UPDATED: Thursday, July 14, 2005 14:41
VIEWED: 4275
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Sunday, July 10, 2005 3:32 PM


Thanks to this great site I was able to find out that Wonderfalls was on DVD! YEA!
Any other Wonderfall Fans?

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"


Sunday, July 10, 2005 4:00 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm very much a big Wonderfalls fan, and am deeply in love with Caroline Dhavernas. Trouble is she will never know, gorramit.

There have been several other threads about it, in fact earlier I noticed an older one with the title "Jewel Staite on Wonderfalls" back in the top discussions.


Sunday, July 10, 2005 5:25 PM


There are actually a bunch of people here who are Wonderfalls fans. I was fortunate enough to find all the episodes (of varying degree of print quality) on bittorrent as they were slowly released. It took almost 6 months for them all to find their way onto the web. Then I went out and bought the DVDs the week they went on sale.

I too am in love with Caroline Dhavernas, and in fact I bought "The Edge of Madness" on DVD because she's in it. (Well, because she's naked in it, but let's not quibble. )

I like "The Inside", Tim's new show (which is also being cancelled, also by Fox), and I'll buy the DVDs when when they come out. But I won't MISS the show like I missed Wonderfalls when it was gone.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:44 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ecgordon:
I'm very much a big Wonderfalls fan, and am deeply in love with Caroline Dhavernas. Trouble is she will never know, gorramit.

There have been several other threads about it, in fact earlier I noticed an older one with the title "Jewel Staite on Wonderfalls" back in the top discussions.

Yeah, Caroline is down right hot. Something about smart, sexy babes I find down right attractive.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:15 PM



Originally posted by SimonSays:
Thanks to this great site I was able to find out that Wonderfalls was on DVD! YEA!
Any other Wonderfall Fans?

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"

It`s a great show & Caroline does a good job, the one thing I like about her is all those `looks` from the corner of her eyes - wonderful wonderalls.

It is being shown on Sky1 in the Uk @ 9pm on tuesdays, however, have seen the full set of episodes on DVd and listened to the witty commentaries & watched tyhe music video etc. etc.

Darin (Zol.)


Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:49 PM


I missed the first ep dammit :(


Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:56 PM


You in the UK Grounded? I'd heard so many good things about it I splashed out on the DVD - only £17.99! Have watched 4 episodes and certainly consider it money well spent. If your DVD can play R1 I'd recommend it.


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Monday, July 11, 2005 3:38 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Loved Wonderfalls, so of course Fox cancelled it. Ruttin' Fox execs.

Got the series on DVD and the whole family watched them and fell for the show too. Of course now they are mad at me for turning them on to another cancelled show.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, July 11, 2005 3:52 AM


"Life's so much easier if you stop struggling against it."
"Yeah, it's a lot like drowning that way."

A lovely show with real heart and characters plus you can see the way arcs were being set up such as the season 2 "virgin" pregnancy storyline was foreshadowed by "Sharon and PoorBitch, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G; first comes love then come marriage then comes Sharon with a baby carriage" (it would have been his baby, albeit with his ex-wife as the "turkey baster).

Can you imagine being the child of a Fox exec? "Steve, we really love you but you've not found your niche and what people are looking for now is shows with celebrities performing unusual activities so we're going to have to put you up for adoption."


Monday, July 11, 2005 6:38 AM


Ahh, Caroline!

"We're all fate's bitch. You might as well just go ahead and bend over for destiny."

Words to live by....

Along with -

"Actually, the medium-point Bic round-stick is the preferred pen for emergency tracheotomies"
"you don't say..."

Stay shiny!


Monday, July 11, 2005 7:04 AM


I never saw Wonderfalls, but I signed up for Netflix today, and Wonderfalls is in my queue, so I will give it a shot.


Monday, July 11, 2005 7:19 AM


You know, this is another success fromn the word of mouth of others!

SimonWho briefly mentioned it at the Serenity Convention in April/May and on that very brief mention, I bought the DVD`s and dare I say it they are watched maybe a little more than Firefly, in fact, I had better do a marathon of watching Firefly to make up for it - maybe we can have a weekend shindig sometime just to do that or maybe even for Wonderfalls - every episode, a brief rest before the following episode allowing for a chat and refreshments and then onto the next.

"Balrick, that`s probably the dumbest thing you`ve come up with!"
"Thankyou, My Lord"

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, July 11, 2005 8:13 AM


I was so trying to be Wonderfalls's pimp at Serenity but didn't organise myself properly. Still, at least I converted a couple of people proper and sowed the seeds in the minds of others. It really is a delightful series and also carries the bonus that the arc wraps itself neatly by the end of the episodes.

I'm sure it's picked up several tens of thousands more fans now Sky have started showing it (and it had good publicity in the TV pages). Perhaps there should be a UK remake or something.

I love the commentary where they all break into singing the theme song. "We're all bobbing along in our barrels..."


Monday, July 11, 2005 8:17 AM


What do you reckon we could convince Sean to get some cast members over for Serenity 2?!


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Monday, July 11, 2005 8:19 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I was so trying to be Wonderfalls's pimp at Serenity but didn't organise myself properly. Still, at least I converted a couple of people proper and sowed the seeds in the minds of others. It really is a delightful series and also carries the bonus that the arc wraps itself neatly by the end of the episodes.

I'm sure it's picked up several tens of thousands more fans now Sky have started showing it (and it had good publicity in the TV pages). Perhaps there should be a UK remake or something.

I love the commentary where they all break into singing the theme song. "We're all bobbing along in our barrels..."

Well, soemtimes people don`t need "in your face Watch this cause its good" but a few meaningful words can go along way - wasn`t it something like "If you watch wonderfalls and don`t like it, I`ll pay you £50" I`m sure that`s what you said

And I do hope you don`t mean a UK remake, gawd that would be awful, unless perhaps you did it in the lake district or picturesque scotland.

Oh, and yes, some of the cast signing the theme tune is always a surefire winner even when they fluff the words and start to argue `I thought it was always ..."

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, July 11, 2005 8:23 AM


See, I can do subtle but I need time to prepare my faking of it. Otherwise I'm like Eddie Izzard's impression of commercials from the 50's "Come on, here it is, buy it now."

Well, you would have to find somewhere quirky to do it but I think it would still suit a UK feel to it (because it already has that semi-Canadian vibe) plus they massacred The Office, why shouldn't we counter-attack?

*looks in wallet for spare fifties*


Monday, July 11, 2005 8:31 AM



Originally posted by SimonSays:
Thanks to this great site I was able to find out that Wonderfalls was on DVD! YEA!
Any other Wonderfall Fans?

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"

Loved that show. Too bad it ended. I'm going to buy them eventually on dvd, but, for right now, I rent them off and on from Netflix.

Wish they had brought it back. Damn them.



Summer: Jane's a girls name
Jayne: Well I ain't no girl! I can prove it!
Simon: I'm trying to picture you more vulgar... but, I can't


Monday, July 11, 2005 9:21 PM



Originally posted by DarkJester:

I too am in love with Caroline Dhavernas, and in fact I bought "The Edge of Madness" on DVD because she's in it. (Well, because she's naked in it, but let's not quibble. )

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."

Thank you for the tip on "The Edge of Madness"

I find the thought of Caroline Dhaernas naked a lot more exciting than say .....Pamela Lee Anderson or Paris "Hey mister, can I was your Rolls?" Hilton!
But hey, that just me!

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"


Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:41 AM


Allright, I got Wonderfalls from Netflix, and I watched the first episode. I have a few things to say, some of which you won't like....

For starters, I completely understand why this show wound up getting canceled. The first twenty minutes or so were some of the most boring minutes I had seen in a television program in a long time. The only thing that kept me from declaring the people of this board insane for their devotion to this show and giving up right then and there were A) just that, the devotion of everyone on this board to this show, and B) I went out of my way to get it so I might as well at least watch a whole episode. Had I been watching it on television instead of DVD, and not known of such critical acclaim, I surely would have quit 20 minutes in and never come back. I imagine that many of those who watched the first episode did the same. It is almost inexcusable to start the first episode of a series so mundane and dull, especially when, as I recall, it was up against Survivor and Friends (at least I think that is when it was on). I think the show doomed itself, by loosing potential viewers who might have watched the first episode.

Anyways, I stuck with it. A little over 20 minutes in, it started to click, all of a sudden the charaacters became interesting to me, and the plot started to surface. Probably around the time the main character started chasing the guy on the bike with the quarter, I started enjoying the show. By the end of the episode, I was intriuged, and looking forward to the next episode. It went from increadibly boring to fascinating in a very short period. I understood why the first 20 minutes were setting up the relationships of the characters, but there really should have been some kind of warning, about hanging with the show for more than 20 minutes, because it does get better.


Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:38 AM


Another fan of the show. I just saw the DVDs a few weeks ago.

And Jewel was just great. What a bitch!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:12 AM


At home sick today and watched FOUR episodes including the Jewel ones.

Never thought I could hate our Kaylee!


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Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:48 AM


I was just about to write something but thought *Spoiler* - Get well soon!

and here is my thoughts on the Heidi vs. Jaye thing in spoiler mode -

Select to view spoiler:

It`s a case of 2 sides and whether or not you could believe that Heidi would commit another act of unspeakableness.

As Tyrone is married, the act of the affair with Jaye is an unlawful one, even if they are made for each other.

I wonder also what each person would say to their parents?

Tyrone maybe would appologise and say that his wife cheated on him and has found someone else and will seek a devorse.

Heidi will protest that she had a moment of weekness and is totally faithful to her husband, who insists on having an affair with a person he met in a bar.

I can`t remember if Jaye every approached this subject to her parents, but I think it would go something like - I`ve met this guy who was cheated on by this other woman and he could be right for me.

so that`s just my ideas, right or wrong, it`s the way I look at it, might need to find a new perspective on it though.

Fray, to cheer you up, I reckon you should get up and put the Wonderfalls Music Video on repeat and dance those sickness blues away

Darin (Zol.)


Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:38 PM



Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:40 PM



Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:41 PM



Originally posted by patsrule:
Allright, I got Wonderfalls from Netflix, and I watched the first episode. I have a few things to say, some of which you won't like....

For starters, I completely understand why this show wound up getting canceled. The first twenty minutes or so were some of the most boring minutes I had seen in a television program in a long time. The only thing that kept me from declaring the people of this board insane for their devotion to this show and giving up right then and there were A) just that, the devotion of everyone on this board to this show, and B) I went out of my way to get it so I might as well at least watch a whole episode. Had I been watching it on television instead of DVD, and not known of such critical acclaim, I surely would have quit 20 minutes in and never come back. I imagine that many of those who watched the first episode did the same. It is almost inexcusable to start the first episode of a series so mundane and dull, especially when, as I recall, it was up against Survivor and Friends (at least I think that is when it was on). I think the show doomed itself, by loosing potential viewers who might have watched the first episode.

Anyways, I stuck with it. A little over 20 minutes in, it started to click, all of a sudden the charaacters became interesting to me, and the plot started to surface. Probably around the time the main character started chasing the guy on the bike with the quarter, I started enjoying the show. By the end of the episode, I was intriuged, and looking forward to the next episode. It went from increadibly boring to fascinating in a very short period. I understood why the first 20 minutes were setting up the relationships of the characters, but there really should have been some kind of warning, about hanging with the show for more than 20 minutes, because it does get better.

I am glad that you stuck with it!
The show actually got better every episode!
This must be a Tim Minear thing (first couple of episodes of his series are boring or confusing).
Anyways, if you had said bad things about Wonderfalls, Jaye would have come to your house and destroyed your place, or at the very least she would have started dressing like you, talking like you, get a job where you work, asking your friends all about you, hanging out at your parent's house and fixing her hair like your's After which she would get you fired and convince your family that you were crazy!

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"






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