Serenity is my favourite film of all time (or at least my the top ten) thread

UPDATED: Friday, January 13, 2006 03:00
VIEWED: 6778
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Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:08 AM


Okay, another list! Identify yourself if Serenity resonated with you enough to rate as your favourite, bestest, shiny movie ever (or really up there...)! I've had enough "not western enough", "Simon's too tough", "movie's too dark", "Mal's too pissed", "Mal's not pissed enough", FRAK all that!

For me: She's right up there with Blade Runner (and leading by a nose)!

Who else loved it as much or more than I?



Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:43 AM


I agree


Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:04 AM


Count me in, Chrisisall... as I've said before, Serenity is my all time favorite movie, better hands down than anything else I've ever seen.

I love this movie. Better than Bladerunner, better than the Star Wars, better than the Aliens, better than the Treks, better than "Tombstone" which is going some for me.
Because after watching that again last night, I remembered I liked that too. But.... Serenity is something else entirely.

I think it's the change in Mal that does it for me. The rest of the characters have their story arc.... but what happens to Mal just stops me in my tracks. The process of watching him go thru what he does, make the decisions he makes, and come to the place where he is at in the end.... touches me in a way no other movie has.

"You don't want to make it look like you just gave up" - Mal


Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:07 AM


I saw Serenity before the series, so I can't really compare them all too accurately. But, I would have to say that characters DO evolve (such as Simon and Mal) and are not always the same, as that would get incredibly boring. As I have now seen the series about 4 times over since early October, I wish there was more Western feel to Serenity, but the overall feeling of the movie suits it.

My favourite movies are:

1. Serenity
2. Braveheart
3. Gladiator
4. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
5. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
6. The Last Samurai
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
8. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
9. Donnie Darko
10. Crash
11. Black Hawk Down
12. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
13. Sin City ReCut, Extended, Unrated
14. Lord of War

Plus many others, such as: Batman Begins, King Arthur, 12 Monkeys, X-Men, X2, Titan A.E., The Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shaun of the Dead, the other two LOTR movies, Ginger Snaps, Closer and Desperado.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:14 AM


I'm a very tough movie critic. A couple of years ago, I made my all-time favorite 100 films list. The most recent film on that list was from 1998, and nothing has been added to the list, that has come out after that.

Until "Serenity".

"Serenity" is currently #18 on my list. That may not seem like much, but for me, it's indeed high praise -- indeed, being on the list at all is high praise, considering that in my lifetime (between TV and theatres) I've seen probably tens of thousands of films.

"Serenity" also holds the only distinction of my having watched it five times in three days.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:42 AM


Serenity rates second on my all-time Scifi list. It's too tough to come up with an all-time all-time list. This top ten itself was extremely hard to produce.

1. Gattica
2. Serenity
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Return of the King
5. Return of the Jedi
6. ET
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
8. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
9. Blade Runner
10. The Two Towers


Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:11 AM


My personal Top 10 shouldn't even count, as I've only seen about eight or nine films in my life, but the BDM is definitely on it.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:58 AM


Count me in on that! It's easily in my top 10 flicks.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Sunday, January 8, 2006 12:48 PM


I would have thought, this bein' the site that it is, more Browncoats woulda chimed in with Serenity bein' their favourite, or close to it.
But what the Heck, maybe they all need years of perspective is all.
We here see it right away, I recon.

Here's an additional wrinkle: If the FF pilot was classified as a movie, would it also make your top ten- and would it be above or below Serenity?

For me- sadly- I couldn't include it in my top ten; I don't feel it's a very good 'movie', and was not constructed as such. It is an EXCELLENT intro to our BDH's and their worlds, but it ain't exactly stand alone cinematic material IMHO.

Chrisisall, fruity oaty critic


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:09 PM


Once again, I have to agree with you Chrisisall, "Serenity 1 and 2" the pilot for the show, is not movie material. I love it as a pilot, an introduction to the series, but movie it is not.

I was surprised that the BDM wasn't at the top of every Browncoats list.... hmmmm. Just surprised is all.

I still say it's #1 for me... I'm watching it now.

"There are many fine ways to die, and I aint' waitin' for the Alliance to choose mine." Mal


Sunday, January 8, 2006 2:54 PM


I don't make top ten lists, I don't have things that firm, if I did have a top ten list what was on it would depend largely on my state of mind at the time, what movies I had most recently seen, and possibly the time of day.

Serenity is the only movie that ever actually made me want to go out and actively get other people to see it, that places it firmly at the top, but everything else is a hazy mess.

For example:
I love Aliens, Spaceballs, Silverado, Airplane, the original Star Wars Trilogy, Godzilla movies, bad science fiction in general, good science fiction in general, The Shawshank Redemption, Finding Forester, Searching for Bobby Fisher, Remember the Titans, Dune and Dune (but not the other Dune), Real Genius, The Breakfast Club, Ghostbusters, Modern Times (it's Charlie Chaplin, how can one resist?), Mel Brook's History of the World Part I, Ringo Star's Caveman, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, Sahara, Confidence, Runaway Jury, even numbered Star Trek films except X, Meatballs, and so on.

What’s more if I look at that list again I’ll not just put new things in, I’ll take things out, and if I were to look over it again I might put some of those things back. I’m already wondering whether I should have listed what I did. I could certainly never put it into any kind of order.


In case you're wondering, I don’t get out much.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:32 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
even numbered Star Trek films except X,

You don't like Star Trek: TMP???!!!

Just funnin' with ya Chrisisall
(but it is on my top ten...)


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:40 PM


definitely favorite,
I don't think I've ever been so excited about seeing a movie in my life,
I know I've never gone to any movie this many times in the theater before,
and I've never bought the DVD the second it was available before
(and now I've already bought 4 copies of it!)

it was totally western enough.
Simon was always a little tough, when he needed ot be.
the movie was supposed to be dark.
Mal had every reason to be pissed.
"Mal's not pissed enough" - okay, THAT one I don't get.... LOL

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse


Monday, January 9, 2006 7:10 AM



Originally posted by embers:

"Mal's not pissed enough" - okay, THAT one I don't get.... LOL

That one's from the contingent that wanted Mal to kill the Operative.
A bloodthirsty bunch, if I might say...

What a whiner Chrisisall


Monday, January 9, 2006 7:29 AM


Serenity is #1, as far as I'm concerned. Now, granted, I hadn't watched much Firefly before the movie (only the Train Job, which isn't the best episode, in my opinion), so I came in with no expectations about character, "western-ness", etc.

But NEVER, and I mean NEVER, have I had a movie grab ahold of me the way Serenity did, and not let go. I couldn't stop talking about it, thinking about it, plotting to make time to see it again. And after watching all of Firefly, I loved Serenity even more. Yes, they are different. But the difference in the medium makes that necessary, and I, for one, loved the way Joss managed to make a film so accessible to those who knew nothing about the 'verse, as well as die-hard fans.

Serenity is the best, hands down. In fact, I think I'll watch it today....


Monday, January 9, 2006 7:46 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:
"Mal's not pissed enough" - okay, THAT one I don't get.... LOL

That one's from the contingent that wanted Mal to kill the Operative.
A bloodthirsty bunch, if I might say...

What a whiner Chrisisall

oh yeah, I've read some of those threads...
but I think they are wanting a much more banal trite film than the one Joss made:
it is much more interesting to make the Operative come face to face with his 'world without sin'
than to simply kill him...

besides it worked structurally in getting the Operative to tell the troops to 'stand down' and authorize the repairs to Serenity
(which would have been difficult to explain if he'd been all corpsified.

And I LOVE your 'signiture', I can see why Joss didn't use the "whiner" joke,
but I loved seeing that in the deleted scenes!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:


Monday, January 9, 2006 8:00 AM



Originally posted by embers:

it is much more interesting to make the Operative come face to face with his 'world without sin'
than to simply kill him...

And it's such an amazing statement on 'terrorists' believing so blindly in their cause, and losing themselves and reality in the process.
Joss did it even better than Battlestar Galactica is attempting to right now...

No wonder Serenity's my favourite gorram movie's so rich and ...
had to stop, felt a positive gush-rant comin' on.

Chrisisall, the whiner


Monday, January 9, 2006 10:51 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:
"Mal's not pissed enough" - okay, THAT one I don't get.... LOL

That one's from the contingent that wanted Mal to kill the Operative.
A bloodthirsty bunch, if I might say...

Bloodthirsty yes, but they totally fail to comprehend the meaning of pain. What Mal did was a hell of a lot more cruel, and yet he benefited from it.


Monday, January 9, 2006 11:20 AM


Top ten in no particular order: I count Series as One movie.

Star Wars: I even like the prequels.
Lord of the Rings
Shawshank Redemption
Happy Gillmore
Das Boot
Oceans 11 Re-make (not 12)
Pulp Fiction
Blackhawk Down
American Beauty

Time may offer perspective on Serenity. These are the movies I love to watch. If I still enjoy watching it after ten or more viewing then it will be on this list.

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Monday, January 9, 2006 12:00 PM


Hi Chrissiall....

It's been a while since I revised my top ten list so perhaps now is the right time. So here goes:

1 - SERENITY (yes top film ever!)
2 - Cyrano De Bergerac
3 - City Of The Lost Children
4 - Edward Scissorhands
5 - Wages Of Fear
6 - Jean De Flourette and Manon De Source
7 - Creature From the Black Lagoon (in 3d)
8 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
9 - Tron
10 - Big Trouble In Little China

In truth below about 6, they vary depending on my mood. I think as I've become older my taste has moved to the more "Entertaining" type film. I used to be into very dark and emotionally intense films but I find I grow weary of getting all worked up like that now, and I tend to gravitate to the lighter elements.
I still enjoy the more charged films that are out there - but more often than not I'm happy to let them drift by now in favour of the more 'repeat' viewing type flicks.

So Big C can we have your top ten :D



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:07 AM


Top ten list - I simply couldn't resist. Anyways, I know I did one before, but I have since come to decide that it's much too difficult. I just classify my favorite movies as the ones in (dramatic musical cue) THE COLLECTION. See, I watch a hell of a lot of movies, but only the ones that I really like are the ones that I buy, which is my collection. Just to use a recent example, Ocean's 11 will probably make it in my collection, but Ocean's 12 could never hope to, in spite of the fact that I didn't hate it completely. It just wasn't good enough.

Anyway, Serenity is in my collection, and furthermore, it is in the category of "bought day it came out at highly inflated price". This means it is very high on the favorites list. I've also watched it about 5-6 times. It still has a long ways to go before it catches up to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, which are my most-watched of all time, but then they've been out for a loooong time.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:13 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

So Big C can we have your top ten :D

Mine also vary depending on mood and year (sometimes week)
But at the moment:

1) Serenity
2) Blade Runner
3) Star Trek TMP
4) Superman: the movie
5) Planet Of The Apes (the recent re-make...HA! I got ya, the original, of course!!!)
6) Star Wars-Empire-Jedi
7) Back to the Future-2-3
8) Army of Darkness
9) Raiders of the Lost Ark
10) Legend

Aliens, Firestarter, Big Trouble in Little China, Total Recall, Tomorrow Never Dies, Who Am I and The Crow were all clammoring to get on the list, but, oh well...

Chrisisall, changing his lists with the wind...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:26 PM


Hey C

Interesting to see what you've got there.

Ok; not like you need an evaluation - but you're gonna get one anyways :D (Sorry I'm in a typing mood)

All very good flicks and might I say I've rewatched many of those over and over again myself.

I am surprised The Abyss didn't make it into your top ten? Even stranger it's not made it aboveAliens as a consideration for the top ten...? I thought you really liked The Abyss. Even though on occasions Ive mentioned I'm not a fan of The Abyss I'd have placed it above Aliens anyday - I didn't gel with Aliens at all... While on the subject of Cameron, on reflection I think I enjoyed True Lies above all his others... I kinda liked that film but still... y'know just me thoughts... As great as Terminator was True Lies has a more rounded script, and Jamie Lee kicks it big stylee!!! (sorry for the shameless use of the word "Stylee") :D

Ok what next... Star Trek. Couldn't agree more. THE ULTIMATE STAR TREK film. It's a blinder!!!

Planet of the Apes - yup the original without a doubt! Great flick... I can remember watching that for the first time and frankly that finalé is up there as the 'greats' for final film endings. Symptomatic of a dissolusioned era looking bleakly towards the new decade. ie the impending 70's.

As for the others yeah ok... Dunno about Army of Darkness - didn't really engage me.

First and Second Back to the Futures sure.. third one.... not so much. Fun but.....

Legend - you know I just dont' get it. : I thought I'd love this film, but aside from Mia Sara doing a 'nerve shattering goth' mid way through, little got me excited about this film. Only seen it the once.. I remember it was incredibly stylish and looked illustrated all the way through - but ultimately the 'world' felt small..... I'd like to know what you got out of it fella...

Total Recall - Brilliant!!! I'm not a huge Verhoeven fan but this and Starship Troppers are excellent. A good two to watch one after the other!

Ok this brings me onto the CROW.... A worthy mention and I almost included it in my top ten too, it's maybe an eleven or twelve again depending on mood. I'm really fond of this little film and deeply saddend too. I have two copies of it! One, when I first bought it had no extras, it was around the time of the first batch of DVD players, then later they re-relased it with the extras so I HAD to get it.

The CROW is a totally unique film in my mind. I must have watched this twenty or so times now and each time the power and poignancy of the plot hits me with the same forceful effect every time I watch it! I adore this film!!Saddens me to the extent I have to go to bed directly after watching it, but it's great!!

As for a Jackie Chan.... I felt a tad treacherous for not including at least one Jackie Chan film because in all truth he's maybe the single actor who've I've spent the most time watching. In time I may shift a few on the list to include his "Operation Condor" Or "Police Story" but I had to include a Carpenter in there somewhere and it's odd hero figure in the form of Jack Burton is a keeper :)

Cool list Chrisiall.... Now what lists can we think of next? Best film ending? although we'd have to check with each other first to make sure we're not spoiling it for each other.....




Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:28 PM



If someone tries to kill you. . . You try and Kill em' right back!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:29 PM


amen to the very first post, that is

If someone tries to kill you. . . You try and Kill em' right back!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:03 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Legend - you know I just dont' get it. : I remember it was incredibly stylish and looked illustrated all the way through - but ultimately the 'world' felt small..... I'd like to know what you got out of it fella...

I wrote my list fast in between job-stops, The Abyss could easily be substituted for Legend, now that you bring it up.
I know what you're saying about the 'small' feel of Legend , the WHOLE FILM was shot in a set constructed from plaster and real foliage, and even with great lenses, it did feel restricted. But that unreality also fits in with the fairy-tale atmo, I think.
It's PURE Good vs. Evil, and Tom had just enough lack of acting ability to bring across the wide-eyed innocent know-nothing that was needed (plus: being an athlete helped him tremendously in the fight scenes).
And Tim Curry. He IS the movie for me.
"Mother Night, fold your dark arms about me..."
(I'm getting chills typing it...)
I like it better than the LOTR movies...*ducks fruit from the Tolkien fans*

And The Crow has me sobbing every time

Chrisisall, workin' on the next list thread soon


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:44 AM



Originally posted by queenofthenorth:
It still has a long ways to go before it catches up to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, which are my most-watched of all time, but then they've been out for a loooong time.

Now I want a pizza.

Cowabunga Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:52 AM


Yup. Serenity's my fav movie ever.

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:58 AM


I gotta be honest here - it is difficult for me to accept that anyone, ANYONE!, could like Star Trek TMP better than Star Trek II. I guess it simply comes down to a matter of taste, but The Wrath of Khan seems so far superior in almost every aspect. Mainly, the character development of the main characters (instead of some throw-away non-entity like Decker, played by a clearly out-of-his-element Stephen Collins). I mean, Star Trek TMP nearly killed the entire franchise!!!!

Also, kudos to anyone who included Donnie Darko in their lists - what a fantastic film. Jake Gyllenhall may now forever be known as the "gay cowboy" because of the ridiculously hyped Brokeback Mountain, but he will always be Donniw Darko to me.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:59 AM


I'm kind of a mix. I really, really loved Serenity (really!) but I loved the series more. I don't know why, but there it is. Maybe because the series had more room to explore the characters, or maybe because the whole western thing facinated me. Or maybe just because I'm a Kaylee at heart and the series is that bit lighter than the movie!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:04 AM


Serenity tops my list of fav. sci-fi movies & is way up on the list of fav. movies in general. Next in the sci-fi genre would be Contact & the StarWars movies as a whole. Loved Donnie Darko--btw. The family loves The Fifth Element--my kids watch it at least once a week--ha!

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:41 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by queenofthenorth:
It still has a long ways to go before it catches up to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, which are my most-watched of all time, but then they've been out for a loooong time.

Now I want a pizza.

Cowabunga Chrisisall

Lol - I know exactly how you feel, Chrisisall. I can never watch these movies without immediately ordering a pizza. It's just not fair, they're eating pizza all the time. Especially at the beginning of the second movie. Damn. Now I feel the need to go watch them again.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:47 AM



Originally posted by Hayward79:
I gotta be honest here - it is difficult for me to accept that anyone, ANYONE!, could like Star Trek TMP better than Star Trek II.

Reason 1: The grand scale and look to TMP
Reason 2: Jerry Goldsmith's music on TMP
Reason 3: The science fiction story of TMP (as opposed to the action/soap of WOK)
Reason 4: An aversion to Khan's eighties big hair
Reason 5: The death of a main character that you just know they're not gonna let stay dead...
Reason 6: Kirk didn't even get to kick Khan's ass!!!(THE biggest reason, btw)

Logical Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:59 AM


Well it's definitely the best movie of the year. As for the whole "of all time"-thing I think I'll have to wait and see how well it ages, and more importantly if Joss makes new movies that are even better.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:15 AM


Actually, not 'best', I mean favourite.
I can objectivly say Serenity isn't the BEST movie ever made, but I ain't watching the BEST movie ever made every week now, am I?

Chrisisall, Serenity junkie


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:01 AM


I can honestly say that while Serenity is not my favorite film of all time, without a doubt Firefly is my favorite TV show of all time.
Serenity is in my top 100 favorite films of all time. I gave it 5 stars on Netflix with no hesitation.

It’s just that my taste in movies is a pretty weird and with a couple of exceptions my favorites are not mainstream American movies. Here’s my current top 10 in no particular order. Except number one.

1. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
2. Princess Bride
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Amores Perros
5. City of God (aka Cidade de Deus)
6. Streetcar Named the Desire (the one with Brando)
7. Casablanca
8. Raising Arizona
9. Sexy Beast
10. Pulp Fiction

Dharmagal, big Netflix fan


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:06 AM


Okay, Serenity is the best movie out there hands down. It should be at the top of any Joss fans list. With Serenity 2 and 3 right behind it.

2.Lord of the Rings
3.The Matrix
5.Star Trek
6.War of the Worlds
7.Office Space
10.Tomb Raider



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:07 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Reason 4: An aversion to Khan's eighties big hair
Logical Chrisisall



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:10 AM



Originally posted by Amphipolis:



Hey a fello TRON fan :D Nice to meet ya Amphipolis




Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:19 AM


Nice to meet you to. It seems to be that typ of movie that if you see it as a kid you're hooked for the rest of your life, ya know?



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:20 AM



Originally posted by Amphipolis:
Nice to meet you to. It seems to be that typ of movie that if you see it as a kid you're hooked for the rest of your life, ya know? Reply to The Somnambulist.




Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:10 AM


"Reason 1: The grand scale and look to TMP
Reason 2: Jerry Goldsmith's music on TMP
Reason 3: The science fiction story of TMP (as opposed to the action/soap of WOK)"

The grand scale? They spent almost the entire movie exploring a freaking cloud!

The music in TMP was fair at best, aside from the main title theme. The score of WOK is musically far superior, and it fits better with the pacing of the movie.

WOK had science fiction elements as well - e.g. the Genesis device (a pretty highly developed subplot). TMP also spent hardly any time on character development. I guess a show or movie with well-developed main characters and interpersonal relationships qualifies as a "soap" in your book.

TMP is just a boring, plodding film with absolutely horrible secondary actors (I cringe every time Stephen Collins has to speak!). They took a potentially cool sci-fi concept and ruined it. Ugh.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:40 PM



Originally posted by Hayward79:

I guess a show or movie with well-developed main characters and interpersonal relationships qualifies as a "soap" in your book.

TMP is just a boring, plodding film with absolutely horrible secondary actors (I cringe every time Stephen Collins has to speak!). They took a potentially cool sci-fi concept and ruined it. Ugh.

I didn't say that soap was bad; I like Buffy, don't I?
I just felt TMP was a pure science fiction movie like 2001 was, and was a mature piece. If you were over 25 you'd probably be able to see it ( age jab- 1 point haha)
And while I disagree with you, I'll defend with my life your right to be horribly mistaken ( perception jab- 2 points haha)

Just kidding around, H.
I like some stinkers, who am I to say you're wrong? BTW, I like WOK, I know it sounds like I don't from what I said...
But I worship on the altar of Robert Wise's vision of ST, and that was the way Roddenberry wanted to see it. Live Long and Prosper, Hayward79.

Chrisisall with Sonisall waiting for a story


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:44 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
The CROW is a totally unique film in my mind. I must have watched this twenty or so times now and each time the power and poignancy of the plot hits me with the same forceful effect every time I watch it! I adore this film!!Saddens me to the extent I have to go to bed directly after watching it, but it's great!!

There is a movie that I have not seen in too long. Some people just don't understand, it isn't about action, or revenge, or even justice, it's about love.

The Crow is a love story, not about finding love, but about the power of that love. That's what makes it different from so many other movies that include revenge, it is revenge but it isn't about revenge.

It's also sad, not only in the movie itself, but in the fact that a talented actor's life ended in the making of it.


Friday, January 13, 2006 1:38 AM



Originally posted by Amphipolis:
Nice to meet you to. It seems to be that typ of movie that if you see it as a kid you're hooked for the rest of your life, ya know?


oh sooo true Amphipolis. I saw it when it came out on video with my brother, and directly after it we were sat at the table drawing our very own 'Light Cycles' :D It's a beautiful film to look at too, and all these years later, as I'm now a cartoonist, I still look at this film and marvel at it's vision and concept :D It is a sheer visual wonder.



Friday, January 13, 2006 1:47 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
The CROW is a totally unique film in my mind. I must have watched this twenty or so times now and each time the power and poignancy of the plot hits me with the same forceful effect every time I watch it! I adore this film!!Saddens me to the extent I have to go to bed directly after watching it, but it's great!!

There is a movie that I have not seen in too long. Some people just don't understand, it isn't about action, or revenge, or even justice, it's about love.

The Crow is a love story, not about finding love, but about the power of that love. That's what makes it different from so many other movies that include revenge, it is revenge but it isn't about revenge.

It's also sad, not only in the movie itself, but in the fact that a talented actor's life ended in the making of it.

Good words Christhecynic. Very good words.

Brandon Lee said one of the most poignant things in an interview once that stuck with me all these years. He said:

"The key to immortality is living a life worth remembering"



Friday, January 13, 2006 3:00 AM



2. Princess Bride
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Amores Perros
5. City of God (aka Cidade de Deus)

I totally agree with having those in my top 20 (and Monty Python and C.o.G in my top 10)

For me it is too soon to say whether Serenity is on my all time top 10, because it's only been out since october, whereas Star Wars: A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back have been out for years.
Serenity is definitely my fave film of the last few years though.

I hardly ever do top 10 lists though, because I always remember other films/songs/books later, which push other off.
See above, I've got Monty Python: Holy Grail and C.o.G in my top 10, but later today I'll probably think of other films which will push them out.

So I generally just give things marks out of 10 (or a percentage, if I'm in one of those arkward moods ), and Serenity gets 10/10, 98%.
No movie has ever got 100%. EVER!
(However, things can get higher or lower marks on subsequent viewings.)






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