Continueing Firefly Legacy

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 17:26
VIEWED: 5056
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:06 PM


I believe that we fans have enough belief in our Serenity to make this happen. Just look at how long Star trek ran the shows it spawned and all the movies?? With Joss vision and the fans devotion why should Firefly not live forever. The life in the 'verse does not stop. Firefly is strong and Joss belief in this show is a testamont to this. I believe that we will see more firefly....



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:12 PM


Yeah, but Star Trek had a bigger fanbase (until B&B drove them away in droves with crap like Voyager and Enterprise), and all of the Star Trek movies had bigger box office takes than Serenity. The last one, Nemesis (considered a flop) made more than Serenity did in theaters!

Sorry, but I want Firefly to be as big as Trek was too, but it's not! Yeah, DVD sales still might save the franchise, but I'm not getting my hopes up again. Too many fair weather fans dissed the movie because it took risks. They wanted predictable, like Star Trek, and didn't get it. Which may be why it will never be as big as Trek was. There's no pathetic Genesis Device to bring our dead heroes back! Shame on the fans that walked away because of that! Maybe Firefly is just too good for the masses to understand, including some of our own!!!!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:49 AM


I was under the impression that Voyager was very successful, at least keeping the fanbase if not making it grow. I know it was the first ST series I watched every week without fail.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:08 AM


There was nothing wrong with Voyager. It's problem was the same problem suffered by every Star Trek series except the original: It takes 3 seasons to get good. Enterprise's 4th season was brilliant.

Doesn't hold a candel to our 14 and 1 movie though :D.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:05 AM


I do believe, I do believe, I do believe.........

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:31 AM


Ah, but prior to The Wrath of Kahn, Star Trek was in a similar position. Star Trek II was slated to be the final Star Trek ever. All the actors, producers, writers, etc. were planning II to be the Star Trek swan song (one of the reasons Spock had to die). With a minimal fan base (at the time) and the nominal success of the first film all involved figured Trek was past it's time and over.

Then Nicholas Myer came in, made a few radical changes and directed what is arguably the best Star Trek film ever made. The film grossed huge profits and the fan base swelled immensely. Suddenly Trek as back from the brink, a third film was planned and inevitabely a new series was concieved and the rest is history, 4 television series' and 8 more feature films not to mention hundreds of books, games, etc.

So there is always hope.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:07 AM


Actually, now that I think about it, the similarities are striking.

> Star Trek, a show well ahead of its time, was screwed over by greedy TV execs and cancelled (albiet it got three seasons as opposed to a half season).
> In syndication, Trek kindled a growing audience (many of whom never experienced Trek in its original run) and a culture of trekkies began to emerge.
> A feature film was made, met with a lukewarm reception but again, the ever-growing fan base kept hope alive and a sequel was made that would not only save the franchise but launch it into ventures no one ever dreamed of.

Could it happen for Firefly?


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:31 PM


How about a different comparison?

Highlander- First movie= Brilliant.
Second film=
Third film= Highlander; The Remake
And then SIX YEARS of the series.!!!!!
1st season-tepid
2-4 seasons - Pretty Okay with a few spectacular moments.
Season 5 = Good
Season 6 =

And then a FOURTH Film = okay, it was dogmeat, but it had Methos in it. (and we all know that's why I saw it 3 times in the theater, right?)

Then a spin-off television show, "The Raven"

Now, the FIFTH Film, and, hopefully the beginning of an all new trilogy, just finished filming in Lithuania.

If something as Okay as Highlander can get SIX seasons and five films, why the heck can't we get more seasons and another film for something as absolutely BRILLIANT as Firefly?


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:51 PM


Try e-mailing the Sci-Fi people to help get the ball rolling.

Demand more Firefly, maybe they will wake up.

Well, here I am.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:53 PM


How about we compare the Firefly/Serenity's situation to itself?

The original Browncoat's story is the extreme of the extreme; 11 aired episodes parlayed into a critically acclaimed motion picture.

As a relatively newbie to the Firefly phenomenon, I discovered the series just weeks before the BDM hit theaters. We all know the old school Brownies will never say die, so I feel the onus is on us new converts to match their fervor. If they can turn the series DVDs into the touchstone for the movie, we have to turn the movie DVD sales into the touchstone for the sequel. And grant we have more to work with. Serenity may have disapointed but it was by no means a flop, with worldwide box office coming a couple mil' short of even. In contrast Firefly was bleeding Fox dry when it was on air.

With new converts coming aboard everyday, I know we can do this...I know we can do the impossible again!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:10 PM


Well said, Ethan!
Never give up. The original Browncoats, may they be blessed, gave so many of us the opportunity to discover Firefly through their sheer determination.
It's up to us new ones to match their fervor and help keep Serenity flying!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:21 PM


Ethan is right, altho I'm not sure I would refer to myself as a 'Brownie'...
but it has never been an onerous duty.

Firefly was cancel in Dec 2002
and Joss went to work immediately
the fans were still waiting for the Firefly DVDs to be released (Dec 2003)
when Universal said they would make a movie (Sept 2003)
while we enjoyed our beautiful DVD sets
we worried about whether all 9 of the BDHs would be in the movie

THEN the movie started filming!
There were Browncoats who got hired at extras,
and shared stories with the rest of us.

So it has never been dull...and I am confident that Joss will never let it become dull
He posted online twice yesterday,
and he will again and again...
he'll get a new set of 'Serenity' comics out in 2006

And I'm hoping that by this time next year
Universal will have green lit the BDS

you just gotta believe, and then enjoy the ride

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:46 PM


I think all of you make some good points..And I like to see the positive attitude of the original post...I also am disappointed by the luke-warm response to the film by some of the die-hard fans..Myself being a new convert i am in debt to them for the support they showed for Firefly and the miracle they pulled off by getting Serenity made..They hung in there when things appeared far worse then hopeless..Very impressive...But like MACBAKER said they are dissing the movie because Joss took risks..The two complaints that keep popping up are How could he kill off ---- and ---- ... And people seem to have wanted the movie to be 10 hours longer ...These both seem incredibly weak to me...All of my favorite scifi films killed off some important characters (Star Wars,Lord of the Rings,Alien,Aliens,Matrix etc....) The second complaint makes no sense if he threw in every thing that people like from the series the movie would be at least 12 hours long..12 hour movies wouldn't do to well these days...I would go but most new fans would not...
I also agree with the other new convert who wrote that the newbies should take it from here because the die-hard browncoats have done enough..They certainly have but i wish some of them would understand that Serenity is a feature film not season 2 of Firefly...Joss made a great film take it for what it is not what it is not...



Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:46 PM



Originally posted by geejake:
I think all of you make some good points..And I like to see the positive attitude of the original post...I also am disappointed by the luke-warm response to the film by some of the die-hard fans..Myself being a new convert i am in debt to them for the support they showed for Firefly and the miracle they pulled off by getting Serenity made..They hung in there when things appeared far worse then hopeless..Very impressive...But like MACBAKER said they are dissing the movie because Joss took risks..The two complaints that keep popping up are How could he kill off ---- and ---- ... And people seem to have wanted the movie to be 10 hours longer ...These both seem incredibly weak to me...All of my favorite scifi films killed off some important characters (Star Wars,Lord of the Rings,Alien,Aliens,Matrix etc....) The second complaint makes no sense if he threw in every thing that people like from the series the movie would be at least 12 hours long..12 hour movies wouldn't do to well these days...I would go but most new fans would not...
I also agree with the other new convert who wrote that the newbies should take it from here because the die-hard browncoats have done enough..They certainly have but i wish some of them would understand that Serenity is a feature film not season 2 of Firefly...Joss made a great film take it for what it is not what it is not...


There is very little for me to say that wasn't covered in the above note. Well done. People die, now lets move on. Plus, there is a new article in SFX with Joss where he says if there was a Serenity 2 he would love to bring Book back as well as Jubal Early. Remember it is sci-fi. I also think a TV show and Film are different beasts. Firefly the series had 14 hours to tell its story where Serenity had 1 hour and 59 minutes. Time will show this is a classic scifi Movie.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:44 PM



Originally posted by geejake:
And people seem to have wanted the movie to be 10 hours longer ...
The second complaint makes no sense if he threw in every thing that people like from the series the movie would be at least 12 hours long..12 hour movies wouldn't do to well these days...

I'd have preferred a 24-hour long movie.

Course, something that long would have to be broken up.

Say, into hour-long increments.

And shown on television.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:26 PM


i will take Serenity in any form. Star Trek was a good point as it took over 10 years between series finale of ST to make the first ST movie. Serenity is the best sci fi out there. I would have to say better than star trek. Firefly has vision, heart, humor and plain old charm.. The characters are flawed humans who are just trying to survive.







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