Oh God! I want to Destroy Everyone!

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 06:04
VIEWED: 21638
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Monday, February 13, 2006 12:49 PM



Originally posted by Hixie129:

I too had good in me till several years ago. Reavers are Buddhists compared to me. End it all, and take everything with you... PUSH THE BUTTON!
I also have money and don't have to work. I just can't stand the human race anymore.. I'm there for you if can't make that final effort and need help pressing down on the button.
But if you believe that someone will make an argument and convince you that you shouldn't destroy all life then add this one thing to that argument.

I like the way you think; you're my kind of stupid. --- I'll make you dinner.


No one here has been able to come up with an effective argument regarding saving humanity, which just convinces me that I was right all along.



Monday, February 13, 2006 12:49 PM



Originally posted by RiverR6213:
I need no psychatrist, nor am I seeking one at this time because there is no need for one.

Proves the quote:
Crazy people don't know they're going crazy. They think they're getting saner.
rather well thank you.

BTW, I read one of your posts in this thread where you claimed I was stalking you? Now why on earth would I do such a thing? What would make you so special that I would take time out of my life to stalk you?

I don't know, I don't think I'm special, about as far from that as you can get, actually. All I know is for a long time the only instances where I ever saw you post on these forums was when you'd pop up in a thread and irregardless of who had posted or what the thread was about merely post an insult, directed at me. Every time that was your only contribution to those threads, and every time your attempt at an insult had nothing to do with my own submissions, so how’s about you tell me what all that was in aid of?

No I don't think you were really stalking me, nothing I've seen of you indicates you have the intelligence to do so, it was an exaggeration for effect, and hey you haven't popped up and insulted me in a thread since the first time I made that comment, so I'd say it worked.

Why on Earth you'd do such a thing is utterly beyond me, I have some theories, based around my comment on an earlier post of yours about how you were mainly upset because you weren't the centre of attention all the time (hey and way to disprove that BTW) and the fact that you are one or more of the following:
A) Clinically maybe manically depressed.
B) A very selfish and fairly ignorant individual.
C) A lot younger than you claim, and bullied at school.
D) A Troll.

But seriously why don’t you tell me why you followed me around this site for that short period yapping like some sort of deranged poodle?


Is this male ego in action again?

Ahhh, there it goes the post modern feminist attack, sure to win you any argument by demonising me as Ug the irrational caveman, good gambit. Unfortunately since my supposition was obviously more for comedic value than a real accusation you earn nothing there, sorry.

So, anyway, how do you know I’m male?

What makes you think you have the right to decide our fate?
RiverR6213MayBe egocentric

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:53 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Hangovers should be outlawed.

Hmmm... I wouldn't know. Never had one. Probably because I don't touch alcohol.

What a keen idea to avoid hangovers -- not to drink. Maybe I should write a book about it?


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:59 PM



I am the age I claim. I wasnt bullied very much when i was young, but I did take a disliking to authority figures. I'm not manically depressed, but I do feel somewhat "low" sometimes. I'm not looking to be the center of attention, but I do like a good topic and tend to talk a lot, so I can see how it must look like that. Selfish and ignorant? I might agree with selfish, and this is a new thing with me. I'm trying to learn to be selfish because being giving and big-hearted got me no where, but ignorant....everyone is ignorant to some things in life. I am also no dumber or smarter than anyone else, but I'm a genius at my job, which would fall into ruin without me.

I've never followed you around, and I think I must have responded to something you have said at least twice, and one of them was in Troll country I believe. You did make a funny comeback to some funny insult I threw at you. A troll? Not really, but I do like good topics, and if I see one, I'm going to go into the thread, read all that there is in it, and then post something.

You assume too much like when I said "Male Ego" This has nothing to do with feminism. This want even an insult, so I don't understand the big deal. I honestly don't know what you are talking about when you said that I followed you around like a poodle....I havent a clue what you meant. Did it Occur to you that perhaps we just ended up in the same threads together?


P.S. I do have the right to judge your fate so deal with it.


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:00 PM


ok, you don't think a therapist could do any good, I tend to agree with you there...

Have you thought about electro-shock treatment? I here they have some nice drop in spa's nowadays, lunch hour specials and what not.

And come off it - the 'male ego' pales in comparison to some I could mention...

edit: in my defence at the slow typing, my cat is currently asleep in my main hand...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:03 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
ok, you don't think a therapist could do any good, I tend to agree with you there...

Have you thought about electro-shock treatment? I here they have some nice drop in spa's nowadays, lunch hour specials and what not.

And come off it - the 'male ego' pales in comparison to some I could mention...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*

There is no reason for me to have electro-shock treatment. Why would I need that?



Monday, February 13, 2006 1:14 PM


all the life experience you've had, the ease with which you slink through life, all the things you've done and seen, and yet you still can't think of a single positive thing to say for yourself?

Honey, if you can't see why you need serious intervention, then its worse than anyone thought.

Oh yeah, and then theres the small fact that you spend a good deal of time envisioning gruesome fates for everyone and everything.

Sweetie, from what i've read, if its not a joke (god I hope its a joke) you are well on your way to serial killersville. they're to only other people i've ever heard of who think so long and hard about the deaths of everyone around them.

Plus, for your own benefit - you must be exhausted being that angry and that hateful the entire day long, maybe knocking substantial parts of your mind into submission would let you get some rest.

Mind you, this could probably also all be solved by whoever stole your blanky just giving it back

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:21 PM


I think it was more than twice, and every time your comments were off topic and merely one liner insults directed at me, and it hasn't happened since I originally made the joke accusation of cyber stalker. I also seem to remember that you never went on to defend yourself there, waiting to do it here when you have a captive audience?

As for the funny reply I also noticed that you didn't indicate this until what a month after I made it? I also noted that you replied to that response about half an hour after the initial Stalking accusation, some damage limitation is it?

Though I have noticed your added posts elsewhere "Citizen! Stop picking on me!" very clever, won't work, but a good effort I must say.

I'm just playing, I don't know what you are doing, nor why, and you seem unwilling to tell me.

But the choice is yours, do you wish to drop your end, and I'll drop mine?

But there still remains the question, what makes you so special to believe that you are qualified to preside in Judgement over the Human race?

In responce to your edit:

I havent a clue what you meant. Did it Occur to you that perhaps we just ended up in the same threads together?

Yes, that's exactly what I thought at first, but still doesn't explain why I was the only one you were replying too each time, and why it was only insults you used, rather purile and immature ones I might add, so you still haven't sold me on the age thing.

I could say that I am 106 and direct heir to the Kingship of Enthradel, don't make it so.

P.S. I do have the right to judge your fate so deal with it.

Why? I don't have to deal with anything, I'm not the one under the mistaken belief that I am entitled to stand over anyone in Judgement, even you believe it or not.

I don't judge you because of the way you act, I believe you need help, and I urge you to get it. However since you obviously believe you don't need it the most likely case is that you will end up hurting yourself or someone else.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:29 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
all the life experience you've had, the ease with which you slink through life, all the things you've done and seen, and yet you still can't think of a single positive thing to say for yourself?

Honey, if you can't see why you need serious intervention, then its worse than anyone thought.

Oh yeah, and then theres the small fact that you spend a good deal of time envisioning gruesome fates for everyone and everything.

Sweetie, from what i've read, if its not a joke (god I hope its a joke) you are well on your way to serial killersville. they're to only other people i've ever heard of who think so long and hard about the deaths of everyone around them.

Plus, for your own benefit - you must be exhausted being that angry and that hateful the entire day long, maybe knocking substantial parts of your mind into submission would let you get some rest.

Mind you, this could probably also all be solved by whoever stole your blanky just giving it back

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*

Thank you for speaking decently to me. My life was never easy, it was tough, but I saw it through. Nothing was handed to me. The only reason I'm doing so well now is because I worked very hard for it in my youth, so now I can relax and enjoy what I have earned, so you can get rid of the spoiled rich girl image that you seem to have of me.

If you read up in the threads, I spoke of what I would "like" to do IF I had the power, but you and I and everyone here knows that I have no such power of global destruction, so its really all talk. I do hate humanity, or at least the humanity I have delt it a sample. And yes its wrong to pass judgment on a whole planet, but in my own way i feel somewhat justified.

Also, I never could be a serial-killer, stalking people and all of that. Its just not me, but you are correct when you pointed out that I have dark thoughts regarding humanity. I do, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

What did you mean when you said "if this is a joke?" What joke are you talking about? And what's a "blanky?"



Monday, February 13, 2006 1:39 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
I think it was more than twice, and every time your comments were off topic and merely one liner insults directed at me, and it hasn't happened since I originally made the joke accusation of cyber stalker. I also seem to remember that you never went on to defend yourself there, waiting to do it here when you have a captive audience?

As for the funny reply I also noticed that you didn't indicate this until what a month after I made it? I also noted that you replied to that response about half an hour after the initial Stalking accusation, some damage limitation is it?

Though I have noticed your added posts elsewhere "Citizen! Stop picking on me!" very clever, won't work, but a good effort I must say.

I'm just playing, I don't know what you are doing, nor why, and you seem unwilling to tell me.

But the choice is yours, do you wish to drop your end, and I'll drop mine?

But there still remains the question, what makes you so special to believe that you are qualified to preside in Judgement over the Human race?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear

Well, honestly Citizen,
I really didnt know about any of this. I remember making a joke about you getting in trouble in a rehab center, and your response was priceless, and I thought you got my joke about the "stop picking on me post" That was supposed to make you laugh, but it appears it didnt. Sorry.

I wasnt following you around, I guess I just ended up in the same threads as you and other people.



Monday, February 13, 2006 1:42 PM


I was hoping against hope that you were winding us all up? but if not...

These go way beyond 'dark thought' I have days when I would like to see half the population sterilised permenantly and the other half subjected to rigorous testing before they're even allowed to sniff their partner. But never In my crappiest bus journeys have I ever envisioned the things you have. And like I said before, I have been clinically depressed

Theres no way you are telling me that you are perfectly sane and balanced and yet still think like you do.

still hoping its a joke.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:45 PM


I'm willing to consider it a misunderstanding, you?

But I'd still like to hear your explination as too what right you have to sit in judgement over the Human race?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:46 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

No one here has been able to come up with an effective argument regarding saving humanity, which just convinces me that I was right all along.



It does not surprise me that you found no good reason here. Nor was I really deluded enough to think that talking about River Tam would really do the trick. Because -- and you know this, of course -- change, like that light bulb joke, has to come from within. At the end of the day, only really you can find that reason. That's a bit grim, I guess; but as honest as I can be.

There is just really one thing I want you to consider, though; and that is that we're trying. We're failing, of course. What did you expect? If it were really that simple; and I could just say a magic word, and all suffering would end, I would have long since spoken it -- long before you even asked. But we're nonetheless trying.

I truly hope you will think about this for a spell. We can't do the impossible; that would make us mighty, and we're all just folks here; but we're still trying to do the impossible. And why? Speaking for myself, I just really wish you would feel better. It is as banale as that. And I know I'm not alone in this.

That is really the one hope I cherish; that when you read this thread again, that you will not be looking for that good reason for humanity to persist, but that you will look at the persistence with which we try to give you that good reason.

I know, that ain't much; but it's something.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:55 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Give me one good reason why you should all live...just one good reason.

The Powers that be has granted me ONE wish, so now I have the ultimate power to eradicate you vermin, but the catch is, if one person can come up with a good argument why you should all live, I have to back off.

My finger is hovering near the pretty red button of absolute destruction, which on of you can prevent it, or is this another thread down the toilet of life?

Why should humanity live?
What good is it?

You're a very UP person!!!

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:00 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
I was hoping against hope that you were winding us all up? but if not...

These go way beyond 'dark thought' I have days when I would like to see half the population sterilised permenantly and the other half subjected to rigorous testing before they're even allowed to sniff their partner. But never In my crappiest bus journeys have I ever envisioned the things you have. And like I said before, I have been clinically depressed

Theres no way you are telling me that you are perfectly sane and balanced and yet still think like you do.

still hoping its a joke.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*

Well, I am perfectly sane, but I think I would have to question the balanced part. The people at my company don't get to see this side of me! They see me as a no nonsense, top dog, who would bust their collective brainpans if their job isnt done in the way I think it should be done. Everyone I know thinks I'm a cold, emotionaless, robot devoid of any humanity, which is fine by me...just as long as they continue to make me a profit, there won't be any trouble.

But yes, in order to take the stress of living off I do entertain very dark thoughts, and a lot of those thoughts includes messing up humanity, which I feel is perfectly normal. And I suppose if I DID have the power of absolute destruction at my disposal, things wouldnt go very well for the human race, so isnt it a good thing that the god's that be, put me in a position to NOT have that sort of power at my command? Wise decision if you ask me.

Friday I was especially angry and I guess I just flew off the handle. Hey, I'm human, and human's fly off the handle from time to time, but I am not insane, nor am I a serial-killer, nor do I have plans of hurting anyone anywhere, and only because I dont own any weapons of mass destuction, so that leaves me to just rant and rave from time to time.

And no, I am not into winding anyone up. I tend to say what I feel when I'm on these forums. Some people see it as trying to be an attention whore, but I am not into that. I just say what a feel right there and if people get annoyed, or bothered, and start responding to it, well, thats okay I suppose, but I dont have any kind of master plan to come in here and stir things up. There are enough people here who do that way better than I am able.

And as for the "clinically depressed" part. I feel low from time to time, but I'm not the sort to sit and wallow in a world of depression when there is work and profits to be made. I didnt go to work today because I was way too angry to be around the office, and I dont want my minions to see me like that, so I am at home, working on the computer, and posting on this board.

BTW What part of all of this is supposed to be a joke, and you still didnt tell me what the hell is a "Blanky?"



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:02 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
I'm willing to consider it a misunderstanding, you?

But I'd still like to hear your explination as too what right you have to sit in judgement over the Human race?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear

Okay!!! Misunderstandings all around and I'm sorry if I behaved like a jerk towards you. It was not intentional.

Thanks for understanding.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:13 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

No one here has been able to come up with an effective argument regarding saving humanity, which just convinces me that I was right all along.



It does not surprise me that you found no good reason here. Nor was I really deluded enough to think that talking about River Tam would really do the trick. Because -- and you know this, of course -- change, like that light bulb joke, has to come from within. At the end of the day, only really you can find that reason. That's a bit grim, I guess; but as honest as I can be.

There is just really one thing I want you to consider, though; and that is that we're trying. We're failing, of course. What did you expect? If it were really that simple; and I could just say a magic word, and all suffering would end, I would have long since spoken it -- long before you even asked. But we're nonetheless trying.

I truly hope you will think about this for a spell. We can't do the impossible; that would make us mighty, and we're all just folks here; but we're still trying to do the impossible. And why? Speaking for myself, I just really wish you would feel better. It is as banale as that. And I know I'm not alone in this.

That is really the one hope I cherish; that when you read this thread again, that you will not be looking for that good reason for humanity to persist, but that you will look at the persistence with which we try to give you that good reason.

I know, that ain't much; but it's something.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I dont mean to be difficult, but I cannot find one good reason for humanity to live, and it is frustrating that long after I'm gone, the cancer of humanity will still be around to bring misery to so many millions, though, I guess I'll be too busy being dead to notice, but it still gets to me.

Also, what's getting to me is that you people seem to believe that life is worth fighting for. You actually believe that humanity is worth saving. I believe that you believe this, and I am puzzled, and somewhat annoyed by it. Is it a special trick of the mind that allows you to believe this? Whatever it is, I lack it.

When I look around, I just see mean old selfish people (not you guys) who only care about themselves. I see wars, death, destruction. I see starvation, cruelty. I see people selling their collective souls for the dollar. I see friends back-stabbing other friends to get ahead, and occasionally, I see someone being nice to someone else, but that is out-stripped by all the evil that I see, and I don't understand how anyone can get up in the morning, go out that door to their jobs and feel okay about themselves, while there is all this suffering, pain, death, hurts, and injustice going on around them....I dont see how.

I just recent learned to be selfish, now I have totally joined the evil human race.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:20 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

But I'd still like to hear your explination as too what right you have to sit in judgement over the Human race?

I have every right to sit in judgement of the human race. There is no explanation needed in this. I have the right and thats enough for me.

There is no way that this can be debated because I am unwilling to do so.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:22 PM


What happened? He see your face?

Sorry to interrupt this long and hopefully therapeutic thread, but we’re not dead yet!

Are we?

U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:24 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Everyone I know thinks I'm a cold, emotionaless, robot devoid of any humanity, which is fine by me...just as long as they continue to make me a profit, there won't be any trouble.

And that, I would say, is your problem, right there, how much of a positive reaction do you expect to get from people you view as nothing more than, god, what? I can't even think of an 'animal' analogy your opinion of them is that low. And you spend how much of your life around these people whom you value about as much as a battery chicken?


But yes, in order to take the stress of living off I do entertain very dark thoughts, and a lot of those thoughts includes messing up humanity, which I feel is perfectly normal.

Taking up yoga is perfectly normal.
Fantasies of planet wide annihilation of life? not so much...


And I suppose if I DID have the power of absolute destruction at my disposal, things wouldnt go very well for the human race,

there is a god...


Friday I was especially angry and I guess I just flew off the handle.

no? really?


Hey, I'm human, and human's fly off the handle from time to time, but I am not insane, nor am I a serial-killer,

really not helping to prove that with this next line...


nor do I have plans of hurting anyone anywhere, and only because I dont own any weapons of mass destuction, so that leaves me to just rant and rave from time to time.

So the only reason you arn't doing any of what you envision is because you don't have the means with in easy reach? hmmmm...


And no, I am not into winding anyone up. I tend to say what I feel when I'm on these forums. Some people see it as trying to be an attention whore, but I am not into that. I just say what a feel right there and if people get annoyed, or bothered, and start responding to it, well, thats okay I suppose, but I dont have any kind of master plan to come in here and stir things up. There are enough people here who do that way better than I am able.

No, you pretty much beat everyone hands down. Here and now i'd like to hand you the prize.


And as for the "clinically depressed" part. I feel low from time to time, but I'm not the sort to sit and wallow in a world of depression when there is work and profits to be made.

Ever think that if you work for something other than prifits you might not get so 'low'


I didnt go to work today because I was way too angry to be around the office, and I dont want my minions to see me like that

oh my god you use the word 'minions' in earnest?


BTW What part of all of this is supposed to be a joke, and you still didnt tell me what the hell is a "Blanky?"

christe I was hoping for all of it but nevermind.

Blanky - the blanket you had when you were baby. Lots of kids develop emotional attatchments to them, a security and comfort thing, and get extremely distressed when they are taken away. Never had one, but thats what I hear.

Say, I've heard that a lot of people in high powered stressfull jobs take up S&M as a hobby, ever thought of that? Might be something to try before you go booking that appoinment with Mad-Scientists-R-Us...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:33 PM


Either you're on the wrong medications or the dosage needs to be increased. Perhaps it's a misdiagnosis. It's common nowadays for doctors to hand out SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) like they were candy for any type of depression but typically they should only be prescribed for people with a form of clinical depression that stems from a serotonin imbalance. There are tests for that but they are expensive and it's easier for the docs to make money just writing a scrip for Zoloft, Paxil or Prozac. The dangerous part comes in where some people who have bi-polar disorder are prescribed these drugs. It tends to make the person a pressure cooker and sooner or later they explode. For those people, Lithium tends to work better and there are other drugs to treat bi-polar that are equally effective. I suggest you seek out a real professional in the field of psychiatric medicine, not a general practitioner and when you do you should probably have someone else drive you there. Best of luck in your search for inner peace.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:33 PM


Is anybody else getting a bit panicky, wondering whether George Bush or Vlad Putin ever has moments where they feel like River2613?

I mean, those guys really do have buttons...

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:34 PM


Yikes! You had something bad to say about every line in my last post!

About the "minions" word. That was just an attempt at being humorous. I respect the people who work for me and they know it. they are all the BEST in the field, but they dont get paid the big bucks to sit around and they know this.

Why are you giving me such a hard time? I only want to wipe out humanity.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:36 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I see friends back-stabbing other friends to get ahead, and occasionally, I see someone being nice to someone else, but that is out-stripped by all the evil that I see, and I don't understand how anyone can get up in the morning, go out that door to their jobs and feel okay about themselves, while there is all this suffering, pain, death, hurts, and injustice going on around them....I dont see how.

*shrugs* We do it because that's what there is. What else is there? What SHOULD there be?

What right to we have to expect better?

Asarian's right -- don't get all chipper on me, A! -- in that the whole point is not goodness bringing persistence so much as persistence bringing goodness. So what if humanity at large sucks?

Not everyone does, and you try to surround yourself with as many people who DON'T suck as possible. To an extent, reality is what you make of it, no matter if you really have The Almighty Button or not.

Look at me: I'm an utter Ice Queen, but I got tickled to death when I got an e-mail back from a lady I've never physically met to whom I sent the Firefly box set. I didn't really have the money to buy it for her, but she needed it more than I needed gas money, so off it went. She cried, River. She was so happy.

So what if I'm an Ice Queen? I made one person smile...or cry...or whatever. Doesn't that lessen the world's karma, even an iota?

Oh, and a blanky is a kiddie term for "blanket". Your blanky is the one you carried around as a wee one until it had raggedy edges and too many stains to tell the original color.

*grins* Hope that last bit helped, as I'm pretty sure the earlier bit didn't.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:41 PM


ok, minions was in jest. thats all right then.

Aw, you only want to wipe out humanity? Well when you say it like that how can I resist? I'll just go ahead and lay down, let you think what you like, let it grow unhindered to the point where you convince yourself that its alright to go on and act on these impulses. yeah, when you say it like that your thoughts are perfectly reasonable.

*by the way, the above is a joke.

There was a guy talking about lithium up there, go read his post again. Several times.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:42 PM



Originally posted by JayTee:
Either you're on the wrong medications or the dosage needs to be increased. Perhaps it's a misdiagnosis. It's common nowadays for doctors to hand out SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) like they were candy for any type of depression but typically they should only be prescribed for people with a form of clinical depression that stems from a serotonin imbalance. There are tests for that but they are expensive and it's easier for the docs to make money just writing a scrip for Zoloft, Paxil or Prozac. The dangerous part comes in where some people who have bi-polar disorder are prescribed these drugs. It tends to make the person a pressure cooker and sooner or later they explode. For those people, Lithium tends to work better and there are other drugs to treat bi-polar that are equally effective. I suggest you seek out a real professional in the field of psychiatric medicine, not a general practitioner and when you do you should probably have someone else drive you there. Best of luck in your search for inner peace.


I have never been diagnosed for depression. I'm not a depressive, nor manic, nor do I have any kind of brain/chemical disorders of any kind. I am not sick, nor crazy, nor emotionally unbalanced in any way, shape or form. I am not a "pressure cooker" getting ready to blow, I'm just a normal person like the rest of you.

There is no reason to see any doctors, or shrinks now, nor in the near future. I just have dark thoughts regarding humanity....nothing more.



Monday, February 13, 2006 2:48 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Okay!!! Misunderstandings all around and I'm sorry if I behaved like a jerk towards you. It was not intentional.

Thanks for understanding.

No problem, I apologise if I reciprocated.

As for the Judgement thing, what does it matter anyway? If the Human race deserves to die for what we do then we'll destroy ourselves with what we do, either through war, rampant unchecked profiteering eating up all natural resources and poisoning our environment or simply through short-sightedness preventing us from protecting ourselves from some natural disaster.

If we deserve to live we'll come through our trials and tribulations and evolve.

This is why I contend that you are not in the position to stand in judgement of the Human species, because you are Human, your view is biased and necessarily based on your own sphere of knowledge, which can never be more than a shadow of the truth, and possibly somewhat less than that. Not an attack on you, merely an observation of a Human failing in all of us.

If we are unworthy of survival then by virtue of our own built in obsolescence, our self destruction syndrome, we'll destroy ourselves like a good genetically engineered virus.

No coaxing or outside assistance needed, and certainly no arguments on whether we deserve to or not. If we do we will, if we don't we won't.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:51 PM


"You can have my life if you can pry it from my cold dead fingers."

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:04 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Okay!!! Misunderstandings all around and I'm sorry if I behaved like a jerk towards you. It was not intentional.

Thanks for understanding.

No problem, I apologise if I reciprocated.

As for the Judgement thing, what does it matter anyway? If the Human race deserves to die for what we do then we'll destroy ourselves with what we do, either through war, rampant unchecked profiteering eating up all natural resources and poisoning our environment or simply through short-sightedness preventing us from protecting ourselves from some natural disaster.

If we deserve to live we'll come through our trials and tribulations and evolve.

This is why I contend that you are not in the position to stand in judgement of the Human species, because you are Human, your view is biased and necessarily based on your own sphere of knowledge, which can never be more than a shadow of the truth, and possibly somewhat less than that. Not an attack on you, merely an observation of a Human failing in all of us.

If we are unworthy of survival then by virtue of our own built in obsolescence, our self destruction syndrome, we'll destroy ourselves like a good genetically engineered virus.

No coaxing or outside assistance needed, and certainly no arguments on whether we deserve to or not. If we do we will, if we don't we won't.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Yes, you may have a point there, but I would feel a certain amount of deep satisfaction, and maybe even a little pride if I were instrumental in the fall of humanity. It would definitely make my day.



Monday, February 13, 2006 3:50 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Hmm, what sets you apart from the rest of humanity that you get to survive and feel smug?

Not sure you're being fair if your button is a remote detonator.


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:08 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
Hmm, what sets you apart from the rest of humanity that you get to survive and feel smug?

Not sure you're being fair if your button is a remote detonator.

Who said anything about surviving? You misunderstand. I get the honor of witnessing the destruction, and fall of human kind, and then, after the party is over I die also, but at least I get to die knowing I did something worthwhile with my time here on Earth unlike humanity, who gets to die (Collectively) in a state of fear, horror, shock, outrage and dispair. And the 3% survivors get to have all the fun, and adventure attempting to survive in a post- apocalyptic, nuclear, biologically and chemically infested, wasteland, where only cannibalism and rats are the only viable source of food, and that food source it only temporary. Such drama to be had, and fun by all, but in the end it will be futile. All of humanity would die in the end, and I would be the cause and that would be the most satisfying part.

And yes, my final thoughts on the whole subject of humanity when I die will be "smug" thoughts indeed, so you are right about that.



Monday, February 13, 2006 4:32 PM


Whether or not humanity is worth saving, I can't say. All I can offer is a perspective.

If the offer were made to me, I wouldn't take it. I hazard that my distaste for these arrogant apes is the equal of yours, River, but they, in their multitude, are not my enemies.

If given the chance, I would leave this world, and never look back. Even if I never find any of the million million races that I know are out there, calling to me, it would be enough to be able to seek them in peace.

For those behind me, I would wish them well. May they have the world they desire, and which they deserve.

And yet I am of them, much as I would deny it. My blood is human, as is my soul. Their corruption is mine, and my insight --the only part of me that I have ever been proud of, is theirs as well. If I can bear them no ill will, isn't that itself proof that they --that we are capable of better?


Originally posted by pdcharles:
Sorry to interrupt this long and hopefully therapeutic thread, but we’re not dead yet!

Are we?

If we were, and had all died suddenly and simultaneously, would any of us know it? What is life, but a state of unfulfilled possibilities?

Sorry, I'm feeling philosophical tonight. Must be the full moon.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:34 PM


I think it's pretty obvious that there is no logical reason humanity should continue its meandering existence.(certainly not a moral one) However, as misanthropic as I may be, I would be among the idiots fighting for ridiculous survival, and I think that's cool too.

It's genes,peeps. Can't do nothin with em.(Or am I the only teenage boy who's looking forward with absurd "hope" to possible future children?


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:40 PM



Originally posted by cowofpain:
I think it's pretty obvious that there is no logical reason humanity should continue its meandering existence.(certainly not a moral one) However, as misanthropic as I may be, I would be among the idiots fighting for ridiculous survival, and I think that's cool too.

It's genes,peeps. Can't do nothin with em.(Or am I the only teenage boy who's looking forward with absurd "hope" to possible future children?

You are right. There is no logical reason why humanity still exists. This is an evil should go.



Monday, February 13, 2006 4:52 PM


Gutterball Said:
*shrugs* We do it because that's what there is. What else is there? What SHOULD there be?

What right to we have to expect better?

Asarian's right -- don't get all chipper on me, A! -- in that the whole point is not goodness bringing persistence so much as persistence bringing goodness. So what if humanity at large sucks?

Not everyone does, and you try to surround yourself with as many people who DON'T suck as possible. To an extent, reality is what you make of it, no matter if you really have The Almighty Button or not.

Look at me: I'm an utter Ice Queen, but I got tickled to death when I got an e-mail back from a lady I've never physically met to whom I sent the Firefly box set. I didn't really have the money to buy it for her, but she needed it more than I needed gas money, so off it went. She cried, River. She was so happy.

So what if I'm an Ice Queen? I made one person smile...or cry...or whatever. Doesn't that lessen the world's karma, even an iota?

I guess I dont even know how to respond to that.
What you did for that lady was a good thing, and from the sounds of it, she appreciated it mightly, and it made her happy. You did a selfless act and it was nice, but it doesnt make up for all the evil in the world....its not enough.

She recieved a DVD Box Set of Firefly, and meanwhile, there are thousands of children dying of hunger each year on this planet. Right now someone is being raped as I type this. Right now someone just lost their life as I'm typing this posts. Right now someone is getting sent to prison for a crime they didnt commit.

This world is evil, but there is that 0.00001% of people on it that are good and mean well, but in my opinion its not enough, and its just too bad that these people have to die also when I push the pretty, red button, because the rest of humanity couldnt behave itself.



Monday, February 13, 2006 5:00 PM


What happened? He see your face?

Ok. I have determined we are not in fact dead.

Step 2
Find Button

U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:00 PM


I know this thread has gotten all serious and such... but River.. have you been watching too much BSG?

This destruction of the entire human race because it's evil sounds awful familiar.

I hesitate to get involved in this thread, as I'm usually not brave enough ( yea, I know) to get into this complicated stuff, but c'mon... destruction of it all?

Go eat some chocolate River and lighten up a little. I don't mean to belittle any depression you may have, but you insist you don't have a problem, so........

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:13 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I know this thread has gotten all serious and such... but River.. have you been watching too much BSG?

This destruction of the entire human race because it's evil sounds awful familiar.

I hesitate to get involved in this thread, as I'm usually not brave enough ( yea, I know) to get into this complicated stuff, but c'mon... destruction of it all?

Go eat some chocolate River and lighten up a little. I don't mean to belittle any depression you may have, but you insist you don't have a problem, so........

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal

Yes, I do watch BSG, but my hate for humanity has nothing to do with the show. Some of the characters have brought up the thought: "Why humanity should exist" but I was not even thinking of the show, when I opened this thread, and my own person thoughts on that particular subject are very much different than the show.

There IS one part of the show that ANGERS me everytime. Its Gias Baltar. When that Cylon woman told him that she used the information that he gave her to gain access to the colonial's defense computer mainframe, which allowed the Cylons to attack humanity and devastate all the colonial worlds, and Baltar's reaction of horror when she told him this....made me so angry!

If it had been I, I would have rejoiced, but Baltar acted like he had done something wrong...something unthinkable, and that made me so mad!

Anyway my own personal views of humanity have nothing to do, nor was inspired by BSG. One is a show, the other is real life and I am very much annoyed at real life.

Simply put, humanity has got to go, and so far, I STILL have not heard one voice who could effectivly argue on the behalf of humanities continual existences. If I really had an ultimate weapon of complete global destruction, and if this were all real, you guys wouldnt stand a chance, and Earth would be a smoking ruin right now.



Monday, February 13, 2006 5:15 PM


Ok River,
here ya go. I've seen people do a lot of horrible truely evil things. I, and more importantly, people I loved more than I could ever love myself, have been on the recieving end of that evil. I see stupid people everyday I leave the house, people that cause me to believe that if they lost one single more braincell, they'd forget how to breathe. I've wished they didn't exist, I've wished they'd lose that one more brain cell. I've entertained 'dark thoughts' and I've had a good laugh at them (the thoughts) and myself. Then I come home and I come here, and I see the smart and the funny people. I have a good laugh with them. I see that even if I don't think enough of myself, or the complete dolts I run into everyday, I think enough of the friends I have here to put the *figurative only* safety back on. If you don't see what I see here, I'm sorry for that. Maybe you can take a few steps away from "the Button" and have a look around for a while.

"If you take life too seriously, it ceases to be funny."

Relax. Breathe. Have a drink if you're not opposed.

Reasons to not blow up the world:
The fine people who provide me with laughs and keep me sane here.
people who make things like this:
And Orgasms. those are good things. and worth putting up with some crap for. The world could use a few more of 'em. Honestly, if everyone had 1 or 2 of those a day, I think we'd all be better off.
I don't have all the answers, maybe not even one. but if ya even cracked a smile, there's your reason.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:18 PM


It could be that humanity is the only way the Universe realizes that it exists.

Is that a good enough reason?

Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:25 PM


Joss agrees the make Serenity 2 in order to save the world?


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:11 PM


You sound like me long ago when I was in my 30s River. From what I've been reading of your writings, you must be in your late 30s early 40s. You are acting just like I did, but you'll get over it, or you'll die. Something happened to you didn't it? Something happened to you and you just gave up. What was it River? Do what Book did for Mal before he died. Find something to believe in and just believe it.


Monday, February 13, 2006 10:05 PM



Originally posted by CantonMudder:
You sound like me long ago when I was in my 30s River. From what I've been reading of your writings, you must be in your late 30s early 40s. You are acting just like I did, but you'll get over it, or you'll die. Something happened to you didn't it? Something happened to you and you just gave up. What was it River? Do what Book did for Mal before he died. Find something to believe in and just believe it.

WTF ever! Screw you, screw all of you! What the fuck ever!

Not finding the answers I wanted, or needed, and not finding any salvation for the human race. And not given any good reason why the human race should not be destroyed, or saved, I now with an annoying, graveness in whats left of what passes for my heart, I am pressing the pretty red button of absolute destruction.

*** Blinding light of complete destruction ***

The reality that you now know is now gone. Earth is no more. Earth is a smoking ruin devoid of all life except for the 3% population struggling for what life there is left..and there is none.


Last note from a dead woman. I gave you a chance to show me the value of humanity, and you failed completely..totally, absolutely, and for that a whole planet died.

Firefly/Serenity if you can Believe it, for a short period gave me a measure of hope. it allowed me to believe in the spirit of human kind. That somehow we would prevail through all of the weirdness that the powers-that-be put us through. But, I have to admit, when it comes down to it, the people here, are nothing but alliance gridrunners...nothing more.

If the real River was posting on here you idiots would have treated her the same way....yes you would have... maybe even worse.

Anyhow. To the satisfaction of most of you...maybe even all of you. I am River6213, my name is Glenda J. and this is my last post. Remember, I am supposed to follow the destruction of Earth, and you idiots didnt even try, but I'm a woman of my word and I always follow through what I idiots.

You wanted a fucking show back, but you turn your backs on real human beings. Stupid retards. This is why Joss stopped the show...he realized he created a group of fucking retards, and this is the only time I ever agreed with him.

Personality -2A
Seattle, Washington
Unit termination date: 02-14-06 - 16:00

No further interaction with IP address: XXX.XXXX.XX.


Monday, February 13, 2006 11:06 PM



Someone's not feeling loved. Or appreciated. Or given absolutely undeserved amounts of attention.

So cute!

Have a heart-shaped Valentines cookie!


Monday, February 13, 2006 11:22 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Don't listen to him, River Tam's a fictional character in a T.V. show that we all love but has been canceled and is never going to come back because the media is controlled by money grubbing assholes who want a wider range of un-dedicated zombies instead of a demographically smaller but much more dedicated fanbase! You must punish them all by destroying humanity and all posessive creations that they covet so dearly along with it! Destruction is the only answer, take no prisoners while spilling the blood of man, JIHAD!

I agree damit!!! JIHAD!!! except this isn't a holy war, therefore it can't be a jihad... ah well it was fun while we lasted...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:18 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Simply put, humanity has got to go, and so far, I STILL have not heard one voice who could effectivly argue on the behalf of humanities continual existences.



Yesterday, albeit indirectly, I was still trying to come up with a good reason for humanity to live. Then I saw "Jaynestown" again; and I suddenly realized I was totally on the wrong track with this! Maybe you're right; perhaps, as a race, humanity really doesn't deserve to live. And maybe it really don't make no sense. But it ain't about sense, or reason. It's 'bout what we need!

No offence, but you're Jayne here; and you're telling us: What's wrong with you? Didn't you hear a word I said? All of you! Humanity deserves to die! And then you topple that statue. And we're the folks of Jaynestown. And we hear your words; but we cannot really hear them. And when you're gone, we'll probably just grab that statue, and put it right back up again.

It's 'bout what we need.

I Love River Tam not because I believe in humanity, per se, but because believe in something larger than humanity. And you can tell me: "Well, there ain't people like that. There's just people like me." And perhaps you're right; maybe there really ain't no valid reason to get up in the morning. But I need one.

Please, River; just find something you believe in; or, rather, something you NEED to believe in; and hold! hold!

Incidentally, for someone who's so down on humanity, you're showing a good portion of it. And I really wish you would stay.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:35 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by CantonMudder:
You sound like me long ago when I was in my 30s River. From what I've been reading of your writings, you must be in your late 30s early 40s. You are acting just like I did, but you'll get over it, or you'll die. Something happened to you didn't it? Something happened to you and you just gave up. What was it River? Do what Book did for Mal before he died. Find something to believe in and just believe it.

WTF ever! Screw you, screw all of you! What the fuck ever!

Not finding the answers I wanted, or needed, and not finding any salvation for the human race. And not given any good reason why the human race should not be destroyed, or saved, I now with an annoying, graveness in whats left of what passes for my heart, I am pressing the pretty red button of absolute destruction.

*** Blinding light of complete destruction ***

The reality that you now know is now gone. Earth is no more. Earth is a smoking ruin devoid of all life except for the 3% population struggling for what life there is left..and there is none.


Last note from a dead woman. I gave you a chance to show me the value of humanity, and you failed completely..totally, absolutely, and for that a whole planet died.

Firefly/Serenity if you can Believe it, for a short period gave me a measure of hope. it allowed me to believe in the spirit of human kind. That somehow we would prevail through all of the weirdness that the powers-that-be put us through. But, I have to admit, when it comes down to it, the people here, are nothing but alliance gridrunners...nothing more.

If the real River was posting on here you idiots would have treated her the same way....yes you would have... maybe even worse.

Anyhow. To the satisfaction of most of you...maybe even all of you. I am River6213, my name is Glenda J. and this is my last post. Remember, I am supposed to follow the destruction of Earth, and you idiots didnt even try, but I'm a woman of my word and I always follow through what I idiots.

You wanted a fucking show back, but you turn your backs on real human beings. Stupid retards. This is why Joss stopped the show...he realized he created a group of fucking retards, and this is the only time I ever agreed with him.

Personality -2A
Seattle, Washington
Unit termination date: 02-14-06 - 16:00

No further interaction with IP address: XXX.XXXX.XX.

Wow, So angry. I guess you aren't entirely joking.

There's darkness there. Would like to lock you and Kayley in a room together for a week to see what triumphed, the light or the darkness.

Anyway, if you ever wanted a serious answer to your question you went about it all wrong. I don't think even you knew when you were being ironic and when you weren't. But your main error was failing to lay out exactly WHY mankind should be wiped out - what are the charges you want to bring against us? The only 'crime' i heard you mention was selfishness, and your evidence was circumstancial and subjective (not to mention vague); "Every time I get a taste of mankind I am convinced they need to be wiped out (or words to that effect)"

So, river6213 what precisely is wrong with humanity? What is the crime, and who are the victims? What moral yardstick are you using to judge them by? Some religious text? Your own sense of right and wrong?

If you can lay something out clearly like this for me then I will try to answer your question on why mankind should not be wiped out.




Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
WTF ever!

Some of the people in here have sincerely tried to help. Although, our best efforts will certainly fall short, as (granted) there's not a whole lot anyone can do for someone they don't have actual contact with, or don't even understand the nature of the problem. Heck, even if we did fully understand the problem, it's often beyond anything anyone can do.

From your previous posts I'd gather you're not going to like what I'm about to say, but I'm going to say it anyhow, because (believe it or not) there are actually some fallen beings on this planet who still actually care about other people -- even strangers who they're never likely to meet or othewise have any dealings with.

Whether you like it or not, I'm going to pray for you.

And I seriously hope this will be the beginning of the best days of your life.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:21 AM


Not to be a Trekkie in a room full of Browncoats, but this is sounding an awful lot like Q's misty reasons for destroying humanity in the last ST:NG episode, "All Good Things".

I've had to continually fight the urge to shout, "The chicken and the egg, Will! The chicken and the egg!!"


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:27 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Anyhow. To the satisfaction of most of you...maybe even all of you. I am River6213, my name is Glenda J. and this is my last post.


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