If You Were on the Firefly, What would the Crew Think of You?

UPDATED: Monday, November 7, 2005 10:56
VIEWED: 10644
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Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:51 AM


I was watching Firefly the Complete Series this morning and I begin to wonder, if I were a crew member on that ship, would I be able to get along with crew?

Watching Mal in the movie is one thing, but having to serve under him would be another story, so here's my take on what it would be like for me:

Mal would always be irritated with me for one reason or another; we would argue a lot, and I think he might want to hit me.

Zoe wouldnt even talk to me unless she had too.

Wash would poke fun at me all the time.

Jayne would always make dirty jokes around me on purpose just to see me get mad.

Simon would treat me like he treats Jayne.

Kaylee would like me but wouldnt want to talk to me that much because she would think I was too negative.

Inara would be nice to me, but only when the other crew members were not around.

River would like me but would cringe everytime she was around me because of all the weird stuff I think about all the time, or she would drag me into conversations that make no sense at all until later when the shooting starts.

Book would like me and I would have a lot of deep discussions with him.

There, that's my take on what things would be like if I were on that ship...what about all of you? have you ever thought about how things would be for you in relation to the Firefly crew if you were onboard?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:32 PM


Well actually i have...i have a very powerful and twisted imagination and too much time to use it you see

Mal and i would probably get along, but i would argue alot with him, pretty sure thered be a couple of fights there

Zoe would hate me and criticise me alot for being so damn negative

Wash and i would probably get along just fine

Jayne and i both like guns...and dirty jokes, dont see any good reason not to get along with him

Simon and me would not get along at all...i can be a smartass

River...well...knowing probly hit on her wayyyy too much for my own good

Inara...i dont like her as it is, i would be of the same mindset as mal on her lifestyle. hate him myself, i share the whole 'bible's broken' idea, dont like clergymen : P

Kaylee...i like kaylee, and shes pretty sexy (hey im a guy, the dumbstick controls all : D)might even make a few passes at simons detriment, course my heart would go to river, but i likes to dabble i guess

as a whole i think the crew would like me as a person but not so much in a mission, the easiest path is the one with the most shooting in my opinion lol
although i do agree on the whole 'never leave a crew member behind' philosophy even though id whine alot about having to save anyone--Reluctant Heros 4TW!

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

--'look if you need me just run in circles, shouting my name and waving banners with my name on them...when you've done that for, what, say 3 hours; you phone me : P'


Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:43 PM


I wouldnt be trusted at first, me being an analyst. A job would come along where I would earn trust. I'd be loyal as hell to the crew.

Mal and I would get along just fine. Sit and converse shortly here and there perhaps. I'd listen to him without question.

I'd listen to Zoe just as well. I also believe in rank; especially Mal and Zoe's.

Wash and I would get along great. We'd make sarcastic gestures at each other from time to time.

Jayne wouldnt trust me from the get go of course. However I'd be interacting with him a lot. Jayne says clever things when focused on. At the same time, you need to hold your ground with him. If he hit me, I wouldn't hit him back. That'd cause too much stress for Mal with the trust issue.

Simon and I would get along well as well. Professionally even. We'd have conversations mainly about his sister of course.

Kaylee and I would be friends as well. Do my best to avoid being in the engine room alone with her so I dont destroy her and Simon's relationship because once you go Madrik, you don't go back-rik.

Book and I would get along since I do have faith myself.

Inara and I would get along because I would respect her position and not judge her. I'm sure me not judging would be appriciated. I'd like to spend time with her because I'd feel comfortable with her.

River and I would do a lot of interacting. Despite how dangerous she is, I'd feel safe around her. She's unstable but her heart is in the right place.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:43 PM


Mal, Zoe and Jayne wouldn't respect me because I'm spineless (I call it "don't like conflict," but it would be different in a smuggler's world).

Wash, Kaylee, and Simon would get sick of me pestering them with technical questions and "can I try it?" all the time. Same goes for Jayne and his guns - he'd REALLY be sick of me.

I might have some fun arguments with Book.

Though I hate to admit it, I'd probably be scared of River.

I really don't know about Inara - she always galavantin' around on her own, anyway...


Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:47 PM



I think on average, I'd get along with everyone except Jayne, who'd annoy me (he's great in the series but I wouldn't care to know him in reality) and I'd probably annoy him but more likely just avoid him.

Mal would probably not think much of me, just sort of seeing I'm there, but wouldn't want to rely on me for anything, even though I'd do my best to support him in a crisis.

I'd get along best with Simon probably. Kaylee I suspect would do her best to draw me out, since I'm rather shy.

I honestly have no idea how I'd get along with River. When she's in her more lucid periods we'd probably be okay.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through other worlds)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions
This week: My spoiler-free Serenity review


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:05 PM


Mal - Mal would repeatedly threaten to kick me off his boat because I have a tendancy to defy authority... or at least question authority. Then again he might value me as someone reliable in a job.

Zoe - Zoe wouldn't be much pleased with my fiery temper or the fact that I'll defy her cap'n at times.

Wash - Wash I'd have a laugh with, since we could probably get eachother's sense of humour.

Jayne - Jayne wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to take me

Simon - Simon I would clash with, don't know how to explain how exactly.

Kaylee - I'd get on with Kaylee like a house on fire! We could balance eachother - me with my sarcastic fiery temper and her with her niceness.

Inara - Inara would have no issue with me

River - I'd imagine River would like me because I'm honest and straightforward, and wouldn't discriminate against her like some crew members do.

Book - We'd argue incessantly... he'd hate me and my anti-religious rants.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:09 PM


Mal would find me useful and may occasionally come to me for advice on the account of my ability to find unorthodox but effective solutions to problems.

Zoe, Wash, and Inara would probably be courteous and friendly towards me but they wouldn’t try to get too close.

Simon and River would get along fine with me; I might even be able to help River. River might like to hang around me since I'm rather aloof and impassive most of the time although the flat reaction in some of my thoughts might disturb her.

Jayne would be indifferent towards me.

Kaylee would think that I’m creepy, maybe paranoid, and wouldn’t talk to me much.

Book wouldn’t trust me.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:17 PM


I think I'd be awsome to have on board.

Mal - Since I respect people who deserve it (and Mal is a man of honor in my eyes), he would have my respect and my loyalty. So I would listen to him and accept his orders, but I'd also help come up with good plans as I have a knack for that.

Zoe - She would probably treat me as a fellow soldier as I am all business when I have to be. If the situation calls for kicking a$$, then thats what I'll do.

Wash - When I'm not on the job, I'm relaxed enough to laugh at dumb jokes, so Wash and I could easily shoot the breeze.

Jayne - I'm crude sometimes and I enjoy Jayne's attitude. So we might take a few pokes at other people together for fun. Me and Jayne would be the prank masters!

Simon - I don't know the first thing about the medical world, but I share his love for fine clothing and propriety when it is called for (I'm really adaptive to situations if you haven't noticed), so Simon and I might find a few things to talk about, but nothing long lasting.

Kaylee - In short . . . she'd forget all about Simon and fancy me instead. Not only do I have a few of simons good qualities, I'm not a dolt when it comes to women and I'd be there for her and not say retarded things to upset her.

Inara - She'd be someone I could talk to easily as she is very relaxed around people who can control their temper. We could easily have lots of discussions. But I could never have any intimate feelings for a woman who is in her line of work.

River - I hate River. She's so annoying. But out of courtesy to everyone else, I'd just keep to myself when it came to River and let Mal and Simon fight it out.

Book - Other than the occasional civilised philosophical/religious debate, we don't have much else to talk about (except his past).


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:32 PM


I love the crew, I do, I really, really do, but I don't think they'd love me quite so much.

Mal: Personality wise, I'm sure we'd get along. I don't have a problem with authority and taking orders if there is a set heirarchy that works (which there is). The problem is that I don't see myself as having any talents for the ship. Everybody there serves a purpose and I would have none. I could learn to hold my own, I'm sure, but that would be time and effort and he doesn't have that.

Zoe: I adore Zoe, but I don't see as she'd have a lot of patience for me. I wouldn't cause any trouble, so she'd accept me.

Wash: Oh, we'd probably get along like a house on fire. I'd be a rapt audience for his jokes and a willing ear for the times he wants to be serious.

Jayne: This would be a love/hate relationship. I'm very open, honest and upright about things, so he wouldn't be suspicious of me, I can also have a fairly dirty mind when I need to, so we'd get along there. Also, I'd be with him ogling the ladies and that would just send him to his bunk. The thing is, like with Mal, I wouldn't have a purpose on the ship. Everything has a purpose and that's the way Jayne likes it.

Kaylee: This is tricky. Kaylee is my fav character, mostly 'cause we're so very similar. And my experience with people that similar is that they don't get along too well. I can't exactly see Kaylee not getting along with people, but still. I find the positive wherever I can, I name my machines, I think there's good in everyone if you look hard enough. I'd love Serenity as much as she does. If there was anyone in the 'Verse that could annoy Kaylee, it would be me. When I like someone so much, I get very needy.

Simon: I like Simon, I do. I can see us getting along on a friendly level. I'd also be able to help him some with a few of the medical courses I've done. I like his sense of dry, sarcastic humour. I think he's very intelligent. But he frustrates me no end. He does. I'd forever be telling him "Whatever the hell your issue is, just get over it already and MAKE A MOVE on Kaylee already. Sheesh" and "I know she's your sister, but she's no china doll, she's stronger than you think, stop babying her!".

River: We'd get along just fine, I think. I have no problem with someone reading my mind. I have horrid thoughts, disgusting thoughts, but so does everyone in the 'Verse, I can also have very beautiful thoughts as well. If she really wants to look inside my head, that's her business. I wouldn't apologise for what I was thinking, that's my business. I'd be comfortable with her, not condescending and we'd have lots of fun.

Inara: Oh, I think she'd be very nice to me, but she wouldn't really like me. I'd be incredibly annoying. Wanting to talk to her all the time and, much like Kaylee, wanting to go in her shuttle and play girlie with the hairbrushes and perfume bottles and girl talk. I don't have a problem with her line of work, I'd be fairly awestruck, actually. However, I do think that we'd have a bit in common with the traditional Chinese medicine background I have, it's more Inara's thing than it is Simon's, I could help her with massage tips (yeah, I saw 'War Stories' and couldn't help but notice...).

Book: Couldn't say as I'd have much to do with Book. I just don't like him that much. He's not honest and I don't tend to trust people who aren't honest. I don't like their vibes.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:41 PM


They'd treat me like wash. I'd be the computer geek guy. I'd get a lot of respect for knowledge, but no social respect. I would only date because it was whedonverse, where nerds date cheerleaders. Mal and Simon would probably have the most direct use for me. I could probably help River get control of her power thing, but once I did she'd probably be able to do my job. I'd still be needed because she'd be asleep sometimes. It bothers me slightly that Serenity flies through space for long periodsa of time but there's no concept of shift. Even with Mal and Zoe being in a war.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:00 PM


they'd all wonder who the new, super sexy guy is, and everyone would thrown themselves at me.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:10 PM


What a great thread! Thanks for thinking of it River!

Mal and I would piss each other off, because like Zoe and Inara I'd tell him what I really thought of it when he starts sliding into the shadow. But then, I'm also loyal, and I'd be the one who trades things for the spices and herbs etc. to make that protein crap taste glorious, and I'd be making beer and other delights, and you know the way to a captain's heart. Loyalty and grub.

Zoe and I would invent lots of games with a bullseye, and have great fun with that, and she would raise the one eyebrow at the cap when I'd start in on him, but she'd mostly agree with me. Jayne would stop playing the target practice games with us because we would both Kick. His. (muscular)Butt. (I can shoot the center out of a dime from a very long ways away, without a scope.)

Wash? Dino stories! Also the shared pacifism would work well for us. He would teach me to fly, and we'd horse around with the physics like the Crazy Ivan and the Barnswallow, cause I love that stuff, and I'm not too scared to do it.

Jayne would like getting drunk with me, and come to me for advice about females. Other females. Or I'd get River to kick his butt. He would buy me presents in port and carry anything I wanted anywhere.

Simon would help with the cooking and the brewing of festive beverages, because he knows chemistry.

Kaylee and I would sit on the floor of the engine room and play cards and tell stories and drink whiskey and be best buds, and I'd always scrounge strawberries for her.

Inara and I would trade massage (don't get any ideas) and talk lit. and music and art. Kaylee, River and sometimes Zoe would join us for manicure night.

Book and I would argue religion (but never belief) into the middle of the night, and again with the whiskey (and I don't even drink much). Sometimes Jayne would join us. We'd also go sing in the corners and the lounge and cargo bay to play with the acoustics, and Jayne would play the containers, and River would play the handrails and the gratings.

River and I would sit together and tell stories and play games without moving our mouths.

Serenity would like me too, cause I like things neat and clean, and I'd hear it when she keens and go help Kaylee.

And then of course there'd be those times, like there are even in places without such close quarters to make tempers flare, when we'd still love each other, but we wouldn't like each other very much. I'd do just fine with all of them. Now I really want to go!

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:19 PM


Oh, I don't think I'd go well on Serenity. Hate to say, but that's my take.

Mal - other than having very little actual skill that would be of use to the man, I'm a good follower if I've got a good leader.

Zoe - same as Mal.

Wash - I would laugh at all of his jokes, but would probably sulk for a spell when he teased at me.

Jayne - would hate me. Other than a proficiency with firearms, he and I would have nothing in common. Plus, he seems not to like cerebral-types.

Kaylee - no problems. She wouldn't shine to me like some others, but at least it wouldn't like with Jayne. Heavens.

Inara - can't say I'd much approve of her vocation, but that don't seem to worry her none. I'd love to just talk to her; she seems mightily intelligent.

Book - would love this man. Being a theology/philosophy student myself, would have a ball. Plus, the firearms thing. But I do like a good mystery, and would probably pry a lot. On the other hand, he's good at turning that away.

Simon - it doesn't matter what he'd think of me, cause I would just hate him. As it is, he irks me just watching the show. To live with him in real life? Yikes.

River - long as she kept her brain to her own self, no probs. Can't say I like the notion of someone reading my thoughts. I'm completely uncomplicated; what you see is what you get, etc.

With my skills/abilities I'd either work for the Alliance or for the folks that sprung River from the Academy.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:38 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
With my skills/abilities I'd either work for the Alliance or for the folks that sprung River from the Academy.

Wait a minute, what?
You'd work for either the empire or the revolutionaries?
I don't think that sentence means what I think it means.
Especially not to a theologian.
Please explain the inevitability of this dichotomy.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:40 PM


Hm... let's see. I'd probably get along just fine with everyone, but here's more descriptive. (By the way, I'm pretty shy, and pretty accepting.)

Mal-Mal wouldn't really be mean, but he wouldn't be too kind. He'd treat me normally. He may treat me a bit like he treats Kaylee, but he'd just be an OK friend.

Zoe-I'd just be one of the crew. She'd treat me like everyone else.

Wash- Wash'd like me like a little sister, because we'd joke around on the bridge. I'd laugh at all his jokes, and I'd tell some stupid jokes. :)

Jayne- He'd pretty much ignore me. I'm not a big fighter, and I'm not really gorgeous.

Inara- We'd be friends. Not close, but she'd like me well enough.

Kaylee- We'd be the best of friends. Very close, and we'd spend a lot of time there.

Simon- I'd occasionally help him around the infirmary. I'd have a huge crush, but not big enough so that I'd want to hurt Kaylee and Simon's relationship. On the contrary, I'd try and get them together.

River- We'd be definate friends. I'd be good at calming her down when she was "having a bad day." I'd play with her and Kaylee.

Book- I'd talk with him occasionally, but we wouldn't talk too often.

~A message from Serenyty~


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:33 PM


Wht would the crew think of me?

Mal: "That one's goin' out the airlock."
Zoe: "Yes, sir."


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:37 PM



Originally posted by Ursula:
Wht would the crew think of me?

Mal: "That one's goin' out the airlock."
Zoe: "Yes, sir."

OMG! I snorted my water! Thank the powers it wasn't root beer!

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:45 PM


Nice posts everyone!

I forgot to add that I would spend a lot of time trying to earn Zoe and Mal's respect to the point where I would pretty much end up copying everything they did, and that would make them mad, but the fact that I can shoot guns very well will be the only reason why they don't dump me off at the nearest port.

I would also try to be extra positive, and chummy sounding around Kaylee, but she won't buy it, and will tell me so by giving me a "You should just be yourself" speech.

I would also try to be really nice to Jayne, and even put up with his never-ending teasing me sessions, but he would eventually hurt my feelings and I would have to ignore him, which would inspire him to tease me some more.

I would spend weeks trying to come up with funny jokes to make Wash laugh, hoping that he would see me as funny and clever, and I would have to cover up the fact that I have a crush on him, which might be the reason Zoe don't like me.

There, that's what I forgot to add. Thanks for taking an interest in my post everyone!!!

I can hear the crickets...


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:31 PM


Well being that i'm really shy, it'd prolly go like this.

I'd be brought on like a passenger (like book, simon/river, that damned dobson) and keep mostly to myself. having a a thing for trying to rip people off (sometimes i'm pretty good at it), and i'd accidently help then out on a job. Being that i have a decent amount of experience shooting guns, i'd be helpful more and more. But i'd eventually get comfortable there, and start to talk more and more, prolly have a crush on inara(the unreachable girl), and end up fitting in(Once I open up, i can be funny like Wash, I can lead ALMOST like Mal(almost), I'm good with listening/advice on some stuff kinda like inara or book, and I was teased by people like Jayne my whole life, so it dont bother me none now)

"It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS..."-Joss Whedon
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:48 PM



Originally posted by liminalosity:

Originally posted by Causal:
With my skills/abilities I'd either work for the Alliance or for the folks that sprung River from the Academy.

Wait a minute, what?

Oh, and I forgot to add: or be a shepherd.

Here's why either Alliance, revolutionary or shepherd. What I'm good at is absorbing information, processing/analyzing/synthesizing that info, and turning it into a form that other people can benefit from. That's why I was an Intelligence Analyst for the military for 10 years. Seen the light of faith, got out of the Navy, and now I'm doing that.

So, depending on where in the 'verse I was born, Alliance, revolutionaries or shepherd. That may clarify. Or not. Either way.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:53 PM


Mal: well yes thats easy he obviousely liked me enuf to let me stay on his ship and not try to kill me like Jayne in ariel, but he yells with simon when i start to be like river...

Zoe: well she dont really talk much ta me because im only really open twords kaylee, simon, and river

Jayne: gets mad at me when i touch his guns because he know that i am "crazy" he put it other than that i scare him.

Simon: he treats me like river but less "oh i love you sister" he makes me calm down and he says it will be alright but it never is.

Kaylee: she is verry nice and always protects me and river like we were her sisters.

River: well we went to school together well not really school. it was torchure really the needles and they would make us sleep and they would make us see and hear things and remember things that werent real and cut into us... though we are geting better now we hmhm have a theory that kaylee and simon are going to get married. (we like to scare mal and jayne)

Book: gets mad at us when we laugh at his hair and try to fix the bibil (tehe)he doesnt understand. its broken


Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:00 PM


at the Universal board they had a challenge to write a resume to get yourself on board Serenity,
here is mine (I put it on my lj):

but I hadn't thought about how I would get along with everyone once I got on board...that is an interesting thought:

I'm usually shy around new people and keep to myself, getting to know them slowly. So I don't think I would have much trouble fitting in...

Mal: I'd probably give him his space except when he is in a quiet contemplative mood...

Zoe: I think we'd be good friends because I love her dry sense of humor

Wash: I'd get along great w/Wash, I always appreciate his silliness and his piloting skills

Kaylee: is a sweetheart, no way anyone would have trouble getting along with her

Simon: he is very remote, I'm not sure we would ever be very good friends

River: actually I find her fascinating, I could spend some time drawing with her...I'll bet I could win her trust

Inara: she is the one I'm the least interested in, and I doubt I would ever spend much time with her...unless she reads some of the same books I do.

Jayne: I think I could be friends w/Jayne; I could encourage him to tell me about his family and I wouldn't mind when he says something really stupid.

Book: actually I think I would be really good friends w/Book; I think we would discuss philosophy...he seems to have a subtle and open mind. He has seen a lot of the 'verse and has thought deeply on many subjects. I would enjoy spending time with him.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:25 PM


I don't know about any of you but I think that I would be scared $***less!. Just think of the real-life implications of what that would mean-joining the crew. You would be getting shot at alot. Meaning, there is a good chance that you would die very quickly. There's reavers out there that you have to deal with. There's the whole idea of living on a ship that doesn't have weapons equipped. You'd be living with a girl that could read your thoughts and if your a guy(which i am) you might be thinking unclean things about her( hey, i'm sure that i'm not the only one that would), and she might just slash you right across the chest for it.

*EDIT* And was I the only one that thought River was sexy when she had that whole accenty thing going on on The Train Job?

I guess the experience would be like going to war. You would just have to live like that day was your last. It's nice to watch on the tv screen but I might have some aprehension about joining a ship like that. I love the people on it, don't get me wrong and they would seem like a really good group of friends but, most people in the real world haven't even touched a gun let alone be in a gun fight.

I can just imagine myself in a same type of scenario like the gun fight on Heart of Gold. We would all be waiting for the bad guys to show up and them we would start duking it out and then I would just chicken out. I would just run and hide like a little girl.(No offense to little girls) I hate to admit that, but it's probably true. Mal would tell me to get my ass up and start firing and I would just be like, "screw this man, i'm outta hear." I would like to think of myself as a person that could handle himself in a fight, but when i have a piece of lead hurtling toward me at hundreds of miles an hour, I might start reconsidering how and why i'm hear with these people.

Loyalty to the end is all nice in theory and I think of myself as painfully loyal to my friends but, when it's applied to real life or that of the Firefly universe, you would just have to kick it up a notch to keep your wits about you when scary situations came about.

"Who ate my F*#*ing Schnitzel"
Tim Tim Timmy!


Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:55 PM


RIVER6213 wrote:


I would spend weeks trying to come up with funny jokes to make Wash laugh, hoping that he would see me as funny and clever, and I would have to cover up the fact that I have a crush on him, which might be the reason Zoe don't like me.


I think I would get along with everyone. I'm a soft-spoken kind of gal. Introverted one might say. I don't really say anything unless it needs to be said and I'm open minded. Most of all, what the hell would I be doing on Serenity. Someone mentioned earlier that he/she has no purpose on that ship, well, same here! I'm useless. Don't see how I can help. But I do know for a fact that Simon, Kaylee, Book, and Wash I could definatly get along with. I'm sort like them in each different way. Simon, I'm polite and curtious, try look clean and respectful and have table manners Don't know much about medical stuff though. Kaylee. I'm just so girlie, friendly and try to see the positive side of things. Book. I always like having long talks about religion and don't really say much about me. Wash. I can be sarcastic and bit of a smart-ass. Not really a fighter and can be serious.

River. I could get along with her but could feel a bit unconfortable. Don't want someone reading my mind. I like my privacy, thanks very much. But most be fastinated by what she says.

And as for Mal and Zoe. I'm not really like them.I would feel a bit imintinated by them. I would just play follow the leader until I say something that I need to say.

Janye. He's a guy and I'm not. Nuff said.

Inara. We could have some friendly conversations but not be like BFF or anything. Possibly talk about whatever she learned at that academy. History, lititure, art etc.

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 1:59 AM



Originally posted by OldHag:
You'd be living with a girl that could read your thoughts and if your a guy(which i am) you might be thinking unclean things about her( hey, i'm sure that i'm not the only one that would), and she might just slash you right across the chest for it.

XACTLY...see there in lies the problem, i didn think about the whole 'home surgery in broad light errr...shiplight' situation; id have a problem with getting cut up...and god knows i cant stop them indecent thoughts (and you guys all know you have em thoughts) river and me...might be a problem, i have this thing where i like to stay alive...and kitchen top lobotomy from a ... unusual ... little girl (no offense to little girls) wouldn't be the way to go...i think id probably find a way to get her to trust me...even with them indecent thoughts lol

the Gunfighting issue...that wouldn be a problem for me, back in ye olde country i got shot at quiet a few times, and i did mandatory army time, might as well put it to use.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.

--'look if you need me just run in circles, shouting my name and waving banners with my name on them...when you've done that for, what, say 3 hours; you phone me : P'


Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:10 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
So, depending on where in the 'verse I was born, Alliance, revolutionaries or shepherd. That may clarify.

Yes, clarity, thanks!

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Sunday, October 30, 2005 12:13 PM


I'd probably get along best with River. (Am I really the only one here who has no trouble understanding what she's talking about? Hell, at times I tend to start babbling stream-of-consciousness and random word-association.) Heh, I'd probably keep getting tapped to translate.

Jayne and I'd probably avoid each other unless he's in one of his effusive moods or trying to kick my ass for the last prank I pulled (in which case you'd find me hiding behind the couch or under the mule, or in the crawlspace in the cargo bay or under the stairs to the bridge, or behind River, or. . .).

I'd likely be hanging around Wash and/or Simon, as the three of us conspire to draw as much amusement as we can out of tormenting Jayne. (I can't help it; he's a jock and I'm a geek. We're natural enemies, it's basic high school ecology.)

Also, I have ambitions of being a space pilot, so I'd be in the cockpit a lot just as a matter of course, getting some pointers from an ace pilot.

Simon, of course, is a fellow nerd. I know the secret handshake and everything. Though I like to think I'd be a bit more comfortable with the rough-and-tumble life out here than he is.

I'd also be playing matchmaker between him & Kaylee, making me her best friend as well. Of course, she'd never see that I'm pining for her. . .

The Shepherd, Inara and I would have these long, esoteric dialogues on spirituality and philosophy. Probably long into the night. Much coffee being consumed.

Of course, the main thing that would get me aboard would be chronicling Mal & Zoe's rememberances about the war (for a book I'd be writing --sort of a "view from the trenches"-type thing, bein' careful to get both sides). Lot of discussions there, ranging from uncomfortable memories to Mal's knee-slapper about Tracy and the severed moustache.

I could also apprentice myself to Zoe (or Jayne, even) for some weapons training.

I'm pretty good at following orders from folks I trust.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:25 PM


Mal would shoot me because I was awake, armed and facing him.

Zoe would shoot me because I bothered her.

Jayne would shoot me if the money was right.

River would kill me with her brain.

Book would just kneecap me.

Inara would just sweep past elegantly. Which is fine by me. If she stopped and spoke to me, I'd just die.

Simon would shoot me if I stood real close, and held the gun against my chest. (Might take him a few attempts. He may be inaccurate, but he's a tenacious fellow, and would manage eventually.)

Wash would have to fire me because my fry-cooking abilities are not really up to snuff.

Kaylee would say "Aw shoot..." followed by something utterly charming.

G (deceased)

The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.

P. G. Wodehouse


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:01 PM



Originally posted by Gixxer:
G (deceased)

The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.

P. G. Wodehouse

Shooting you dead, or shooting you looks, or you shooting yourself in the foot. I like your twisty thinking!

Well, at least they didn't just put you out the airlock like poor Ursula!

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:17 PM


Let's see...

Mal and I would probably get along simply because I don't like causing trouble and often do what I'm told because that's the easiest way to get along with someone. But, he probably wouldn't spend too much time getting to know me.

Zoe would treat me much like she treats Jayne. "Well...she's there...can't do much about it."

Wash would like me because I would laugh at almost everything he said. I have a very easy sense of humor, so I'd boast his confedence.

I would like Simon because he's a cutie! But I'd probably hang around him a lot, so he might toss me out. But at least I wouldn't agitate him.

Jayne on the other hand...well, I'd probably get on his nerves because I have a bad habit of correcting people when they don't speak properly. Enough said...

Inara and I would get along simply because she's the sort of person that gets along with everyone.

River and I would be friends because I think that we might actually be able to have a conversation. Seeing as my friends don't know what I'm talking about most of the time, I think I'd fit right in with River.

And Kaylee and I would get along because I mirror her personality the most. I always look on the bright side no matter the situation, I always want to see the best in people and I was use words like "Golly" a great deal. The only place we'd butt heads was when it came to Simon, but I suppose *she* could have him. She saw him first, after all...

Book and I, however, might not get along because I disagree a lot with his beliefs and point of view. We'd tolerate each other...but only because he's a Shepard and he has to.

Well, I'm not quite as clever as everyone else but those are my thoughts. Interesting question! I wish I could really be part of the crew...

"Uh...guys...where are we?" -Lost


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:21 PM


I could probably sum it up in one word:

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:39 PM


I'm not gonna play, at least for now. I see a little of myself in many of the answers above.

But I'd like to say this: isn't it remarkable how real these characters have become to us? Mal and the crew are so clearly etched that we can easily insert ouselves into their world and imagine how we'd fit in. That can't be said about very many fictional worlds.

Amazing! And a real tribute to both the writing and acting in the Firefly 'verse.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:49 PM


Okay, I changed my mind, I'll play.

Jayne (upon my arrival aboard Serenity): "Who ordered the 500-year-old dead guy?"

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:04 PM


River and Simon would get on with me, the rest would treat me like Bones treats Spock.



Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:48 PM


Jayne and I would end up as drinking buddies. When he isn't being an ass, he is a lot of fun :)

Wash and I would get a long well...but Zoe would want to kick my ass after Wash and I start spending too much time playing video games.

Kaylee, I would tolerate...she is sweet, but a bit of a wuss.

Simon would hate me. I would tell crude jokes and make all kinds of sexual references just to fluster him since he is such a tight-ass.

River I would understand...(I have an autistic son and many certifiably crazy family lots of experience talking to people missing a couple of french fries out of their happy meal)

Mal...since I respect strong leadership, we would work well together...except when I was goofing around...or got caught staring at his ass.

Book...well...he would be throwing holy water on me when I wasn't looking.

Inara would not quite know what to think of me...I CAN be graceful, gracious, and a delicate flower like a companion, and I am a belly dancer and all. Plus, I am not uptight about sex and don't have issues with her chosen profession..but I would rather play ball in the cargo bay or go out drinking with the guys than go to stuffy state functions she enjoys. I think we would eventually end up good friends.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Sunday, October 30, 2005 7:53 PM


Well when you get down to it mostly everyone would want to get rid of me because I'd most likely change something around like switch the open hatch with start engines or something like that with out telling any one but...

Mal: I'd stay away in case he decided I needed to leave

Zoe:If i saw her Id be lucky

Jayne: If he didn't shoot me i'd be lucky

Kaycee: Not sure because id hang out in the engine room all the time. This may or may not bug her

Simon: If I want to have an intenegent conversaition maybe id talk to him

River: we would have lots of fun beating up Jayne but besides that we have nothing in common

Book: We wouldn't get along


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:26 PM


Mal:"i want you on my crew son"
Me: "why???"
Mal:"Because you strike fear in the hearts of mortal men"
me: (Big Grin on face)"Really?"
Mal: "Not really but ud make great bait"

Tosses me out in the middle of a gun fight and waits for me to run like a headless chicken

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with!!!"


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:27 PM


eeek! double post


Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:08 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
the rest would treat me like Bones treats Spock.

Probably more like the ep with the rock it trying to communicate with us? Probably just a hunk of rock. How would we know? Spock must mind meld with it!

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Monday, October 31, 2005 3:01 AM


"Shoot it captain, quick!"

Chrisisall Hortafied


Monday, October 31, 2005 3:20 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
"Shoot it captain, quick!"

Chrisisall Hortafied

but shoot it....politely.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Monday, October 31, 2005 3:24 AM


Bwah ha ha ha ha ha



Monday, October 31, 2005 5:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Let's see......

Mal & I would get along fine. We are a lot alike & being former military I know how his mind works & would be able come to grips with his command style. Of everyone on Serenity w/ the exception of Zoe I would know how he thinks & why.

Zoe & I would have that professional relationship. Being former soldiers we would swap stories and keep an eye on things.

Jayne I could get along with. Knowing money is his primary motivation may not sit right w/ me, but I can understand it. We would talk shop about guns, swap stories over a jug of Blue Sun brew, and maybe even work out on the ol' weight pile together. I would never completely trust him, but he would be a good man at your side in a firefight.

Kaylee would be like a kid sister. She definitely knows more about engineering than I could ever hope to know, so she would talk circles around me in that respect. We would get along just fine.

Simon I could respect for his loyalty to his sister and all he sacrificed to get her out of the Academy. Got have a good relationship w/ the crew's doctor, right? I don't think we would have enough in common to be really good friends or anything, but I think we would come to a mutual respect sort of thing.

River? That would be tough one. If we are talking post "Serenity" she might give me some concerns being the whole living weapon thing, not that I have a hang up w/ a woman kicking my butt if she has the skills or anything. Just having someone who could wig out when a coded signal is sent out would be a might unsettlin'. I think we would get along well enough, I would just be a bit wary of her is all.

Inara & I would be pleasant & get along. Being the Companion & being of the social standing she is, I might be a bit uncomfortable around her, maybe even intimidated by her social graces, but we would be on friendly terms.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, October 31, 2005 7:11 AM



Originally posted by embers:
but shoot it....politely.

If they shoot it!
There will be no more chocolate cake that tastes good.
next port,
pet tribble for Kaylee.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 6:48 PM


I realised that in my case i'd have to be just dang lucky not to get shot, have River beat me down, and or get my self spaced by any one of the crew exept Book and maybe Kaylee and I hope Simon. He's the Doc. after all.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:02 PM


If I were on Serenity then after

Select to view spoiler:

we crashed on Mr. Universe's planet I would have either gotten up on the cannon they took from Haven and used it to blow away the Reaver ship or I would have programmed the shuttles to ram the Reaver ship.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:50 PM


An evilhead of action! Good sneaky plan mister. Jayne and Zoe will love you for it, and Mal will give you a raise.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:46 AM


It's just something I thought up of when I was watching War Stories. If I were on the crew during that episode, I would have programmed the shuttle to ram Niska's space station, providing a nice distraction while everyone blasts their way through the station, grabbing all the valuables they can get our hands on, you know, to recoup the cost of the shuttle and maybe make a little extra on the side.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 12:32 PM


Mal-I respect Mal greatly and have the most in common with him. I hate complications. Since I respect him so much, I would be very loyal to him. We would get alot easily.

Zoe-Zoe would view me as a friend and I would do the same for her. I would respect her view as well.

Jayne-Me and Jayne would get along pretty well, aside from conflicts of character every now and then.

Wash-Me and Wash would get along pretty good since we both try to loosen up tense situations with a funny saying here and there.

Simon-Simon would get along with me pretty well, because I tend to look at the whole situation and wouldn't judge him.

Kaylee-Not much to say except we would get along. Most everyone would.

River-River would easily get along with me, because even though I would be quite the soldier, unlike the others who care and don't show it, I care and try not to show it, but it just comes out sometimes. I would help her out in times of need.

Book-Me and Book would get along without any problems. We have a lot of the same qualities (odd considering I share the majority of my qualities with the captain)such as the fact that we are mysterious. [I wouldn't talk much :)]

Inara-We probably wouldn't talk much. I have a feeling, though, since I never sleep and she wanders into the kitchen late that we would have the occasional late night conversation. In one of these I also have the feeling I would tell her to stop being so childish and tell the captain how she feels.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:31 PM


I'm the most like Simon on board so they would probably think of me in much the same way that they think of him and I would think of them in much the same way that Simon does.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes






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