'The Inside' on CNN

UPDATED: Thursday, July 7, 2005 17:52
VIEWED: 9939
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:14 AM


The show might be on its way out, but CNN has a nice article on it with quotes from Tim Minear.


'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 10:39 AM


So timely of them to come out with this after it's been cancelled... Oh well, it's not like F*X actually gave the critics any time to get to know the show.

My best friend, who I had gotten to watch TI, was really ticked off about the cancellation. Her exact words - "How can they cancel it so soon? I'm just starting to get to know the characters."

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 10:55 AM



Originally posted by bikisdad:
My best friend, who I had gotten to watch TI, was really ticked off about the cancellation. Her exact words - "How can they cancel it so soon? I'm just starting to get to know the characters."

It's FOX. It's what they DO.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:01 AM


To stress, the show is still actually on Fox each Wednesday - they just won't be making a second series. - Firefly Producers NEW TV series


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 12:04 PM


Yes, but Tim hinted that he thought there would be 6 unaired episodes on the dvd. That adds up to us actually getting the two episodes tonight and the one next Wednesday and then no more.

So, like Tim said, watch it while you can...

F*X has already been advertising its own reality dancing show. They haven't specified a starting date or time yet, but it will probably be what replaces TI (makes sense, given abc's dancing show doing so well in this timeslot). Oh joy, another intelligent show replaced by even more reality garbage.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 3:01 PM


Just finished the first installment on tonight's double feature and darn it if this show doesn't get better with each episode. Adam Baldwin's performace was particularly good with his beverage of choice and reaction to the listening material.


'What people call impossible is just stuff they
haven't seen yet...'


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:52 PM


Heh, yeah. Danny's little one-scene emotional breakdown (about which only Mel seemed to almost-care) was my laugh-out-loud moment this ep. That was so utterly Jayne.

And Paul earlier, with the "not so much."

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:10 PM


Not to mention that he and Spike both like the onion flower.

But has anyone watched the second episode yet? I don't want to spoil it so I'll just say OMG!

Fox must've seen this episode and said "This is a great show! Even better than we thought! We must cancel it now!"

At the beginning I thought the series was fairly good but I wasn't drawn in yet. After tonight's first one I was like "well good we're streching out a bit getting to know the characters better." Especially with Adam's girl-drink and the other things you guys mentioned.

But then I watched the second one. Needless to say I'll be watching those DVD's when they come out.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:39 PM


Those two episodes were absolutely amazing. I was literally edge of my seat.

Oh, and the part where Adam mentions the flowering onion? Definite squeeing. And then rewinding. And more squeeing.

God, I wish Fox would have given this show a chance. It's obviously getting better and better each week.

My show is too pretty to die.

Hey, when's The Inside: The Movie coming out, eh?


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:42 PM


I completely forgot that there was an episode at 8, but the one at 9 was fantastic. And if next week's is as it looks from the previews (which can be misleading). . . OMG!

Can anyone tell me a short and sweet version of the plot of the 8 pm episode?



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:21 PM


A copycat heart stealer is causing questions in an old case (Agent Ryan's first with the FBI) which is being appealled. Heart wrenching story that digs into the character of Paul Ryan.

Kaylee: Wash, tell me I'm pretty
Wash: Were I unwed I would take you in a manly fashion
Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: 'Cause you're pretty


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:28 PM



The plot that TiVo is giving for next week's show doesn't look like it has anything to do with the previews we saw after tonight's second ep. But it's so generically worded that it's inconclusive.

TiVo says this week's two shows were 104 and 107 respectively, and that next week's is 108. So it seems that this week's second ep does lead to next week's.

The plot summary for the earlier one goes like this: the title is "The Lonliest Number" and TiVo says: The murders of callers to a sucide hotline prompt Rebecca to go under cover to investigate.

But there's some good stuff between the main characters that let us get to know them a little better--some dialogue and character touches (especially Adam's character) that remind us we're watching a show by someone from the Whedon family tree.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:04 PM



Originally posted by batmarlowe:
But there's some good stuff between the main characters that let us get to know them a little better--some dialogue and character touches (especially Adam's character) that remind us we're watching a show by someone from the Whedon family tree.

There were other characters? I saw the shells of other characters with a mock up of "Insert Character here" as if they were waiting to come back and do this next season. And that outcome is just never good for a show.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:17 PM


Well, I hope all the people who thought this show "isn't really that good" and even the ones (there were some) who said "it's good F*X is cancelling it, because it's a bad show" are happy about their stupid, short-sighted lack of support for TI. Thanks to the lack of support by people who you'd think should have known better, we're losing another great show to more reality crap.

F*X made it absolutely clear tonight, in one of their commercials, that TI is being replaced in two weeks by their "wonderful" new reality dancing show.

If I sound bitter and resentful, it's only because I am. The ranks of "Browncoats" at this point should have been plenty large enough to... You know what? I'm not even going to continue. I'm too PO'd and I might possibly say things that I'd regret, so screw it.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:50 PM


Well, I said "a LITTLE better". I agree that first four eps they were just sort of...there. I thought there was the beginning of some development in "The Loneliest Number".


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:57 PM



Originally posted by bikisdad:

If I sound bitter and resentful, it's only because I am. The ranks of "Browncoats" at this point should have been plenty large enough to... You know what? I'm not even going to continue. I'm too PO'd and I might possibly say things that I'd regret, so screw it.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.

What are we suppose to do? Watch something that was not good? That is what you are asking for. We all watched Firefly because it was good. This not a lack of will but a lack of concept work. And that is not Tim's fault. He was hired to come in and fix a mess and he almost pulled it off.



Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:08 PM


My friend and I watched the pilot episode and ADORED it. I said I wouldn't watch the second episode because it would be cancelled. My friend (who has never had a show she liked cancelled) said "Never! It's too good!" and I just smiled. We made a bet that it would be off the air in less then 8 episodes.

Sometimes I just hate being right.

::sigh:: Too bad I didn't keep my word and watched all the episodes. Now I'm going to miss it. :c(

Stupid Fox.

Nathan sat next to me.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:31 PM


They're canceling it already???!

Every stinkin' time I watch a good show on that stupid network for more than five minutes, they kill it.


Maybe the reason 24 has lasted so long is because I have'nt watched a single episode.

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Thursday, July 7, 2005 3:47 AM



Originally posted by G1223:

What are we suppose to do? Watch something that was not good? That is what you are asking for. We all watched Firefly because it was good.

No, G1223, I'm not asking you to watch something that was not good. I was asking why you weren't watching something that was excellent. It's not my fault you didn't understand the subtle humour and the complex character development that was going on in this show that made it ten times better than all the boring, cardboard procedural shows with personality free actors like CSI and L&O. Obvously, other people here did - read the post directly below yours, for example. Maybe if you (and others, obviously) hadn't just dismissed the show out of hand after it had barely started, but had listened to some of the Browncoats who did "get it" and kept watching, we could have kept it on the air and you might have eventually come to understand how TI was nothing like CSI, how it wasn't intended to be a CSI clone at all, and how hugely better it was than CSI, or any of the actual CSI clones.

See, G1223, the problem is there are zillions of stupid people out there in tv land who love to watch people eat worms for money and watch dancing celebrities and crap like that. That's why the networks are stuffed with those types of shows. The reason there are so few shows like Firefly, Wonderfalls, TI, etc. (and that they always get cancelled) is that the potential audience, even if you consider EVERYONE who might have the brainpower to understand and appreciate them, is very SMALL. That's why it is absolutely critical that, for those types of shows, EVERYONE who might be able to appreciate them MUST support them. Otherwise, ta-da - cancellation.

TI had the most talented cast and writing crew available in Hollywood. With the exception of Joss, it basically WAS Mutant Enemy - the same team that brought us Firefly, Buffy, and Angel. If you didn't understand TI at first, you could have at least listened to the other Browncoats here who did and just looked at the credits - these were the smartest writers in Hollywood. How could you think they were giving you a crappy show?

Well, now it's gone and it IS being replaced by a REALLY crappy show - the dancing version of 'American Idol". I know THAT will be successful for F*X because the mindless masses have already shown their appetite for that kind of crap. So thanks, G1223 (not just you, but everybody like you - people who had the intelligence to appreciate Firefly, but didn't have the patience to come to understand that TI was just as good, but in a different way), for not supporting TI, so we could end up with dancing reality crap instead.

I just wonder, will Tim and Jane and Ben, etc, EVER get another show on tv after their history of (in F*X's opinion) FAILURE? All they've done is produce "failed" shows on F*X - Firefly, Wonderfalls, TI. But really, did they fail, or did the audience fail them? You decide.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 4:07 AM



Originally posted by bikisdad:

No, G1223, I'm not asking you to watch something that was not good. I was asking why you weren't watching something that was excellent.
Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.

I was it's called House. I was it's called Firefly. The Inside was going to be formula TV. The team outside of boss was formula. We have our lead who is always going to be in peril. I doubt she was never going to be not caught by the bad guy and have the face to face at the end of the drama of the episode.

Rather than use the other characters we only see Adam as the gun bunny who wanted to get into fire fights.We have the redhead who is..... Then the partner who is married (Only to defuse the office romance or somehow make it more forbidden) and lastly the boss who has a "Darker Plan"

And speaking of the partner For a new dad and being such a "Empath" why is he so free to do stakeouts with a wife who is nearly ready to have their first child.

This would have been an excuse to tie our little serial killer hunter to the other characters. Yet that was not happening.

So as to a Excellant show I think it can be said The Inside was not.



Thursday, July 7, 2005 4:15 AM


Well, you've just proven that you weren't even paying attention to the show at all. The two episodes they showed just yesterday completely contradict EVERYTHING you just said about this being a "formula" show, etc. - especially the second one, where they turned the whole show on its head, but obviously you weren't paying attention.

Please enjoy "American Dancing Idol", or whatever it's called. You've earned it.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 5:54 AM



Originally posted by bikisdad:

Please enjoy "American Dancing Idol", or whatever it's called. You've earned it.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.

I was not watching it at all. Basically you want The Inside and the reality is that it had some good elements but the flaws piled up. So please stop placing blame on the browncoats for not watching a show they felt was not worth the time.

You have tried to place the blame on folks around here for a show failing that because it's flaws killed it.



Thursday, July 7, 2005 6:03 AM


Huh, you just admitted that you weren't even watching it. Well, that was already obvious from what you listed as the show's "flaws", which you were proved wrong about by last night's episodes - except that you weren't watching it to find out that you were wrong. You just proved my point. Thanks.

Now, go watch your little dancing show. I'm sure you'll enjoy that a lot more than TI.

EDIT: Oh, and while I also like House, talk about a show that IS formula - every episode is exactly the same. And you say you "watched" Firefly. How come you just showed up here recently then, and not back when the show was being broadcast - maybe because you weren't actually watching Firefly either, when it originally was on tv?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 6:14 AM


It sucks that The Inside is getting FOXed, but really no use complaining about it at this point. I loved the show. I saw the depth of the characters beyond what was shown, unlike some of my friends. I saw Rebeacca as damaged and trying desperately to survive, a friend saw "a cold bi*ch" *shrugs* Not every show will appeal to everyone. I don't get some of the other shows that people rave about here, but we all "got" Firefly. Let's not have Fox putting a wedge 'tween us. You know I'll miss it too. DVD me. I agree smart TV is rare, and the more it's ignored the less we'll get. I would have watched TI even if I didn't get it, in hopes in would lead to more shows from the great writers who brought it to us.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST.....ah FUX nevermind.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 6:27 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
I agree smart TV is rare, and the more it's ignored the less we'll get. I would have watched TI even if I didn't get it, in hopes it would lead to more shows from the great writers who brought it to us.

Thanks, Jadehand. This is exactly the point I was originally trying to make to G1223 (see my long-winded post, above) - Apparently, I didn't do a very good job of it.

The fact that yet another intelligent show by our Browncoat writers has been cancelled makes it that much less likely that we'll ever get anything else from them on tv again. THAT is why it was so important for all Browncoats to support the show. Well, too late now. Instead, we're just going to get more reality garbage.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 7:34 AM


For me, The Inside started out pretty slow (and not very good). I missed a lot of the first ep because of storm coverage by the local station and the storm messing with the feed from F*X. The 2nd and 3rd eps weren't very good. I was disappointed and bored, to say the least, and I almost gave up up on it. However, I decided to stick it out. A good decision on my part (why couldn't the F*X suits have made the same decision?!). The last three eps have been very good - the dialogue and plots improving, the emotions getting stronger, and of course, more for Kate and Adam to do! And the twist in last night's second ep had me sitting there with my jaw on the floor. And I'm a fan of Peter Coyote, in whatever he's in - and I would have loved to learn all of Webb's back story. Good stuff. I'll buy the DVD set when and if it arrives. BTW, here's another vote against all that reality TV crap. Give me a good, scripted drama every time, and I'm one happy TV addict.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 7:51 AM



Originally posted by bikisdad:
EDIT: Oh, and while I also like House, talk about a show that IS formula - every episode is exactly the same. And you say you "watched" Firefly. How come you just showed up here recently then, and not back when the show was being broadcast - maybe because you weren't actually watching Firefly either, when it originally was on tv?

For the most part, I stay out of these things, but I think your argument is absolutely ridiculous.

First of all, no one would be here if they weren't a fan of Firefly. I don't know where you feel you get the right to throw that around, just because someone is new to the boards. You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment.

Personally, I am a huge fan of firefly, and I like The Inside (although I don't consider it great, and haven't watched last nights episodes yet...they are on my tivo), but I have no interest in Buffy or Angel, and I never saw Wonderfalls. Just because you are a fan of Firefly doesn't mean you have to be a fan of everything from the mutant enemy team. And not being a fan of everything mutant enemy does not mean you are endorsing celebrity dancing!

And finally, and most importantly, I am tired of seeing people who watch Dancing with the Stars or Fear Factor, or whatever being refered to as idiots (and no I don't watch either of those shows, so I wasn't taking anything personally). I do not equate someone as being smarter because they watch The Inside and dumber because they watch a dance show. That is completely insulting and elitist. It seems no matter what people are into on the internet, if they like it, it is smart, and people who don't like what they like are dumb.

I know I already said finally, but...The Inside getting cancelled is not the same as Firefly getting cancelled. The Inside has a sweet time slot, good hype, and a good opportunity to succeed. It hasn't connected with enough people to get a second season. Firefly (a MUCH better show imo) had a horrible time slot, was shown out of order, had no hype, and plenty of interruptions. In my mind, the cancelling of Firefly was as much of a tragedy as television programs getting cancelled too soon can be. The Inside, well, I would have preferred it to get renewed, but I am not losing any sleep over it.

Let my flaming begin.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 8:16 AM


PATS, I completely agree with you.

I'm not angry at FOX for cancelling the show. Except they probably could've given it a bit more time to prove itself, which it really was doing.I thought the first episode was great, the second and third were eh, but these last two were absolutely amazing.

But the fact of it is that The Inside wasn't drawing in the audience that it needed. And that's it.

The cancellation of Firefly? That was truly fox's fault.

My show is too pretty to die.

When's The Inside: The Movie coming out, eh?


Thursday, July 7, 2005 10:18 AM



If you would read what I said carefully, you would note that I never said that G1223 isn't currently a fan of Firefly. I just called him on his implication that he had watched it when it originally aired on tv. So I called him on an insignificant little exaggeration (which you'll notice he didn't deny). How does that make me the bad guy? That's interesting reasoning on your part. Besides, that was the least interesting and important part of any post in this thread.

Read Jadehand's post above for the reason why all of you who didn't support TI should have. We had a show being made BY Browncoats (the top Browncoats, in fact) FOR Browncoats. Now we don't, and because of that, it's unlikely we'll ever get another one. I guess the concept of "loyalty" doesn't even bear mentioning. 'Nuff said. This is my last post on the subject, PERIOD. If you don't understand the gist of Jadehand's post, then I can't help you, so don't post back to me expecting an answer. You won't get it.

EDIT: Oh, and PATS, (I also am a big Tedy Bruschi fan - he went to my school. I hope he'll be OK to play next year), as to the comments about people who watch reality shows, I think the old expression, "You are what you eat.", applies equally well to what you feed your brain as it does to what you feed your body. Just my opinion, though.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 1:28 PM


Hey Patsrule,
I agree with your points, but I can see where Bikisdad is coming from. Fact is, I loved The Inside, Not as much as Firefly or Wonderfalls, But still. FOX made mistakes with TI but not nearly as many or as bad as Firefly, and it wasn't as horribly mistreated as Wonderfalls.

First let me recommend that you check out wonderfalls, It's beautiful. Then imagine getting 4 eps aired and it just vanishing. This happening again (few more eps aired, but close enough) is enough to make a fan of all three shows mad. Though I think the anger here is misdirected, I understand and share that anger. No fan of Firefly should be blamed for this, Just as I don't wish to be blamed for what happened to any other show.

Fans of Firefly don't immediately know about this site. I loved Firefly from the first airing of "The Train Job", but only joined here a bit more than a year ago, so I don't judge anyone based on their "membership date".

I understand that not everyone "got" The Inside. The first few episodes were more about the Characters positions in the dynamic than about the characters. Now the first few episodes made me think, made me laugh, made me gasp, but didn't really make me Feel. And that's important in connecting with a show. I could see that it would, and it did in these last three episodes. Firefly and Wonderfalls...Much sooner with the Feeling, more connection.

As for the smart show/person vs. dumb show/person arguement. I agree with you, but it's easy to see how people who like shows that engage the brain feel smarter than those who watch NASCAR(sorry, too easy) Kidding. I like Music that makes me think too, hence the Marillion, But I also completely enjoyed Jesus Jones. "Move me, Move Me. If you can't it's not worth a damn."

Stepping away from flamewar............

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST.....ah FUX nevermind.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 4:16 PM


*wrenches thread back on-topic*

Am I the only one who thinks

Select to view spoiler:

we haven't seen the last of Webb?

I mean, he must've known what would happen when he took that (metaphorical) bullet for Paul. Could he want Paul in the VCU more than he wants a personal hand in whatever angle he's running?

I dunno. There's no real evidence that Web is anything more than he seems: a hard-ass cop who's willing to break the law (and ethical guidelines) to get the job done. No proof that framing the Thief of Hearts (I'm terrible with names) was anything but a stand-alone deal that the entire Webb/Paul conflict grew out of, but something just seems off about it. Like I'm missing something obvious.

Am I alone in thinking of Webb as this show's equivalent of The Cigarette Smoking Man?

EDIT: Can't sentence proper.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 5:52 PM


Life is too short to waste it watching yet another sadistic serial killer show. And the fact that TM was doing it was only good for an episode or two, after that the show had to stand on its own merits. Count me as one Browncoat (a member of the Fox board before Firefly aired, if anyone cares) who has no stomach for that stuff.

I seriously doubt TM is losing any sleep over it. It was a job, a challenge, not a piece of his heart like FF was for Joss. He did a pretty good job almost rescuing the show but he's probably better off doing something original. And supporting a show that you don't like just because you like the participants' other work is baffling to me. Why encourage them to keep making something you don't like?

Face it, tv is a guilty pleasure no matter what you're watching. Personally, I'd rather watch old Farscape tapes than reality tv but who cares? It doesn't make for moral or mental superiority - it only means I like decent scifi better than watching people dance or eat bugs. Although come to think of it, good scifi usually has both in one form or another. ;-)

Terry - who is strangely starting to *like* the predictable rhythm of a House episode


Originally posted by bikisdad:

The fact that yet another intelligent show by our Browncoat writers has been cancelled makes it that much less likely that we'll ever get anything else from them on tv again. THAT is why it was so important for all Browncoats to support the show. Well, too late now. Instead, we're just going to get more reality garbage.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.






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