What Scene's In Joss' Shows Made You Cry?*Spoilers*

UPDATED: Saturday, August 20, 2005 22:02
VIEWED: 7804
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:49 AM


Okay, may I start by saying I rarely cry at movies and NEVER cried at television until I met Joss.

Here's my list:

Buffy trying to convince Angel to go inside before the sun came up and then it started to snow.

Buffy having to kill Angel.

Giles reaction to seening Jenny dead.

Anya's speech about not understandinng why Buffy's mom died.

Willow's reaction to Tara's death.

Xander's talking Willow out of destroying the world.

Anya walking down the isle at her wedding alone.

Spikes falling on the ground sobbing when he saw Buffy fall to her death.

Spike seeing Buffy alive for the first time, seeing her bloody hands, and knowing how she must have felt, clawing her way out of a coffin.

On Angel, Fred dying in Wesley's arms. Wesley dying in Illeria's/Fred's arms.

Cordie watching the video clip of Doyle after he died.

The funeral scene in "The Message."

There are probably more, so refresh my memory!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:11 AM


At the Senior Prom when Buffy gets the gold umbrella and Angel does come to the prom after all. I don't know why but that part gets me.
Out of Gas. Don't know exactly what part but that episode is pretty tearful.
Err now I can't remember anymore.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:16 AM


Anya's speech in "The Body". 'and Joyce will never have any more juice boxes and nobody will tell me why'. Gets me every time.

Buffy's speech in "The Gift".

Buffy rescuing Giles in "Passion", 'Are you trying to get yourself killed?!? I can't do this without you!'.

Anya walking down the aisle in her wedding dress. 'Take care of my heart, won't you, please?'

Erm... I think that's about it. I'm not a big cryer. And only Joss really does it for me.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:20 AM



The funeral scene in "The Message."

its not the funeral scene that gets me - its the scene where hes dieing and realises that Mal has had to kill him in order to get him to his parents and that for anyone thats tough to do

smile pretty and watch your back


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:30 AM


All of them.

I'm not kidding! Any episode that Joss or any other Mutant Enemy writer hoped would choke people up, I have cried. And cried. And cried and cried and cried.

I sobbed my heart out during the final scenes of "Becoming II". And "Passions". And "The Body" and "Forever" and I don't know how many other episodes of Buffy and Angel.

Although I haven't cried while watching Firefly... yet. I bet I will during the movie though.

Oh by the way ... Hi! I'm Linda, from Ireland. I'm new

"I'm a bloodsucking fiend! Look at my outfit!"


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:30 AM


okay... i appear to be the first guy posting to this thread (PLEASE correct me if i am wrong). not really a crier myself, but joss can push the water works button ...

the ones i can redily remember have been mentioned (in the gift, it's not just spike's reaction, but buffy's sacrificeing herself,
in THE BODY,pretty much the whole ep after buffy realised joyce was dead....)
but i do know that the ME writers got me at least once a season..

ok, so maybe i'm more of a softie than i let on....

...May have been the losing side, Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:48 AM


Hi Desktophippie! Welcome to the site.

I'm a guy, too, and I almost never cry, but Joss has made me cry more than once. I can't watch the body without tearing up, especially Buffy's "Mom? Mom? Mommy?" That and when she's yelling into Joyce's face, trying to get her to wake up.

Anya's speech does it for me too, as does seeing Willow break down.

The end of "Tabula Rasa", when Giles and Tara are leaving and that Michelle Branch song is playing. Of course, I then get angry when I see Buffy kissing Spike.

I didn't cry when Fred died, but it was really close. I was actually a little glad that Wesley died, because he had nothing else to live for after losing Fred.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:58 AM


Everything in The Body, from the moment Buffy says Mommy to the end credits I'm crying like a big girly man.

Fred and Wes's death

That's about it


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:20 AM


The Body was so emotionally gripping, the entire episode had me on the edge of tears.

A scene that made me tear up that comes to mind is from an episode that a lot of people didn't really care for, Beauty And The Beasts from season three. The scene at the end when a feral Angel came to Buffy's rescue. He kills Pete and then goes for Buffy, but instead of attacking her, he drops to his knees hugging her around the waist and cries out her name. The look on Buffy's face and the tear falling down her cheek gets me every time.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the Fred and Wes death scenes in Angel season five. I loved those characters so much, it was very emotional when they each passed.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:39 AM


I don't know if either actually brought tears, but the two moments that I liked were

Xander asking if anyone had seen Anya at the end of the final episode.

Spike bringing the flowers for Joyce and the way he was treated by Xander-- and there not being a card saying that the flowers were from Spike. Good moment.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:00 AM


When Oz leaves Willow in "Wild at Heart".

"I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care. Or indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all." -Kerr Avon


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:27 AM


Fred's death made me bawl uncontrollably. So did Wesley's. So did Buffy's, especially when that fantastic music starts to play. So did Doyle's. So did Cordelia's. Okay, so did everybody's. The Joss crew really knows how to kill people off.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:11 AM


River's leaving speech in Object's in Space.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:26 AM


Can't remember the episode- think it might be "The body". Buffy finally breaks down over Joyce's death and she says, "Who's going to take care of us?". I want to weep just thinking about it.
Also (maybe this is a strange one)in "When she was bad" the look on Buffy's face just before she smashes the master's bones. Like she's just woken up from a horrible dream that has turned out to be real. That moment really brought home just how alone she has to be.

In the third season of Angel (I think) Fred confronts Wesley and demands, "What happened to you?" and he tells her "I had my throat slit and all my friends abandoned me."
I think the thing that always kills me is how Joss likes to remind us that no matter how much we love people, no matter how close we are, we are essentially alone.

"We are all sentenced to solitary confinenment, inside our own skins, for life." -Tennesse Williams


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:51 AM


Let's try one from each series:

The Body - I can no longer watch that episode since losing my own mother last year. It simply is too painful.

You're Welcome - when the phone rang, I started sobbing.

Out of Gas - The whole episode is like an emotional roller coaster, with the humor from the flashbacks contrasted with the uncertainty of the crew's survival.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:02 AM



Originally posted by captaincdc:
The Body was so emotionally gripping, the entire episode had me on the edge of tears.

A scene that made me tear up that comes to mind is from an episode that a lot of people didn't really care for, Beauty And The Beasts from season three. The scene at the end when a feral Angel came to Buffy's rescue. He kills Pete and then goes for Buffy, but instead of attacking her, he drops to his knees hugging her around the waist and cries out her name. The look on Buffy's face and the tear falling down her cheek gets me every time.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the Fred and Wes death scenes in Angel season five. I loved those characters so much, it was very emotional when they each passed.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!

Wow, that sounds like a really powerful scene, can you tell us more about the episode so I can remember which one it is? Thanks.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:17 AM


grave: yellow crayon speach! it always gets me, and not many things do really! and it's cheesy and it's not particularly clever but it's absolutely heart breaking. You do beleive that xander is there because he knows that she's lost, and because he can't let go, no matter what. and it's........ better than any other series finale, imo!

well, there it is, sometimes we cry!

We achieved the impossible, and that makes us mighty


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:38 PM



Originally posted by dietcoke:

Originally posted by captaincdc:
The Body was so emotionally gripping, the entire episode had me on the edge of tears.

A scene that made me tear up that comes to mind is from an episode that a lot of people didn't really care for, Beauty And The Beasts from season three. The scene at the end when a feral Angel came to Buffy's rescue. He kills Pete and then goes for Buffy, but instead of attacking her, he drops to his knees hugging her around the waist and cries out her name. The look on Buffy's face and the tear falling down her cheek gets me every time.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the Fred and Wes death scenes in Angel season five. I loved those characters so much, it was very emotional when they each passed.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!

Wow, that sounds like a really powerful scene, can you tell us more about the episode so I can remember which one it is? Thanks.

NY/NJ Browncoats:

Beauty And The Beasts from early in season 3. It borrows a lot from Dr. Jeckyll & Mr Hyde. People are turning up ripped to shreds and the scooby gang is afraid that it is Oz that is getting loose and doing the killing. Angel has been mysteriously returned from the dead and buffy does not know why. He is acting like a feral animal, giving no indication that he is the same Angel that she knew. She keeps his return a secret from everyone because she does not know why he is back. She chains him up at a deserted mansion because she is afraid that it might in fact be Angel that is killing those people. There is also a theme throughout about abusive relationships and what keeps people in them. The payoff that I mentioned above occurs at the end. The episode is bookended by quotes from The Call Of The Wild by Jack London. It was written by Marti Noxon. It's not a perfect episode by Buffy standards but it works for me on an emotional level.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:41 PM



Originally posted by captaincdc:

Originally posted by dietcoke:

Originally posted by captaincdc:
The Body was so emotionally gripping, the entire episode had me on the edge of tears.

A scene that made me tear up that comes to mind is from an episode that a lot of people didn't really care for, Beauty And The Beasts from season three. The scene at the end when a feral Angel came to Buffy's rescue. He kills Pete and then goes for Buffy, but instead of attacking her, he drops to his knees hugging her around the waist and cries out her name. The look on Buffy's face and the tear falling down her cheek gets me every time.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the Fred and Wes death scenes in Angel season five. I loved those characters so much, it was very emotional when they each passed.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!

Wow, that sounds like a really powerful scene, can you tell us more about the episode so I can remember which one it is? Thanks.

NY/NJ Browncoats:

Beauty And The Beasts from early in season 3. It borrows a lot from Dr. Jeckyll & Mr Hyde. People are turning up ripped to shreds and the scooby gang is afraid that it is Oz that is getting loose and doing the killing. Angel has been mysteriously returned from the dead and buffy does not know why. He is acting like a feral animal, giving no indication that he is the same Angel that she knew. She keeps his return a secret from everyone because she does not know why he is back. She chains him up at a deserted mansion because she is afraid that it might in fact be Angel that is killing those people. There is also a theme throughout about abusive relationships and what keeps people in them. The payoff that I mentioned above occurs at the end. The episode is bookended by quotes from The Call Of The Wild by Jack London. It was written by Marti Noxon. It's not a perfect episode by Buffy standards but it works for me on an emotional level.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!

Wow. That sounds amazingly intellegent! I would love to watch it again. Whedonesque? Can I borrow that disc again?

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:19 PM


I gotta go with The Body. Most amazing episode of tv I had ever seen. Captured the pain so beautifully.
Then there was the finale of Angel, great great episode. A lot of people argue it, but I think it was exactly what angel deserved.
And the movie... won't say nuthin about it... but it tops my list. Sure the simple fact that the movie was on screen in front of me, "Welcome to Serenity" got the water works prepped, but the movie takes no prisoners...


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:44 PM


Anything in Buffy with Willow in tears. Willow crying = me crying. I can't help it. When Willow is crying after she finds out Xander slept with Faith in season 3, that is tough to watch.
Also, anything from the Body. When I watched it for the first time, I was a wreck. Nothing ever made me cry like that episode. Though only fiction, it was so real, it's hard to describe. After watching that ep. I realized that not only is Joss brilliant, he can also direct better than anyone I have ever seen. Holy cow, the realism.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:42 PM


*Buffy leaving Sunnydale (season 2)
*Oz leaving Willow (Season 4)
* Mrs. Summer's dieing.
*Buffy Dieing (Season 5)
*Tara leaving Willow (Season 6)
*Tara getting back with Willow (Season 6)
*Tara dieing (Season 6)
*Xander and Willow crayon and all scene (Season 6)
*Does screaming while Xander's eye got poked out count? (Season 7)
*Spike Dieing (Season 7)

*Doyle dieing (season 1)
*Cordelia reminising about Doyle and his favorite cup. (season 2)
*Does screaming while Lorne's beheading count? (Season 2)
*(not sure if I did) Fred leaving a diner, all alone. (Season 4)
*Fred dieing (Season 5)

*Simon's speech to the crew in "Serenity"

* Simon willing to die with River at the stake (Safe)
* Crew family dinner where at one point, River steals Jayne's dinner roll and he has to get as new one (Safe I think)
* Jayne and Mal talking about Jaynetown at the end of the episode (Jaynetown)
*"Don't tell them what I did...make up something" speech in Ariel.
* Last scene in Out of Gas (Mal's asking if they'll be around when he wakes)
* The end of Message where the crew delivers Tracy's body to his family.
*Inara crying in Heart of Gold
* River saying she had to leave up to the end of the episode (Objects in Space)

For all I know, I might be missing some stuff...b/c oppyh reminded me of that Willow scene he described b/c there's a good chance I cried during that part...


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:56 PM


Note: I'd never cried full-out from a TV show until I saw Buffy.

Also, the only time I flat out burst into weeping (I'm a guy btw) was after seeing "The Gift" for the 2nd time. The first time got me very teary eyed, but when I watched it again it just hit me like a rock and I balled my eyes out in my bed for about 5 minutes. It actually felt really good too, I hadn't cried that much in a long while. I think a bit of crying every now and then is good for you (or maybe I'm just odd).

-Buffy's "I'm only 16" speech in "Prophecy Girl."
-The end of "Passion."
-Right after Buffy sends Angel to hell and her pain is revealed in AND her walking away and riding the bus at the end in "Becoming II."
-Spike consoling Buffy at the end of "Fool For Love."
-Several moments in "The Body."
-Buffy's confession to Spike in "Afterlife."
-The end of "Seeing Red."
-Yellow crayon speech (such a perfect ending to the season) in "Grave."
-Spike's speech on the cross at the end of "Beneath You."
-Buffy stabbing Anya and the song in "Selfless."
-Buffy w/Spike at the end of "Chosen."

ANGEL (note that I'm only in the middle of season 2 right now):
-Buffy finding out the day's about to be reversed in "I Will Remember You."

-That guy's message being played the 2nd time in "The Message" got me a tad watery.
-Moments in "Objects in Space" get my teary eyed because I love the ep and I knew it was the last ep.

There were a lot of teary-eyed moments in the latter half of season 2, chunks of season 5, and tons of season 6 of Buffy. Anytime Buffy really broke down in pain it got to me. There are definately more than the list I provided though.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:49 PM


If you've seen the movie, you'll know. Also, RIGHT when you see Serenity on the bigscreen, I got a little teary. I love that ship, I really do.



Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:48 AM


You reminded me that I cried at a lot more scenes than I thought.

Reminded me of another, after Fred dies they do a flash back of her leaving Texas for LA and the play this song, "A Place Called Home." That song makes me cry.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Friday, August 19, 2005 4:10 AM


Oh- got another one.
In Buffy Season 3 the episode of her 18th birthday when Giles has to put her through the Watcher Council test, theres this scene where she finds out that he's been giving her drugs to repress her slayer powers. She gives him this look of horrified betrayal and says, "You put poison in me? I don't even know you." and Giles is frantic trying to explain, trying not to lose her trust. Oh, it made me cry- Joss never let Buffy depend on anything or anyone forever, did he?

"Of course you're lonely, dear. We all are. We touch other people's lives for a short time and then we're alone again."
-David Eddings -Castle of Wizardry


Friday, August 19, 2005 4:39 AM


They say how he's gonna kill me?
Do you think it'll hurt?

All guilt is relative. Loyalty counts. And never let your conscience be your guide.


Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:07 PM


Anya speech of not understanding why Joyce is dead... that just really gutted me.
That and also, in Angel the episode I Will Remember You when Angel was explaining to Buffy that he reversed time and they have only a minute left to say goodbye. and she kept saying 'Its not enough time!' and ' I'll never forget. I'll never forget.' oh! I was almost bawling.
In Angel at the end of the episode Hero when Angel and Cordy were watching the tape of Doyle and that last line he said " Is that it? Am I done?" made my vision blurred for a second. I mean, he's dead, gorram it!
Also, in Buffy the episode Forever after Dawn does the spel1 to bring Joyce back the door knock, just the look on Buffy face sheer hopfulness to utter disapointment when she opened the door and no one is there and she and Dawn just break down and cried really just broke my heart.
In Firefly, Tracy's speech in The Message. His speech and the furnel and the music of the violin in the back ground, that really got to me.*sniff,sniff*

Thank you Joss for making me depressed during the episodes. Always can count on you to make us break out the tissue boxes or toiler paper.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."- Lao Tzu.


Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:02 PM


Oh, there's just so many. I'll try to get them all.

-Buffy's speech in the library- 'Prophecy Girl'
-'The Gift': I bawled my little eyes out (I was only ten at the time though and i had 3 sisters laughing at me)
-'The Body': although i missed the episode the first time it was aired, i still get very choked up. Particularly Anya's speech.
- Buffy killing Angel. I wasn't much of a Buffy/Angel shipper before that, but now and avid fan.
- Oz leaving Willow
-Dawn trying to talk Buffy off the platform thing- 'Bargaining'

-"Am I Done?" OMG, cried so mch.
-Fred and Wes dying.
-Fred's speech in the train station in 'Fredless'
-Darla dying. I guess just because i loved her in Buffy.
-The juxtaposition in 'Tomorrow'- Cordy rising and Angel sinking
-All of 'Shells'

-When we thought Kaylee was dead.
-"I'll be fine. I'll be your bounty Jubal Early. And I'll just fade away" Chokes me up every time.
-Inara announcing she's going to leave.

I know I've missed some, but I've tried my best.

No Power In The 'Verse Can Stop Me






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