Here's some good news

UPDATED: Monday, October 31, 2005 08:13
VIEWED: 16470
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Friday, October 28, 2005 4:26 AM


Here's some good news to keep you warm when you're cuddled up with your DVDs:

Axed TV Series "Firefly" Tops's Greatest Ever Space Sci-Fi Poll
TV Series Led the Way Contributing Four of the Top Five Greatest Ever Sci-Fi Works Worldwide

CAMBRIDGE, MA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/26/2005 -- Sci-fi buffs from around the world have voted cult TV series, "Firefly," the world's best space science fiction work ever in an international poll conducted by (, the space news website from New Scientist magazine.

Incredibly, the TV series which is set 500 years in the future was pulled off the air early. However, it has since gained cult status and finished first receiving 21 percent of the votes.

"Serenity," the successful movie spin-off from the "Firefly" TV series, finished second with 17 percent of the votes. It marks a clean sweep for Joss Whedon, the creator of both stories who is best known as the man behind "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

After a summer of failed blockbusters, movie moguls will be dismayed that space sci-fi films only contributed three entries to the worldwide top ten. Instead, TV series lead the way contributing four of the top five worldwide.

Commenting on the findings, Damian Carrington, editor,, said: "The opinions of the thousands of space sci-fi fans who voted in our poll and chatted on our online forum were pretty surprising to us. There were a sprinkling of classics -- 'Alien,' 'Dune,' '2001' -- but what is really getting the online audience passionate now appears to be TV."

The poll is also a kick in the teeth for George Lucas whose new "Star Wars" trilogy failed to make the top ten. Only "The Empire Strikes Back" in eighth place registered amongst the expert sci-fi audience worldwide and finished ninth amongst US voters.

"Firefly" and "Serenity" were also the most popular space sci-fi works in the US. The TV series "Farscape" finished third, and the novel "Enders Game" was the most popular sci-fi book in America finishing fourth. "Battlestar Galactica" rounded out the top five.

The survey also suggests that, unlike many genres, great works of science fiction transcend gender, with male and female fans voting incredibly closely. The only difference in their top ten was Isaac Asimov's "Foundation Series," an epic work of science fiction written over 49 years ago. "Foundation Series" was voted into tenth place by male sci-fi fans, but did not appear in the women's top ten, its place being taken by "Doctor Who."

However, when it comes to age, opinions on great works of space sci-fi differ significantly. Fifty-year-olds voted "Foundation Series" into third place and "The Forever War," the 1970s novel by Joe Haldeman, into seventh. Neither works were on the radar of 20 year-old sci-fi enthusiasts.

"The many votes for 'Firefly,' which was ditched after half a season, and 'Farscape,' dropped in 2002, shows that the Internet is providing a global forum where fans can make their views heard," added Carrington. "Only three movies appear in the top 10, and perhaps it is the ongoing formats of TV series, and the DVD spin-offs, which really enable today's sci-fi writers to imagine a complex future world and explore how people would behave and survive in it. And with technological progress appearing to move at ever-faster speed, cultural explorations of the future will be ever more critical."

The poll was conducted by visitors to from Oct. 8 through Oct. 22, 2005. The website launched in May 2005 and has a user base of 300,000 worldwide.

Complete survey results are available at after 1 p.m. today, Oct. 26.

Worldwide Top Ten

-- Firefly - TV
-- Serenity - movie
-- Farscape - TV
-- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - book
-- Babylon 5 - TV
-- Battlestar Galactica - TV
-- Dune - book
-- Enders Game - book
-- Empire Strikes Back - movie
-- Dr. Who - TV

US Top Ten

-- Firefly - TV
-- Serenity - movie
-- Farscape - TV
-- Enders Game - book
-- Battlestar Galactica - TV
-- Dune - book
-- Empire Strikes Back - movie
-- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - book
-- Babylon 5 - TV
-- A New Hope - movie

About New Scientist

New Scientist is the world's leading science and technology news weekly, with a global circulation of 161,506 and a readership of over three quarters of a million. is a new space news site from the stable. is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in October 2005, and has a user base of 2 million per month.

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Reed Business Information (RBI) is the UK's largest business magazine and directory publisher and is a division of Reed Business and a member of Reed Elsevier Group plc, the world's leading publisher and information provider. RBI publishes over 100 market-leading publications, directories and online services, and organizes many industry conferences and awards.

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Friday, October 28, 2005 4:33 AM


as shiney as a quasar


Friday, October 28, 2005 7:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Ain't that something. Looks like people are finally starting to see what we have known all along.

Let's hope word spreads fast & if they can't get into theatres before the BDM is gone, they will at least get into stores & get the DVD to boost sales.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, October 28, 2005 7:44 AM


whilst it is undoubtedly good news, looking at the results from the new scientist page the numbers of people who took part are rather low, and the votes for firefly and sirenity suspiciously high. A quick look at the results sugests a phenomena and that is no bad thing for our cause, but a more detailed look should make any serious observer take the results with a pinch of salt.

The probable explanation is that this poll was linked from whedonesqe, and the firefly fanbase is somewhat energised at this time.

That being said, as a measure of community activity and awareness it can't be faulted ;] ... the browncoats are almost certinaly the most active fandom at this point in time and this is reflected by them getting out there and filling in every poll they can find to promote the 'verse.


Friday, October 28, 2005 8:35 AM


thanks for the link Dreamtrove,
good news is ALWAYS welcome
(people have been so glum around here lately...).

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Friday, October 28, 2005 11:34 AM


Hmm` looks like the next `Hugo` awards nominations might be interesting.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:32 AM


"Define 'interesting.'"

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:50 AM


As in `Serenity wins a Hugo` interesting


Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:31 AM



But, I wish they would have used a better method for getting the results. Being that it’s an article in a publication about science, I would have expected they used a more 'scientific' method for getting their numbers. Unfortunatly, web polls aren't a scientific method and they aren't protected by bias voting. (Look at the disclaimer for most webpolls.) And most of us, me included, have done our part to push Serenity to the top of any list we could fine. Any exposure for Serenity is good exposure.

I don’t mean to sound like a pessimistic, spoiling Browncoat, but I’d like the numbers to be, as Niska would say, "solid." I would be way more excited about this poll if results we're solid.

Nevertheless, the article was very interesting, especially in that it mentions what readers and viewers like about certain works. Unlike some other long running sci-fi shows, Babylon 5 had epic overarching plot lines, which connected each episode and season- . For Dune, the article say readers praised it for its meticulous depiction of the politics, religion and culture in a far away and troubled universe...

If anything, this article did a great job of pointing out what we Browncoats have known about good shows. 'Famous actors' and big budgets do not make good movies. But a great story, great characters, great consistancy are things that capture many people's attention. A lot of the movies and books on this top ten list have those qualities.

Now… Serenity winning the Hugo would be beyond amazing. Check out the last 5 Hugo awards:

Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)
2000: "Galaxy Quest"
2001: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
2002: "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
2003: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
2004: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Oh yeah… and the 2004 winner Dramatic Presentation (Short Form):
"Gollum's Acceptance Speech, 2003 MTV Movie Awards"

Once, just once, I want things to go according to
the gorram plan!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:51 AM


"Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)
2000: "Galaxy Quest"
2001: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
2002: "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
2003: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
2004: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Oh yeah… and the 2004 winner Dramatic Presentation (Short Form):
"Gollum's Acceptance Speech, 2003 MTV Movie Awards"

From Gollum to... Jayne?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:43 AM


Rplackett, I came to the same conclusions, both. But maybe if browncoats are cheating they can do so more discretely in the future :)


Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:06 AM


Well browncoats messing or not, I doubt stealth is necessary when dealing with Fox. Lets face it, they aren't MENSA.

I also suspect the strength of reaction to Firefly and Serenity may start a wave of Sci-Fi Westerns. Well there used to be a mass of Sci-Fi and Western shows, so it'll just save space (in more than one way) and hopefully make them well written like Firefly


Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:19 AM


good news is sorely needed...still cant believe they cancelled firefly.

Its good to see that people know about firefly/serenity, maybe all this evidence will snap fox outta bein stupid : P

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

--'look if you need me just run in circles, shouting my name and waving banners with my name on them...when you've done that for, what, say 3 hours; you phone me : P'


Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:09 PM


"Oh god, oh god, we're going to die?!"


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:40 PM



Originally posted by Empty:
Its good to see that people know about firefly/serenity, maybe all this evidence will snap fox outta bein stupid : P

While Ghod still does perform miracles, some things are just outside the pale now that He's required to file those pesky environmental impact statements.

(It would be v. v. nice, though...)


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:47 PM


On the intelligence of Fox, it might not exist. Last night I was in a motel and had a chance to watch some Fox News and they said "Maybe Bush will do the right thing and come forward and tell the truth about what happened with the Plame leak." Yeah right, like that's ever going to happen. Of course to be fair I switched over to CNN and they were discussing something, I forget what, but the entire conversation was three anchors talking to each other about how they didn't know what some relatively common word meant. Intelligence appears to be in short supply. Or to quote what the commentator on CSPAN said relating to the whole issue: "Everyone seems to agree that what America really needs is more intelligence." Oddly, even she, seemed to miss the irony of that statement.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:55 PM


I'm still happy with the fact that they called Serenity a "successful movie spin-off".

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:07 PM


Oh, it's better than just that. I got this off of Google news. Even if the browncoats cheated, it was presented to an extremely large audience as fact. This sets into motion a whole chain of events that starts with "Firefly is the top? Hmmm? What is this firefly? And why have I not heard of it before?"


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:55 PM



Originally posted by Rabbit2:
As in `Serenity wins a Hugo` interesting

WorldCon is in Los Angeles next year. My guess is Serenity is garanteed the Dramatic Presentation (Long) award.



Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:05 PM



Originally posted by TheHopGoblin:
"Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)
2000: "Galaxy Quest"
2001: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
2002: "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
2003: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
2004: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Oh yeah… and the 2004 winner Dramatic Presentation (Short Form):
"Gollum's Acceptance Speech, 2003 MTV Movie Awards"

From Gollum to... Jayne?


It'd definately be cool to see Firefly/Serenity winning an award.

~A message from Serenyty~


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:12 PM


Not to be pessimistic, but I gotta wonder if people were allowed to vote more then once and how many Firefly ppl voted on this.

You know we're a rabid lot and that can construe a lot of results :)

- imdahman

They don't like it when you shoot at 'em - figured that out myself. - Mal


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:32 PM


Guaranteed? That's pretty strong. I think it's well placed vis-a-vis the competition--but what all else is in the running? Doom? Feh. Ep III? Blech. HHGttG? Eh, it was a decent movie, but it moved away from the other storylines, and DNA has been dead for a while--I just don't see any outpouring of sentiment in favor of it.

So what else might draw votes? War of the Worlds? Robots? Corpse Bride? Aeon Flux isn't out yet...

I suspect BSG is going to win short form, unless they pull a B5 and get too many separate episodes nominated.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 1:03 PM


I'll take any excuse to be optimistic about this show.

This is the first time I have ever been a BDF (Big Damn Fan) of any show, and I fervently believe this show stands above 95% of SF, and 90% of drama. The writing alone (I consider myself a writer) is as taut and multilayered - and gorram entertaining - as purt near anything I have seen. And then add casting, acting, directing, cinematography, music . . .

The first time I ever saw a cinematic work where I sat in quiet awe and said, "They did *everything* right - every damn thing," was Witness, many years ago. I have that feeling far too seldom.

More SF or more space westerns, as someone suggested, might be a reassuring trend. But *not* the same thing as Firefly. There is a reason this show has its following, and others do not. It is the result of a special vision, talented writing, etc. Every person involved in making this show said that is was special. Every person cared about doing their best work, and knew that work wouldn't be wasted by clumsy handling.

And it was the result of the right format - television being a large, slow canvas to spread out the arcs, develop the characters, and lavish attention on the humor and the interweaving storylines.

I'll see every feature film multiple times, buy the DVD's, most likely buy the soundtracks. But it ain't the same as the show.

I still cling to my naive conviction that if Trekkies could get their ST:TNG so many years after the original series, then *we* should ruttin' well be able to get our BDH (-2, sigh) back. The sooner, the better. This wonderfully obsessed fandom doesn't represent a good investment for some cable outfit? Come on . . .


"And I'd like to be king of all Londinia and wear a shiny hat."


Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:07 PM


I don't know what all this fussin about Browncoats "cheating" is for. Only cheatin I ever done was snuck in a #3 pencil to take a test just to see if they could tell the diffrence from a #2. Gorram fools never caught on.


"I believe we will rise again."


Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:56 PM



Originally posted by jclemens:
Guaranteed? That's pretty strong.

So what else might draw votes? War of the Worlds? Robots? Corpse Bride? Aeon Flux isn't out yet...

I'd have to check the dates, I think Robots was eligable for the 2005 Hugo, War of the Worlds? remakes don't usually have a chance. Corpse bride will probably get nominated if only for the skill it took to make. Serenity is an epic movie, and epics win Hugos. At the Baycon trailer screenings Serenity got more cheers (when announced) than anything else. Lion, Witch, Wardrobe is probably the only real competion.



Monday, October 31, 2005 1:52 AM


Firefly/Serenity itself is irony personified. Now my view maybe incorrect, but even so this is fiction so it can be taken how you want to read it or view it.

I don't think its a coincidence that Alliance starts with an 'A', because for me the Alliance is the American government, who sticks it's thumb in every country it can find and squashes any ants in range. The Operative says 'We are making them all better worlds', for me this means America Government trying to push its influence on countries that just want to be left to do their own thing. However because America has the most nukes (the technological advantage and not brains as has been pointed out on many occasions in the above entries and can be seen in Firefly and Serenity by Mal outwitting them, he is Canadian after all) they believe they are invulnerable (or did). Don't get me wrong I am not anti American (well maybe a little) I just can't accept a Government that is based on bribery and hidden agendas. In Jaynes Town you see the Mudders, and to me they represent the third world labour that America uses for cheap manufactoring. Just like the Mudders they don't give a damn about the working conditions and they certainly don't pay well given how truely cheap the labour is, although this is more a reflection of Corporate America and other countries that do the same thing, hence we have Blue Sun.

The American Government want their country to be a place like the center planets where everything is rosy and hidden from view. Instead they have a country that is based on greed, with a huge gap between the rich and the poor and certainly not equal footing when it comes to what race or religon you are. How many more times will an American President use the word 'Satan' to insite hate against a foe (ain't saying the people they said it against aren't evil bad men) but religion should have no place in politics, it is a weak argument when you consider that the American Government armed most of these despot leaders in the first place. Who is Satan? The one who uses the weapons or the one who gives them?

All this you can see in Firefly and Serenity, or maybe I am just deranged and to be ignored.


Monday, October 31, 2005 2:22 AM


Or you could take it to be Serenity's crew are pilgrims running from the British Empire of old to settling in the 'New World', but that isn't satisfying to me. But it does point out what goes around comes around. England used to lean on America and now America leans on England. Poetic justice.

Another nice thought I had is that the Reavers are like todays Fanatics. So much has been taken from them or never given in the first place that if you give them a target to aim at by a leader then thats what they will destroy. Reavers as per Serenity (1), have lost everything, their humanity and probably anyone they ever knew, so they target anyone they can find, it doesn't matter who not even themselves given their horrible appearance. Anyone who is having a better time of it will be a target, and as is the case it happens to be the outer rim planets rather than the core planets which are just too damn far away.

Joss you really are a genius, even if I am totally wrong which may be the case, the fact that you lead me down this Labyrinth of thought is a testiment to your power as a writer and director. May you long continue, and may the verse long continue.

Objects in Space, we may be alone in our heads but we have been given intelligence and morals so lets use them. Whether you have been given morals in a religous upbringing or innundated with them by crap American sitcoms, those morals are there and you can't shake them. Some can, and those are the people to keep a close eye on, namely politicans and lawyers.


Monday, October 31, 2005 8:13 AM


Wow, i know this is the wrong place to say this, but how is Dune the novel not number 1? I mean I certainly "enjoy" Firefly and Serenity more, but Dune is as important to sci-fi as The Foundation novels. Anyhoo, lets keep those letters and phone calls the pencil pushers who arent giving us our fix. Below is a list of contacts who will listen to us and have high enough station to actually make something happen. Please dont hesitate to use these contacts, cant stop the signal......

Attn: Public Relations Department or Scheduling Department
Sci-Fi Channel
USA Networks
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Bonnie Hammer - President
Sci-Fi Channel
8800 W. Sunset Blvd., 4th Floor
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Susan Nahley Fleishman SVP Public Relations
Universal Pictures
Universal Studios, Inc.
Universal City, CA
Phone: 818-777-1000
Fax: 818-866-1503

"I am to misbehave"






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