What in the Verse is Happening!?!?!

UPDATED: Saturday, November 12, 2005 06:18
VIEWED: 9334
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:38 AM


I can understand it because the show is just so good, but it still amazes me.

Firefly is still the Number 5 selling Science Fiction DVD on Amazon.

Firefly is still the number 10 selling DVD across all categories on Amazon.

Serenity is still the number 1 site visited on Box Office Mojo.

One would think that some TV exec would look at these numbers and say "What in the world is going on here?" "Maybe we should put this thing back on the air."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:51 AM


serenity is also number 14 in amazon dvd sales rank and it hasnt even been released yet.

it amazes me how these big damned statistics dont change anything, well not yet anyway, we still dont know what the future is really

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:41 AM


Ah...but TV Exec logic does not resemble our earth logic...


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:57 AM


Also - the firefly soundtrack is in the Amazon CD chart at 31. Horay for it!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:12 AM


It is also ranked number one by Box Office Mojo users.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:15 AM


I think the execs are thinking "It's those few obsessive fans driving sales up again to try and sway us." To a degree, they're absolutely right. I have little doubt that they know we're ridiculously obsessed. The question is whether those rankings turn into significant profits over time.

Read about the Fanboy Effect:

I suspect that, compared to most films and merchandise, there's a sales pattern with everything Firefly-related of explosive initial sales, because we're so gung-ho to get our hands on everything.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:28 AM


I agree with LFO. If we can keep this kind of popularity up over time, then the execs will start paying more attention. I don't think there will be much of a problem with that, though. I just recruited 2 new Browncoats last night!

I love my Captain


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:58 AM


I think our numbers are growing. Even if there are explosive sales right away because of the fans, if our numbers continue to grow and those obsessive fans buy stuff... well....they can't help but take notice.

I've introduced two more people today to the wonders of Firefly. She just called me raving about how they tricked the Alliance with the crybaby and her fiance loved the special effects and how come she's never seen a show like this before! It works every time. All you have to do is get them to watch the show.

I have faith that this will spread.....

"Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint." -- Mal


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:26 AM


Joss is the biggest power player and cheerleader the Firefly/Serenity franchise has. So, due to Serenity's lack of resounding box office success, the franchise will need Joss involved (as in.. writing and directing) in order for anything to move forward on the Serenity sequel front. Though I love Tim Minear and all of the other Mutant Enemy alumns, our beloved franchise is not in the state where Joss can hand it to someone he trusts (as he is doing with the Buffyverse). Joss will need to do it himself to get it done.

Unfortunately, Joss is busy for the next several years (writing and directing two unrelated feature films!). There would be no Serenity sequel until 2008 or 2009 even if the project was greenlit today.

So... The only thing that CAN happen with Serenity WILL happen: The number of fans will grow and grow thanks to the Firefly/Serenity dvds and the evangelistic Browncoats. When Joss is ready to do a sequel, we will have a much larger audience ready and waiting for him.

So be patient. There is a long wait ahead.



Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:20 PM



Originally posted by KT:
Ah...but TV Exec logic does not resemble our earth logic...

Maybe that means all TV execs are Reavers.

Or is that an insult to the Reaver community?


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:19 PM


If we can see how good it is, and Joss can see it, and the cast and crew can see it then maybe we fans need to start a save-firefly fund maybe we could raise enough so that Joss could do it without the execs?

Or maybe all the execs really are reavers, someone should start a poll on that.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:29 PM



I suspect that, compared to most films and merchandise, there's a sales pattern with everything Firefly-related of explosive initial sales, because we're so gung-ho to get our hands on everything.

On the contrary - there's a pattern of incredibly long-lasting sales. The series DVDs have been on Amazon's bestseller list for ages:

I don't know how many copies need to be sold on a daily basis to keep a DVD in their Top 50 for months on end, but I'm pretty confident it's not just us hard-core types doing the buying.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:50 PM


And yet WalMart etc will carry every damned TV series BUT Firefly. Target has every season of Angel and Buffy on their shelves in Las Cruces NM, but not a single copy of Firefly.

Hell, Hot Topic...lord of cult classic clothin (Evil Dead...Donnie Darko) has yet to pick up on Firefly...Would LOVE to see some quality Hot Topic Serenity-wear and bumper stickers. Guess I have to settle for cafepress and bluesunshirts for now...




Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:52 PM


Firefly is now offered for sale on It is listed as being highly likely to sell out (duh).

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:56 PM


Its funny I actually seemed to have missed Firefly when it first aired, probably due to long work hrs, but after watching the movie many times I sought out the TV episodes on DVD and now I am a fan. I am seriously wanting Firefly to return to TV and another movie would be great also. This is my favorite TV series - ever, and I hope someone out there in TV exec-land decides to be kind to us fans.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:27 PM


I personally think Tim Minnear is our last chance for resurrecting the show once the contract timer at FOX runs out.


"Save us Obi-Tim-Knobi. You're our only hope."
--some princess with bagels in her hair


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:54 PM


Whoooaaaa ooo aaa o a!

Dagnabit! This is getting downright disturbing...
but I will use my superpowers to swim in the gravity free zone.

I think the popularity will just keep building and building, until Joss gets to do whatever he would most want to do with FF. Buying Fox outright, how about that marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo!

Gosh, it might even be that the television execs decide they have underestimated the viewer and put out lots of thoughtful, heartfelt, intelligent shows. In my dreamworld, Bingo.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:34 PM


There is no "DAGNABBIT".

Stryke that word from the apocolyptic world of your vokabulary. All your base are belong to us.

There is, HOWEVER, a little moon-sized planet called Dagobah (NOT to be confused with Dagnabbit), where Kermit the Frog lives. He possesses great powers, and was once a great puppet master. one day (before the whole "I love Miss Piggy" thing happens), he will utter these words...


"MAYBE, just maybe, perhaps..."

"tim minnear I see in him..."

"one day he could be made to give instruction to Whedon Skywalker. ."

"hmmm..." (eat stolen Skywalker granola bar)

"sense great fear in him i do... too great the dark side of hollywood is... movie producer wannabe he is, yes..."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:43 PM


Whoooaaa aaa ooaaa oo aa a a a a a

I thought I could navigate in the XZG, alas, my brain has been turned to mush with this approximate storyline beamed from the ancient face on Mars.

There are tears on the keyboard, and I am gripping my tum with the pain of this wicked wicked laughter.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:02 PM


Where is my evil emperor cloak? Ahh... there it is...

*puts on cloak*

*blasts Liminalosilosity with streams of electrical-otious-istic plasma.. ya that's a real word in my universe... (sorry that name is hard to accuractely spell... I aren't capable, and I ain't gonna debate the issue. I wasn't ain't gonna never not repeat this, but you've never not forced my hand)...

You will turn to the dark side like your nephew (half-cousin to your sister's step-father's 3rd cousin ~ whoa the genetics of that are way too freaky to get into). Just trust me. Turn to the dark side (cuz I said so if for no other reason).

If not...
Someone please hire me an attorney already so I can negotiate screenrights to this thread. I won't keep nuking this chick unless I have creative rights over the future of this thread. It's just that simple. Give me sequel rights, I'll plasma-blast her into silliness, but I wanna be creative director of the sequel. At the very least.

Where's my agent?


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:24 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Where is my evil emperor cloak? Ahh... there it is...
*puts on cloak*

I aren't capable, and I ain't gonna debate the issue. I wasn't ain't gonna never not repeat this, but you've never not forced my hand)...

Whooooaaaaoo aaao a o a o ooo!!!

But wait! There may be hope!
Besides getting his ass tangled in the cloak of invisibility,

he has created a causality loop of double negatives,

and I believe...

I can slip through...





Wednesday, November 9, 2005 5:32 AM


The idea that the same fans are just buying DVD's over and over again is illogical. Like many other fans, I might buy a couple of extra copies and give them to fans if I could afford it, but I can't.

The reality is that for almost every copy sold a new fan has been added to the fold. I'm an avid fan and I keep telling others to watch, but I can't afford to buy them copies.

For a 3 year old cancelled TV series to continue posting the kind of sales that are going on right now is beyond the scope of reason. Someone should pay attention.

I really believe that the DVD sales are going to catch the attention of a lot of people.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 5:56 AM


One can only hope. Of course, Fox admitting that they're wrong only happens about once a millenium, and they've already used it on Family Guy.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:12 AM



For a 3 year old cancelled TV series to continue posting the kind of sales that are going on right now is beyond the scope of reason. Someone should pay attention.

Given the presence of the film, I have to disagree. But, they are good - they indicate that the franchise does, indeed, have legs.

I'd like to add to my earlier statement - what I think the execs percieve is rabid fans buying immediately. I predict that sales will fall off a bit, as the fanboy effect theory predicts. However, what execs can't really see (unless some of them happen to be browncoats themselves ;) ) is the degree of fandom/attachment/enthusiasm Firefly inspires, and how quickly it does so. The movie caught and converted me completely on its own merits. I had never heard of Firefly before seeing it, and I had never met a browncoat. Whedon's Firefly sells itself. Therefore, I do expect the audience to continue to grow, and that's what will cause the long-term trend of high sales.

I wonder, though, how big the the pool of potential browncoats is - there must come a point at which most people who would love Firefly if they saw it, will have seen it. (Warning: unfounded guessing ahead) I suspect the pool is of the same magnitude as that of Star Trek fans - it looks like the recent Trek films have been grossing 70-90 million, so we've got quite a lot of room to grow :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:47 AM


Like other people,I am a new fan.

I came to the show late after watching the BDM.

I have converted my brother and my friend(big Joss fans BTW) and we're going to a convention this Saturday.

Joss changed my life. He gave me a friend I thought I'd never have. I met Michelle at an Amber Benson signing 2 years ago and we are so close.

He has also given me the best damn abroad friends anyone could ever hope to have. And a new way of celebrating my fandoms through art,fiction and posting boards.

Finally he has given me 3 shows,with whom without,I wouldn't be the same person!

I *heart* him


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 7:30 AM


One of the reasons "Serenity" didn't do well is that it was released in so few theaters. I've been told (third hand or so) that Universal only releases its own productions in its own theaters. Here in Albuquerque there are 3 of their theaters, and 2 of them are notorious for having problems with enough parking. They are also are not handy to bus service, which is not all that great here anyway. Most people would rather wait for the DVD.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:08 AM


I don't think number of theatres has much to do with it at all. For example (using numbers), consider Stealth verus Star Wars III. Stealth opened in 3,495 theatres and grossed about $30 mil domestic. Episode 3 opened in 3,661 theatres, and grossed around $850 mil. Stealth was in 95% as many theatres, yet grossed a mere 3.5% as much. Granted, these are extreme cases, but I think they indicate that theatre count isn't a big deal.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:11 PM


UK box office gross

Good, considering it made more money in the first 3 days than the films underneath it, was shown for only about 1-2 weeks and had a advertisement that was shameful (I counted a total of two adverts where I live, 3 if you count the 6 times I went to the cinema beforehand)

[edit] now that I look at the 3-day gross and the total gross, I would say it was only shown for 3 days

Grenade Ping Pong is pointless as both players loose, unless the grenade is whacked into the crowd, in which case its a lawsuit


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:22 PM


There's also the matter that Stealth looked like a truly shitty movie...and didn't have Lucas's name on it. Even good movies paled in comparison to E3...which ALMOST lived up to the expectations I had for the news Star Wars movie.

It's at least mildly a good comparison though...



Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:04 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


Originally posted by LfO:
I think the execs are thinking "It's those few obsessive fans driving sales up again to try and sway us."

Yeah, silly us, spending money and driving their sales up. Really, would they rather us not drive their sales up?

Bottom line is the bottom line. Who cares where the money comes from so long as the money comes? FOX made (several) mistakes, one of which was cancelling something worth making. I don't know if Universal is up to the calling, but I sure hope they learn from FOX's mistakes and see that something with such a large initial following will only get bigger!

They may not make $200 billion in profits like the gorram oil companies, but they will, when all is said and done, make a profit. I think they'd be crazy to ignore the potential. Sure it is a risk, but how many movies are made that never make a profit? Nothing is certain, but that is what makes the future worth fighting for.

I'd love for Hollywood to swing back to the notion that they can make--movies--better.

It burns me, that everytime I buy a Firefly set, or a CD now (because I buy them for family and friends) that FOX makes money off of something they tried to kill, but going forward, I will be more than happy to support Universal for what has been one of the best movie going experiences I've ever had.

Anyway, just my 2 creds worth!


*Avail yourself of my trade! I have original (meaning: designed by me!) T-shirts, posters, mugs and more at
*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at
In or near Ohio? Join us!


Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:25 AM


It's just like the real Browncoats. Making the second movie/getting it back on the air is like re-fighting the War of Unification. Fox canceling the show is like Serenity Valley. And the movie is like the Miranda Signal.

Just have to wait for the Alliance to weaken some--won't get pushed over just yet.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:34 AM



Originally posted by Belacgod:
It's just like the real Browncoats. Making the second movie/getting it back on the air is like re-fighting the War of Unification. Fox canceling the show is like Serenity Valley. And the movie is like the Miranda Signal.

Just have to wait for the Alliance to weaken some--won't get pushed over just yet.

And I'm guessing the Reavers are the Fox Executives or something?

Grenade Ping Pong is pointless as both players loose, unless the grenade is whacked into the crowd, in which case its a lawsuit


Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:46 AM


Family Guy wasn't the first time. Firefly won't be the last.

For those who truly care, you should go check out ...ask yourself how many of those prematurely cancelled shows you loved, and then follow up and find out how many of the times it was FOX who had their finger on the red NUKE button.

You'll prolly find a few other networks to equally hate, like "all of them", "all of them", AND (who could ever forget the most notorious of the bunch...) "all of them".

I'll have my people get in touch with your people and we can do lunch. Wardrobe, wardrobe!! Crease in my left sleeve and bad lightning from my upper right. Someone is gonna get fired.


it's not easy being this beautiful. you like me, you really really like me. *blows kisses*

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:06 AM



Originally posted by fireflyfan278:
The idea that the same fans are just buying DVD's over and over again is illogical. Like many other fans, I might buy a couple of extra copies and give them to fans if I could afford it, but I can't.


For a 3 year old cancelled TV series to continue posting the kind of sales that are going on right now is beyond the scope of reason. Someone should pay attention.

I really believe that the DVD sales are going to catch the attention of a lot of people.

The thing is that many of us have bought multiple copies (I think I'm up to 4 over the last 6 months) in an effort to sway people towards seeking out the BDM.

However, from the day that the film opened, when most of us then turned that same discretionary income towards seeing Serenity over and over and over, the sales of the the Firefly set went WAY up and stayed that way.

I can only interpret that as people who HADN'T seen the series seeing the film and then being ravenous to get their hands on the pre-cursor material. The film opening effectively took the hardcore browncoat/multiple DVD purchase issue out of the equation. And then the sales went up.

Now, we're, I suspect, most of us doing the same thing with the Serenity DVD -- I pre-ordered 5 copies. I've spent more money on stupider things. And I'll keep a personal copy and a loaner, and then give away the other 3, either to people I know wouldn't go buy/rent it themselves, or to my local library. But I expect that the sales will be sustained by people renting the movie, falling in love, and then turning around and buying both it AND the series on DVD!

Because that's what the story does to people. Those characters reach out and grab you. I direct your collective attention to the article by Slate film critic David Edelstein (who sees a lot of films, and doesn't react like this to most of them):

Hang in their folks. The story of this film's success hasn't been written yet ~ just the introduction and a chapter or two!


~ Lynne C. ~


Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:22 AM



Originally posted by DaisyCutter:

And I'm guessing the Reavers are the Fox Executives or something?

Fox is Parliament/the Alliance.

I guess the Reavers are your average American "Paris and Nicole Show"--watchers, created by the lousy programming put out by the networks (which, much like the Pax, renders the majority of viewers quiescent).


Saturday, November 12, 2005 6:18 AM


Scary part is FOX (contractual master of Firefly and ultravillian), and Universal/MGM (the guys who produced Serenity and own SciFi chan) are really good buddies, golfing partners even.

Ya they made Joss watch the home video of that fat Israeli kid singing. I'm sorry I take that back. Not fat... gravity enhanced. Emulate this Joss. Use it as a template for a viral marketing campaign.

Betcha the same studio exec who told him that handed him a photograph of his erect left nipple and demanded it be subliminally implanted in the movie no less than 7 times before he would greenlight it's production budget.


I'm hearing otherworldly harp music.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.






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