Your reaction? [Serenity Spoiler]

UPDATED: Thursday, December 22, 2005 02:55
VIEWED: 12752
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Monday, December 19, 2005 2:53 PM


What was your reaction to Wash's death? (I should have known Joss Whedon would kill him, but it was completely unexpected and sudden, which I'm sure was the intent.) I was almost in tears, howling "Nooooooooo! You can't kill WASH!!!! What about Zoe? And who's gonna fly the ship? can't!"
Anyway, just curious to see if anyone else reacted as crazily as I did. :)


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:04 PM



Originally posted by iheartwash:
I was almost in tears, howling "Nooooooooo!

Dude, I had tears streaming down my face!!!!!
And again at the end of the movie!!!!!!!
I cried harder than when I saw Spock die in '82!

And what's worse, I just took the FF character test, AND I'M WASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Choked up Chrisisall


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:10 PM


I saw Serenity at a rough cut in February. Well before there was even hint that the ending might be contentious.

Book - not too surprised actually. He always had a feel of "dead meat" to him. But then the ship crash landed and... bam.

I felt like someone had struck me in the chest with a hammer. And then Zoe got sliced... and Jayne got hit... and then Kaylee... and BAM Simon was down... saying his goodbyes... and I was fixed in my seat thinking "Oh my god, he's going to kill everybody." I literally believed Joss was going to kill them all off.

Didn't see it coming. I would have put him about 8th or 9th in likelihood of dying in the movie. Just goes to show; with Joss, you never know.


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:17 PM


Honestly, when I first saw Serenity, I hadn't yet seen the series, so I wasn't as emotionally involved.
Tears in my eyes, yes, but not overwhelmed.

Then, in the course of three days, I watched the entire Firefly DVD set and headed back to the theater.

BAWLED. Tears streaming down my face. How dare Joss kill him? Why WASH? Wash, the most innocent of the entire crew? The least likely to have been any sort of threat... well, except Kaylee.

HOW dare he?
Oh, yeah. That's exactly why he dared. Jayne, Zoe, Mal, always in the line of fire.
Wash. Not so much. He was universally likeable, as was Book. They were lambs to the slaughter for the generation of righteous anger.

I have to say now that I'm just as offended by Joss killing Wash as I am over PJ killing Haldir. And that's saying alot.


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:19 PM


It put me on the edge of my seat. I honestly don't remember what anyone else in the theatre was doing or saying. I think I was in shock a bit.

On subsequent viewings, I got to hear the deafening chorus of gasps around me. A lot of new Browncoats bein' made then-and-there.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:20 PM


iheartwash wrote, in part:

...I was almost in tears, howling "Nooooooooo!..."

Dude(ette?)... I totally had a Star Wars Revenge of the Shith, Frankenvaderesque moment reading your post. Did buckets of popcorn and garbage pails of soda suddenly implode all around the theatre as you cried out in agony at Wash's death?

More importantly, did your evil master try to make you believe it was all your fault, that you had done it?



Look at the bright side: At least they didn't whisk your kids away to the other side of the universe, without even letting you know you had kids. Sheesh. Sympathetically, Darth.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:25 PM


My friends and I discussed this for DAYS on end, who would die.

We dismissed Wash right off the bat. (All of us were Joss virgins) Because you can't kill the funny pilot.

Then I got into a preview screening. Book was sad, but we all saw it coming. I thought that was it.


Oh lordy, I BAWLED. I didn't just cry, I made the little crying gasps when people BAWL. I completely zoned out the audience then.

I was in shock for about three days.

And on top of all that I had to keep quiet to my friends.

P.S To all those in the preview screenings: wasn't the whole theatre gasp the greatest sound ever?



Monday, December 19, 2005 3:36 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Did buckets of popcorn and garbage pails of soda suddenly implode all around the theatre as you cried out in agony at Wash's death?

More importantly, did your evil master try to make you believe it was all your fault, that you had done it?

Funny, but RAWR. Someone feeling a bit mean today?

I didn't scream at the top of my lungs - quietly enough for the people I was with to hear me.

And the movie theater I was in had...maybe ten people in it. (I live on an Air Force Base in Germany - it was mostly young airmen with nothing to do or wanting to see fights.)

~Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!~


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:41 PM


Zoid, Shith aside, didja cry? Or did you do what I did in Matrix: Revolutions and just go cold, kinda putting emotion in the background while assessing if I wanted to let it get to me (which I decided I definitly didn't; I felt it was too manipulative in a cliched way)...?

Chrisisall, call it my 'need to know'...


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:47 PM


I actually laughed. I guess that's kind of a nervous self protective reaction to shocking things. In actuality, Wash's death was done kinda funny. The only thing that might have made me laugh harder would've been if Kaylee got decapitated.


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:54 PM


I hadn't seen the series yet when I saw the movie. As I've stated on this site before, I was an unfortunate and didn't know about the show when it was on. So, as someone stated before, I didn't have the emotional attachment to the character Wash. However I've seen Alan Tudyk in other things before, and he's always been a favorite of!!

When that part came up, there was the chorus of GASPS that I heard (obviously from all the Browncoats in the audience), but I was the only one who yelled. I screamed, "NO!" and sounded much like Luke Skywalker did when he witnessed Darth Vader kill Obi know, a short yet loud scream full with voice cracking.

Yeah, that was me.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, December 19, 2005 6:59 PM


i remember after the first screening in april, reading a spoiler online by accedent that wash and book were gonners, and for some reason i didnt let myself believe it and forgot about it. then i saw an advanced screenign three weeks before September 30th. I was clenched to my seat, shocked in disbelief, i remember jumping back into my seat (cuz i had been on the edge during the crash thinking "oh my poor ship!" and then bam. i just shook my head, i remember gasping out loud. all in all i was use to death cuz i'm a joss fan, so i dont know why i didnt expect one of my BDH's to die. honestly, i love book, but his death i was sad, but not too shocked. But I just remember being in such shock, and the teers were slowly falling down my face. but then, when they are regrouping and Kaylee says "Wait Wash. Where's Wash" that's when the waterworks happened. and i too thought that Joss was gonna kill everyone. oh, and then on opening weekend i saw it twice, and the shock was still there, still jumping and gasping and everything. i think that shows how good a movie it really is. cuz when your watching it, you just forget that you watched it before. it is such a great movie, and tomorrow cant get here soon enough! i cant wait to show it to my few friends who havent seen it yet!


"Been more'n a year since I had anything twixt my nethers didn't run on batteries!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:02 PM


actually alex21, the preview screening i saw, had a bunch of people who had seen it in april, or they were not fans, jsut press, so the shock was not as loud, but it was so amazing the two times i saw it on opening weekend, cuz that's when the whole theater did either the "gasp" or "omg" or "wtf?!" or "no!" or "ah!" all at the same time! it is a feeling i will never forget!

"Been more'n a year since I had anything twixt my nethers didn't run on batteries!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:17 PM


I had seen the series, and was emotionally attached to all the characters ( especially Mal, I gotta admit it) but I wasn't prepared for any deaths! I wasn't a Joss fan before, I didn't know about his "sudden and innocent death" thing.

When Wash was killed I whispered with tears running down my face..."No, no no, it can't be..." ( this is what my Mom tells me.) I remember crying, but I don't remember saying anything.

Then I was afraid that everyone would die... I was scared witless for all of them.

The second time my Mom and I went, she kept muttering "I can't look, I can't look..." during that part. I was just struck dumb, even the second time, my heart was just broken.

The third time, I was captured by what the lady sitting in front of me to the right was doing... she was quietly sobbing on her husbands shoulder, it was so touching that I started crying. She was mourning Wash, like he was a member of her family.

"You gave up everything to find me, and you found me broken." River


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:29 PM


I hadn't seen the Firefly series either, and since Serenity was the only good looking movie out, I chose it.

When Wash died, it was so sudden. I was like "OMG." in my head. What got me too, which was mentioned above, was when Kaylee asked where he was.

Then I bought the Firefly set, and knowing that Wash and Book were since deceased made it like watching one of those "captures," if you will. Like a photo album of all the happy, and not so happy, times. Then I felt like:

Drunks are so cute.


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:31 PM


Well, I just kinda sat there. I loved Wash, so much. He was just such an awesome character, and when that happened, it felt like I just got kicked in the you-know-where. Complete with the sick feeling in my stomach that lasted for the rest of the film. I kinda wanted to cry, but I honestly couldn't get it out. I felt sick right to my stomach and just... angry.

And then everyone started dropping.
BAM Jayne
BAM Kaylee
BAM Simon


Monday, December 19, 2005 7:54 PM


A state of shock for about 5-10 seconds, a glance over to my wide-eyed friend who was in a similar state, and then the thought started rushing through my head: Did that really just happen? I was mildly acceptant of Book's demise but at the point of Wash's death my mind started grinding its gears, looking for some sort of way in which they'd both end up alive at the end of the movie. Alas such thoughts became obviously too tacky to work: it was all a dream, clones, magical flying cows that grant you two wishes were among such aggrieved ponderings. Once these possibilities were expelled from my logical thoughts, the realisation that he was dead set in. Consequentially the rest of the movie was wonderful, and yet so very tainted by the stench of the beloved character's death.

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:29 PM


I saw Serenity at a rough cut in February. Well before there was even hint that the ending might be contentious.

Book - not too surprised actually. He always had a feel of "dead meat" to him. But then the ship crash landed and... bam.

I felt like someone had struck me in the chest with a hammer. And then Zoe got sliced... and Jayne got hit... and then Kaylee... and BAM Simon was down... saying his goodbyes... and I was fixed in my seat thinking "Oh my god, he's going to kill everybody." I literally believed Joss was going to kill them all off.

Didn't see it coming. I would have put him about 8th or 9th in likelihood of dying in the movie. Just goes to show; with Joss, you never know.


That was beautiful.


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:34 PM


My reaction was: "CRAP! I wish I hadn't clicked on that link!! AAARGH!!"

(I failed to notice a spoiler tag and had that particular moment ruined for me several weeks before the debut of the film)



Monday, December 19, 2005 8:34 PM


I actually was more disappointed in Book's death. They went to all that trouble to give him a secret past, then kill him off.


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:42 PM


I was completly shocked it was like being hit from behind with a shovel or something. Im still broken up about it. Its just horrible. Who will care for the dinosaurs?!


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:05 PM


My reaction was: "Interesting, Wash seems to be dead, how unfortunate." I then did a mind meld, recharged my power node, and updated my logic chip.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:26 PM


My reaction was also of shock and total lack of comprehension. I have no idea how the rest of the theater reacted. I remember gasping and staring at that tree sized spike, and the thought "how can he live through that" actually flashed in my mind for a moment. I think I said something clever like "bu...wha?" and looked over at my friend who looked back, also in disbelief w/ an expression that seemed to say "did that just happen?".

"She understands, but she doesn't comprehend."


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:46 PM


I didn't know anything and it was quite unexpected. But after all I think it was the best possible character death 'cause we will remember it forever. The death of Book was a bad joke compared to this.

I still fail to see the point of it for the story though. Frankly I think Joss wrote himself into a corner there and just wanted to get rid of Wash.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:13 AM


chrisisall wrote:

Zoid, Shith aside, didja cry?...

First off, to iheartwash, I was just being playful. Like I always tell my son, "Remember, it's only a movie. The actor's still alive and performing in Spamalot on Broadway."

Don't take that the wrong way. I've been head over heels in love with Firefly since the first episode aired on F*x, and I am very serious about my commitment to it. But, we've gotta be able to laugh at ourselves a little bit, or else we wind up being a bunch of fascists, instead of freedom-loving Independents. When you said, "Noooooo!", Annakin-On-Stilts was my first thought. (NB: Sorry if that spoils SW:RotS for anybody.)

Naw, I didn't cry for Wash, 'cuz who had time to cry? The movie zipped straight past it. Hell, even Zoe never cried for Wash. If that had been my wife impaled in the pilot's seat, Malcolm would've had to shoot me to get me to leave her side. I guess my emotional reactions could best be summed up (in order) as: shock, disbelief, dismay, disheartenment. I'm still working on acceptance. I'll get back to you, if I ever attain it.

As I wrote in another thread, hereabouts, the only thing that would make up for Wash's death a little bit, would be if Zoe is pregnant with Wash's child in the sequel. We all know how desperately she wants "to meet that child", according to HoG. The lost opportunities for both Wash and Zoe are the only things that haunt me about Serenity.

Well, that and never getting to truly discover who Book really is [/Niska voice].



Member USAF '86 - '00. Because service to your country -- and the people who live there -- is everyone's duty.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:26 AM


I was shocked and upset, despite the fact I already had it spoiled for me.

and just because Book is dead, doesn't mean we can't find out his past, it's not like there was really much chance of Book flat out telling them anyway, so not much change there.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:05 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
When you said, "Noooooo!", Annakin-On-Stilts was my first thought. (NB: Sorry if that spoils SW:RotS for anybody.)

RotS is pre-spoiled. Goof all you want, my friend.

FFFan, but not fanatic Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:54 AM


I didn't cry or anything, but I think this was mostly because I knew all about it beforehand. It was entirely spoiled for me. I even knew how it was gonna happen. So I walked in the first time and just listened to everyone else's reactions, cuz I had made my peace with it already. There was shocked gasps and cries, and I actually heard one person say, "OMG, they did NOT just do that!" But I have to admit, at the end of the movie when I saw Wash's dinosaurs still on the dashboard (or whatever you wanna call it), I did tear up then. Bastards.

Anyway, in each of my next two viewings, people gasped in shock and cried out at that instant every single time. There was even people talking afterwards how they couldn't believe that "he was killed." I'm assuming Wash, cuz Book's death was classic movie death. It didn't really impact people.

"Sir, you actually said 'wink, wink'. I don't think that -"
"Oh, you'd be surprised."

"Yes, the new plan will STILL involve rocket skates."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:31 AM


Having not seen a single episode or even heard of Firefly before I saw Serenity, his death didn't bother me much. Sure he was a cool character, but (to quote the bad guy), he had a good death and a great death scene.

Have since watched every episode at least twice (some multiple times) and I know when I get the DVD today and watch his death again it will pain me to no end. Wash is (or was) a great character, one half of the comedy team (the other being, of course, Jayne) that makes this show so memorable and re-watchable. If this were Star Trek, there might be hope of seeing him again in the Nexus or something (blah!). Prequels maybe? Okay, bad word - prequel, I know (thanks George Lucas!), but I still like to have a little hope.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:42 AM


I agree with BROWNCOATER Books Death is more devastating...He has a secret past (possibly alliance)Wash was a fine character but he was more comic relief then anything and all of the Characters are funny...Plus it seems Mal ,River or first mate Zoe can fly the ship...Or they could replace the pilot...
It was sad to see both of them go..


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:35 PM



Originally posted by ShepardGhost:
Who will care for the dinosaurs?!

That's what I thought when I saw all the little dinosaurs left on the...control panel thingy. It was also quite sad to see that Zoe didn't even cry - guess that's her character, but still.
Stupid Joss. He killed

Select to view spoiler:

Anya (my favorite Buffy character)

as well! Stupid senseless death. Stupid war.


Originally posted by zoid:
chrisisall wrote:

Like I always tell my son, "Remember, it's only a movie. The actor's still alive and performing in Spamalot on Broadway."

Well, not now that Hank Azaria is back. I saw Spamalot with Alan, and he was fantastic...some people have said he's even better than Hank, though I've no basis for comparison. I'm sure they're both equally talented.

~Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!~


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:40 PM


Books death didn't faze me at all other than annoyance for the cliche death scene.

EG: OK, I've survived JUST long enough to pass on the important message. Oh look, a doctor. Thud. "He's dead Jim!"

Wash, on the other hand. Wow! Totaly unexpected. Felt like I got kicked in the chest when that spike came through the window.

Just kind of lost track of what was happening for a minute or two after that. Mind spinning with possibilities. Was it an optical illusion? Could he have really survived somehow? Nope. Damn.

All of a sudden, everyone was in danger. Who is gonna get killed next? Are they all gonna die? Will they even succeed in getting the message out?

All of a sudden everything was in doubt. I didn't like that Wash died but it allowed for something I've never felt for "heroes" in a movie before. Real fear that they just might not make it.

Every other movie I ever saw, I KNEW the hero would succedd. You just DO, cause THAT'S THE FORMULA! After Wash got killed, I wasn't 100% sure any more.

I figured the message would still get out cause I didn't think Joss would be so mean to let them completely fail but there was still that seed of doubt. I wasn't sure who if anybody would get out alive. There was always the chance even Mal could send the message as a dying action. Kind of like pushing the button at hte end of O-O-G but succeeding this time - Or maybe NOT! No Zoe available to back him up this time if he didn't quite make it...

That is not easy to do and make it work so well in a hollywood action movie format.

I gained some respect for Universal beacause they let him do it. That had to be an interesting meeting when Joss had to sell them the idea that a main character gets killed. It just aint done.

Gotta respect Joss for that alone if nothing else.



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:51 PM


When I went to see Serenity with my mum, there was a Browncoat sittin' right behind me. How do I know this is true? She cackled when Kaylee told Mal off ("Tell that to Inara!"), seemed to understand every little nuance, gasped when River went "SODMIGSOFDMIOASIMADOMDAIMFSODGOMMMGGGGGFRUITYOATYBARS!?"...

Not to mention full out crying when Wash died. Hearing her crying, I was compelled to shed a tear or two. I mean, Wash was my favorite character. Funny AND smart, as opposed to Jayne. He was blonde. Funny. Married to a warrior woman. Innocent as Kaylee. Disbelief, one might say, the Browncoat and me both.

Then dear Lord, it looked like Joss was gonna kill everyone, including my beloved River and Inara, and I was -about- to leave the theater (I get slightly emotional when confronted with mass beloved character death, though I'm no Joss virgin) when River started to kick ass. Hope. Ah, shining hope...

Anyways, I gave my two cents, time to shut up.

Insert pithy witticism here.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:02 PM


Am i the only one who thinks the killing of Wash made the rest of the movie kind of sour? I just couldn't seem to get any enjoyment out of the last minutes of the movie because of it. Wash is quite simply my favorite character in the verse, and I still firmly believe that killing him off was a mistake.

When Firefly is airing again, I just hope they do some cheesy soap turn and get his identical twin on board (or maybe they somehow clone him), cause Firefly without Wash = Poo!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:50 AM


Ah, Sic, that would be a huge, huge mistake. It would make all the angst that every single Browncoat went through obsolete, worthless, a sham. Even though Wash's death is evil, terrible, horrible, and all manner of unwelcome, what's done is done.

No use cryin' over spilt milk, even if it makes you feel better. Or not.

Therefore, Wash is dead, he ain't comin' back, but dear Lord, let Zoe be pregnant with his child.

As for the sour-making, yeah, it really does bite like that. Perhaps through repeated watching, the pain will numb...

Insert pithy witticism here.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:01 AM


It was so sudden, I never saw it coming. Mind you'd I'd avoided all spoilers or talk about the upcoming movie, so I could see it all 100% fresh and new. For the first few seconds, I couldn't even believe it, but as Wash's death sank in, it added an extra depth of emotion for the remainder of the movie.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:54 AM


My last post was kind of not entirely serious. Of course I don't want a cheese extravaganza in an eventual new FF series, but the way I see it now is jaded because of my thoughts on Wash' death. IMHO, his death would have worked like a bloody charm if I weren't a fan of the series. Meaning, it feels like Joss kinda sold out on the series to make the film better on it's own.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:28 PM


When I saw that big gorram stick make its unkind way through the pilot's chest, I was thunderstruck. I don't cry, I really don't, but right then, I came closer than I have in years. I too believed that Joss was going Douglas Adams on the crew of Serenity, wrapping it all up by killing off pretty much everygorrambody.
I had to avoid a friend of mine who was planning to see the movie after the opening night for three days, simply so I wouldn't give away that bombshell.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:20 PM


Joss and Alan had already decided Wash was going to die before a movie was even made. Wash was going to die in season 2 if Firefly had stayed on.

So, no, Joss did not sell out the movie by killing Wash.

"What'd y'all order a dead guy for?"
Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:45 PM


I saw Serenity on opening day, and I had watched the series on SciFi over the summmer, and bought the boxset a couple weeks before the movie came out. When Wash died, I think I may have actually shrieked in the theatre. I mean first Book dies and then Serenity CRASHS! There's this one shot of Serenity barrelling down the runway and one of her engines gets smashed off and I thought I was going to loose it. Then there was that one quiet moment after they stopped, and I could feel the entire audience letting out their communal breath when BOOM, harpoon. I don't think I actuallly cried until the funeral scene, but I know I was still crying when I left the theatre.
I've seen the movie over a half a dozen times since then, and I still gasp and/or cry everytime it gets to that part. It's just hearbreaking.

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:55 PM


okay, i was crushed. wrote a whole thread about it, like everyone else in the gorram verse. i still love Joss and I'm still obsessed with firefly and serenity. i'm hoping wash ain't gone, but that's just my eternal denial going into action. My primary thought is that Joss could bring wash back as a ghost. now before ya shoot this down. listen to the second part. Wash comes back as a ghost that only river can see. Just think about it! River is a reader (a pshycic). Wash couldn't leave Zoe yet. He didn't get to say goodbye. Therefore, Wash has a reason to stay behind, and River, as a reader, can talk with and see him, without it being cheesy or too far out to be real. And any ghost Joss does (and he has done them before) is not going to be a Hollywood ghost, glowing all around. If you've ever seen Joss do ghosts, you'll know that he does them well. The ghost concept wouldn't be great just by itself, but if only River can see and hear him, that would be just the twist we would need. THis probably won't happen, but it's nice to dream.

Lots of feelings, emotions, and ideas for bringing him back or leaving him dead are summed up in this thread:

Check it out and keep flyin'

"I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar"
Wash, you were the best gorram pilot in the verse. Rest in Peace (and then come back again!!!)


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:57 PM



Originally posted by Browncoater:
Joss and Alan had already decided Wash was going to die before a movie was even made. Wash was going to die in season 2 if Firefly had stayed on.

LIES AND SLANDER!...OK, emotions aside, where did you find this out? That's terrible. Joss needs to take some happy pills or something to STOP. KILLING. CHARACTERS I LOVE. (He enjoys it, too. Grr...argh.)


Originally posted by engineangel:
My primary thought is that Joss could bring wash back as a ghost.

Yes, except now you've jinxed it! AUGGGH!!

~Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!~


Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:55 AM


Oh yeah. I cried. As pathetic as that may sound. Ha

Just like Joss to kill someone I love off the show (well, in this case, movie)






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