A Thought about 'Safe'.

UPDATED: Thursday, May 26, 2005 19:57
VIEWED: 7039
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Monday, May 23, 2005 9:49 AM



After watching the Episode "Safe" a thought occured to me. Simon and Rivers parents didnt even seem to care about Simon's concerns. You would think the way Simon was acting they would of atleast checked it out.

Did the parents know what the alliance was doing to there daughter?

After watching the episode a few times it lead me to believe that they may of new something was going on and obviously didnt want Simon to know.

Serenity's Girl
YIM: Danitg31
AIM: fanoffirefly


Monday, May 23, 2005 9:53 AM


My thoughts: Mr. and Mrs. Tam trusted the Alliance, therefore they had no reason to suspect something bad was happening to River. Plus, they were waspy elite-types, so Simon's concerns were always going to take a backseat to whatever dinner party was being conducted at the time.

STEVEthePIRATE smells burnt popcorn ... someone in this office burned some popcorn ... alright, who was it?


Monday, May 23, 2005 10:04 AM


I've asked myself the same question. My thoughts were:
1) they were told some "story" about what the alliance was doing (though not the real story) and were keeping it from Simon
2) they knew the truth, i.e. they knew WHY the blue hands were messing with her brain and that reason seemed good enough for them to allow it (again, they probably didn't know they were opening up her brain over and over, they got the sugar coated version)but didn't want Simon to know because they knew he'd get upset.
3) what Steve said, they were too concerned about appearances and social standing to take Simon seriously. (I seriously hope not. Mr. Tam seemed so nice in the first flashback when they were kids.)

We have such a small piece of the puzzle that it's hard to give the story all it's flesh. We dont know, Mr. Tam could have been secretly trying to rescue his daughter through connections he had. They could have just been idiots and refused to see the signs. We just don't know enough to judge them, I guess. Drives you crazy, doesn't it?
I haven't seen Serenity, and I DO NOT WANT any spoilers, but I'm really hoping we learn a bit more about all this. I don't think the dad was serious when he told Simon to never come back. Parents say that out of anger and rarely mean it.

"He looked bigger when I couldn't see him."


Monday, May 23, 2005 10:46 AM


The Tam's struck a deal with the Blue Hands, before the kids were even born. They signed up to have their kids genetically altered. In exchange for money, social standing, and a genetically superior son, they'd turn over their second born for whatever nefarious plans Blue Sun was working on. Thus the emotional detachment shown toward River in the first flashback, and the hasty dismissal of Simon's concerns later on.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Monday, May 23, 2005 11:09 AM



I've asked myself the same question. My thoughts were:
1) they were told some "story" about what the alliance was doing (though not the real story) and were keeping it from Simon
2) they knew the truth, i.e. they knew WHY the blue hands were messing with her brain and that reason seemed good enough for them to allow it (again, they probably didn't know they were opening up her brain over and over, they got the sugar coated version)but didn't want Simon to know because they knew he'd get upset.
3) what Steve said, they were too concerned about appearances and social standing to take Simon seriously. (I seriously hope not. Mr. Tam seemed so nice in the first flashback when they were kids.)

We have such a small piece of the puzzle that it's hard to give the story all it's flesh. We dont know, Mr. Tam could have been secretly trying to rescue his daughter through connections he had. They could have just been idiots and refused to see the signs. We just don't know enough to judge them, I guess. Drives you crazy, doesn't it?
I haven't seen Serenity, and I DO NOT WANT any spoilers, but I'm really hoping we learn a bit more about all this. I don't think the dad was serious when he told Simon to never come back. Parents say that out of anger and rarely mean it.

I agree and I hope that the movie will answer some of the questions that I have about how much Simon's parents knew, what they did, if anything, for River while Simon was trying to rescue her and what happened to them after Simon left.


Monday, May 23, 2005 11:14 AM


I've wondered the same thing. Makes me sort of think that we would have seen more of the Tam parents if the series had lived on.

Possibly as antagonists. I could see Mr. Tam as being in on the whole thing. Blue hands and all perhaps. How far would he go for power?


Monday, May 23, 2005 12:08 PM


I agree with the trust the alliance and worried about status camp. I think these folks are comfortable, and they want to stay comfortable, and they keep themeselves purposefully ignorant. Now, what they think in those private moments, deep in the dark of night, lieing in bed and wondering whether they locked the door? Who knows. People have an unbelievable ability to deny the truth when the truth is too darn umcomfortable to deal with.

See how I'm not hitting him, I think I've grown!


Monday, May 23, 2005 12:19 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
They could have just been idiots....

That. ^. Up there. What CallMeSerenity said.

Also, what Sarge said too.


"Let's go be bad guys."


Monday, May 23, 2005 2:43 PM


In some of the earlier script drafts, it was more of a fear thing than social status or malice. Almost as if they didn't know what was really going on until it was too late, followed up with a "you lost one kid, keep it up and lose the other" kind of threat. But who knows. Joss seems to not have many happy child / parent relationships in his writing....

But an even bigger question for me was: how the hell did crickets get to that backwater planet?? They certainly didn't bring 'em on purposes, cuz they don't provide much in the way of protein. And, sure, I imagine a few could have stowed away as bitty little bugs tend to do, but that many, enough to make that much cricket noise? Or... were River and I just hearing things?

无 党派 人士


Monday, May 23, 2005 5:20 PM


You know, I always thought that that was the real reson behind the whole thing. That maybe River was the breakthrough in human evolution they were trying to attain, and Simon was just a trial run.

Of course, in my story YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN, I went with the hypothesis that the elder Tams didn't want to rock the boat, like any member of bourgeoise society is taught, and by the time they realized that something was wrong, it was far too late, and that theres this huge pressure and tension between the four of them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Monday, May 23, 2005 5:27 PM



The Tams sent their daughter to an academy, a challenging one, so that she could learn.

Was there any reason to connect this academy to an Alliance project? Okay, WE know what went on there, but...

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Monday, May 23, 2005 5:31 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
But an even bigger question for me was: how the hell did crickets get to that backwater planet?? They certainly didn't bring 'em on purposes, cuz they don't provide much in the way of protein. And, sure, I imagine a few could have stowed away as bitty little bugs tend to do, but that many, enough to make that much cricket noise? Or... were River and I just hearing things?

Actually, I think that falls into the 'terraforming' category. In one of the deleted segments of 'The Message' (as seen in the shooting script) there is mention of wide-scale cloning (DNA Scrip, mutated cattle, etc.)

Tech-wise, it's probably something that gets whipped up during the 'forming process to add an operational eco-system to the planet, allowing the settlers to have things like, oh, say AGRICULTURE and whatnot...;).



Monday, May 23, 2005 8:11 PM


You know, that whole bit about crickets and stuff like that seems to be a big scientific inconsistency to me. I know that FIREFLY has a strict "no aliens" policy. And for the most part, I'm OK with it. But I think it's just stupid to think that we move from one galaxy to the next, find planets and systems that are already developed and have their own ecosystems (I'm sure not all colonized planets were terra-formed), and out of all those planets, they couldn't even find new species of insects or single cell bacteria, let alone quadrapeds or something similar.

I once did a research paper on Darwin and the process of evolution. And it's mindboggling the process in which new species evolve and are shaped and molded through time and nature. Most of the reasons why scientists are so eager to discover new planets and send probes and satellites to distant planets are to get early glimpses into the beginning of new life, be it animal, mineral or vegetable. Hundreds of planets out there are teeming with life in ways we can't even begin to comprehend. So it seems really odd and glaring, from a biologistic point of view that in 500 years of space travel and exploring the galaxy, that if we were to discover planets that already have ecosystems of their own, that we wouldn't have catalogued a couple thousand brand new species of plants, insects, bacteria, amphibians, fish, reptiles, mammals, you name it. I remember that quote Joss made about him believing that we're the only sentient beings in the universe now and 500 years from now. Now, I'll follow Joss wherever. But to me, to not have your mind open to the possibility that there might be another civilization out there of beings similar to us is incredibly closed minded, even from him. There are two quotes by two well respected sci-fi writers that summarize this. Carl Sagan noted in CONTACT that if we were the only people in the universe, then it would seem like an awful waste of space. And of course, there the wisdom of Douglas Adams that states that "Space is big. Really big. You wouldn't believe how fantastically, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you might think that it's like a long way to the chemists, but that's just peanuts in comparison." And so keeping that in mind, don't you think that somewhere out there, in the incomprehensible vastness of space, there's at least one form of life that somewhat similar to ours?

That we still havn't made contact with Klingons or Vulcans or anything similar to that, I can buy. But that we hadn't even discovered new forms of single celled organisms? Yeah fucking right.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Monday, May 23, 2005 9:24 PM


hi all, just got here- first post and all

just wanted to reply to reginaroadies post-

I understand your point about alternate adaptive strategies, but FireFly can’t be set in another galaxy- without faster than light travel (and as far as I can tell they’re still using fusion drives) it would take thousands of years to span the void of the galaxies.

Personally, I think that it must be a star-cluster (I think Mr. Whedon wants it to be in one system, but really, there are just too many planets) and terraforming ships were sent ahead from earth- equipped with genetically modified bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and a bunch of nanobots, and turned the planets from whatever they were to what a trekkie would call an M-class planet, that is one that can support life. I think the inner planets were made first, so are most like Earth, and the outer ones are still being finished, so they’re all desert-like, there are probably still seas of water being pumped up to the surface of the planets, or trans-located from planets with a surplus of water.

I think the terraforming ships were sent first because they could feasibly be unmanned, allowing them to get there faster, because there’d be a higher tolerance of inertia.
The generation ships carrying colonists and livestock and databanks with literature, science, culture, media then left the earth, accelerating slower then the terraforming ships, but still travelling at relativistic speeds. The generation ships probably held the living crew compliment in stasis, but to the ships chronometers, probably a couple of hundred years past, but to the terraformed systems, thousands of years passed (because of the time-dilation caused by the ship travelling at relativistic speeds). The ships landed, and off-loaded the living compliment, were disassembled and used to build the first cities in the central planets.

Ok ok, what im getting at is- I think all the organisms there came from here- although some may be genetically modified to fare better away from Earth. The crickets would indeed be important to the ecosystem, since they’re a staple for insectivores.

Umm…yeah… sorry about such a long post..heh...


Monday, May 23, 2005 11:35 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
I remember that quote Joss made about him believing that we're the only sentient beings in the universe now and 500 years from now. Now, I'll follow Joss wherever. But to me, to not have your mind open to the possibility that there might be another civilization out there of beings similar to us is incredibly closed minded, even from him.

Thank you. I was afraid to mention that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And has anyone asked you about the meaning & origin of your sig? I can see how someone who hasn't read HHGTTG might be scratching their heads.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:07 AM


There was an earlier draft of the script where it was made more obvious that at least the Father knew (at least at the end, not sure about when they initially sent River to the academy) or had been convinced by Simon that bad things were happening to River, but was too scared (of the Alliance/Blue Hands/TPTB) to make a ruckus, since they had so much to lose (i.e. their high social status and wealth, which could easily be taken away from them -- c.f. the Alliance 'crashing' Simon's accounts after River's rescue)

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:16 AM


If anyone needed reminding, the wiki is a useful resource for, among much else, the shooting scripts and additonally has a transcript of the broadcast teaser for Safe.

As for cicadas ... My take on this is that the Tams live on an exceptionally civilised world where the colonists had brought along mementos of home. In this case, I think the intention is to summon the atmosphere of the more affluent parts of Provence.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:06 AM


No, I havn't had anyone ask me about my sig.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:40 AM


One quick thing: If you listen to the people talk it appears that most of the terraforming is not on planets alone, but on moons. So it could be one planetary system.
And with the information we have from the show, I don't think the parents are with the Alliance or knew River was being tortured. They seem overly concerned with Simon and making sure he succeeds for the family. My guess is they believe that River was just playing some kind of game and Simon was reacting so extremely because of pressure from his work. Granted, I also think they believe that because they want to since if Simon is right it would require a huge sacrifice they're not willing to make.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:40 AM


Aren't crickets also symbols of good luck in the orient? (I know they are in Japan, but I'm not sure about China.) They could've been brought along in that capacity. Then some of 'em got loose and turned feral, like little cricket Reavers.

*ominous chirping*

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:20 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

The Tams sent their daughter to an academy, a challenging one, so that she could learn.

Was there any reason to connect this academy to an Alliance project? Okay, WE know what went on there, but...

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at

In the pilot, Simon states that it was a government-sponsored academy... The government in this case bein' the good ol' Union of Allied Planets, or as we know and love them...
...The Alliance.

ZOE: "Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."
VINCENT: "I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it."


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:27 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I believe that the reactions of the Tams is based on two things:

- the illusion that their social & financial standing protects them from harm

- fear of the Alliance if they do anything to interfere with what is being done to River

I was disturbed by the way that Simon's father acted in the Alliance police station when he had to bail Simon out of jail. He was more concerned about the fact his record would show him entering a police station than he was about the possibility of Simon getting hurt in a restricted zone or that River might actually be in trouble.

Perhaps the trouble that Simon was getting into in his efforts to discover what was happening to River and where she was caused Simon's father to realize there is some substance to Simon's suspicions. This realization might very well dispel the illusions of how secure the Tam place in the scheme of things within the Alliance actually is and his fear of losing everything overrides his paternal instinct to protect his children.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:52 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
You know, that whole bit about crickets and stuff like that seems to be a big scientific inconsistency to me. I know that FIREFLY has a strict "no aliens" policy. And for the most part, I'm OK with it. But I think it's just stupid to think that we move from one galaxy to the next, find planets and systems that are already developed and have their own ecosystems (I'm sure not all colonized planets were terra-formed), and out of all those planets, they couldn't even find new species of insects or single cell bacteria, let alone quadrapeds or something similar.

Why do you think that some of the planets had their own ecosystem? It's possible, but it is in no way implied or requisite.

So it seems really odd and glaring, from a biologistic point of view that in 500 years of space travel and exploring the galaxy, that if we were to discover planets that already have ecosystems of their own, that we wouldn't have catalogued a couple thousand brand new species of plants, insects, bacteria, amphibians, fish, reptiles, mammals, you name it.

I agree that if we discovered planets that already had ecosystems, we'd find all of those things. But your whole argument hinges on their being pre-existing ecosystems, which is not a given.

I remember that quote Joss made about him believing that we're the only sentient beings in the universe now and 500 years from now. Now, I'll follow Joss wherever. But to me, to not have your mind open to the possibility that there might be another civilization out there of beings similar to us is incredibly closed minded, even from him.

Not necessarily closed minded - I don't believe there are sentient beings, but I could be wrong. I'm just slightly over 50% sure on that. Joss doesn't think that their are sentient beings, but that doesn't mean he's not open to the possibility that he could be wrong (unless he's said as much at some point). My interpretation of "no aliens in Firefly" is that

A) Mainly, Joss doesn't want to use that metaphor in the show. Trek did that, and Joss had already done it (and was still doing it at the time) extensively in Buffy and Angel with demons.

B) He doesn't really believe in aliens, anyway, so he was even less inclined to put them in the show.

Also note that Joss (and I) specified "sentient beings." I expect we'll find some bacteria or even plants out there.


That we still havn't made contact with Klingons or Vulcans or anything similar to that, I can buy. But that we hadn't even discovered new forms of single celled organisms? Yeah fucking right.

How many thousands (or millions, or billions, I don't know) of galaxies and solar systems are there? What tiny, insignificant fraction of those do you think we'll have explored in the next 500 years? If there is intelligent life out there, then I seriously doubt it would be in every system, or even close to a majority of them (the more groups of intelligent life, the greater the chances that there are some well more advanced than us, and that some of them might have contacted us. If we're talking millions of different goups, or even just hundreds, then chances are very likely that one of them would've said hello by now). So it does not seem that unusual, from a statistical point of view, that we wouldn't have found anything out there, even if they did exist.

I mock you with my monkey pants.
Oh, yeah - check out my rock band:

Click on "Play Entire CD"


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:46 AM


Is the wikki script an actual script that Joss's people wrote for "Safe?" I was reading about wikki from the Firefly Wikki page and it sounds like anyone can change the content of the stuff on the site. It's that way so that people can collaborate on stuff in an online environment.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:47 AM


Is the wikki script an actual script that Joss's people wrote for "Safe?" I was reading about wikki from the Firefly Wikki page and it sounds like anyone can change the content of the stuff on the site. It's that way so that people can collaborate on stuff in an online environment. If that's true, this script may have been changed by people having nothing to do with the writing department at Firefly. It might not have even originated with the writers of Firefly.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:53 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by SergeantX:
The Tam's struck a deal with the Blue Hands, before the kids were even born. They signed up to have their kids genetically altered. In exchange for money, social standing, and a genetically superior son, they'd turn over their second born for whatever nefarious plans Blue Sun was working on. Thus the emotional detachment shown toward River in the first flashback, and the hasty dismissal of Simon's concerns later on.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Whoa... good story. Wouldn't be going beyond the realm of possibility at all, now would it? In fact, it sounds just twisted enough to have come from the mind of Joss Whedon. Hokey smokes - imagine Simon's reaction when he finds out... I mean if he ever found out... of course.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:43 AM


I think that Joss' comment is more that we _think_ we are alone in the universe; that is we haven't found any aliens. 500 years from now, we still haven't. Given the first, the second is extremely likely. There is not much exploring going on that we see. 70 planets is at MOST 70 solar systems. there are 100 Billion stars in this galaxy alone. Unless aliens are EVERYWHERE, we would likely not have run into any yet.

Concerning what the Tams know, I don't think they are evil people, just rich jerks. So they think their daughter is safe. But the sticking point on this is Mrs. Tam saying, "jeopardize your future...", why would say going to visit your sister at boarding school jeopardize a doctor future?


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:49 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Thanks for the "wiki" link.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:53 PM



Originally posted by PurpleYin:
hi all, just got here- first post and all

just wanted to reply to reginaroadies post-

I understand your point about alternate adaptive strategies, but FireFly can’t be set in another galaxy- without faster than light travel (and as far as I can tell they’re still using fusion drives) it would take thousands of years to span the void of the galaxies.

Personally, I think that it must be a star-cluster (I think Mr. Whedon wants it to be in one system, but really, there are just too many planets) and terraforming ships were sent ahead from earth- equipped with genetically modified bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and a bunch of nanobots, and turned the planets from whatever they were to what a trekkie would call an M-class planet, that is one that can support life. I think the inner planets were made first, so are most like Earth, and the outer ones are still being finished, so they’re all desert-like, there are probably still seas of water being pumped up to the surface of the planets, or trans-located from planets with a surplus of water.

I think the terraforming ships were sent first because they could feasibly be unmanned, allowing them to get there faster, because there’d be a higher tolerance of inertia.
The generation ships carrying colonists and livestock and databanks with literature, science, culture, media then left the earth, accelerating slower then the terraforming ships, but still travelling at relativistic speeds. The generation ships probably held the living crew compliment in stasis, but to the ships chronometers, probably a couple of hundred years past, but to the terraformed systems, thousands of years passed (because of the time-dilation caused by the ship travelling at relativistic speeds). The ships landed, and off-loaded the living compliment, were disassembled and used to build the first cities in the central planets.

Ok ok, what im getting at is- I think all the organisms there came from here- although some may be genetically modified to fare better away from Earth. The crickets would indeed be important to the ecosystem, since they’re a staple for insectivores.

Umm…yeah… sorry about such a long post..heh...

Nothing to apologize for - I basically suggested the same thing. Nanites, cloning and imported life overall. The time-dilation due to reletavistic travel is a nice touch as well.

I'm fairly certain that initial terraforming would be a wholly automated proceedure - probably run by gigantic automated factory-vessels a la the BioBombers in the Independence War universe ( For those of you not in the know, IWar is a science-fiction space-combat sim. IWar2 is very, very Firefly-esque.

After the initial seeding process is done, the hard part begins - that's where the terraforming crews would come in. Picture something along the lines of the planet in Aliens - hellish, but becoming something inhabitable.

I'm pretty sure that any existing bio-system would most likely be wiped out by a concerted effort at terraforming - sort of an uber-powerful genetic wipe of the planet to prep it for the new inhabitants. As a large system (or small cluster, for that matter), you would have enough worlds to terraform to actually HAVE a frontier, were this the case. You'd be able to have 70 worlds spinnin', with not a one being inheirited by the meek, as it were.

Again, random thoughts on the matter, throwing in some of the ideas that I've developed for my Savage FF game.



The devil's in the details. Well, all around the details, really, but you get it.

D Jeremy Brown
Writer, editor, karaoke wargod.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:46 PM



Originally posted by BruisersMom:
... this script may have been changed ...

You've made a prediction, but have you conducted an experiment? Before you spread FUD about wikis and Internet collaboration, some real evidence would seem to be in order


Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:57 PM



Originally posted by BruisersMom:
Is the wikki script an actual script that Joss's people wrote for "Safe?" I was reading about wikki from the Firefly Wikki page and it sounds like anyone can change the content of the stuff on the site. It's that way so that people can collaborate on stuff in an online environment. If that's true, this script may have been changed by people having nothing to do with the writing department at Firefly. It might not have even originated with the writers of Firefly.

Ummmmm... yeah. The scripts aren't really PART OF THE WIKI. It's just hotlinked by the Wiki.

It originated with the writers.

Any other questions?







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