be spoiled for the movie. It seems that there are a core group of Browncoats who, yes, hated Serenity. Most of them for the same reason which you'll find out when you see the movie. But it does not bode well for us Browncoats when other Browncoats have come right out and say the movie is horrible and that they aren't going to recommend it anymore.

Now there are just as many Browncoats who loved it though but just to see that there are Browncoats that hated the movie sort of pulled me down a few knotches.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:27 AM


First off that first reviewer was an idiot. He said that he didn't pay attention and then complained that he didn't understand what was going on. 2 + 2 = pay attention jerk!

Anyway, I saw the movie last night. I stayed as spoiler free as possible and I loved it. I'm not going to say any more than that cause I hate people who spoile movies for me.


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by rklenseth:
Just came back from Don't go over there if you don't want to be spoiled for the movie. It seems that there are a core group of Browncoats who, yes, hated Serenity. Most of them for the same reason which you'll find out when you see the movie. But it does not bode well for us Browncoats when other Browncoats have come right out and say the movie is horrible and that they aren't going to recommend it anymore.

Now there are just as many Browncoats who loved it though but just to see that there are Browncoats that hated the movie sort of pulled me down a few knotches.


There are browncoats who are saying they hated Serenity and are not recommending it?!? You can't be serious.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:39 AM


Well, if it makes anyone feel any better, someone I work with managed to get into the Chicago screening.

He filled me in (no movie talk) that the audience loved it.

He had never seen or even really heard of Firefly and loved what he saw.

He is now going to check out the DVDs.

He was pretty enthusiastic and brought me a movie card and 5 temporary tattoos! :)

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Friday, May 6, 2005 5:58 AM


My favorite reviewer has got to be Roger Ebert. It's rare he gives a movie a thumbs down, and I suspect that's at least partially because he gets paid for watching and reviewing movies which, in my opinion, has to be a great job. That said, if a movie is really bad and he gives it a thumbs down, it's usually not worth seeing.

However, I generally use a majority rules philosophy when I want to make a decision based on reviews (reviews don't matter in the case of Serenity or Sith, I'm seeing both regardless). For example, I never purchased the Rush DVD "Live in Rio" even though I'm an avid Rush fan because most of the people who bought it wrote on Amazon that the sound quality or direction weren't that good. My friend eventually got it, and we watched it, and the majority of the reviewers were correct. (But the bonus footage/documentary was pretty good, if you like Rush).

I am concerned that some browncoats didn't like Serenity. I want to see why so much, but don't know if I want to know what they didn't like. I'm afraid it might be that a character dies — which is OK by me because I can't stand unrealistic plotlines where everyone lives. Even good guys die. Hell, everybody knows that.

"When the trouble comes down, there ain't gonna be no dancing."—Shawn Smith


Friday, May 6, 2005 6:17 AM



Originally posted by BlackoutNights:
I'm afraid it might be that a character dies — which is OK by me because I can't stand unrealistic plotlines where everyone lives. Even good guys die. Hell, everybody knows that.

I'm just guessin', but you might be right. I think there are a lot of Browncoats that have seen the Firefly dvds, but have never seen the longer running Buffy and Angel series. If they had, they'd know that Joss doesn't pull punches in terms of killing off a major, beloved character if it's the right thing to do for the story. Probably some people weren't prepared for something like that (and I don't know any specifics) and they may be having a bad reaction to it. I'm sure they'll get over it when they realize that it was the right thing to do for the story. (Whatever it was...)

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, May 6, 2005 6:30 AM


I have to say a few of the more recent reviews have me a little worried. A few non browncoats seem to be having problems with lack of character development and don't seem to enthused coupled with the fact that alot of browncoats have said they think it would be a little difficult to understand if you wern't familiar with the characters. Which means were gonna have a hell of a job persuading folks to go see it if the mainstream reviews say something similar.

The fact that people are now saying some fellow browncoats are unhappy is even more worrying. Id be interested to know why or what they are saying (without spoilers of course) Are people saying its different in tone to the show? Do they not like the fate of certain characters etc.

I dnt want to come of to negative the mass majority of reviews have been very positive so we should really focus on that. Roll on October 7.


Friday, May 6, 2005 6:41 AM


I can't say why they're unhappy as it would be a huge major spoiler. It does have something to do with what happens in the film. A certain something that happens to one of our nine characters. In case anyone really wants to know I'll put it in spoiler tags but DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. YOU ARE WARNED!

Select to view spoiler:

Wash is killed by the Reavers when they attack Serenity.

So if you read that a lot of the Browncoats are very unhappy about that and feel betrayed by Joss. I personally don't see this as a problem but some people wanted a happy ending I guess.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:07 AM


Ok thanks for the heads up. I haven't read the spoiler but from experience of past joss shows I can assume what has happened and the kind of response that it may get. I was also wondering if any browncoats had any genaral concerns with the film. I have to be honest I really want to see what people are saying but I just cant risk going into a mine field of spoilers even with my hand over half the screen.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:53 AM


I was reading a Serenity thread on The Fuselage (Lost) boards. There was a post by someone who had seen the screening but was not a Browncoat and had never seen the series. He totally "got it" and said it was the best SciFi movie he/she had seen in years. This bodes well very for our BDHs. He also suggested to stay spoiler free. Knowing nothing about Firefly gave it, in his opinion, a huge impact.


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:58 AM


trask43, I just wanted to reassure you that the movie is great. It funny and stunning and scary and exciting. I think the problem is that while i love 95% of the film, I keep worrying about the 5% that I disagreed with, and wishing that is had been done different. And somerimes those small annoyances become so big in people's minds that they forget about everything they likes. Even Joss can't please everyone. But overall it was a wonderful film, and will hold up well to repeat viewings.


Friday, May 6, 2005 8:07 AM


P.S. Chris Buchanan just posted this to the main serenity message board. So some of the complaint about picture quality and the gamma levels will be fixed.

"Quick note: Sound, color (& thus, light), music, VFX still being finished, therefore, the variances in quality for the screening. All will be picture perfect for September 30th. Thanks for bearing with us as we get it finalized!



Friday, May 6, 2005 8:55 AM


While it is easy to get caught up in the Serenity frenzy, building over the months and finally culminating in it's big opening- we have to remind ourselves that not everyone will like it.

People who haven't liked Buffy/Angel will be a very hard sell.

People who liked the show will not like where Joss takes the movie.

But that's ok, we don't need EVERYONE to love Serenity or Firefly, we just need lots of people to PAY to see it.

Be a good Browncoat and show support, when the inevitable happens and the magic is lost on a newcomer, just smile and know that they are missing out.


Friday, May 6, 2005 11:12 AM


Some good points posted, its easy to lose sight of the fact that it is just a film a the end of the day (albeit a Big Damn one) and some are gonna love it some are gonna hate and some are gonna think its ust Ok (fools). Lets hope that most people love it and we get lots of sequels.


Friday, May 6, 2005 12:02 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I saw Serenity last night. To call it an emotional rollercoaster is a huge understatement. You will laugh, you will cry (several times within the same scene) and you will fear for the safety of not only every crew member but also for Serenity herself. But in retrospect you will relish every minute and want to see it again. The only negatives I would have to mention would be what Chris Buchanan spoke of, the cleaning up of the light, contrast and color balance.

While it may be true that non-fans can appreciate the film, it would still be better for there to be many more converts to the series beforehand, so keep pushing the dvds. If we can do that, I think at least Serenity 2 is a sure thing, but if it comes to that I believe Universal will solicit two more films shot concurrently.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, May 6, 2005 12:15 PM


Taunting my teenage curiosity with that spoiler cover! *Shakes fist at you*

Ah, well. I read it and I feel bad, but I don't see why fans have such a huge reaction. Well, maybe I do - as said before, I suppose they feel betrayed or are simply shocked that Joss would 'do such a thing to them.' Which is weird, at least for those who know of his other works, since they should know that he doesn't always do 'what the fans want.'

We're just going to get our share of bad reviews, I'm sure of it. While I believe the movie is made for all kinds of people, both fans and nonfans alike, I also believe that anything Whedon demands a certain level of...something. I don't want to say intelligence (no! That might sound mean! Then again, looking at the person who wrote the thread starting review...) but Joss certainly has a flare about him that not all people get. But Firefly has never been a show for all people, and I don't think it's a guess when I say movie won't be either. Hopefully good reviews will vastly outweigh the bad, and we just have to remember that reviews like this are personal one can truly judge a movie unless they've seen it.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Friday, May 6, 2005 12:49 PM


I read the spoiler too, unfortunately. Curiosity just got the better of me. I have to say I was shocked but not surprised. (does that make sense?) Joss is infamous for that exact thing, and always spot-on on where the story should go, whether we like it or not. I would give examples from Buffy and Angel, but that would give too much away. So i won't.


Friday, May 6, 2005 9:56 PM


first post here. :)

just wanted to reassure you unspoiled folks that the people throwing tantrums on the OB are few and far between. they are just....a little distraught, and therefore noisy. /understatement. there's at least one woman who is pretty far out of control and posting in every thread -- just spewing vitriol about the movie. but the vast majority of the people who saw the screeners love it.

i saw it in SF last night, and i've thought of hardly anything else all day. i think it's probably the best thing joss has ever done. have faith!



Sunday, May 8, 2005 3:21 AM


I managed to read this whole thread without reading any spoilers (scrolling, i love it) - browncoats on FFF are fabulous I love you all!

To be fair if only one BDH suffers unimaginable pain, trauma, death or whatever (am expecting all three but don't actually know) I will be amazed. The Whedon is a when it comes to distressing fans, many a time have I shouted at the screen in Buffy/Angel but I love him for it.

He is always going to have negative reactions - even from his fans - but in the end we come back for more.

Now, the trailer, that worries me - why on earth do they have to publicise it with Buffy/Angel? Sci-fi and fantasy are different, loads of scifi fans hate fantasy, and won't go because of it, this worries me.

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Monday, May 9, 2005 1:58 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by ecgordon:
I saw Serenity last night. To call it an emotional rollercoaster is a huge understatement. You will laugh, you will cry (several times within the same scene) and you will fear for the safety of not only every crew member but also for Serenity herself. But in retrospect you will relish every minute and want to see it again. The only negatives I would have to mention would be what Chris Buchanan spoke of, the cleaning up of the light, contrast and color balance.

While it may be true that non-fans can appreciate the film, it would still be better for there to be many more converts to the series beforehand, so keep pushing the dvds. If we can do that, I think at least Serenity 2 is a sure thing, but if it comes to that I believe Universal will solicit two more films shot concurrently.

I hope you don't think that it is self-indulgent of me to quote myself, but I did it to make a point. There have been times when I have grown to like a film more the more times I see it. Other times it is just the opposite, and my initial positive reaction dwindles in retrospect. I certainly don't want to worry anyone about Serenity's box-office potential, but there have been a few things I have been thinking about the past few days that, minor though they may be, I now consider negatives toward the BDM getting rave reviews from everyone. I can't go into details about it obviously, so I guess we'll have to wait for a consensus opinion from those lucky enough to score tickets to the May 26 screenings. I would like to go again myself, but I don't have internet access while at work and all venues were sold out by the time I got home tonight.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.






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