Nathan is mad... ( very old thread )

UPDATED: Friday, June 13, 2008 06:37
VIEWED: 40360
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Friday, July 29, 2005 5:36 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
But then again, should we really expect anything other than this from someone who uses the phrase "the internets"?

*lol* I would have said "after having a look at their website". Seriously, many 12 year old kids could get it right and would probably do it for a free comic book. Look at the source and the image urls (anybody wondering why they don't work? *cough*). I just hope they at least BOUGHT the version of Dreamweaver they used (though it would be a ridiculous waste of money, considering the result).


Friday, July 29, 2005 5:57 AM


I feel the ghost of Darwin hovering over THAT business.

This dipwad could have apologised, in fact, not only could he have apologised and offered Nathan that issue at cover price - he also could have acknowledged the clerk was being an a$$hat, and that this was wrong, then politely explained how and why they don't get better pricing on the issues, and asked us browncoats for support in getting them a better deal.

But no, apparently he stands by "patchy" and fully supports the behavior of said a$$hat, making them fully deserving of the wrath being set upon them.

As for "internets" - he should consider THIS concept, us "internets" were extremely instrumental in convincing Universal to cough up FIFTY MILLION to sponsor a silver screen production, and in convincing Sci-Fi (who originally refused) to run the series on their network.

Us "internets" punched that DVD set to top-ten status on Amazon multiple times, and held it there for considerable periods of time.

That's a LOT of money - and from a pure business perspective, he didn't just shoot himself in the foot, he blew em both off at the knee!

Let him go back to being the sad little king of his sad little hill and practice his quaint, archaic caveman stupidity amidst the ruins of his soon-to-fail business while we calmly and quietly strangle it.

I for one see no further point in addressing him, but rather have gone to the sources of supply and pointed out to THEM what an a$$hat he is, and if he thinks he's getting awful pricing NOW... heh.

It's bad business to support incompetence and failure, and comic suppliers are pretty sharp businessmen - they're not likely to reinforce defeat.

As always, goin right for the throat,


Friday, July 29, 2005 6:48 AM



Originally posted by Rat:

Here's what I sent:

"Do you have any Nathan Fillian autographed Serenity comics? If you do, please get back to me! I might be willing to pay as much as $20 for such an item! Please check and let me know!"


Haven't been to the site, but I can only image.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, July 29, 2005 7:18 AM


I came across a comic book fanboard discussion of this issue last night. Even though their discussion stemmed from the store owner's account, the general consensus was that Darrel is a price-gouging jerk. Then again, it became apparent that comic book fans in the area >already< had that opinion. They make up acronyms for the name of the store, such as "Will Anatoly Rape People," and they refer to Darrel as the "pirate," because of his eyepatch and demeanor.

It sounds like this place had it coming.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Friday, July 29, 2005 7:40 AM


I'm a bad girl... I left a comment in his livejournal, and I don't care....


I'm a lucky girl - the comic book shops here in my home town surprised me delightfully - they were sold out, and the owner called TWO of his competitions to find me not one - but all THREE covers. I had to drive a bit to get them, but they were SO worth it.

Nathan's experience is the experience I EXPECT from comic books stores, sometimes. SO many seem to be staffed by power-mad, moronic little Comic Nazis like Darryl. MAN.. SO glad I don't live near this shop.. I'd become the non-money-spending annoying customer that comes in once a week to be obnoxious.

Man.. You do NOT mess with my Captain, and dude, if you REALLY paid 19.99 for a copy, YOU are the Dummy. No one is going to pay that when they ARE still available, and WILL BE available for THREE BUCKS. How completely stupid do you think us Browncoats ARE??? WE know we can get it for less, did you REALLY, REALLY think we would pay YOU $20 for something we can get elsewhere for THREE??? I mean.. really.. I just can't imagine that any sane business person STARTS at a point where he thinks his customers are that stupid, and then COMPOUNDS the issue by letting people like Darryl have ANY contact with the public.

You must be a franchise or something, cuz otherwise, why haven't you gone out of business yet?

Dude - You let NATHAN FILLION get treated like that?? He's the Frelling CAPTAIN... the monumental stupidity of this entire incident simply leaves me astonished.. and kinda giggly, cuz, well, the antics of the truly stupid are sometimes just kinda amusing...

and I used the LJ icon with all the boys from the show :)

You know you want it - (temp located at

You know you need it -


Friday, July 29, 2005 8:25 AM



Originally posted by Shadesiren:
I'm a bad girl... I left a comment in his livejournal, and I don't care....

Yeah, I've been discussing it with him on LJ. I don't think we're going to convince him. He thinks he's the victim--ain't no fightin' a monster who thinks he's right with God.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."
Ballad of Joss:


Friday, July 29, 2005 10:03 AM


Just felt a need to say my piece, I'm usually pretty quiet.. but you do NOT disrespect MY Cap'n like that. lol


Friday, July 29, 2005 10:03 AM


I'm cursed post-wise today


Friday, July 29, 2005 10:03 AM




Friday, July 29, 2005 10:07 AM


So.. go to his suppliers, point out that he's giving the comics industry a pretty huge amount of bad PR which is likely to negatively affect their business (i.e. profits).

And then watch how fast THEY 'kick him through the engine' without need of any further intervention on your behalf.

Take Wash's advice, cut out the middleman, go right for the throat.



Friday, July 29, 2005 10:38 AM


I bought 3000 copies of Issue #1 and I have had stores buying up copies, at full price. People buy 100 at a time. Its crazy. I am selling First print Issue #1 for $4.00.



Serenity Comics, Action figures, RPG, Books, Trading cards... Everything Serenity can be found at my store.

Thanks for you support


Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:27 AM


Well..I live in Edmonton, and I once shopped at Warp 1 comics. I don't anymore, Patchy is the reason, don't get me wrong,it's a great little shop, but the guy who owns it, Darryl (Or Patchy as we call him) is a complete and utter waste of skin. When he hands the business over to Lynn (The longest person employed by him and thank you God for such a wonderful woman) I can't wait to see what she does with the place and the prices..cause ole Patchy is a price gouging MF who wouldn't know a good business deal if it bit him in the butt.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:22 PM


I got it at Forbidden Planet. They had the jayne and inara covers. I only bought the Jayne cover because there were other things I wanted to get too.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:22 PM



...Captains Orders.

I got Jayne & Inara covers at Starbase 21. I ordered Mal from 258 West.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

StillShiny's Firefly Fan Shop R.I.P


Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:53 PM


I apologize for the lateness of my obligatory "rip 'em a new one" reply. I shame myself to have missed this one, but alas stress lately has kept my mind occupied (see blog). So, without further addddooooo.....

Oh Captain, my Captain, how sh%t has come. Alas, that TMTCJ was not there to tip this sorry, worthless, waste of human space to the downward portions of a camel's nether-regions. Although I am sure that I will not be visiting the Great White North anytime soon, I shall be sure to go DIRECTLY to this store, and proceed with reading every, single mag they have.

IMMEDIATELY after eating a good sized portion of barbeque wings, provided some are easily aquired. To that, my response to any inquiry would be "Whedonesque Pork around the corner charged me $20 for my wings, and I don't want to waste the sauce on anything substandard."

Wearing, of course, a Blue Sun t-shirt, with a "Can't Stop the Sauce" bumper sticker firmly tacked to my rear portions...............

Orrrr......I am sure that I can re-wtch every single episode of The Simpsons with all the great prank calls and call that number....profusely. Jerkey Boys comes to mind also...

Tethys----The Irate BrownCoat Enforcer

"I aim to misbehave"
I am:


Monday, August 1, 2005 2:30 AM


This was posted on from the livejournal log of an employee at the store


From - 2005-08-1st

A work-related tale. It’s actually good. Read it.

A little bit of a preface here: The ’Serenity’ comic has been hot property. We’ve sold out of it four times, and this is only the first printing of the first issue, which has been out for two weeks now. We’ve been getting calls from Calgary to see if we still have any copies left. Yesterday, joy of joys, we managed to wrangle one in, with a sticker price of $19.99 because, of course, we had to go through the not-Diamonds secondary market, and we don’t want to sell it at a loss either. Incidentally, it was the Captain Malcolm cover, which was the first to go off our shelves initially.

Capt. Malcolm.

In comes a customer, and he was intending to buy the very expensive comic. Only he does not want to pay the $19.99. He wants to pay the US cover price. Prices stand firm, heated discussion takes place. I’m working the phone, so sadly I don’t get in on the details. The customer leaves, unhappy and comic-less.

Turns out that customer was Nathan Fillion.

Nathan Fillion.

Like I said, I was on the phone, so I missed out on little details like that (I didn’t recognize him, obviously. Hey, I’ve only ever watched one episode of Firefly!). Anyways, the story eventually finds its way to the internets, and whereas before we were dealing with one angry actor and his closest friends/family who he would relay the story to, now we get to deal with his fanclub.

There were a total of four messages on the voicemail. Two of them asked for an apology, and were calm and straightforward. One demonstrated the brilliance of internet persons who make good on their threats of action: "Hey Darrel, you suck." The final one was someone pretending to be from Dark Horse Comics (they publish the Serenity comic), threatening to not let us put any of their titles in our store. Advice to the anonymous woman who called: if you want to make us believe you, first a) leave a call-back number, because business is business, and b) know that we don’t deal with DH directly.

The kicker is that someone, possibly Rick R. Zimmerman, Assoc. AIA, needs to fix their fax machine, as it sent out around fifteen faxes, all the same thing. I’d hate to spoil the contents by posting it here. Ask me, because I asked Darrel for a copy (there were fifteen, after all) and I got one.

So now to end this on a high-ish note. Sadly, I suck at conclusions. I feel I ought to mention that the story’s been pepped up a little for comedic effect, and naturally biased, but it’s all true. Since this is the internets, no doubt the same stunning mind that brought us "Darrel, you suck" is going to find this and make a stink out of it. Sure, I could be reasonable and go into nice, calm explanations, but that wouldn’t make an interesting post, would it? And my LJ lacks in interesting posts.

The end... or is it?

I expect a few more messages on the voicemail tomorrow.

So he admits it happens but still doesn't address the jacking of the prices? As previous posts have stated the comic was located other stores in Canada for much cheaper price. Oh well.

Just thought I would share.



Monday, August 1, 2005 3:41 AM



Apparently he does indeed have to go through a middle-man and pay the jacked up price because the comic suppliers will not sell directly to him.

Gee, they have no problem selling to OTHER comic stores in the region, do they now ?

I wonder if perhaps we're not seeing here the REASON that the comic suppliers will not, or will no longer, sell direct to this purplebelly.

He's also got no moral high ground when it comes to throwing insults around - he might have been a bit more subtle with them, but it's essentially his version of "No, YOU suck!" with a little whine and cheese on the side.

I say we convince the middle-men he's dealing with to cut him off as well, strangle his comic supply completely, then he won't have to whine about the high prices he has to pay for them, yes?

Soon to be
Warped One woulda-be comics.
Missing you, not so much.



Monday, August 1, 2005 6:34 AM



Originally posted by slayerfan1975:
Like I said, I was on the phone, so I missed out on little details like that (I didn’t recognize him, obviously. Hey, I’ve only ever watched one episode of Firefly!).

This totally explains it. My comic shop dude knows every comic and comic-related movie and tie-in and whatnot. He's a fan. Anyone in that line of work who is not an active fan of Firefly/Serenity is a suit watchin' the ka-ching, and what more could you expect from him?

Warped one Chrisisall


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:16 AM


Couple things you guys might have missed.

Comic book stores dont buy from the publishers they buy through Diamond Comics ( who buys from the pubishers).

Now what the guy was saying about the jacked up price was, they had sold out of the comic 4 times and had to get the comic from another store.

I sold one store 150 copies @ full price. Not making excuses or agreeing with the bad guy. Just laying out some facts people are missing.



Serenity Comics, Action figures, RPG, Books, Trading cards... Everything Serenity can be found at my store.

Thanks for you support


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:31 AM


Yeah, I think the concensus is that it was more about the attitude than the price.

And Darryl still has his job! I was worried about him...

Make mine Master of Kung Fu Chrisisall


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:35 AM


Got this off the discussion. It's a reply from comic book guy to fithelere:


I suggest you find a way to make peace with the Browncoats.

With Nathan Fillion, perhaps. That's not my thing to do, though, so I'm not going to worry about it. As for the Browncoats, you guys have been spamming our email and fax machine, and haven't exactly been polite about it, either, so...

So, basically he considers people telling him about his business practices spam. Sorry buddy, but that just ain't true; it's legitimate email. Just because there's lots of it, doesn't make it spam.

Now the sheer fact that it's a landslide of email... That should make you think.

Point of fact, you reap what you sow.

Point of fact, you can't justify being an a**hole because people are being a**holes to you after you've been an a**hole.

Point of fact, not everyone is being a**holes in there email/faxes; polite criticism (or just criticism) is not being an a**hole.

Who does this guy think he is?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:45 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Who does this guy think he is?

Some mere employee that only caught half the story while he was responsible for the phone? As far as I can tell, Darryl didn't and won't make any statement OR read any of the angry mails, because he is the owner and can make his employees clean up his mess.


Monday, August 1, 2005 7:47 AM


Can people try and remember that the livejournal entry is NOT a reply to Nathan's comments on the UB. They are NOT by the person responsible, they are NOT the owner, they are the comments of someone who worked in the store and wasn't present to the incident with Nathan.

Some browncoats have been going over there and talking s**t to the guy for just posting about an incident that happened at work like the guy's the devil and making all browncoats look like jerks in the process. He has a right to be pissed off, people aren't thinking about what they're posting when they're going over there.

Please read all the posts before you even think about commenting because we really are coming off badly in this.


Monday, August 1, 2005 8:02 AM


Well, threatening someone's wrong, and no real browncoat would do that. Let's just make a point of that.
Callin' him on bein' a jerk I think we all have no problems with.

Stern Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would hope that Browncoats are conducting themselves with restraint and honor and not coming off as rabid fans attacking this guy blindly.

I understand Nathan being upset, and I fully agree w/ a boycott of the business by all Browncoats willing to participate in response to the obvious price gouging of fans. The complete lack of courtesy and disregard for customer service of this comic store employee should result in an apology to Nathan and the fan community. Less than that & we should not lift the boycott.

I share the concerns of Chronic and others that directionless attacks will do nothing more than make an already bad situation worse and make the browncoats appear in less than a favorable light.

Please try to word your emails constructively and in a coherent and professional tone. What you say & do not only reflects on the fanbase but on the cast, Joss & Universal as well.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:17 AM


If this goes in any worse way than it is now, it will just put a black mark on our brown coats.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

StillShiny's Firefly Fan Shop R.I.P --- I'm thinking we'll rise again.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:05 AM


Worry not browncoats! I shall avenge our captain. I live in Edmonton, but I still never ran into Nathan. But his family should have warned him not to go to warp one, it's just a big rip-off, the guys who work there are complete a-holes.

So basically, me and my friends are going to make that man think twice next time he tries to rip off a captain. I'll even record the event. Don't worry, nothin illegal.

Keep flyin'


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:28 AM


Just don't do anything immature or that will make us look bad! We really just want them to understand that their business practices are irresponsible, not "get revenge" or anything like that...



Wednesday, August 3, 2005 3:36 PM


From the LJ:

"What you Edmonton browncoats should do is hold a protest outside the store on their busiest day. Contact the media, because they'll eat that stuff with a fork. The money he loses from lost business should make up for the years and years of price gouging."

I think if that was done in a responsible and proffesional maneer, that this would be the perfect oppertunity to let those guys know not to mess w/ the browncoats. Let's see what Mr. Gouger has to say then!


Thursday, August 4, 2005 2:10 PM


Hello everyone.

I am very sorry to hear about this situation.

I have been buying my books from Comic Fever in Edmonton for nearly two decades and have NEVER had a problem. (It's hard to complain when everything is 25% off for file customers with 20 books or more!)

We at comicbloc feel your pain and invite you to come check it out starting with this thread;

Nathan, it would be great to hear from you on there, plenty of today's best comic creators are regular posters but I don't think we have a film star yet!

See you in the Funnybooks! (Because I shop at Comic Fever!)

P.S. - ITV did a story on Warp and this situation tonight, Nathan knows what ITV is! :p


Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:27 PM


Well everyone, I think Nathan's anger has been avenged. Global News in Edmonton(edmonton's biggest news station) did a great story on how Warp One ripped him off, and how Darryl had his reasons, and didn't realize that he was Nathan Fillion, but stuck by his guns in the end. They even included a screenshot of our very own I owe a deep thank-you to whoever brought this to the attention of the media, thank you thank you.


Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:56 PM


Your welcome.

And may all the staff at Warp 2, including the cute chick, have mercy on my soul.

And keep watching CFRN & A-Channel as well as reading the Sun and the Journal.



Thursday, August 4, 2005 6:19 PM


Do they have a website?

Can you post a link?

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Friday, August 5, 2005 1:29 AM



Friday, August 5, 2005 1:31 AM




"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Friday, August 5, 2005 5:27 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by tmurrie:
Well everyone, I think Nathan's anger has been avenged. Global News in Edmonton(edmonton's biggest news station) did a great story on how Warp One ripped him off, and how Darryl had his reasons, and didn't realize that he was Nathan Fillion, but stuck by his guns in the end. They even included a screenshot of our very own I owe a deep thank-you to whoever brought this to the attention of the media, thank you thank you.

Is this report online anywhere that we might see it? Sure would be interested in seeing it.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, August 5, 2005 8:43 AM


Nathan just posted a thread over on the UB calling for a truce.


There is a fire that burns within the hearts of Browncoats. Cross them at your own peril. This is one thing I've learned in the past three weeks.
I posted a call to Browncoats to boycott a jerk. The results have been hilarious, I think we can all agree. However, my brother gave me a call, and has concerns about how far it's gone, and I think he may be right. Let's look at the pros and cons.

Pros- Comic book guy exposed. Lost some business as a result.
Cons- Employees at his store are getting flak they don't deserve. As a matter of fact, there were a number of employees who were kind and helpful. My pal Mark says he gets great service from the very same guy.
Pros- The comic is incredibly popular! All these folks trying to get ahold of it is amazing and bodes well for the movie.
Cons- There are two similar stores in Edmonton, Warp 2 and 3, that are not affilliated with Warp 1 for the same reasons I don't I like 'em. They, too, are losing business.
Pros- Happy Harbor is getting extra business. Browncoats are ordering their comics from Canada, just to support them. (Which is the most incredible thing I've ever heard of.)
Cons- I'm starting to feel like a dick. I just wanted to boycott the fella, and now he's being tortured.
Pros- Funny stories of other comic store owners getting into business because they didn't like that same fella. Trevor from Saturn Comics got banned from Warp 1 at age 14. As I understand it, his offence was asking where the Hulk comics were. Now, with his own store, he banned Darryl.

I think a delicious bowl of hot, steamy justice has been served. What more can one ask than a man's eyes be opened to his effect on the world around him? I always try to think, though, what would it take for a man to change? Will being attacked make him a kinder man, or simply entrench him deeper?
It is my hope, Darryl, that you will henceforth be kinder to the people that come to buy at your store. Make them at home. Make them a welcome guest. Charge what you will, but be honest to folks if they can get the same thing cheaper elsewhere. Then you will be respected. PS- You are not a crap catcher, I said that because I was angry.
To you, Browncoats, I give props of the highest order. The support has been more incredible than one could hope for. It is now time we celebrate victory. This battle has left them bloodied and weary. Turn your battle worn selves back around, and go home to your loved ones with your heads held high. I salute you. To the employees of Warp 1, my apologies for any suffering you have endured as a result of my dissatisfaction with your employer. Perhaps you have suffered worst of all. I salute you. To Saturn Comics, who gave my niece a free comic, I salute you. To Wizard Comics, for polite, fun, and friendly service in Millwoods, I salute you.
To Warps 2 and 3, my frank and sincere apologies for any collateral damage you may have suffered, AND I salute you. Happy Harbor, you get a nod, wink, and a salute. Salutes to my peeps, and to our fallen comrades (Remember Lux? He would have thought this was hilarious). I think all you Browncoats are amazing. Your wit, and your willingness for action. Job well done. This was no Serenity Valley. This one was a win. Let us be gracious winners, and leave with honor. Ears and noses shall be the trophies of the day. I will be sending flowers to Warp 1 as a sign of peace. Lilies, I think. Now my brother can stress less. Gorammit, this was funny, though, eh?

Now I feel as though we should find a proper cause to harness all this incredible Browncoat support. I don't know what it is just yet, but it will definitly be more noble than a comicbook, and still funny.

Nathan Fillion

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Friday, August 5, 2005 9:07 AM


rah, *raising drink in gesture of Browncoat pride*

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again


Friday, August 5, 2005 9:50 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

How can you not do what Nathan asks? He is the Captain after all.

Here's to you Captain.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, August 5, 2005 10:11 AM


I'd STILL love to see whatever aired on Edmonton TV (and what, if anything, made it into the newspaper) if anyone ever comes across a link.

Just as a war trophy, you understand.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Friday, August 5, 2005 10:37 AM


I started crying.

Not because of th ecomic book thing but because of Mr. Fillion.

Did you see that? He raised a glass for Lux. How awesome is that? Does a fan good to see such a man honor one of our greatest members.

Two tickets...I will buy two tickets everytime.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, August 5, 2005 11:44 AM


Ah-ha TWG, there you are. You are the perfect person to share my idea with. It's possible too many folk are not reading this here thread, because they think it's just more gripe session, hows about starting that says Nathan is no longer mad... or Nathan is quite happy now.. or something like that. And then show the posting that Montanagirl did. I was quite overjoyed to read his posting, but I have avoided this thread the past few days due to the "thing" being driven into the ground. I don't want to hijack the thread, but I think i's great to read & hear what Cappy has to say. And yes, all love & memories to Lux.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again


Friday, August 5, 2005 3:27 PM


And to you captain, I salute!

As for the news clip, my brother recorded it last minute on a crappy VHS tape thats been taped over countless times. So you may have to find another sourse for your trophie.


Friday, August 5, 2005 8:21 PM


Aye-aye Cap'n

Time to put the iron-shod boots of moron butt-kickin away for the nonce, then..

But in the wise words of Minsc
"You point, I punch!"

We're not just fans, we're BROWNCOATS - we've done the impossible and it's made us mighty!

Mission Accomplished.



Saturday, August 6, 2005 4:48 AM


So far you have the only copy that's been mentioned. Might be the only copy in Browncoat hands. Any chance you can post the content? A transcript? The whole clip?

I can't believe the Edmonton TV stations haven't posted a clip, but if they have, I can't find it.


To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Saturday, August 6, 2005 7:01 AM


Global typically doesn't post clips from its broadcasts, and as far as I can tell (with the exception of the Ontario/Toronto page - has anyone told them they are not the same thing?) only posts text versions of its leading stories.

Anyone still looking for Global Edmonton:

Edited ('cause I'm bored) to add:

Citytv Edmonton:
(anyone else wish Chum would stop rebranding its stations, or is it just me?)

CFRN (CTV Edmonton):

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Saturday, August 6, 2005 10:19 AM


Well, I've clicked everything I can find, and no "Captain of the Browncoats vs. Warp 1" stories anywhere. Why is this not available under "top stories"? One of these sites even has a piece entitled "Want to know why men have nipples?", which, even though I'm a man with 2 of 'em, seems less pressing an issue. And then they don't tell you.

And just what is ""? When I was flailing around the 'net looking for Edmonton TV stations, everything I clicked seemed to lead to in one or another of its incarnations. I thought ".com" was reserved for COMMERCIAL sites, and I'm pretty sure Canada's supposed to be a country. Can a country be a commercial operation? Is this the genesis of what will have become Blue Sun in 500 years?

It all seems very sinister to me. I always thought Canada was a place of beavers, maple leaves, moose and Molsen. Now we find out they're lurking deceptively, planning galactic domination.

Probably shoulda been tipped off by that whole "queen of another country on their money" thing.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Monday, August 8, 2005 11:32 AM


Don't forget Comic Fever in Edmonton guys!!!

It's been my favorite store for almost two decades!



Monday, August 8, 2005 6:17 PM


I know this is a little late to say anything... but this situation makes me a little concerned. Loyalty is one thing, but we Browncoats need to make sure to get the whole story. Jumping because someone told you to jump does not make you a good person - even if that person is someone you know (sort-of) and respect. Besides, like BlackoutNights said, that didn't sound like Nathan. Can we just be more careful next time something like this happens? Joss and Co. will thank us for it.



Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:28 PM


I live in Edmonton, and that's how the manager, Darryl, at Warp One is. He's been running this comic shop for, like, over 20 years. He's infamous for jacking up cover prices for NO reason at all (even if its a non-hot comic book), charges a bit more for the odd trade paperback or hardcover as well, for no reason at all (hey, the publisher has already given both the US and Canadian cover price on the darn thing), and still over prices them for no reason.
If its a superhot comic, yeah, he'll raise that damn item as high as kingdom come. He has more stores than I am even aware: Warp 2, Warp 3, White Knight, and a retro clothing store at White Ave. as well, a gaming suppliesdistributor, and maybe even owns a Subway. How he's survived as a comic book retailer with the way he does things, I'll never understand. I've seen other stores sadly close down, and yet Warp still runs. Sheesh.






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