So...Do you think it should even continue?

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:58
VIEWED: 11126
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Sunday, October 16, 2005 7:45 PM


I saw the movie opening weekend because of the positive reviews and loved it, bought the series and love it as well and the more I watch the series, the more I wonder if it would be good to continue the story.

I mean, a movie sequel seems unlikley concerning the numbers (is a world gross known yet at this point? It's earned about half back from the US alone + eventual DVD sales) And everywhere I browse, a series would seem more likely.

But after the events in the film, do you think the chemistry would still be the same? Is it maybe best to leave it at what it has accomplished as everything is fantastic the way it is.

I'm not sure, it pains me to become addicted to such a short series because of the Cancellation kings known as Fox (see Family Guy's re-start season opener for list of cancelled shows) and am not sure if it's a good idea they restart it, but naturally would like to see the characters again.

So the point of my post being, what does eveyone else think? Should it even be continued or are the changes welcomed to you?


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:01 PM


Certainly it could continue. It just might not be the same. That is not necessarily a bad thing.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:02 PM


Despite the current clamor from the fans about a return in series form, I doubt that will happen. A spin-off series might happen, but a resurrected "Firefly?"--Nope, won't ever come to pass.

I would love sequel films or a new (spin-off) series. But for that to happen, the studio has to feel it's profitable. Which means those Serenity DVDs will have to sell incredibly well--and I mean incredibly well before the studio will think of continuing the 'verse in any form.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:03 PM


I have not yet gotten my fill of these characters, of their stories, of this universe Joss has created. I want more! I would watch Firefly until every last character was killed off.

I'm that big a fanboy.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:22 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

Would I like it to continue? -- Yes.

Should it continue -- ??

The BDM was open enough for a sequel or continuation of some sort, but a story has been told, and I'm just glad that Joss got to tell it. I certain would not mind more!

It would be "interesting" (more like "strange") to see what the chemistry between the characters would be like post-BDM.

Interesting thread.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:50 PM


Of course it should go on. To put it simply, it is a good story, a captivating story. There are far too few of those around these days. It is my opinion that Dylan Thomas said it best;
"Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!"


Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:58 PM


I think it can and should continue in some form. If there is anything Joss' fans should have learned over the years, the man can create stories and characters. Joss has proved this over the 7 seasons of Buffy and 5 seasons of Angel, both shows went through a big cast change at one time or another and the shows still went on to be just as entertaining (some would argue they even got better). If Firefly would have been given 5 seasons, I'm almost positive the changes from the BDM would have happened eventually anyway.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 9:03 PM



Originally posted by NTXBROWNCOAT:
It is my opinion that Dylan Thomas said it best;
"Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!"

Nice quote; have to remember that one.

Of course the show should go on. I don't see how "the story has been told" (as somebody else said). *A* story has been told, but there are many more stories going on in that 'verse, not just some unsuccessful pax experiments that happened 12 years previously. And as much as I liked Wash and Book, two characters didn't make this show and their deaths are no reason not to continue.

If a sequel/second season turn out not to be as good then so be it, but the fear of not living up to the first season shouldn't be a reason not to try. "Oh that was a brilliant show! Let's hope they don't make any more so that they can't spoil it!" is a pretty retarded argument.

"So, err, what stage of grieving is this?"
"It's the goofy stage!"


Sunday, October 16, 2005 9:45 PM


So...Do you think it should even continue?



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

"I love Matt, he's great!!" Summer Glau, re me!


Sunday, October 16, 2005 9:50 PM


I think it's far from finished. If this is the last we get, then fine. It felt like a season closer; it wrapped up a lot of things...

But, you still have

Select to view spoiler:

How Zoe will deal with losing Wash, what the deal was with Book, how River's going to do - she still schizophrenic, or was it brought on simply by the Miranda stuff, I wonder? - Kaylee/Simon, of course, and, the biggest of all... what happens when the Alliance's proverbial s*** hits the fan after what happened on Miranda was revealed to pretty much everyone. The Operative already said they were weakening, didn't he? I predict a second civil war, personally, though I would have expected one eventually, for very few totalinarian regimes have managed to control huge terriotories for all that long. ;)

In short, it's a good stopping point, but it really still leaves a lot of questions unanswered and possibilities unaddressed. So heck ya, it could be continued. ;)


Can't Stop The Signal


Sunday, October 16, 2005 10:19 PM


Hell yeah this needs to continue. The story ain't done yet. We have had a few of our heroes die. They died to show us that the stakes were just that much higher.

So yeah I want to know what comes next. And if it makes some exec at Fox TV consider honorable suicide I will feel a bit avenged.



Sunday, October 16, 2005 11:03 PM


I would welcome a new season started before the movie and even a sequel. I think the whole shows cancelation was more bureaucratic then up to the fans. If The Crew continue to sail the verse then this time the show would be here to stay. Hey they re started family guy so yes theres still hope for every browncoat and mudder alike.


Monday, October 17, 2005 3:29 AM



Originally posted by Konzert:
I mean, a movie sequel seems unlikley concerning the numbers (is a world gross known yet at this point? It's earned about half back from the US alone + eventual DVD sales)

We won't know much about World Gross for awhile. It's pretty much only opened in Australia and the UK so far.

Here are the figures that I've seen so far:

US (17 days): $22,144,000
Aus (17 days): $2,610,876 Aus = $1,959,035 US
UK (10 days): £1,860,000 = $3,266,093 US

So, the worldwide totals I see estimated so far are:



Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:58 AM


Yeah, like it's been said, lots more story to tell.
I predict more movies as the dvd sales will be good. Joss delivers an incredible product at a reasonable price.

Chrisisall, dvd prognostigator


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:27 AM


Yes it should continue for three reasons.

1) We want to see as much of these characters as we can.
2) The sad events which occured will be have greater resonance if the story continues.
3) Since all nine actors are signed, We'd really like to see what Joss has in store for two of them in particular.


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:38 AM


I think bringing it back to TV would be the wrong thing to do. I mean it would be kinda great to think a new one each week, but I don't think it would work. The speed of events in a movies are addictive, not to mention how it truly is an event, an epic event that you travel with them on. I love the TV show and would be happy either way but I think all will flow smoother if we just keep moving forward instead of trying to take a step back.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:42 AM


I think it should. I see a lot of people saying that Serenity ends where it ought to, but it opens up all kinds of doors. As long as there's an Alliance and a ship called Serenity, there will always be stories to tell. It ends when one or the other is no more...


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:07 AM



I think bringing it back to TV would be the wrong thing to do. I mean it would be kinda great to think a new one each week, but I don't think it would work.

...I love the TV show and would be happy either way but I think all will flow smoother if we just keep moving forward instead of trying to take a step back.

Who says Movie events to TV events are a step back? The only major differences are:

One TV season: Smaller budget, tighter schedule, more airtime total.

One movie: Bigger budget, less-tight schedule, less airtime total.

Apart from these differences, events are interchangeable, hell, even continuable.

If you wanted to make people REALLY focus with a fandom, you could even go:

Season 1 + 2 = Years one and two.
Movie 1= Year three
Season 3, 4 +5 = Years four, five, six
Movie 2= Year seven

You can switch mediums, but timelines are still continuable.


[On sharing Firefly Browncoats' love with relatives, friends and anyone that's remotely curious:]

"It's very Jehovah's Witness, I'm not sure if anyone's actually going door to door, but it's not far off."

- Nathan Fillion


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:08 AM


I don't doubt that there are more stories to tell.

Personally, I would like it to return to TV. Have you noticed how the better stories now are on TV rather than in movies (in general...)? This is a direct flip from, say, the 70s when TV sucked and movies were awesome (in general...). If you told someone in the 70s that you can tell more expansive and intricate stories on TV than in movies, they would have thought you were crazy. Joss (and a bunch of other shows) have shown that it's true.

My fantasy? It returns to TV... on HBO.

In reality, I suspect that this is the last (non-comic) installment of our BDH's adventures that we'll see.


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:14 AM



In reality, I suspect that this is the last (non-comic) installment of our BDH's adventures that we'll see.

Something tells me, even if it's a now-and-then DVD-movie gig, that the comraderie's there for the actors and crew to WANT to keep working together, even at base wage.


[On sharing Firefly Browncoats' love with relatives, friends and anyone that's remotely curious:]

"It's very Jehovah's Witness, I'm not sure if anyone's actually going door to door, but it's not far off."

- Nathan Fillion


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:26 AM


I certainly hope it doesn't return to HBO, I'd need to be ordering it then.

My dream would be it airs before/after Battlestar Galactica, which is a Universal production much like the Serenity film, so maybe they grabbed the TV rights as well when they made the movie and it sparks the show on the Scifi channel with Universals budget to let them make the same quality show if not better.


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:28 AM


Of course it should continue, if possible; there's no such thing as too much of the BDHs!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:29 AM


A little clarification about the HBO thing.

I wasn't hoping that it would come to HBO so that we would have to pay to get it.

It's just that HBO is THE place on TV these days for engaging television shows, with great production values, and complex plots, and allowing a creator to really do something with a vision. If Firefly got the "Deadwood" treatment or "The Sopranos," well, damn, that would be a hell of a show!

That being said, I'm willing to bet a LOT of money that it will never happen.


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:58 AM


Yes, damn it, it should continue. As everyone's been saying, there's still so much story to tell. Myself, I can think of like twenty more TV shows they could do. (Possibly exaggerating here, but I'm sure Joss can anyways.) I want it back. TV show, movie, I don't care.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:01 AM


ok, from what i've either read here(meaning this whole site, not just this thread), or heard on the signal, the story told in the BDM, IS essentially what would have been season 2 of the series. Alan himself suggested killing off wash by the end of season 2, and Joss has never been afraid to kill off a character.

Personally here's my predictions for the sequal which i am calling

"Serenity 2: The Search for Monty's Mustache", or possibly
"Serenity 2: The search for Vera"

Simon & Kaylee - married,with a child, or one on the way.

and i leave the possibility that zoe is raising "Hoban jr" ( was preggers in the movie, she just don't know it yet )

oh and river is the new pilot.

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Should it continue?!?

Gorram right it should!!!

I love the cast, the characters, the story, and the message that Joss has incorporated into his 'verse.

Ok, so maybe there will be no revival of the series (note I said maybe as I ain't never saying never when it comes to Joss & Firefly), but there are other mediums to tell the story in if 'Versal doesn't decide to make sequels. There are comics, novels, or direct to DVD movies. I would follow the story no matter how Joss & the Powers That Be decide to tell it.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:07 AM


Love Firefly/Serenity. I think it's Joss' best work to date, and I hope he finds a way to give us more. A Joss story always has such a big arc, and part of the fun for me is - where it will get to from where it is now. With Joss, I almost never manage to guess a new trajectory before it zooms up in front of my face, holy cow, the man is brilliant. He could make a story about a dirty sock, a piece of string, a cancelled stamp and a bottlecap that would have me impatiently waiting for the next installment.

I really really hope from the bottom of my greedy heart that Joss manages to find a way to give us more of this story. If that doesn't happen, I'm at least content that he will give us something equally brilliant, in an unusual setting, with characters I wish I could hang with. But wait, I have you people. That helps a lot.

I like where he brought the story. If It has to end here, I would prefer this to some kind of "sorry people, pack it up and leave now" kind of stopping place. Hopefully that won't happen much to Joss anymore, but the people who run television are notorious cowards. Gotta keep it dumb enough to attract the maximum # of Fruity Oaty customers, then gotta work on people's expectation that dumb is good, and so good for you.

On that note. Ha Ha. Really there's no place like Joss, and he will be working on something amazing. Whatever it turns out to be, I will love it.

"You can't take the sky from me, Cuz' I've got the DVD"


Monday, October 17, 2005 10:17 AM



Originally posted by TallAussieBrowncoat:

I think bringing it back to TV would be the wrong thing to do. I mean it would be kinda great to think a new one each week, but I don't think it would work.

...I love the TV show and would be happy either way but I think all will flow smoother if we just keep moving forward instead of trying to take a step back.

Who says Movie events to TV events are a step back? The only major differences are:

One TV season: Smaller budget, tighter schedule, more airtime total.

One movie: Bigger budget, less-tight schedule, less airtime total.

Apart from these differences, events are interchangeable, hell, even continuable.

If you wanted to make people REALLY focus with a fandom, you could even go:

Season 1 + 2 = Years one and two.
Movie 1= Year three
Season 3, 4 +5 = Years four, five, six
Movie 2= Year seven

You can switch mediums, but timelines are still continuable.

I think your wrong.......... movies and TV series are different. In the T.V. series it was much more everyday life for the characters. The movie was an event that changed the rest of their lives. The TV series was great I loved every minute, but I still think it would be a bad idea. Movies and TV are not interchangeable. I mean did you watch Inside Serenity, because you should. Listen to Joss he says it himself they are different. I never said TV was bad I am saying that I like the ruttin' track it is on and another change could cause a train reck. I think you should learn more about that which you wish to speak before you open your mouth. Movies Vs. TV = DIFFERENT

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Monday, October 17, 2005 10:42 AM


Like a friend recently pointed out to me, Jayne once said something to the effect of "Nothing buys bygones like cold, hard coin." Or I dreamt that line up.

Either way, I think it should continue. If the studios figure out that we'll pay for it as long as they'll make it, it'll continue. There's so much left to be told.

Grabbing another quote here, in discussing Firefly, Orson Scott Card mentioned that "TV shows are all about questions. Movies are all about answers." Suffice it to say, we don't have all the answers yet.

If they don't resurrect Firefly itself, I'd still enjoy a possible spin-off show set in the 'Verse. The Misadventures of Badger, maybe? Hell, even a different cast of characters entirely, a la the Star Trek serieses.


Monday, October 17, 2005 10:44 AM


Might cause a train wreck with some other writer, for Joss I think it would be more like CD/concert tour/live TV concert/CD/...different from one another, sure, but all interesting and exciting when the musicians are this brilliant.



Monday, October 17, 2005 11:25 AM




i agree that the 2 are different but going from one to the other has worked in the past. X-Files managed it. the movie took place between seasons 5 and 6. the transition wasn't too jarring at all.

i can't think of any other examples but it does not seem impossible and if there's anyone smart enough to make it work, it'd be Joss Whedon.

"You know what the chain of command is? That's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here."



Monday, October 17, 2005 11:49 AM


"So...Do you think it should even continue?"


Don't you realize we are addicts and need our fix. I must have new firefly content to consume. Even if it means going in a new direction. It doesn't matter if it's Simon turns into a reaver and eats Kaylee, I really really hope that isn't the new twist, but more content is needed.


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:30 PM



Originally posted by tunabelly:
X-Files managed it. the movie took place between seasons 5 and 6. the transition wasn't too jarring at all.

i can't think of any other examples

Animé does it all the time, with movies happening "between the episodes" of a series.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:45 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
It doesn't matter if it's Simon turns into a reaver and eats Kaylee,

Yup, nobody dies in their sleep in a Joss story, well, except Joyce maybe, sort of. Even if everybody dies, it's still a brave new world, and he'll give us new folk to love and obsess over.

Sometimes we forget that though he 'gave' us the Preshus, it's still his story, huh?

If Joss were reduced to writing Fruity Oaty commercials, he would have the CGI people insert subliminal story to induce Browncoat nirvana.

"Oooooh SHINY TREES! Yavanna made shiny trees!"


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:54 PM


man i would love if firefly could continue and because of serenity it might gain more viewers.


Monday, October 17, 2005 1:24 PM


Thank you for your thoughtful post. I have had similar thoughts myself. After the movie, other stories might have to be flashbacks, and knowing what would be coming... might make it awkward.

Having said that- I LOVE these characters and it truly bereaves me that our time together was so short.

I do not have any answer, of course. I am glad for the stories we got, and I secretly hope for more... but I see your point.



Monday, October 17, 2005 4:49 PM



Originally posted by tunabelly:
X-Files managed it. the movie took place between seasons 5 and 6. the transition wasn't too jarring at all.


Originally posted by Cybersnark:

Animé does it all the time, with movies happening "between the episodes" of a series.

These two say the points worth looking at imaleaf.


Originally posted by imaleaf:

I think you should learn more about that which you wish to speak before you open your mouth.

And I think you should learn manners before speaking in ways that can be interpreted as pickin' ruttin' thread fights.

I'm currently headed through Screen Studies at University, my excuse for looking at allthe angles. What's your excuse for the unprovoked attack based on one comment's worth of knowledge about me?

All I was saying in the beginning was that it can change *format*, not LOSE continuity(this isn't the comics industry "rebooting" here).

They CAN keep the events of Post-Serenity and still continue.
Granted, it won't exactly be "Firefly", but it'll be the same 'verse.


[On sharing Firefly Browncoats' love with relatives, friends and anyone that's remotely curious:]

"It's very Jehovah's Witness, I'm not sure if anyone's actually going door to door, but it's not far off."

- Nathan Fillion


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:45 PM


I agree whole-heartedly. They are two completely different mediums, requiring two different perspectives. For most people I know, the reason we fell in love with the show was because of the characters. The TV series is perfect for exploring characters, and a BDM is perfect for gettin' a heck of a lot of us together in one place. They are both useful, and they are both enthusiastically welcomed!!! More than welcomed... pined after! I carry a big gorram torch for this show!


Who says Movie events to TV events are a step back? The only major differences are:

One TV season: Smaller budget, tighter schedule, more airtime total.

One movie: Bigger budget, less-tight schedule, less airtime total.

Apart from these differences, events are interchangeable, hell, even continuable.

If you wanted to make people REALLY focus with a fandom, you could even go:

Season 1 + 2 = Years one and two.
Movie 1= Year three
Season 3, 4 +5 = Years four, five, six
Movie 2= Year seven

You can switch mediums, but timelines are still continuable.


[On sharing Firefly Browncoats' love with relatives, friends and anyone that's remotely curious:]

"It's very Jehovah's Witness, I'm not sure if anyone's actually going door to door, but it's not far off."

- Nathan Fillion


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:36 PM



Originally posted by Chindi:
Having said that- I LOVE these characters and it truly bereaves me that our time together was so short.

Kind of feels like when you really lose people; their pictures are on your walls, you remember the important things they said to you and how they changed your life, but they aren't around to make you laugh and cry and tell you new stories.

Yeah, I think we're all grieving a little. Important to remember that when somebody writes something here that grates,
dontcha think, hmmm?


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:45 PM


oh i forgot you are all powerful and right and your one to speak ob manners................but whatever i was rude and i am sorry i stated how i feel which i thought was the idea but i misunderstood.....peace please?

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:50 PM



.....peace please?

Sure. Hardly want a war. Look what it did to Mal and Zoe. ;)


[On sharing Firefly Browncoats' love with relatives, friends and anyone that's remotely curious:]

"It's very Jehovah's Witness, I'm not sure if anyone's actually going door to door, but it's not far off."

- Nathan Fillion


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:57 PM


I have never seen a episode of Firefly...My boyfriend who is a huge fan, dragged me to see the movie last week. I couldnt get enough of it. I LOVED IT!

I borrowed his DVD set and have watched each episode at least 25 times. and still want to watch it again.

so yes i do think it can continue,for severval reasons. one,for new fans who are just discovering the series,it makes u want more and more 2- the way the story lines are done,i think there are soooo many other adventures to be had.

I was really upset that the killed off Wash. LOVED HIM. and killed off book!



Monday, October 17, 2005 7:41 PM


If a sequel is written by Joss, yes its very much his baby, otherwise no.
I have this nightmare where, a couple of years down the line some studio exec turns round and says "Hey this thing made us a bit of money, its selling well on DVD and it has a good fanbase so LETS MAKE A SEQUEL."
Joss is either busy with another project or, worse still he turns in a script, they dont like it, fire him and bring in somebody else to finish it.
What we end up with is a by the numbers, Search for Spock style script, "Hey Wash was a popular character, lets keep the franchise going and BRING HIM BACK."
And the final plot is a caper movie where the crew clones him and goes looking for some secret Alliance brain scan technology so they can transfer his memories in to the new body.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:58 AM


I would love nothing more than to see more Firefly episodes... IF it had the entire cast (in other words, the changes are NOT WELCOME IN THE LEAST!!!).

I'm one who gets involved in movies and tv shows because of the characters and their relationships more than for the culture and/or technology they present. Firefly was perfectly cast with a perfect set of characters and IMHO, they are all needed.

If we can't get everyone, then I'm up in the air. maybe continue, maybe not. Without the original crew, it's not really Firefly.


Originally posted by Konzert:
I saw the movie opening weekend because of the positive reviews and loved it, bought the series and love it as well and the more I watch the series, the more I wonder if it would be good to continue the story.

I mean, a movie sequel seems unlikley concerning the numbers (is a world gross known yet at this point? It's earned about half back from the US alone + eventual DVD sales) And everywhere I browse, a series would seem more likely.

But after the events in the film, do you think the chemistry would still be the same? Is it maybe best to leave it at what it has accomplished as everything is fantastic the way it is.

I'm not sure, it pains me to become addicted to such a short series because of the Cancellation kings known as Fox (see Family Guy's re-start season opener for list of cancelled shows) and am not sure if it's a good idea they restart it, but naturally would like to see the characters again.

So the point of my post being, what does eveyone else think? Should it even be continued or are the changes welcomed to you?

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."






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