UPDATED: Thursday, August 25, 2005 08:18
VIEWED: 7595
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:31 AM


From the universal board-

On Wednesday, August 24th, there will be a 6 PM press screening of Serenity in New York City. The screening will take place at Loews Lincoln Square (1998 Broadway, at 68th StreetNew York, NY 10023) All Browncoats in the area are invited to come, however only the first 300 Browncoats there will be admitted, free of charge. We also ask that Browncoats do not begin to congregate at the theatre before 4:30 PM.

"Hamsters is nice."


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:44 AM


Woo hoo!!!

The Engineers in Brown Coats (Cooper Union’s Firefly fans, including some converts I’ve made) will be there—I printed up a sign and everything. Look for for the 6'8" guy, unshaven, 300 lb, singing the Ballad of Jayne at the top of his lungs. I'll be someone else. ;-)



Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:28 AM


I am so excited! I can't wait to see old Browncoat friends and hopefully make some new ones.



Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:28 AM


Gorram double post!


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:55 AM



1. Free screening
2. Limited seating
3. Browncoats

I predict bad things will happen.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:59 AM


Actually, from discussion on the Universal Board, it looks like there are gonna be plenty of seats. With such short notice, many people are not going to be able to make it into the city (or out of work) before 6pm. And it was mentioned that the LA screening had empty seats last night and I know there are a lot of Browncoats living in/near LA.

Well anyway, the point of this post is: If you wanna come to the screening this evening, please do! I think there will be plenty of seats. And lots of Browncoat comradery. Oh, and a pretty good movie, too.



Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:52 AM


Okay kids, to make everything nice and easy, the Browncoats of New York City will be providing a sign-in sheet for those who want to show up at the theatre and keep things orderly.

Which is a good thing, dong ma?

There will be someone there with a clipboard to take names, in case people want to line up, and then come and go while waiting for the show to start. The people at the LA screening did just such a thing, and if it worked for the West Coast, then it'll work here.

Hopefully this will aid in keeping things simple and fun for everyone.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:50 AM



Originally posted by Okkay:

1. Free screening
2. Limited seating
3. Browncoats

I predict bad things will happen.

These were my exact thoughts. Me and a coworker had a good laugh about the idea of those three things coming together. Add in "first come first served" and a specific time when they want people to show up. Chaos indeed.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 4:14 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by Okkay:

1. Free screening
2. Limited seating
3. Browncoats

I predict bad things will happen.

These were my exact thoughts. Me and a coworker had a good laugh about the idea of those three things coming together. Add in "first come first served" and a specific time when they want people to show up. Chaos indeed.

Oh kids, you underestimate the greatness that is us.

It was suggested on the 'Versal board to bring a clipboard and get everyone to sign in, so they didn't have to wait on line for a few hours. I got there at about 2:30 (since I was in charge of the clipboard) and there were about 10 people on line already. I started taking names, and for the next 3 hours people came up, signed in, and I explained they could go, eat, and come back around 4:45, when we decided we would line up.

Everyone did just that, and me and my big mouth was able to herd everyone into line, all organized-like, and we were ready and waiting at the door by 5 p.m. when the Universal rep handed out the golden tickets.

With a little pre-planning and organization, we all had a fantastic, stress-free time out last night.

Everyone was friendly, nice to each other, and respected the sign-up list. It was a combination of great fans and organization. Those three things you guys listed above came together without a hitch, and this is in New York City.

I'll cross-post this here from the 'Versal board, because I'm tired after last night:


Hey all,

It's me, RhymePhile, the clipboard chick! Hee.

Thanks so much to everyone who signed the line-up list and were courteous and friendly to each other last night. And thanks for respecting the order in which fellow Browncoats signed up by not trying to sneak into line! It made organization surprisingly easy and fun -- because I got to meet many interesting Browncoats. There were no problems at all last night and we (the New York City Browncoat group of volunteers) kept everything running smoothly.

According to my count, we had 105 people show up for the screening. Pretty good turnout for the middle of the work week without much advance notice.

Thanks to Dan Regal upthread who suggested the clipboard. I would recommend it for other screenings, because it allowed people to come and go as they pleased without having to stand in line for a few hours, and it also prevented mass panic and hysteria. Those are two very good things.

DietCoke, our New York City Browncoat group organizer, sent all the e-mails to group members and got the word out. She was the PR gal. Without her and Serenity_Leader's guidance (and S_L's invitation!), we wouldn't have had such an easy time of it.

It was great to meet everyone last night, and I hope you crazy Browncoats had as wonderful a time as I did!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:25 AM


That's great that you guys were so organized. I'm a little worried by the turnout though. I thought NYC was the second largest city in the world and we got 105 people to go to a FREE showing of Serenity? That doesn't bode well in my book. Hopefully there's a perfectly good reason for the small turnout but I don't buy short notice and work night when it comes to browncoats.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:52 AM


OK, Zeek. If you *don't* believe that folk's had trouble rearranging their work schedules for the screening, what's your hypothesis then?

I know from the NYC Browncoat group postings as well as the messages on the Universal board that for every person that posted their plans to attend the screening, there was at least two other Browncoats posting that they *wish* they could go.

Sure, I see your point. You'd think a big city like NYC, we'd be able to pull together 300 folks at the drop of a hat. But Los Angeles is a big city, too, and there was not enough notice to stir up a big turnout there, either.

Don't lose faith yet.

Maybe everyone is saving up their sick days so's they can camp out in the days before the BDM Premiere on September 30th ;-)


Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:17 AM


What work rescheduling? The screening was at 6PM. There are of course some jobs that run that late, but I'm sure the majority of people were off work by then. It just seems to me like this was a sure thing that there would be more like 3000 fans instead of the 300.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:47 AM


Many 9 to 5 jobs are really 9 to 8 jobs. Meetings run over, preparing for meetings takes time out of the day, post meeting stuff takes time, deadlines approaching equals late nights at the office, working overtime to feed a family and keep them sheltered, working overtime to have time off later (i.e. Sept 30th), etc.

Plus if they don't troll these forums, how would they have found out about the screenings? I didn't see anything about the screening until Wednesday afternoon (8/24). That does not leave enough time to reschedule things at work.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:57 AM


Plus with the short notice others,like myself already had plans(stooopid rock concert,that I had already paid for)I knew a lot of people that couldn't make it into the city in time(a lot of jersey browncoats) Besides what really matters is Sept 30th,only GOD destroying the world will stop me from seeing this film multiple times that weekend,and if GOD does destroy the world, I am soo requesting to watch it in heaven.

"Hamsters is nice."


Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:52 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
What work rescheduling? The screening was at 6PM. There are of course some jobs that run that late, but I'm sure the majority of people were off work by then. It just seems to me like this was a sure thing that there would be more like 3000 fans instead of the 300.

Most people assumed that people would line up and scoop up all the tickets by 5 pm, Zeek! Since it was a first come/ first serve gamble, not many folks risked leaving their jobs -- or driving many miles -- when seating would not be assured.

I myself had decided that if our entire party could not be in the City by 4:30, there'd be no point in going at all. That was a common apprehension: In fact, at least one person has said they thought the show had "sold out" when they dropped by the theater at 5:30 and nobody was lined up outside. They didn't realize there were seats left.

Frankly, Zeek, I think the fact that NYC actually IS such a big city worked against us: Surely many Browncoats figured, "No chance I'll get a ticket unless I get there very early." Hey, I myself had a mini-panic when Serenity_Leader released the screening information online: I feared there would be hordes of insane Browncoats, streaming in from the wilds of New England and scary hills of Pennsyltucky. I thought, damn, now I'm going to find myself bringing all these kids into town, only to disappoint them when there're no tickets left!

I'm sure I'm not the only Browncoat who feared a mob scene. The difference is, I didn't stay away, cuz I knew how the line-up would be run and trusted my NYC Browncoats to make it work out.

I also heard about the low turnout in Los Angeles, so it tempered my expectations about marauding Browncoat hordes.

Not everybody had the inside scoop, like I did.

There: Still worried?


Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:18 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
There: Still worried?


What can I say? I'm stubborn.

Those are some valid points. I'm still pretty shocked though. The browncoats I've seen at screenings have been hardcore. I'm pretty sure they would have found a way to that screening if they lived in a 2 hour drives' radius.






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