Can anyone recommend more tv shows to watch?

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 07:13
VIEWED: 13041
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Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:30 AM


I loved Firefly and Serenity! I hate TV shows. I cant stress strongly enough how I hate television shows. I might sit down with some food and casually catch something on tv. That lasts about 5 min when I have to leave the room. Im pretty much a movie fanatic. The only tv show I could ever sit thru and enjoy is StarTrek and MASH.
All those SciFi shows are just Low B grade garbage which I cannot enjoy.

Then I came across Firefly DVD's. I never experienced Firefly on TV. I got to watch them for the first time on DVD on my 8' wide projection screen. To me Firefly is a loooong movie. Then I went and saw Serenity. Im like the rest of you depressed there is nothing more to watch. So, my question is what else could I watch that isnt horrible tv crap? I did catch Muffy the steak driver a few times and thought it was bad tv. Cant stand StarGate 11 seasons of nothing.
Caught Battlestar Galaga a few times and that looked interesting. What about Some other programs I can rent on DVD? Farscape or Buffy2? battlestar? What would a Firefly fan like?
Help is much appreciated :)

*Analog fans may be blind-but digital fans are deaf*


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:35 AM


I found Farscape amazing and would strongly reccomend that. Felt very much like a Joss show to me, great character interactions. Just make sure you give it a chance, it's a bit slow picking up at the start.(the *main* storylines don't really get going until near the end of season 1, though there is plenty of good stuff before that too)

And of course, Buffy/Angel.

I haven't seen battlestar etc, so I can't really comment on those, or think of any other good sci fi shows.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:57 AM


Okay these aren't going to be unique, but here they are:

Farscape. This show is awesome, in spite of a few quirky flaws. It kicks ass.

Cowboy Bebop. This is an anime and part of the source material from which Firefly was born. The other was Outlaw Star, which I haven't seen but have heard was also good.

The new Dr. Who is quite good, if you can get ahold of any. This is very slapstick stuff, much more like Red Dwarf. Not to be taken seriously.

Another one not to take seriously and not to everyone's taste is Lexx. As I said in another post, if you keep wishing that Firefly would spend more time with reavers, and maybe in Inara's shuttle during business hours, then Lexx is for you, if not, you might want to leave Lexx 'til later.

Buffy. Buffy is the best show ever. Bar none. Not ever Firefly. In time firefly can compete with Buffy, but at the moment it doesn't have enough material. This is also Whedon.

Don't rush out and see Angel, it's really a lot like Buffy but weaker in many ways. This is for watching once you are out of Buffy eps and still need more.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:59 AM


I enjoyed Dark Angel for the first season, and some of the second, Buffy was good after they cast Tara, Farscape was one of the better shows I've seen. Battle Star Galactica the new series is good TV in my opinion. lately though I've been getting into shows that run in syndication or re-runs, shows like "Boy meets World", that used to run on TGIF and was slightly more reality based than other shows i've seen. If you like Japanese TV shows anime or Live action I watched the first 3 seasons of Power Rangers during the mid 90's got out of the habit for a more realistic view of life, ie. high school and college, then saw the latest series on ABC family a while ago, and got back into it. that's just me though.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:08 AM


this is way out of the sci-fi loop thing, but my favorite show on tv right now is Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you don't get HBO, then, well, you're out of luck. Unless you get the DVDs.

It's the only show i watch on TV, besides [adult swim] and conan of course.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:14 AM


If you don't like "Muffy the Stake Driver," you probably wouldn't like Buffy either.
I am not a big Buffy fan (interested enough to watch it once, but won't watch it again), but I did like and buy Angel. (Angel had a lot of collaborators who went on to work on Firefly.) So there is a lot of diversity in the way Firefly fans react to other Whedon shows.

Here are other shows that I love and recommend.

1. Profit (created by Angel co-creator, David Greenwalt) 8 episodes only, also cancelled by FOX, but ever sooo clever. Recommended if you like darker series shown on HBO. Maybe take a few episodes to hook you, but it is excellent.

2. Wonderfalls (created by Firefly co-writer, Tim Minnear) NOT sci-fi--got some supernatural/fantasy. 13 episodes only, also cancelled by FOX. Takes a good 6 episodes to get you hooked, so be patient when it seems stupid at the beginning. It gets very, very good.

3. Dark Angel. The first season was quite phenomenal, but degenerated into "fluff" in the second season. Eventually, it came together again, but it was too late. Also cancelled by FOX.

4. Red Dwarf. British sit com, sci-fi but cheesy special effects. It's strength is its writing. It has some of the funniest dialogue / metaphors this side of Dennis Miller.

5. Yes, Prime Minister / Yes, Minister. These series are NOT sci-fi--they are British political satire. But they are my favorite TV shows of all time right under Firefly, because like Firefly, they are consistently "A" quality. Clever and tight script, amazing acting, exceptionally funny.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:17 AM


Buffy is a fantastic show that has the bulk of Joss Whedon's best work, and it has the same style of humor as Firefly and the same tendency for turning genre conventions on their heads. And don't be afraid to start with season 2. You won't miss much before that.

By the way, Angel was mostly David Greenwalt's baby, and Whedon had very little direct influence on most episodes. But "Shindig" writer Jane Espenson and Whedon both worked full-time on Buffy for the entire series, with Whedon editing every script and overseeing every episode, except for Buffy season 6 (when Whedon was doing Firefly).

Aside from that, I've developed a fondness for Inuyasha on Adult Swim lately. I usually hate anime with a passion, but this is different - in a good way. Kind of reminds me of the old Tom Cruise movie "Legend" mixed with a modern Japanese art film like "House of Flying Daggers."


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:18 AM


You could latch on to some other Joss Whedon shows. That is what I did. I caught on to Firefly first and then gave Angel a try and really enjoyed it. Obviously, the premise is completely different but the same style is there. The playful dialogue, the broodish hero, the "merry" band, the overpowering enemy.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:33 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

5. Yes, Prime Minister / Yes, Minister. These series are NOT sci-fi--they are British political satire. But they are my favorite TV shows of all time right under Firefly, because like Firefly, they are consistently "A" quality. Clever and tight script, amazing acting, exceptionally funny.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

You're a star, you know that? That's one of my all time fave shows! Possibly the best written comedy there has ever been, apart from...

"The Armando Iannucci Shows"

Which aired a couple of years ago and have never been repeated. Or sold anywhere. Gagh. Yet it was the funniest, most interesting show I've seen. Armando gives us a view on the life of the modern Briton, with his inability to kick a ball, a Serbian sniper hired by a village to improve tourism, the dead dancing for God, Jesus returns and heals the sick, but doesn't believe in M.E and people who are witty at dinner parties secretly having their jokes and quips hidden as paper messages inside of their pies.

Armando: "We all have that awful feeling that our lives took a wrong turn somewhere. Usually about eight years ago. We go to work and try not to think on it, try not to think about how after a day of squandered dreams we return home to eat microwave spring rolls and watch boxed DVD sets of Buffy the Vampire Slayer alone in our carpeted rooms stained with bitter tears of a life of failure - and yourself?"

Hugh, the lovable old man with confused nostalgic memories: "When 'Return of the Jedi' came out, there were street parties. George V came out to see it, and we were all given a silver sixpence with a picture of Queen Victoria on one side and a picture of Jabba the Hut on the other."

Brilliant. Oh, and yes, the quiet voiced writer, novelist and comedy genius Armando is a massive fan of Buffy. Wonder if he is of Firefly?

As to the big question, go and buy Ultraviolet on DVD at Amazon. It's a highly inventive Brit sci-fi miniseries about vampires. Only six episodes but fantastic characterisation and quite chilling in parts. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:35 AM



Give buffy another shot. I thought nothing of buffy for my first three episodes. I sat down, watched one, didn't get it, and it happened repeatedly, with maybe one year intervals. Then finally i got stuff in a hotel room and there was nothing else on, and I got hooked. It's a multiple episode thing, these characters grow on you. Certainly if you like angel, and you like firefly, you will like buffy.
angel is a lot less joss, so it's not as strong. buffy, well first six seasons, is a lot of joss.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:38 AM


Dead Like Me(another good show cancelled before it could really let the world know what it really was)

the new Battlestar Galactica: Just amazing, as good as Firefly, but with 0% cancellation!

Farscape: A must have.


Angel:worth a look

Corner Gas: every Canadian should know this show, but since it's only aired in Canada(I'm assuming) you'll only be able to get it at bestbuy or something. A lot of Americans probably won't get this sort of comedy at all, but if you feel the need for a non-violent, non-sexual, non-bad comedy show, this is it.

Six feet under: only the first two seasons, since after that it just drops off into shock value.

STARGATE SG-1!: oh jeese I almost forgot about stargate!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:39 AM


I agree about was excellent, but me, my husband, and like, 4 other people got it.

Sci-fi-wise, I never could get into Farscape. I used to like Andromeda, but it got lamer and lamer as time went on.

I am totally hooked on the new Battlestar Galactic. I LOVE it!

I am also partial to "My Name Is Earl".

For stoopid fun, there is always South Park.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:48 AM


Gosh, what an amazingly fun question!

Wonderfalls (Tim Minear project cancelled by FOX after 4 eps) - Show about a Gen Y non-achiever who suddenly starts hearing inanimate objects talking to her. It has clever, funny writing and strangely lovable characters. Great to watch the full season on DVD because it has some degree of closure (Tim must have caught on to FOX and their wicked ways).

Farscape (cancelled by SciFi after 4 seasons) - Earth astronaut is hurled into another galaxy and joins a crew of escaped convicts who have taken over their prison barge. A fun, original take on the typical "trekking through space" scenario. All seasons and the ending TV movie are out on DVD.

Dead Like Me (cancelled by Showtime after 2 seasons) - Another series with a Gen Y non-achiever (because Bryan Fuller was involved with this show before Wonderfalls). This time, the protagonist dies and becomes a Grim Reaper ( a role described as a bail bondsman for the recently deceased). Gallows humor galore - definitely belonged on cable. Both seasons out on DVD.

Veronica Mars (amazingly, still on the air, and in season 2) - If you didn't like Buffy because it was done in a highschool setting, you might not like VM for that same reason. If that wasn't your objection, then this might be a show for you. The writing and the characters on this show are lively and intelligent, and the mystery-of-the-week entwined with season-long mysteries format is really engaging. Season 1 is out on DVD.

Angel (ran 5 seasons before ending) - If Buffy seemed a little too juvenile for you, you may like Angel better. It has the same snappy dialog that Joss injects into all his projects, and a more grown-up cast of characters. There were some not so great story arcs in some seasons (mostly because the show kept changing producers so much) but there's still much fun to be had. All seasons out on DVD.

Buffy (ran 7 seasons before ending) - I know you said you didn't like the eps of Buffy you watched, but I'd suggest that you give them another try from the beginning. Yes, there are some very non-enjoyable episodes, especially for someone who isn't already invested in the show, but there are also some really strong episodes too. All seasons out on DVD.

Deep Space 9 (I forget how many seasons there were, but there were just enough to tell the story) - Of all the Star Trek franchises, this is the one that hooked me and held me for the entire run of the show. The reason I liked this series? Character development. With a space station as the center of all action, the show had to rely on deeply developing an ensemble cast, and telling stories about their lives. All seasons on DVD.

If they ever come out on DVD:

The Inside (Tim Minear crime drama, cancelled by FOX after 6-7 eps) - It has a procedural premise, but the characters are what make this show really something special.

Jake 2.0 (cancelled by UPN after about 15 eps) - Ok, the premise sounds kinda goofy - tech support geek at the NSA is accidentally exposed to experimental nanites that give him super powers - but this show had real heart. Chris Gorham (the actor playing Jake) made the character really believable and likeable.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:51 AM


Lost (Wednesdays on ABC) is my favorite current show by far and one of my favorite shows ever. First season is out on DVD if you're not familiar with it.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:57 AM


LOL - when I started my very lengthy post, there weren't any replies yet. It's funny to see most of my suggestions already posted by other FF fans. I guess we're in agreeance on a few points. ^_~


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:06 AM


Yeah, Lost has me pretty hooked, but I always hesitate to recommend it because it is such an investment. If you miss episodes, you're...well, lost.

It has everything I love, though - well developed ensemble cast, character-driven stories, mystery, a little of the scifi/supernatural.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:10 AM


I enjoyed Dark Angel season 1 & 2. I didn’t like the direction season 2 started going on, but the more I watched, the more I seemed to get into it. I hated the way that series is ended. It had a potential. Yet another causality of reality TV and stupidity brought to you by network TV (in this case… surprise! Fox)

I enjoyed what little I saw of Farscape. (I don’t have Cable TV) Andromeda looked interesting, but got dumb very quickly. Mostly when they kept centering everything (and I mean everything) around Dylan Hunt. Stargate SG1 I use to like, the first 8 seasons. But at this point, they’re beating a dead horse. Atlantis looked interesting, but I just never found the time to watch it. I caught an episode of Lexx, but it just didn’t do it for me.

To me, Star Trek was at its greatest at Deep Space 9. It started going downhill with Voyager, and up until the last 6 episodes of Enterprise it was at a nosedive. I think Star Trek needs a ten-year nap and new blood.

I use to like CSI and Without a Trace but I just don’t watch them anymore either. They we’re good shows, I just stopped having time for them. Sometimes I’ll try to watch NCIS. I’ve enjoyed almost every episode I’ve seen of that show.

I liked the first two season of Alias, but I’m just not interested in watching it after last season. I’ve heard lots of good stuff about Lost, but I still haven’t had a chance to watch it. And I tried, but I can’t stand Desperate HouseWives.

Also… I’ve got to admit UPN started some good shows a few years ago. It seemed like every year there was a new series in the making. Seven Days and the Sentinel we’re two that I really enjoyed. They had a few others that had potential. Most never lasted past first season.

The only series that I have on DVD right now is Firefly, BSG Season 1, BSG Miniseries (basically, the start of the show), Dark Angel Season 1 & 2, The Sci-Fi remake of Dune (I was surprised I that I liked it.) and several regular movies.

It also really depends on your taste. I’m not much into the whole vampire slayer business, but I enjoyed watching Angel and some of Buffy. I didn’t set my clock to those shows though. I’ve seen a few episodes of Veronicah Mars. I haven’t made it a point to watch it either, but it seems to be a good show.

I don’t know if your into cartoons any, but check out Gargoyles. It’s by Disney, but you’d never know it unless you saw the end of the credits. I really enjoyed that cartoon. It had a good continuity, character and story development. Its almost like they used Shakespeare as the backbone for the overall development of the story. Before you say Shakespeare/gargoyle sounds like a bad combination I got two words. Space-Western. To me, Gargoyles is the Firefly of cartoons. I think it ran 3 years. I only saw the first season and half the second. I’m actually planning on getting its DVDs sometime soon. If you can rent a season, check it out. You might be surprised.

That’s all I can think of. Nowadays in my apartment, if the DVD is spinning the TV isn’t on. I’m too busy and I really just don’t care anymore what junk they put. I’ll check something out if a friend suggests it and I have time, but mostly, I don’t even turn the tube on. It just doesn’t seem worth checking out.

Once, just once, I want things to go according to
the gorram plan!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:18 AM


Here is a list of the only TV shows I watch with any regularity (I'm not really into TV anymore.)

1. Buffy is indeed a very good show. I watched when it was first out, then lost touch with it. Recently started picking up the box sets and am totally hooked on it again.

2. Inuyasha, which is a Japanese anime, is by far my most favorite animated show ever. It's got everything: action, fantasy, romance, and lots of comedy, plus endearing characters. The first season is out on box set and the second season is coming out in November (already ordered it.) There was 167 episodes before they cancelled it over in Japan (sigh.) I'm not sure how many seasons that equals. It also has 3 movies out, with a fourth coming. (Note: if you're into gaming, there's an RPG too.)

3. Simpsons: just simply a classic. Kind of lagging now that's it into its 17th season, but the first six seasons out on DVD are pure gold.

4. Futurama: created by Matt Groening of Simpsons fame, this ran for four seasons before Fox cancelled it (gorram idiots.) It's not as much into the low-brow humour as Simpsons, and has definite sci-fi qualities. All seasons out on DVD.

5. Supernatural: Just came out on TV in its first season. It's on WB or many other networks. It's not sci-fi, it's more about ghosts and stuff like that, and two brothers searching for their father, but it's great TV with a touch of comedy and lots of supernatural mystery.

That's all the shows that I really like. I will occasionally watch CSI (only the original one) but it's not something I'd go out and buy.

The hell with this! I'm going to live!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:33 AM


YES! Futurama...forgot about that one.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:38 AM



written by queenofthenorth:

Here is a list of the only TV shows I watch with any regularity (I'm not really into TV anymore.)

1. Buffy is indeed a very good show. I watched when it was first out, then lost touch with it. Recently started picking up the box sets and am totally hooked on it again.

2. Inuyasha, which is a Japanese anime, is by far my most favorite animated show ever. It's got everything: action, fantasy, romance, and lots of comedy, plus endearing characters. The first season is out on box set and the second season is coming out in November (already ordered it.) There was 167 episodes before they cancelled it over in Japan (sigh.) I'm not sure how many seasons that equals. It also has 3 movies out, with a fourth coming. (Note: if you're into gaming, there's an RPG too.)

3. Simpsons: just simply a classic. Kind of lagging now that's it into its 17th season, but the first six seasons out on DVD are pure gold.

4. Futurama: created by Matt Groening of Simpsons fame, this ran for four seasons before Fox cancelled it (gorram idiots.) It's not as much into the low-brow humour as Simpsons, and has definite sci-fi qualities. All seasons out on DVD.

5. Supernatural: Just came out on TV in its first season. It's on WB or many other networks. It's not sci-fi, it's more about ghosts and stuff like that, and two brothers searching for their father, but it's great TV with a touch of comedy and lots of supernatural mystery.

yes, all great shows!!! and all ones that i was going to mention. Three more are Angel (of course), Family Guy, and Charmed - a great show!!!

keep flyin'


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:59 AM


Cowboy Bebop (anime) and the new Battlestar Galactica are top notch. I love them!

Outlaw Star (anime) is pretty good, but just can't touch Bebop's sense of "cool" and doesn't have as many Firefly parallels.

I strongly believe that Firefly and Bebop could coexist in the same 'Verse.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:04 PM


Definitly try Dark Angel! Whole first season is GOLD!! 2nd takes a while to get up to speed, then kicks ass!!

Also give Buffy a serious shot- First season has some duds, but 2nd and 3rd are the bombs!!

Farscape is great (if you can deal with all-aliens, all-the-time).

And the new Battlestar Galactica is serious, dark chocolate.

Chrisisall, endorsing the best


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:14 PM


Let's see...

Sundays: 'The West Wing' (NBC); 'Desperate Housewives' and 'Grey's Anatomy' (ABC); 'The Simpsons', 'King of the Hill' and 'Family Guy' (Fox); Adult Swim lineup on The Cartoon Network

Mondays: 'Arrested Development', 'Kitchen Confidential' and 'Prison Break' (Fox); 'How I Met Your Mother' and 'CSI: Miami'(CBS)

Tuesdays: 'Gilmore Girls'(WB); 'Bones' and 'House:MD'(Fox); 'My Name is Earl', 'The Office' and 'Law & Order: SVU' (NBC); 'Boston Legal' (ABC)

Wednesdays: 'Lost' (ABC); 'Veronica Mars' (UPN); 'South Park' (Comedy Central)

Thursdays: 'Alias' (ABC); 'CSI' and 'Without a Trace' (CBS); 'Reunion' (Fox)

Fridays: 'Malcolm in the Middle' (Fox); 'Threshold' and 'Numb3rs' (CBS)

Saturdays: 'Mad TV' (Fox); 'SNL' (NBC)

Mon-Thurs: 'The Daily Show' and 'The Colbert Report' (Comedy Central)

Mon-Fri: David Letterman (CBS)

Tues-Fri: Conan O'Brien (NBC)

Whew! That oughtta hold ya!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:30 PM


Thank you all for the responses.

I noticed some of you actually "like" television shows. So your recommendations is a little fond of alot thats out there.
Some of you have really interesting recommendations to look into. I think I will order Farscape on Netflix. That should keep me busy for a month or more. I may check out some Red Dwarf and a few others you guys mentioned. Probably get that Battlestar Galaga Starbug with boobs show. (Its just wrong to get a boner for StarBuck) Something about that Cylone robot Im not so sure of. Seems like a weak idea.
I watched a few episodes and they looked ok. But no where near as good as Firefly.
I can only take teen chicks on tv with the smarts of a box of dirt so much unless they start pulling their clothes off. So I doubt I would ever like Muffy.

Those UK series look facinating. I will check those out at Netflix also :)

Basic TV format is to wrap up everything between commercials and end the entire story thread within 42 min is just lame. Every episode with a differant writer and nothing really ever changes. Thats the main reason I only watch movies. I want a TV show that is not a TV show. Firefly was like that except for a few of the episodes.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:50 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

The only shows I have made a point to watch religously this year are Lost and Veronica Mars, and it's a good thing I have two vcrs 'cause they are on at the same time, Wednesdays at 8pm Central, Lost on ABC and VM on UPN. Both are in their second seasons, but both first seasons are out on dvd now too.

Here's a list of shows out on DVD (but no longer on the air) that I would recommend.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (never got into them until after Firefly, but they are both well worth the time and effort)
Babylon 5 (all five seasons + movies are available)
Dark Angel (2 seasons)
Dead Like Me (2 seasons)
Freaks and Geeks (unless I missed it, no one else has mentioned this, which is surprising)
Jeremiah (only season 1 available so far)
Joan of Arcadia (ditto)
Sports Night (when I am watching it I think it at least ties with Firefly for best series ever)

ETA: And one more that is due out next week - American Gothic

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:02 PM


Well, just to warn you again. Farscape is a cross between episodic and continuous, as you'd expect. The characters change the most, which might be most of what you're looking for.(though it gets increasingly continuous as time goes on)

Just expect the occasional stand alone episode, though they nearly always have a point or cause some change, even then.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:07 PM


ill second ecgordon on freeks and geeks,great show with brilliant cast and great 80's soundtrack,which also suffered the same fate as firefly.There is a brilliant yearbook edition available thanks to the fans fight for this series(sound familiar)well worth the look.

conor chaney


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Stylinlp38:
Thank you all for the responses.
Probably get that Battlestar Galaga Starbug with boobs show. (Its just wrong to get a boner for StarBuck) Something about that Cylone robot Im not so sure of. Seems like a weak idea.
I watched a few episodes and they looked ok. But no where near as good as Firefly.
I can only take teen chicks on tv with the smarts of a box of dirt so much unless they start pulling their clothes off. So I doubt I would ever like Muffy.

Those UK series look facinating. I will check those out at Netflix also :)

Everything changes by the end of Ultraviolet, no tidy conclusions, no moral in the end, just a horrible... awareness. It's brilliant. And it does things and goes places other shows fear to tread. Vampires and artificial insemination and a Catholic priest calling for an abortion, an age old cold war between vampire and man, and the vampires making full use of the modern world. Stock markets, futures, business, money and blood. They're stronger, smarter, faster - all we have is faith and humanity against them, but we even begin to lose that in the long struggle.

As for Red Dwarf...

Series 1-3:

Terrible effects, excellent scripts. Probably the most intelligent at this stage, but not leaning very heavily on sci-fi concepts - it's more to do with character. Still, my personal faves.

Series 4-6:

Outdated but rather fun effects, exciting plots, funny and more outlandished humour based on situation rather than character. Relies a little too heavily on catchphrases and stock jokes, but four and five are definitely worth getting.

Series 7-8:

Tired, unfunny, lazy, charmless guff. DO NOT BUY. Plus Kochanski finally comes back, only she's played by talentless bland actress Chloe Annett, with all the comic timing of Stalin. A dead Stalin. Made me miss the original series one Kochanski, C P Grogan, who I adored - the wry little Scottish pop-minx, until I found out that she wisely turned down the offer to be in it oweing to the terrible scripts.

Oh! And Buffy is actually quite clever in BTVS. She's funny and smart, but occassionally lazy and stupid, thus getting into trouble. Willow of course is gloriously clever. I've only seen series 1-3 1/2 but I love it! And I always thought it wasn't my sort of thing...

... until I caught 'Hush' on TV one night. Gosh!

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:26 PM


Most of the shows that I would recommend have been mentioned already, except "The Pretender". Season 1 and 2 are out on DVD and American Gothic soon will be.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:29 PM


Thanks for the suggestions (she said while scribbling them all down...)

I liked Lost last year.. this year.. the Jury is still out for me.. they are dragging it out and loading it up with commercials.. and so far I am underwhelmed...

For me the one show I would NOT MISS... Deadwood... maybe its the western thing.. but man I LOVE that show.. I know it is not everyone's cuppa but, it is to me smart and well acted TV..



Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:43 PM


Oh! Oh!

And, 'The Prisoner'. A BIG influence on Joss. All spy-cool paranoia, fantasy and surrealism. Influence on Lost, Babylon 5, certain Joss episodes, the River stuff and occassionally even The Simpsons. You can get a box set of the 17 episodes. Critically acclaimed with a proper beginning, middle and end, and possibly the most intelligent TV sci-fi ever in the history of all things.

"Where am I?!"

"In the Village."

"Who's side are you on?"

"That would be telling."

"Who are you?"

"The new Number Two."

"Who is Number One?"

"You are Number Six."

"I am not a number! I am a free man!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:57 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Give buffy another shot.

Oh, when I said I watched Buffy once, I watched the WHOLE thing once. From first episode to last. All 7 seasons. It just didn't connect with me enough for me to want to watch the whole thing again. So I didn't buy it. I liked the first 3 seasons well enough--esp the second season. But seasons 4-7 just didn't do it for me.

I think it might have to do with the fact that I am a big fan of David Greenwalt's twisted plotting. When he left at the end of the 3rd season to do Angel, I just went with him. I'm probably a bigger fan of Joss' colleagues (Greenwalt, Minnear) than I am of Joss himself.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:49 PM


There are other shows on T.V besides Firefly!?!?!?!?!?! :p


Monday, October 24, 2005 4:44 PM


I was wondering what would happen to the boards if we ever got tired of talking about Firefly/Serenity and there wasn't a sequel. Now I know. We have a lot of other shows in common!

If you like wit. I would recommend Dead Like Me. It has very clever writing and a very sick sense of humor. I love it!

I would also recommend Smallville. The first four seasons are out on DVD.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Monday, October 24, 2005 4:52 PM


I know that I stopped watching Buffy religiously after the third season. There were episodes that I liked like The Doublemeat Palace because my first job was fast food so I can appreciate the humor personally in that episode but overall, I lost interest in the show after the third season. The cast and the tone changed with the exit of Angel and Cordellia. I missed the tension between Buffy and Angel that was never recaptured with any of Buffy's later boyfriends and I missed Cordellia's shallowness and nastiness. As for the tone, I missed the campiness of the earlier seasons. What can I say? I need a lot of camp with the blood and the horror.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Monday, October 24, 2005 5:09 PM


This isn't actually a response to this board, but I'm not sure I'll ever get tired of talking about Firefly/Serenity.


Monday, October 24, 2005 5:18 PM


A plug for ‘Space: Above and Beyond’. Its available on DVD but keep your receipt, it took me 3 exchanges to get a good set. But it was worth it. Just don't give up after the pilot it gets better...

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Monday, October 24, 2005 5:47 PM


Hmm...I'm a dvd junkie so I guess I'll give you some of my favories by category. Regarding the more recent shows...I generally do NOT watch them on tv. I prefer to wait for the DVD set to be released and then do a week long (or less) marathon of episodes back-to-back.

"High" Sci-Fi
1) Babylon 5 !!!
2) Battlestar Galactica - new series is great!
3) Deep Space 9
4) Farscape

1) Dead Like Me - ROFLMFAO
2) Arrested Development - ROFLMAO
3) Wonderfalls - LMAO

Drama / Suspense
1) 24
2) West Wing (specially the first few seasons)
3) CSI
4) Lost
5) Veronica Mars (Buffy-Noir-Nancy Drew)

Other Sci-Fi / Fantasy
1) Buffy
2) Smallville (Buffyish: Kryptonite = Hellmouth)
3) Dark Angel
4) Surface (new show, interesting so far)

Specific info available upon request. Enjoy!


Monday, October 24, 2005 8:36 PM


What exactly is "Muffy the steak driver"? For me, this title brings two images to mind:

1) A 40-something former trophy-wife, who lives with her fabulously rich husband on Martha's Vineyard, speeding around town with 20 lbs of sirloin in her trunk.

Or 2) A former evil genius scribbling on a whiteboard that ubervamps "can be steaked", then crossing it out and changing it to "staked."


Monday, October 24, 2005 10:08 PM


I'd like to jump in on this one - but damn it... most of the show's i'd mention already been and done'd! But hey i have a few more for ya - although it's down to your taste of course.

Another Brit comedy i would recommend is Spaced and by the same token Shaun of the Dead the movie - both written and acted by the same guys (pretty much) v.funny and much for the sci-fi/star wars reference humour, if you can keep up!! (i did struggle in places!), quite british humour but a nice escape from your standard comdies.

Also two other favourites of mine are Monkey - which is a japanese TV Show from the '80's about demons, buddha and sacred scrolls - also very entertaining, especially the special effects - definately worth a few and actually v.funny if you bother to listen to what they are saying. It was obviously originally filmed in japanese but the more well-known version is the english dubbed one - a right old larf!

Also enjoy Takeshi's Castle - any 'keshi heads out there? Again Japanese game show where contestants make a real azzz of themselves to win - absolutely nothing, but v.funny - craig charles from Red Dwarf does the commentary, but i doubt as you could get hold of it - I think it is only shown here in the UK, very entertaining if you ever catch it though!

My only other recommendation which i would place above all others here is that you go out and buy the Tape/CD of the original Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Recordings by Douglas Adams. Don't know if you've come across him or the books/film already but the original Radio Show is Hi-Larious and the writing really puts me in mind of Joss, down to the use of the show's own style of language and humour. I never get tired of listening to this and is one of the funniest and cleverest pieces of writing i've ever come across, apart from Buffy/Firefly!

So that's my 5 million penny worth! Sure you have enough to be going on with!

enjoy your viewing!!

"Who would want a motorised rock?
Another motorised rock?"


Monday, October 24, 2005 10:14 PM


I'm like you and think TV is crap, so I missed Farscape, Firefly and other good shows.

Right now, i'm getting into Farscape, if your into sci-fi its worth your time.

Battlestar Galatica is good and supposedly has season 1 out on DVD now...

and Buffy/Angel repeats are good watch if you watch when there on, but I can't get myself to whip out the money for all those seasons.. but thats cuz I spend all my money on computer stuff.

if you like anime:
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Martian Successor Nadesico are all good sci-fi/fantasy type shows. Had me hooked pretty quick.

Oh and don't forget the funny stuff like, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama.

thats all I can think of without actually watching TV and remembering what I watch when

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 1:11 AM


Sliders season 1 & 2

Season 3 is okay, but thats when it starts to go down hill, and the other seasons are total crap.

This is how it goes with Sliders:

Season 1 "Hey, this is good"

Season 2 "Wow! this is great"

Season 3 "What the hell?"

Anything during and after season 3 this is totally stupid and the writers should just shoot themselves.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:13 AM


Buffy, Angel etc

Blake's 7 - an English sci-fo show which is extremely similar to Firefly and which was an influence to Whedon during his youth I believe. IT is excellent if a little old and very poor production values because it had no money at all.

Babylon 5 - excellent sci-fi, 5 seasons long with lots of character development and huge plotlines of seriously epic scope

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:31 AM


Well I will repeat what some others have said....

Dead like me, awesome and hilarious, killed before its time

Veronica Mars, come on joss himself recommends this one and is gonna gues star on it!

Surface: new, good, sea monsters, government cover up

Supernatural: new also good, two brothers hunting down creepy things, has alec from dark Angel in it

Hmm another old..... Miracles, another david greenwalt baby, investigating strange happenings to see if they are the work of god, or other darker forces


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:53 AM


Deadwood. It doesn't matter if you like Westerns or not. This show is unbelievably good.

Buffy and Angel. But they have already been mentioned by a couple of people...

Gilmore Girls. Unless teenage girls bother you...

Veronica Mars. Ditto.

Other HBO shows (Sopranos, Rome)

I like/watch a number of other shows, but these are head and shoulders above the others.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:58 AM


Ahh, i forgot about Dead Like Me, i've only seen one disc with a friend, but its awesome , gotta remember to finish that this week/weekend

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:19 AM


like others I loved
Dead Like Me
Dark Angel
Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica (the new one)

but my current favorite is Veronica Mars
here is what Joss Whedon wrote about the first season of VM:,6115,1114734_21|111120||0_0_

and Big News:
This season Chrisma Carpenter is a semi-regular
Alyson Hannigan is coming back again as Trina
(she was on a couple of episodes of the first season)
Joss Whedon will be on as a Used Car Salesman!!!

(I'll post again when I know exactly what night he'll be on)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:11 AM



Originally posted by NervousPete:
'The Prisoner'. A BIG influence on Joss. All spy-cool paranoia, fantasy and surrealism. possibly the most intelligent TV sci-fi ever in the history of all things.

I agree with all except calling it sci-fi, it definitly has some elements of that, but manages to completely escape any conventional 'label'.

It was art.

Be seeing you.



Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:35 AM


Is ROME any good? Do they have the episodes out for rental yet?

I think it could possibly satisfy my history nerdiness along with my desire for entertainment.

Best thing I watch recently was the History Channel's special on Gengas Khan.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:40 AM


I love TV! But I am sort of a loser. Here are my top TV on DVD shows:

1. Dead Like Me: Seasons 1 & 2

2. Dark Angel: Season 1 & 2

3. Wonderfalls: Complete Series

4. Buffy & Angel (Of course!) 1-7 and 1-5 (Although I don't recommend starting to watch Angel until the start of Buffy Season 4, which is when the show actually started)

5. Arrested Development: The funniest show no one is watching! Seasons 1 & 2 currently available (3 is on Fox)

6. Scrubs (on NBC whenever they get thier shit together about it)

7. Farscape: One of the only Sci-Fi space shows that I would spend the small fortune to buy (I've seen the show, but I have yet to be able to afford it, it is worth it though to rent!!!)

8. Greg the Bunny: hilarity and dirtiness with muppets and people!

9. Strange: I am desperately awaiting the availablity of 'Strange' which was a show on the BBC in 2003 or so, but which Showtime here in the US is now airing, and making me desperately want on DVD.

10. Carnivale

11. DEADWOOD: The best western based TV on TV ever. If you don't mind some swearing this is some of the best TV I have seen in a long time! (on HBO still)

12. Entourage (on HBO)

13. Nip/Tuck (currently on FX)

14. American Gothic (on DVD)

15. Twin Peaks (on DVD)

16: LOST! (currently on ABC)

17: Veronica Mars! (currently on UPN, if you have UPN)

18. Supernatural (currently on the WB)

19. Invasion (on ABC)

20. Grey's Anatomy (on ABC)

As you can see, I like a lot of different kinds of TV. If you can rent any of the above from Netflix or similar go for it, it's worth it, and you might just find something that's still on the air!


Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."






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