Need Fanfic Recommendations for PICKY reader

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 07:16
VIEWED: 21408
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:02 PM


This is an appeal for recommendations for good--and I mean, GOOD--FF/Serenity fanfic.

Here are my limitations:

1) I can't read badly written fic: I taught English for a really long time, so if it's stylistically clumsy, or full of bad grammar and punctuation, I get so distracted and irritated that I can't enjoy the story. So it has to be literally "well written."

2) The characters need to sound like themselves: if they don't, I don't really feel like I'm reading about the characters I know and love, and the story won't hold my attention. So I need writing that captures the way the characters speak and think (a tall order, I realize, but I've seen it done, and done well).

3) I get bored to death by heavily plot-driven stories, rather than ones focused on character development. A good plot is great if its purpose is to take characters on emotional or moral journeys--if it's just action-adventure, then I'm not interested.

The one FF writer whose work I have reliably loved is LJC (i.e., Tara O'Shea). So I'm looking for more like that. I've liked some of Maystone's material too. So if you know of anything of that caliber, please pass on the recommendation--I'll be most grateful!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:06 PM


Oooh! I wanted to start a thread like this! I'm kind of scared to read fanfic because it's not Joss-approved. However, I know there are good writers on this site and my Firefly addiction is growing beyond all manageable proportions!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:08 PM



Originally posted by Aerin:
Oooh! I wanted to start a thread like this! I'm kind of scared to read fanfic because it's not Joss-approved. However, I know there are good writers on this site and my Firefly addiction is growing beyond all manageable proportions!

So tell me who you think is good!! I downloaded a bunch of fic awhile back and ended up not liking any of it for the above-mentioned reasons. I don't care if it's Joss-approved; it just has to be worthy of the 'verse it's written for. . . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:12 PM


Maybe it would be useful to have a list of the top rated fanfic?


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:16 PM


Um, I haven't read any yet, that's why I was thinking of starting the thread.

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:27 PM


Hey there,
I'm picky too! I liked the first of this series:
"The Big Stick"
They're written in screenplay format.
The second episode came with a warning I should
have heeded. It was too graphic. Check out the
first one and see what you think. I think this
group of writers plans to stay true to canon.
But they really screwed up on "Hero Cpmplex",
and I have yet to read "Property Rights".
Make sure to read the one official script which didn't air. "Dead or Alive":


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:38 PM


First, let me just say that I've written in about nine fandoms, and read in over a hundred.

Of them all, Firefly writers tend to be the best I've seen in any fandom. It's seldom that I read something here and just think, "Oh, that sucked!" I was seriously intimidated posting here the first time. Still am, truth be told.

Lessee- character driven stories, not just action-adventure?
What about alternate reality stuff?
Is original character heavy stories okay? (Sorry, gang, I tend to get put off by pages and pages of original characters. I want to hear about our BDHs!)


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:20 AM


I'm not wild about original character stuff--if it's done really well, that's fine, but I'm interested in the characters we already have, especially since there was so little time to develop them in the series/movie. Original characters are good if they provide a framework for a story that develops the existing characters, though. I agree--more about our BDHs!

Action-adventure is fine if it's part of a plot that is focused on character development. But some folks just like to write stories that are the equivalent of Michael Bay movies--action, shoot-'em-up, etc. for its own sake. Doesn't do much for me, personally, so I tend to get bored and quit reading.

My template for a really good fic is LJC/Tara O'Shea's "Lex Talionis." It's meaty, it's got action that compelling because it is entirely in the service of character development, it reproduces the 'voices' of the characters as unique individuals, and its prose style is clean and competent. My own fic is in a similar vein, although I can't claim to be as creative as she is.

Alternate reality is fine, although this reality has been so little explored (the series being so untimely killed) that I'd rather see that developed first. Cross-over is fine if well done, but usually that works better for comedy.

I'll take a pass on slash, btw; I never have warmed to it, even in the early days of its invention in Trek fandom. Not that I would refuse to read an extremely good piece of slash--I'll read anything that is very well written and really gets to the heart of the character.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:14 AM


On each weekly episode of the 'Firefly Talk' podcast we discuss a fan fic selection in case you want a little background on a piece before reading it.



Listen to the only podcasts in the 'verse dedicated to Firefly & Serenity...

The Signal

Firefly Talk


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:45 AM


I've really enjoyed reading these fanfic, and ya know, I even enjoyed the "Hero of Canton" script--I thought it showed Jayne's true nature and it taught him a lesson that he won't soon forget.

They do a nice job developing the characters from where we left off in the TV series. I think that they do a good job of making the characters sound like themselves. I rarely see a typo--and trust me, I LOOK for those (English major that I am).

My advice, try these eps out:
I enjoy them and I look forward to their newest installment weekly.

Wacky fun!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:16 AM


I like LJC/Tara's work, and I love everything by Harriet Vane. Vane has some serious spelling issues but her characterization and dialogue are so good I grit my teeth and read on.

Big Red Button - Buttons, bumper stickers, and more, for the discerning browncoat - if it's made for a browncoat, I want to know about it!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:23 AM


I love BookAddict! Anything by BA has been wonderful.

I would avoid anything by me -- I'm an engineer by training. We are notorious for bad grammer. Although, if you would like to help me on my grammer I could always use the help.

So far I've discovered that it is proper to go semicolon; but, comma. Thanks Major Bonafede! He taught me that many years ago when I was in grad school.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:30 AM


Ah, an honest engineer who knows his/her limitations. I admire that!

I'd offer to beta/proof your stuff, but I've gotten really grumpy after too many years of reading badly punctuated and grammatically messy college and high school papers, so now I'm too mean to do the job.

Here's my quick and dirty lesson semi-colons and commas, though:

1) Semi-colons primarily function like periods. In other words, anything that comes before or after a semi-colon has to be a complete sentence on its own; if a period can't go there, then a semi-colon shouldn't be there. (That sentence was itself an example of how to use a semi-colon, since I could have split it into two sentences, with a period after "own".) A dash doesn't have such strict rules, so it's often better to use one instead of a semi-colon.

2) A comma functions kind of like a pause (to catch one's breath), so it's got more flexibility. The one place that you DON'T want to use it is where a period or a semi-colon should go--that is, to separate complete sentences.

I actually like to teach this stuff; I just don't like to correct it in writing!!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:40 AM


Shoot. I became an engineer because I came so close to failing high school english for 4 years!

Yes, comma splicing is bad -- and something that I'm very good at.

Thank you for the advice. I've added it to my hint document.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:13 AM



Originally posted by LeeH:
This is an appeal for recommendations for good--and I mean, GOOD--FF/Serenity fanfic.

My definition of 'good' fanfic is a little different than yours but I know where you're coming from. I've been a memeber of this site for a year now and I would say I've only just managed to work my way through the fics in the BSR. Now I wouldn't say I've read them all by a long shot but I've read a good few. The fanfics I enjoy are the ones that have characters and a story that interest me. The grammar doesn't bother me so terribly as long as the words are spelt correctly and the capital letters and full stops are in the right places.

So, here are a few of the ones that I have enjoyed the most. I hope that you find them 'good', by your definition too.

1. Lex Talionis by LJC. No need to say much about it really seeing as you've already read it, but probably the best fanfic I have read for Firefly/Serenity.

2. Adam's Rib by Jacqui
I love this story. You said slash didn't really appeal to you, and I felt exactly the same way until I read this. Deals with a Kaylee/River relationship that works perfectly to my mind. Excellent character development and a good story to boot.

3. Stolen Moments by AMDOBEL
Not slash although it may appear so at first. All is reavealed later. Ali D writes great stories but they do have many chapters. At least all these are posted now so there is no waiting for new ones to be added.

4. Kaylee's Lament by ScrewtheAlliance
Widely reguarded as one of the best examples of fanfic out there. Much to my shame it is also one of the few good fics I havn't finished. I'm just over half way through (it's very long) but real life got in the way. It's next on my list of things to finish.

5. Exchanging Words by KiaForrest
Over on A story that I got so excited reading that I read it too fast missed bits out and had to go back and read again before all was revealed. You didn't say how you felt about non-cannon pairings. This one is a Kaylee/Mal story that is also handled very well.

6. Inner Darkness by Goldenthorn74
One of the first fanfics I read and remains one of my favorites. I love haw the relationships play out and move forward.

Well, I hope thats enough to be getting on with for now. If I think of anymore I'll let you know if you want me too. As you may guess if you read my reccomendations, I loves me some angst. Don't say I didn't warn you. Happy reading!

"If nothing we do means anything then the only thing that means anything is what we do"
For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who do not no explanation will do.
"Bukkake, Shut up Alison!" Jonny Wallet Tourets
"Alison, don't you know this world is killing you?" - Nathan Fillion sang me a song!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:46 AM


what do those stories do with regards to firefly canon?

i'd rather have stories that don't answer any of the big questions, and leave the backstory & ect. in the hands of kosher writers (time, joss, Ect.)

i tried reading the big stick a while ago, but it was way way too much revealing of backstory for my tastes.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:47 AM


I haven't read the fics you've referenced, but I'd like to suggest Guildsister's "Truthsome" and the sequel/novel, "Blue Sun Job". She captures the feel of the 'verse and the voices of the characters very well, and structurally things are tight. The stories were written well before the movie came out, so there are some details that she needed to fill in that have since been contradicted, but that just goes with the territory in fanfic. The stories are definitely focused on character development (emotional and moral journeys-a-plenty), delving quite deeply into the backstories of Mal and Zoe, within the context of 'present day' action. Both fics can be found in the Blue Sun Room, and all the parts are conveniently linked together.

Truthsome, Part I: Shadows -

Blue Sun Job, Part 1: Plans and Schemes -

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:00 PM



Originally posted by nevered:
what do those stories do with regards to firefly canon?

i'd rather have stories that don't answer any of the big questions, and leave the backstory & ect. in the hands of kosher writers (time, joss, Ect.)

i tried reading the big stick a while ago, but it was way way too much revealing of backstory for my tastes.

The non-cannon pairings are ones that are not there in the series and the movie. Kaylee/Simon, Wash/Zoe, Mal/Inara are present in both. Sometimes fanfic writers like to put different people together in relationships depending on what takes their fancy. Eg. Jaylee = Kaylee/Jayne. Rayne = River/Jayne. Some people like it, others don't, it depends on your preference.

One of the reasons why I read fanfic is to see what ideas other fans have about backstory for the characters. Again, it's all about preference. Some people will like the stories I like and others will hate them.

"If nothing we do means anything then the only thing that means anything is what we do"
For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who do not no explanation will do.
"Bukkake, Shut up Alison!" Jonny Wallet Tourets
"Alison, don't you know this world is killing you?" - Nathan Fillion sang me a song!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:31 PM


Thanks--those look promising.

Me, I loves me some angst, and have a particular preference for Mal-angst when I can get it. So any suggestions there, bring 'em on. Again, though--I just have to have competent prose. It's a tragedy, but my professional life has utterly unfit me to read amateurish writing; it just grates on my 'ear.'

I did stumble on the Strawberry Awards site, about which I'd forgotten--so there are some possibilities there. And an old thread that I'd saved awhile back that also has fanfic recs.

Thanks all--keep 'em comin'!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:35 AM


I've been working my way through some of the fanfic here for a few months, so I thought I'd give some recommendations. I'm a college prof so I'm also much more interested in good writing (or competent prose as you call it). I've read some of those mentioned above and they are good, I do like LJC's stuff. Things in that vein (IMHO) are Kaynara's series Bedlam (designed as a season's worth of Firefly) and her second season Bed and Wine. It is very good, character and plot driven and one of the best fics I've read that weaves in all of the characters. Also lots of Mal angst! Also Jacqui's work, especially the recently finished Pieces. If you like one-shot pieces, I'd recommend LucasHarper or RinnyPJ. There are many others out there though, so I hope people will keep posting their favorites.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:48 AM


Ah, Squish, thanks so much! I'm a lapsed college prof myself (literature), which is why I'm so picky--you can't spend decades reading Jane Austen and the like, and then tolerate sloppy writing. A lot of fic-writers remind me of "American Idol" contestants: they don't have any talent, and don't realize that they don't. I don't want to stop them from singing, but I sure don't want to have to listen to them myself.

I will check out your recs. I wish wish wish I weren't so picky, but all it takes is some clumsy prose, clicheed writing, or uneven characterization, and I find myself shutting down. But I suspect you are attuned to similar stuff.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:24 PM


I'm actually a psych prof (LOL, but not the kind that analyzes people thank goodness). For some reason a lot of students think they shouldn't have to write well in any class other than an English class (I've actually had them say that to me!). But really, there are a lot of excellent fanfics here. And I have tremendous respect for *anyone* who is brave enough to post a creative piece of writing on a website for the entire 'verse to read! Especially in the shadow of a writer like Joss.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:37 PM


I don't usually have time to get involved in the longer fics. I tend to read during my lunch break here at work, so I look for short one-offs.
On this site I usually find myself trapped reading longer ones because the auto-generated quote catches my eye and then I have to go read and find out what it's about.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:45 PM


Well, my first recommendations would have been Tara (ljc) and Maystone, but you've been there/read that!

I've posted some recs of older, what I consider "classic" Firefly stories, including some by the authors above, and others, in my Live Journal:

Hope they're of some help!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:10 PM


Hawkmouth. Thank you for creating your recomended list.




Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:15 PM



Originally posted by HawkMoth:
Well, my first recommendations would have been Tara (ljc) and Maystone, but you've been there/read that!

I've posted some recs of older, what I consider "classic" Firefly stories, including some by the authors above, and others, in my Live Journal:

Hope they're of some help!

Oh, these are great--thanks! I've been downloading recommended fic as people post it, so I can look through it later and read those which don't trigger my 'picky-reader' alert system (which I wish I could turn off, but can't). As I look over the recommendations at your journal site, I'm getting excited--they look well-written.

You left yourself out, though. I took a quick look at your Blue Sun Room list (as I recognized your username) and I'm looking forward to reading your fic as well!

Ok, I've now downloaded more fic than I'm going to have time to read for weeks (assuming most of it passes my alert system)--so thanks again, everybody! I really appreciate that you all took the time to make suggestions on this.

(Of course, this is all a way to put off going back to my own unfinished fics--but when I read someone really good, it inspires me to write again, so I'm hoping that will happen!)

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:15 PM



Originally posted by HawkMoth:
Well, my first recommendations would have been Tara (ljc) and Maystone, but you've been there/read that!

I've posted some recs of older, what I consider "classic" Firefly stories, including some by the authors above, and others, in my Live Journal:

Hope they're of some help!

Oh, these are great--thanks! I've been downloading recommended fic as people post it, so I can look through it later and read those which don't trigger my 'picky-reader' alert system (which I wish I could turn off, but can't). As I look over the recommendations at your journal site, I'm getting excited--they look well-written.

You left yourself out, though. I took a quick look at your Blue Sun Room list (as I recognized your username) and I'm looking forward to reading your fic as well!

Ok, I've now downloaded more fic than I'm going to have time to read for weeks (assuming most of it passes my alert system)--so thanks again, everybody! I really appreciate that you all took the time to make suggestions on this.

(Of course, this is all a way to put off going back to my own unfinished fics--but when I read someone really good, it inspires me to write again, so I'm hoping that will happen!)

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:03 PM


Well, you know, it feels kind of weird to recommend yourself...

FYI, my Blue Sun list is incomplete. All my Firefly stories are archived here:

(I hope I meet your standards!)


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:52 PM


Hey, folks. When I saw the name of this thread, I was going to toot the collective horn of (a Virtual Firefly continuation of the series), but I see a few people have already tooted it for us. Thanks!

Since this thread is out here, let me say that we at are always looking for more writers and editors, so if any of you fanfic folks out there would like to join our crew, shoot me an e-mail at

(Same holds true for artists.)

Keep flying!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:01 PM


When I first joined this site I was completely uninterested in fanfic because I thought it couldn't capture Joss's world. I didn't want to get stuck with mediocre storylines in my head that aren't, as I said, Joss approved. What if I read too much and start to confuse them? I know, that's crazy talk.

Within the discussion posts I've encountered quality writing that displays a firm grasp on the intricacies of the Firefly characters, and a lot of creative ideas. The day I realized I'm also tempted to write a fanfic is the day I decided I better start reading some! I underestimated the people on this site. Now I know better. Thanks!


Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:36 AM


These two are wildly entertaining, original and true to the characters. Pass them up and you'll be sorry...sorry in the hypothetical sense of course.

Downtime by Djinn

and it's sequel

Playing with Fire


Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:04 AM


I havent' read all the recs but I have seen RinnyPJ mentioned. I'd second that one and specifically suggest her recent (and hopefully soon to be continued) Ain't No Soldier. She also wrote a short one shot Jayne/Inara piece that she actually had me buying. That's a miracle IMO.

I think I saw Jacqui mentioned. She's good and I loved the recent joss_100 she did. I think she labaled the whole she-bang Pieces.

Also thanks for starting this thread. I always love new fic recs.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:19 AM


OMG, now how do I stop this thing?! If I read every good fic y'all have recommended, I will do nothing else--including write my own (something I'm too likely to procrastinate as it is). Then again, it might be fun to hole up for a few days and just bury myself in FF fic. . . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:13 AM


how do you feel about NC-17 stuff? not slash, but pairings such as Jaylee (Jayne/Kaylee) and Rayne (River/Jayne)?


Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:28 AM



Originally posted by engineangel:
how do you feel about NC-17 stuff? not slash, but pairings such as Jaylee (Jayne/Kaylee) and Rayne (River/Jayne)?

NC-17 is fine, although I have to admit to not being all that comfortable with sexually explicit fanfic. Not that I don't like good steamy erotica! I tend to feel like a voyeur, to be honest! And although I know there is a Jaylee school out there--God help me, I didn't know about Rayne--I just don't see the characters going there, so I'd probably not look at that. I tend to be very canonically-minded when it comes to character pairings, I'm afraid!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:51 PM


ok, well, there's this great author here on ItsaWash, the writer i'm speaking about, writes mostly NC-17 jaylee stuff, although her latest is about Jayne's early life (later fics of that are NC-17 too though), and i know how ya feel about not seeing the characters going in that direction, but her work with it really makes it make sense, it's my absolute fav now, and she's totally my favorite writer. she has an amazing way with words and her grasp of the characters are perfect. even if you're a bit iffy 'bout jaylee, i'd check her fics out at least. they're great and totally worth the time.

check her profile out at:

Her blue sun room stuff is down on the bottom of that, the first one of her fics is the series "The Measure of Jayne", and then it goes on to "The Pleasuring of Kaylee". The fics get more NC-17 as they go along and they're all ruttin amazing. i highly recommend them.

keep flyin'

River: Little soul big world. Eat and sleep and eat... Many souls. Very straight, very simple...


Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:59 AM


If you are looking for well-written, character-driven and emotionally explorative, then mal4prez's "The Fish Job" is the right thing for you.

Careful, it's a work in progress, but it's addictive and worth it.

Do you have favorite characters you'd like to see explored, favorite pairings, favorite genres (fluffy and sweet, gritty and harsh, angst but with some relief, down and dirty raunchy, comedy)?


Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:15 AM


Let me throw in a hurrah for the stories over at They're also working up a virtual second season, and I must say, their material reads quite well.

They're taking the relationships among the characters in some interesting directions, and what I find so enjoyable is that their progressions make sense to me, given what's come before.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:20 AM


Mal4prez was kind enough to flag me, and I've been reading FJ and enjoying it. But you are on the right track with that recommendation!

I'm primarily interested in Mal, whose thematics really compel me. But I can imagine some amazing stuff being written about any of the characters. More to the point, I am looking for stories that explore the characters--morally, emotionally, psychologically. I read stories (and watch TV and movies) in order to learn about human beings and how we function in a complicated reality; so I want stories that exist for that purpose. I could even see reading Jaylee or Rayne or those other side-lines of fic, if that were where the stories took me.

But again--it's got got got to be well-written, and in the FF 'verse, that includes the characters' voices. I've never read in a fandom where this was more important. I mean, yes, you had to get Spock's (or Data's) voice right in Trek fanfic, but the other characters spoke generic good English, so there wasn't much in the way of distinctive patterns to capture. With FF, each character has a different way of speaking, reflective of his or her way of being, and I just can't find pleasure where the writer isn't sensitive to that. Some writers 'do' some characters better than others--LJC writes Kaylee and Simon incredibly well, but I think she doesn't do Inara as well--and that's okay; it's hard to get all those nine voices right. But the writer needs to be able to evoke the voice of the particular character that is the focus of the story. For me, where there isn't an effort to do that, or where the author has a tin ear, I'm just too put off to keep reading.

It's a tribute to Joss and the other FF writers that they built such distinctive individual characters in so short a time, isn't it?

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:26 AM



Originally posted by PSandusky:
Let me throw in a hurrah for the stories over at They're also working up a virtual second season, and I must say, their material reads quite well.

They're taking the relationships among the characters in some interesting directions, and what I find so enjoyable is that their progressions make sense to me, given what's come before.

Not well enough written, style-wise, for me. When characters "enthuse" or talk "gruffly," all I see is the amateurishness of the writing. I work my ass off as a writer to avoid those adjectival short-cuts, and want the same effort from others. It's hard to use description instead of adjective to capture the effect of enthusiasm or gruffness, but it's the difference between good and less good writing.

Told ya I was picky.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:22 PM


Just another couple of recommendations for you. Definitely read HawkMoth's stuff, especially this one if I may be so bold
It is non-canon or AU and pre-BDM, but it blew me away. Also ManicGiraffe has a nice little "Dino Tales" series that is completely hilarious. The dino voices are spot on! LOL


Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:23 PM



Originally posted by squish:
Even Jayne gets turned into a stereotype of himself too often, who can forget that he said "Time for some thrilling heroics." No slang there!

...unless you consider it thrillin'.


Monday, January 30, 2006 4:27 AM


Another fly-by recc...

Anything by Phaedra7, but with special emphasis on her WIP "The Pillow Book of Inara Serrra".

This series focuses a tad more on Inara than on Mal, but it's a future AU that, I believe, draws a very very realistic portrait of what Mal could become if things don't go well.

It doesn't shy away from making Mal a truly bad father, a truly failed character. I love this series for that reason, for taking the stereotype and sort of approaching it backwards, through knowing where the person was before, how he got there.

Plus, some wicked layered plot and a very believable look at where and how they all could end up.

I'm sure there'll be more recc's to come (hopefully not all things you've read already - or hate) while I peruse my personal favorites.


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:35 AM



Originally posted by squish:
Just another couple of recommendations for you. Definitely read HawkMoth's stuff, especially this one if I may be so bold
It is non-canon or AU and pre-BDM, but it blew me away. Also ManicGiraffe has a nice little "Dino Tales" series that is completely hilarious. The dino voices are spot on! LOL

Ah, excellent. Moth had flagged me and so I've started in on her stuff and found it quite enjoyable. I'll check out this on in particular. Thanks!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:09 AM


I tried to read a fan-fic once......ONCE!

The first sentence was "After Mal seduces River"....ACK!! GAG!!! NO NO NO!

Anyway...I think I would prefer characters that were NOT our BDH. I would like to read stories about OTHER people "in the verse" without people treading (stomping) on sacred ground...know what I mean?

Any stories (that don't read like an 8th grade homework assignment) fit the bill?

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:57 AM


I don't usually read the forums, no time, but I saw this and just had to weigh in.

I noticed someone mention the Blue Sun Job. I just recently read it and it was just wonderful. This other one i just read, I really loved. Gift Horse.

I'm always interested in hearing criticism about my own work as well. If you care to read. The story I'm talking about is not posted here - yet. It will be when its done. But below is a link. Read and critique if you like. I'd very much love someone who is so picky about fic to give me an opinion as I struggle very hard to keep the characters in character. Don't worry, I won't be offended if you don't like it. The title is "Not Always What They Seem".


"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, January 30, 2006 9:29 AM


These are mostly author recommendations rather than fic recommendations. Some of them have been flagged already but I thought I'd throw in my tuppence ha'penny.

On here:

On (I would have included LJC in my list if you hadn't already, BTW):
Roseveare (everyone here HAS to go away and read Mr Niska And The Ancient Art Of Marriage Counselling!)

BTW, without wanting to clog works with spanners or offend anyone in any way, in my fanfic-reading experience the *overall* highest level of quality I've found is in Weiss Kreuz. However, 90% of it is slash (doesn't bother me in the slightest: I write original fiction including bisexual and homosexual characters).

Creative Writing


Monday, January 30, 2006 9:41 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Another fly-by recc...

Anything by Phaedra7, but with special emphasis on her WIP "The Pillow Book of Inara Serrra".

This series focuses a tad more on Inara than on Mal, but it's a future AU that, I believe, draws a very very realistic portrait of what Mal could become if things don't go well.

It doesn't shy away from making Mal a truly bad father, a truly failed character. I love this series for that reason, for taking the stereotype and sort of approaching it backwards, through knowing where the person was before, how he got there. \\\\

Well, you've definitely piqued my interest and I will check it out. Part of what I liked about the BDM is that it took Mal to some pretty dark places, something I think is likely given his experiences. How long can you hold on

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Monday, January 30, 2006 10:00 AM


If I'd read a fic that started like that, I'd have had the same reaction. But I have to say, there is some amazing fic out there that does things with the BDHs that feel as if Joss/Jane/Tim had written them. So don't write off the genre because of one moronic example (of which there are too many of those, too, sadly).

Try reading through this thread and sampling some of the recommended fic. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Monday, January 30, 2006 10:24 AM



Originally posted by Leiasky:
I don't usually read the forums, no time, but I saw this and just had to weigh in.

I noticed someone mention the Blue Sun Job. I just recently read it and it was just wonderful. This other one i just read, I really loved. Gift Horse.

I'm always interested in hearing criticism about my own work as well. If you care to read. The story I'm talking about is not posted here - yet. It will be when its done. But below is a link. Read and critique if you like. I'd very much love someone who is so picky about fic to give me an opinion as I struggle very hard to keep the characters in character. Don't worry, I won't be offended if you don't like it. The title is "Not Always What They Seem".

The link you've posted for your stuff leads to a 404/Not Found page. Can you repost?

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."






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