Still Flying...[spoiler]

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 05:28
VIEWED: 2234
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Monday, October 3, 2005 12:06 PM


Am I the only one whose heart broke when the engine snapped off Serenity? Everyone is focusing on the deaths of Book and Wash (not that I blame them) but am I the only one who was ready to cry when Serenity herself seemed crashed beyond repair? Don’t get me wrong, I was sad when Book died but was able to accept it. The crash, however, wrenched my heart around inside my rib cage. Then, of course, Wash’s death put me into complete shock and the subsequent events didn’t help.

As others have pointed out, this is a testimony to Joss’ abilities to make his world a reality for us. How we deal with grief/pain is one of the most interesting aspects of humanity and everyone responds differently. Personally, I have been waffling between shock and disbelief for the last two days.

Looking back, I can appreciate why the deaths happened (sure as all hell pulled everyone into the movie deeper). But thinking on the destruction of our beloved Mid-bulk transport and her rebirth makes me remember something from the original “Serenity” which may bring solace to the rest of the browncoats out there. Once, a long time ago, Mal and Simon were talking on the bridge. Simon was aghast that Mal considered the narrow escapes and injuries they had just experienced as a “good day”. Mal responded with his famous words, “We’re still flying”.

The events of Serenity the movie may never fall under the category of “a good day” but at least Joss left us with the comfort that we are indeed still flying. So, while I doubt he’ll ever read this, I would like to thank Joss for at least giving us that much. As Mal said…“It’s enough”.

"She'll fly true"


Monday, October 3, 2005 1:21 PM


Oh I am right there with you,
I love the ship with a heart felt passion,
although it was having to deface her and make her look like a Reaver ship that freaked me out even more than the damage...
no, the damage killed me too....

I can accept the deaths, I mourn them, but I have hopes of seeing them again in flash-backs or dreams (actually I'm hoping for clones...but I'm a sick woman)...

I've seen our BDM four times and I am not tired of it yet!
I don't think I ever will be.


Monday, October 3, 2005 2:07 PM


I totally agree. One of the things I love most about the movie is how each of the characters has an arc that they go through, a way that they grow or change through the course of the movie, and so does Serenity herself.

The first shot of her all lit up by planet-shine was so beautiful it gave me chills! Then when she's been defiled, it just made me sick to see her like that. I love that little scene where Mal goes off to get away from the rest of the crew, and you see him touching every rail and door jam before he slumps back against the wall. It's like he's asking Serenity to forgive him for what he's done to her, but he's just as horrified as Zoe by what he's done.

Then when she crashes and pieces of her are lying all over the place, I wanted to cry, too. People have already pointed out the idea that Wash's death heightens the danger in the rest of the movie. You know that if Wash can die so suddenly, just when you thought you could relax a little, then anyone else could be next. I think what happens to Serenity does the same thing. Sure, we've seen her get beat up before, but never torn apart. The idea that they couldn't just run back to Serenity and take off made everything else seem scarier to me.

Finally, when they take off through the storm into the light, and you see Serenity whole again, and shining like the first shot of her, and then heading out into the black... sigh... It's just... shiny.

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:10 AM


Yeah that first shot of Serenity just put a huge smile on my face. I havn't had the DVDs for a while (I MISS THEM SO MUCH) and it gave a rush of flashbacks to the episodes I fell deeply in love with.

Yes, just as the starboard engine was torn off, I literally had a disgusted look on my face and I watched it... I almost looked over my head as if it were flying over me. It had all my focus. And I thought instantly for a split second that I would be coming on this site to just exclaim how upsetting that was.

Being a pilot, sliding a craft to stop during landing is MURDER on the plane. On a single prop, damaging the fusalage and the gear stot makes flying again impossible until fully repaired. That alone made me really cringe. Like it wouldn't matter if they stopped, Serenity was up.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:17 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by RogueQuinn:
Am I the only one whose heart broke when the engine snapped off Serenity?

Nope. The second Serenity was hit by the EMP weapon I was in shock. When Wash brought her in for a landing & the landing gear broke off I winced. When the ships belly hit the runway & sparks started flying I gripped the arms of my seat. When the port engine was torn off I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. It was like watching an old friend being torn to pieces & being powerless to stop it.

On the reverse side it made my heart soar to see her whole again and flying by the end of the movie.

The whole movie was an emotional roller coaster. Joss has created a masterpiece. Now if we can only get the rest of the public to see that fact.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 2:58 AM


Serenity, is by far, the ungliest and weirdest looking space ship ever to appear on TV or movies...

.... and I loved watching every second she was on the big screen. In the sneak preview last week, people actually clapped when she first appears. Later they moaned when they saw her looking like a Reaver ship. They we're upset when she crashed, and they cheered when she rose again.

Serenity has always been the 10th character. And she says so much while saying nothing. I hope to see her again on the big screen.

Once, just once, I want things to go according to
the gorram plan!


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:36 AM


It wasn't the engine for me, it was the initial impact, when the landing legs crumpled like tinfoil. I almost felt the theatre shake when it hit.

Thing I noticed and will stick with me until I die was how the ship cracked. The lower half (the cargo bay) just about came off --the neck/wing/body section was visibly out of synch with the way the cargo bay was bouncing.

Then the engine. Then the falling down the open lift (or whatever that gap was at the end of the runway).

She just stopped being Serenity then. She was just. . . wreckage. Just an object.

Then when they repaired her, and she remembers what she is. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:48 AM



Originally posted by truthseeker:
I totally agree. One of the things I love most about the movie is how each of the characters has an arc that they go through, a way that they grow or change through the course of the movie, and so does Serenity herself.

Yeah, that goes along with the entire idea of Serenity as the 10th character... Just like with all the other characters, watching the series gives you more of an appreciation of the ship. Seeing it wrecked, defiled, and repaired again makes it all that more poignant.

I mean, when you see the skeletons on the front of Serenity, it wasn't that which freaked me out, but how damned ugly they made the ship look... KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:28 AM


My wife had to comfort me during that scene; I was watching a family member dying horribly right in front of me.

BTW, this is another example of how gorram WONDERFUL this movie is. I've never felt that kind of impact from any of the umpteen times Star Trek has destroyed their ships. When they crashed the saucer section in one of the movies I remember wishing they'd just hurry up; it was just dragging on way too long with no meaning. Just shots of bridge crew shaking their chairs, then shots of the sliding trash can lid, then more shots of people shaking their chairs.

When Serenity hit it hurt.






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