Joss Made My 11-yr-old Daughter Cry

UPDATED: Friday, December 2, 2005 13:41
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:56 PM


I agree that Serenity sucked, just because of the "surprise" twist, the one that ruined my whole family's night, the one that made my 11-year old daughter ball her eyes out.

I loved the effects, the adventure and especially the shinning the light of truth on current events with modern drugging of our own society.

But, IF this wasn't just a dream sequence and things aren't returned to normal, I don't think I'll be a fan anymore.

My family and I really loved the show, not because there were life threatning adventures, but mostly because of the comedy and great characters.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:26 PM


i'd recommend that you see the movie again. I know it's hard, but i was disappointed, shocked, mad, and sad when i first saw the movie. I went again, and i loved it!!! The end of the movie was better and, even though i'm still broken up about Wash, I wasn't disappointed that time.

keep flyin'

Wash, you were the best gorram pilot in the verse. Rest In Peace (and then come back again!!!)


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:00 PM


Please feel free to take this the wrong way.

If you can't accomodate your daughter's grief over a fictional character, what hope do you have to help her through a true tragedy?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to have some good parent-daughter talkin'.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:24 PM


I advise you to sue. Sue Joss, sue Universal. Your daughter has obviously suffered psychological damage and you need to be compensated.

Alternatively you could tell her that both Serenity and Firefly are fictional and that Wash didn't die because he never even existed in the first place. He could turn up in the next film or be reincarnated as the Easter Bunny because he is a fictional creation and as such not bound by the laws of reality that the rest of us are.

Take my advice, keep her away from the news channels.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:43 PM


"PG 13 Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. Sequences of intense violence and action, and some sexual references."

The MPAA loves you.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:03 PM


Simonwho & Obiwan .

Itwasalladream wasn't trying to be confrontational, but you two saw fit to knock 'em down and drag 'em through the mud. Good going...

Itwasalladream, stay true to Firefly if nothing else. That still counts.

Oh and Simonwho & Obiwan, let me guess, neither one of you saw Old Yeller at age eleven...ease up.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:11 PM


I think that the phrase 'Serenity sucked' IS confrontational
and that the remarks of Simonwho & others were appropriate and called for....

there is a division in this fandom right now,
and people who stand up with controversial opinions should expect others to disagree with them.

I'm sorry the 11 year old was upset, and I think maybe her parents shouldn't so much blame Joss as themselves for not finding out more about a PG-13 film before taking her.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:15 PM


Excuse me, can you think of a more confrontational thread title than "Joss Made My 11-yr-old Daughter Cry"? Well, all right "Joss Whedon is a complete bastard and emotional stunted my daughter" would be worse but still, it was a personalised attack and more than that, it was just another negative thread started purely for the reason of knocking the movie again.

This site is supposedly devoted to Firefly and Serenity fandom. We do not need fifteen new threads a day about how disappointed someone was in the movie. Or would you prefer it if everyone just poured out their bile on a daily basis?


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:15 PM



when I was 11, I was a cryin' fool... wept like a baby at the original "Mighty Joe Young" which, now, I would watch as history or for its camp value.

You said a shiny thing which I agree with - about the original poster's motives and validity, I mean. I agree with the second poster, "itwasalladream" should go back & see it again - probably on her own - to get a feeling of her OWN emotions on the matter.

I've seen it 5 times & it's Just Not Enough: I need more of the (Firefly) 'Verse.



Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:42 PM


Im sorry to hear that...but hey, I think Joss kinda intended for people to cry. I think its a compliment to a writer/director is something that was supposed to be sad really saddens people.

Are you a fan of Joss' other works? Buffy? Angel? Cos...its a Joss Whedon movie...there was no way they were making it out alive.

And like others have is a PG13 movie.

Kids are crying at this movie. Theres a lot of adults crying at this movie, too.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:52 PM



Originally posted by ItWasAllADream:

But, IF this wasn't just a dream sequence and things aren't returned to normal, I don't think I'll be a fan anymore.

Okay, see, here's where I think a lot of people are having problems with the movie.

Firefly was in limbo for two and a half years. During that looong stretch of time, the 'Verse was static. So, when it did get rollin' again, and things did begin to change, people were...well, they couldn't handle it. If it had stayed a TV show, these things would have happened. Trust me. I watched Buffy and Angel (after Firefly turned me on to Whedon's work), and damn, things on those shows were hardly constant. People died, randomly, pointlessly. Circumstances were altered drastically; I mean hell, on Angel at the start of season 5 (well, technically the end of 4), he and his gang were

Select to view spoiler:

given control of the evil corporation they had spent the last four years fighting against!

Anyways, eh, that's my theorum as to why some fans disliked the flick.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:57 PM


Joss has said it a few times, he's not trying to shelter children from reality. If actions don't have consequences, I will be very disappointed.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:08 PM


Yes, my title was to elicit a response. Yes, I think we can all be confrontational on this board. I don't mind.

My daughter is quite a strong individual and can deal with the harsh realities of life. She isn't a sheltered kid and has two older brothers to boot, so I'm not affraid for her psyche.

Hell, she probably took it better than me. (I forgot to mention that I was bawling too! [not on the outside though])

My main point is that I really hated to see Wash go. That totally freaking sucked!!!!

Did Josh make a great movie that took one on an emotional ride? Yes.

If this isn't all a dream or the future of firefly episodes isn't all pre-movie time, where I can enjoy Wash on the show, then, like I said, I don't think I'll be a fan. Don't think and absolutely won't be, are two different things, btw.

No, I didn't really watch Buffy or Angel, so I'm not all up on "what Josh does".


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:22 PM


I never quite understand why people are so shocked and angry at Wash's fall.

I understand he was beloved, I get that, and clearly from my avatar icon and quote by my name, I joined in on this. Wash was my favorite character from the crew.

But he went out doing his duty for the crew in a more than noble cause, as well as one to protect the rest of the crew. Not the most heroic of ways, but still, he did what he did best and just got hit in the firefight.

The show never gave me a feeling that everything is always going to be alright in the end, so it always made it good when it did. But put the crew in that big of a fight and walk away with that limited of casualties, still comes out real well, and the characters all grow and adapt to the events.

I can't seriously believe that of a crew of 9 through all the events and violence of the film or even most other sci-fi action films that all would fact, asking for most would normally be a lot.

Also, remember, the death of a character doesn't change the fact that they're a good character. It just ends their journey.

Just that gorram shiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:42 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ItWasAllADream:
I agree that Serenity sucked, just because of the "surprise" twist, the one that ruined my whole family's night, the one that made my 11-year old daughter ball her eyes out.

I loved the effects, the adventure and especially the shinning the light of truth on current events with modern drugging of our own society.

But, IF this wasn't just a dream sequence and things aren't returned to normal, I don't think I'll be a fan anymore.

My family and I really loved the show, not because there were life threatning adventures, but mostly because of the comedy and great characters.

I don't agree that Serenity sucked, having seen it again today ( that makes 8?) Many on here have their druthers as to what Joss should/shouldn't have done for the movie, but it's not a bad movie. With Joss, things are never 'normal'. It's against his nature. Love him or loath him for that, it's what he does. Whether it's your 11 yr old daughter a man of 40 who cries, Joss would probably tell us that's what he wants. Not to be cruel, but to get us, as the viewer, to FEEL something for the characters. That emotional attatchment comes in happy to horrified, and everything in between.

Maybe you'll think twice before taking your 11 yr old to a PG-13 movie.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:55 PM


Hello! "Firefly"

When did this turn into a "Serenity" or "JossWhedon" exclusive as well? You also don't necessarily have to be a JW worshipper to be here either - I presume. Good grief... no one is attacking you or your religious beliefs here... Let's cut to the more civil conversation and not just hop right into bashing the feller's head in. Give em some slack... lots of new fans on the board.


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Excuse me, can you think of a more confrontational thread title than "Joss Made My 11-yr-old Daughter Cry"? Well, all right "Joss Whedon is a complete bastard and emotional stunted my daughter" would be worse but still, it was a personalised attack and more than that, it was just another negative thread started purely for the reason of knocking the movie again.

This site is supposedly devoted to Firefly and Serenity fandom. We do not need fifteen new threads a day about how disappointed someone was in the movie. Or would you prefer it if everyone just poured out their bile on a daily basis?

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:08 PM


I would consider any piece of artistic work that can evoke enough emotions in me so as to make me cry a treasure.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:19 PM


People spend their entire infantism crying for no reason, crying because a beloved character dies isn't something to get mad over. I liked how Book died, I think it was an excellent way to wake everyone up. I didn't like how Wash died at all. I'm not going to whine about it because Joss has my complete respect, but I think Wash could've died a little better. It was out of nowhere, very similar to how Book died. Wash was my favorite character and I'm sure there will be plenty of flashbacks in Zoe's future, given that Alan comes back.

Ignore the MPAA and all the other liberal idiots who try to keep good stuff from you, the Firefly Verse is for everyone.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:30 PM


i've heard a lot of talk about people hoping it's just all a big dream.

if it ends up being a big dream, that will ruin the whole movie for me. i don't like that Wash is dead, but you aren't supposed to. It's sad. When he died, I yelled out. It was horrible. But it happened, and if something were to come out saying the whole thing was a dream, well... that would be worse than having every crew member die.

having Wash die added suspense and a sense of danger that couldn't have been added any other way. for awhile there, i didn't think anybody was coming out alive.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:35 PM


It's actually Joss, odd as that may seem.

Anyway meant no offense. I think the buffy and angel connection didn't help the film at the box office I say in agreement with what someone earlier suggested.

Perhaps here's a better way it could have been put:

"From the man who brought you Titan AE, Alien Resurrection and Firefly comes a chilling tale of life on the edge..."

or something like that, because honestly, that would give people a much better view of what to expect than

"From the creator of Buffy and Angel..."

Which does kind of make you think "Fluff Fantasy"

rather than "someone's going to get decapitated here, and it might be someone we like."

technically i think they want you to put spoilers like that in the little spoiler brackets, but i suspect everyone here has seen the film at least once.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:40 PM


Agreed. I know a lot of people who are skeptical about Serenity based solely on the fact that they hate Buffy and Angel. Definitely not the right way to market a film; by playing up the TV that Joss made.

Besides, killing Wash was such a well used plot device. I really hate that I just called a friend's death a plot device, but it worked so well, that I find it hard to believe that someone wouldn't buy it.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:44 PM



Originally posted by ItWasAllADream:

But, IF this wasn't just a dream sequence and things aren't returned to normal, I don't think I'll be a fan anymore.

Itwasalladream - I agree with you here.

As a matter of fact I told my friend (non-Firefly but avid Buffy/Angel fan) that Wash was dead. She scoffed and said "You can't believe everything Joss writes, afterall he has killed and brought characters back to life before"


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:52 PM



Originally posted by meangoldfish:
i've heard a lot of talk about people hoping it's just all a big dream.

if it ends up being a big dream, that will ruin the whole movie for me. i don't like that Wash is dead, but you aren't supposed to. It's sad. When he died, I yelled out. It was horrible. But it happened, and if something were to come out saying the whole thing was a dream, well... that would be worse than having every crew member die.

having Wash die added suspense and a sense of danger that couldn't have been added any other way. for awhile there, i didn't think anybody was coming out alive.

I agree completely. Wash and Book's deaths meld with the whole Firefly trend, in my opinion. I loved Alan's character and didn't expect anything to happen to him at all, but Joss predicted as much. I'm intrigued at how much courage Joss has to film his vision regardless of what the media expects of him.

Any attempt that I can imagine to ressurect Wash or Book would ruin my current relationship with Firefly. That, of course, doesn't rule ressurection out. If they do come back, Joss will make it work. As a new age Browncoat, I've gotta say that Joss is like a God to his fans. I will always be a fan of Firefly, I owe it to Joss for letting his story grace my life.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:00 PM


NO WONDER IT MADE HER CRY!!! I'M FOURTEEN AND I JUST ACCIDENTLY READ THE BASIC SPOILER (No I still haven't seen the movie ) AND I ALMOST CRIED MY EYES OUT THE ONLY THINGS THAT KEPT ME FROM DOING IT WAS #1 if i told my friend why I was crying he would probobly laugh...after he killed me for telling him a spoiler. #2 my neighbor died about two days later so I was more distraught over her. She was like a grandmother to me....

I;m like the crew of Serenity; You got a job? I can do it. Don't much care what it is.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:19 PM


When I was five years old, Walt Disney made me cry. Bambi's mother wasn't coming back, and I hated him.

I was about eleven when Trusty sacrificed himself to keep Tramp from being put to sleep. When Jock howled for him, I felt his loss.

Then, two minutes later, it turned out all Trusty had done was break his right front paw. All I could think of was, "what a cheat!" Walt Disney was talking down to me; I felt insulted.

Joss shocked me to the core, but he did not insult me.

I feel driven to add perspective here. Last night a friend of mine died, a man I'd known for twenty years, a man who stood as godparent to my children. Today I cried as I have not cried for a grave long time, not the least when I had to break the news to my daughter.

A daughter's tears are not an easy thing to bear. My heart is with you. But this is not the worst hurt she will have to face in life.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:27 PM



Originally posted by LadyBlue:

Originally posted by ItWasAllADream:

But, IF this wasn't just a dream sequence and things aren't returned to normal, I don't think I'll be a fan anymore.

Itwasalladream - I agree with you here.

As a matter of fact I told my friend (non-Firefly but avid Buffy/Angel fan) that Wash was dead. She scoffed and said "You can't believe everything Joss writes, afterall he has killed and brought characters back to life before"

but whats the point in the BDM if it was all a dream? Did Browncoats really fight for a movie...during which everything that happens...never actually happened??

And as for what you're friend said...that was Buffy & Angel. This is Serenity. I think it's pretty definite that Wash is gone for good.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:21 AM


the first part of your post is sooooooo true PhsycicRiver. Wash's death tore me up and i want him back, but not if it's going to be in a cheesy way like the movie was all a dream (and do you think that Joss would do that? I mean come on!!!). I'm in favor of some other ideas. I don't have the time to write them down again so if you would like to know them, or if you want look at more discussions about Wash's death, how it affected people, and how to bring him back, click on this link: . It's a really great thread!!!

keep flyin'

Wash, you were the best gorram pilot in the verse. Rest In Peace (and then come back again!!!)


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:23 AM



Originally posted by engineangel:
the first part of your post is sooooooo true PhsycicRiver. Wash's death tore me up and i want him back, but not if it's going to be in a cheesy way like the movie was all a dream (and do you think that Joss would do that? I mean come on!!!). I'm in favor of some other ideas. I don't have the time to write them down again so if you would like to know them, or if you want look at more discussions about Wash's death, how it affected people, and how to bring him back, click on this link: . It's a really great thread!!!

keep flyin'

Wash, you were the best gorram pilot in the verse. Rest In Peace (and then come back again!!!)

Considering the cast have been regularly quoted as saying that they are ALL signed up for the next 2 films if there are any more, it will be interesting to see if and how Wash and Book are resurrected. DNA, anyone?

"I have come here to chew bubbglegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum".


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:13 AM


If you aren't a fan now just because Wash isn't part of the show, were you ever really a fan? I mean, I take that as you were a fan of Wash's character, but indifferent to the rest of the setting. If that's the case, shiny. I've enjoyed characters without enjoying the rest of the cast/show.

However, if you've lost all the love for a show just because of a couple deaths, you have to ask yourself why you were a fan in the first place. Book dieing was horrible. Wash dieing was horrible. All of it made you question if everyone was going to die. It made you angry at the Alliance. It made you want Mal to get to that back up signal so bad you could taste it... Just like it was supposed to.

And as for your daughter, I'm gonna guess there were a lot of tears by a lot of people. Heck, I'm a 27 year old, semi-large man and I could barely take it. Feeling real emotions while watching obviously fictional characters in an obviously fictional setting is damn hard to do and Joss pulled it off. If that doesn't make you a fan, I recommend Spaceballs...

(quick note - I love Spaceballs too)


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:06 AM



Did you cry too?

Actually, this is a good place for me to reiterate the experience I had taking the niece and nephew to see "Serenity." The eight-year-old loved it, boy addicted to blow-em-ups and adventure that he is. The eleven-year-old GIRL however...very disturbed by scenes of Miranda. That was something I hadn't even considered, that the decaying corpse thing would be really upsetting to some children.

Gotta be ready to deal with those kinds of reactions when you bring kids...and some adults. But would you rather that audiences were so jaded that nobody felt a single thing, nor wept a single tear?

Now THAT would be truly horrifying.

But I must add: Does everyone who is upset require their OWN LITTLE VENTING THREAD? C'mon, already. Get over yourselves. If you want to piss and moan and grieve and rip your clothes over Wash etc., do it in one of the many, many other threads where you'll have the company of other teeth-gnashers. This proliferation of whiner threads? Annoying, very annoying.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:36 AM


Ok no offence to anybody intended here but may I just say.... Sorry your daughter cryed and/or was disturbed by what she saw.

However in fairness the TV show had deaths, injuries, drama, comedy and tragedy even nudity... (Mals exhinitionism)

Now as I recall the film included no more than the TV series did. So why were you so surprised?

Select to view spoiler:

Because Wash was killed off?

You took your daughter to the cinema. Not Joss and while I'm not attacking your decision to bring your daughter along to the film I do think you have to take responsibility for it.

While I appreciate you not liking a direction the narrative may have taken - it's thankfully not up to you or I to determine this. If this is how we'd like it then maybe we should write our own show and incur the very hard work that this demands.

It's incredibly difficult for a writer director to keep all who watch a film happy about every aspect of it's story line. I would have presumed, I guess, that as an adult you would be aware of this and perhaps prepared yourself that Serenity may be somewhat different to the TV show, given that it is presented on a much larger and wider scale than the TV show.

Again I mean no offence.



Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:01 AM


I grew up with Blake's 7. In my opinion the moment they killed the first hero character Gan the series stepped up a notch. In the days before internet spoilers you never knew if they planned to kill someone off this week. If a character got in a life threatening situation you were there at the edge of your seat each time because you knew there was a chance he wouldnt make it. Watching the crew fly off at the end of the episode was an excuse tgo breathe again.....

...... until next week.

Knowing that a writer is not afraid to kill heroes completely changes the emotional dynamic of the show. It means you do have to worry if someone is in a tight fix. When Kaylee took those dart things in the neck I swear I didnt breathe again for 7 or 8 minutes!

I loved Wash, I think I liked him more than I like Jayne, but man his demise made all the difference to those last few scenes.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:25 AM


You said you didn't mind us being confrontational, so I hope you don't take offence:

Select to view spoiler:

Book's death really didn't hit me. People say it had a point, and from a story point of view, it did. But I didn't really feel anything from it.
When Wash died it was a kick in the teeth. It didn't mean anything, from a story point of view, but death seldom does. It was real. Painfully real.
And the fact that your daughter cried indicates it was real for her too.
From that moment on, for the first time ever when watching a film, I wasn't sure if there was going to be a happy ending, I wasn't sure the crew was going to get out in the end.
That moment, for me elevated the movie from a passable to good Sci-Fi flick, to a classic.
I've never been put on the edge of my seat with worry from a film before.

Would you prefer Star Trek where all the main characters miraculously escape, and so the danger never feels real?

And as for a dream:
What, you wanna turn FireFly into a bad episode of Dallas? (Remembering all episodes of Dallas were diabolical...)
There was a Q/A I was at not long ago which Joss attended. I had two questions I wanted to ask (unfortunatly I didn't get to ask either). One was this:

As much as the death of Wash and Book hurt, you won't do something stupid and Star Trekky and bring them back, will you?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you Beeeer Milkshakes!
Even though I might, even though I try,
I can't


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:47 AM


WARNING: Totally insensitive and politically incorrect response is within the spoiler area below. If you even think that such a comment might bother or offend you, move on!

Select to view spoiler:

So, Joss made an eleven-year old girl cry? What's the big deal? I'm sure even I could do that.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:02 AM


In a way it kind of elevates my already high opinion of Joss Whedon when he can make an 11 year old cry, although that's not too difficult a task under most circumstances it is a significant achievment from just having the kid watch a movie. I got a bit teary eyed during the "killer" scene but all I have to say to this kid's parents is get over it. Just tell the kid to "suck it up!"


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:18 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:

Did you cry too?

My Suze!! And erm, no...maybe. Okay!! I admit it! Balled like a baby!

And can I tear my clothes off for the sherr hell of it?

Also, are you guys definitely not going to the Flanvention.

~(Hint, the answer is "No, we're coming!")~


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:32 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Joss has said it a few times, he's not trying to shelter children from reality. If actions don't have consequences, I will be very disappointed.

Ditto That. I'm sorry people can't be fans anymore because the gorram movie got made, but thats their yank.

4 times and counting. gets better every shiny time.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:13 PM



Originally posted by spdrparker:

Also, remember, the death of a character doesn't change the fact that they're a good character. It just ends their journey.

Just that gorram shiny

In Wash's case that journey was sort...short.

I admit. I cried too. I love Wash. Love Alan too. Still a bit heartbroken about it. Was very very mad. Hey, it made the last mintues of the movie very, very suspensful. I was grabing the armrest so tight till my knuckles turned white.
Also, I think if the writer of book, flim, tv show or whatever, can make u care SO much for their fictional chacaters and make them feel so real that you cry when they die or you jump up from your feet and root for them when they make through something really really tough or just basically make you feel any emotion for the characters, then that's a sign of a BIG DAMN good writer.

P.s. Just have a long talk to your kid bout the diffence of Reality and Make-believe.

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:54 PM


I think the concept of potentially no longer being a fan if "the movie isn't a dream" or some such is just ridiculous! That's basically saying that you don't really have respect enough for the other actors to watch more if they make a sequel, simply because Alan is not part of the project. Yes, I love Wash. Do I think he's the driving force of the cast and I can't go on without him? No. I don't think there's any Firefly/Serenity character I would say that about. Sure, Wash's death hit hard. But so did Joyce's, Jenny Calendar's, Tara's, Anya's, and Wesley's. It's just something Joss does to shake us up and let us know that yes, we are emotionally invested...and that's a good thing. I would be extremely disappointed if Wash and Book returned in anything other than a flashback. It would feel cheap and forced. It would also take all of the impact out of the death scene every time you watched it again. I don't want to watch my Serenity dvd someday down the road and view the Wash death scene with mild interest knowing that "he'll be back in the sequel". That would bother me greatly. Besides, Buffy died 3 times,(drowned, shot, and jumped into vortex), and THAT was excessive. I say leave the dead buried, work in a few well-placed flashbacks, and move on.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:06 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Damn, I've been a member of this site for a couple of years and hardly anyone ever responds to my posts. But this guy registers yesterday and posts his bitching just once and gets 39 replies.

Does that seem right to you?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:08 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:

Did you cry too?

My Suze!! And erm, no...maybe. Okay!! I admit it! Balled like a baby!

And can I tear my clothes off for the sherr hell of it?

Also, are you guys definitely not going to the Flanvention.

~(Hint, the answer is "No, we're coming!")~


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

I'd love to say we'd be there but the Holiday Show is back on again (gorram high school has been messing with my daughter, back and forth). So you'll have to go in our place, PsychBoy.

I think the UK Browncoats are having a Christmas party the weekend that you're in California, too, by the way. What, did you do something to piss them off? (a little TOO much attention from Miss Glau, maybe??)


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:40 PM


Joss: "For the sequel it will be announced that the BDM was all a dream! When you saw Wash die, well, that never happened at all!"

Flans: "Hurrah!"

Joss: "No, what happened was it all another strange vision in River's mind..."

Flans: "Uh-huh, oooh, mm-hm, keep going..."

Joss: "... y'see it was a psychotic delusion she was having from the trauma of having shot dead Inara, Zoe and Simon AND Wash in the head with a gun, only now waking up at the start of the new film, with a distraught Jayne, Kaylee and Mal begging her for their lives!"

Flans: "Kill him."

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:17 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Damn, I've been a member of this site for a couple of years and hardly anyone ever responds to my posts. But this guy registers yesterday and posts his bitching just once and gets 39 replies.

Does that seem right to you?

Did somebody say something?

Did anybody hear somebody say something?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:30 PM


Can't forget about Book. Wash and Book are gone, not just wash. *tear* I promised my self I wouldn't cry. WHY JOSS, WHYYYYYYY!!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:47 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Damn, I've been a member of this site for a couple of years and hardly anyone ever responds to my posts. But this guy registers yesterday and posts his bitching just once and gets 39 replies.

Does that seem right to you?


But then, after reading all of these threads, I'm wondering why I didn't cry for either death (or even get teary) and why I find Book's death more gratuitous and less plot-developing than Wash's.

My opinion obviously can't be trusted .

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Hell with this; I'm gonna live. - Kaylee, Serenity

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:53 PM


im sorry your daughter was upset but to say the move sucked is complete blasfamey and u should be stoned into a councusion i know its a movie but the show and movie for the most part has been mostly realistic and ppl die in real life and i too am distraught that it was wash because his dinosaurs will be lonly and i think the doc should have gotten it but for one small mistake you shouldnt hate a great work of art and your daughter is getting to learn some dificult things she is gonna have ppl around her die sooner or later but but its better now because he is fictinal and now she will be less disapointed when someone else dies

sry for the rant in short dont hate participate


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:44 PM



Joss: "For the sequel it will be announced that the BDM was all a dream! When you saw Wash die, well, that never happened at all!"

Flans: "Hurrah!"

Joss: "No, what happened was it all another strange vision in River's mind..."

Flans: "Uh-huh, oooh, mm-hm, keep going..."

Joss: "... y'see it was a psychotic delusion she was having from the trauma of having shot dead Inara, Zoe and Simon AND Wash in the head with a gun, only now waking up at the start of the new film, with a distraught Jayne, Kaylee and Mal begging her for their lives!"

Flans: "Kill him."

NervousPete, you're my hero. Everyone in the library is currently not my friend because of how much I laughed. I thank you.

"They were little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbled!"


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:06 PM


GotKaylee: Really? you laughed more at that one than you did at this one:?


Originally posted by jasurpie:
im sorry your daughter was upset but to say the move sucked is complete blasfamey and u should be stoned into a councusion i know its a movie but the show and movie for the most part has been mostly realistic and ppl die in real life and i too am distraught that it was wash because his dinosaurs will be lonly and i think the doc should have gotten it but for one small mistake you shouldnt hate a great work of art and your daughter is getting to learn some dificult things she is gonna have ppl around her die sooner or later but but its better now because he is fictinal and now she will be less disapointed when someone else dies

sry for the rant in short dont hate participate

Cause that one made me spit milk all over my moniter. Hee hee. 'Blasfamey'


They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see the sky, and they remember what they are.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:26 PM


For me personally, the most emtionally resonant moment of the BDM (and there were several) was when River ran into the teeth of the reavers to save her brother and friends...I was emotionally invested because of what had already happened to Book and Wash, so the scene possessed real courage and sacrifice that would have been lessened without the previous deaths.



Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:49 PM



"Last night a friend of mine died..."

My condolences for your loss. Very important perspective indeed.

Serenity is fiction... all one has to do is leave the theater and go back to their life. Your loss is real, and more lasting. My thoughts are with you.






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