Who Reads Comic Books?????

UPDATED: Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:26
VIEWED: 12683
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:16 PM


The thread name is self explanatory, so the question is, if you read comics, what do you read and why? And if you don't, why don't you read them?

I read:
"The Walking Dead" (Image THE BEST EVER WRITTEN)
"Y: The Last Man" (Vertigo FUNNY AS HELL, with a kick ass storyline about the last man on earth and his pet monkey)
"Conan" (the new ones from Dark Horse)
"Fables" (Vertigo)
"Red Sonja" (the new ones from Dynamite Entertainment)
"Wolverine" (Marvel)
"30 Days of Night" (IDW)
"X-Men" (Marvel)
"Astonishing X-Men" (Marvel WRITTEN BY JOSS WHEDON )
"Sin City" (Dark Horse)
"Tomb Raider" (cancelled Top Cow comic)
"Serenity" (Dark Horse miniseries CO-WRITTEN BY JOSS WHEDON)

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:22 PM


Up until recently I was getting every X-Men related title via obsession.

Now however I'm down to all Ultimate titles except Spidey's (it's not bad, I just never got into it early enough). Uncanny X-Men, Batman, New Avengers.

And ofcourse the greatest comic being printed today...

Cable & Deadpool

...if you can read this without're dead


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:01 PM


That's all good, but you have to read more than the core Marvel/DC titles. There's so much more that is much better. Indie comics are usually the best, such as THE WALKING DEAD by Robert Kirkman. I only read Marvel stuff until the comic book store owner hounded me to read FABLES and THE WALKING DEAD, and I loved them! And I got hooked on CONAN by reading the 10 cent issue #0.

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:22 PM


in the 1980s I bought (and read before sending) comics for a friend who was over-seas...

when I got into Buffy I read Joss' comics:
Tales of the Slayer
Tales of the Vampire

and of course I read
Astonishing X-men

Joss is going to bring some more out for us, and I can't wait!
I also went to my first comic book convention ever last year (Chicago Wizard World when Joss was guest of honor) and I got into checking out a lot of new ones....
and some oldies, most recently:
Harvey Pikar's Our Cancer Year

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:33 PM


well, started reading comics when I first started reading. Old gold key,
Turok son of stone was a favorite as a kid. now moste X-books Ultimates, Batman, Green Arrow, JLA, Strangers in Paradise, Girls, Ultra, and more. Thats the list off the top of my head. Have been getting the manga for Battle Royale. The movie had Chiki K. From Kill Bill(gogo). After being blown away by her I looked into other movies she did. After Columbine finding this flick stateside is pretty hard.
I've always enjoyed the "escape from reality" comics lets me goto.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:26 PM


I read way to many comics, let see.

Tha Walking Dead(of course I've been reading that since #1 and the end of the last issue was, amazing)
I read Y too.
Seven Soldiers has been good
The Punisher
Fear Agent(Tony Moore does the pencils right now. Really great book if you like old style Sci-Fi)
Space Ghost (when that's out)
Invincible(great book, the guy who does walking dead does it)
Lets see more off the top of my head
New Avengers
Just started reading Astonishing X-Men(I had NEVER read an x-men book before that).
Fell-only 1.99 an issue, great book on Dark Horse.
And there are some more, just can't think of them right now.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:32 PM


I read a number of X-Books (but have dropped a few of the core ones recently as with recent events in the line I'm not getting what I want out of them anymore). Runaways is one of my favorite books (and when I mention it on a Whedon-related forum I always have to add that Whedon's also said he really enjoys it). Off the top of my head, Astonishing and Ultimate X-Men, New X-Men, New Excalibur, X-Factor (coming up), Cable & Deadpool, Batgirl, Teen Titans, Outsiders (for now, though I may drop post IC), Daredevil, probably a few others I'm forgetting. Of non-mainstream, there's Ex Machina, Sleeper (while it was going on, it's over now).

In TPB form I also get Y: The Last Man (attracted to it due to Runaways, same author), Powers, Ultimate Spider-Man, and a couple other titles.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through other worlds)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions
This week: My spoiler-free Serenity review


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:46 PM


Ex Machina is a great book. Have you ever checked out District-X. Really enjoyed that one. Shame they just ended it though.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:16 PM


I do and I bet I drop nearly 100 a month on books. I read almost every DC title there is and many smaller companies as well.
I dont collect any Marvel except Punisher ause it is written by Garth Ennis.
I used to have an extensive X-men collection but I dropped the book and wont touch it again. I They continue to put out such garbage and have in my humble opinion took a great thing and ruined it. I also stopped reading the mainstream marvel. Mostly cause I am tired of being forcefed wolverine in every title they have. I swear they have found a way to put that character in every title in some way. I used to like wolverine but not when I am force fed hm in every title. So I stoppped all my Marvel books and have never looked back and loved every minute of it so far.



Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:52 PM


I myself am an artist, so I tend to follow them from book to book. My problem is that I'm really finniky, and it gets worse as I get older. At 36 I'm at the point where I can't even follow a great artist if the book is crap, so I need both art and writing to be up to snuff.

I read:
Hellboy (when it actually comes out - Mignola is too busy doing too many other things)
Powers - that one might be my current favorite
100 Bullets - hmmm, maybe THAT one is my favorite
Blade of the Immortal - no wait, maybe THAT one is my favorite
Astonishing X-Men (Joss, of course - I've got the two trades but haven't actually read them yet)
Silent Dragon (have them but haven't read them either - I can't read stuff month to month, I forget what the hell is going on, so I wait til a whole story arch is done, then read them)
Ex Machina
The Goon
Daredevil (although I will quit that once Bendis and Maleev leave the book)
and whatever is being drawn by the following artists:
Alan Davis, Olivier Coipel, John Romita Jr, Rick Leonardi, Stuart Immonen, Chris Sprouse, J. Scott Campbell, Darwyn Cooke, Mike Weringo, and I'm sure there are a few others (some not mentioned are doing books listed above, like Mike Avon Oeming, Mike Mignola, and Edward Risso).

Past favorites include:
Akira, Appleseed, Batman Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, Daredevil Born Again, Bone, Groo, Kingdom Come, Nexus, The Pro, Frezzato's the Keepers of the Maser, Tom Strong, Weapon X, and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Seriously though, if you don't read 100 Bullets, start picking up the trades and get caught up - it's amazing. I've heard such things about Y-The Last Man but I can't seem to get onboard with the art. Hopefully I'll give it a try someday.

As for myself I am actually beginning on my own graphic novel (well, several graphic novels actually - all part of one story). One reason Firefly struck home with me so much is that it's the closest thing in tone to the story I've been dreaming of telling. Here's a link to a short story I did last year. It's a bit cramped (I would have liked to stretch the story out over another three or four pages, but I had to squeeze it down so it would fit the requirements for the anthology it was published in). My art is a hell of a lot better now as well, but it's an introduction to the character and the world he inhabits. The whole thing is sort of "Indiana Jones meets Lord of the Rings" - a whole cross genre thing much like Firefly. The new stuff I'm starting on is the character's whole chronicles and I think will be in color. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy:

There's a link at the bottom of each page that takes you to the next page. Long live comics! And Firefly/Serenity!

"I don't wanna explode."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:19 PM



Originally posted by iamaleafonthewind:
My art is a hell of a lot better now as well....

"a lot BETTER now"....sheesh, I'd like to see your work that you consider GREAT!!!

Thanks for that intro, it looks pretty good. I'll keep an eye out for ya.

I haven't been into comics since I was a kid and then it was mostly the Marvel/DC lines. I didn't have a good shop near me.

But the recent Sin City movie and the Serenity comics have gotten me interested in them again.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:25 AM


Nope. The odd thing is I'm a cartoonist. I'm even illustrationg one as we speak.

I'm a big fan of Asterix, and Spiro and Fantasio but I don't think they come under the traditional term of comic.

The Marvel/DC style irritate me enormously, I can never figure out the right way to follow the story and then there's the whole warped way of illustrating the figures - they've become so exagerated that they just look plain wrong to me...

However some are amazingly gorgeous to look at and these days the colouring is amazing, must take a team of colourists hours to do!

But ultimately they just don't lure me in.....



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:30 AM


By the way:


I love your style by the way. Very nice indeed!!! I'm mighty impressed...



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:45 AM


I'm surprised that you don't like the art in Y: The Last Man. Most people I talk to who read it, say that its some of the best art they have seen. Personally, I used to be really picky abou the art because thats the only thing you can really look at while flipping throught the book. But now I listen to feedback and reviews about books that have good writing, because to me, it's the most important thing in story. The Walking Dead, Conan, and "Y" are good examples of good writing, and I wish more books would be like them. I personally don't enjoy Marvel too much anymore because their stories just seem so stretched and unbelievable. Marvel was doing good back when Grant Morrison was on New X-Men and Greg Rucka was on Wolverine, because they made the characters so much more believable and made you care what happened. It's a shame that Rucka and Morrison don't get more respect for what they did on those books.

"I aim to misbehave."

"With our thoughts we make the world".


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:59 AM


I think the one book everyone should check out on Marvel right now is Captain America. The story right now has to be the best in the last decade if not more.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:28 AM


Is that the same cap who is now ptentially fighting bucky from the dead, similiar to last years Jason Todd Robin coming back from the dead in the HUSH storyline???



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:39 AM


^_^ I do! All current stuff or will be current.

*Anything by Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Astonishing, etc)
*Army of Darkness
*The Losers
*Arana: The Heart of the Spider
°Old School X-Men
*Fables (so terriblly behind unfortunately :( )

That's all I can think of on the top of my head.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:02 AM


Still, a good story is a good story.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:06 AM


I buy 2000AD and The Meg (Judge Dredd Megazine) religiously, have done for a long time. Iv given up on Marvel and DC. Im looking forwards to Dark Horses Knights of The Old Republic series that starts next year.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:36 AM


Hey Moose, thanks for the kind words.

Luckily, the plans for my little shindig won't require you to be able to find a comic shop. The industry is so mired down by business people taking all the money and a distribution system that delivers to only these select few specialty stores that I'm going to bypass that system entirely. I plan on self publishing the comic in trade paperback form and selling it at conventions and through internet locations, such as my own website, amazon, barnes and noble, and maybe another location or two. By doing it all myself I get to keep all the proceeds which means that I have to sell far fewer copies to start making a profit.

I also plan to make a lot of it available on my website or someone else's website (I've worked with before so they might be a potential fit) long before publishing, that way I can slowly build the audience I need to sell the trades once they're ready. I'll be starting a thread here once I've got enough stuff ready. People will be able to link over to whatever site it will be on and read it for free (some of it anyways - I may end up doing a thing where I would sell chunks of it as downloadable pdf files, for maybe a dollar or something - still cheaper than any comic). Hopefully the work will speak for itself and I can give Firefly fans something to hold their interest while we wait for more 'verse goodness.

Anyway, thanks again for the nice words.

"I don't wanna explode."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:38 AM


Well, the artwork for Y isn't bad, but it's not inspiring. And as a guy who draws for a living I tend to avoid any artwork that doesn't inspire me.

That being said, however, I caved and bought the first volume of Y today, so there you go. Now I've just got to find time to read it!

"I don't wanna explode."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:53 AM


That's awesome! I'll warn you though, Y: The Last Man is not the kind of "stand alone" story arcs. You have to read a couple of them (Trade Paperbacks) to start to finally appreciate it. I found the first one was OK, but it had that mystery and humour to it that appealed to me, and I had to buy the second one.

The comic book store owner warned me that Y: The Last Man is the only series where people come back and buy the whole run on TPB's. It's on TPB #6 right now and covers issues up to #36. Y: The Last Man is the only TPB besides THE WALKING DEAD that I eagerly await for.

By the way, you should check out THE WALKING DEAD. The first TPB is only $9.95 US ($12.95 Canadian), and contains six issues. The plus about DEAD is that you can take the zombies away from it, and it is still inspiring. It is the only heartfelt series out there that actually makes you feel something about the characters.

If you're a fan of Marvel (ugh), you should note that Robert Kirkman writes DEAD, and does an even better job on this series than any other series, and it is also the Top-Selling Indie comic out there, and is finally getting recognition it deserves. Its been nominated for various Eisner Awards (the comic book equivalent of an Oscar or Emmy).

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:05 PM


Yeah, I may get around to Walking Dead. One new title at a time. I like the idea that Y is an ongoing story - that is always a plus in my book.

It sounds to me from your tastes that you would really appreciate both 100 Bullets and Blade of the Immortal. Bullets is on its 8th trade and the whole story will take 100 issues. It's so well written and drawn, and while each story arc has it's own inner story, there is a complex bigger picture that is a continuously unfolding mystery, much like Firefly. Blade of the Immortal, on the other hand, starts out very violent (well, it stays that way actually) but gets very deep philosophically. I thought Akira might be the longest story I ever read, but Blade is already on it's 14th trade and shows no signs of being anywhere near its end. It's manga, by the way, black and white, put out by Dark Horse (and is about Samurai). I am constantly amazed by the complexity of the writing. It questions everything and seems to constantly play against the very things that are going on visually. Truely amazing stuff, both titles.

"I don't wanna explode."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:19 PM


oh. comics. *sigh*

i'm really not that big on them, except for one secret-

i . . . am . . . nigh . . . on ... obsessedwithfantasticfour. like, since i was ten. i have huge book collections of all the old stuff and i have each story memorized and colored in the black and white ones and half of my great vocabulary is from those books. not austen, dickens, whitman, lewis or macdonald- fantastic four.

wow. nice to have that off my chest!

i never saw the movie because i loathe jessica alba and dread the film's ability to take a great story and turn it into a bunch of pithy talking heads.

i'm thinking about getting the serenity ones though. i've just got to wait for the book of them to come out though. i heard that was a possiblity.

shakespeare: more words than God.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:19 PM


Ya, I've read 100 Bullets, but don't really care for it. I like crisp, clean art (like "Y", Fables, and Tony Moore on Walking Dead), and Bullets just doesn't give that. It's story may be interesting, but I like a continuous story about one set of characters, not a continually changing set. We have to pay a lot for comics here in Canada, and 100 Bullets #1 TPB cost $15.25, and Fables #4 TPB cost $28, so if you read around a dozen books or so like myself, it adds up.

I'm also a student, and thus have nearly no money because of the gross costs associated with textbooks ($100+ for a useless history book), and don't have to fit in anymore. I have a pile of comics (individual issues) piled a half foot high on my book shelf along with 8 TPB's to read (including WATCHMEN and JOHN CONSTANTINE TPB #1; which are HUGE), so I have a time issue too.

I'm not into Manga, in fact I nearly hate it (no offense or anything), but Blade of the Immortal looks interesting, but of course there's the money and time issue. But I will take your suggestions into consideration and next time my comic store (it's a new and small store, so they don't have a big stock yet) gets Blade in, I'll consider buying it highly.

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:25 PM



i never saw the movie because i loathe jessica alba and dread the film's ability to take a great story and turn it into a bunch of pithy talking heads.

Jessica Alba was the only plus to that movie, as she was the only thing worthwhile looking at. I got into FF for free, so I found it OK, but I'd never pay for it.

You should get SERENITY soon, if you want to get the individual issues, because they are getting rare to get (especially First Printings), and expensive too. But there is the Trade Paperback coming out in January for $9.95 US.

Go here for more info:

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:34 PM


I can appreciate your tight budget while yur in college but if a continuing storyline is what you like then 100 bullets may be up your alley. I thought like you but when you read it start to finish it is in perfect order and makes sense. It is a book that needs to be read in TPB to be fully apreciated.

Y is a great read as well. It has a few potholes where it isnt as exciting but it picks back up quickly and makes up for a slow ish here and there.

Another fun read is Fables, wich has a real nice spin on the fables and great characterization.

I have had a great year following DC infinite crisis series as well.

Walking dead is a book that is sooo much better in TPB. When you read ish to ish it it doesnt last long but in TPB it reads so much better and doesnt leave you jones-ing for the next months ish.

Maybe one of my favs right now is hero at large. It isnt good art but the story is amazing and it doesnt take itself to seriously.



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:50 PM


I read 100 Bullets on TPB form, but, well...meh. Ya, University takes money out of my pocket that I wish could be spent on comics, but oh well. The money I'll earn down the road will be of benefit for my collection, so it's worth it.

Fables, Walking Dead, and Y: The Last Man ALL read better in TPB, but it's the issues that keep them alive. But I do wish the trades would come out quicker, and be cheaper. A LOT CHEAPER.

Y: The Last Man makes up for the first 1.5 trades with #3-#5 (#6 was still good, but #3-5 were better).

Don't forget about CONAN. Conan is a great read as either monthly issues OR TPB's. The trades are cheap too. They're hard cover and cost only $28 Canadian for about 7 issues in all. There are currently 22 monthly issues, and 2 TPB's: The Frost Giant's Daughter (#1), and The God in the Bowl (#2).

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:18 PM


Yes I agree and love Conan books right now. I am even getting into Red Sonja cause it is a little edgy.

I will be honest though I am a huge DC whore. I really dig what there doing and they are shaking up their characters in a major way and even have killed some characters off. And not the XMen marvel killed off ( you know for like 6 months then they are alive again) kind of way either.



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:28 PM


Ya, Red Sonja is good, but it's delayed soooooo much. I was surprised by the "adult" depictions in issue #2, if you've read it yet and know what I mean. Just go to the fourth or fifth page and see for yourself.

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 7:24 PM


I don't want to push it too hard (I hate it when people push things on me too much, so I don't want to be a hipocrit), but I thought it worth mentioning that even though 100 Bullets LOOKS like it's a different set up all the time, once you're past the first couple of storyarcs there are certain characters that become very important and therefore are always around. And that becomes more and more the case as the arcs continue.

OK, I'll leave it alone now.

"I don't wanna explode."


Thursday, December 1, 2005 5:14 AM


Just thought people would want to know. The Walking Dead Harcover, covering issues#1-24(everything so far). Will be release within the month of december. It retails for $100. And the new Walking Dead TP came out yesterday.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:02 AM


I used to buy a bunch of comics every week. Right up until the end of July. Various titles, mostly DC, Dark Horse, and a few Dreamwave (before it died). Also a lot of manga.

Then I had to move to Cornwall. The ass-end of Canada. Our only "comic store" is actually a sports-cards/paraphernelia store with a couple of racks of Marvel titles.

The last comic I got was Serenity #1 (I found 2 & 3 in stores in other towns), online.

I'm gonna start ordering books online, now that I have income. Any suggestions of reliable, wide-selection online stores?

Especially something that carries IDW books; they're starting a new Transformers series.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:07 AM


I'd recommend Mile High Comics. They always do a good job whenever I order from them.

Take me out, to the black, tell them I ain't coming back.


Thursday, December 1, 2005 8:18 AM


I used to read a ton of comics... My favorite was


......or just about anything by Matt Wagner.

"Dear God In Heaven!" - Plastic Dinosaur


Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:13 AM


I just thought I would give honorable mention to The Simping Detective, a strip that has been running in the Judge Dredd Megazine over the past year. I REALLY cant stress how good this strip is. The art, the plots, the humor. I honestly think the 2000AD group may have hit gold and created a character that could outshine Dredd.

There wont be anyone more Simping Detective stories until next year but if you have it within your power I would suggest you check it out.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Thursday, December 1, 2005 1:17 PM



Originally posted by iamaleafonthewind:

Seriously though, if you don't read 100 Bullets, start picking up the trades and get caught up - it's amazing.

Well, based on your recommendations of 100 Bullets I did some research on it. Now that sounds like MY kind of story. I ordered the first 2 TPBs, hopefully I'll get them this weekend. It also reminded me of another reason I got out of comic books...$$$ But I figure that I can afford to get 2 TPBs a month so that'll get me caught up without killing my bank account.

Are ya happy now?!?!?


Thursday, December 1, 2005 3:23 PM


Do you think that's something that they might collect and sell as it's own trade paperback? I'd be willing to give it a look.

"I don't wanna explode."


Thursday, December 1, 2005 4:00 PM


I assure you, you wont be disappointed in that investment. I thought it was amazing. And look forward to it each month



Friday, December 30, 2005 4:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Hmm, where should I start?

Well, I used to read Astonishing Spider-man when it first started (Its a monthly UK comic which includes 3 issues in one - usually 2 modern issues and a classic). But I gave up when the clone saga went on and on

It was the announcment that Joss Whedon would be writing X-Men that got me reading comics again.

Now I read regularly:
Astonishing X-Men
The Ultimates 2
The New Avengers
Ultimate Iron Man
Astonishing Spider-man (UK)
the current Spider-man "The Other" 12 part series
Ultimate Spider-man I missed, so I've been buying the graphic novels
Kolchak: The Night Stalker (by Moonstone)
All Star Superman (DC) - Granted only one issues been out so far, but I was impressed enough to want the next one
Angel (IDW)

and you know what, there's probably more

I can't wait for the new Buffy comics by Joss and the next Serenity mini-series of course

Even though I've only started reading comics again for about a year, my favourite Graphic Novels so far are:
Joss Whedon's "Fray" - Superb!
Kolchak: Pain Without Tears - love it to bits
Superman: Secret Identity
Superman: Red Son
Daredevil: Guardian Devil

I recently bought V for Vendetta which I'm gonna read next, and the new Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk comic by (Alias co-creator) Damon Lindelof

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, December 30, 2005 3:45 PM


Children's librarians are loving the graphic revolution. lots of good stuff, like the Little Lit series, and whole publishers doing stuff in nonfiction and biog.


Friday, December 30, 2005 3:47 PM


My husband uses Mile High too.

I read Bone, Astonishing XMen, and Soulfire.

Does Captain Underpants count?

Lately I've been really into the art of the card games out there: Hack, SPANC, Munchkin, Killer Bunnies. Such fun and funny stuff.


Friday, December 30, 2005 7:40 PM


Used to collect & read comics -- now I stick to novels in the main. However, of course I had to own the Serenity series.

Prior collections (in the attic...)include:

Shaman's Tears
the Max

At the time, it was my opinion that Image & Dark Horse Comics series had much better illustrations than Marvel and I liked the stories better--fresh and more interesting IMO. Marvel has since then much improved their illustrations similar to Image. Don't get me wrong--I love the X-Men, Spiderman, and Batman just as much as the rest of the population --but preferably in motion picture form.
No flaming please! Just an opinion and answer to topic question. *ducks* Lol.

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Friday, December 30, 2005 8:12 PM


actually, i don't read comic books, but i've been itchin' to start. so i will read this thread, take notes, and thank you in advance.
you won't remember anyway


Friday, December 30, 2005 8:16 PM



actually, i don't read comic books, but i've been itchin' to start. so i will read this thread, take notes, and thank you in advance.

That's awesome! You should definitely start readin' comics. They're not for kids like most people think they are, and there is always something for everyone.

Just reply back with what genres and styles you're into, and I'll try to give you the best comic(s) to suit them.

"I aim to misbehave."


Friday, December 30, 2005 9:51 PM



occasionally i'll make one too!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Saturday, December 31, 2005 12:25 AM



Just reply back with what genres and styles you're into, and I'll try to give you the best comic(s) to suit them.

well, i can give you an idea of what i like outside of comic books. i've never read any of the xmen comics, but i love xmen. i used to watch the cartoon when i was in high school. joss writes xmen comics now, right? uh, i liked liquid television when i was in high school and watched all of the aeon flux shorts... is this giving you a good idea? i have no idea where to start. i read a lot of scifi books, like frank herbert and ray bradbury and stuff. i like a lot of the movies that are based on comic books. is that lame? i loved the tnt show witchblade -- did anyone watch that? i heard the comic was so much better than the show.

god, i feel so remedial. sorry guys, i'm trying to give you an idea. i like supernatural stuff, space stuff. does this help at all?
help me. i'm all ears.

thanks so much.
you won't remember anyway


Saturday, December 31, 2005 9:11 AM



i like supernatural stuff, space stuff. does this help at all?
help me. i'm all ears.

Well I can think of a few:

Serenity (the 3-part miniseries from Dark Horse).

Astonishing X-Men (the new series from Joss Whedon, although its been on indefinite hiatus for about five months now, with no end in site).

Aeon Flux (the 4-part miniseries from Dark Horse, based on the movie).

New X-Men by Grant Morrison (issues 114-154, plus an annual). It's old stuff from a few years back, but in my opinion, it's the best X-Men stories in a long while.

Fables (from Vertigo, it has to be one of the top five comics out there right now. It's about all the classic fables characters from the old stories and are actually real and living in modern day NYC).

Watchmen by Alan Moore-widely considered the best comic ever written. A must read for any comic book fan.

The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, from Image Comics. It's a zombie comic that isnt really even about zombies. Widely considered to be the best indie comic out right now. Some of the best writing I've ever seen. Worth a look.

Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan. Hilarious and thought provoking. Centres around the last man on Earth and his pet monkey, who are the only two creatures to be a male on the planet.

"I aim to misbehave."


Saturday, December 31, 2005 11:33 AM


thanks! i will check all of those out. i just picked up v for vendetta by alan moore. it is really good. i wanted to read it before the movie came out, but i really like his writing a lot.
thank you, thank you!
you won't remember anyway


Saturday, December 31, 2005 4:57 PM


violetrix, there are also a few miniseries you might want to check out:

Night Mary (IDW Publishing)
30 Days of Night (IDW Publishing)
Dark Days (IDW Publishing)- 30 Days of Night sequel
Remains (IDW Publishing)
Samurai: Heaven and Earth (Dark Horse)
Batman: The Dark Night Returns (DC)
Top 10 by Alan Moore (America's Best Comics)

"I aim to misbehave."






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