Greatest sci-fi movies of the decades- but only one per...

UPDATED: Friday, December 2, 2005 22:30
VIEWED: 13578
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Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:58 PM


Pick a decade and give us your nomination for the greatest sci-fi movie of that decade, then for each decade after to the present. And no fighting, okay? These are opinions and nominations, not 'The Greatest' set in stone, or anything.

This is gonna be a HARD one, Browncoats, we here are famous for our lists, can y'all keep it to one per decade?
I dare ya!

Here's mine:

50's- War Of The Worlds
60's- Planet Of The Apes
70's- Star Trek The Motion Picture (well, the new version, anyway)
80's- Blade Runner
90's- Terminator 2: Judgement Day
00's- Serenity

What's yours?

Chrisisall, with a difficult one- maybe


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:08 PM


50s: "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
60s: "2001: A Space Odyssey"
70s: "Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope"
80s: "E.T.: The Extraterrestrial"
90s: "Contact"
00s: "Serenity"


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:19 PM


I'm really loving these threads. Keep em coming!

50's - The Day the Earth Stood Still
60's - Planet of the Apes
70's - Star Wars
80's - The Empire Strikes Back
90's - Dark City
00's - Serenity

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:25 PM


Great question.

50s- War of the Worlds (still better than that garbage just done earlier this year)

60s- Planet of the Apes and also better than the redone broken version a few years ago.

70s- Lots to choose from here with Star Wars and all but I am going to be odd and choose SUPERMAN I liked Reeve and what they did for the Man of Steel.

80s- I liked ALIEN and wish they would have left the thing alone with this one cause they all got ridicuous after this one. Although Empire Strikes Back loses by a hair.

90s- It is hard but I am going to have to go with T2 but there were some good ones in that decade

2000+ - Well I liked Serenity but I may have to go with A.I. it was just awesome and.....I'm sorry I cant even say that with a straight face. Serenity has been the best of the decade so far.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:45 PM


Great question....

1950s - The Day the Earth Stood Still
1960s - 2001: A Space Odyssey
1970s - Star Wars: episode IV A New Hope
1980s - Blade Runner
1990s - 12 Monkeys
2000s - Serenity

Of course there have been others that I found really interesting, and worth watching many times....
films like

1950s - On The Beach
1960s - Dr. Strangelove
1970s - Westworld
1980s - Brazil
1990s - Total Recall...
but I can't think of anything in the last five years to compare to Serenity!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:58 PM


1950s - My Mean Mother
1960s - Return of MY Mean Mother
1970s - Attack of My Mean Mother
1980s - Revenge of My Mean Mother
1990s - My Mean Mother Strikes Back
2000s - Serenity and Firefly

quit making faces...


Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:41 PM


00'S-A.I (seriously)

There are so many others that I could mention for each decade, but you only asked for one per. And a lot of them were mentioned already, so I just threw in some new ones.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"YES!!!I'm a man posessed by many demons....Polite demons that would open the door for a lady carrying too many parcels...BUT DEMONS NONETHELESS!!!! Yes. I have walked along the path of evil many times, it's a twisting, curving path that..actually leads to a charming plot garden, BUT BEYOND THAT EVIL!!!"


Monday, November 28, 2005 3:09 AM


50's: Forbidden Planet
60's: 2001
70's: Alien
80's: Blade Runner
90's: The Matrix
00's: Silly question, Serenity


Monday, November 28, 2005 4:43 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
1950s - My Mean Mother
1960s - Return of MY Mean Mother
1970s - Attack of My Mean Mother
1980s - Revenge of My Mean Mother
1990s - My Mean Mother Strikes Back
2000s - Serenity and Firefly

You liked Serenity better than Conquest of the Planet of My Mean Mother??!!??



Monday, November 28, 2005 4:49 AM


50's: War of the Worlds
60's: 2001: A Space Odyssey
70's: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
80's: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
90's: The Matrix
2000's: Serenity

"I aim to misbehave."


Monday, November 28, 2005 7:11 AM


Here's my alternative list nominating somewhat lesser known masterpieces:

50's- Incredible Shrinking Man (matte lines and all...)
60's- The Power (a George Pal gem)
70's- Silent Running (very small flick)
80's- Firestarter (a most amazing finale)
90's- The Abyss (heard of it?)
00's- Serenity (yes, Greatest AND Greatest lesser known)

Chrisisall, double-dipping


Monday, November 28, 2005 7:57 AM


Dang Chrisisall you come up with the greatest questions, yet so often they tear my loyalties....
....Boy this is a tough one!! Ok

50's - Creature From the Black Lagoon in 3D (If you've not seen it in 3d give it a go it's brilliant)

60's - Village of the Damned

70's - Close Encouters of the Third Kind

80's TRON (Simply genius and unlike any film EVER made!!!!)

90's Matrix (This was the late 90's right?)


Can I put one down for the 40's ? :Flash Gordon conquers the Universe (Peril from the planet Mongo) I just love these so much fun.

Fun as always Chrisisall.



Monday, November 28, 2005 2:48 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Aren't we forgetting some other decades?

1900s - A Trip to the Moon
1910s - Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
1920s - Metropolis
1930s - Things to Come
1940s - Dr. Cyclops
1950s - Forbidden Planet
1960s - 2001: A Space Odyssey
1970s - A Clockwork Orange
1980s - Blade Runner
1990s - Contact
2000s - Pluto Nash

Wait a minute, I think I just went a bit insane. Scratch that last one and put in Serenity.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, November 28, 2005 4:14 PM


This is hugely difficult! Herewith, my main list:

50's- The Day the Earth Stood Still
60's- 2001: A Space Odyssey
70's- Star Wars: A New Hope
80's- Terminator
90's- Dark City
00's- Serenity

And here is my alternates list:

50's- Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds, The Thing
60's- The Satan Bug, The Time Machine
70's- The Andromeda Strain, Alien
80's- The Empire Strikes Back, The Abyss, Aliens, Blade Runner
90's- Highlander, The Maxx, The Matrix
00's- 28 Days Later, Hellboy

A few comments... this is like deciding between apples and oranges. I like each of these movies for different reasons. Some inspire deep thought and reflection on complex topics (The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2001). Some are special effects masterpieces (Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds). Some are relatively shallow, but tightly-told stories with such momentum that they just keep you in the movie (The Thing, Terminator). Some offer engrossing characterization (Serenity, The Maxx). Hence, I couldn't just pick one alternate in each decade.

And "The Maxx" is something of a ringer... it was an animated story presented as 11 minute installments for MTV's Liquid Television. It was intriguing, but incomprehensible to me until I purchased it properly stitched together on a video tape as a feature length animated film... it is actually far superior in that form.


Monday, November 28, 2005 5:21 PM


Wow. This is a tough one, because some of these decades produced some amazing stuff. I have a ton of ties, but I'll give my list and make some commentary.

50's - Day The Earth Stood Still - Not necessarily for what it was, but what it became. It went on to become one of the most recognizably homaged sci-fi movies ever. Klaatu barata nicto!

60's - 2001, A Space Oddysey - Easiest decade to pick from, in my opinion.

70's - Alien - This became the standard by which I judged all other sci-fi. The acting and special effects were above and beyond anything seen so far (yes, even SW and ST:TMP).

80's - The Terminator - This was by far my hardest decade to pick from. You had Aliens, Highlander, Blade Runner, SW:ESBack, SW:WoKhan - A veritable smorgasboard of sci-fi. Terminator had a tight (if a bit predictable) story, great visuals, and some of the most highly quoted dialogue of a film to this day, so I had to go with it. Blade Runner was based off a better book; Highlander, while still a favorite, needed better editing; and the rest were (although awesome) sequels.

90's - Dark City - I would like to make the Matrix my first choice, but I can't. They have similar plots (to a point, I'll explain in a sec), but City came out first and had a much better actor in the lead role. If the Wachowski's didn't say they cribbed half the Matrix from City, they're lying their asses off. For those that haven't seen it, Dark City is a story about a man (Rufus Sewell) who wakes up and is wanted for murder, who knows he didn't commit it. He comes to find out that there is a secret race of beings called the Strangers that keep people mentally sleeping in order to conduct experiments. Each night they change reality so that the people interact with one another in different ways, but something fails with Sewell's character. It is a brilliant movie, probably my #2 or 3 all time pick. Oh, on another note, can't forget The Mummy in the 90's (it was 1998/9, wasn't it?); say what you want, that was a fun movie to watch.

2000's - So far, I have to say Serenity, but have to admit that it isn't due to the quality (don't flame me; Serenity was awesome and I saw it 4 times). There hasn't really been much else to the 00's yet. I'm not sure I count the superhero movies as sci-fi (so no S-2), and I don't count animation (so no Incredibles). I don't consider LOTR or HPotter sci-fi, nor will I consider Narnia (not only do I consider them fantasy, a trap Highlander nearly falls into, but they are also adaptations from books, which hampers their originality factor). I liked War of the Worlds, but wouldn't rate it as a number one because of the weak ending; the new SW movies I thought all pretty much sucked ass (even SW3:ROTS). I'm hoping something wows me here real soon and (given that I am a fan of Chung's animation- Aeon Flux, Animatrix, Reign the Conqueror) I'm doubting that Aeon Flux will do it.

7%'s 2c

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, November 28, 2005 5:42 PM



I went back and forth between SW and Alien for the 70's. I agree with you that Alien is the tighter story with better acting. But what swung SW for me was that it's story was grander in scope... and more ambitious visually. There was enough depth in SW to base an entire series of movies on it. And Lucas should be shot for squandering the richness of that universe in the last three movies.

But I can't hold Lucas' loss of vision in recent years (decades) against the presence of vision he displayed in the original film.

Still, a tough call for me.


Monday, November 28, 2005 5:44 PM


I haven't see Aeon Flux yet


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:05 PM



Originally posted by danfan:
And Lucas should be shot for squandering the richness of that universe in the last three movies.

Line him up and blindfold him, and I'll hand you the rifle when I'm done. I'm in total agreement with you on that. But that wasn't what he did that lost me; when he went back and "edited" the originals (Han shot first, btw) is when he pissed me off.

And I just remembered, thinking of "reverse engineering" movies- I forgot E.T. for the 80's! Damn Spielberg for pulling a Lucas with that one (went back and changed guns into walkie-talkies).

I also didn't realize that you had City for your 90's flick also. Man, that's a great film.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:34 PM


Thankfully, someone just let me know about a movie from the 00's that I had forgotten about, one that completely blew my mind when I saw it. The Spielberg flick A.I., with Jude Law and Haley Joel Osment (sp?). That was an incredible movie with some brilliant societal criticism. How I forgot that one, I'll never know. Call that one my 00's pick (tied with Serenity, of course ).

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:58 PM


Glad to see someone else willing to defend A.I. I just don't see it as being half as atrocious as people are making it out to be. Sure, the end takes it time (and yeah, it's a bit too long), but a bad ending doesn't always a bad movie make. I can still enjoy acts one and two for what they are.

And while we're talking about Spielberg 00's films, what about Minority Report? Fantastic film.
"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Monday, November 28, 2005 7:12 PM



Originally posted by Orpheus:

And while we're talking about Spielberg 00's films, what about Minority Report?

Based off a better book; so it didn't get my vote. I thought they should have had a better cast for the quality of that one, as well. Cruise just didn't cut it for me in that role. Soured me on the movie as a whole.

I will defend A.I. though. I think people will come around; it's a Kubrick film, which means it might take people another decade to really appreciate it (as is typical of his work).

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, November 28, 2005 7:17 PM


Alright sorry about the A.I. comments. I just really disliked that movie and didnt know anyone actually liked it.



Monday, November 28, 2005 7:45 PM


Here is my list:

50's- Incredible Shrinking Man
60's- Planet Of The Apes
70's- Star Wars
80's- The Empire Strikes Back
90's- The Matrix
00's- Serenity


Monday, November 28, 2005 11:42 PM


My faves are really difficult to list:
50's: Forbidden Planet, incredible. The original Star Trek.
60's: 2001, naturally.
70's: Star Wars ruled that decade, no one can deny that!
80's: Back to to the Future, one of my favourite films of all time (wasn't meant to be a joke but i will let it stand)
90's: There were quite a few good ones here, Matrix, Stargate, a few Trek films...but I will go with Matrix. Revolutionary but the only thing I can say is shame about the sequels.
00's: Let's see, Serenity was quite and I am willing to leave it at that.


"God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone." Number Six '33'
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:53 AM


Don't know about decades, and not really that into Science Fiction (a lie), but I'll always like:

Old Star Wars

and for older films:

The Forbidden Planet
Kiss Me Deadly

Maybe the last one was a stretch, but it qualifies because it's completely hardcore, and just like a film of a Graphic Novel (except this is 1955.)

(From imdb) "...The Kefauver Commission, a federal unit dedicated to investigating corrupting influences in the 1950s, singled this [film] out as 1955's number one menace to American youth..."

You can't buy publicity like that...


Christina Bailey: Get me to that bus stop and forget you ever saw me. If we don't make it to the bus stop...

Mike Hammer: We will.

Christina Bailey: If we don't, remember me.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 AM



Originally posted by Orpheus:
Glad to see someone else willing to defend A.I. I just don't see it as being half as atrocious as people are making it out to be. Sure, the end takes it time (and yeah, it's a bit too long), but a bad ending doesn't always a bad movie make. I can still enjoy acts one and two for what they are.

I think that this comes under the heading of 'damning with faint praise'
but I liked some parts of A.I. too....

but I was terribly disappointed w/Minority Report (regretting seeing it in the theater, kept looking at my watch)
and Chrisisall: I totally remember the Abyss, and I thought it was dreadful! Bad story, and bad acting, I can't imagine voluntarily watching it a second time.
Each to his own, huh?

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:35 AM


I guess. I praise Minority Report, and immediately two people slam it down.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:35 AM


Sorry. Keyboard sticks. So then. Back to those lists.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:01 AM


Hmm I enjoyed Minority Report. They don't make too many decent big budget sci-fi films so I guess I am under the mentality that I will take what I can get. That in mind I also enjoyed I, Robot and A.I. I am not saying they would top any list, but I enjoyed them.

Also, Abyss is one of my all time favs...fear not, there are those of us who have heard of it! Ed Harris carried that movie.

Okay, my top 10:

50's: Day the Earth Stood contest

60's: 2001: A Space Odyssey....Again no contest

70's: hmmm I want to say Star Wars for what it did for the genre and for movie making in general but am tempted by Alien as well...who didn't jump when it shot out of the stomache!?!?!?

80's: tough tough... a tie between Bladerunner and Empire Strikes back

90's: Let's see I loved was such a mind trip, and of course Matrix was a breakaway hit and did wonders for technology...also loved 12 Monkeys!

00's: Well I loved Serenity, obviously, and I must admit there has been a lack of credible sci-fi flicks this decade. Though they are making one of Ray Bradbury's stories into a movie..A SOund of Thunder..with some very credible actors so here is hoping!

OOHHH Pitch Black. That was a briliiantly scripted and brilliantly acted film..which is odd when your movie is a sci-fi flick AND contains Vin Diesel. I enjoyed Chronicles, but it didn't compare to Pitch Black.

Okay, My two cents.

Love, Ally
'Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love' -Solomon


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:06 AM


Okay I may have to take it back..just did some research and A Sound of Thunder is already out...and though I hope it is doesn't look promising..certainly not going to beat out Serentiy on my list.

Love, Ally
'Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love' -Solomon


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:41 AM


Hey Orpheus.

I liked Minority Report, I was just so impressed that Cruise was playing a 'less' than decent individual, I like characters with failings.

I think it's one of those that'll grow on people over time.... Look at Bladerunner I don't remember a single person liking that at the time, now everyone I know loves it!!! Funnily enough I've come to realise, whenever I ask friends what like about it, they always mention Rutger Hauer....? For me if I see one more drop of rain against a wall I'll personally go over to Ridley Scott and beat the living daylights outa him - it's severly indulgent in places but strangely delivers a sobering message... For me Bladerunner works because of Ford' reluctance in the character.

Sorry went on some.....



Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:59 AM


I really enjoyed Minority Report, it was a little different from the book but it still had that strong PKD feel.
Bladerunner is an all time classic, Ridley Scott does an amazing job. So do the actors, Ford is incredible in it. I also remember Edward James Olmos being in it (am I right?).
I, Robot was OK but i was expecting something better. Although i do believe it must be difficult making an Asimov movie.
Pitch Black when i first saw it was a breath of fresh air in SF. It was scary, had good characters and incredible SFX. Wonderful.
Chronicles was alright but did make as much of an impact.


"God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone." Number Six '33'
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:33 AM



Originally posted by embers:

I think that this comes under the heading of 'damning with faint praise'
but I liked some parts of A.I. too....

but I was terribly disappointed w/Minority Report (regretting seeing it in the theater, kept looking at my watch)
and Chrisisall: I totally remember the Abyss, and I thought it was dreadful! Bad story, and bad acting, I can't imagine voluntarily watching it a second time.
Each to his own, huh?

I liked AI, not enought to own, but I suspect I'll pick it up someday, it had a very 'Kubrick' feel to it.
I agree with ya on Minority Report, totally weak and hollywood ending (sorry Somnambulist!)
And I disagree on Abyss, I felt it to be one of the most 'human' sci-fi's in a long time- very much like Close Encounters (and maybe that's the problem for some, a little TOO much like CE?)

Oh well, whatever floats your Firefly-class, eh?

P.S., Highlander would have made my list(s) if the final swordfight had more pizazz to it.

Chrisisall, who likes nice aliens


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:47 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

And I disagree on Abyss, I felt it to be one of the most 'human' sci-fi's in a long time- very much like Close Encounters (and maybe that's the problem for some, a little TOO much like CE?)

actually that part wasn't even memorable to me...
what sticks in my brain is the soap opera angst of Ed Harris relationship w/Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, which culminated in that whole creepy having her die and bringing her back to life (don't try this at home kids) thing...

I think that this is the thing about a lot of films, we are drawn to or we back away from different things that speak to us (or not) in different ways....
Firefly/Serenity had so many fully realized and completely different characters that we could all approach it from a different angle, and then come together loving all our BDHs
like Mal said 'you all came here for different reasons'....

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:15 AM


Originally posted by chrisisall:


I liked AI, not enought to own, but I suspect I'll pick it up someday, it had a very 'Kubrick' feel to it.
I agree with ya on Minority Report, totally weak and hollywood ending (sorry Somnambulist!)

Chrisisall, who likes nice aliens


Ok fair 'nuff. For some reason I always forgive Spielberg for Hollywood endings - maybe because I feel he invented 'em.

Granted you could see he was going to use Max's ability as an actor for the final denoument - but it's what I was expecting I suppose so this didn't bother me...

A.I. though i struggled with and in fact it ended just where I thought it should begin, I was interested at that point. But I've never understood this 'Robot wanting to be a human thing' once, just once, I'd like to see a story about a boy who wants to be a robot!!!

Oh and I'm afraid I agree totally with Embers as regards Abyss... The marital troubs was irritating to the overall feel of the piece....

*Ducks and takes cover*



Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:17 AM



Originally posted by embers:

what sticks in my brain is the soap opera angst of Ed Harris relationship w/Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, which culminated in that whole creepy having her die and bringing her back to life (don't try this at home kids) thing...

lol, that's the single thing I liked best about the flick, I totally bought into their relationship!

....LOVE U WIFE....

I'm such a sap, though. I cried when Lois died in Superman, and completly didn't mind him turning back Earth time to bring her back. (Hey! Same thing in Mummy Returns! I cried when Evie died, too! Okay, it's just a pattern with me, then.)

Chrisisall, romantic idiot...


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:23 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
*Ducks and takes cover*

No need, pal. We're all friends here.
And who am I to judge? I still think Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever is a hugely entertaining movie, hows that for a 'minority report'?

Chrisisall, lookin' foward to MI3


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:47 AM


Ha I completely agree with you. It was the humaness of their relationship that sold that movie. Ed Harris at his finest..well that and Apollo 13...but I digress. It is true movies will either attract you or not and Abyss is just one movie I take from my childhood and will force my own children to watch. Good lessons in that film! lol

Love, Ally
'Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love' -Solomon


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:03 AM



... just once, I'd like to see a story about a boy who wants to be a robot!!!

There was an episode of Star Trek TNG about a traumatized young boy who wanted to be an android, like Data, so that he wouldn't have to feel emotion.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:13 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
There was an episode of Star Trek TNG about a traumatized young boy who wanted to be an android, like Data, so that he wouldn't have to feel emotion.

oh I loved that one...
of course I loved ALL the Data centric episodes

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:33 AM


Originally posted by chrisisall:


No need, pal. We're all friends here.
And who am I to judge? I still think Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever is a hugely entertaining movie, hows that for a 'minority report'?

Chrisisall, lookin' foward to MI3[

Mission Imp 3 eh....

ahhhh Thandie Newton..... I was so busy gazing at her I forgot what the hell was going on in MI2.....


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

... just once, I'd like to see a story about a boy who wants to be a robot!!!

There was an episode of Star Trek TNG about a traumatized young boy who wanted to be an android, like Data, so that he wouldn't have to feel emotion.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."

hmmm now that sounds more like it..... Interesting cheers Storymark.

Not being a big Star trek fan I watched only a few Next Gen.... Cool will look out for it :)

The Somnambulist


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:41 AM


70's: Star Wars

80's: Empire Strikes Back

90's: T2

2000's: The Island


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:53 AM


I'll have to do a little research to find out when movies were made to properly colate my list..

I agree with all who disliked Minority Report, mostly cause I cant stand Tom Cruise...

I'm a little surprised Dune hasnt made anyones list.. I loved all the books and the movie.

And what about "The sound of music"!! Nah.. i'm just messin with ya on that one :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:17 AM


The Dune miniseries was *amazing*, the film not so good. If we were to start making a list of the best SF series, that would rank very highly in my list.
Also BSG 2003, one word *wow*, Sci-Fi know how to make 'em.


"God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone." Number Six '33'
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:19 AM


Does anybody know if the Island is worth watching?


"God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone." Number Six '33'
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:54 PM


The following is a list of decade favorites of the Sci-Fi/hybrid film genre. I’ve read through everyone’s selection and they all appear to be excellent choices and offer a pretty fair representation of the science fiction genre. Following each entry is commentary detailing the reasons why I chose this film or my general impressions of the decade. As a long time Sci-Fi fan I can be tiresomely pedantic, so if you want to skip the commentary just follow the underlined entries.

1950s Forbidden Planet (1956, MGM).

Although many people might look to War of the Worlds or The Day the Earth Stood Still or the Body Snatchers, all great films with lasting appeal, none of them had the influences on later films that Forbidden Planet did. Much of the methodology and cinematography of later films, including Star Trek was pioneered by this film. It was one of the first to be shot in color, and it used large elaborate sound stages.

1960s 2001 (1968, MGM).

The 1960s poses a problem, because there are actually two science fiction films in the 60s that I would consider landmark, both of them from 1968. Planet of the Apes (1968, 20th Century Fox) is a strong contender for greatest sci-fi film of the 60s, but ultimately, 2001 is better because it offers a more creative and optimistic story.

1970s Star Wars (1977, 20th Century Fox).

Star Wars was not the beginning of the space opera, but definitely a refinement into an unexpected world wide box office hit, but the real clout of Star Wars was the depth of the story. Despite its rather one-dimensional plot, the mood and back story are so elaborate and intriguing that they draw the audience into the story as it unfolds; creating an alien universe that is as complex and believable as it is fantastic. There is a mystique about the Jedi, something ominous about the powerful empire that has emerged from the crumbling Republic, and yet a swashbuckling world of smugglers and bandits. Star Wars created science fiction intrigue by relying on the human mind to connect the dots in much the way that Hitchcock used dark screens and silent moments. This back story would lead to a whole set of widely anticipated films that would never live up to the grandeur of the first three, in spite of immensely superior cinematography, budget, and acting, largely due, some believe, to the absence of depth.

As surprising as it may seem, this was not an easy choice. Although Star Wars is one of the greatest sci-fi films and probably the greatest hybrid sci-fi, it has some strong competition in the 1970s. Logan’s Run, Close Encounters, Alien, and the cult classics Soylent Green and Clockwork Orange along several others are all steeped in praise by sci-fi fans and critics alike, and make the 70s extremely rich in classic Science fiction. As a second runner up, Close Encounters is easily the strongest contender though.

1980s E.T. (1982, Universal).

E.T. was a complete reversal on many alien stories. It depicted an extraterrestrial sentient life form that was neither humanoid nor malevolent or particularly intelligible. The theme of this film is often lost in its “feel good” story, but it says something about the smallness of the human condition. In most other alien encounter films, one side or the other often occupies the moral high ground, yet in E.T. we see an example of an advanced yet passive intelligent life-form so fragile that it is threatened by the simple intrusive nature of human interest. It is the simply story of the complexities involved in first contact. This is a theme that Spielberg also incorporated into Close Encounters.

The 1980s had many good science fiction films, more then the 70s I think, but while the number of films increased, the number of really great films did not, which actually makes the 80s seem somewhat dry. A few stand out though, The Empire Strikes Back is, of course, a classic that proved that not even the space opera is immune to sci fi noir which took off during the 80s, and follows E.T. very closely for best of the decade. War Games is one of the many Sci-Fi films that get great traction from the Cold War. The Terminator and Blade Runner are sci fi film noir at its best that would not be rivaled until the Matrix.

1990s Jurassic Park (1993, Universal).

Jurassic Park is indisputably the best dinosaur movie ever made due to advances in computer graphic cinematography and a cunning scientific portrayal that made the lumbering dim-witted dinosaurs of old movies seem tame by comparison. The story and premise weren’t that bad either, with an almost Asimov theme to it, intriguing plot and colorful characters it makes me wonder why Jurassic Park is often overlooked by many sci-fi fans.

The 90s as a decade was much like the 80s, a few great films drowning in a sea of mediocrity. But despite this, there actually emerged some original ideas from the 90s: Dark City, the Matrix, Total Recall and the almost forgotten Thirteenth Floor. Many of the original themes of the 90s drew heavily upon a generation increasingly dependent on computers. Though, even these ideas were not completely original, having advanced concepts begun in the 80s, with Tron or War Games.

2000s Pending.

It would be easy of course to say that Serenity is the best sci-fi film of the 00s, but the decade isn’t over yet and, truth be told, I think Firefly was a much better TV show then a movie. I would give Serenity a thumbs up for one of the most original films of the 00s, and in a decade were sci-fi seems to be cut and past from previous films or total rehashing of old ideas, that’s saying a lot. There are still some good films that need to be considered before assigning a decade favorite.

A few other competitors that I think are promising would be Frequency, A.I., Minority Report, Final Fantasy, I,Robot, Terminator 3, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and The Island. A noteworthy potential is the upcoming Aeon Flux. If I had to pick one, I might be tempted towards Minority Report or The Island, both of which are reminiscent of classic science fiction of the 70s and early 80s in the vain of Logan’s Run or Blade Runner. I agree with some of the comments about Minority Report. Even if it was not particularly popular, I think it is destined for science fiction classicalness.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:21 PM


I think, after reading everyone's lists, that we are all pretty much in agreement that the best decades for consistent, quality sci-fi were the 70's and 80's. If you look at everyone's reasonings, those are the hardest decades for any of us to choose from.
Lets look at the lists:
70's -
Alien, Star Wars, ST:TMP, Logan's Run, Close Encounters, Clockwork Orange (didn't get my nod because the book was better, but what do you expect from a lit person???), Soylent Green, The Black Hole (kiddie flick-ish, but still excellent), etc., etc.

80's -
Aliens, SW:ESB, ST:TWoK, Blade Runner, Highlander, Terminator, E.T., WarGames, etc. etc.

Each of those movies is out there on someone's favorite list (thought not necessarily in this thread) with good reason. The 90's had a few bright spots, but I agree with Finn, it was more trash than quality for the decade as a whole, and much easier to pick a favorite from.

Lets hope Serenity is a good sign of what else is to come in the 00's.

Finn also mentioned Eternal Sunshine; I wasn't sure I considered it sci-fi (or Being John Malkovitch, another similar choice), but I did once hear Charlie Kaufmann called the greatest sci-fi person of this decade so far. I might have to rethink my 00's (but still not bending on Minority Report ).

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 PM



Originally posted by Tienshaoduh:
Does anybody know if the Island is worth watching?


"God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone." Number Six '33'
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan

A couple of posts up, I listed it as my favorite of the this decade, so I liked it.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:30 PM


Chris, always with the hard choices, and this one saying one to a customer. Ok, I'll play. This is one of my favorite games!

There have been some very good and unusual picks, and I like the idea of a runner-up list later when a certain amount of dust has settled.

50's Forbidden Planet
60's 2001
70's Star Wars: A New Hope
80's Blaaaderunner
90's 12 Monkeys
00's Serenity

and cuz it's just the way I am, straight on to the extremely silly (which is probably no surprise to anyone by now).

Favorite Arnie SF:
50's The Collected Home Movies
60's Conan the Barbarian, because I think this one was already in a movie timewarp
70's Hercules in NY
80's The Terminator
90's Total Recall
00's Govenor of CA

I'll be aaak with my runners up, but I want to add here that I really appreciated ECGordon's addition of earlier decades, particularly Metropolis, one of my all time favorites.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!






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